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China National Offshore Oil Corporation ("CNOOC"),
To develop a low-carbon and renewable economy,CNOOC makes great efforts to become a resource-efficient and environment-friendly company.The company implements preventive and whole-process control in environment protection in project construction and operation, which effectively reduces influences to the environmental and realizes sustainable development
of the company.
中国海油秉承 hold the mission“绿色、低碳、清洁与循环经济”的发展理念,加大了“资源节约型、环境友好型”企业建设力度。
公司按照 pre-control and whole process control
2016 年,公司促进环境保护的标准化管理,发布《环境影响后评价指南》、《海上防污染记
2016 年,公司积极应对气候变化,开发碳排放监测核查技术,持续研究二氧化碳捕捉、封
存与利用技术,努力减少温室气体排放;加强碳盘查和开展碳交易,按照新出台的 24 项标准进行碳盘查行动,摸清家底,积极应对;多个中国自愿减排(CCER)项目获得签发进入碳市场,CCER 总量超过 100 万吨。
Responding to Climate Change
CNOOC actively promotes green industrial transformation by upgrading technologies, promoting carbon emission trading,researching on framework of greenhouse gas emission standards, carbon inventory and the capturing, storage and utilization technologies of carbon dioxide. Following the clean energy transformation in China, the company highlights the development of natural gas segment,offshore gas fields,LNG receiving terminals and unconventional gas, including CBM and shale gas.
中国海油坚持 broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure“开源与节流并重、以节
约为主”focus on saving 的方针,以提高水资源的利用效率为核心,加大科技研发和技术创
2016 年,公司明确各所属单位节水工作任务及节水指标,推动节水工作层层分解落实;积极开展节水宣传工作,增强员工的水资源危机意识和节水观念;组织实施了一系列节水管理和节水技术措施,实现节约用水;开展生产工艺优化,持续降低单位产品新水用量;通过开展中水回用、海水制淡等措施节约珍贵的新水资源。
公司全年新鲜水用量 8400 万吨,实现水资源节约量 67.4 万吨。
2016 年,公司严格遵守新《环保法》要求,加大对环境保护和节能减排工作的督查督办力度,建立月度跟踪反馈机制,跟踪督办 50 项环境隐患事件,指定责任单位和责任人限期整改;制修订 5 项节能标准,全面修订节能管理的制度、办法、细则;开展“能效领跑者”、“十二五”节能先进评选和节能管理人员培训活动;组织节能宣传周和全国低碳日的宣传活动;重点开展能源审计、“绿色工厂”、能源管理中心建设方案制定、能量系统优化、锅炉节能潜力调研、变频机泵改造、循环水系统节水节电等八大专项工作,推进节能工作全面提升。
2016 年,中国海油获评国资委颁发的第 4 任期“节能减排优秀企业”,所属 30 家重点耗能单位全部完成发改委下达的“万家企业”节能目标;《全面节能管理的创建与实施》获全
2016 年,中国海油全年综合能源消耗量为 1434.3 万吨标准煤,万元产值能耗 0.3519 吨标准煤(2015 年可比价),实现节能量 23 万吨标准煤;全年实施节能项目 52 个,投入 4.06
2016 年,中国海油所属炼化惠州分公司等 5 家单位荣获全国石油和化工行业“节能先进单位”,中海油节能减排监测中心和中海油节能环保服务有限公司荣获全国石油和化工行业“节能优秀服务单位”。
公司将“能效领跑者”活动作为一项长效机制,所属企业的乙烯、甲醇、合成氨分别获得全国“能效领跑者”荣誉称号,中海壳牌荣获 2016 年度全国乙烯行业“能效领跑者”称号,并位列第二。
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction
CNOOC always deems energy conservation and emission reduction as an important way to transform development mode and improve core competitiveness. The company strictly complies with national energy conservation laws and regulations and conducts energy saving and emission reduction throughout production,distribution and consumption links with a management information system. It also invests funds into technological upgrading to achieve the target.
The recording,counting,supervision and alarming of industrial wastewater,waste gas and residues are implemented through the information platform,which serves as a flat and fine management mode for the company.
CNOOC promotes emission reduction programs by reducing scale and upgrading fuels, including transformation of smoke desulphurization and odor removal in refineries. In 2015, its emissions
of SO2, NOx, COD and Ammonia Nitrogen were 8,844 tons, 15,187 tons, 1,723 tons and 149 tons respectively, with a year-on-year decrease of 29%, 16%, 2% and 67%.
To improve the utilization rate of water resource,CNOOC places emphasis on technological
progress and innovations,intensifies supervision,and strengthens wastewater treatment and recycling. In 2015, CNOOC saved 1.27 million tons of water.
In2015,CNOOC consumed1.947million tons of standard coal,4.638475billion kWh of electricity, 306,698.7 tons of crude oil, 327,686.1 tons of diesel oil, 6.824505 billion cubic meters of natural gas,19,896tons of fuel oil,3,979.5tons of gasoline and34.6985199trillion KJ of heating power. Its energy consumption per RMB 10,000 turnover is 0.2731 tons of standard coal equivalents,decreasing by3.9%year on year,which surpassed the planned annual target. 308,000tons of standard coal equivalents were saved,which was179.5%of the target in the annual plan. In terms of its major products, including oil and gas production, crude oil processing, soda ash, synthetic ammonia and power generation, the unit energy consumption continued to decline, and that of some products were at an internationally leading level.
Ecological Protection
CNOOC sticks to ecological protection during all phases of projects.The company strives to protect the ecological diversity of the operating sites and the neighborhoods by evaluating environmental risks,identifying environmentally sensitive targets and avoiding risks in advance.The measures help to realize harmonious relations between economic development
and ecological environment.
NOOC Marine Environmental and Ecological Protection Foundation continues to support studies and programs of biodiversity and promote ecological recovery in operation areas. Meanwhile,CNOOC actively involves in environmental initiatives and makes efforts to create better ecological conditions in China.
CNOOC carries on release activity in China seas,releasing980million rare and protected maritime species, including penaeus penicillatus, pseudosciaena crocea, sparus latus and anguilla japonica. Among them, 110,000 were tachypleus tridentatus which are one of the most ancient species on the Earth and are known as living fossils. The activity has effectively promoted the sustainable development of fishery and increased fisherman’s revenue,promoting the development of local economies.
CNOOC actively conducts transplantation of mangrove forest and coral reef.In2015,the company grew 520,000 mangrove plants in the coastal belt of Kaozhou Bay of Huidong County in an area of 310 mu. Mangrove forest plays an important role in purifying maritime water quality, protecting animal habitats and bio-diversity, and improving local natural environment.
In the Daya Bay, the company’s young volunteers worked with diving volunteers from the Pearl River Delta region. They fixed 200 coral seedlings at five iron coral shelves, and divers laid the shelves on the soft sandy land of the seabed,which provides a diverse ecological space for maritime animals to live and breed.
In the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea, CNOOC conducts survey on the population quantity and migratory distribution of neomeris phocaenoides and its protection. The neomeris phocaenoides are under second-class state protection and listed into the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.Under the pressure of deteriorated maritime ecological environment and overfishing, their living conditions have become increasingly severe. CNOOC sets up a five-year“Population Quantity,Migratory Distribution and Protection of Neomeris Phocaenoides” project.
By surveying, collecting and preserving the mudflat shellfish species in coastal areas of the Bohai Sea,the company conducts qualitative and quantitative analysis and evaluation of resource distribution of mudflat shellfishes in the area and establishes a resource directory of mudflat shellfish species in coastal areas of the Bohai Sea at Shandong Province, which provides data for reasonable exploitation and utilization of mudflat shellfish species in the Yellow River Delta zone.
In the Bohai Sea, an environmentally-sensitive resource identification system has been put into operation.The system can realize identification,quantitative analysis and assessments of environmentally-sensitive resources in the planning of offshore oil and gas field.
In Southeast Asia,CNOOC digs“Biopori”to capture water and prevent floods on the World Environment Day.Husky—CNOOC Madura LLC(HCML),a company co-established by CNOOC Southeast Asia Limited and Husky Energy, responded to the call of United Nations Environment Programme and organized 120 Chinese and Indonesian employees to dig “Biopori”. The measure enhances the capacity of the ground to absorb and retain rainwater and minimizes the influence of floods on downstream low-lying land.
The Long Lake Oil Sands Project constructs corridors for the animal migration. Nexen selects four places in the area and buries the early ground oil pipelines to create migration corridors for animals.In2015,the corridors were in a good condition,deer,wolves,bears,lynx and other animals were often seen passing through the corridors.
In addition,Nexen funds Nature Conservancy Canada(NCC)all year round to conduct biodiversity conservation and science activities,participates in the volunteer activities of NCC and promotes wildlife protection to the public.。