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动物医学进展,2019,40(9):79-83Progress in Veterinary Medicine




摘 要:硫氧还蛋白还原酶(TrxR)是硫氧还蛋白系统里主要的功能蛋白,广泛存在于从原核生物到哺

乳动物等多个物种之中。TrxR 属于毗吱核昔酸/二硫氧化还原酶家族的成员,TrxR 主要通过氧化还原反

应,传递电子.解除机体氧化应激反应,是机体抵抗体内外因素导致的氧化应激损伤的主要途径。同时其参 与碳水化合物合成、胰岛素产生、脂肪代谢等多种生理过程,以及慢性炎症、肿瘤、动脉粥样硬化等疾病的发 生发展。论文从TrxR 的结构和功能等方面进行综述,以对TrxR 研究提供参考。



文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-5038(2019)09-0079-05

硫氧还蛋白(thioredoxin,Trx)系统是多个物种 普遍存在的二硫化物还原酶系统.由硫氧还蛋白 (Trx),硫氧还蛋白还原酶(thioredoxin reductase.

TrxR)和还原型辅酶 U (triphosphopyridine nucleo ­tide, NADPH )组成TrxR 是目前已知的,唯一

能够还原Trx 的酶⑵,通过二硫键还原酶活性调节 蛋白质的二硫醇/二硫键平衡。TrxR 还原能力与氧

化应激保持动态平衡,是保证机体正常的关键因素。 氧化应激因素包含超氧离子、轻自由基、过氧化

氢等活性氧。活性氧(reacti veoxygenspecies , ROS)通






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Progress on Bacterial Biofilm

WANG Hong-bin,ZHU Li-xia,YU Xiu-jian,GA() Gui-sheng,SHI Qiu-mei,WU Tong-lei

(Hebei Key Laboratory o f Preventive Veterinary Medicine ,

Hebei Normal University of Science & Technology ,Qinhuangdao , Hebei ,066604 )

Abstract : Biofilm refers to microbial aggregates formed by bacteria adhered to the surface of inert or active

entities, secreted some substances and encapsulated the bacteria .It has multi-drug resistance and immune escape ability ,so it is highly pathogenic and of intractable characteristics.The paper briefly introduced the main biological biofilm , formation process ,drug resistance and drug resistance mechanism , infection caused

by biofilm ‘detection method and prevention and control, in order to prevent and control the biofilm.Key words : bacteria ; biofilm ; detection method ; control method
