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【论著】中图分类号:R384.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-2781(2006)05-0352-03标准间指数在白纹伊蚊自然种群动态



(1.广州市疾病预防控制中心,广东 广州 510080;2.广州市黄埔区疾病预防控制中心,广东 广州 510700)

【摘 要】 目的 适应于白纹伊蚊幼虫可以室内外孳生的习性,以标准间指数表示非居民住户环境的白纹

伊蚊幼虫空间分布的种群密度,补充布雷图指数(或百户指数)仅能代表居民区伊蚊密度的不足。方法 现



和2005年上半年的白纹伊蚊的布雷图指数和标准间指数进行分析。结果 标准间指数表示的密度消长曲线


指数两者均数的比值分别为2 24,2.26和2 05。结论 标准间指数能够较好地反映白纹伊蚊密度消长情况,


【关键词】 白纹伊蚊;种群动态;密度监测

St udy on t he application of standard space i ndex i n t he

population dyna m ic surveillance of Aedes albopict us

YAN Z i-qiang1,H U Zhi-gang1,JIAN G Y i-m i n1,WU H ao-y i n1,PAN Zh i-m i n2

(1.Guangzhou Center for D isease Control and P revention,Guangzhou510080,China;

2.C enter for D isease Control and Preventi on of H uangpu D istrict,Guangzhou510700,China)

【Abstrac t】 O b jec ti ve To adapt to the habits o f out-door and i ndoor breed i ng of A edes albop ict us,Standard Space

Index(SSI)had been used to t he population dynam ic surve ill ance of A e.albop ictus i n non-residenti a l a rea and re-

trieved the defic i ent of Breteau(BI)wh ich was o ften used as a larva dens it y i ndex i n resident area. M e thods

W ater receptac les where A edes l arva breedi ng i n resi dential and non-resi dential area had been de tected.BI and SSI

had been used as larva density o f A e.albop ictus i n resi denti a l and non-resi den tia l area respec tive l y.T he dens i ty data

of the mo squ i toes i n2003,2004and2005had been ana l yzed. R esu lts The density trend of A e.albop ictus i nd-i

cated by SSI was si m il a r t o t hat i ndicated by BI.T here was a mu lti ple relati onsh i p bet ween t he t w o indexes.T he ra ti o

be t w een SSI and B I w ere2 24,2 26and2 05respecti ve lly. Conc l u sion T he Standard Space Index,which w as

correspond i ng to B I,had we ll represented fo r the density trend of A e.albop ictus.Itw as feasi ble to m easure t he popu-

l a tion dyna m ic of A e.albop ictus by S tandard Space Index.

【K ey words】 A edes albop ictus;popu l ation dyna m ic;density surveillance

白纹伊蚊是一种可在室内外小型积水孳生的蚊虫,目前用于表示白纹伊蚊幼虫密度的指数均借鉴于表示埃及伊蚊密度指数,如布雷图指数(B reteau I ndex,B I)或百户指数,不论是布雷图指数还是百户指数均以居民住户作为测量单位,难以应用于其他非居民区场所的白纹伊蚊密度监测。本文探讨以标准间指数(S tandar d Space I ndex,SSI)作为衡量其他非居民区场所的白纹伊蚊密度,并将其运用于白纹伊蚊自然种群动态的监测。

1 材料与方法

1.1 白纹伊蚊幼虫监测密度指数 将现场检查的场所分为居民区和非居民区两部分,居民区采用布雷图指数作为计算白纹伊蚊的密度指数;非居民区,如机团单位、建筑工地、公园、外环境等用标准间指数作为密度指数。两种指数的计算方法如下:


【作者简介】 严子锵(1958-),男,广州市人,副主任医师,主要从事媒介生物防制研究工作。
