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I. Vocabulary & Structure

Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A,

B, C and D. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a

single line through the center.

1. He was seriously ill and his parents were ________ to him.

A. guiding

B. sending

C. attending

D. looking after

2. The average age ________ is between 35 and 55 among these members.

A. range

B. limit

C. term

D. bound

3. We expressed our ________ for her loss.

A. happiness

B. sympathy

C. anger

D. embarrassment

4. He scored four of the baskets but ________ a free throw.

A. missed

B. escaped

C. got

D. passed

5. He had always been ________ and helpful and remained so after he became quite famous.

A. proud

B. mean

C. evil

D. modest

6. I’m so sorry to have ________ you waiting so long.

A. kept

B. caught

C. made

D. talked

7. The land was covered ________ beautiful pink flowers.

A. by

B. to

C. at

D. with

8. She didn’t like him so when he was trying to kiss her she turned her head ________.

A. down

B. away

C. up

D. on

9. He faithfully ________ his promise so you can trust him completely.

A. looks forward to

B. pays attention to

C. lives up to

D. takes in

10. He ran ________ his teacher in the corner a few minutes later.

A. out of

B. on

C. into

D. at

11. Children should be taught to ______ their toys with others.

A. divide

B. separate

C. leave

D. share

12. I couldn’t understand even a (n) ______ word she said!

A. single

B. only

C. one

D. sole

13. I didn’t ______ up until I h eard the alarm clock.

A. awake

B. wake

C. awaken

D. waken

14. His research has proved t to be of little practical ______.

A. satisfaction

B. value

C. goal

D. passion

15. The smile on her face made it all ______.

A. worthwhile

B. unwilling

C. gaining

D. delighted

16. I was driving down a two-lane highway _____ a car approached from the opposite direction.

A. when

B. as

C. so

D. that

17. On learning English, _______ you must realize is that there is no shortcut but hard work.
