


Unit1 I like dogs


1.I like ??. 我喜??.(在个句型中 ,like 后面的名通常用复数 ,加 s/es)

例如: I like dogs/ pandas/ elephants ??

2.I don ’tlike ??我不喜?. (在个句型中 ,like 后面的名通常用复数 ,加 s/es) .

I don ’tlike dogs/ pandas/ elephants??

3.Do you like ?..?你喜?..?(在个句型中 ,like 后面的名通常用复数 ,加 s/es)

---Do you like dogs/ pandas/ elephants ???

---Yes, I do./ No, I don ’t.

4.--- Would you like ?.?

---Yes, please. / No, thanks.

5.Look at these toy animals. 看看些物玩具。

6.They are cute and fat.他又胖又可。

7.an elephant一只大象

Unit 2 Let’s make a fruit salad

1.an orange

2.mango 的复数是 mangoes

3.I have a/ an ??.

4.--- Do you have a/ an ?.?

---Yes, I do./ No, I don ’t.

5.I have some ??.(s/es)

6.--- Do you have any ??( s/es)

---Yes, I do./ No, I don ’t.

7.--- Let’s make a fruit salad.


8.--- Look at our fruit salad.

---How nice!

(Look at?答句中通常要美、夸西。)

Unit 3 how many?

1.How many ?..(s/es) do you have?

在个句型中 ,注意两点:第一,how many 的后面个名一定要加s 或 es. 第二 ,答句中一定要用数字回答。

2.例如: --- How many mangoes do you have?

---I have six mangoes.

3. Can I have a look? 和 can I have one? 两个句子都可以用sure/ Yes/ Ok 来回答。


--- Look at?

--- They are nice/lovely?How many? s do you have?

--- I have?Do you have any?s?

---Yes, I do. / No, I don ’Cant. I have a look?/ Can I have one?

---Yes./ OK./ Sure.


Unit4 I can play basketball

译林英语四年级上册 3.play table tennis打球


期末复习知识点整理 4.very well 非常好

5.have a try 一

2.play football 踢足球

6.What about you?你呢?


--Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.

8.-- Can Su Yang swim?-- Can she swim?

-- Yes, she can./ No, she can’t.-- Yes, she can./ No, she can’ t.

9.-- Can Liu Tao jump?-- Can Liu Tao jump?

-- Yes, he can./ No, he can ’t.-- Yes, he can./ No, he can’ t.

10.Don’tbe sad,Bobby.

11.I can’tfly/ swim either.

12.I can fly too.

Unit5 our new home



2.your clock

3.in the living room/bedroom/

bathroom/ kitchen

4.on the sofa/ table

5.in the fridge

https://www.360docs.net/doc/f914907495.html,e and look

7.white cap 8.-- where ’s my bag?

--It ’s in/ on/ under+ 地点。9.–Where are your skirts?

-- They’re in/ on/ under+地点。

10.-- What would you like?

--I’d like ?

11.-- Would you like an orange?

--Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

12.How are you?

I’m hungry/ thirsty.


译林英语四年级上册期末复习知识点整理2. a glass of juice/ milk

3. a sandwich some sandwiches sandwich 的复数是加es

译林英语四年级上册期末复习知识点整理5, rice 和 fish 是不可数名,不能加 s

6,-- What would you like?

--I’d like a hamburger and a glass of milk.

7,-- Would you like ?.?

--Yes, please./ No, thanks.

8, What about you?

9, Anything else?

10, Here’s a snack bar.

11.I’d like some fish.

12, What a big egg/ fish!

Unit7 How much?

1, an umbrella

2, a pair of shoes/ socks

3, -- How much is +名词单数?

--It ’s + 数字 +yuan.

例如: -- How much is the umbrella?

-- It’s nineteen yuan.

4. –How much are + 名词复数(有 s 或 es)

-- They’re +数字 +yuan.

注意: yuan 是不能加 s 的 ,不管前面钱的数量是多少,都不能加 s 或 es.

例如: -- How much are these shoes?

--They’re five yuan.

5.These socks are very nice.

6.This umbrella is cool.

7.We have twenty eight yuan.

8.only 仅仅 ,只有

9.Well done.

10.How many would you like?

11.They’re for my sister Tina.

12.Her tail is long.

Unit8 Dolls

译林英语四年级上册 2.fat thin


期末复习知识点整理 3.long short

4.tall short


6.Look at our doll.

7.Her hair is long/ short.

8.Her eyes/ ears are big/ small.

9.Her nose and mouth are small.

10.His mouth is big.

11.请注意以上句子中 is 和 are 的用法。

12.He’s a king now.

13.snowman 的复数是 snowmen.

14.These robots are cool!

15.You are short.

16.I m’ tall.
