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【英文摘要】Indispensable part to the further development of the city. How to reshape theoriginal city structure ,extend the new space and adjust the relationship betweeneconomic structure and industrial structure, which becomes an effect mean ofself-regulating mechanisms.Port industrial area is developing as a powerful port basis,along with the development of the whole process of the port city, has experienced therise, prosperity, decline and revival of such development process. The old port area hasthe explicit and implicit interaction to do with the development of the city. How tohandle the interaction , how to re shape the old port area that is no capable any more tomeet the needs of developing , which also comes to a heat issue.This paper based on the case analysis of the old port city transformation andreinforcement both home and oversea,sum up several fundamental factors that wereemployed in the old port city renewal issue and obtain the following modes:renewalmode on interactive relation of city structure
and port area;renewal mode on balancingcity and port
area;renewal mode on City functional diversification and industrialstructure adjustment ;A unified model on the updating the port and city;renewal modeon the old port area reinforcement;renewal mode on ecological environment protectionand sustainable development of City and port area.Started with the specific caseanalysis comprehensively on advantages and disadvantages as well as the adaptability.The paper employed the Qingdao old port area reinstruction project as example, analysis overseveral stages of development, dictating the Qingdao city old port development and shape changesand the evolution of spatial structure, explaining the causal relationship between urban developmentand the old port, evaluating over all the status of old port area through the analysis of several modelsto explore the old port of Qingdao adaptive re-use model transformation, and also worked on theFeasibility and adaptability analysis of home port of Chittagong Pier cruise planning ; of thecomprehensive functions of Xiaogang area;of The Sifang area and the original North Sea coastal cityof Port Shipyard and other specific land with the hope to provide new ideas and new methods fornational old port area transformation via the renewal mode study on
Qingdao old port area .
【关键词】城市更新老港区改造再利用港城关系模式青岛【英文关键词】Urban Renewal Old port area Transformation reuse Relations of city andport model Qingdao
【目录】基于城市更新背景下的老港区更新再利用模式研究摘要8-9Abstract9第1章绪论10-22 1.1 选题的背景和意义10-15 1.1.1 研究的背景10 1.1.2 问题的提出
10-11 1.1.3 选题依据11-12 1.1.4 研究的意义12-15 1.2 研究对象和研究范围15-18 1.2.1 研究对象15-18 1.2.2 研究范围18 1.3 研究方法和研究框架18-22 1.3.1 研究方法
18-20 1.3.2 研究框架20-22第2章城市更新相关理论及老港区更新发展动态22-47 2.1 城市更新相关理论22-26 2.1.1 凯文·林奇的城市意象22-23 2.1.2 简·雅各布斯的城市多样性理论23 2.1.3 约翰·波特曼的“城市编织”理论23 2.1.4 可持续发展相关理论23-24 2.1.5 旧城保护相关理论
24-25 2.1.6 城市空间结构相关理论25 2.1.7 城市形态相关理论25-26 2.2 港城关系相关理论26-29 2.2.1 港口城市研究背景与港城关系分析框架27 2.2.2 港口与城市的功能关系和经
济关系27-28 2.2.3 港城空间关系28 2.2.4 现阶段我国多层次港城关系的演变过程及其影响28-29 2.3 国内外的研究动态
29-32 2.3.1 国外研究动态29-31 2.3.2 国内研究动态
31-32 2.4 国内外案例分析32-46 2.4.1 德国汉堡旧港新城设计分析32-35 2.4.2 英国“泰晤士门廊”规划35-36 2.4.3 美国巴尔的摩内港改造与城市关系的分析36-38 2.4.4 横滨 MM 21 地区的规划设计38-41 2.4.5 利物浦城市更新与码头区改造
41-43 2.4.6 大连港城市化改造43-44 2.4.7 上海杨树浦老港区再开发44-46 2.5 本章小结46-47第3章老港区有机更新的要素及模式47-60 3.1 老港区有机更新涉及的客观要素
47-48 3.1.1 土地的利用47 3.1.2 自然生态环境的保护
47 3.1.3 历史文化的延续47-48 3.1.4 社会经济因素
48 3.2 老港区有机更新的模式分析48-59 3.2.1 港城空间结构互动关系更新模式48-49 3.2.2 港城平衡化更新模式
49-51 3.2.3 港城功能多样化与产业结构调整更新模式
51-53 3.2.4 港城形态统一化更新模式53-55 3.2.5 城市老港区保护再利用更新模式55-57 3.2.6 港城生态环境保护与可持续发展更新模式57-59 3.3 本章小结59-60第4章青岛城市更新发展与青岛港口工业区的基础调研及综合评析60-75 4.1 青岛近代城市与港口区的规划发展60-68 4.1.1 青岛近代城市的规划发展60-65 4.1.2 青岛旧港口工业区的历史沿革65-68 4.2 青岛老港区现状调研及综合评析68-74 4.2.1 青岛老港区的范围、用地现状及评析68-70 4.2.2 青岛老港区功能现状
70-72 4.2.3 青岛旧港口工业区建筑现状及评析72 4.2.4 青岛旧港口工业区及周边历史文化与景观价值72-74 4.3 青岛老港
区与青岛城市发展的关系74 4.4 本章小结74-75第5章青岛
老港口工业区改造再利用模式探索75-104 5.1 青岛老港口工业
区面临的问题75-78 5.1.1 港城空间结构布局的不合理
75-76 5.1.2 港城产业分布的不科学76-77 5.1.3 港城空间形
态的矛盾77-78 5.1.4 老港区与生态环境相互制约78 5.2 青
岛老港口工业区改造再利用的机遇78-81 5.2.1 环胶州湾发展的
瓶颈79 5.2.2 “环湾保护,拥湾发展”战略的提出79-80 5.2.3
半岛蓝色经济区战略的提出80-81 5.3 青岛老港区改造再利用模
式与案例分析81-103 5.3.1 基于老港区与城市空间结构互动更
新模式81-86 5.3.2 基于港城平衡化更新模式86-92 5.3.3 基
于老港区产业结构调整更新模式92-97 5.3.4 基于老港区生态环
境与可持续发展更新模式97-103 5.4 本章小结103-104第6
章结论104-106 6.1 论文结论104-105 6.2 展望105-106
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