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Vol. 47 No. 5
May2019 pp107—114
第47卷 第5期
2019年5月 第107 — 114页
Journal of Materials Engineering
Recrystallization behavior of the fourth generation
singlecrystalsupera l oybasedondi 6erent
SHI Zhen-xue , LIU Shi-zhong , ZHAO Jin-qian ,
WANG Xiao-guang , LI Jia-rong
(ScienceandTechnologyon Advanced High Temperature Structural
Materials Laboratory , AECC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical
Materials,Beijing 100095 , China)
摘要:第四代单晶高温合金标准热处理试样和铸态试样压痕后分别在1100,1150,1200,1250,1300k 和1340°C 退火处
理,采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜、电子背散射仪研究不同条件的再结晶组织。结果表明*100,1150,1200C 退火处理后,
标准热处理试样和铸态试样都出现胞状再结晶。1250C 退火处理后,标准热处理试样和铸态试样都为混合再结晶o
1300C 退火处理后,标准热处理试样再结晶组织全部为等轴再结晶,而铸态试样仍为混合再结晶。1340C 退火处理后,
与基体的界面为小角度晶界、大角度晶界,而再结晶晶粒之间为小角度晶界、大角度晶界和W 晶界。W 晶在单晶高温合
doi : 10. 11868/j. issn. 1001-4381. 2018 001095 中图分类号:TG132. 3 + 2;TG146. 1+5
文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-4381(2019)05-0107-08
Abstract :The specimens of the fourth generation single crystal superalloy after heat treatment and at
as-cast state were indented and annealed in vacuum at 1100, 1150, 1200, 1250, 1300C and 1340°C , respectively.Therecrysta l ized microstructuresofthea l oy wereexamined by optical microscopy (OM) , scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron back scattering diffraction (EBSD). The resultsshowthatce l ularrecrysta l ization (CRX )occursinthestandardheattreatmentsamplesand
as-cast samples after annealing treatment at 1100, 1150 C and 1200 C. Mixed recrysta l ization occurs in standard heat treatment samples and as-cast samples after annealing treatment at 1250°C. Equiaxed
recry:ta l ization (ERX )develop:whenthe:tandardheattreatment:ample:areannealedtreatmentat 1300°C , while mixed recrystallization occurs in as-cast samples at same condition. ERX develops when
these two samples are annealed at 1340°C. The recrystallized layer depth of these two samples
increases with the increase of annealing treatmenttemperature and the depth of standard heat
treatmentsamplesisobviouslylargerthanthatofas-castsamples.Therecrysta l izedgrainofstandard
heattreatmentsampleseasilygrowsupatsamecondition.Theinterfacebetweentherecrysta l ization
grain and original grain is low angle boundary and high angle boundary !while the interface between
adjacentrecrysta l izationgrainsislowangleboundary !highangleboundary !andtwinningboundary.
Itcanbeinfe r edthattheformationoftwinscanplayanimportantroleintheprocessofrecrysta l ization.
Key words : single crystal superalloy ; original microstructure ; recrystallization ; grain boundary