





1. 做好接站准备


2. 确定飞机班次、到达时间


3. 务必要在飞机抵达前先到达机场。

4. 接机准备



5. 相互介绍



6. 初步认识后,双方握手,并交换名片。




7. 食宿安排





2. 如果手机办理了国际漫游,可以告诉志愿者你的号码,也同时记下志愿者的号码,便于联系。

3. 与志愿者交换近照,互相告知当天所穿衣服的颜色、类型,便于在机场辨认。




4. 认真地和家人好友道别,但也不必过于悲伤,马上就会认识



5. 转机或者下飞机注意查看标识,根据指示到达指定的接机出口,尽量和小伙伴同行

6. 利用机场或者机场商店的免费WIFI联系志愿者,开通国际漫游的可以发短信或者打电话。



7. 所有志愿者都是自愿无偿参与接机,不会收取费用,请对他们表示友善和尊重。


8. 向家人好友报平安。

9. 由于交通不便,刚来的前几餐饭可能会有问题,建议准备一些便于携带的食物。或下载Uber,可几人搭乘车子至最近的超市购买食物及用品。


到机场接人的礼仪 本文是关于到机场接人的礼仪,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 到男朋友家注意的礼仪 其实见家长这事是个说大也大说小也小的事,如果真的因为见家长这事最后两个人掰了,那只能说明两个问题:第一,你的情商实在让人捉急。第二,男朋友家里人不同意。女孩子见家长的话一定会担心他家里人会在怎么想啊,是不是同意啊,喜不喜欢我之类的问题自我烦恼,更有些想事情多的妹纸还会想到婆媳矛盾问题啊巴拉巴拉的。其实见家长这事,我们要两看,第一呢,让男朋友家里人看卡你,心里有个数,毕竟男朋友的妈妈是我们最大的情敌么。其次,你也可以借机看看男朋友家里的状态,看看他们家是否和谐啊,家里是准婆婆说了算还是公公,家庭气氛怎么样啊等等,如果考察出问题,果断解决也是极好的。闲话不多说,总结下我生活中关于见家长的攻略。见家长呢,不一定是一定要结婚了才见的,哪怕是在恋爱中也是可以去见家长的。这表明了你的另一半对你的认同以及希望跟你长久发展的愿望。我曾经听过一个男孩子说一直没有勇气带女朋友回家,他觉得很恐怖。所以你的另一半想带你见家长,那么妹纸们,偷笑吧,嘻嘻。笑过之后就要开始准备了。 我把整个过程分为三个阶段:事前、事中和事后三部分。 一、事前:见家长前的准备工作要做好 知己知彼百战百胜在知道要去后,首先做好信息收集的工作。问问他家爸爸妈妈的一些喜好啊,平时的兴趣啊什么的,这些一定要问清楚。一方面,方便准备给对方父母的礼物。另一方面,可以很靠谱的跟长辈们聊天。不过,这没有那么简单,是个男友九个会跟你说,我也不知道要买什么。放心吧,我爸爸妈妈人很好的。一般的对话是这样的:女:去你家买点什么啊?你妈妈喜欢什么啊? 男:我也不知道,你自己看着办吧女:化妆品?你妈妈用什么的? 男:不知道……反正,就是男朋友一般是不会给你合适的建议的。因为你们的立场是不同,他回去只是回家,爸爸妈妈是自己的亲人,而我们是去见外人,出发点都不一样想问题的角度一定没办法相同。因此,如果你的男朋友能给你靠谱的建议,那我恭喜你


机场接机时的礼仪和注意事项 很多的时候我们都是要到机场接机的,那么你们知道到机场要注意什么吗?下面是为大家整理的机场接机时的礼仪和注意事项,希望能够帮到大家哦! 1、做好接站准备 如果不认识客人,应当备有贵宾的照片。 2.确定飞机班次、到达时间 依据贵宾搭乘的飞机班次,预先电询航空公司该班飞机是否准时或延迟,乘客名单中是否包括该位贵宾,他是否已坐上此班飞机等事项。 3.务必要在飞机抵达前先到达机场。 4.接机准备 在前往接机之前,接待人员应先行以海报明显写出贵宾姓名,飞机抵达时便可由接待人员拿着,以提醒贵宾的注意。 接待特别贵宾还需要准备横幅或海报,见面时赠予鲜花。 5.相互介绍 见面后,由介绍人或秘书互相介绍,被介绍人应点头微笑以示尊敬。 6.初步认识后,双方握手,并交换名片。 递接都要双手,接过来要先看一下再收起来表示对对方的重视

,递的时候有字的一面朝向对方。 收到别人名片时,应该回别人的名片,如果没有了就要向别人说明。如双方同时递接,应当左手接右手递。 7.食宿安排 接到客人后,要帮助客人提取行李。安排好接送贵宾的车辆,安排好贵宾的食宿。 机场接机注意事项抵达前: 1.请尽快和接机志愿者取得并保持联系,再次确认航班号和抵达时间,如果有突发情况影响行程,如签证原因、更改航班等,务必提前告知! 2.如果手机办理了国际漫游,可以告诉志愿者你的号码,也同时记下志愿者的号码,便于联系。 3.与志愿者交换近照,互相告知当天所穿衣服的颜色、类型,便于在机场辨认。 4.如果所乘航班非国内至休斯敦的直达航班,建议在达到美国境内中转机场时告知志愿者行程是否有改变。比如乘坐北京-洛杉矶-休斯敦的航班,在洛杉矶机场入关后、登机前,可以联系志愿者,告知一切顺利,或者由于前一班飞机晚点而误机改签,避免志愿者白跑一趟。 5.认真地和家人好友道别,但也不必过于悲伤,马上就会认识一群新的小伙伴,准备迎接新的生活,开启新的旅程。 抵达时:


关于机场接机的情景会话 职场2010-02-25 14:34:12 阅读8 评论0字号:大中小 史密斯: Sorry to interrupt you. but aren't you Mr. Wu from China? 抱歉.打扰一下.请问您是中国来的吴先生吗? 吴先生: Oh.yes.I am. 哦.对.我是. 史密斯: How do you do.Mr. Wu ? I'm John Smith from DJ Company. And I'm here to meet you. 您好.吴先生.我是DJ公司的约翰·史密斯.我来这儿接你们. 吴先生: How do you do.Mr. Smith ? Thank you very much for meeting us here. 你好.史密斯先生.非常感谢你来接我们. 史密斯: You are welcome. You must be exhausted after a long journey. 不用谢.各位远道而来.一定很累了. 吴先生: Oh, no. It was a pleasant trip and everything went smoothly, so we don't feel tired at all. 不.路上很顺利.又很愉快.一点儿也不觉得累. 史密斯: I`ll be your guide during your stay in China. 你们在中国逗留期间.我将一直陪同大家. 吴先生: Wonderful! 那太好了! 史密斯: Will you please take your baggage and follow me? The taxi's waiting outside. 请大家拎着行李随我来.出租车在外面等着呢. 吴先生: Fine, let's hurry. 好的.我们赶紧走.


机场接机实用英语精编 W O R D版 IBM system office room 【A0816H-A0912AAAHH-GX8Q8-GNTHHJ8】

1. I need to pick up somebody at the airport. (我要去机场接人) 2. Excuse me, Miss, will Flight No 33666 arrive on time(小姐,请问xx号航班会准时到吗) 3. It has been delayed. (飞机晚点了) 4. It arrived on time. (飞机正点到达) 5. It has been cancelled. (航班被取消了) 6. Where is the luggage Pick-up(行李提取处在哪) 7. Where is the Taxi Stand(在哪叫出租车) 8. I will hold up a sign and wait for you at the Arrival Gate No. . . . (我会举个牌子在入口. . 号大门处等你. 9. I will be waiting in the parking lot. As soon as you claim your luggage, please call my cell phone right away. 我会在停车场等你. 你一提好行李,马上打我手机. 10. My car is black with lisence plate No. . . . 我的车是黑色,车牌号是. . .

11. How was your flight 问候人家坐飞机的旅程舒服不. 这句最关键, 毕竟刚下飞机肯定有点感受. 12. Did you enjoy your trip 你有享受这次旅游吗 13. Was the food to your taste 吃的东西合胃口 14. Please let me know if there's anything you need! 如果有什么需要, 请告诉我常用机场词汇: 起飞take off 问讯处. Information Desk 机场费 airport fee 国际机场 international airport 国内机场 domestic airport 机场候机楼 airport terminal 国际候机楼 international terminal 国际航班出港 international departure 国内航班出站 domestic departure


1. I need to pick up somebody at the airport. (我要去机场接人) 2. Excuse me, Miss, will Flight No 33666 arrive on time?(小姐,请问xx号航班会准时到吗?) 3. It has been delayed. (飞机晚点了) 4. It arrived on time. (飞机正点到达) 5. It has been cancelled. (航班被取消了) 6. Where is the luggage Pick-up?(行李提取处在哪?) 7. Where is the Taxi Stand?(在哪叫出租车?) 8. I will hold up a sign and wait for you at the Arrival Gate No. . . . (我会举个牌子在入口. . 号大门处等你. 9. I will be waiting in the parking lot. As soon as you claim your luggage, please call my cell phone right away. 我会在停车场等你. 你一提好行李,马上打我手机. 10. My car is black with lisence plate No. . . . 我的车是黑色,车牌号是. . . 11. How was your flight? 问候人家坐飞机的旅程舒服不. 这句最关键, 毕竟刚下飞机肯定有点感受. 12. Did you enjoy your trip? 你有享受这次旅游吗? 13. Was the food to your taste? 吃的东西合胃口?


机场接机实用英语 1. I need to pick up somebody at the airport. (我要去机场接人) 2. Excuse me, Miss, will Flight No 33666 arrive on time?(小姐,请问xx号航班会准时到吗?) 3. It has been delayed. (飞机晚点了) 4. It arrived on time. (飞机正点到达) 5. It has been cancelled. (航班被取消了) 6. Where is the luggage Pick-up?(行李提取处在哪?) 7. Where is the Taxi Stand?(在哪叫出租车?) 8. I will hold up a sign and wait for you at the Arrival Gate No. . . . (我会举个牌子在入口. . 号大门处等你. 9. I will be waiting in the parking lot. As soon as you claim your luggage, please call my cell phone right away. 我会在停车场等你. 你一提好行李,马上打我手机. 10. My car is black with lisence plate No. . . . 我的车是黑色,车牌号是. . . 11. How was your flight? 问候人家坐飞机的旅程舒服不. 这句最关键, 毕竟刚下飞机肯定有点感受. 12. Did you enjoy your trip? 你有享受这次旅游吗? 13. Was the food to your taste? 吃的东西合胃口? 14. Please let me know if there's anything you need! 如果有什么需要, 请告诉我 常用机场词汇: 起飞take off 问讯处. Information Desk 机场费airport fee 国际机场international airport 国内机场domestic airport


Student: Hello, This is Wang** who comes from Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products, are you Professor Brown? Professor: Hello, I’m Professor Brown. Student: Excuse me, professor. I call you to confirm your flight information. Professor: Oh, my flight number is CA5052; the flight will take off from Japan in tomorrow and arrived in Nanjing Lukou Airport at 3:00 p.m. Student: Oh, I see, tomorrow I will go to the airport with the driver to pick you up, and I will also wait you at the arrival gate. Professor: Thank you, Ms. Wang, so see you tomorrow. Student: OK, see you at the airport, Professor Brown. Wish you a nice trip! Professor: Thank you. Student: Hello, you must be Professor Brown? I’m Wang **, a postgraduate of Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products. Welcome to Nanjing and very nice to meet you. You can call me Mary. Professor: Oh, Mary,it’s very kind of you to meet me at the airport. Student:It’s my pleasure. You must exhausted after a long journey, let me help you with your luggage, and please follow me to the parking place, the driver has waited us there already. Professor: OK, let’s go. Student: Professor Brown, we are now going to ZhongShan Hotel, the place this international meeting will be held. It’s about one hour from the airport. And your accommodation will also be arranged in the hotel. Our director will hold a banquet for you and several other experts in ZhongShan Hotel tonight. Professor: Thank you and your director. Mary, what are you specializing in? And who is your advisor? Student: I major in Applied Chemistry, studying on modified rosin esters, and my advisor is Doctor Zhao Zhendong. You are an expert in this field and I hope you can give me more guidance. Professor: You’re welcome, let’s explore it t ogether.


机场相关词汇: 起飞 take off 问讯处 information desk 国际/国内机场 international/domestic airport 候机楼/航站楼 terminal 出站 departure 不需报关 nothing to declare 登机口 gate; departure gate 候机室 departure lounge 航班号 FLT NO (flight number) 预计时间 scheduled time (SCHED) 实际时间 actual time 起飞时间 departure time 延误 delayed 登机 boarding 免税店 duty-free shop 由此乘电梯前往登机 stairs and lifts to departures 货币兑换处 money exchange; currency exchange 行李暂存箱 luggage locker 登机手续办理 check-in 登机牌 boarding pass (card) 护照检查处 passport control immigration 行李领取处 luggage claim; baggage claim 国际航班旅客 international passengers

中转 transfer 过境 transit 报关物品 goods to declare 购票处 ticket office 公共电话 public phone; telephone 行李牌 luggage tag 经济舱 economy class 商务客舱 business class 头等舱 first class 手提行李 hand luggage (size) 液体 liquids 单程/双程票 one-way/round-way ticket 出口 exit/way out 到达 arrival 海关 customs 来自 arriving from 已降落 landed 吸烟席smoking seat 非吸烟席 non-smoking seat 盥洗室 lavatory: 使用中 occupied / 无人 vacant 女/男空乘人员 stewardess/steward 行李推车 luggage cart 中转旅客 transfer passengers 机场大巴shuttle bus


MEETING FOREIGN GUESTS AT THE AIRPORT 1 You must be our long-expected guests , Mr. ×××from the U.S. 您一定是我们盼望已久的客人,从美国来的×××吧。 2 Very nice/glad/pleased to meet you. 见到您很高兴。/ 幸会。(见面用语) 3 I'm delighted to meet you at last. 很高兴终于见到您了。 4 It was nice meeting you./ I'm so pleased to have (finally )met you./ Ii's been my pleasure meeting you./It's nice to have met you. 很高兴认识您。(道别用语) 5 How was your journey ? 您旅途如何? 6 I hope you've had a pleasant flight/trip. 旅途愉快吧! 7 I hope you'll enjoy your stay here. 希望您在此过得愉快。 8 Hope you'll have a pleasant/enjoyable stay here. 祝你们在此逗留愉快。 9 We've been expecting you ever since you sent us the fax informing us of your date of arrival. 自从您把来访日期传真给我们以后,我们一直在期待着您的到来。 10 And I'll be happy if I can help with anything. 如能为您效劳,我将很高兴。 11 May I help you with your baggage/luggage? 我替您拿行李好吗? 12 Is there anything I can do for you? 有什么事需要我帮忙吗? 13 How nice to see you again。 又一次见到您,我真高兴 14 I've heard so much about you. Glad to meet you. 久闻大名。今日相见荣幸之至。 15 Well, if it isn't Mr. Wilson. How are you? 嗨!这不是威尔逊先生吗?您好吗? 16 Our manager Mr. Li has come to meet you. May I introduce him to you? 我们的经理李先生前来迎接您。我来给您介绍一下。 17 I would like to introduce you to Mr. Li. 我想把您介绍给李先生。 18 I would like you to meet Mr. Li. 我希望您能见一下李先生。 19 You must be very tired after such a long trip. 您在长途旅行后一定很疲劳 20 We were held up for a few hours at Hong Kong Airport because of a small accident. But on the whole we had a smooth flight. 因为一个小小的事故,我们在香港机场逗留了几个小时,但总的来说,旅途还是顺利的。


r1. I need to pick up somebody at the airport. (我要去机场接人) 2. Excuse me, Miss, will Flight No 33666 arrive on time?(小姐,请问xx号航班会准时到吗?) 3. It has been delayed. (飞机晚点了) 4. It arrived on time. (飞机正点到达) 5. It has been cancelled. (航班被取消了) 6. Where is the luggage Pick-up?(行李提取处在哪?) 7. Where is the Taxi Stand?(在哪叫出租车?) 8. I will hold up a sign and wait for you at the Arrival Gate No. . . . (我会举个牌子在入口. . 号大门处等你. 9. I will be waiting in the parking lot. As soon as you claim your luggage, please call my cell phone right away. 我会在停车场等你. 你一提好行李,马上打我手机. 10. My car is black with lisence plate No. . . . 我的车是黑色,车牌号是. . . 11. How was your flight? 问候人家坐飞机的旅程舒服不. 这句最关键, 毕竟刚下飞机肯定有点感受. 12. Did you enjoy your trip? 你有享受这次旅游吗? 13. Was the food to your taste? 吃的东西合胃口? 14. Please let me know if there's anything you need! 如果有什么需要, 请告诉我


一、示范对话Sample Dialogue A:Excuse me,are you Mr.Brown from the United States? 请问,您是美国来的布朗先生吗? B:Yes。I am.是的,我是。 A:Please allow me to introduce myself.I’m Wulan.the secretary of the Shandong Machinery Import&.Export Corporation. 请允许我自我介绍一下。我是吴兰。山东机械进出口公司的秘书。 B:How do you do,Miss Wu? 您好,吴小姐。 A:How do you do,Mr.Brown?Welcome to China. 您好.布朗先生。欢迎到中国来。 B:Thank you.It’s very kind of you to come and meet me at the airport.Miss Wu.I hope you haven’t been waiting lon9. 谢谢,吴小姐。您到机场来接我真是太客气了。希望没有让您久等。 A:No,not at all.I hope you’ve had an enjoyable trip. 不客气。一路上很好吧! B:Yes,thank you.The service is great and the food is good. 很好,谢谢。服务很棒,吃的也不错。 A:I’m glad to hear that.Is this your first trip to China。Mr.Brown? 很高兴您这么说。布朗先生,您是初次来中国吗? B:Yes,the very first. 是的,是第一次。 A:I hope you will enjoy your stay here in Qingdao. 希望您在青岛过得愉快。 B:Thanks.I’m sure l will.1 would like to know where are we heading now? 谢谢。我相信会的。我想知道我们现在要去哪JL? A:Our car is waiting over there.Let’s drive to the hotel.May I help you with one of your bags? 车在那边。咱们现在就去宾馆。我帮您拿个包吧! B:No thanks.I can manage all right.Let’s go. 不用,谢谢。我自己能行。我们走吧!


Chapter One At the Airport 第一章机场迎接 Section 1 Business Background Tips 第一节商务文化背景与技巧 1.机场迎接外宾,是商务交往接待活动中的首要环节,是表达主人情谊、体现礼貌修养的重要活动。最重要的是,给外宾留下良好的第一印象可以使双方气氛更加融洽,以便彼此建立感情,为日后谈判的顺利进行作好铺垫。所以第一印象是首要的。(The first impression is foremost.) 2.商务交往接待活动中有很多礼仪礼节,还有许多的客套话,这些客套话是由风俗习惯决定的,有着固定的搭配和用词,不可随便改动,需谨慎遵从。 3.机场迎接外宾要提前做好准备工作,其中包括: (1)主人应该提前了解外宾到达的航班及时间,并且应首先了解外宾的习惯、爱好,或者外宾所在国家或地区的风俗习惯、忌讳等。 (2)主人应提前一周或早些为外宾预订好房间,帮外宾办理好一切入住手续。 (3)安排与外宾职位相当的人员前去迎接,若因某种原因,相应职位的主人不能前往,前去迎接的人员应及时向外宾作出礼貌的解释,然后向对方介绍自己和同行人员。 (4)主人到机场去迎接外宾应提前到达,恭候外宾的到来,绝不能迟到让外宾久等。要确认对方身份,避免闹出笑话;接到外宾后,应首先表示欢迎:“You are warmly welcome to our country/city. I hope you will enjoy your stay here.”(“欢迎您来到我们的国家/城市,希望您在这里过得愉快。”)(5)欧美人士交谈时经常保持眼睛对视(Eye contact)以表示聆听尊重。但要把握好度,不能眼睛看别的地方,也不能老盯着对方。最好的商务礼节是保持眼睛对视,偶尔要离开1~2秒,但马上回来。同样地,和外宾握手的时间也不可过久,男女握手时一般女士先伸手。 (6)问候“一路可好”、“一路辛苦了”等。迎接外宾应提前为外宾准备好交通工具(如轿车),在去往住处时顺便向外宾介绍日程安排并问候一路是否辛苦。(How was your trip?) (7)将外宾领进房间,同时向外宾介绍住处的服务、设施,不要逗留太久,影响客户休息,离开时要约定下次见面时间。并加上:“If you need any help, just feel free to let me know.”(“有什么需要帮忙的,随时效劳。”) Section 2 Useful Words & Expressions 第二节实用词汇 terminal 终点 New Jersey 新泽西 Canton sports shoes import-export corporation 广州运动鞋进出 口公司 pick sb. up 接某人Don’t mention it 不客气luggage 行李exit 出口处customs 海关tired 累 a little bit 一点儿


欢迎语句Welcome to our company欢迎光临我们公司 Is this your first visit to our plant第一次来我们公司吗? Is there anything you are particularly interested in?对我们的什么东西感兴趣吗? 2 请对方询问 Please feel free to ask any questions you want没关系,请随便问什么吧 Please stop me if you have anything to ask有什么就随便问吧 Just let me know if you have any questions还有什么问题吗? 实用语句(2) 1.介绍个别部门 Our Administration Department is over there我们的行政部在那边 I will show you our Marketing Department我带你去看看我们的市场推广部 Allow me to show you our showroom请允许我带你去看看展览室吧 2.关于销路 There is a great demand for this product这种产品很好销 The goods are much in demand这种产品很热销This model is hot welcomeed by our clients这种产品深受我们的客户欢迎 实用语句(3) 1. 议价 Would it be possible to have changes in price?价格不能变了吗? I think the price is not competitive enough我想这个价格没有足够的竞争力 I am afraid the price is not acceptable恐怕我不能接受这个价格 2. 还价 We can reduce the price by 30% if your order is big enough 如果你订购量够大的话价格可以降30% We can reduce our price to the level you suggested我们可以降低价格到你的要求 实用语句(4) 介绍新产品 This is our lastest model这是我们的最新模型 Would you like to take a look at our new products?想看看我们的新产品吗? Have you come across this kind of products before?您以前见过这种产品吗? We hightly recommend this kind of products我们极力推荐这中产品作出保证 We guarantee that those misprinted user manuals will be replace 我们保证这些印错的用户手册将被换掉 We promise to deliver the goods before 4 oclock this afternoon 我们答应您今天下午四点钟前把货送到 Please let us know if the goods are not in good condition请告诉我们实话是否货物不好实用语句(6) 解释原因 Please understand we are processing your order as quickly as we can 您应该知道我们正在尽快地赶工 I will check and see what went wrong 我来查查看错在那里 It would be better if one of our engineers has a look at the machine 如果当时有一个工程师看一下该设备情况会好得多


机场接机实用英语 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

r1.I n e e d t o p i c k u p s o m e b o d y a t t h e a i r p o r t.(我要去机场接人) 2. Excuse me, Miss, will Flight No 33666 arrive on time(小姐,请问xx号航班会准时到吗) 3. It has been delayed. (飞机晚点了) 4. It arrived on time. (飞机正点到达) 5. It has been cancelled. (航班被取消了) 6. Where is the luggage Pick-up(行李提取处在哪) 7. Where is the Taxi Stand(在哪叫出租车) 8. I will hold up a sign and wait for you at the Arrival Gate No. . . . (我会举个牌子在入口. . 号大门处等你. 9. I will be waiting in the parking lot. As soon as you claim your luggage, please call my cell phone right away. 我会在停车场等你. 你一提好行李,马上打我手机. 10. My car is black with lisence plate No. . . . 我的车是黑色,车牌号是. . . 11. How was your flight 问候人家坐飞机的旅程舒服不. 这句最关键, 毕竟刚下飞机肯定有点感受. 12. Did you enjoy your trip 你有享受这次旅游吗 13. Was the food to your taste 吃的东西合胃口 14. Please let me know if there's anything you need! 如果有什么需要, 请告诉我 常用机场词汇: 起飞take off 问讯处. Information Desk 机场费 airport fee 国际机场 international airport 国内机场 domestic airport 机场候机楼 airport terminal 国际候机楼 international terminal 国际航班出港 international departure 国内航班出站 domestic departure 不需报关 nothing to declare 登机口 gate; departure gate 候机室 departure lounge 航班号 FLT No (flight number) 预计时间 scheduled time (SCHED) 前往. . . . . . departure to 起飞时间 departure time 延误 delayed 登机 boarding 由此乘电梯前往登机 stairs and lifts to departures 免税店 duty-free shop


关于机场接机的英语对话 史密斯: Sorry to interrupt you. but aren't you Mr. Wu from China? 抱歉.打扰一下.请问您是中国来的吴先生吗? 吴先生: Oh.yes.I am. 哦.对.我是. 史密斯: How do you do.Mr. Wu ? I'm John Smith from DJ Company. And I'm here to meet you. 您好.吴先生.我是DJ公司的约翰·史密斯.我来这儿接你们. 吴先生: How do you do.Mr. Smith ? Thank you very much for meeting us here. 你好.史密斯先生.非常感谢你来接我们. 史密斯: You are welcome. You must be exhausted after a long journey. 不用谢.各位远道而来.一定很累了. 吴先生: Oh, no. It was a pleasant trip and everything went smoothly, so we don't feel tired at all. 不.路上很顺利.又很愉快.一点儿也不觉得累. 史密斯: I`ll be your guide during your stay in China. 你们在中国逗留期间.我将一直陪同大家. 吴先生: Wonderful! 那太好了! 史密斯: Will you please take your baggage and follow me? The taxi's waiting outside. 请大家拎着行李随我来.出租车在外面等着呢. 吴先生: Fine, let's hurry. 好的.我们赶紧走. 关于机场接机的英语对话 Secretary: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Smith from the Tiger Trading Company of America? 秘书:打扰了,请问您是美国Tiger贸易公司的史密斯先生吗? Guest: Yes, I'm Peter Smith. 客人:是的。我是彼得·史密斯。 Secretary: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wang Mei. I'm from the Beijing United Textile Corporation. I'm here to meet you. Did you have a nice journey, Mr. Smith? 秘书:请允许我介绍一下自己。我叫王梅,是北京联合纺织公司的。我是来这儿接您的。旅途愉快吗? Guest: Yes, the flight was smooth. The service was good, too. 客人:还不错,飞行很顺利,服务也不错。 Secretary: I'm glad to hear that. We have a car over there to take you to your hotel. Do you have all your luggage here? 秘书:听您这么说我很高兴。我们那边有辆车送您;去宾馆。您的行李都在这儿吗? Guest: Yes, it's all here.


【工作英语】机场接机实用英语 机场接机实用英语 1. I need to pick up somebody at the airport. (我要去机场接人) 2. Excuse me, Miss, will Flight No 33666 arrive on time?(小姐,请问xx号航班会准时到吗?) 3. It has been delayed. (飞机晚点了) 4. It arrived on time. (飞机正点到达) 5. It has been cancelled. (航班被取消了) 6. Where is the luggage Pick-up?(行李提取处在哪?) 7. Where is the Taxi Stand?(在哪叫出租车?) 8. I will hold up a sign and wait for you at the Arrival Gate No. . . . (我会举个牌子在入口. . 号大门处等你. 9. I will be waiting in the parking lot. As soon as you claim your luggage, please call my cell phone right away. 我会在停车场等你. 你一提好行李,马上打我手机. 10. My car is black with lisence plate No. . . . 我的车是黑色,车牌号是. . . 11. How was your flight? 问候人家坐飞机的旅程舒服不. 这句最关键, 毕竟刚下飞机肯定有点感受. 12. Did you enjoy your trip? 你有享受这次旅游吗? 13. Was the food to your taste? 吃的东西合胃口? 14. Please let me know if there's anything you need! 如果有什么需要, 请告诉我 1 / 1


机场接机礼仪 篇一:接机礼仪 1.做好接站准备。如果不认识客人,应当备有贵宾的照片。 2.依据贵宾搭乘的飞机班次,预先电询航空公司该班飞机是否准时或延迟,乘客名单中是否包括该位贵宾,他是否已坐上此班飞机等事项。 3.掌握前往机场的时间,务必要在飞机抵达前先到达机场。 4.在前往接机之前,接待人员应先行以海报纸明显写出贵宾姓名,粘好双面胶,在确定该班飞机已抵达,便可由接待人员拿着,以提醒贵宾的注意。 5.见面后,由秘书互相介绍,被介绍人应点头微笑以示尊敬。 6.初步认识后,双方握手,并交换名片。递接都要双手,接过来要先看一下再收起来表示对对方的重视,递的时候有字的一面朝向对方。来而不往非礼也,收到别人名片时,应该回别人的名片,如果没有了就要向别人说明。如双方同时递接,应当左手接右手递。交换完毕,可以先暂时放在衬衫的口袋里,或者和文件夹放在一起,总之,对人要礼貌,对名片也要客气一些。 7.接到客人后,要帮助客人提取行李。安排好接送贵宾的车辆,安排好贵宾的食宿。 篇二:第一课接机礼仪教案 第一课接机礼仪

一、引入情境,导入新课 师:同学们,在日常繁忙的公务交往中,接待远方的客人已成为商务人员人人所要面对的一项重要的活动。如何正确接机将是本课要探讨的问题。 (板书:第一课接机礼仪) 二、讲授新课 师:老师有两个问题请同学们思考: ①当客人下航班后,正确规范的接机流程是什么呢?请梳理出来。 ②接机过程中有哪些注意事项呢?请梳理出来。 小组开始讨论(时间10分钟) 注意:教师要巡视各组,必要时要进行干预,看看哪组的回答更准确,展示环节好引导和确定小组回答。 学生回答预设: 生1:抓紧时间赶去飞机场; 生2:要选择不容易堵车的车道; 生3:要提前出门,以防时间赶; 生4:不要接错人,事先要确认接机的对象; 生5:要随身带好电话,方便联系对方。 学生展示讨论结果 师小结:看来各位是如此的细心,但是,关键的细节往往决定成败。我们来看看以下情境,碰到这样的情况,你们会怎么处理呢?(场景:堵车、车祸、接待车出故障停在路中央、客人电话打不通)
