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1【判断题】(2分)Teacher’s Pet means the pet which a teacher keeps.B



2【单选题】(2分)I'm a night owl and seldom go to bed until after midnight. I often__B__.A. hunt an owl at night B. stay up

3【判断题】(2分)Hit the books means to beat the books hard.B



4【单选题】(2分)We're going to dine out to celebrate this evening, because my roommatepassed CET-6 with flying__A__.


B. flags

5【单选题】(2分)He has an excellent job, with an amazing car! He even owns his own flatin the City. So he's a bit of a high-flyer. So he is__A__.

A. successful

B. on airplane a lot

6【判断题】(2分)When we say somebody only goes to the library once in a blue moon, weimply that he seldom goes to the library. A


7【单选题】(2分)Choose the best translation of “give him an A for effort” .A





8【单选题】(2分)She’s__D___the moon about her progress.She really wasn’t expecting to get an A on her paper.


B. above

C. in

D. over

9【判断题】(2分)If something is a "drag", that means it is unpleasing or depressing.A A.对B.错

10【单选题】(2分)__B__is about work and means to have a lot or too many duties to perform, or too much work to do at one time.

A.To have a lot in one’s bag

B. To have a lot on one’s plate

C. To have a lot in one’s mouth

D. To have a lot on ones leg.


1单选题(2分)Choose the best translation of “You have really left me high and d ry.” CA.你真的把我留在这又高又干的地方了。B.你真的给我一种”高冷”的感觉。C.你真的让我孤立无援了。D.你真的把高而干燥的东西留给我了。

2【判断题】(2分)To land a job means to get a new job.



3【多选题】(2分)Roll one’s sleeves up implicates ___AB___.

A.to be ready to take action

B. to prepare to get to work

C. to exposing the arms

D. turn one's sleeves upward

4【单选题】(2分)Which of the followings means a large sum of money?A

A.pretty penny

B. penny-ante

C. penny pincher

D. penny wise

5【单选题】(2分)Which of the following phrases can be translated into “生活富裕、过得很阔气”?B

A.on a high h orse

B. live high off the hog

C. get off one’s high horse

D. get on one’s high hog

6【多选题】(2分)You paid only one hundred dollars per month to rent that apartment ? Thatwas __ bang for your buck ABCD

A. true

B. more

C. really

D. the most

7【单选题】(2分)Low-payi ng jobs are ____ but it’s hard to find a good one.D A. dimes and dozens B. a dime and dozen C. a dime and dozens D. a dime a dozen 8【单选题】(2分)The car was so expensive! I can't afford it, and I don't want to break the___. B


B. band

C. road

D. bank

9【判断题】(2分)The phrase “burn a hole in one’s pocket” is usually applied to money,suggesting that the person with the money feels the need to spend it quickly.A A.对B.错

10【单选题】(2分)It's time to roll up your ____ and get the job done.A


B. collar

C. carpet

D. tablecloth


1【判断题】(2分)Girlygirl is a girl or woman who chooses to dress and behave in a traditionally femine style, and talking about relationships and other activities which are associated with the traditional gender role of a girl.A



2【单选题】(2分)I guess I don't have much of a.Every year I plant cabbage,beans and sweet corn in my backyard but all I ever get is a lot of weeds.B A.green power B. green thumb C. green hand D. greenhorn

3【多选题】(2分)When you are in a situation where you make a plan as you go, you'reADA. playing it by score B. playing it safe C. playing by the book D. playing it by ear 4【单选题】(2分)Mary resented alwaysto her older sister.B

A.playing ball

B. playing second fiddle

C. playing first fiddle

D. playing hard

5【多选题】(2分)She says he led her astray, but it .BD
