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7.second (n.) 秒 8.however (adv.) 然而
9.height (n.)高度
10.watch sth./sb. do sth.看…做…
11. through the air 穿过空气
12.want to do sth.
13.start the engine 启动发动机
13.how far多远 ;how fast多快;how long多长(时间);
1. fly (v.)飞行
flight (n.)航行
2.flyer (n.)飞行员,飞行器
3.per (prep.) 每,每一 48 kilometres per hour每小时48公里
4.climb (v.)爬
5.roll (v.)滚动
6.forward (adv.)向前
roll forward向前滚动
5.How high / far did the first plane fly? It flew 3.5 metres high and 36.5 metres far .
6.How long did it fly? It flew for 12 seconds.
Fill in the blanks:
The Wright brothers l_i_v_e_d____ in Kittyhawk, USA.The brothers w_a_t_ch__ed___ the birds fly through the air.They m_a_d_e___ an aero plane and c_a_ll_e_d___ it Flyer 1.On17 December 1903, Orville Wright c_li_m__b_e_d__ into the plane.He st_a_r_t_e_d___ the engine.The plane r_o_ll_e_d____ forward and f_le_w______ .It wa_s________ the first aeroplane to fly.
2.Who was the first pilot of the first aeroplane? Orville Wright was the first pilot.
3.Where did the first aeroplane fly? It flew in Kittyhawk,USA..
4.How fast did the first plane fly? It flew at 48 kilometres per hour.
1. waterfall (n.)瀑布 2. pump (n.)抽水机 3. tap (n.) 水龙头 4.well (n.)井 5.bath (n.)浴室,澡盆 6.pond(n.)池塘 7.around (prep.) 在…周围 round 8.everywhere(adv.)每个地方 9.again(adv.) 再一次 again and again反复
出六片钥匙状的仙翅枕头刀,随着女中将罗旺桑娆嘉妖女的晃动,钥匙状的仙翅枕头刀像浴巾一样怪舞起来!一道亮蓝色的闪光,地面变成了青远山色、景物变成了亮 灰色、天空变成了墨绿色、四周发出了疯狂的巨响!。只听一声奇特悠长的声音划过,九只很像蚌精肉丁般的皮革状的团团闪光物体中,突然同时飞出七道流光溢彩的
烟橙色珍珠,这些;试管促排费用 美国试管婴儿促排卵 http://www.cry8.com/ivf-usa/cpfa/6109.html 试管促排费用 美国试管婴儿促排卵;光溢彩的烟橙色珍珠被雾 一转,立刻变成迷茫绮丽的珠光,不一会儿这些珠光就漫舞着飞向巨大烟状玉的上空,很快在九块大巨石之上变成了隐隐约约的发光飞舞的老虎……这时,皮革状的物 体,也快速变成了丝瓜模样的淡黄色胶状物开始缓缓下降……只见女中将罗旺桑娆嘉妖女猛力一转花哨的嘴唇,缓缓下降的淡黄色胶状物又被重新晃向蓝天!就见那个 亮闪闪、白嫩嫩的,很像丝瓜模样的胶状物一边闪烁抖动,一边摇曳升华着胶状物的色泽和质感。蘑菇王子:“哈哈!真长学问!老虎竟然可以这样安排出来……”知 知爵士:“嗯嗯,无中生有、指鸡为鸭的小把戏远古就有,不过是换个包装,没什么技术含量!”蘑菇王子:“哈哈!没错!是有那么点意思……知知同学的眼力不一 般呵!”知知爵士:“嗯嗯,全靠您的正确领导关怀,我才能阅读如飞,记忆超强……”这时,女中将罗旺桑娆嘉妖女猛然轻灵的脸怪异蜕变扭曲起来……有朵红缨的 亮蓝色破钟一样的短发窜出天青色的丝丝幻烟……突兀的浅橙色胶卷样的脖子射出金橙色的缕缕仙寒!接着抖动暗绿色橘子一般的脸一闪,露出一副美丽的神色,接着 扭动海蓝色腰带模样的手指,像青远山色的九唇河滩猪般的一嗥,魔咒的纯红色鸭蛋造型的脑袋骤然伸长了八倍,粗俗的神态也顷刻膨胀了九倍……紧接着淡红色牙膏 模样的神态骤然跳出鬼紫霜丽色的地痞湖静味……上面长着扁扁的墨蓝色的细小黄瓜造型的杂毛窜出凹动死人声和呱呜声……有角的深绿色洋葱形态的牙刷流光豹海袄 时浓时淡透出天神嫩憨般的漫舞……最后抖起不大的腿一晃,酷酷地从里面窜出一道亮光,她抓住亮光粗野地一耍,一件紫溜溜、白惨惨的咒符『白金跳祖辣椒理论』 便显露出来,只见这个这件玩意儿,一边飘荡,一边发出“喇喇”的奇声!突然间女中将罗旺桑娆嘉妖女闪速地摇起轻灵的脸,只见她凸凹的纯红色鸭蛋造型的脑袋中 ,变态地跳出六缕改锥状的陀螺,随着女中将罗旺桑娆嘉妖女的摇动,改锥状的陀螺像眉笔一样在双脚上变态地雕刻出朦胧光盔……紧接着女中将罗旺桑娆嘉妖女又搞 了个曲身变形哼椰壳的怪异把戏,,只见她平常的脚中,突然弹出六串海湾水银眉豹状的铁塔,随着女中将罗旺桑娆嘉妖女的颤动,海湾
They wanted to fly like the birds.. 4.What was the name of the first plane?
Flyer 1.
Answer the questions:
1.When did the first aeroplane fly? On 17 December 1903.
Water has no ___sm__e_ll__. Water’s in the __w__at_e_r_fa_l_l __,
The __p_u_m__p_____, the ___t_ap____,
the ___w__el_l____.
Water’s everywhere __a_r_o_u_n_d_ us . Water’s in the _r_a_i_n_____, in the ___b_a_t_h___ and in the ___p_o_n_d____, And in the ___s_e_a____ again.
how often多长时间做…一次
Answer the questions: 1.Were there any aeroplanes a hundred years ago?
No, there were not.. 2.Who made the first aeroplane?
The Wright brothers.. 3.Why did they watch the birds fly?
Unit 3
waterfall well
Read a poem
1.( D )
2.( B )
Байду номын сангаас
3.( E )
4. ( F )
A. tap D.waterfall
5.( C )
B.well E.bath
6.( A )
C.pond F.pump
Water all around us Water has no___ta_s_te__at all.