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利率历来就是最重要、最基本的经济变量之一。对普通大众而言,它无时无 刻不在影响着人们的投资行为和消费行为;对金融机构来说,利率的变动对其资 产价值的影响不言而喻,利率风险管理尤其重要;对政府决策部门而言,利率的 变动更是关系到国计民生,影响着国民经济的整体运行。因此,不管在理论上还 是在实践中都需要找到一个能够较好描述利率动态的模型, 并在此基础上进行利 率产品设计、利率产品定价、利率产品套期保值、利率风险管理等相关行为的研 究和实践。 本文首先从利率静态估计、利率均衡模型、利率无套利模型和国内利率模型 研究四个部分对利率模型进行了充分的文献回顾。在第二章,从解析分析和定价 的难度上,首先对利率模型进行了初选,然后根据统计检验以及样本外估计的准 确度对模型进行选择。统计检验的结果虽然接受了 Longstaff and Schwartz(LS, 1992)模型,但该模型过于复杂,计算耗时,不适于实际应用。而对 Fong and Vasicek(FV,1992)与单因子利率模型的 RMSE 评估结果表明,FV 模型更适 合于短于于 6 个月期限的利率估计,而 CIR 模型比较适合于长期利率的估计。 本文的第三章主要研究了如何用有限差分法来对含权债券进行定价。并用 MATLAB 语言将基于 CIR 利率的债券定价算法编成应用模块。应用结果表明, 该程序相当可靠。本文第四章将第二章和第三章的分析结果在实际中加以应用。 首先对当前的热点――人民币理财进行了分析,得出一系列的结论,之后对人民 币理财中的可提前终止权进行了定价。在第四章的最后部分,对市场上正在交易 的国家开发银行发行的可赎回债券和可回售债券进行定价, 结论表明含可赎回权 的债券中, 既存在被低估的债券,也存在被高估的债券,对含可赎回权债券的 定价,市场存在分歧。含可回售权的债券,其价值还是被低估。并且,相对于初 始发行价格,经过二级市场的交易,可回售债券被低估的程度比刚发行时减轻。 总的来说,本文为寻找较适合中国利率动态行为,又易于在实际中加以应用 的利率模型,对单因素模型和双因素模型进行了综合考察,并将选定的模型很好 的应用于实际的产品定价和分析中。
Interest rate is one of most important economics variance. For most people, It influences their investment and consume. For finance institutions, the variance of interest rate will change the value of asset, so the risk management of interest rate plays a critical role. For the government, the variance of interest rate influences the run of national economy. So we need a good model which can descript the interest rate dynamics theoretically and practically, then we can design the interest rate product, price interest rate produce, hedge interest rate product and manage the interest rate risk. The chapter one of this paper reviews the literature from four aspects, including interest rate static estimation, interest rate equilibrium model, interest rate arbitrage model and domestic research. The chapter two of this paper first selects interest rate model according to the difficulty of analytic analysis and pricing, then farther filters the models by the statistic test and out-of-sample estimation. The result of statistic test accepts Longstaff and Schwartz(LS,1992) model, but this model is too complicated and time consuming to use in practice. After comparing Fong and Vasicek(FV,1992)with one-factor model by RMSE method, FV model is fit for interest rate estimate of short term, and CIR model performs better for long term interest rate. The chapter three of this paper discusses how to price the bond embedded with option by finite difference method. This chapter also gives the program of pricing bond using Matlab language based on CIR model. The result shows that this program is credible. The chapter four applies the outcome of last two chapters in practice. First, RMB finance product is discussed and series conclusion is given. This chapter also prices the option embedded in the RMB product. At the end of this chapter, the callable bond and puttable bond issued by China development bank are pricing using the method of chapter two. The result shows that some callable bonds are priced highly and some callable bonds are priced lowly. The market diverges about the price of callable bond. The puttable bonds are priced widely. After being traded on the secondary market, the underestimate degree of bond price decreases.
兹呈交的学位论文, 是本人在导师指导下独立完成的研究成 果。本人在论文写作中参考的其他个人或集体的研究成果,均在 文中以明确方式标明。 本人依法享有和承担由此论文产生的权利 和责任。
声明人(签名) : 年 月 日
本人完全了解厦门大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定。厦 门大学有权保留并向国家主管部门或其指定机构送交论文的纸 质版和电子版, 有权将学位论文用于非赢利目的的少量复制并允 许论文进入学校图书馆被查阅, 有权将学位论文的内容编入有关 数据库进行检索,有权将学位论文的标题和摘要汇编出版。保密 的学位论文在解密后适用本规定。 本学位论文属于 1、保密( 2、不保密( ) ,在 ) 年解密后适用本授权书。
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作者签名: 导师签名:
日期: 日期:
年 年
月 月wenku.baidu.com
日 日
利率历来就是最重要、最基本的经济变量之一。对普通大众而言,它无时无 刻不在影响着人们的投资行为和消费行为;对金融机构来说,利率的变动对其资 产价值的影响不言而喻,利率风险管理尤其重要;对政府决策部门而言,利率的 变动更是关系到国计民生,影响着国民经济的整体运行。因此,不管在理论上还 是在实践中都需要找到一个能够较好描述利率动态的模型, 并在此基础上进行利 率产品设计、利率产品定价、利率产品套期保值、利率风险管理等相关行为的研 究和实践。 本文首先从利率静态估计、利率均衡模型、利率无套利模型和国内利率模型 研究四个部分对利率模型进行了充分的文献回顾。在第二章,从解析分析和定价 的难度上,首先对利率模型进行了初选,然后根据统计检验以及样本外估计的准 确度对模型进行选择。统计检验的结果虽然接受了 Longstaff and Schwartz(LS, 1992)模型,但该模型过于复杂,计算耗时,不适于实际应用。而对 Fong and Vasicek(FV,1992)与单因子利率模型的 RMSE 评估结果表明,FV 模型更适 合于短于于 6 个月期限的利率估计,而 CIR 模型比较适合于长期利率的估计。 本文的第三章主要研究了如何用有限差分法来对含权债券进行定价。并用 MATLAB 语言将基于 CIR 利率的债券定价算法编成应用模块。应用结果表明, 该程序相当可靠。本文第四章将第二章和第三章的分析结果在实际中加以应用。 首先对当前的热点――人民币理财进行了分析,得出一系列的结论,之后对人民 币理财中的可提前终止权进行了定价。在第四章的最后部分,对市场上正在交易 的国家开发银行发行的可赎回债券和可回售债券进行定价, 结论表明含可赎回权 的债券中, 既存在被低估的债券,也存在被高估的债券,对含可赎回权债券的 定价,市场存在分歧。含可回售权的债券,其价值还是被低估。并且,相对于初 始发行价格,经过二级市场的交易,可回售债券被低估的程度比刚发行时减轻。 总的来说,本文为寻找较适合中国利率动态行为,又易于在实际中加以应用 的利率模型,对单因素模型和双因素模型进行了综合考察,并将选定的模型很好 的应用于实际的产品定价和分析中。
Interest rate is one of most important economics variance. For most people, It influences their investment and consume. For finance institutions, the variance of interest rate will change the value of asset, so the risk management of interest rate plays a critical role. For the government, the variance of interest rate influences the run of national economy. So we need a good model which can descript the interest rate dynamics theoretically and practically, then we can design the interest rate product, price interest rate produce, hedge interest rate product and manage the interest rate risk. The chapter one of this paper reviews the literature from four aspects, including interest rate static estimation, interest rate equilibrium model, interest rate arbitrage model and domestic research. The chapter two of this paper first selects interest rate model according to the difficulty of analytic analysis and pricing, then farther filters the models by the statistic test and out-of-sample estimation. The result of statistic test accepts Longstaff and Schwartz(LS,1992) model, but this model is too complicated and time consuming to use in practice. After comparing Fong and Vasicek(FV,1992)with one-factor model by RMSE method, FV model is fit for interest rate estimate of short term, and CIR model performs better for long term interest rate. The chapter three of this paper discusses how to price the bond embedded with option by finite difference method. This chapter also gives the program of pricing bond using Matlab language based on CIR model. The result shows that this program is credible. The chapter four applies the outcome of last two chapters in practice. First, RMB finance product is discussed and series conclusion is given. This chapter also prices the option embedded in the RMB product. At the end of this chapter, the callable bond and puttable bond issued by China development bank are pricing using the method of chapter two. The result shows that some callable bonds are priced highly and some callable bonds are priced lowly. The market diverges about the price of callable bond. The puttable bonds are priced widely. After being traded on the secondary market, the underestimate degree of bond price decreases.