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1. 卖方将尽力在交货期内包装好所有货物。

The seller will endeavor to complete all packaging within time for the delivery date.
2. 买方承担在货物运输和销售中的成本和费用。

The buyer is responsible for the costs and charges incurred in the sale and transport of the goods.
3. 卖方将一次性发送货物。


The seller will deliver the goods in a single shipment. The mode of transport to the point of delivery is at the seller’s dis cretion. 4. 卖方应尽一切努力启运货物以便能及时交货。

The seller will make every effort to commence transport of the goods so that they will arrive by the delivery date.
5. 如果推迟交货,卖方应立即告知买方推迟交货,预定的交货期和耽搁的理由。

If there is any delay, the seller will immediately notify the buyer of the delay, the expected time for delivery, and the reason for the delay.


The buyer will then have the option to renegotiate with the seller for a new delivery date, which the parties will confirm in writing as a modification to this agreement, or to notify the seller that the agreement is terminated.
6. 为了自己的利益,买方将为运输中的货物投保。

The buyer will obtain and pay, on its own account, for all insurance on the goods while in transit.
7. 在货物运输前,保险人将把保险证明,如保单或由保险人所出具的其他证明交给买方。

Evidence of this insurance, in the form of a copy of the policy or other statement provided by the insurer, will be provided to the buyer before the goods are shipped.
8. 买卖双方为自己的利益为货物所投保的险种将由其自行负担费用。

Each party is responsible for obtaining on its own account any other insurance coverage for the goods that he may desire.
9. 如果买方已向卖方付款,在货物到达纽约港时货物的所有权将转移至买方。

Title to the goods will pass to the buyer at the time the goods are delivered to New York port provided the buyer has transmitted payment to the seller by that time.
10. 如果延迟装运是由于买方无法及时提供此类证据,在这种情况下,卖方不违约。

If shipment is delayed because the buyer fails to furnish such proof timely, the seller will not be deemed to have breached the contract.
11. 买方同意货物被运送到美国,并同意货物不会被运往其它国家。


The buyer covenants that the goods will be shipped to and delivered in US and that the buyer will not ship or deliver the goods to any other country, nor will the buyer re-export the goods after delivery in US.
12. 买方有权在卖方的营业地检验或让其代理人检验货物。

The buyer is entitled to inspect, or to have its agent inspect, the goods at the seller’s place of business.
13. 在交货后90天内,卖方可免费为买方换任何有瑕疵的货物,由此所产生的运输费用由卖方承担。

Within 90 days after delivery, the seller will replace free of charges, including the cost of transportations, any part of the goods found defective.
14. 卖方应补偿买方任何由此类诉讼所承担的责任、支付的赔偿、花费及诉讼费用。

The seller will indemnify the buyer against any liability, damage, or expenses incurred in connection with any such suit and will pay any judgment entered against the buyer in such suit.
15. 这一协议的生效条件是:买方获得美国政府部门签发的进口许可证,卖方获得中国政府部门签发的出口许可证。

This agreement is subject to the issuance of an import license to the buyer by the appropriate agency of US government and the issuance of an export license to the seller by the appropriate agency of China government.
16. 如果任何一方通知另一方不想或不能履行协议,收到通知的一方有权撤销协议。

If either party notifies the other party that it will not, or is unable to, perform this agreement the party receiving notices is entitled to cancel the agreement.
17. 为了使撤销有效,撤销的一方应通知另一方协议已撤销。


To make the cancellation effective, the party seeking to cancel must give notice to the other party that the agreement is deemed canceled. The date of the cancellation will be the date on which the party receives the notice of the nonperformance.
18. 如一方违约,就另一方所遭受的损失的合理的估计,各方已达成一致。

It is agreed that the parties have considered what would be a reasonable estimate of the damages each would suffer if the other were to breach this agreement.
19. 如果卖方不能交货是由于除买方错误之外的其它原因,卖方将向卖方支付总计1亿美元的赔偿金。

If the seller cannot deliver the goods for any reason other than by fault of the buyer, the seller will pay to the buyer as damages the sum of US $100 million.
20. 对本协议所做出的任何修改必须以书面形式做出并由各方或其授权的代理人签署。


All modifications to this agreement must be in writing and signed by the parties or their authorized agents. If a party waives any of its rights under this agreement to make a claim for bre ach, that waiver will have no effect with regard to the party’s right to enforce the Agreement.40
21. 买方特别指出除本协议中的条款外,任何表述都不具有可靠性。

The buyer specifically agrees that no reliance has been placed on any representations other than the provisions contained in this agreement.
22. 根据本协议规定,发通知时,一方必须向另一方在协议中指定的地点发出书面的通知。

To give notice pursuant to this agreement, a party must send written notice to the other party at the address stated in this agreement.
23. 另一方收到通知时通知生效。


Notice is deemed to be given at the time it is received. A party must notify the other party in writing of any change in its address within 90 days of the effective date of the change.
24. 在这种情况下,卖方将通知买方推迟交货,双方重新磋商一个交货日期。

In this event, the seller will notify the buyer of the delay and the parties will renegotiate another delivery date.
25. 由于买方提供了特定的规格,因此卖方无法在指定交货日交货的,不构成卖方违约。

The seller’s inability to meet the delivery date designated because the buyer has furnished particular specifications will no t be a breach of contract.
26. 卖方只有在得到购买和生产许可证,并能够获得原材料的前提下,才能接受订单。

The seller’s acceptance of any order is subject to the seller’s receipt of all licenses required for purchase and manufacture and to the seller’s ability to acquire the raw materials.
27. 如接收这一要约,买方对此要约不能做出任何改动并必须在2005年1月9日前签字并返给卖方,买方有权在接到承诺前撤回要约。

To accept this offer, the buyer must sign and return it without any modifications to the seller, who must receive it no later than 9 Jan.2005. The seller is entitled to revoke this offer at any time before receipt of acceptance.
28. 如卖方不更改、删减或增加任何条款,本合同自卖方签约之日起,将对合同双方有约束力。

This contract will become binding on the parties as of the date the seller signs it, provided the seller does not alter, delete, or add to the terms of this contract。

29. 请注意你方接受这一订单的条件在此函的背面。

Please note that our acceptance of your order will be subject to the conditions printed on the reverse of this letter.
30. 你方的订单不会成为双方的具有约束力的合同。



Your order will not create a binding contract between us. After we have received your order, we will confirm in writing our acceptance, at which time we will then have a binding contract with you.
31. 除订单中载明不同地址外,我方将向你方如上地址交所定货物。


We will deliver the goods ordered to your address as stated above, unless you specify a different address in your order. The delivery will be within 90 days of our receipt of your order, unless we otherwise inform you.
32. 如我方到2004年9月9日为止未收到你方订单,此要约撤销。


If we do not receive an order from you by 9 Sep, 2004, this offer is withdrawn. We look forward to hearing from you.
33. 除卖方以书面形式接受更改外,不得更改、删除和添加此要约中的任何条件。

No alteration, deletion, or addition to these conditions will have any effect unless the seller accepts the change in writing.
34. 但是,如延迟交货是由于卖方努力提供符合买方要求的特别规格的货物,买方无权撤销合同。

However, if the delay in delivery results because o f the seller’s efforts to comply with particular specifications supplied by the
buyer, the buyer will not have a right to cancel.
35. 如果买方相信所交付的货物有瑕疵,买方唯一的救济是把货物返还买方。

If the buyer believes that any goods delivered are defective, the buyer’s only remedy will be to return the goods to the seller. 36. 如果买方要求换货,并有货可换,在货物被退还卖方后,并被认为确有瑕疵,卖方应为买方换原定的货。

If the goods are returned to the seller and are accepted as defective, the seller will replace the goods as originally ordered , provided the buyer requests replacement and provided that replacement goods can still be provided.
37. 如买方向相关承运人提供了单独的书面通知和索赔要求,卖方将不再考虑对于货物损坏损失的索赔。

The seller will not consider any claim for damage, shortage, or loss if the buyer presents a separate written notice and claim to the carrier concerned.
38. 如卖方由于不能获得许可证和原材料,而无法完成订单,卖方有权撤销合同。

If the seller cannot complete an order because licenses or raw materials are unavailable, the seller will have the right to cancel the contract.
39. 无论如何,买方无权修改货物本身,或其设计、包装、标签,所作广告必须指明卖方拥有知识产权。

The buyer will not modify the goods or the design, packaging, or labeling of the goods in any way, and all advertising must specify that the seller owns the intellectual property rights.
40. 我方确认已收到你方2004年1月6日对如下货物的订单。

We confirm your order received on Jan 6, 2004 for the following goods.
41. 依照本协议,无论货物是否移交买方,卖方保有货物所有权直到买方付清全部货款。

The seller will retain title to the goods until the buyer has paid the purchase price in full as provided in this agreement, notwithstanding that the goods are delivered to the buyer before full payment is made.
42. 买卖双方同意买卖如下货物。

The seller agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to purchase the following goods.
43. 任何一方可不经另一方的同意转让本协议。


Neither party may assign this agreement without the written consent of the other. An assignment will not have the effect of delegating the duties of the assigning party, and that party will continue to be obligated under this agreement.
44. 制造商同意制造和保留一定数量的货物以便按照销售代表的需求及时供货。

The manufacturer agrees to manufacture and to maintain a quantity of goods sufficient to deliver timely all goods that the sales representative may sell.
45. 制造商拥有所有与货物有关的商标,名称,设计,专利和商业秘密等财产权。

The manufacturer owns property rights in all of the marks, names, designs, patents, and trade secrets connected with the goods.
47. 双方承认他们意图建立一个互惠互利的关系,为此,他们将努力通过友好磋商方式解决争端。

The parties acknowledge that they intend to establish a mutually beneficial relationship and that, to this end, they will strive to resolve any disagreements between them through amicable negotiations.
48. 依照本协议,交给受托人的货物为寄售货物。


All goods delivered to the consignee pursuant to this agreement will be held on consignment. The goods will remain at all times under the ownership, direction, and control of the manufacturer until they are sold to customers.
49. 受托人没有货物的所有权。


The consignee will not take title to the goods at any time. Title to the goods will pass directly from the manufacturer to the customer.
50. 制造商有权更改货物价格,更改后应立即提供给分销商一个新的价目单。

The manufacturer reserves the right to change any of the prices for its goods, in which event the manufacturer will immediately furnish the distributor with a new price list.
1. The buyer will pay the purchase price. The payment must be made by sight draft, D/P.

2. The inspection and execution of the certificate wi ll be at the buyer’s cost. The buyer’s failure to inspect the goods will constitute a waiver of the right of inspection, and the buyer will be deemed to have accepted the goods as delivered.


3. Provided the buyer has not altered the goods or the packaging of the goods in any manner before sale, the seller will defend
any suit for damages brought against the buyer based on a defect in the materials, design, or manufacturing of the goods or on patent or trademark infringement in connection with the sale or use of the goods, if any action is brought against the buyer, it will promptly notify the seller.


4. The buyer understand that the seller owns the exclusive rights in the designs, patents, trademarks, trade names, and company names used in connection with the seller’s goods. The buyer is given no rights in any of the seller’s intellectual pr operty. 买方知道卖方拥有与卖方货物有关的设计、专利、商标、商号名称、公司名称上的专有权。



5. Smith corporation appoints the Datong trading corporation as its sole and exclusive distributor for the resale, lease, or rent of the goods in the territory. The distributor accepts this appointment.


6. The seller has discretion in packaging the goods, provided that the packaging must withstand transportation, prevent damage to the goods during transport, and comply with the following requirement. e.g. product warning and origin marketing laws of the buyer’s country.

7. If there is any delay, the seller will immediately notify the buyer of the delay, the expected time for completion, and the reason for the delay.

8. The buyer will then have the option to renegotiate with the seller for a new delivery date, which the parties will confirm in writing as a modification to this agreement, or to notify the seller that the agreement is terminated.


9. The seller will be responsible for obtaining, completing, and presenting to US customs all export documentation and fees required for clearance.

10. The buyer will be responsible for obtaining, completing, and presenting to customs all import documentation and fees required for clearance.

11. The buyer must notify the seller that all import requirements have been met. The seller is not required to ship the goods until the buyer furnishes the seller with proof that the import requirements and fees have been or will be timely met.


12. The seller will issue provisional invoices for the shipment of the goods. The invoices must specifically describe the goods, the quantity of the goods, and the price of the goods.


13. The seller will pay return freight charges and will replace goods that the buyer or its agent rejects with goods that meet the description and specifications set forth in this agreement.

14. On completion of the inspection and acceptance of the goods, the buyer or its agent will execute a certificate of inspection and acceptance.

15. The seller expressly warrants that the goods are free from all defects of material, workmanship, or installation.
16. Except as expressly stated in this agreement, the seller does not warrant the goods in any manner a t all. Implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or of merchantability are disclaimed.


17. The goods are sold “as is” and the buyer understands and agrees that no reliance has been placed on the seller’s skill and
judgment to select or furnish goods for any particular purpose.

18. The buyer will not use the seller’s intellectual property as if it were the buyer’s own property, nor will the buyer register the seller’s intellectual property in any country as if it were the buyer’s own. The buyer acknowledges that its unauthorized use or registr ation of the seller’s intellectual property, or of any intellectual property that is confusingly or deceptively similar to th e seller’s intellectual property, will be deemed an infringement of the seller’s exclusive rights.


19. The buyer has a right to cancel this agreement if the seller fails to ship all the goods on time. The seller has a right to cancel this agreement if the buyer fails to make any payment within 30 days.


20. This agreement will be deemed canceled, and neither party will have any liability to the other for losses resulting from nonperformance, if delivery is prevented by causes beyond the control of the seller, such causes include, but are not limited to, acts of nature, labor disputes, failure of essential means of transportation, or changes in policy with respect to exports or imports by the government.

21. Each party understands that a breach of this agreement will cause the nonbreaching party damages that will be difficult to calculate in terms of sales, markets, and goodwill lost.

22. If the buyer infringes the seller’s intellectual property, the buyer will pay to the seller as damages the sum of US $10,000 for each day of continued use. Payment of damages will not, in any way, affect the seller’s rights to stop the buyer’s continued use of the seller’s intellectual property.


23. Except when liquidated damages apply, if a disputed arises between the parties to this agreement with regard to any of the provisions or the performance of any terms and conditions of this agreement, the dispute will be settled by binding arbitration to be conducted in accordance with the name of the arbitration rules in China.

24. The parties understand and agree that the laws of China will be applied to interpret this agreement. This agreement is to be interpreted by application of the United Nations Convention on international sale of goods. Any action filed to resolve a dispute between the parties must be brought in China.



25. This agreement binds the parties, their successors, and assignees, subject to the limitations of any assignment. Neither party may assign the rights or delegate the performance of its duties under this agreement without the prior written consent of the other party.


26. If any provision of this agreement is held invalid or unenforceable for any reason, that provision is fully separable, and will be deemed separated from, the rest of this agreement. The remaining provisions will be valid and enforceable as if the invalid or unenforceable provision were not part of this agreement.


27. This agreement is the entire understanding between the parties. The seller is not bound by any statements, representations, or promises, regardless of whether made by the seller, an agent, or employee, unless it is set forth in this agreement.


28. The parties warrant to each other that each has legal capacity to enter into and be bound by the terms of this agreement.

29. Each party acknowledges that it has been advised and has been given the opportunity to obtain independent advice regarding the legal, tax, and accounting issues and consequences of this agreement.

30. The parties further acknowledge that they have been given the opportunity to make their own separate judgments, and each is relying solely on its own review and that of its own advisors regarding the rights, obligations, liabilities, and consequences of this agreement.

31. All intellectual property rights associated with the goods—including but not limited to company names, trade names, trademarks, service marks, trade dress, patents, designs, and copyrights –remain the property of the seller, provided that any such rights associated with particular specifications supplied by the buyer are not the seller’s property.

32. If the seller is unable to deliver the goods because of the occurrence of an event beyond the seller’s control—a national emergency arises, the seller’s property or products are taken by the government, a natural catastrophe strikes, or otherwise------the seller will be entitled to notify the buyer that only partial deliveries will be made.

33. If for any reason before the goods are delivered, the market price of the goods decreases so much that the buyer will incur extreme hardship by purchasing them at the purchase price, the buyer will have the same right as the seller to seek renegotiation.

34. Before accepting the goods, the buyer has a right to inspect them after they reach the buyer’s designated place. Acceptance or rejection must be made within 3 working days from the date the goods reach that destination. The buyer’s failur e to inspect the goods will be deemed a waiver of the right of inspection。




35. We thank you for your inquiry of 4, June, 2003 regarding the purchase of tape recorders. We are pleased to offer you our most competitive price of US$20 per tape recorder. The minimum order is twenty tape recorders.



36. Any delivery time or date designated by the seller is an estimate only. The seller will notify the buyer of any delay and of a new estimated delivery date. If delivery is delayed more than thirty days after the date originally designated, the buyer has a right to cancel the contract by giving written notice to the seller at least five days in advance of the estimated delivery date.


如果推迟交货超过原预定时间30 天,买方有权撤销合同,但至少在预定交货期5天前书面通知卖方。

37. If the buyer places an order within the time designated in this offer, the price for the goods will remain firm notwithstanding any variation in the costs of producing the goods.

38. No express or implied condition or warranty is made regarding the life or wear of the goods supplied.

39. Nor does the seller warrant the suitability of the goods for any purpose or use under any specific conditions, regardless of whether the seller may know or may have been informed of any purpose or use intended for the goods.

40. The buyer will not have any claim for loss, damages, or expenses arising directly or indirectly from the defects.

41. The buyer must present any claims for damage in transit, shortage of delivery, or loss of goods to the seller within 10 days after the buyer receives the goods.

42. The seller has a right to suspend all deliveries and to add the time of that suspension to the period originally designated in
the contract in the event that work in the seller’s business is stopped, delayed, or interrupted because of strikes, lockou ts, trade disputes, breakdown , accident, or any cause whatsoever beyond the seller’s control.

43. If the seller is unable to deliver the goods because of the occurrence of an event beyo nd the seller’s control—whether hostilities arise between nations, war is declared, a national emergency arises, the seller’s property or products are taken by the government, a natural catastrophe strikes, or otherwise------the seller will be entitled to notify the buyer that only partial deliveries will be made or that the contract is terminated.

44. If the buyer supplies particular specifications for the goods to the seller, the buyer will indemnify the seller against all damages, penalties, costs, and expense that result because the specifications infringe on any patents, designs, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights of any third parties.
45. The parties agree to submit any dispute under the contract to an arbitrator to be appointed by the parties. The parties will accept the arbitrator’s decision as binding. The arbitratio n will be conducted in accordance with American rules of arbitration.



46. If the seller is unable to ship the quantity of goods ordered, the seller must notify the buyer before shipment. The buyer then has a right to cancel the entire contract, accept substitute goods, or accept the reduced quantity. The price will be adjusted to reflect the goods actually received.


47. The company holds exclusive rights in the intellectual property connected with its goods and services. No transfer of these rights is being made to the consultant. The consultant covenants to protect the company’s exclusive rights and to avoid infri nging them.



48. The agreement is made on Jan 6, 2004 between Datong export and import corporation ,Beijing , China and Smith corporation ,Canada.

49. The manufacturer appoints the distributor as its sole and exclusive distributor for the resale, lease, or rent of the goods in the territory. The distributor accepts this appointment.


50. This license being granted is limited to the territory only. Any sales of the goods outside the territory or for export from the territory must be negotiated separately.

一what obligation should the seller take on fob basis?
If the agreement is built up on the FOB basis ,according to relevant regulations of INCOTERMS 2000,the seller and buyer should be take the duties as follows:
1 the seller should be responsible for effecting the delivery for the goods under contract to the port ordered by buyer within the expiry date set forth in normal agreement and should give proper notice to the buyer in advance.
2 the seller should be liable for obtaining export license or any other necessary relevant certificate for export and handle all the formality nececssary for export.
3 the seller should take the duty to afford all the appropriate expense and possible risk that is likely to take place before the goods are delivered through the side of the ship(the board ,namely).
4 the seller ought to provide the buyer with invoice and any other general documents used to prove the delivery has been finished.However ,if the two parties arrive at an agreement to make the transaction under EDI basis ,the seller can substitute EDI messages for any relevant documents.
二what obligation should the buyer take on fob basis?。
