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I. .The box is too heavy. Can you do me a f ________ ?

2. The naughty(淘气)boy is so c ______ that he often forgets his schoolbag.

3. I'm sorry for ____ (lose) your book.

4. We believe you can do ______ (well) n ext time.

5. Who ________ (invent) basketball in 1891?

6. We will stay at home in stead of ________ ? (travel )

7. Jane enjoys playi ng tennis in differe nt ____ (coun try)

8. I always have great fun _____ (run )every morni ng.

9. Would you mi nd _____ ( give ) me ano ther moon cake

10. My pen is broke n. So I use a pen cil i _____ .

II. May I help you with the homework?

-It's very nice of you, but I think I can m _____ it myself.

12. My mother f ___ ill yesterday eve ning, so my father stays at home

to look after her today

13. What do you mea n by ______ (shout) at me?

14. She always practices _______ (sing) every morni ng.

11. 单项选择题

()1. Would you mi nd __________ the door?

A. ope n

B. ope ns

C. ope ning

()2. ---Will you join us?

---Yes, _________

A. I'll

B. I won't

C. I will

()3. I am very sorry ___________ what I said

A. with

B. at

C. for

()4. The in teresti ng book kept her ___________ for an hour.

A. read

B. read ing

C. to read

()5. Would you _____________ smok ing here?

A. mind not

B. not mind

C. to mind not

( )6. You should n't shout _____ your pare nts

A. at

B. to

C. with

( )7. We will have a football game _________ C lass Three this Sun day.

A. with

B. and

C. aga inst

( )8. This is a ___ passage( 短文).Can you read it for me?

A. 200 word

B. 200-word

C. 200-words

D. 200 of words

()10 .I can't swim, she can't , ____ .

A. too

B. also

C. but D either.

( )11 ___ my teacher's help ,I passed the exam.

A. Un der B By C With D .On

()12. Please keep _____ .I'm trying to study.





()13. -- _____ you ___ me carry the bag? -Certainly, I'm coming.

A .Do, help

B .Will, help C. Did, help D. May, help

()14. He is not the best, but he is _____ very famous.

A. too B .also C. either D. as well

()15. I often help my mother _____ the house.

A. to clea n

B. clea ning

C. clea ns

D. clea ned

()16. Jim got up early _____ h e can catch the bus.


B. i nstead of C .so that D. the n

()17. -Would you mind _____ my pet dog?

A. look after B .to looking after . C. to look after D looking ()18. Learning English well is important ____ you.

A for

B with

C of

D to

()20.It is a ______ r iver.

()21. Playing soccer can make your body ______ .

A strong

B stron gly

C to stro ng

D to be strong ( )22. -Do you mind my smok ing here?-

A. Yes, you can

B. Y es, I do

C. Not at all

D. No. you'd better not.

( )23. I guess borrow the book.

A. somebody other

B. other somebody

C. somebody else

D. else somebody

()24. -Would you mi nd ________ h ere?

-Sorry. I'll go somewhere else.

A. my smoki ng

B. to smoke

C. not to smoke

D. not smok ing

( )25. She is _________ girl.

A. a 15 years

B. a 15-years

C. a 15-years-old

D. a 15-year-old

( )26. Your father is sleep ing. Please _______ the radio a little.

A. turn on

B. turn up

C. turn off

D. turn dow n

( )27.They have fun ____________ i n the lake here.


B.swims Cswimmi ng D. to swim

()28. Let's practice _______________ .

A. play

B. to play

C. playi ng

D. played

()29. Are you still angry ______ me?

A .with B. for C. at

()30. I'm sorry rm late for class . ___________

A. It's does n't matter

B. It does n't matter

C. You're welcome

()31.Li Ping did n't go shopp in g.He went skating ____

A.of in stead

B.i netead of

C.i nstead

()32. You should study in stead of _______ out .


A. 2.5- meters-wide B .2.5- meter-wide C. wide- 2.5 -meters D. wide- 2.5 卄eter
