

■Explanations of Readi ng

Revision:Fill in blanks 扌工二齐

To the reportersjt^s uimecessary foT them to take a camera because they haveprnfessiorml photographers with them. The reporters should be curious and they must have a nose for a story.They know how to acquire the information they need.While interviewing,

they won t be rude . they

woif t talk too much themselves and they listen to the

answers carefully . They will listen to the HehdleH facts and ask new questions.There is a trick of the trndp .that is ,with the permission of the interviewer, they would use small recorders which could keep the evidence to help support_their story.

Guess the meaning of these expressions on P28:

cover a story

have a “nose” for a story

a trick of the trade

get the fact straight

get the wrong end of the stick how the story goes

a real "scoop”

■ cover a story ■ have a “nose"for a story ■ a trick of the trade ■ get the fact straight to report on an important event be able to tell whether is a true story clever ways known to experts to present ideas

