人教版初中英语单词填空专题讲练单词填空 (学生版)

人教版初中英语单词填空专题讲练单词填空 (学生版)
人教版初中英语单词填空专题讲练单词填空 (学生版)









1. 通读短文知大意,看整体全面了解:




2. 复读短文抓信息,前后照应巧猜词:





⑤有些短文填空题,有时出现约 3%~5% 的生词是很正常的,这就要求学生根据构词知识或上、下文的意思加以猜测,来确定它的词义。

3. 反复推敲多分析,慎重讲合理:



4. 认真复查全文,把握整体和词形:


例:首字母为q ,要求填写 quickly ,而多数考生只知道填写 quick ,忽略了词性问题。



Albert Einstein is one of the g reatest scientists who ever lived. But he couldn’t find his way home when he went for a w________. He often forgot things. He had other things to think about. Science was m_________ important to him than any other thing in life. Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany. When he was a child, he learned things very s________. Albert didn’t speak u________ he was three years old. His parents were w_________ about him. When he was 12, Albert began

r_______ math and science books. He was excited about the t______ he learned in those books. He became more and more interested in math and physics. He wanted to find the a______ to the questions about the universe. When he told people about his ideas, other scientists l________ at him at first. But his ideas changed the world, scientists looked at the universe in a n________ way. Because of him, we have such things as computers, televisions, and space travel today.


Hello, everyone! N________ to meet you. M________ name is Yang Xing. Xing is my

f___________ name and Yang is my l_________ name. My p________ n_________ is 281-8889. I have a good f_________. H_______ name is Alan Green. Now he is in C___________. We are in the same(相同的) m________ school.


Hello, I’m Li Jin. I study in No. 99 Middle School. I want to t ell you s_______ about my friends. We often play basketball on w_______. But we are in d_________ school. They are from No. 33 Middle School. Now our stories b_______.

T________ names are Daming, Tony, Betty and Lucy. Daming likes l________ to music and Tony likes s________ in the sun when he in the park. Betty often works very hard on her l_________. And Lucy likes taking p_________ of plants and animals. Now we have a little homework s_________ we have much time to do a lot of things.



1. walk

2. more

3. slowly

4. until

5. worried

6. reading

7. things

8. answers

9. laughed 10. new


1. Nice

2. My

3. family

4. last

5. phone

6. number

7. friend

8. His

9. China10. middle


1. something

2. weekends

3. different

4. begin

5. Their

6. listening

7. sleeping

8. lessons

9. pictures10. so



例1.Mrs. Drake is almost 70 1. y__________ old. She started a club. It is a 2. w__________ club, and most of them are older people 3. l__________ themselves. The people walk two miles every day. They walk very 4. q__________ because that is the best way to stay in shape. When it is too cold to walk outside, they walk in a shopping mall. They all 5. w__________ T-shirts that say “I love walking.” Sometimes funny happened to the walking club one day. A dog began to follow them. Soon, there were two 6. m__________ dogs. Now the walking club has 7. b_________ people and dogs walking every day.







? 1. 看代表性词语:比如根据 yesterday, tomorrow等来推断时态。

2. 看时态:





3. 看词性:比如动词需加副词, 名词需加形容词。

4. 看前面的词语, 根据常用语法做题。



1. Look! One of the children __________ (swim) in the lake.

2. Lily is much __________ (health) than her sister.

3. They _________ (fly) to the UK, didn’t they ?

4. Is _________ (eat) too much good or bad for your body ?

5. Mr. Lee ___________ (give) us a talk on the history of China tomorrow, isn’t he?

6. My grandpa ________ (fall) asleep while he _______ (watch) TV last night.

7. The boy______ (not invite) to the party yet, but I think he will be invited soon.

8. This big car ________ (drive) by a 19-year-old girl in the car race yesterday.

9. There is _________ rain this year than last year. (much)

10. I'm not as_________ (careful) as he.

11. The panda has been _________ (die) for about two months.

12. I like her dress. It looks very _________ (China).

13. I'm not as _________ (careful) as he.

14. Summer is the _________ (hot) season of the year.

15. The blue one is _____ of all. (cheap)

16. English is one of _________ languages. (useful)

17. In our school, we have many_________ (club).

18.-________you _________ (see) the film before?-No, never.

19. He __________ (go) to the USA, but he _________(come) back in a week.

20. Helen can __________ (speak) three languages.

21. The Whites have four ___________ (child), two daughters and two sons.

22. My pen pal ___________ (live) in Japan.

23. She _________ (have) a dictionary.

24. There isn’t_________ (some) tea in the cup.

25. I want to eat _____________ (a) apple.

26. Please come and __________ (help) me.

27. There _________ (be) a bottle of water and some orange juice on the table.

28. My aunt is ____________ (England).

29. My _____________ (friend) name is Daming.

30. My uncle likes ____________ (swim) very much.


1. is swimming

2. healthier

3. flew

4. eating

5. is going to give

6. fell; was watching

5. hasn’t been invited8. was drove9. more

10. careful11. dead12. Chinese

13. careful14. hottest15. the cheapest

16. the most useful17. clubs18. Have; seen

19.has gone; will come20. speak21. children

22. lives23. has24. any

25. an26. help27. is

28. English29. friend’s30. swimming




1. You or he ________ (have) taken my pen.

2. We are ________ (excite) at the ________(excite)news.

3. They lived in London until quite ________ (recent).

4. He knows much English, but he knows a little ________ (France).

5. On Sundays, we often go ________ (shop) with our parents.

6. Has Jim _________ (finish) his composition yet?

No. He has some difficulties in doing it.

7. The rest of the wine _________ (turn) bad.

8. We ________ (plant) trees in spring every year. Now we are _______ (plant) trees along the river.

9. He usually________ (get) up at 6:30 am. and then washes his face.

10. We_________ (have) our English examination now.

11. The English teacher _________ (ask) us to revise our English last week.

12. They _________ (do) their homework in Winter Holiday this year.

13. My friend Ann is good at _________ (sing).

14. It’s hard_________(study) every subject well.

15. The students of Class 12 run ________ (fast) than the students of Class 11.

16. You can do the work very _________ (good).

17. Thank you for __________ (invite) me.

18. This apple is_________ (big) one in the basket.

19. Does your mother get up _________ (early) than you?

20. Is their classroom__________(comfortable) in our school?

21. A lot of __________come to our country every year. (visit)

22. This shirt is mine. That one is _________ (she).

23. No one _________ (watch) the television, so Father turned it off.

24. He usually ________ (get) up at 6 o'clock in the morning.

25. Today is her _________ (nine) birthday.

26. Sometimes he practise _________ (paint) after school.

27. Listen! The Brown _______ (play) a funny game in the next room.

28. The Hope Project ________ (build) about 5,000 Hope School in this province next year.

29. What ________you ________ (do) at this time yesterday?

30. He _________ (make) a model plane when the telephone _______.(ring)




1. When spring _______ (come), the animals that sleep in winter start waking up.

2. Doctors often tell us ________ (drink) more water every day.

3. He made me ________ (draw) a picture for you.

4. Our school ________ (hold) a sports meeting next week, isn’t it?

5. I am heavier than Jeremy so he is _________ (light) than me.

6. Tony will ________ (have) a picnic with their family tomorrow.

7. John is _________ (good) at reading than Tim.

8. The ________ (much) English you learn, the more helpful you will be during Olympic Games.

9. At this moment, my teacher, together with my classmates _________ (lie) on beach and enjoying the sun.

10. Those big ________ are under the table. (box)

11. Sometimes he practise _________ (paint) after school.

12. Maria wrote to her parents with an _______of a photo of Trinity College. (enclose)

13.________your password, then press ‘Return’. (typist)

14. She has got a stomachache after eating too much _______food. (oil)

15. During the rush hours, the street is quite ______ with cars and pedestrians. (crow)

16. Tiananmen Square is ________in central Beijing. (situation)

17. I’m a ________student. I clean the classroom with my classmates every day. (responsibility)

18. This problem is so difficult, so could you please help me to ______it? (solution)

19. He was retired. He found he had nothing whatever to do with_______. (relax)

20._______ (garden) is very popular in Britain.

21. He let his students ask and answer questions_______. (wise)

22. I _______ buy that bike because it was too expensive. (not)

23. What a _______ film this is!(wonder)

24. My mum and I often buy some _______ food there. (health)

25. I can see many trees and flowers in _______ community. (we)

26._______ family is in Beijing Hotel. (Peter)

27. It is the _______ city in the world. (big)

28. It’s one of the greatest theme _______ in the world. (park)

29. The Great Wall is ________wall in the world. (long)

30. I often go there on weekends to go _________. (shop)

31. There are twelve ________ in a year. (month)

32. Please listen to the teacher _______. (careful)

33. I will help you with ________ Chinese. (you)

34. These _______ are for Jenny. (banana)

35. I have two new________. (dress)

36. My mum will take _______ to the hospital. (I)

37. Disneyland is the ______ and the most famous theme park in the world.(one)

38. The ______ ( many ), the_______ ( good ) .

39. Give _______a piece of paper, please. (she)

40. I often buy fruit, vegetables and other _______ food. (health)


练习1.Do you find English listening 1. d______? What should you do? The answer is to listen as much as you can. 2. H_______,don't do too much at one time.It's better to practise listening for five minutes every day. You don't have to sit down and listen for hours at one time. That's too 3. m_____! Do choose 4. l______passages that are interesting and not too difficult. Choose tapes on which people speak clearly and not too fast. Take it easy at 5. f_____. Later on you can practise with tapes that are more difficult.

练习2.Tom is a policeman in a city. Now 1. h _______ is taking a thief to the city. On the 2.

w_______, they see a shop. The thief says, "Let me go into the shop and buy some 3. b________. We can eat it on the train.” Tom agrees 4. w ______ the thief and waits at the door. But the thief runs away from the back 5. d________. Tom begins to 6. l _________ for him. A few days later, he 7.

c ________ the thief again. On the way to the city they come to the same 8. s________. An

d th

e thie

f wants to buy some bread again. "Oh, no" says Tom. "You can't go this 9. t _______ You want to run away again. This time I'll go into the shop and buy bread. You must 10. w ________ for me here"
