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多孔并联分段低压输水方式已成功应用于昆明掌鸠河调水工程,而且这种输 水方式也正被南水北调天津干线所采用。除了有其多方面的优点外,也注意到这 种方式使水力控制引起的非恒定流现象复杂化,尤其在工程运行较为关注的不对 称输水,即并联系统中的一线或多线停止输水、恢复输水,不仅在下游会引起激 烈的水体振荡,而且将影响其余并联孔的正常运行。本文采用特征线法编制不对 称输水水力控制数学模型,对南水北调天津干线进行变孔数运行控制分析,讨论 连续开、关闸的操作方式,并在开、关闸时间间隔上进行优化。
本学位论文作者完全了解 天津大学 有关保留、使用学位论文的规定。 特授权 天津大学 可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检
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长距离输水系统明满流及 水力控制研究
Study on free-surface-pressurized flow and hydraulic control in the Long-distance Water Diversion System
专 业:水利水电工程 作者姓名:李 强 指导教师:杨 敏 教授
天津大学建筑工程学院 二○○六年十二月
本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作和取得的 研究成果,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢之处外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表
或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得 天津大学 或其他教育机构的学位或证
书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中 作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。
长距离调水系统,特别是渠网耦合管网的输水方式,水力操作引起的水力过 渡过程非常复杂,检修、事故和流量调节等工况中均可能出现明满过渡流,包括 检修关闸过程中出现的脱空现象、检修完后对管道进行的充水及放水操作、事故 停电后无压箱涵封顶等。在明满流交替流态下,箱涵内的水压变化激烈,可能形 成冲击水压,导致箱涵的破坏。
The way of stepped low-pressurized water delivery has successfully been used in the project of Kunming Zhangjiuhe River water diversion and it was adopted by Tianjin Main Line of South-to-North water transfer project recently. Except lots of benefits, however, there is much concern about that it complicates the phenomenon of unsteady flow which evoked by hydraulic control, especially on the asymmetric water transfer, which one or more lines of whole line stop、begin delivering water, at operation. During the run of asymmetric water transfer, it will not only cause seriously hydraulic oscillation, but also influence other lines’ operation. A mathematic model of asymmetric water transfer was built based on the method of characteristics, the paper analyses the operation of changing lines, discusses the way of continuous opening、closing gate and optimizes the time interval between two gates’ operation.
在有压管道中,由于检修等情况经常需要进行充水操作。但到目前为止也只 是根据以往经验采取相应的充水流量,充水过程中出现的水力过渡现象还未被人 们所认识。为此,本文提出了有压管道充水过程的数值仿真模型,采用 Preissmann 隐式差分法模拟管道从无水变为无压流,再过渡到有压流的水流运动过程,其中 包括明满过渡流。最后,将该模型应用于南水北调天津干线有压输水系统充水仿 真计算,并探讨了充水过程中出现的不利现象,提出经济安全的运行方式。结果 表明,数学模型取得了较好的计算精度。
关键词:长距离输水系统 明满流 充水 不对称输水 水力控制 数值模拟
The hydraulic transients in the long-distance water transfer system, especially the way of channel network coupling pipe network water deliver, caused by hydraulic control is very complex. The hydraulic overhaul, hydraulic accident and discharge regulation etc of project conditions might appear free-surface-pressurized flow, including separation phenomenon in the gate-closing process, water-filling or water-releasing after hydraulic overhaul, the water touch the crest of free-flow conduit during accident power off. The pressure pipe may encounter water impact pressure and lead to breakage under the state of free-surface-pressurized flow.
本学位论文作者完全了解 天津大学 有关保留、使用学位论文的规定。 特授权 天津大学 可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检
索,并采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编以供查阅和借阅。同意学校 向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和磁盘。
长距离输水系统明满流及 水力控制研究
Study on free-surface-pressurized flow and hydraulic control in the Long-distance Water Diversion System
专 业:水利水电工程 作者姓名:李 强 指导教师:杨 敏 教授
天津大学建筑工程学院 二○○六年十二月
本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作和取得的 研究成果,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢之处外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表
或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得 天津大学 或其他教育机构的学位或证
书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中 作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。
长距离调水系统,特别是渠网耦合管网的输水方式,水力操作引起的水力过 渡过程非常复杂,检修、事故和流量调节等工况中均可能出现明满过渡流,包括 检修关闸过程中出现的脱空现象、检修完后对管道进行的充水及放水操作、事故 停电后无压箱涵封顶等。在明满流交替流态下,箱涵内的水压变化激烈,可能形 成冲击水压,导致箱涵的破坏。
The way of stepped low-pressurized water delivery has successfully been used in the project of Kunming Zhangjiuhe River water diversion and it was adopted by Tianjin Main Line of South-to-North water transfer project recently. Except lots of benefits, however, there is much concern about that it complicates the phenomenon of unsteady flow which evoked by hydraulic control, especially on the asymmetric water transfer, which one or more lines of whole line stop、begin delivering water, at operation. During the run of asymmetric water transfer, it will not only cause seriously hydraulic oscillation, but also influence other lines’ operation. A mathematic model of asymmetric water transfer was built based on the method of characteristics, the paper analyses the operation of changing lines, discusses the way of continuous opening、closing gate and optimizes the time interval between two gates’ operation.
在有压管道中,由于检修等情况经常需要进行充水操作。但到目前为止也只 是根据以往经验采取相应的充水流量,充水过程中出现的水力过渡现象还未被人 们所认识。为此,本文提出了有压管道充水过程的数值仿真模型,采用 Preissmann 隐式差分法模拟管道从无水变为无压流,再过渡到有压流的水流运动过程,其中 包括明满过渡流。最后,将该模型应用于南水北调天津干线有压输水系统充水仿 真计算,并探讨了充水过程中出现的不利现象,提出经济安全的运行方式。结果 表明,数学模型取得了较好的计算精度。
关键词:长距离输水系统 明满流 充水 不对称输水 水力控制 数值模拟
The hydraulic transients in the long-distance water transfer system, especially the way of channel network coupling pipe network water deliver, caused by hydraulic control is very complex. The hydraulic overhaul, hydraulic accident and discharge regulation etc of project conditions might appear free-surface-pressurized flow, including separation phenomenon in the gate-closing process, water-filling or water-releasing after hydraulic overhaul, the water touch the crest of free-flow conduit during accident power off. The pressure pipe may encounter water impact pressure and lead to breakage under the state of free-surface-pressurized flow.