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1. 双重领导制度system of dual leadership

2. 大生产运动large scale production campaign

3. 革命军人委员会revolutionary armymen s committee

4. 新式整军运动new type of ideological education movement in the Liberation Army

5. 官兵一致unity between officers and men

6. 军民一致unity between army and people

7. 瓦解敌军disintegration of the enemy forces

8. 拥政爱民公约pledge of supporting government and cherishing people

9. 党务委员会Party affairs committee

10. 军政委员会military and polotical committee

11. 连队党支部Party branch of company

12. 前敌委员会Party s committee in front of enemy

13. 政治指导员political instructor

14. 军事法院military court

15. 军事检察院military procuratorate

16. 中国人民解放军出版社Chinese People's Liberation Army Publishing House


18. 干部下连当兵代职制度system of officers serving as soldiers in company and functioning in an acting capacity

19. 战场纪律battlefield discipline

20. 《中国人民解放军保密条例》Security Regulations of the CPLA

21. 《中华人民共和国惩治军人违反职责罪暂行条例》Provisional Regulations Regarding the Punishment Upon Army men Committing Crimes of Neglecting Their Duties, the People's Republic of China

22. 八一体育工作队August First Physical Culture and Sports Team

23. 解放军艺术学院Art College of the Chinese People s Liberation Army

24. 军队文艺创作literary and artistic creation in the Army

25. 军乐团Band of the Chinese People's Liberation Army

26. 连队俱乐部company club

27. 全军体育运动大会army wide sports meet

28. 全军文艺会演大会theatrical festival of the whole army

29. 文艺工作团art and cultural troupe

30. 《中国人民解放军战时立功条例(草案)》CPLA Regulations Relating to Rendering Meritorious Services During Wartime〔draft〕

31. 中华人民共和国勋章奖章(decoration and medal awarded by the People's Republic of China

32. 中国人民解放军的奖章medal of the Chinese People's Liberation Army

33. 革命残废军人revolutionary disabled army men

34. 革命残废军人学校schools of revolutionary disabled army men

35. 革命烈士revolutionary martyrs

36. 革命烈士陵园cemetery of revolutionary martyrs

37. 战场宣传鼓动conducting propaganda and agitation in battlefield

38. 飞夺泸定桥二十二勇士22 Warriors Who Dashed Through the Luding Bridge

39. 十七勇士Seventeen Warriors

40. 八女投江Eight Heroines who Drowned Themselves in a River

41. 狼牙山五壮士Langya Shan Five Heroic Men

42. 刘老庄连Liulaozhuang Company

43. 群众工作模范团Model Regiment in Doing Mass Work

44. 大练岛连Dalian Island Company

45. 钢铁营Steel Battalion

46. 济南第一团First Regiment in Liberating Jinan

47. 临汾旅Linfen Brigade

48. 洛阳营Luoyang Battalion

49. 塔山英雄团Tashan Heroic Regiment

50. 爱国爱岛天涯哨兵Sentries in the Remotest Corner of the Earth Who Love Their Country and Island

51. 洞头先锋女子民兵连Vanguard Militiawoman Company of Dongtou

52. 法卡山英雄营Faka Shan Heroic Battalion

53. 海上先锋艇Vanguard Sea Vessel

54. 航空兵英雄中队Heroic Aviation Squadron

55. 红旗民兵团Red Flag Militia Regiment

56. 红旗民兵营Red Flag Militia Battalion

57. 红色前哨连Red Outpost Company

58. 护林灭火英雄班Heroic Squad in Protecting Forests and Putting out Extensive Fire

59. 坚守英雄连Heroic Company in Holding Fast to Its Position

60. 进藏英雄先遣连〔Heroic Advance Company in Marching into Xizang(Tibet

61. 抗洪救灾爱民模范营Model Battalion in Fighting Flood and Providing Disaster Relief

62. 南京路上好八连Good Eighth Company on Nanjing Road

63. 劈山开路先锋连Vanguard Company Cutting Its Way through the Mountains

64. 唐山抗震救灾模范连Model Company in Earthquake Relief Work in Tangshan

65. 硬骨头六连Hard boned Sixth Company

66. 丈量世界屋脊的英雄测绘大队Heroic Mapping Unit Which Surveyed the Roof of the World

67. 支前模范连Model Company in Supporting the Front

68. 支前模范民兵连Model Militia Company in Supporting the Front
