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of large-scale wind power aggregations and its significative degree directly impacts the fluctuation of the aggregated power output, thus mastering its basic law can offer reliable foundations for the prediction and evaluation of large-scale wind farms. Utilizing the analysis methods multiple spatial and temporal scales is of mathematical studied and the statistics, the smoothing effect of wind turbine clusters in functional relation among the smoothing effect, the output correlations and the number of wind turbines (N) is established, and the limiting value of smoothing effect of wind turbine clusters in the same wind farm is analyzed. Based on the measured data of a wind farm, the output correlations under different temporal scales, turbine spacings and wind speeds are compared and analyzed, and further the temporal-spatial characteristics of smoothing effect are given. The results show that the spatial effect of aggregating wind turbines is significant under the time scale of minutes and the smoothing coefficient decreases by an approximate factor of N1/2 with the increase of
N. Moreover, the smoothing effect enhances with the increase
逐渐成为电力来源的重要组成部分之一[1]。风电固 有的不确定性和随机性不仅给电力系统带来了电 力平衡、反向调峰、电压稳定、频率稳定等一系列 问题[2-6],也使得大规模风电面临并网难题[7-8]。因 此,了解和掌握大规模风电出力的波动特性及一般 规律成为分析风电并网影响及开展并网技术研究 的基础[9-11]。 风资源分布的差异性使得风电集结出力比个 体出力平滑且波动性小, 这一现象称为 “平滑效应” , 它是大规模风电所共有的特性之一。研究其时空变 化特性及其对波动性的影响,有助于修正多时空尺 度下风电的预测和评估结果[12],进而为系统备用容 量的确定[13]、风电场选址、电网运行调度等提供可 靠依据。文献[14]从时间上的延迟效应、过滤效应 和空间上的分布效应对平滑效应进行了解释,并指 出平滑效应和风电场的数目、区域直径呈负相关。 文献 [15-16] 通过实际数据拟合给出了平滑效应与 出力相关系数的线性函数关系,以及平滑效应与风 机数量的幂函数关系。文献[17]指出同一时刻风电
SHEN Ying1, ZHAO Qianchuan1, LI Mingyang2
(1. Center for Intelligent and Networked Systems, (Department of Automation, Tsinghua University), Haidian District, Beijing 100084, China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System With Renewable Energy Sources (North China Electric Power University), Changping District, Beijing 102206, China)
申颖 1,赵千川 1,李明扬 2
(1.智能与网络化研究中心(清华大学 自动化系),北京市 海淀区 100084; 2.新能源电力系统国家重点实验室(华北电力大学),北京市 昌平区 102206)
Analysis on Wind Power Smoothing Effect in Multiple Temporal and Spatial Scales
ABSTRACT: Smoothing effect is one of the common features 的实测数据,对比分析了不同时间尺度、风机间距、风速大 小下的出力相关性,进而给出了平滑效应的时空变化特性。 研究结果表明: 在分钟级时间尺度下, 风电集结的空间规模 效应较显著, 平滑系数随风机台数 (N)的递增呈现近似 N1/2 的下降趋势; 在给定的时空尺度下, 平滑效应随风速的增大 而增强。 关键词:风电集结;多时空尺度;平滑效应;波动性;相 关性 DOI:10.13335/j.1000-3673.pst.2015.02.016
第 39 卷 第 2 期 2015 年 2 月 文章编号:1000-3673(2015)02-0400-06
电 网 技 术 Power System Technology 中图分类号:TM 711 文献标志码:A
Vol. 39 No. 2 Feb.Leabharlann 2015 学科代码:470·4047