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mad and unfit to plead.
借口 She left early, pleading a headache. He apologized for not coming to the party, pleading
pressure of work. I pleaded that I was ill so I couldn’t go to the party.
Eg: Look me up, at your leisure. drop in me, at your leisure. At your leisure, please call me. wait sb.’s leisure 等某人有空闲的时候
keen adj. 热心的,渴望的
be keen to do sth/ be fond of/be crazy
Intense: keen pain
The blind have a keen sense of touch. He has a keen appreciation of music. 他对音乐有敏锐的欣赏力。
They were particularly keen on shopping malls.
leisure n. 空闲
At one’s leisure Please call me at your leisure. Spare time How do you spend your leisure time? Take a leisurely stroll 悠闲的 Is the ideal place for leisure. 是休闲度假的理想场所。 Wealth may be an excellent thing, for it means
advisory adj. 咨询的
Advisory committee/body/services Advisable 明智的可取的 It Is advisable to do sth
He pleaded family problems for his lack of concentration.
He pleaded with his parewenku.baidu.comts for a more understanding attitude.
They pleaded with the landlord for more time to pay for the rent.
Do it yourself
plead v. 找(借口),辩解
恳求,请求: He pleaded with us to let him go to the rock concert.
抗辩;答辩: to plead in court The woman charged with murder was said to be
head down and not speaking unless spoken to. Be ignorant of /about sth Be unaware of/be unconscious of/ be in the dark
publication n. 出版物
This material is for publication. 这个材料是用于发表的。 This book is ready for publication. On the other hand, is a digital publication. 另外一块,是数码出版。
power, leisure, and liberty. Luxury goods, recreation and leisure are all likely to
see sharp growth
leisure hours at leisure 悠闲自得的,空闲的
Eg: I’m quite at leisure if you want me to help you. at one’s leisure 在某人空闲的时候,在 某人高兴的时候
Plead with sb to do sth
Plead with sb for sth
English is so popular that no one can plead ignorance of it.
Pleading ignorance of the law won’t help you.
newlyweds n. 新婚夫妇
Wedding present/dress/banquet/ring Unwedded mother
gaily adv. 愉快地,高兴地
Gaily painted 涂有鲜亮颜色 Gaily decorated 亮色装饰
Gay/ lesbian Gaily and happily the prince danced.
ignorance n. 无知,不懂
His long dull lecture displayed his ignorance of the subject.
I regret my ignorance on the subject. He lives in ignorance of outside world. I attempted to mask my ignorance by keeping my
about/be earnest about
eager, anxious be keen about 迷上,喜欢上 The boy is keen about footfall. be keen on sth. 迷上,喜欢上(口) be keen on hamburgers
anxious (焦急的心情,因焦虑而渴望) eager (因特别想得到或拥有某物而渴求) Eg: What are you eager for? keen (因为极大的兴趣和欲念而热衷于)