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昆明理工大学 硕士学位论文 渐变刚度钢板弹簧设计研究 姓名:王庆五 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:机械设计及理论 指导教师:徐人平;杨维平
渐变刚度汽车钢板弹簧是一种刚度随载荷的变化而变化的汽车悬架系统,由 于悬架的刚度决定了汽车的行驶甲顺性,而汽车行驶平顺性不仅能保证乘员的舒 适与所运货物的完整无损,而且还可以提高汽车的运输生产率,降低燃料消耗, 延长零件的使用寿命和提高零件的工作可靠性等。渐变刚度钢板弹簧是日前刚度 曲线与理想的刚度曲线最接近的钢板弹簧,所以被广泛使用,而且随着渐变刚度 钢板弹簧生产工艺的发展,’占的使用范围正在不断扩大。但长期以来,渐变刚度 钢板弹簧在设计方法上没有根本的改变,与发达国家相比,国产渐变刚度钢板弹 簧在单车消耗量和使用寿命两方面都存在巨大差距。对渐变刚度钢板的设计进行 研究对提高我国渐变刚度钢板弹簧的单车消耗量和使用寿命方面有重大的意义。
渐变刚度钢板弹簧足一种性能优越的钢板弹簧,对其在不同工作状态下的应 力分布、刚度变化过去公有有限的理论研究,在昆明钢板弹簧厂的配合下,采用 动态测试技术和数据处理方法,对渐变刚度钢板弹簧的应力、刚度进行了实验研 究,制定了测试方案,完成了多状态的测试及其数据处理工作,实验工作取得了 令人满意的研究结果。实验中对钢板弹簧分级加载,得到了在不同载荷下叶片问 作用力的变化情况,得到了渐变刚度钢板弹簧的刚度值并对其进行了讨论,获得 了一些有意义的结果。
针对我国渐变刚度汽车钢板弹簧设计、生产的现状,本文就渐变刚度钢板弹 簧的几何设计、渐变刚度钢板弹簧的应力、刚度测试、钢板弹簧的参数化绘图以 及钢板弹簧结构数据库的建立等方面做了些研究工作。
本文利用求解渐变刚度钢板弹簧问题的定解条件,分析了现有典型模型的不 足及其导致误差的原因,并建立了力学意义明确的渐变刚度钢板弹簧的理论模型, 求解该模型得到的解与实验测试的分析结果相吻合,表明所建立的模型在求解渐 变刚度钢板弹簧总成刚度、各叶片工作应力以及总成弧高、各叶片预应力时都具 有良好的精度,并且有令人满意的求解速度。并可以与优化设计软件相融合。针 对渐变刚度钢板弹簧,选择尺寸参数为设计变量,以重量最轻和使用寿命最长为 优化的目的,以几何条件、性能条件以及应力条件为约束条件建立多目标优化模 型。实例计算结果验证了该优化设计方法的正确性。
We have made an application program with AutoLISP in the AutoCAD environment and with thiS program we can finish a drawing 0f leaf spring. whi ch takeS onlY several minuteS.So with it the designers may get ri d 0f the unimportant things and after trial it iS improved.
In thiS paper,the design method of gradual rigidity 1eaf spring has been studied and the preci Sion of the deSign outcome on gradual rigidity has been improved.A test on special gradual rigidity leaf spring has been done and the test result prove the outcome of the calCUlation.The optimi zation on gradual rigidity 1 eaf spring has a1SO been Studied.There iS onlY Study on optimization of other types of leaf spring before.The special software about parametriC drawing and management on geometriC data of 1eaf spring has bring US effiCiency.

The suspension leaf spring i s one of the most widespreadly used mechanical elements in modern vehicles.The gradual rigidity 1eaf spring is a suspension machine with the rigidity changing according to the load on it.The rigidity of a leaf spring has much to do with the vehicle’s ki iter and with good kilter the passengers and the driver of the vehicle wi 11 feel easy and the goods are safe.So with an advanced suspension machine on a automobile. you will get improved productivity on transportation,get more 1ife—span and more reliability on the parts of the vehieles and consume less fuel.The rigtdity curve 0f the gradual rigidity 1eaf is close to the ideal curve and the gradual rigidity 1 eaf id widespreadly used.
Based on the restrictive principie of 1 inear model.the typical currentlY used model s are thoroughlY arialyzed,with their fatal errors heing indicated,and the new model used to determine spring rate leaf stress and clamped spring camber,clamp stress are developed.Compared with the old ones,the new model has more accuracy,fitting for means of optimization. The optimization models of gradual rigidity 1eaf spring are established as following:dimension parameters as design variables,weight and
这两套软件界面直观,用户容易掌握,经过试用,合乎使用要求,从而在数 据管理和图形绘制方面大大提高了效率。
本文对渐变刚度钢板弹簧的设计方法进行了研究,改变了我国渐变刚度钢板 弹簧“算不准”的现状,大大提高了我国渐变刚度钢板弹簧的设计精度。新的计 算模型求解精度高,计算快,还能满足优化设计时的需要。对渐变刚度钢板弹簧 进行实验研究,验证了新模型的正确性,实验研究本身作为研究渐变刚度钢板弹 簧的一种方法得到了发展,同时也为进一步的研究工作提供了实测的数据。优化 设计突破了少片钢板弹簧的范围,使得以高精度的计算模型为基础的优化设计在 渐变刚度钢板弹簧中得到了应用。钢板弹簧参数化绘制软件的开发,使得绘图工 作准确而快捷,大大缩短了设计过程中绘图的时问。钢板弹簧结构数据库管理软 件的开发,使计算机管理代替了人工管理,提高了管理效率,为生产率的提高作 出了贡献。
Useful conc lUSions are obtained. We have developed special software in Windows environment to manage
geometric data of leaf spring.We can accomplish a11 the tasks easily, including browsing data,appending data,deleing data and modi fying data. Moreover,the SOftware has the characters:speedy operation,good agility and good integrity.With the virtues of great agility and good integrality, the software functions very well and applies widely.With this software, geometriC data of leaf spring in the drawing can be stored as data record and the drawing may be obtained instantaneous by means of parametriC drawi ng.
In order to know whether the design is under the command of rigidi ty and strength,the stiff and stress of a gradual rigidity leaf spring are tested.In the test,gradual loading is used.By analyzing the test result, the inter一1eaf contact and the gradual rigidity are determined and some
Those two parts have friendly interfaces and work well.We have use them and found they are easy to run.If we work With them,effiCiencY may be achieyed.
In order to improve the method of gradual rigidi ty 1eaf spring design, a series of research works in the relevant areas including geometric design, testing of stress of gradual rigidity 1eaf sprjng。management of geometric data of leaf spring and parametric drawing of leaf spring have been taken in Lhis dissertatj on.
1 ife—span as the objective function,performances,geometrical and stress
conditions as the constraints.An example i s calculated by this means and the result is discussed to verity that this method is rel iable.
在lI!|findo*s环境下开发了一套钢板弹簧结构数据的管理软件,实现了对钢板 弹簧几何数据的计算机化管理,可以完成数据查询、添加、删除和修改工作。它 有以下优点:(j)操作迅速;(2)适应性广;(3)灵活性强;(4)完整性好。它把板簧总 成图纸数据以数据记录的形式存储,利用参数化绘制可以即时生成图纸,从而实 现了对图纸数据的管理。
对AutoCAD进行了二次开发,实现了钢板弹簧的参数化绘制,使得绘制工作 可以在数分钟内完成,从而使设计人员从锁碎的绘图工作中解脱了出来。该系统 经修改后得到了完善。该绘图软件的开发,也是对非结构化产品参数化绘图的尝
试,能促进产品的结构化。对不常见的结构,还开发了对应的绘图命令,其效率 也很高。