一种城市生态系统健康评价方法及其应用 111_胡廷兰

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HU Ti nglan,Y ANG Zhi feng,HE M engchang,et al .An urban ecosystem heal th ass ess ment me thod and its applicati on[J].Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae,2005,25(2):269-274




北京师范大学环境学院,环境模拟与污染控制国家重点实验室,北京 100875



文章编号:0253-2468(2005)02-0269-06 中图分类号:X826 文献标识码:A

An urban ecosystem health assessmen t method and its application

HU Tinglan,YANG Zhifeng,HE Mengchang,Z HAO Yanwei

School of Environ men t,S tate Key Lab oratory of En vi ron men tal Simulation &Poll ution Con trol,Beij ing Normal Uni versity,Beij ing 100875

Abstract :A city i s a comp lex sys te m an d it i s of great i mportance to s tud y the urban ecological p roble mswith comp lex ecos ystem theory.The concept of health was in trod uced in to urban ecose stem research,which cou ld describe the cond itions of system and s ub -systems clearly to provid e u seful informa ti on for d eci sion -makin g of the ec ological ci ty con struction.To express the absoltue an d reletive status of systems and su b -systems,dis tance i ndex and coordin ation in dex w e re su gges ted reli ed on the di scus sing of concept of urban complex ecosystem health.A health assess men t model was es tab lished b y in tegrati ng the dis tan ce inde x wi th the coordin ati on in dex.The city .s status was q uan ti fied w i th a scale of 5grades as very health y,healthy,le ss heal thy,u nhealth y and di seased and the grad e of each level was es -tablis hed.An ind icator s ys te m was d eveloped based on the charac teristics of u rb an complex system.An app licati on of this mod el to Ningb o Ci ty revealed the u rb an ecosystem health state and health he terogen ei ty.Th e resul ts i ndicated that thi s meth od could d istin guish the complex an d spa tial p roperties of u rb an ecosystem.Thu s i t cou ld give the ap propriate direc ti on s of i mple men ti ng the u rb an s ustain ab le development s trategy by sh owin g the key action field s of ecological city plan nin g and con stru cti ng.

K ey words :ecosystem health;assess men t me thod;u rb an ecosystem;Nin gb o ci ty




1)M c Mullan C.Indicators of Urban Ecos ys tem Health.A paper prepared for the Se minar on CIID -IDRC and urban development i n Latin America,Montevidel,Uruguay.1997.http:P P web.idrc.ca P en P ev -3459-201-1-DO -TOPIC.html

2)Hancock T.Urban Ecos ys te m and Human Health.A paper prepared for the Seminar on CIID -IDRC and urban development in Latin America,M ontevideo,Uruguay.2000.4.http:P P web.idrc.ca P en P ev -8385-201-1-DO -TOPIC.ht ml

生态系统健康是20世纪70年代末从/生态系统医学(ecosystem medicine)0角度提出的新兴生态系





,自20世纪90年代以来,生态系统健康研究受到广泛的关注,日渐成为当今生态学的研究热点.近年来,健康概念被引入城市研究领域,Trudy Harpha m 从城市公共健康角度研究了冈比

亚(Ga mbia)的城市健康状况[6]

,IDRC 项目/人类健




.指示物种法、结构功能法、V -O -R (Vigor -Organization -Resilience)等生态系统健康评价方法[8~10]



环 境 科 学 学 报


