

1. 并列关系

and, and also, or, neither ............... nor, either .......... or, not only ............ but also, likewise, similarly,

equally, in the same way, that is to say, as well as, same .... as;

2. 递进关系

also, then, besides, additionally, in addition, furthermore, moreover, what is more; indeed;

3. 因果关系

because, for, since, as, thus, hence, therefore, so, so ???..that, such ?? ?..that, in order that, consequently, accordingly, due to, thanks to, in response to, on account of, because of, considering that, seeing that, in that, now that, lest, as a result, for this reason;

4. 转折关系

but, however, yet, contrarily, on the contrary, by contrast, on the other hand, unfortunately;

5. 让步关系

although, though, even though, even if, even, nevertheless, despite, in spite of; regardless of; anyway, anyhow

6. 列举(顺序)关系

first\second\last of all, in the first place\in the second place\finally, to begin with\ to

continue, first ............. then, on one hand .............. on the other hand, for one thing ........................ for another, one...... another, some ....... others ........ s till others;

7. 对比关系

while, whereas, as, / rather th an, instead of, not ? .. but;

8. 时间关系

when, whenever, before, after, since, as, while, until, till, simultaneously, meanwhile, in the

meantime, at the same time;

9. 条件关系

if, only if, if only, unless, otherwise, as soon as, as long as, in case, suppose that, supposing that, provided that, providing that, when, whenever, with;

10. 举例关系

such as, for example, for instance, of (these, those, them), among (these, those, them), to illustrate, as an illustration, to take an example, more specifically speaking, namely;



a case in point, after all, as a proof, as an illustration, as an example, for example, for

instance, in particular, just as, namely, such, specifically, that is, to illustrate, to demonstrate

a) Many southern cities are growing above the national average —Atlanta is a case in point.

b) The news about calcium and kidney stones is a case in point.

c) Prisoners should be treated with respect —they are human beings after all.

d) These are, after all, very familiar species.

e) It's extremely expensive to live in NewYork. For example, I pay $1, 250 for a one-bedroom apartment.

f) Many countries, for example Mexico and Japan, have a lot of earthquakes.

g) Old English was in many ways similar to Modern German. For instance, the nouns, adjectives, and verbs were highly inflected.

h) Weneed to rethink the way we consume energy. Take, for instance, our approach to transport.

i) Automobile prices in particular have fallen in recent months.

j) His last album sold half a million copies and we hope this one will be just as (=equally) popular.

k) One of the most important stages has yet to be started, namely beginning to fit the person into their new job.

1) The issues are in two main clusters, namely the safety and the pricing and procurement of drugs.

m) The rules make it quite clear what should be done in such a situation.

n) We're talking about money —specifically, the money we need to repair our schools.

o) One solution would be to change the shape of the screen, that is, to make it wider. 2.表示增补意义

additionally, again, along with, also, and, and then, as well as, besides, equally, even, further, furthermore, in addition, in other words, just as, likewise, moreover, not only...but also, similarly, to put it another way, to repeat, then, too, what's more

a) They may also additionally represent much more; they may indeed have a highly integrating social function.

b) And again, these workshops will benefit the community considerably.

c) Dunne was murdered, along with three guards.

d) Sugar is bad for your teeth. It can also contribute to heart disease.

e) This is a flexible and user-friendly system suitable for beginners and advanced users alike.

f) Fry the onions gently, and then add the meat and cook for a few minutes.

g) The organization gives help and support to people in need, as well as raising money for local charities.

h) People choose jobs for other reasons besides money.

i) We want the economy to grow, but equally we want low inflation.

j) It is possible to make good movies cheaply. Further, "low-budget" doesn't have to mean "bad. "

k) The majority of Americans increased their wealth in the past decade. Furthermore, the gains were substantial.

l) A new security system was installed. In addition, extra guards were hired.

m) The company provides cheap Internet access. In addition, it makes shareware freely available.

n) The tax only affects people on incomes over $200, 000 —in other words, the very rich.

o) The clams were delicious. Likewise, the eggplant was excellent.

p) Using language is a very complex enterprise. Moreover, there is more to communication than merely putting sentences together.

q) The system was not only complicated but also ineffective.

r) The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years. Similarly, fuel prices have fallen quite considerably.

s) Money makes money. To put it another way, the more you invest, the greater your potential profit will be.

t) The problem demands a global solution. To put it another way, local regulations will have

very little effect.

u) First you need to collect all the information and make detailed notes. Then you can start to actually write your essay.

v) Think about what you owe, too, in terms of mortgages, credit cards, loans or hire purchase.

w) Gas is a very efficient fuel. And what' s more, it's clean.


above all, anyway, as a matter of fact, certainly, indeed, in fact, in particular, most important, obviously, of course, surely, to be sure, truly, undoubtedly, without doubt

a) Although it is somewhat limited in its applications it is easy to operate and above all it is fun.

b) He got lost and spent hours looking for the station, and anyway it was past midnight by the time he got home.

c) And, as a matter of fact, the U. S. Golf Association was delighted.

d) Books and people certainly affected him.

e) Most of the essays were very good indeed.

f) Her teachers said she was a slow learner, whereas in fact she was partially deaf.

g) Automobile prices in particular have fallen in recent months.

h) But the reverse is true when an attorney represents a person who is obviously guilty or whose guilt is widely perceived.

i) This is very obviously the approach of some one writing exclusively and specifically for the young.

j) Of course there will be some difficult times ahead.

k) If a sign were needed that the Internet has becomea real market, the arrival of tax avoidance is surely it.

l) Throwing money at the problem is surely not the way to convince people of sincerity.

m) It was difficult, to be sure, but somehow we managed to finish the job.

n) If we truly believe we can win, then we have a very good chance at doing it.

o) Undoubtedly, public interest in folk music has declined.

p) Sally was without doubt one of the finest swimmers in the school. 4.表示对比或对照

by contrast, but, conversely, in contrast, instead, on the contrary, on the other hand, otherwise, unlike, whereas, while, yet

a) The birth rate for older women has declined, but, by contrast, births to teenage mothers have increased.

b) The purpose of the scheme is not to help the employers but to provide work for young people.

c) American consumers prefer white eggs; conversely, British buyers like brown eggs.

d) Scandinavian cruises are very popular in the summer; conversely, the Carib bean is most popular in the winter.

e) The stock lost 60 cents a share, in contrast to last year, when it gained 21 cents.

f) Instead of being annoyed, he seemed quite pleased.

g) It wasn't a good thing; on the contrary it was a huge mistake.

h) Nuclear power is relatively cheap. On the other hand, you could argue that it's not safe.

i) It is equally vital that both should be mentioned, otherwise a client, particularly a buyer, could be seriously misled.

j) Unlike most people in the office, I don't come to work by car.

k) A bowl of instant oatmeal costs about $1. 5, whereas regular oatmeal costs only $0. 5 per


l) The old system was fairly complicated whereas the new system is really very simple.

m) Schools in the north tend to be better equipped, while those in the south are relatively poor.

n) Last summer there was a drought, yet some people were still watering their lawns every day.


by comparison, equally, equally important, in comparison, in the same way, in the same manner, like, likewise, similarly

a) After months of living in a tropical climate, Spain seemed cool by comparison.

b) By comparison with other European countries, car prices in the UK are very high.

c) Even when the correct word was given a high probability, there were many other words with an equally high probability.

d) Many business people do not know what sexual harassment is. Equally important, they do not know how to prevent it.

e) an extremely unpleasant disease which is, however, easy to treat

f) Cotton production was on the increase. However, it was still a small industry compared to hemp and canvas production.

g) The deaf children of hearing parents are almost normal in comparison, having everything except language experience.

h) There is often stronger social control evident in the socialisation of girls in comparison to boys.

i) Good management accounts separate the well-organised from the rest but are not vital in the same way.

j) I don't want him treating me like Jim treated me.

k) The clams were delicious. Likewise, the eggplant was excellent.

l) The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years. Similarly, fuel prices have fallen quite considerably.


admittedly, after all, all the same, although, certainly, clearly, even so, it is true (that), in spite of, nevertheless, of course, still, true

a) The technique is painful, admittedly, but it benefits the patient greatly.

b) Printing and presentation should be as attractive as possible —after all the library

is an attractive place, isn't it

c) I realise she can be very annoying, but I think you should apologise all the same.

d) We decided to take rooms in Longwood House, although we knew we could not really afford the rent.

e) We are not especially well-treated, certainly not as well as the locals.

f) Clearly, the racial problems in America have no easy answers.

g) The fines for speeding are large, but even so, they are not always a deterrent.

h) And it is true that after his death she ceased to exist for the world beyond the farm.

i) But in spite of the hardships, real efforts and progress are being made.

j) A false belief may nevertheless be justified.

k) Though employment growth is down, the area is still attracting health care, high tech,

banking and sports-related industries. 7.表示结果

accordingly, as a result, consequently, for this reason, hence, in this way, so, therefore, thus

a) Some of the laws were contradictory. Accordingly, measures were taken to clarify them.

b) As many as 2, 500 people died as a result of the earthquake and the ensuing tidal waves.

c) Most computer users have never received any formal keyboard training. Consequently, their keyboard skills are inefficient.

d) The cost of transport is a major expense for an industry. Hence factory location is an important consideration.

e) In this way normal healthy people may be tested without inducing any damage in their brain.

f) The building work is taking quite a long time, and therefore costing us money.

g) Most of the evidence was destroyed in the fire. Thus it would be almost impossible to prove him guilty. 8.表示转折

although, but, despite, except for, though, however, in spite of, instead, nevertheless, on the other hand, otherwise, rather than, though, yet

a) You can copy down my answers, although I'm not sure if they're right.

b) In the US it is normal for the police to carry guns, but not in Britain.

c) Despite international pressure, progress has slowed in the peace talks.

d) Pen Pros: Except for personal letters, handwritten notes are withering into extinction.

e) The rooms, though small, were pleasant and airy.

f) This is a cheap and simple process. However there are dangers.

g) In spite of her success, Spencer continues to get depressed.

h) Cardew did not join the navy. Instead, he decided to join the theater and become an actor.

i) Thus we can talk of a local government system which is different from a central government system but nevertheless interacts with it.

j) Reintroduction of food after elemental regimens must nevertheless be undertaken with the greatest of care irrespective of whether or not elimination diets are used.

k) The hamburger was tough and overcooked. The fries, on the other hand, were terrific, and well worth the money.

l) Stir the sauce until it cools, otherwise it will be lumpy.

m) It presumes that reality is dynamic rather than static, and therefore seeks relationships between ideas, to aim at synthesis.

n) There is no important theory-based reason why these countries rather than others were selected.

o) The offenders were dealt with firmly though fairly.

p) They charge incredibly high prices, yet customers keep coming back for more. 9.表示结论

as has been noted(mentioned ,stated) ,at last ,finally ,in a word,all in all ,in brief, in conclusion, in short ,in sum ,in summary ,to conclude ,to sum up ,to summarize

a) A n inhibition ,as mentioned above ,is rarely used .

b) A t last, we were able to afford a house .

c) We finally found a decent apartment close to campus .

d) Pop,in a word ,is fascination versus meaning .

e) It was ,all in all ,more like a prison than an office .

f) In brief ,the President plarts to cut defense spellding and lowet taxes.

g) I n conclusion ,I want to thank all the people who have volunteered their time to our organization .

h) I n short ,the report says that more money should be spent on education.

i) In sum ,we need to cut costs .

j) In summary, do not sell your shares.

k) To conclude, the prospects for philosophy of religion look brighter than they have done for many moons.

l) To sum up, for a healthy heart you must take regular exercise and stop smoking. rn) To summarize, in most cases the schools were achieving the standards set. 10.表示顺序

and, besides, finally, first, firstly, further, in the first place, last, next, second, secondly, third, thirdly, to begin with, to start with,

a) It also assigned staff people to work with individual companies that wanted to launch a program.

b) This is a flexible and user-friendly system suitable for beginners and advanced users alike.

c) You need to know what tights you have and how to use them.

d) Besides going to aerobics twice a week, she tides horses on Saturdays.

e) And finally, I' d like to thank the crew.

f) First, I'd like to thank everyone for coming.

g) The application of the five stages to the task illustrated would involve, firstly, the definition of the task.

h) It is possible to make good movies cheaply. Further, "low-budget" doesn't have to mean "bad. "

i) And there i. s the question of the relevance of the trading of information in the first place.

j) Connect the red wires first and the black ones last.

k) First you need to select the text you want to move. Next, click on the "Move" command at the top of the screen.

l) But, second, in the vast majority of markets, efficient production can be attained with a high degree of competition.

m) The more you practise the better you will become at selecting historical information to suit firstly your essay and secondly your argument.

n) To begin with, much of this new housing is not affordable.

o) I' m not going to Vegas. To start with, I don' t like gambling, and I also can' t get time off work.


男:同学们大家好,欢迎收听英语沙龙。我是播音员··· 女:我是播音员··· 男:首先,先跟大家说一件好事儿。我们栏目现在准备正式改革了,如果你有好的建议,或者是希望本栏目设立的板块的话,那千万别浪费你的心思哟,赶紧写在站门口的本子上吧。 女:当然,我还得跟大家提个小醒,赶快参加话题发表吧,现在,可是有几个人的分数很高了呢。还不抓紧时间,礼物可就让别人拿走了呀。还有,下周四可能有活动哦。 男:好,步入正题。欧阳茜彤,你们家是不是常有喜事呢? 女:当然了。大家说的祝福语可是一大套一大套的呢,基本没重的。 男:那你会说吗? 女:你以为我那么2呀?连这点常识都没有,还算个中国人吗? 男:唉,你弄错了。我说的是英语祝福语。 女:哦,那我可不会。 男:好吧,下面跟着好好学学。 关于友情的 From majestic mountains and valleys of green to crystal clear waters so blue, this wish is coming to you. 越过青翠的峻岭和山谷,直到晶莹湛蓝的水边,飞来了我对你的祝愿。 It's joy to know you, wishing the nicest things always for you, not only today, but all the year through because you are really a joy to know. 认识你是一种快慰,愿你永远拥有最美好的东西,不仅今天拥有,而且天天拥有,因为认识你真是一种慰藉。 A friend is a loving companion at all times. 朋友是永久的知心伴侣。 When I think of you the miles between us disappear. 当我想起你,相隔千里,如在咫尺。 You're wonderful friend, and I treasure you more with every year. 你是一位难得的挚友,我对你的珍重与岁俱增。 慰问 With warmth and understanding at this time of sorrow…and friendship that is yours for all the tomorrows.

英语沙龙短文How the Americans view love美国人的爱情观

How the Americans view love An old song says that“love makes the world go around.”If you watch Americans on Valentine’s Day1), you can believe it. The whole country breaks out with little red hearts. Love-struck people give cards, flowers and candy to their sweethearts2). You might call it an annual3) celebration of love. The American concept of love and romance begins with dating. Young people date in several ways. At first they might have group dates with several boys and girls together. Later, they start going on single dates—just one boy and one girl. Sometimes a boy and a girl will go to a movie. Maybe they will go to a party at a friend’s house. Or they might go out to eat. When two couple go out together, it’s called double dating. A friend might e ven arrange a blind date for you with someone you don’t know. That doesn‘t mean you keep your eyes closed the whole evening. You just don’t know who your partner will be until the time of the date. If someone asks you out on any kind of d ate, and you don‘t want to go, you may politely say, “No, thanks.” Americans view dating differently from people in other culture. American young people see a date as a time just to have fun. They don‘t always have a romantic interest in mind. Someone may go out with one person this week, and another person the next. After a while, a boy and a girl may decide they want to go steady4). This means they think of each other as boyfriend and girlfriend. It also means they don’ t want to date anyone else. Romance is beginning to bloom. Romantic love is very much a part of American culture. Movies, TV shows and books in America all picture people falling in love. Americans know no romance is perfect, but still they try to find the ideal person. Actually, love is a part of every culture, not just American culture. People all over the world search for happiness in a loving relationship. Maybe love does make the world go around. 美国人的爱情观 有一首老歌中唱道“爱让世界转动”。如果你看到美国人是如何庆祝情人节的, 你便会相信这句话。这一天在美国不论你走到哪里都能看到一颗颗小红心。坠入爱河中的人向自己的心上人赠送卡片、鲜花和糖果。你可以将情人节称之为一年一度的爱的庆贺日。 美国人的爱情和浪漫始于约会。年轻人有几种约会方式。最开始, 他们可能是好几个男孩和女孩都参加的集体约会。之后, 他们单独出去约会—只有一男一女。有时他们会去看电影, 也可能一起去参加朋友的晚会, 或一起出去吃饭。 如果两对男女一起出去, 这叫做双重约会。一个朋友还可能安排一个“蒙眼约会”。那并不是说你整个晚上都紧闭双目。只是在约会之前你并不知道你的伴侣是谁。如果有人请你出去约会, 不管是哪种约会, 假若你不想去, 你都可以礼貌地说声“不, 谢谢!” 对于约会, 美国人与别的国家的人有不同的看法。美国的年轻人把约会看成是玩得开心


阅读理解专题 阅读短文,回答问题 A What sport do you like best? Daniel: I like basketball best. I often watch NBA. I play basketball every day. I am short, but I am strong. I am a good basketball player in our school. Lucy: Ping-ping is my favourite sport. I am a Chinese and Chinese ping-pong players are the best in the world. I want to be a good ping-pong player too. I often play it every afternoon. Tom: I am tall and strong. I like football best. My father is a football player. I often watch my father play football. My father often teaches me to play football. I play with my father and others in the park every day. ( ) 1. What sport does Daniel like? A. Football B. Basketball C. Ping-pong D. Swimming ( ) 2. Who likes football best? A. Daniel B. Tom C. Lucy D. Nobody ( ) 3. What does Tom’s father do? A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A policeman. D. A football player. ( ) 4. When does Lucy often play ping-pong? A. Every morning. B. Every afternoon. C. Every evening. D. At the weekend. ( ) 5. Which of the following is RIGHT? A. Daniel is tall. B. Lucy wants to be a doctor. C. Tom is thin. D. The passage(文章)is about favourite sports. B Hi! My name is Millie. I am from England. I am twelve years old. I am slim and tall. I have long hair. I like music. I listen to music every evening. I like reading and I am in the Reading Club. But I don’t like sports. Hello! I am Peter from America. But I live in Shanghai now. I am 13 years old. I wear glasses. I am tall and strong. My hair is very short. I like sports very much. Every afternoon, I play football on the playground at school. I am good at swimming too. This is Amy. I was born in Beijing and now I live in Nanjing. My father works in a hospital in Nanjing. So we come here. I am fourteen years old. I am short but strong. I like playing computer games. I am polite and helpful. I often help other students. ( ) 6. How old is Millie? A. Twelve B. Thirteen C. Fourteen D. Fifteen ( ) 7. Where does Amy come from? A. England B. America C. Beijing D. Nanjing ( ) 8. Who wears a pair of glasses? A. Millie B. Peter C. Simon D. Amy ( ) 9. What does Amy’s father do? A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A policeman. D. A cook. ( ) 10. What is Peter like? A. Slim and tall. B. Short and strong. C. Tall and strong. D. Thin and tall.


Boys and gentlemen, girls and ladies, Good afternoon! Welcome to join the opening ceremony of our English Salon with foreign teachers. 各位老师,各位同学,大家下午好。欢迎大家前来参加我们外教外教英语沙龙的开幕式。大家在百忙的周日下午,抽出宝贵的时间,来到这里,有的人是来学英语的,有的人是来听音乐的,有的人是来学习如何穷游的。。。这是什么精神?当然了,还有的人,可能是无聊没地方打发时间的,或者是没地方自习的,也可能是没地方谈恋爱的,甚至有的人可能纯粹是来打酱油的,但不管怎样,我们热烈欢迎大家来到由飞利浦之家和西大英语协会联合举办的外教英语沙龙! Next , let’s welcome阳志飞to give us a speech with warm applause . 接下来,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎阳志飞同志给我们说两句。 阳志飞:From today, you will have a new place to relax. That is our English Salon with foreign teachers. 从今天起,你们就有新的休闲的地方可以去了,这就是外教外教英语沙龙It's not in the classroom, with boring teachers reading textbooks. It's not on the street, with cold wind blowing in winter and mosquitoes biting in summer. 上课地点不在教室,没有无聊的老师对着书本念课文。也不在大街上,冬没有寒风凛冽,夏没有蚊虫肆掠!It's in the comfortable bar near Guangxi University!这是西大正门一个舒服优雅的咖啡吧。Y ou can talk here. Y ou can make more friends here. Y ou will be happy here. Come and join us!在优雅的咖啡吧上课,学习氛围轻松愉快。我们不定期还将会组织户外活动或节日活动。Here we have music, we have drinks, we have passion, we have dreams, we have girls, we have boys, we have deserts,we have games,.这里有音乐,有美酒,有激情,有梦想,有帅哥,有美女,有美食,有游戏。 我们有的是自由,没有的是无趣。有的是青春,没有的是界限。有的是自信,没有不敢说。 English Salon with foreign teachers is to improve your English level and practice your ability of communication is our main objective . 外教外教英语沙龙主要目的是为了真正提高大家的英语水平,锻炼大家的交际能力。 Y ou can talk here ; you can make friends here ; you will be happy here . 在这里,你可以自由交流,可以认识更多的朋友,可以体验到不一样的快乐。快来加入我们,一起行动吧。 We hope all of you have a nice time here, we all hope that you will enjoy this evening and benefit from it. Thanks for阳志飞’s attractive speech . And I think you have had a deeper know of the English Salon. And we hope , with all those excellent foreign teachers and friends , who are here or not here today, our English Salon will becoming better and better . 感谢阳志飞老师的精彩演讲。相信现在大家对外教英语沙龙有了进一步的认识,希望在各位外国老师和外国朋友的带领下,我们外教英语沙龙会越办越好,大家的英语越来越棒! Today, the theme of our English Salon is about travelling, music and English! And I’m your hostess , Tang . 今天是咱们这个特别的外教英语沙龙的第一次活动,主题呢,关于旅游,音乐,英语。


Fourteen Steps to a Clearly Written Technical Paper by R. T. Compton, Jr. A technical paper will usually have four sections. The purpose of each of these sections is as follows: Section I: Introduction The introduction should do the following: 1. Open up the subject. (The subject will be electromagnetic fields in cylindrical dielectric geometrics, adaptive arrays in packet radio, or whatever.) 2. Survey past work relevant to this paper. 3. Describe the problem addressed in this paper, and show how this work relates to, or augments, previous work. 4. Describe the assumptions made in general terms, and state what results have been obtained. (This gives the reader an initial overview of what problem is addressed in the paper and what has been achieved.) 5. Overview the contents of the paper. (“Section II contains our formulation of the problem. Section III contains the experimental data...”) Section II: Formulation of the Problem This section should do three things: 1. Define the problem to be considered in detail. Typically this section might begin with something like: “Consider a packet radio system consisting of a single central repeater surrounded by user terminals. Each user transmits packets to the central repeater using a slotted ALOHA protocol [1]. The transmissions from all users are assumed to be on the same frequency...”The discussion should proceed in this way until the problem is completely defined. 2. Define all terminology and notation used. Usually the terminology and notation are defined along with the problem itself. 3. Develop the equations on which your results will be based and/or describe any experimental systems. Section III: Results This section presents the detailed results you have obtained. If the paper is theoretical, you will probably show curves obtained from your equations. If the paper is experimental, you will be presenting curves showing the measurement results. In order to choose the proper curves to present, you must first be clear what point you are trying to convey to the reader. The curves can then be chosen to illustrate this point. Whether your paper is theoretical or experimental, you must provide a careful interpretation of what your results mean and why they behave as they do. Section IV: Conclusion This section should summarize what has been accomplished in the paper. Many readers will read only the Introduction and Conclusion of your paper. The Conclusion should be written so they can be understood by someone who has not read the main work of the paper. This is the common format for an engineering paper. Of course, the names of the sections may differ slightly from those above, but the purpose of each section will usually be as described. Some papers include additional sections or differ from the above outline in one way or another. However, the outline just presented is a good starting point for writing a technical paper. To write your paper, you should proceed as follows: Step 1: Start by writing a complete first draft of your paper, except for the Introduction and Conclusion. (It is easiest to leave the Introduction and Conclusion until after the main body of the paper is written.) In writing your paper, keep the following in mind: 1. You must always present the big picture first and then work towards the details. The other way around will not work. This is especially true in the beginning of Section II, where you are explaining the problem you are studying. 2. If you get stuck and cannot figure out how to explain something, a useful trick is to imagine that you are telling a very good friend what you are working on: just put down the words as you would say them to your friend. In writing your first draft, do not worry if the wording is not perfect. Polishing the document comes later. When you are finished with your first draft, put it away for a couple of days before you begin Step 2. Step 2: Make sure the ideas in the paper are in the right order. If not, move blocks of the paper around with your text editor until they are. Ask yourself: “Can the reader understand every passage strictly from the material up to that point?” If not, add material or move ideas around. Make sure there are not gaps in your logical arguments, and make sure you are not implicitly assuming that the reader understands something needed to follow your arguments, even though you have not stated it. The reader probably understands less than you think. Step 3: Work on the transitions between ideas. Make sure that at each stage the reader has a roadmap of where he or she is going. The reader must be able to see the big picture. At the beginning of each section, make clear to the reader in advance what the purpose of that section will be and how that section relates to the preceding material. At the end of each section, you may also want to remind the reader that you have now completed what you set out to do in that section. Then point out what the purpose of the next section will be, and so forth. These connecting statements are called transitions. The reader must always be able to see where you are going and why and how far you have progressed. Step 4: Check each paragraph for unity. Each paragraph should have one main point. Usually the central point of each paragraph is stated in a topical sentence at the beginning of the paragraph, but not always. You should not mix different ideas together in the same paragraph. If you are having trouble getting a certain section of your paper to sound right, go through that section one paragraph at a time and ask yourself what the main point of each paragraph is. Foggy writing is often due to mixed-up paragraphs. Step 5: Work on the sentences to reduce the fog index. The Fog Index F is defined as F = 0.4(L + P), where L is the average number of words per sentence and P is the average number of polysyllables per 100 words of text [1]. (A polysyllable is a word with three or more syllables.) To evaluate the Fog Index for your paper, count the number of words per sentence and the number of polysyllables per 100 words for a representative portion of your paper five or six hundred words long. Ideally, you should strive for a fog index less than 10. In technical writing, it is sometimes difficult to get the Fog Index below 10, but a Fog Index above 15 is a warning that your material will be very hard for a reader to follow. Consider the following examples taken from typical office memos. Note that both memos say the same thing. Fog Index = 35: “In order to eliminate the possibility of errors occurring in the time charges relating to engineering jobs through transposition of numbers or typing errors, each of the Division Planning Offices should set up a file of time cards showing all authorized project numbers and make a daily check of the charges on all time sheets forwarded to the Accounting Department to be sure that


学习英语精选作文 篇一:养成学习英语的好习惯 很多同学都觉得英语难学,但我认为学习英语是一件乐事。每次英语考试我的成绩都首屈一指。只要同学们有科学的学习方法和养成良好的学习习惯,英语其实不难学。现把我学习英语的感悟介绍给大家,以供参考。 一、课前预习。首先过好语音关,学好音标,懂得读音规则,就可以自己拼读单词。每天用一些时间预习一下第二天要学的内容,在难理解的地方做些标记,这样上课时就比较主动,为解决重难点知识打下基础。预习要抓住教材的思路,把握大方向。预习主要为上课做好准备。 二、认真听讲。听清教师或录音的发音,认真模仿,反复练习。认真听教师的分析讲解、语法归纳,记住各种规则和不规则的变化。每当教师讲新的知识点或疑难点时,我们一定要集中精神,专注深思,并做好课堂笔记。 三、及时复习。每天课后或星期六、日及时复习当前所学知识,对笔记进行系统整理,这对加深理解,加深记忆很有好处,也有利于今后总复习时能抓住关键和自己的难点。在确信自己掌握了所学知识后,再独立完成作业。

四、好发问。英语决不都是死记硬背,许多地方需要理解,不懂之处一定要问清楚,既可以与同学讨论,也可以向教师发问,教师通常都会很喜欢学生发问。 五、多背诵。要想背会单词、短语和课文,必须先读准,哪儿不熟就多背哪儿。要在理解的基础上背才能背得快,背得有用。背单词时先做音形分析,把读音和拼写联络起来,并与以前学过的单词进行类比。背课文前先把它译成中文,根据意思一段一段逐步背,特别注意其中与汉语表达方式不同的词组和句子。掌握正确的方法,背书才轻松自如。 六、勤练习。在课内外要勤于听、说、读、写多种练习。接触英语多了,就会游刃有余,融会贯穿。多与教师、同学用英语会话;用英语写日记、写信、发邮件;勤参加学校举办的英语角、英语沙龙;也可以多看英语新闻和英语电影等。练习的形式多种多样,贵在持之以恒。 篇二:学习英语的体验 还记得我在中小学的时候英语是那么的不好,英语成绩总是彷徨在及格与不及格之间。那时我的英语仿佛充满了失望他发布一张网,把我扣入的深渊……(中国精选作文网 t262) 我在中小学的时候英语总是觉得力不从心,繁重的英语课文长篇的英语阅读,令我非常的苦恼,我有许多不认识的英语单词,令我非常的害怕。当时我们的许同学学习英语都非常好,他们的成绩也非常


我们的英语角高中英语作文 【内容提示】 一些外国旅游者将到某“英语角”参观。假定你是“英语角”的负责人之一,请用英语准备一篇文章,介绍你们的“英语角”。内容要点如下: ①简况:一年前成立,许多中学生每个周末都来参加活动;成立以来已有成千上万的人参加过活动;许多大学生和外国朋友也经常参加。 ②活动形式:练习英语会话,学唱英语歌曲,做各种英语游戏等。 ③效果:弥补了英语课堂教学中的不足;成为学习英语不可缺少的活动;受到中学生、学生家长、教师的欢迎。 【作文示范】 Our English Corner Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to our English Corner. This corner was set up a year ago. Every Sunday morning, students from different middle schools gather around here. Thousands of students have been here since it appeared. Many college students and foreign friends often join us, too. In this corner we practise English with each other. We talk

in English about everything we're interested in. Also, we learn English songs, play all kinds of English games and so on. We have a good time here. We feel that we have learned a lot that can't be done in English classes. So our English Corner has become necessary and more and more welcomed by middle school students and their parents and teachers. If you want to know more about the corner, you can talk to the students here. Thank you. 【写法指要】 这类介绍文章的安排顺序一般是:开场白,包括称呼、“欢迎……”等说法和概况介绍;活动情况介绍,可详可略,篇幅允许则长,篇幅不允许则短;举办某种活动的效果以及人们对此的评价最后要有客套话,如“Thank you.”等。


华亭二中农村少年宫“英语沙龙(English Salon)”社团简介主办单位:高中英语教研组负责人:吕晓燕 一.社团简介 为丰富实验中学校园文化,提高我校高中部学生整体英语水平,提升英语素养,高中英语教研组特举办英语沙龙俱乐部,定期进行英语沙龙和英语能力强化学习活动。通过各种英语活动给同学们提供一个交流英语与学习外国文化的平台,营造良好的英语学习氛围,丰富活跃校园文化生活,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,同时给同学们提供一个展示自我风采的舞台,同时丰富大家课余生活,加强师生、成员之间的沟通交流,培养合作、竞争意识,提高技术水平。 二、社团口号: Passion!crazy! To be better! D on’t be shy ! just try ! never say die ! 三、活动内容: ⑴话题讨论类: a.每次提前准备4到5个话题由大家选择,然后根据话题作自己的见解,在组织语言的同时提高自己的口语能力,同时还可以了解到最新的信息(每次社团的宣传部将提前公布下一期自由谈论话题)。 b.ask and answer; c.group discussion; d.sharing; e.与外教、英语教师交流。 f.free talk:在这一环节中,自由选择自己的语伴,自己喜欢的话题,用英语畅快的交流。 ⑵娱乐互动类: 一些简单的英语互动游戏既可以让大家学到英语知识,还可以在高度集中的状态下轻松一下,这不失为一种调节气氛的好方法。 a. 猜单词:一位同学准备一个比较简单的单词(可以是有关生活中比较常见的人或事物)该同学描述其特征或是其含义,让别的同学来猜。该活动旨在提高描述者的口语表达能力和猜单词的同学的听力能力。 b. 单词接龙:如果该组同学英语水平都还不错,就可以进行这样的游戏。 c. 学习谚语:各组同学收集整理好协会每天短信发的英文谚语,大家集体大声朗读,并对其所蕴涵的含义给予自己真实感受的英语解释。 d. 绕口令:搜集一些比较经典的绕口令,以比赛的形式看大家谁读得更快,更流利。 e. 读经典长句:搜集一些比较经典的长句,先划成几段作为一个节拍,一个人来读,其他人拍节奏,一次比一次快,读的同学也一次比一次快,直到读不下去的时候再换另外的同学。 f.pose show. g.英语原声电影经典对白以及经典情节现场模拟


英语沙龙范文 英语沙龙活动简介 常规活动(每周): 1英语角:每周外教会带来不同的话题介绍,陪你一起玩有趣的 游戏,在欢乐的互动中了解西方文化,提高英语。 2口语圈:每周 大家在图书馆前或专业楼草坪上几人围成一圈,围绕不同topic进行英语交流,致力于走出哑巴英语的阴霾.Do not be shy, just a try!! 3晨读:7:20在图书馆水池前进行晨读,英沙会发放晨读材料, 当然也可自带滴。 其他: 1.万圣节party/主题晚会 2.协助外院举办省级外研杯英语演讲比赛 3.四六级讲座 4.一年一度的游玩等等

洪塘头小学英语沙龙活动总结 随着英语越来越受到社会和家长的重视,回顾本次的英语小组的活动情况,虽取得了一定的成绩,也有一些不足之处。为了下学年能更好的开展兴趣小组,特将本学期来的活动情况总结如下,以便以后能做到取长补短,有所提高。 一、培养了学生的对英语的兴趣: 兴趣是学生的内驱力,引发学生浓厚的情感是学好英语的关键。参加兴趣小组的同学,有一部学生分本身就对英语充满了兴趣,但是也有一部分学生是在父母的要求下参加英语兴趣小组的。因此,培养学生对英语的兴趣是组织英语兴趣小组的首要任务。在本学期的英语兴趣活动中,如何将这种兴趣保持下去,是本学期工作的重点, 为此我们科组大胆使用内容生动,色彩绚丽的课外教材,以新的切入点进行英语,并运用学生喜欢的方式进行授课,例如用英语演情景剧、唱英文歌、英语小游戏等等。使学生感觉到学习英语是一件好玩又有趣的事,从而对英语产生了浓厚的兴趣。 二、拓展学生的英语知识面:

学生对英语的了解主要是通过校本教材的知识传授,但随着英语在中国的普及,很多时候对我们生活起实际作用的英语知识书本上并不一定有,所以在兴趣活动中拓展学生的英语知识也是 重要的内容之一。我们科组通过多种途径获取各种英语资料来丰富学生的知识,例如自编英语小故事,安排课后读英语小故事,看英语动画片等,让学生多接受生活中常用的英语,让学生更好的理解英语的实用性! 三、增加学生口语锻炼的机会: 说到底英语还是一门语言课,仅仅会写会听是不够的,因此能说会说才是真正的重点,因此我们科组将课堂中的大部分时间用在与学生进行口语交际上。用英语和肢体语言来表达自己的意思,尽量做到“No Chinese!”。主要通过学生跟读、师生对话、学生相互情景对话的方式增加学生的口语锻炼,纠正学生的发音,使学生真正领悟英语的精髓,而不是单纯的学“哑巴英语”。 四、丰富了学生的第二课堂: 从素质的角度丰富了学生的课余生活,他们的生活不在仅限于课堂上,让他们意识到学习的乐趣,更有兴趣学习了。
