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In Thailand, most of people believe in Buddhism, therefore, they still have followed the Buddhist etiquette. When Thais meet or say goodbye to each other, their hands clasp together and then say “SA WA DI KA”. This way of greeting is called “Wai” (namaste).


The extent of Thais greet is more complicated. If you want to distinguish the specific way from greeting, it can be divided into four level. First, greeting monks and Buddha; secondly, greeting the King; thirdly, greeting elder (including parents, teachers etc); last, greeting friends and juniors.


Because of Buddhist cultural tradition in Thailand, Thai Buddhist s’ daily affair is charity. After Buddhists do good deeds every morning, the monks pray toward us. In this process, we will show two conditions of greeting monks, one is meeting monks on the road and the other is in the temple .


Meet a monk on the road

1.In general, let’s take off shoes firstly. Because monks usually don’t wear shoes, we should

take off shoes in order to avoid offending monks.

2.After the end of doing good on the road, Thais will make a standing salute position,

clasping their hands together. First, put hands in front of chest; secondly, elevate hands between the eyebrows; thirdly, if you are a girl, you should put the right leg to the back, reduce the lower body and lower your head. If you are a boy, you should make a bow. Last, during the monks pray for us, we should have placed our hands between the eyebrows. 3.At the end of praying, let your hands free,

then put your hands on the head showing

having received the pray from monks.


1. 如果在行善施斋时,一般来说、第一我们先



2. 在路上行善结束后,我们会做出站着行礼姿势,然后双手合十,第一、放在胸之间,第二、把手抬高到眉毛之间、第三,女生:把右腿退到后面、降低下身、低下头,男生:往前面弯下身、低下头,第四、在和尚对我们祷告的过程中,我们的手还是一直放在眉毛之间。

3. 和尚祷告结束时,从双手合十放在眉毛中就放开然后用两双手来摸自己的头表示已经接接受到和尚的祷告。

●Meet monk in the temple

Thai Buddhists usually make a “Krabe”(跪拜礼), when they meet monks and Buddha in the temple. ”Krabe” contains three steps.

1.We drop to our knees first, girls should make feet on the floor and body upright, and boys

should make feet toes against the ground and feet upright.

2.First, make our hands clasped together in front of chest, then carry clasped hands between

the eyebrows and bow head. Next, stoop the body to the floor with clasped hands and bow head between the outstretched hands.

3.Redo the above action three times.



“Krabe”(跪拜礼)俯伏的姿势。“Krabe” 姿势的过


1. 我们是先跪下,女生:两脚贴在地板上、身体竖直,


2. 双手合十放在胸之间,把双手合十抬上直到眉毛之




3. 上面的动作重新做三遍,就是完成向和尚与佛像行礼的姿势。

The Thai king are very respected and beloved by Thai people, so the posture of saluting to the king would be more special. If there is a precious opportunity to face the king, whatever girls and
