

江苏省常州高级中学2011-2012(下)高一美国课程班AP化学《金属的性质》测试试题Choice(only one correct answer,write the correct answer in the last table)

1.You are given chemical equation: NaH +H2O=NaOH+H2↑,in the reaction,H2O acts as ( ) A.Oxidizing agent B.reducing agent

C.not only oxidizing agent but also reducing agent

D.neither oxidizing agent nor reducing agent

2. In the following reactions , their net ionic equation (离子方程式) cannot be expressed as Ba2++SO42-=BaSO4↓ ( )

A. dilute H2SO4(aq) reacts with Ba(NO3)2(aq)

B. K2SO4(aq) reacts with BaCl2(aq)

C. dilute H2SO4(aq) reacts with Ba(OH)2 (aq)

D. K2SO4(aq) reacts with Ba(NO3)2(aq)

3.About sodium , which of the following sentences is incorrect? ( )

A.Only after heated ,Na can react with Cl2

B.The product of Na reacting with oxygen depends on the reaction conditions

C.Sodium should be kept in kerosene['ker?si:n] (煤油)

D.In chemical reaction,sodium easily loses electrons,showing reducibility[ri,dju:s?'biliti] 4.Electrolysis is used commercially to obtain which metal(s)? ( )

1. Al

2. Fe

A.1 only

B.2 only

C. both 1 and 2

D.neither 1 nor 2

5. when we extract magnesium by electrolysis from sea, what reaction type may be not used ? ( )

A. decomposition

B. combination

C.double replacement

D. replacement

6. 2HClO+3O2=2HClO4,As the reaction represented above proceeds to the right ,the oxidation number of chlorine changes from ( )

A.-1 to +3

B.-1 to +5

C. +1 to +5

D.+1 to +7

E.+3 to +7

7. Which compound below is not correctly paired with its name?

A. KOH is potassium hydroxide.

B. H2SO3 is sulfurous acid.

C. HI is hydroiodic acid. D HClO2 is chloric acid E.H3PO4 is phosphoric acid.

8.When HCl(aq) reacts with Zn(s) the products formed are ( )

A. water and a salt

B. an acid and a base

C. a salt and hydrogen gas

D. a nonmetal oxide

E. a metal oxide

9.A substance is added to a solution containing two drops of phenolphthalein

[,fi:n?l'fθ?li:n]酚酞. The solution then turns pink. Which substance would produce this color change? ( )




D. NaCl


10. The reaction: HI(aq) + LiOH(aq) →H2O(l) +LiI(aq) is classified as ( )

A. a single replacement

B. a neutralization reaction

C.the process of electrolysis

D.a synthesis reaction

E. an oxidation-reduction reaction

11.Which reaction below is incorrect based upon the reactants given? ( )

A. HF + LiOH =H2O + LiF

B. 2HCl + Zn =H2O + ZnCl2

C. SO2 + H2O = H2SO3

D.K2O + H2O = 2KOH

E. All of the above reactions are correct.

12.About the reactions of Al or Al2O3 with NaOH(aq),which of the following is correct? ( )

A.Both have the same product H2O

B. Both have the same product H2

C.After the reaction, aluminum element exists in the form of AlO2-

D. After the reaction, aluminum element exists in the form of Al3+

13. excess (过量的)copper is added to the solution of FeCl3(aq),after the reaction,in the final solution ,what ion exists in large number ? ( )


B. Fe2+、Cu2+


D. Cu+、Cu2+

14.There are three white solids:Na2SO4、limestone( 石灰石)、SiO2(unsoluble), which of the following reagents(试剂) can be used to distinguish the said three white solids? ( )


B. Hydrochloric acid

C. AgNO3(aq)


15. which of the following substances can turn Zero valence iron(零价铁)to plus three valence iron under certain conditions? ( )

A. chlorine

B. hydrochloric acid

C. copper(Ⅱ)sulfate (aq)

D. dilute sulfuric

16.when you put some scrap iron(铁屑) into the excess dilute HCl(aq), and which of the following substances is added to the final solution, you will get Fe3+(aq)? ( )

A. H2SO4(aq)

B. Chlorine water

C. ZnSO4


17.which of the following substances does not belong to alloy(合金)? ()A.steel(钢铁) B. mercury C.brass( 黄铜) D. pig iron

18.In the following reactions,which can you get irons by the reaction of replacement reaction? ( ) A.copper dipped into the FeCl3(aq) B.CO passing through hot iron(Ⅲ) oxide

C.The mixture of aluminum and iron(Ⅲ) oxide is highly heated

D. copper dipped into the FeCl2(aq)

19.Aluminum is extracted from its oxide by ( )

A. roasting (焙烧、烤)

B. reduction with carbon

C. smelting

D. electrolysis

20.The most active metallic element is ( )

A. iron

B. magnesium



21.In order to get rid of the small aluminium impurity(杂质) in magnesium powder,what reagent(试剂) can you use? ( )

A. sulfuric acid

B.ammonia water(氨水)

C. hydrochloric acid

D.sodium hydroxide(aq)

22. In order to turn the ion Al3+ in AlCl3 solution into Al(OH)3(s) thoroughly, the most suitable reagent you can use is ( )

A. NaOH(aq)


C.ammonia water


23. At normal temperature, which of the flowing acids can react with iron to produce H2?( )

A.concentrated sulfuric acid

B.dilute sulfuric acid

C. concentrated nitric acid

D. dilute nitric acid

24.The difference between ammonia(氨气) and ammonium(铵根)is ()A.an electron B. a neutron C. a proton D. radioactivity(放射性)

25.we know CO2 is the anhydride(脱水物) of carbonic acid,then sulfur dioxide is the anhydride of ( )

A. Hydrosulfuric acid

B. sulfurous acid

C. sulfuric acid

D. hyposulfurous acid

26. ___________ reduces iron ore to iron in a blast furnace. ( )

a. calcium

b. calcium carbonate

c. Carbon monoxide

d. oxygen
