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Word Bank

alienation: a turning away; estrangement疏远,疏离

altitude: the height of a thing above a reference level高度,海拔

assemble: to bring or call together into a group or whole召集

bureaucrat: an official of a bureaucracy官僚

collaboration: the act of working with another or others on a joint project协作

commission: a group of people officially authorized to perform certain duties or functions调查团

commoditize: to make sth. bear the feature of being a commodity商品化

commodity: something useful that can be turned to commercial or other advantage日用品,商品

concrete: of or relating to an actual, specific thing or instance具体的,实际的

converge: to tend toward or approach an intersecting point汇聚

destructive: causing or wreaking destruction; ruinous破坏,破坏性的

dismantling: the act of taking apart or tearing down拆开,分解

embassy: a building containing the offices of an ambassador and staff大使馆

embolden: to foster boldness or courage in使大胆,使有胆量

exclusion: the act or practice of excluding 排除

flattening: being flat扁平的

gang: a group of criminals or hoodlums帮派

grievance: a feeling of resentment or injustice at having been unfairly treated抱怨;委屈hateful: feeling or showing hatred憎恨的

instrument: a means by which something is done; an implement手段;工具

invisible: impossible to see; not visible看不见的

minimize: to reduce to the smallest possible amount, extent, size, or degree最小化

outsource: to buy in (components for a product) rather than manufacture them外界供应

oyster: any of several edible bivalve mollusks牡蛎

potential: capable of being but not yet in existence潜在的,可能的

refuge: a place providing protection or shelter庇护所

reservation: the act of reserving保留

restriction: the act of restricting限带,限定

retiree: one who has retired from active working life退休者

spot: a place of relatively small and definite limits场所;地点

stimulate: to excite (a nerve, organ, etc.) with a stimulus刺激;激发

summon: to call together召集;召唤

swarm: to move in or form a large number成群移动或出现

unlock: to undo or set free打开;释放

utmost: of the highest or greatest degree, amount, or intensity; most extreme极度的,最大的versus: against与……相对

warp: to turn or twist (wood, for example) out of shape扭曲

Phrases and Expressions

bring about: to cause to happen造成

bring down: to cause to fall打倒,击落

draw up: to prepare a draft of (a legal document) 草拟

look through: to examine查阅;审校

reflect on: to think over思考;反省

Reading Comprehension

Choose the best for each of the following.

1. It is concluded in the article that 11/9 and 9/11 are different in that __C___.

A. 11/9 brought down a wall and 9/11 opened the windows of the world

B. 11/9 brought down the World Trade Center and 9/11 put up new invisible walls

C. 11/9 represented the creative imagination and 9/11 represented the destructive imagination

D. 11/9 unlocked half the planet and 9/11 made the citizens potential partners and competitors

2. According to the article, what might be the cause(s) of 11/9? ( D )

A. Hundreds of East Germans sought refuge at the West German embassy in Hungary.

B. The East German government gave in to the pressure built up by the escape of more than thirteen thousand East Germans.

C. Eastern Europeans looked forward to walking out from behind the Iron Curtain and engage with a flattening world.

D. All of the above.

3. "We were the only superpower, and the world was our oyster" (Para. 4) Here "oyster" infers that __B__.

A. the world itself provides a shelter for Americans

B. people in America could enjoy supreme freedom so as to get everything they want from life

C. Americans feel to be playing a significant role in the whole world

D. America is a paradise of liberty and freedom

4. Why could imagination never be commoditized according to the article? ( B )

A. Because imagination is too important to be commoditized.

B. Because imagination is too individualized to be commoditized.

C. Because it is extremely tough for imagination to be commoditized under a near total monopoly of power.

D. Because it is of no value at all to commoditize imagination.

5. It can be inferred from what Irving Wladawsky Berger says that ___A__.

A. positive imagination could possibly ease the danger from individuals even without the instruments of a state

B. focus on productive outcomes could advance and unite civilization

C. peaceful imagination could minimize alienation and celebrate interdependence

D. stimulating positive imagination is of the utmost importance
