












Annual output of 98,000 tons refined isopropyl alcohol propylene Process Design Section --- Deethanizing Tower


Propylene is one of raw materials for Petrochemical industry,it occupies an important place in the processing of crude oil. Rectifying column purified and seprated pyrolysis gas to get propylene that largely uses to product principal raw material of the acrylonitrile, butyl alcohol, octyl alcohol, propylene epoxide and isopropanol.In order to improve production capacity with low investment and power,high benifit,Title I design production capacity is 98,000 tons annual output of isopropyl alcohol, started a period of 8,000 hours / year, material composition of ethane, propylene, propane, butane, propylene is 74.1% in material, boiling point of each component and its relative volatility differences of degree of separation of each component. Due to high propylene purity requirement, this paper design the column plate number is more, the propylene tower is higher. Finally based on the results of optimized distillation, determined the equipment parameters of the tower, tower diameter, float valve tray, high tower, heat load, so as to design the bottom reboiler, the overhead condenser and tower

body of the main equipment. Simple process, less investment, the operation is relatively simple, basic can satisfy the industrial production of propylene classy article.

The design uses a multi-component distillation, the process by decreasing volatility program, process design the two towers that is, first isolated by de-ethane ethane tower, tower distillation top separated from the ethane , top of the propylene tower geit that propylene, the purity of 93.5%, and propylene as the product of a device to provide raw materials production and isopropanol, the bottom of the propane can be sold as a commodity or as fires, oil.

A tower equipment generally divided into two types: contact and continuous contact between level. Is the former representative of the plate column, the latter represents the packed tower, in all kinds of tower, currently the most widely used is the sieve plate tower and float valve tower.

In turn the design of the material balance, heat balance, the tower structure of the relevant process calculation, the calculation of heat transfer equipment and ancillary equipment selection, and the data were plotted according to the design automation flow, selection of equipment in accordance with terms of the main site practical, taking into account the requirements of process control and economic


With the rise of advanced control technology, the key control target range from the control value control to change, adjust the relationship between variables and control variables by a single pair of one-way transformation of multivariable predictive control. It is the device controlling the direction of technology development, is gradually spread. In order for the device to facilitate future advanced control, we design, attention to tower top temperature, the bottom of the column temperature and flow indicators are back to keep a large operation flexibility.

Key words: propylene ,de-ethane tower, heat balance, material balance, propylene distillation column.


摘要.................................................. I Abstract............................................... II 1 概述.. (1)

1.1我国化工工艺进展 (1)

1.2丙烯的性质及用途 (1)

1.3丙烯的来源及丙烯生产在化工生产中的地位 (1)

1.4 丙烯精制生产方法的确定 (2)

1.5 丙烯精制工艺流程的叙述 (2)

1.6丙烯的进展前景 (3)

1. 7 丙烯生产新技术现状及进展趋势 (3)

2 丙烯精制装置的物料衡算 (4)

2.1确定关键组分 (4)

2.2脱乙烷塔的物料衡算 (4)

2.2.1 脱乙烷塔的进料量及进料组成 (4)

2.2.2 脱乙烷塔塔顶及塔底的流量及组成 (5)

2.2.3 脱乙烷塔的物料平衡 (6)

2.3 丙烯塔的物料衡算 (6)

2.3.1 丙烯塔的进料量及进料组成 (6)

2.3.2 丙烯塔塔顶及塔底的流量及组成 (7)

2.3.3 丙烯塔的物料平衡 (8)

3 脱乙烷塔和丙烯塔精制工艺条件的确定 (9)

3.1脱乙烷工艺条件的确定 (9)

3.1.1操作压力的确定 (9)

3.1.2 回流温度的确定 (10)

3.1.3塔顶温度的计算 (10)

3.1.4 塔底温度的计算 (11)

3.1.5 进料温度的计算 (12)

3.1.6 脱乙烷塔操作条件汇总 (12)

3.2丙烯塔工艺条件的确定 (13)

3.2.1 操作压力的确定 (13)

3.2.2 塔顶温度的计算 (14)

3.2.3 塔底温度的计算 (14)

3.2.4 进料温度的计算 (14)

3.2.5 丙烯塔操作条件汇总 (15)

4 脱乙烷塔和丙烯塔塔板数的确定 (16)

4.1 脱乙烷塔塔板数的计算 (16)

4.1.1 最小回流比的计算 (16)

4.1.2 最少理论塔板数的计算 (17)

4.1.3 理论塔板数和实际回流比的确定 (18)

4.1.4 实际塔板数的确定 (18)

4.1.5 实际进料位置的确定 (19)

4.1.6 脱乙烷塔塔板数计算结果汇总 (20)

4.2 丙烯塔塔板数的计算 (20)

4.2.1 最小回流比的计算 (20)

4.2.2 最少理论塔板数的计算 (22)

4.2.3 理论塔板数和实际回流比的确定 (22)

4.2.4 实际塔板数的确定 (23)

4.2.5 进料位置的确定 (23)

4.2.6 丙烯塔塔板数计算结果汇总 (24)

5 热量衡算 (25)

5.1 脱乙烷塔热量衡算 (25)

5.1.1 脱乙烷塔再沸器热负荷的计算 (25)

5.1.2 脱乙烷塔冷凝器热负荷的计算 (27)

5.2丙烯塔的热量衡算 (28)

5.2.1再沸器热负荷的范围 (28)

5.2.2 丙烯塔冷凝器热负荷的计算 (30)

结论 (1)

参考文献 (2)

谢辞 (3)

1 概述






丙烯是三大合成材料的差不多原料,要紧用于生产丙烯腈、异丙烯、丙酮和环氧丙烷等。丙烯与乙烯共聚生成乙丙橡胶。丙烯与氯和水起加成反应,生产环氧丙烷,加水丙二醇。丙烯在酸性催化剂存在下与苯反应,生成异丙苯 C6H5CH(CH3 )2,丙烯在催化剂存在下与氨和空气中的氧起氨氧化反应,生成丙烯腈,丙烯在高温下氯化,生成烯丙基氯CH2=CHCH2Cl。本文利用丙烯与硫酸起加成反应,生成异丙基硫酸,后者水解生成异丙醇,但由于所用原料丙烯含量为74.1%,需精制后丙烯含量为93.5%以上才可作异丙醇生产原料。


丙烯要紧通过石油加工获得,丙烯精制产品中,聚丙烯、丙烯腈需求旺盛,特不是聚丙烯需求高于总体平均水平为 6.1%。亚洲地区需求年均增长率5.6%,北美5.8%,西欧3.8%。依照新装置增设打算,中东地区从110万吨提高为240万吨,增幅为14.9%。亚洲地区新增能力将达340万吨,增幅为3.2%。中国是生产能力增幅最高的国家,同期能力将从370万能胶和增加到620万吨,年均增幅达9.2%。日本年均增长率仅为2.2%。

1.4 丙烯精制生产方法的确定

由于原料中的 3C和03C常压沸点相近,都在-40℃以下,常压下分离这两个组分需采纳深冷的方法,使用制冷剂,工艺流程复杂,



图1-1 工艺流程比较

1.5 丙烯精制工艺流程的叙述

