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髁突骨质异常的变化。 方法:通过 8 例无牙颌患者全口义齿修复前后双侧颞下颌关节的磁共振成像(MRI)检查,比较
其修复前后双侧颞下颌关节 MRI 影像表现的差异。 结果:修复前,8 例无牙颌患者的 16 个关节中,10 个关节盘移位
(62.5%),包括 7 个关节盘内侧移位(43.8%),2 个关节盘外侧移位(12.5%),1 个关节盘前移位(6.25%);关节腔积液 7
个关节(43.8%);髁突骨质异常 4 个关节(25.0%)。 修复后,8 例无牙颌患者的 16 个关节中,10 个关节盘移位(62.5%),
包 括 7 个 关 节 盘 内 侧 移 位 (43.8%)、2 个 关 节 盘 外 侧 移 位 (其 中 1 个 关 节 盘 外 侧 移 位 好 转 ) 和 1 个 关 节 盘 前 移 位
[中图分类号] R782.6
[文献标志码] A
Preliminary analysis of the bilateral disc-condyle relationship of TMJ before and after prosthetic rehabilitation in edentulous patients LING Yue -hua1, SHI Hui -min2, ZHAO Jun1. (1.Department of Prothodontics, Ninth People’s Hospital, College of Stomatology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Stomatology. Shanghai 200011;2.Department of Radiology, Ninth People’s Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. Shanghai 200011, China) [Abstract] PURPOSE: To observe the disc-condyle relationship, joint effusion, and osseous abnormalities of the condyle before and after prosthetic rehabilitation in 8 edentulous patients with asymptomatic of bilateral temporomandibular joints (TMJs). METHODS: Complete dentures of 8 edentulous patients were made. Bilateral TMJ MRI before and after prosthetic rehabilitation was performed to observe TMJ internal changes. RESULTS:Before prosthetic rehabilitation, 10 joint disc displacements were found in 62.5% of 16 TMJs of 8 edentulous patients, including 7 medial disc displacement, 2 lateral disc displacement and anterior disc displacement (6.25%); 7 TMJs had effusion 4 had condylar abnormalities. After prosthetic rehabilitation, 10 disc displacements were found in 16 TMJs of 8 edentulous patients, including 7 medial disc displacement, 2 lateral disc displacement, and 1 anterior disc displacement; 7 TMJs effusion. 4 TMJs had condylar abnormalities. CONCLUSIONS: Long-time tooth loss may lead to internal derangement of TMJ in edentulous patients. In short term after prosthetic rehabilitation with complete denture, there is no distinct change in disc-condylar relationship, joint effusion, and condylar abnormalities in edentulous patients. Supported by Research Fund of Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality(08DZ2271100). [Key words] Edentulous jaw; Disc displacement; Temporomandibular joint; Magnetic resonance imaging ; Temporomandibular disorder; Complete denture Shanghai J Stomatol,2011,20(5):522-526. [收稿日期] 2011-01-25; [修回日期] 2011-03-23 [基金项目] 上海市科学技术委员会资助项目(08DZ2271100) [作者简介] 凌月华(1964-),女,硕士,副教授,E-mail:lingyuehua1176@126.com [通信作者] 赵军,Tel:021-23271699-5207,E-mail:zhaojun161@126.com c 2011 年版权归《上海口腔医学》编辑部所有
凌月华 1,石慧敏 2,赵军 1 (1.上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院·口腔医学院 口腔修复科,
上海市口腔医学重点实验室,上海 200011; 2.上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院 放射科,上海 200011)
[摘要] 目的:观察无颞下颌关节症状和体征的无牙颌患者修复前后双侧颞下颌关节(TMJ)盘-髁关系、关节腔积液及
(6.25%);关节腔积液 7 个关节(43.8%);髁突骨质异常 4 个关节(25.0%)。 除 1 个关节的积液增加外,其余关节积液无
变化。 结论:长期缺牙可能引起无牙颌患者颞下颌关节的结构紊乱。 无牙颌患者全口义齿修复后近期,关节盘移位、
[关键词] 无牙颌;关节盘移位;颞下颌关节;磁共振成像;颞下颌关节紊乱;全口义齿
上海口腔医学 2011 年 10 月 第 20 卷 第 5 期 Shanghai Journal of Stomatology Vol.20 No.5 October,2011