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➢ 跟父亲的那种狭窄的、一成不变的日子相比,我觉得母亲 的日子过得比较阔绰。她们去看望邻居,上城里买东西, 到学校、图书馆、教堂办事情。
➢ 跟做父亲的那种狭窄、紧张的生活相比,我觉得做母亲的 日子过得比较宽松自在。她们上邻居家串门,去城里买东 西,到学校、图书馆、教堂跑跑腿儿。
作者为了取得某种效果而刻意创造某种特别的句式, 应该尽量考虑,以增强表达效果。
On the morning of a fine June day, my first bonny little nursling, and the last of the ancient Earnshaw stock, was born.(Wuthering Heights)
翻译单位是需要作为一个单位而做整体处理的最小语言 片段。
翻译单位观: 立足于句,放眼语篇。
尊重原文的主位(意义)推进方式,主次有序 -Idealized
It happened in one of those picturesque Danish taverns that cater to tourists and where English is spoken.
“必要和足够层次的翻译是等值翻译” “层次偏低的翻译是逐词死译” “层次偏高的翻译是意译”
Peter Newmark (U.K.) Translation Unit is the minimal stretch of
language that has to be translated together, as one unit.
➢ 班纳特先生尽管在自己太太面前自始至终都说不想去拜访彬格莱先生, 事实上一直都打算去拜访他,而且还是跟第一批人一起去拜访他的。 等他去拜访过以后,当天晚上太太才知道实情。
➢ 贝内特先生是最先拜访宾利先生的人之一。本来他一直打算去拜访他, 可在太太面前却始终咬定不想去;直到拜访后的当天晚上,贝内特太 太才知道实情。
➢ 1920年以后,人们开始在自己家里喝酒,因为那 是他们可以喝酒的唯一合法场所。
➢ 人们开始在自己家里喝酒,因为1920年以后,那 是喝酒的唯一合法场所。
意群 sense group
…and the respect which he felt for her high rank, and his veneration for her as his patroness, mingling with a very good opinion of himself, of his authority as a clergyman, and his rights as a rector, made him altogether a mixture of pride and obsequiousness, self-importance and humility.(Pride and Prejudice)
➢ 我没有怜悯!我没有怜悯!虫子越扭动,我越想挤出它们 的内脏!这是一种精神上的长牙!它越是痛,我就越是要 使劲磨。
➢ 我才不讲怜悯呢!我才不讲怜悯呢!虫子越扭动,我就越 恨不得挤出它们的内脏!这种心理作用,就像出牙一样, 越觉得痛,我就磨得越起劲儿。
“He’s been in his room all day,”the landlady said downstairs.“I guess he don’t feel well. I said to him‘Mr. Anderson, you ought to go out and take a walk on nice fall day like this,’but he didn’t feel like it”
英语用ah, oh, eh, hum, m, alas, ha, well和标点符号表示。
Then what? Well, mankind is not doing a very good job of running the earth right now. Maybe, when the time comes, we ought to step gracefully aside and hand over the job to someone who can do it better.
……大家来到菜园,一面观赏墙上的花朵,一面听 着园丁抱怨种种病虫害。接着走进暖房,因为霜 冻结束得晚,再加上管理不慎,夏洛特最喜欢的 几种花草被冻死了,逗得她哈哈大笑。最后来到 家禽饲养场,只听饲养员沮丧地说起老母鸡不是 弃巢而去,就是被狐狸叼走,一窝小鸡本来很有 希望,不想却纷纷死去,于是夏洛特又发现了新 的笑料。就这样,上午余下的时间很快便消磨过 去了。
You must remember, my dear mother, that I have never considered this matter as certain. I have had my doubts, I confess; but they are fainter than they were, and they may soon be entirely done away… ➢ 您应该记得,亲爱的妈妈,我从来就不认为这件事是
了解翻译单位的定义,明确如何在翻译 中进行操作。
了解以句为单位的翻译操作过程。 掌握语篇分析的基本技巧。 培养翻译中的语篇意识。
按语言等级体系分: 音位层 phoneme(grapheme) 词素层 morpheme 词层 word 词组层 phrase 句子层 sentence 话语层 text
➢ 6月份一个阳光明媚的早晨,厄恩肖这个古老世 家的最后一代继承人出生了,这是第一个我亲自 喂养的孩子。
➢ 6月份一个阳光明媚的早晨,我要抚养的第一个 小宝宝,也是古老的厄恩肖家族的最后一根苗, 出世了。(p.41)
摸清时空关系,摸清逻辑关系。 时空关系:时间和空间的前后关系 逻辑关系:事物或行为间存在的前因后果、假设、
…and the rest of the morning was easily whiled away, in lounging round the kitchen garden, examining the bloom upon the walls, and listening to the gardener’s lamentations upon blights, in dawdling through the greenhouse, where the loss of her favorite plants, unwarily exposed, and nipped by the lingering frost, raised the laughter of Charlotte, and in visiting her poultry-yard, where in the disappointed hopes of her dairy-maid, by hens forsaking their nests, or being stolen by a fox, or in the rapid decease of a promising young brood, she found fresh sources of merriment.(Sense and Sensibility).
➢ ……他看到他的女恩主地位颇高,便悉心崇拜,倍加尊敬;另一方面 又自命不凡,自以为当上了教士,该有怎样怎样的权力,作为一个教 区的主管牧师,又该享受怎样怎样的权利,于是他一身兼顾了骄傲自 大和谦卑顺从的两重性格。
➢ ……他一方面敬仰凯瑟琳夫人的崇高地位,尊崇她作为自己的女恩主, 另一方面又非常看重自己,珍惜自己作为教士的权威,做教区长的权 利,这一切造就了他一身兼有傲慢与恭顺、自负与谦卑的双重性格。
翻译时要把每个词、每句话都放在语篇语 境中去认识,从中领会作者的意图和语篇 的逻辑连贯意义,并准确翻译。
I have no pity!I have no pity!The more the worms writhe, the more I yearn to crush out their entrails!It is moral teething, and I grind with greater energy, in proportion to the increase of pain.(Wuthering Heights)
可靠的。我承认我曾将信将疑过,但他们现在已没有 他们以前的那种勇气,他们很可能马上就会彻底告 吹…… ➢ 你应该记住,我的好妈妈,我从来没有把事情看得一 定如此。我承认我有疑虑,但是不像以前那么重了, 也许很快就会彻底打消……
语篇连贯是指语言片断以语篇意向为主线 所形成的语义、逻辑上的连贯性。有时通 过连接词来衔接,有时则按一定的时空逻 辑关系来贯通。
语篇的衔接与语篇的连贯 Lexical Cohesion and Structural Cohesion
词汇衔接与结构衔接 词汇衔接:语篇中前后词语之间的语义联
By comparison with the narrow, ironclad days of fathers, there was an expansiveness, I though, in the days of mothers. They went to see neighbors, to stop in town, to run errands at school, at the library, at church.
那时候会怎么样?对了,人类现在也没有做好管理地球的 工作。也许到了那个时候,我们应该优雅地让到一边,把 工作交给更能干地去做。
到那时会怎么样呢?唉,反正人类现在也没有做好管理地 球的工作。也许到那时候,我们真该豁达大度地让到一边, 把工作交给更为称职的去做。
以句为翻译单位 每个句子都有一定的语义推进模式,一定的
➢ 丹麦有一些风景如画的小旅馆,里面备有酒食招待游客, 人们都说英语;我们的故事就发生在这样一家小旅馆里。
➢ 故事就发生在丹麦的一家雅致的小旅馆里。这种小旅馆备 有酒食招待游客,而且讲英语。
People began drinking in their own homes because, after 1920, that was the only legal place they could drink.
尽量追循原句的句式和句法结构,尊重原作的句 子次序,不可自作主张。
Mr. Bennet was among the earliest of those who waited on Mr. Bingley. He had always intended to visit him , though to the last always assuring his wife that he should not go; and till the evening after the visit was paid, she had no knowledge of it.(Pride and Prejudice)
语气结构,翻译时要尽量尊重原文的语义推 进模式和语气结构。 只有在不得已的时候,才可以采取变通措施。 原则性与灵活性的统一,忠实与创造的统一。
语篇分析 Discourse Analysis
语篇分析是Z. Harris提出的术语。 词篇意识Discourse Awareness Cohesion and Coherence
➢ 跟做父亲的那种狭窄、紧张的生活相比,我觉得做母亲的 日子过得比较宽松自在。她们上邻居家串门,去城里买东 西,到学校、图书馆、教堂跑跑腿儿。
作者为了取得某种效果而刻意创造某种特别的句式, 应该尽量考虑,以增强表达效果。
On the morning of a fine June day, my first bonny little nursling, and the last of the ancient Earnshaw stock, was born.(Wuthering Heights)
翻译单位是需要作为一个单位而做整体处理的最小语言 片段。
翻译单位观: 立足于句,放眼语篇。
尊重原文的主位(意义)推进方式,主次有序 -Idealized
It happened in one of those picturesque Danish taverns that cater to tourists and where English is spoken.
“必要和足够层次的翻译是等值翻译” “层次偏低的翻译是逐词死译” “层次偏高的翻译是意译”
Peter Newmark (U.K.) Translation Unit is the minimal stretch of
language that has to be translated together, as one unit.
➢ 班纳特先生尽管在自己太太面前自始至终都说不想去拜访彬格莱先生, 事实上一直都打算去拜访他,而且还是跟第一批人一起去拜访他的。 等他去拜访过以后,当天晚上太太才知道实情。
➢ 贝内特先生是最先拜访宾利先生的人之一。本来他一直打算去拜访他, 可在太太面前却始终咬定不想去;直到拜访后的当天晚上,贝内特太 太才知道实情。
➢ 1920年以后,人们开始在自己家里喝酒,因为那 是他们可以喝酒的唯一合法场所。
➢ 人们开始在自己家里喝酒,因为1920年以后,那 是喝酒的唯一合法场所。
意群 sense group
…and the respect which he felt for her high rank, and his veneration for her as his patroness, mingling with a very good opinion of himself, of his authority as a clergyman, and his rights as a rector, made him altogether a mixture of pride and obsequiousness, self-importance and humility.(Pride and Prejudice)
➢ 我没有怜悯!我没有怜悯!虫子越扭动,我越想挤出它们 的内脏!这是一种精神上的长牙!它越是痛,我就越是要 使劲磨。
➢ 我才不讲怜悯呢!我才不讲怜悯呢!虫子越扭动,我就越 恨不得挤出它们的内脏!这种心理作用,就像出牙一样, 越觉得痛,我就磨得越起劲儿。
“He’s been in his room all day,”the landlady said downstairs.“I guess he don’t feel well. I said to him‘Mr. Anderson, you ought to go out and take a walk on nice fall day like this,’but he didn’t feel like it”
英语用ah, oh, eh, hum, m, alas, ha, well和标点符号表示。
Then what? Well, mankind is not doing a very good job of running the earth right now. Maybe, when the time comes, we ought to step gracefully aside and hand over the job to someone who can do it better.
……大家来到菜园,一面观赏墙上的花朵,一面听 着园丁抱怨种种病虫害。接着走进暖房,因为霜 冻结束得晚,再加上管理不慎,夏洛特最喜欢的 几种花草被冻死了,逗得她哈哈大笑。最后来到 家禽饲养场,只听饲养员沮丧地说起老母鸡不是 弃巢而去,就是被狐狸叼走,一窝小鸡本来很有 希望,不想却纷纷死去,于是夏洛特又发现了新 的笑料。就这样,上午余下的时间很快便消磨过 去了。
You must remember, my dear mother, that I have never considered this matter as certain. I have had my doubts, I confess; but they are fainter than they were, and they may soon be entirely done away… ➢ 您应该记得,亲爱的妈妈,我从来就不认为这件事是
了解翻译单位的定义,明确如何在翻译 中进行操作。
了解以句为单位的翻译操作过程。 掌握语篇分析的基本技巧。 培养翻译中的语篇意识。
按语言等级体系分: 音位层 phoneme(grapheme) 词素层 morpheme 词层 word 词组层 phrase 句子层 sentence 话语层 text
➢ 6月份一个阳光明媚的早晨,厄恩肖这个古老世 家的最后一代继承人出生了,这是第一个我亲自 喂养的孩子。
➢ 6月份一个阳光明媚的早晨,我要抚养的第一个 小宝宝,也是古老的厄恩肖家族的最后一根苗, 出世了。(p.41)
摸清时空关系,摸清逻辑关系。 时空关系:时间和空间的前后关系 逻辑关系:事物或行为间存在的前因后果、假设、
…and the rest of the morning was easily whiled away, in lounging round the kitchen garden, examining the bloom upon the walls, and listening to the gardener’s lamentations upon blights, in dawdling through the greenhouse, where the loss of her favorite plants, unwarily exposed, and nipped by the lingering frost, raised the laughter of Charlotte, and in visiting her poultry-yard, where in the disappointed hopes of her dairy-maid, by hens forsaking their nests, or being stolen by a fox, or in the rapid decease of a promising young brood, she found fresh sources of merriment.(Sense and Sensibility).
➢ ……他看到他的女恩主地位颇高,便悉心崇拜,倍加尊敬;另一方面 又自命不凡,自以为当上了教士,该有怎样怎样的权力,作为一个教 区的主管牧师,又该享受怎样怎样的权利,于是他一身兼顾了骄傲自 大和谦卑顺从的两重性格。
➢ ……他一方面敬仰凯瑟琳夫人的崇高地位,尊崇她作为自己的女恩主, 另一方面又非常看重自己,珍惜自己作为教士的权威,做教区长的权 利,这一切造就了他一身兼有傲慢与恭顺、自负与谦卑的双重性格。
翻译时要把每个词、每句话都放在语篇语 境中去认识,从中领会作者的意图和语篇 的逻辑连贯意义,并准确翻译。
I have no pity!I have no pity!The more the worms writhe, the more I yearn to crush out their entrails!It is moral teething, and I grind with greater energy, in proportion to the increase of pain.(Wuthering Heights)
可靠的。我承认我曾将信将疑过,但他们现在已没有 他们以前的那种勇气,他们很可能马上就会彻底告 吹…… ➢ 你应该记住,我的好妈妈,我从来没有把事情看得一 定如此。我承认我有疑虑,但是不像以前那么重了, 也许很快就会彻底打消……
语篇连贯是指语言片断以语篇意向为主线 所形成的语义、逻辑上的连贯性。有时通 过连接词来衔接,有时则按一定的时空逻 辑关系来贯通。
语篇的衔接与语篇的连贯 Lexical Cohesion and Structural Cohesion
词汇衔接与结构衔接 词汇衔接:语篇中前后词语之间的语义联
By comparison with the narrow, ironclad days of fathers, there was an expansiveness, I though, in the days of mothers. They went to see neighbors, to stop in town, to run errands at school, at the library, at church.
那时候会怎么样?对了,人类现在也没有做好管理地球的 工作。也许到了那个时候,我们应该优雅地让到一边,把 工作交给更能干地去做。
到那时会怎么样呢?唉,反正人类现在也没有做好管理地 球的工作。也许到那时候,我们真该豁达大度地让到一边, 把工作交给更为称职的去做。
以句为翻译单位 每个句子都有一定的语义推进模式,一定的
➢ 丹麦有一些风景如画的小旅馆,里面备有酒食招待游客, 人们都说英语;我们的故事就发生在这样一家小旅馆里。
➢ 故事就发生在丹麦的一家雅致的小旅馆里。这种小旅馆备 有酒食招待游客,而且讲英语。
People began drinking in their own homes because, after 1920, that was the only legal place they could drink.
尽量追循原句的句式和句法结构,尊重原作的句 子次序,不可自作主张。
Mr. Bennet was among the earliest of those who waited on Mr. Bingley. He had always intended to visit him , though to the last always assuring his wife that he should not go; and till the evening after the visit was paid, she had no knowledge of it.(Pride and Prejudice)
语气结构,翻译时要尽量尊重原文的语义推 进模式和语气结构。 只有在不得已的时候,才可以采取变通措施。 原则性与灵活性的统一,忠实与创造的统一。
语篇分析 Discourse Analysis
语篇分析是Z. Harris提出的术语。 词篇意识Discourse Awareness Cohesion and Coherence