



本试卷共四部分, 满分150分。考试时间120分钟。



听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有l 0秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.How many countries has the man traveled overseas to?

A.three. B.Four.


2.What did the man do?

A.Looked at the windows.

B.Cleaned the windows.

C.Cleaned the house.

3.Why did the woman apologize to the man?

A.She waited for him too long.

B.She was late for coming.

C.She couldn’t come.

4.What does the man say about Marilyn?

A.She was a proper controller.

B.She preten ded she was happy.

C.She was extremely pleased.

5.What does the man imply?

A.He will continue his work on vacation.

B.Papers piled while he was on vacation.

C.He has too much work to do.




6.Why did the woman have to go to the man’s office after class?

A.She has not done well in English recently.

B.She has trouble with her classmates lately.

C.She has been late for class of late.

7.What does the woman do to earn her school fees?

A.Sells milk. B.Delivers milk. C.Makes milk.

8.What kind of person do we learn about the man?

A.He is kind and helpful. B.He is strict and learned. C.He is strict but kind.


9.What are the speakers talking about?

A.When to attend a party.

B.What to do during a dinner.

C.How to be a polite guest.

10.What should the man do if he is forty minutes late for a party?

A.Not go to the party. B.Arrive after calling. C.Take a valuable gift.

11.What should be done during the dinner?

A.Praise the host or hostess for the meal.

B.Thank the host or hostess for the dinner.

C.Thank the host or hostess as much as possible.


12.When does the conversation take place?

A.In the morning. B.In the afternoon. C.In

the evening.

13.What has the man bought in the shop?

A.Shirt and gloves. B.Shirt and tie. C.Tie and socks.

14.What is the man’s total bill?

A. 3.95 dollars. B. 4.50 dollars. C.4.60 dollars.

听第9段材料,回答第15至l 7题。

15.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a chemist’s.B.In a clinic. C.At a dentist’s.

16.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man has been feeling sick for two days.

B.The man has not eaten anything for several days.

C.The man has been using the restroom over five times a day.

17.How is the man’s temperature?

A. A little lower. B.Normal.

C.A little higher.


18.Why did his parents buy John a computer? Because he won ________.

A.a gold medal in the long jump.

B.a silver medal in the 800-meter race.

C.a bronze medal in the high jump.

19.What effect did the computer make?

A.It helped John to learn many computer skills.

B.It had bad effects on John’s study and sleep.

C.It helped John with his lessons.

20.Why do you think John was happy in the end?

A.His mother showed him her love and respect for him.

B.His mother helped to save his face.

C.He could still watch TV late at night.





Test 1

M: I’ve traveled to Rome, Paris, London and New York, but I prefer living in San Francisco.

W: of course. That’s where your home is and your friends live.

M: Very true.

Test 2

W: What did you do when I was away?

M: Look at the windows. They are clean, aren’t they?

Test 3

W: I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.

M: That’s quite all right. I have been here for just half an hour.

Test 4

W: Marilyn seems happy with her grade.

M: Happy? She could hardly control herself

Test 5

W: I’m afraid you’ve been working too hard. You should take a vacation.

M: Tell that to a pile of papers on my desk.




W: May I come in, Sir?

M: Yes, please. You’re Jane, I suppose?

W: Yes, Sir. I was told to see you at your office after class.

M: Oh, yes. Well, I was told that you have had some trouble attending your English class on time during the past few days. Can I help you in any way?

W: Uh…yes. I really hate to be late for classes, Sir. But I have to deliver twenty bottles of milk to twenty houses every morning before I come to school since both my parents fell ill two months ago.

M: Oh, I am sorry to hear that. But don’t you have any other people to help you?

W: I am afraid not. I am the only child in my family. I have to do something to help my family to pay for my school fees.

M: I see. I think we can do something to help you. What if we give you a scholarship?

W: It’s very kind of you, Sir. It would be a great help to me.

M: Would you tell me where you stand in your class?

W: I am always on the top 10% list, Sir.

M: That’s great. Everything will be OK, little girl. I will give a week’s time to stop your delivering milk.

W: Thanks a lot, Sir. I won’t let you down.


M: Ms. White, I am invited to a party at an American home. Could you tell me how

I can be a polite guest?

W: You should follow some rules. First, you should take a small gift such as flowers or wine for your host or hostess. And, you must arrive on time. If the dinner time is 7:00 p.m., don’t arrive before 6:30 or after 7:30 without calling.

M: What should I do during the dinner?

W: Be sure to praise your host or hostess for the meal.

M: Can I have a talk with the host or hostess after dinner?

W: You can, but you shouldn’t stay too long. Finally, thank your host or hostess for the dinner when you leave.

M: I learned a lot today. Thanks for your advice.

W: That’s all right.(1056158331)


W: Good afternoon, Sir. May I help you?

M: Yes, I’d like to buy a white shirt.

W: Yes, Sir. I’d be glad to show you some. W hat size, please?

M: Fifteen and a half, thirty-four.

W: There’s one in your size. This is a very fine shirt.

M: How much is it?

W: These are five ninety-five each.

M: That’s a little more than I wanted to pay. Don’t you have any less expensive shirts?

W: Yes, I think I can find some for you. Here are some for four fifty. And then we have some here for three ninety-five.

M: This one will be all right.. I’ll take one.

W: Are you sure one will be enough?

M: Yes. That’s all I need just now.

W: Have you seen our new ties?

M: Yes. I just bought one here yesterday.

W: Do you need handkerchiefs or socks? I’d be glad to go show you some gloves, perhaps.

M: No, nothing else, thank you. That will be all for today.

W: Very well, Sir. Here you are. That will be four dollars and fifty cents, and ten cents for the tax. Thank you, Sir. Please come again.


W: Come in. What can I do for you?

M: I haven’t been feeling well for two days. Every time I have something to eat, it goes straight through me, and I also feel sick.

W: How many times a day have you been using the restroom?

M: I go to the restroom 3 or 4 times a day.

W: When do you get a stomachache?

M: Immediately after eating.

W: Are they very bad?

M: Yes, really.

W: First let me take your temperature. Your temperature is slightly above normal.

Open your mouth and say “Ah﹍”


When 16-year-old John first entered high school four years ago, he worked very hard and always got very good grades. Besides doing well in his lessons, he was very active in sports. To get up every morning to practice running, he never took the school bus to school. He always ran there. He even won a silver medal in the 800~meter race at the school sports meeting a year ago. As a reward, his parents bought him something that they had wanted him to have for a long time----a computer. Something began to change. He stopped getting up early and never ran to school. His interest in sports suddenly disappeared.

Sometimes he got up so late, so he would miss the school bus and then miss school.

Soon his school work began to suffer. Once in the middle of the night his mother saw light in John’s room. She went in and discovered the cause of John’s change. John had played computer games so late into the night ever since he had his computer. This had a bad effect on his study and he suffered from lack of sleep. This must be stopped. The next day she had a serious talk with john.

Instead of taking away his computer, she told him he was old enough to learn to have some control over himself.

John was happy that he had such a wonderful mother and promised to correct himself.


1-5 ABBBC 6---10 CBACB 11---15 ABBCB 16 ---20 ACBBA

