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better twodimensional materials for future semiconductor devices.
; 收稿日期:20180711 修回日期:20181026 基金项目:国家重点研发计划(批准号:2017YFB0406403)和国家高技术研究发展计划(批准号:2015AA034202)资助的课题 联系人作者:张文旭(1977)男,副教授,主要从事计算材料学研究。Email:xwzhang@ uestc. edu. cn
tial approximation. Long wave longitudinal acoustical and optical phonon scatterings are included. Piezoelectric scattering in the
, , , compounds without inversion symmetry is also taken into account. We found that out of the 14 compounds WS2 PtS2 and PtSe2 are
The upper limit of electron and hole mobilities in two dimensional MX2 semiconductors
, , , HE Yuande1,2 HUANG Zhisuo2 QIN Jiantao2 ZHNA Wenxu2+
( , , , ; 1. Center of computing science Southwest Minzu University Chengdu 610041 China , 2. State key laboratory of electronic thin films and integrated devices University of
, , ) Electronic Science and Technology of China Chengdu 610054 China
: , ( Abstract We calculated the electron and hole mobility of 14 two dimensional semiconductors with composition of MX2 where M = , , , , ) , , Mo W Sn Hf Zr and Pt is the transition metal and X is S Se and Te. We treated the scattering matrix by the deformation poten
: , , Key words Two dimensional semiconductors mobility deformation potential
第 31 卷
在关于 MoS2 的开创性的工作[1]之后,一个或 研究发现,p 型 WSe2 可能获得和 Si 相当的室温空
第 期
第 卷第 31 年 22019 2
马 岚,等:响应面Che法m化i优cal学化Re蒙研sea药r究c瞿h a与麦nd中A应p总p用lic生ati物on碱提取工艺研究
, Vol. 31 , Feb.
2N01o9. 2
文章编号: ( ) 10041656 2019 02023908
MX2 型二维半导体载流子迁移率理论预测
(1. 西南民族大学计算中心,四川 成都 ; 610041 2. 电子科技大学电子科学与工程学院,四川 成都 ) 611731
摘要:为找到未来半导体晶体管合适的沟道材料,计算了 14 种 MX2(其中 M = , , , , Mo W Sn Hf Zr 和 ,Pt X= ,S Se 和 Te)型二维半导体载流子有效质量、带隙以及电子和空穴迁移率。在计算过程中,为了快速对载流子迁移 率进行估计,利用形变势的近似电声耦合矩阵元。计算时考虑长波光学声子和声学声子的散射,而在极化晶 体中,考虑了极化散射。计算结果表面,WS2,PtS2 以及 PtSe2 具有最高的电子迁移率以及非零的带隙。其中, PtSe2 的电子在室温下的理论迁移率上限为 4000 cm2·V-1 ·s-1,而 ,W Hf 和 Zr 的二维化合物室温时的空穴 迁移率较高,其中含 W 的化合物理论迁移率上限到 2600 cm2·V-1·s-1。该计算研究为实验合成高迁移率的 二维材料提供指导,同时为实验获得高性能以二维材料作为沟道的场效应晶体管提供参考,加速二维材料的 应用。 关键词:二维半导体,迁移率,形变势 中图分类号:O649 4 文献标志码:A
promising regarding to the possible high electron mobility and finite band gap. The phonon limited mobility in PtSe2 reaches about
· · , , 4000 cm2 V-1 s-1 at room temperature which is the highest among the compounds. While WX2 HfX2 and ZrX2 due to the possi , · · ble high hole mobility and finite band gap are also promising. The phonon limited mobilities in WX2 reach about 2600 cm2 V-1 , s-1 at room temperature which is much larger than their electron mobility. Our results can be a guide for experiments to search for
; 收稿日期:20180711 修回日期:20181026 基金项目:国家重点研发计划(批准号:2017YFB0406403)和国家高技术研究发展计划(批准号:2015AA034202)资助的课题 联系人作者:张文旭(1977)男,副教授,主要从事计算材料学研究。Email:xwzhang@ uestc. edu. cn
tial approximation. Long wave longitudinal acoustical and optical phonon scatterings are included. Piezoelectric scattering in the
, , , compounds without inversion symmetry is also taken into account. We found that out of the 14 compounds WS2 PtS2 and PtSe2 are
The upper limit of electron and hole mobilities in two dimensional MX2 semiconductors
, , , HE Yuande1,2 HUANG Zhisuo2 QIN Jiantao2 ZHNA Wenxu2+
( , , , ; 1. Center of computing science Southwest Minzu University Chengdu 610041 China , 2. State key laboratory of electronic thin films and integrated devices University of
, , ) Electronic Science and Technology of China Chengdu 610054 China
: , ( Abstract We calculated the electron and hole mobility of 14 two dimensional semiconductors with composition of MX2 where M = , , , , ) , , Mo W Sn Hf Zr and Pt is the transition metal and X is S Se and Te. We treated the scattering matrix by the deformation poten
: , , Key words Two dimensional semiconductors mobility deformation potential
第 31 卷
在关于 MoS2 的开创性的工作[1]之后,一个或 研究发现,p 型 WSe2 可能获得和 Si 相当的室温空
第 期
第 卷第 31 年 22019 2
马 岚,等:响应面Che法m化i优cal学化Re蒙研sea药r究c瞿h a与麦nd中A应p总p用lic生ati物on碱提取工艺研究
, Vol. 31 , Feb.
2N01o9. 2
文章编号: ( ) 10041656 2019 02023908
MX2 型二维半导体载流子迁移率理论预测
(1. 西南民族大学计算中心,四川 成都 ; 610041 2. 电子科技大学电子科学与工程学院,四川 成都 ) 611731
摘要:为找到未来半导体晶体管合适的沟道材料,计算了 14 种 MX2(其中 M = , , , , Mo W Sn Hf Zr 和 ,Pt X= ,S Se 和 Te)型二维半导体载流子有效质量、带隙以及电子和空穴迁移率。在计算过程中,为了快速对载流子迁移 率进行估计,利用形变势的近似电声耦合矩阵元。计算时考虑长波光学声子和声学声子的散射,而在极化晶 体中,考虑了极化散射。计算结果表面,WS2,PtS2 以及 PtSe2 具有最高的电子迁移率以及非零的带隙。其中, PtSe2 的电子在室温下的理论迁移率上限为 4000 cm2·V-1 ·s-1,而 ,W Hf 和 Zr 的二维化合物室温时的空穴 迁移率较高,其中含 W 的化合物理论迁移率上限到 2600 cm2·V-1·s-1。该计算研究为实验合成高迁移率的 二维材料提供指导,同时为实验获得高性能以二维材料作为沟道的场效应晶体管提供参考,加速二维材料的 应用。 关键词:二维半导体,迁移率,形变势 中图分类号:O649 4 文献标志码:A
promising regarding to the possible high electron mobility and finite band gap. The phonon limited mobility in PtSe2 reaches about
· · , , 4000 cm2 V-1 s-1 at room temperature which is the highest among the compounds. While WX2 HfX2 and ZrX2 due to the possi , · · ble high hole mobility and finite band gap are also promising. The phonon limited mobilities in WX2 reach about 2600 cm2 V-1 , s-1 at room temperature which is much larger than their electron mobility. Our results can be a guide for experiments to search for