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第33卷 第3期2009年6月

测 井 技 术


V ol .33 N o .3Jun 2009


作者简介:王 华,男,1982年生,博士研究生,主要研究方向为声波测井及电缆地层测试器。



王 华


,陶 果




(1.油气资源与探测国家重点实验室中国石油大学,北京102249;2.北京市地球探测与信息技术重点实验室中国石油大学,北京102249;3.中国石油新疆油田分公司勘探开发研究院地球物理研究所,新疆乌鲁木齐830013)摘要:论述了随钻声波测井的纵波测量、横波测量及仪器的发展,分析了随钻声波测井面临的难题。随钻纵波测井仪器隔声体是实现随钻纵波测量的关键;利用漏能纵波求取极慢地层的纵波速度的方法也有所发展。对随钻横波测井进行了总结,快地层随钻横波测井除了可以采用单极子测量,还可以采用四极子模式进行测量;慢地层随钻横波测井可以有偶极子或四极子等方式进行测量,存在争议的是慢地层随钻偶极子的横波测量是否可行。对仪器偏心的研究表明从随钻偶极子中提取地层横波是有可能的。随钻声波测井由于偏心的原因无论采用何种模式进行测量都会产生频散。总结了随钻测井噪声的研究现状,表明噪声均为低频噪声,对随钻横波测井有一定影响。关键词:随钻声波测井;纵波;横波;泄露P 波;各向异性;测井仪器中图分类号:P631.814 文献标识码:A

Review on the Development of Sonic Logging While Drilling

W A NG Hua 1,2,T A O G uo 1,2,ZH A NG Xu -jia n 3

(1.S tate Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resource and Prospecting ,China University of Petroleum ,Beijing 102249,C hina ;

2.Key Laboratory of Earth Prospecting and Information Technology ,China University of Petrol eum ,Beijing 102249,China ;

3.Research In stitu te of Geophysics ,In stitu te of Exploration and Development ,

Xinjiang Oilfield C om pany ,CNPC ,Urumqi ,Xinjian g 830013,C hina )

A bstract :Intro duced is the status about so nic LWD including com pressional w ave m easurement ,shea r w ave measurement and sonic LWD too l ,and analy sed are difficulties in real sonic LWD .Acoustic iso lato r is the key to LWD compressio nal w ave measurement .Some pro gresses have also been made in the method of estimating the slow ness of P w ave in ve ry slo w fo rmatio n from leaky -P w ave in recent years .Then sum marized are the pro gresses about the LWD shear w ave measure -m ent .The LWD shear w ave measurement in fast fo rm ation can be realized by m onopo le m ode and quadrapo le mode ;in the slow fo rm ation ,bo th dipo le mode and quadrapole m ode are o ptional .H ow eve r ,the feasibility of e stim ating the shear slow ness in dipole mo de is contro versial ,w hich has confirmed the po ssibility in the w ave propag atio n studies on acoustic lo gging w hile drilling eccentric too l .T here is dispersio n fo r the off -centered to ol reg ardless o f the source ty pe .The research documents abo ut noise in real sonic LWD indicate the noise spreads to cover the low frequency domain ,w hich is the shear w ave measurement frequency dom ain .It w ill influence the shea r w ave measurement inevitably .

Key words :so nic log ging w hile drilling ,compressional w ave ,shear w ave ,leaky P -w ave ,anisot -ropy ,log ging too l

DOI :10.16489/j .issn .1004-1338.2009.03.010
