中级口译 复旦大学 中英对照 翻译

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Distinguished guests,

Welcome to Fudan University. This is the main campus of the university. We have three sub,-campuses, which are not on this tour list. Before you start to look around, allow me to give you a brief account of this university.

2、复旦大学目前拥有17个全日制学院、69个系、73个学士学位点、201个硕士学位点,22个一级学科和134个二级学科可授予博士学位。复旦大学还有7个教育部国家级重点社科研究基地、9个国家级基础科学研究基地、25个博士后科学研究流动站。复旦大学拥有国家级重点学科多达40个,在全国排名第三。复旦大学还设有77个研究所、112个跨学科研究所和5个国家级重点实验室。此外,复旦大学拥有8家从事医疗、教学和科研的一流教学医院。Fudan University, currently, comprises 17 full-time colleges and schools, 69 departments, 73 bachelor's degree programs, 201 master's degree programs, 22 disciplines and 134 sub-disciplines authorized to confer Ph. D. degrees. It has 7 key social science research centers of Ministry of Education, 9 national basic science research and training institutes and 25 post-doctoral research stations. It has 40 national key disciplines granted by the Ministry of Education, nationally third, 77 research institutes, 112 cross-disciplinary research institutes and five national key laboratories. Also, Fudan University has eight first-class teaching hospitals that integrate medical service, medicine education and research.

3、复旦大学拥有高水准的全职教学科研人员2 400多名,其中包括1 350名教授和副教授、24名两院院士,以及660名博士生导师。目前学校的在校生已达45 000名,包括全日制学生以及接受继续教育和网络教育的学生。此外,还有1 760名外国留学生,在全国排名第二。

Fudan University boasts a high-level faculty of over 2,400 fulltime teachers and researchers, including 1,350 professors and associate professors, 24 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 660 doctoral supervisors. Currently, Fudan University has an enrollment of over 45,000, including full-time students and students in continuing education and online education. Also, there're nearly 1,760 students from overseas, nationally second.


Fudan University was founded in 1905, now known as one of China's leading institutions of higher learning with the longest history. The beginning of the 20th century witnessed an impoverished and enfeebled China that slumbered in dim prospects. It also saw a number of

patriotic intellectuals of ideals and integrity translating and introducing Western academic knowledge. Modernizing education came to be an immediate concern among the Chinese people.

A consequence of that concern was the abolishing of the age-old imperial examination system in 1905. In the same year, Fudan Public School, the predecessor of Fudan University, was founded in Shanghai.



The name of the university Fudan, meaning "the morning sun rising again", can be etymologically traced back to an ancient Chinese book "Fudan", which includes a poetic line. "Brilliant are the sunlight and the moonlight~ after a night the day dawns again." In its century-old course of development, Fudan University has negotiated various impediments, contributing remarkably to the dissemination of scientific knowledge and the cultivation of scientific talents, shedding luminous light on the creation of China's modern rationality and the nurturing of humanistic spirit. With its liberal, democratic academic ambience, Fudan University has played a pivotal role in shaping the academic and urban culture of southeast China.


Over the past one hundred years, Fudan University, in the spirit of patriotic advancement and with the democratic and scientific approach, has actively participated in and effectively promoted China's modernization drive. Grounded in its educational philosophy of "extensive scholarship with unyielding dedication and earnest inquiry with close examination", this university has shaped an academic ideology of extracting the best and exploiting the greatest. As a result, the university has turned out, class upon class, graduates with brilliant scholarship and lofty aspiration, many of whom have become great leaders in China's grand undertaking of socialist construction.


With its hard-earned centennial legacy, Fudan University finds itself confronting a great chance of further development, a chance in a hundred years. Ranked by the government as a top university that deserves priority development among Chinese institutions of higher learning, Fudan University has embarked on its journey leading to the pantheon of the world's leading universities. Now is the moment that Fudan University cannot afford to lose to inherit its fine tradition and usher in the future mission. You will see Fudan people striving together in good faith
