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The Texas Ruffian 德克萨斯州的无赖
(Excerpts) 节录
David Halberstam 戴维·哈尔伯斯坦
原文:He was the elemental man, a man of endless, restless ambition.
分析:ambition是抱负,雄心,野心的意思,既有贬义也有褒义。根据上下文,elemental 为“粗犷的”意思,可见选择情感意义(choice of affective meanings)应当是贬义。
原文:Nothing was ever completed; each accomplishment was a challeng to reach for more.
分析:第一眼看见nothing,都会将“nothing was ever completed”翻译成“没有什么是无止境的”。但是根据下文,例如accomplishment 一词,应正确选择语境意义(choice of contextual meanings),译作“事业是无止境的”更符合文章内容。
原文:He was a politician the like of which we shall not see again in this country, a man who bridged very different Americas, his early days and attitudes forged by earthy, frontier attitudes, and whose final acts as President took us to the very edge of the moon.
分析:1.本句原文较长,在翻译成汉语时,应拆分成短句。这是由于从属结构(subordination)是现代英语最重要的特点之一。在英语中,书面语句子往往显得又繁又长(long-winded)。相比之下,汉语常用散句、松句、紧缩句、省略句、流水句、并列句(coordination)或并列形式的复句(composite sentence),以中短句居多。
2. “A man who bridged very different Americas.”运用了增补法(addition),补充解释性的词语,使读者更好地理解(supplying illustrative words or expressions for better understanding)。译文“他这个人是沟通美国几个截然不同的时代的桥梁。”增加了“沟通”一次,便于理解。
3. “whose final acts as President took us to the very edge of the moon.”英语倾向于多用名词,使叙述呈静态,汉语倾向于多用动词,使叙述呈动态。鉴于这种差异,在翻译时应化静为动。
原文:He was a man of stunning force, drive and intellgence, and of equally stunning insecurity. 译文:他具有惊人的精力、干劲和才智,但他内心的自卑感同样惊人。
分析:1.正确选择语境意义(choice of contextual meanings)和选择语法意义(choice of grammatical meanings)。将“force”译为“精力”,“drive”不再是动词而是名词“干劲”。
2.补充连接性词语使上下语法或语义紧密联系(supplying connectors for better cohesion)。显而易见该句应当是个转折句,但是没有出现转折连词,因此在这里要补充连接性词语。
原文:The enormity of his accomplishments never dimmed the hidden fears which had propelled
him in the first place; he was, in that sence, the most human of politicians. There was about Lyndon Johnson something compelling; the more he tried to hide his warts, the more he revealed them.
原文:Loyalty was crucial: Washingtion, after all, was a city with enemies everywhere, with sharks swimming out there waiting for any sign of weakness.
分析:1.结构性增补(structural addition),补充原文省略的词(Supplying word omitted in the original)。原文省略了“he thought” ,在翻译时就应当补充起来。
2.选择引申意义(choice of extended meanings), 由实到虚。“weakness”引申为“弱小的人”或者“人”。
原文:Thus the inner circle had to be secure, truly secure; particulary a man with as profound a sence of his own weaknesses and vlunerabilities as Lyndon Johnson wanted men around he could trust.
分析:1.结构性增补(structural addition),补充原文省略的词(Supplying word omitted in the original)。原文省略了“Johnson‟s” ,是为了避免重复,符合英语习惯,在翻译成汉语时要写出重复的词。
2. “truly secure”译作“万无一失”,在汉语中用四字成语,更显得精简,准确。
原文:“How loyal is that man?” he asked a White House staffer about a potential hand.
分析:1.在遇见”ask”时,我们通常会译为“问”, 但译者译成了“探询”,一方面是因为“探询”比“问”更正式,更书面,同时也更能表达约翰逊对于忠诚的态度。
2.采用归化(demoesticating translation)和意译(free translation),没有将“about a potential hand”直译成“潜在的人员”,更向译文读者靠拢,更有人情味。
原文:”I don‟t want loyalty, I want loyalty”……
分析:该句运用了修辞手法,”paradox”,如“欲速者不达”。看似两者“don‟t want loytaly”,“want loytaly”矛盾,实际上表达的是更需要。在翻译时,补充解释性的词语(supplying illustrative words for better understanding)。
原文:His almost desperate need for loyalty was the half of the coin of insecurity of this great towering figure who had accomplished so much, was so much a man of Washingtion, and yet in so many important sections of the city felt felt himself an alien, the Texas ruffian among the perfumed darlings of the East.