



1.be able to speak English 能够说英语

2.Add A to B A 加入B

3.Agree with sb 赞同某人观点

4.Disagree with sb 不赞同某人观点

5.All kinds of vegetables 各种蔬菜

6.Angry at +名词对~生气

7.Angry with sb 生某人的气

8.Appear in someplaces 出现在某处、

9.As a reporter 作为一名记者

10.As long as 只要既然

11.At least 至少,不少于,起码

12.At the beginning of the new year 新年的开始

13.In autumm /spring /summer/winter在秋季、春季、夏季、冬季

14.Ask Bob to play soccer 让Bob 去踢足球

15.Ask Bob about summer holidays问Bob 关于暑假的问题

16.Another 10 minutes =10 more minutes 格外、另外的10分钟B

1.be able to do =can 能做某事

2.Will be 将来怎么样

3.Be different from 与~~~~不同

4.Be ready to 准备做某事

5.Be similar to 与-相似

6.Be sure about 确信

7.Be up to sb 是sb 的职责

8.Because of doing /名词‘因为’

9.Be difficult to do 做某事很困难

10.become rich and successful变得富有和成功

11.Believe in sb 相信某人

12.Save these people below the buildings救了那些在建筑物底下的人

13.Do better 做的更好

14.By bicycle 骑自行车

15.Break my arm胳膊坏了

16.Bring out 是显现出表示出出版带出来使明显

17.A teaspoon of butter/cheese/suger/salt一勺黄油奶酪糖盐

18.Be more outgoing/hard-working/serious/ 更外向、努力工作、严肃认真、大声的、必要的、完美奇妙的loud/necessary/fantastic 19.Buy my mommy a gift =buy a gift to for my mommy 给我妈买件礼物

20.Be full for sb 某人的时间排满了

21.be both /both do sth

22.Be good at speaking English 擅长说英语

23.Be good with the old 和老人相处的好

24.Be similar to sb/sth 与某人、某物相似

25.Be glad to

26.Bring sth to sp、sb 把某物拿给某人、某地


1.care for /about sth /sb 在意关心某人某事

2.Be careful to do sth 认真做某事、做某事是认真的

3.Learn carefully 认真学习


5.Catch up with 赶上

6.Celebrate the traditional festival by having a big meal at home with their family通过和家人在家一起吃大餐的形式来庆祝这个传统节日

7.Buy /sell cheaply/expensively买、卖的便宜、贵

8.Choose Lucy to clean the classroom 选露丝去清扫教室

9.Close to =near the school 离学校近close to home

10.Go to college/university上大学

https://www.360docs.net/doc/ff11698735.html,y on the bed comfortably 舒服地躺在床上

12.Have one thing in common 有一个共同之处

13.Have nothing in common 没有共同之处

14.Win the competition about computer program赢得了计算机编程的比赛

15.Cook the eggs ,lettuce in the pot of hot soup

16.Cover your eyes with your left hand用你的手把你的眼睛盖住

17.Be creative =be talented in playing the violin 有创造力的、在拉小提琴方面有天分

18.Be crowded =There are more people 拥挤的

19.Cup it up 把它切碎

20.Cup the turkey into thin pieces把火鸡切成碎片


1.Be dangerous to do 做某事是危险的

2.In great danger 处在巨大的危险之中


4.Dig a hole like a mouse像老鼠一样打个洞

5.Make a discussion 讨论

6.Dislike playing the piano /to play the piano

7.Do a good job 干得漂亮

8.Dress up herself 打扮自己

9.During two years在两年期间

10.Do not ~~~~at all

11.Dress up like a boy 打扮的像个男孩


1.on the earth /the moon在地球、月球

2.Have a meaningful education拥有有意义的教育

3.What else 还有什么

4.Want to be an engineer想要成为一名工程师

5.Have enough money to do sth拥有足够的钱去做某事

6.Run fast enough 跑的足够快

7.Polluted environment 被污染了的环境

8.For example =such as举例

9.Expect to do /expect to be a doctor期望做某事、期望成为一名医生

10.Have experience about cooking a turkey 对于做火鸡这道菜有经验


1.in fact 事实上

2.Do such simple jobs In the robot factory在机器人工厂中做如此简单的工作

3.Fall down滑到

4.Be famous as a actor 作为一个演员而出名

5.Be famous for doing 应为做某事而出名

6.Feel like walking 想散步

7.Feel like +名词觉得好像~

8.Be filled with fresh air =be full of fresh air 充满新鲜空气

9.Find out 查明弄清

10.Have a flu 感冒

11.Study foreign culture学习外国文化

12.Look forward to 盼望期待

13.In the near future在不远的未来

14.Forget to close the window 忘记去关窗户了

15.Forget writing the homeword 已经忘记了写家庭作业


1.Give my girlfriend a dress=give a dress to my girlfriend

2.Be glad to meet you 很高兴见到你

3.Say goodbye to sb 对某人说再见

4.Have a good grade 有一个好成绩

5.Cover the bread piece with gravy 用肉汤把面包片全盖上

6.Grow up 长大

7.Go back home 回到家

8.Go with my friend 和我朋友一起走

9.Go somewhere interesting 去有意思的地方

10.Get more and more popular 变得越来越流行


1.On halfway to school 在去学校的半路上

2.Hang on 坚持、握住不放

3.Hang out with my friend 和我朋友一起去逛街

4.hang up 挂断电话拖延

5.Hardly ever几乎不、

6.be hard-working

11.Have to do with Mid - autumn Festival关于、与中秋节有

12.Hear from接到谁的电话

13.Hope to find out the main reason 希望查询到主要原应

14.Happen to meet my best friend 偶然间遇到我最好的朋友

15.Hope to be a dentist希望成为一名牙医

16.Hundreds of bees大量的蜜蜂

17.Two hundred people/two hundred of the people

18. Help (mommy)with housework 帮助妈妈做家务

19.Have to do my homework 不得不做我的家庭作业


1.be impossible for sb to do 对某人来书做某事是没有可能的

2.Surf the Internet 上网

3.Invite these guests from different countries邀请那些来自不同国家的客人

4.Improve our life 提高我们的生活质量

5.In 100 years在100年之后

6.Live to be 200 years old


1.Have a joke 开个玩笑

2.Jump up and down in excitement兴奋的上蹿下跳



八年级上册各单元重点总结 Module 1 How to learn English 重点单词 1. grammar n. 语法 2. pronunciation n. 发音 3. advise v. 建议 4. advice n. 意见;建议 5. possible adj. 可能的 6. aloud adv. 大声地;出声地 7. improve v. 改进;改善 8. suggest v. 建议;提议 9. vocabulary n. 词汇;词汇量 10. spelling n. 拼写 11. possible adj. 可能的 12. should v. aux. 应该 13. practise v. 练习 14. agree v. 赞同 15. quickly adv. 快地;迅速地 16. correct v. 纠正 adj. 正确的17. match v. 使相配;使成对 18. meaning n. 意义;意思19. complete v. 使完全 20. sentence n. 句子 21. letter n. 字母 22. excellent adj.极好的;优秀的 23. natural adj. 合理的 24. place v. 放置 24. main adj. 主要的 25.key adj. 关键性的;非常重要的26. conversation n. 谈话;交谈 27. basic adj. 基础的 28. understand v. 理解;明白(过去式:) 29. forget v. 忘记(过去式:)

重点短语 1. look up查;查找 2. make a mistake犯错误 3. talk about谈论;讨论 4. speak English 讲英语 5. write down 写下;记下 6. next to在……旁边;紧挨着 7. listen to the radio听广播 8. be good for对……有好处 9. write to 给……写信 10. a little(+不可数n.)有点 a few(+可数n.)几个;一些 11. agree with sb.同意某人 12. talk to sb. 跟……交谈 13. send….to sb.把……(发)送给某人 14. ask for请求(给予) 15. watch films看电影 16. be from = come from 来自 17. smile at冲……微笑 18. go to bed去睡觉


新人教版八年级英语(上)重点单词短语句子归纳 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 一、重点短语 1.去度假go on vacation 2.待在家里stay at home 3.去爬山go to the mountains 4.去海滩go to the beach 5.参观博物馆visit museums 6.去参观夏令营go to summer camp 7.相当多quite a few 8.为……而学习study for 9.出去go out 10.大部分时间most of the time 11.尝起来很好吃taste good 12.玩得高兴have a good time 13.当然of course 14.给……的感觉;感受到feel like 15.去购物go shopping 16. 在过去in the past 17.四处走走walk around 18.因为because of 19.一碗……one bowl of…20.第二天the next day 21.喝茶drink tea 22.找出;查明find out 23.继续go on 24.照相take photos 25.重要的事something important 26.上上下下up and down 27.出来come up 二、重点句型及考点 1. 为某人买某物buy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth. 2. 尝起来……taste + adj. 3. 看起来……look+ adj. 4. 除了……之外什么都没有nothing…but+动词原形 5.看起来……seem+(to be)+ adj. 6. 到达某地arrive in+大地点/ arrive at+小地点 7. 决定去做某事decide to do sth. 8. 尝试做某事try doing sth . 尽力去做某事try to do sth. 9. 忘记做过某事forget doing sth. 忘记做某事forget to do sth. 10. 喜欢做某事enjoy doing sth. 11. 想去做某事want to do sth. 12. 开始做某事start doing sth. 13. 停止做某事stop doing sth. 14. 不喜欢做某事dislike doing sth. 15. 继续做某事keep doing sth. 16. 为什么不做……呢?Why not do. sth.? 17. 如此……以至于……so+adj.+that+从句18. 告诉某人(不要)做某事tell sb. (not) to do sth Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 一、根据汉语写短语。 1. 多久一次how often 2. 几乎不hardly ever 3. 至少;不少于at least 4. 摇摆舞swing dance 5. 垃圾食品junk food 6. 多少how many 7. 例如;像……这样such as 8. 少于less than 9. 百分之十五fifteen percent 10. 上网go online 11. 对……有好处be good for 12. 多余more than 13. 看电视watch TV 14. 许多好习惯a lot of good habits 15. 去看牙医go to the dentist 16. 一周一两次once or twice a week 二、根据所给英语翻译句子。 1. ---你周末通常都干些什么?---我总是锻炼。(weekend; exercise) ---What do you usually do on weekends? ---I always exercise. 2. 他们经常帮忙做家务。(housework) They often help with housework. 3. ---他多久看一次电视?---他几乎不看电视。(how often) ---How often does he watch TV. --- He hardly ever watches TV.


人教版八年级上册英语词组大全 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 1. go on vacation 去度假 2.stay at home 待在家里 3.go to the mountains 去爬山 4. go to the beach 去海滩 5. visit museums 参观博物馆 6. go to summer camp 去参加夏令营 7.quite a few 相当多 8.study for 为……而学习 9.go out 出去 10.most of the time 大部分时间 11. taste good 尝起来很好吃 12.have a good time 玩得高兴Xk b 1.C om 13. of course 当然 14.feel like 给……的感觉;感受到 15.go shopping 去购物 16.in the past 在过去 17. walk around 四处走走 18. because of 因为 19. one bowl of…一碗…… 20. the next day 第二天 21. drink tea 喝茶 22. find out 找出;查明 23. go on 继续 24.take photos 照相 25. something important 重要的事 26. up and down 上上下下 27. come up 出来 28. buy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth. 为某人买某物 29. taste + adj. 尝起来…… 30. look+adj. 看起来…… 31.nothing…but+动词原形除了……之外什么都没有 32.seem+(to be)+ adj. 看起来…… 33. arrive in+大地点 / arrive at+小地点到达某地 34.decide to do sth. 决定去做某事 35. try doing sth. 尝试做某事 / 36. try to do sth. 尽力去做某事 37. forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事/ 38. forget to do sth. 忘记做某事 39. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事


Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 【重点语法】 不定代词:不指名代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词叫做不定代词。 用法注意: 1. some 和any +可数名/不可数名。 some 多用于肯定句,any多用于否定句、疑问句和条件从句。有些问句中用some,不用any, 问话者希望得到对方肯定回答。 2. 由some, any, no, every 与body, one, thing构成的复合不定代词作主语时,其谓语动词用三单。 3. 不定代词若有定语修饰,该定语要置于其后:如:something interesting 【重点短语】 1. buy sth for ab./ buy sb. sth 为某人买某物 2. taste + adj. 尝起来…… 3. nothing...but + V.(原形) 除了……之外什么都没有 4. seem + (to be) + adj 看起来 5. arrive in + 大地方/ arrive at + 小地方到达某地 6. decide to do sth. 决定做某事 7. try doing sth. 尝试做某事/ try to do sth. 尽力做某事 8. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 9. want to do sth. 想去做某事 10. start doing sth. 开始做某事=begin doing sth. 11. stop doing sth. 停止做某事区分:stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事 12. dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事 14. so + adj + that + 从句如此……以至于…… 16. tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事 17. keep doing sth. 继续做某事 18. forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事/ forget doing sth 忘记做过某事 【词语辨析】 1. take a photo/ take photos 拍照 quite a few+名词复数“许多…” 2. seem + 形容词看起来…... You seem happy today. seem + to do sth. 似乎/好像做某事 I seem to have a cold It seems + 从句似乎..…. It seems that no one believe you.


八年级英语上短语汇总 Unit 1 1. go on vacation 去度假 2.stay at home 待在家里 3.go to the mountains 去爬山 4. go to the beach 去海滩 5. visit museums 参观博物馆 6. go to summer camp 去参加夏令营 7.quite a few 相当多 8.study for 为……而学习 9.go out 出去 10.most of the time 大部分时间 11. taste good 尝起来很好吃 12.have a good time 玩得高兴 13. of course 当然 14.feel like 给……的感觉;感受到 15.go shopping 去购物 16.in the past 在过去 17. walk around 四处走走 18. because of 因为 19. one bowl of…一碗 20. the next day 第二天 21. drink tea 喝茶 22. find out 找出;查明 23. go on 继续 24.take photos 照相 25. something important 重要的事 26. up and down 上上下下 27. come up 出来 28. buy sth. for sb. / buy sb.sth. 为某人买某物 29. taste + adj.尝起来 30. look+adj.看起来 31.nothing…but+动词原形除了…之外什么都没有 32.seem+(to be)+ adj. 看起来… 33.arrive in+大地点/arrive at+小地点 到达某地 34.decide to do sth. 决定去做某事 35. try doing sth. 尝试做某事 36. try to do sth. 尽力去做某事 37. forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事 38. forget to do sth. 忘记做某事 39. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 40. want to do sth. 想去做某事 41. start doing sth.开始做某事 42. stop doing sth. 停止做某事 43. dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事44. keep doing sth. 继续做某事 45. Why not do. sth.? 为什么不做…呢? 46. so+adj.+that+从句如此…以至于… 47. tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事 Unit 2 1. help with housework 帮助做家务 2. on weekends 在周末 3. how often 多久一次 4. hardly ever 几乎从不 5. once a week 每周一次 6. twice a month 每月两次 7. every day 每天 8. be free 有空 9. go to the movies 去看电影 10. use the Internet 用互联网 11 swing dance 摇摆舞 12. play tennis 打网球 13. stay up late 熬夜;睡得很晚 14. at least 至少 15. have dance and piano lesson 上舞蹈课和钢琴课 16. go to bed early 早点睡觉 17. play sports 进行体育活动 18. be good for 对……有好处 19. go camping 去野营 20. not…at all 一点儿也不… 21. in one’s free time在某人的业余时间 22. the most popular 最受欢迎的 23. such as 比如;诸如 24. old habits die hard 多于;超过 25. go to the dentist 去看牙医 26. morn than 多于 27. less than…少于 28. help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事 29. How about…? 怎么样?/ …好不好? 30. want sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事 31. How many+可数名复+…?有多少…? 32. 主语+find+that从句.发现… 33. spend time with sb.和某人一起度过时 光 34. It’s+ adj.+ to do sth.做某事是…的 35. ask sb. about sth.向某人询问某事 36. by doing sth.通过做某事 37. What’s your favorite…? 你最喜爱的…是什么? 38. the best way to do sth.做某事的 最好方式


八年级上册英语短语句 型集锦 集团标准化小组:[VVOPPT-JOPP28-JPPTL98-LOPPNN]

新目标英语八年级上各个单元重点词组与句型归纳Unit1 1. go to the movies=go to the cinema =see a film 看电影 2. look after=take care of = babysit 照顾 3. surf the Internet 上网 4. healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式 5. go skateboarding 去划板 6. (be) in good health =(be)healthy身体健康 7. keep / stay healthy=keep / stay in good health 保持健康 8. as for至于 9. take/do exercise = play/ do sports锻炼,做运动 10. eating habits 饮食习惯 11. be the same as 与……相同 12. once a month一月一次 13. be different from 不同 14. twice a week一周两次 15. make a difference to 对什么有影响 16. how often 多久一次 17. hardly ever几乎不 18. most of the students=most students大多数学生 19. activity survey活动调查 20. go shopping=do some shopping 购物 21. do homework做家庭作业 22. do housework做家务事 23. junk food垃圾食物 24. be good/bad for 对……有益(害)be good at 擅长be good to 对某人友好be good with 与某人相处融洽 25. on/at weekends 在周末 26. want to do sth. = would like to do sth.= feel like doing sth. 想要做某事 27. want sb. to do sth.= would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 28. try to do sth 尽量做某事 try doing sth.试着做某 try one`s best to do sth.尽力做某事 29. come home from school放学回家 30. of course= certainly= sure当然 31. get good grades取得好成绩 32. help sb. ( to )do sth. 帮助某人做某事, 33. help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人 34. a lot of = lots of = many + 可数名词。许多,大量的 35. a lot of =lots of= much + 不可数名词许多,大量的 36. the results of … ……的结果 37. a healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式 38. two or three times a week 一周两三次39. a healthy habit 一个健康的习惯 40. kind of unhealthy 有点不健康 41. How often do you exercise 42. What`s your favorite program 43. Good food and exercise help me to study better . 44. How many hours do you sleep every night Unit 2 1. have/ catch a cold = have got a cold 感冒 2. have a sore throat = have a pain in one`s throat 咽喉痛 3. have a stomachache = have a sore stomach = have a pain in one`s stomach胃痛 4. lie down and rest 躺下休息 5. see a dentist 看牙医 6. drink lots of water 多喝水 7. drink hot tea with honey 喝加蜂蜜的热茶 8. That sounds like a good idea. 听起来像个好主意. 9. stressed out 紧张,有压力感, 10. traditional Chinese doctors传统中医 11. a balance of yin and yang阴阳平衡 12. too much yin 阴气过盛 13. a balanced diet饮食平衡 14. healthy/yin/yang food 健康(阴性,阳性)食品 15. at the moment = now 此刻 16. enjoy oneself = have a good time = have fun = have a wonderful time 玩得高兴,过得愉快 18. host family 寄宿家庭 19. conversation practice会话练习 20. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事, like doing sth 喜欢做某事, practice doing sth. 练习做某事, mind doing sth. 介意做某事, finish doing sth. 完成某事, give up doing sth. 放弃做某事, keep doing sth. 坚持做某事. can`t stand doing sth.忍不住做某事 have fun doing sth. 做某事很愉快 即:practice, mind, finish, give up, keep, can`t stand, have fun等与enjoy用法相似。 21. It`s + adj. + (for sb.) + to do sth. 对某人来说做某事怎么样。 22. have a lot of headaches. 经常头痛。 23.What`s the matter(with Gina)(蒂娜)怎么啦? 24.Maybe you should see a dentist.也许你该看看牙医。 25.Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy.传统中医认为,保持身体健康需要体内阴阳二气的平衡。26.You should eat hot yang foods, like beef .


初二英语上册第一单元主要词组 Unit 1 1. how often 多久一次 2. on weekends 在周末 3. go to the movies去看电影 4. go skateboarding去滑板 5. watch TV看电视 6. do some reading 阅读 7. take/do exercise锻炼8. go shopping去购物9. hardly ever很少,难得 10. sometimes 有时11. always 总是12. usually通常13. often经常 14. never从不15. once a week每周一次16. twice a month每月两次 17. three times a year 每年三次18. surf the Internet上网 19. your favorite program你最喜欢的节目20. Animal World 动物世界 21. play soccer踢足球22. do homework做作业23. every day 每天 24. once or twice a week 每周一两次25. three or four times a week 每周三四次 26. at Green High School 在格林高中27. all students 所有的学生28. most students 大多数学生29. some students 一些学生 30. no students 没有学生31. the result of a survey 调查结果32. as for 至于 33. the result for "watch TV""看电视"的调查结果34. improve your English 提高你的英语35. junk food 垃圾食品36. drink milk 喝牛奶37. want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 38. be good/bad for 对……有益/害39. how many hours 多少小时40. pretty healthy 相当健康41. come home from school放学回家42. eating habits 饮食习惯 43. try to do sth 努力估某事44. of course 当然45. sleep nine hours every night. 每晚睡九小时觉46. look after照顾,照看47. get good grades 取得好成绩 48. have a healthy lifestyle 有一种健康的生活方式49. study better 学得更好 50. the same as 和……相同51. be different from 和……不同52. kind of 有点,稍微53. maybe 可能,或许54. although 虽然,即使,尽管55. keep in good health保持良好的健康56. eat less meat少吃肉 Unit 2 1. What's the matter with…?……怎么啦? 2. have a cold 感冒 3. have a stomachache 胃疼 4. have a sore back背疼 5. have a sore throat喉咙疼 6. have a fever发烧 7. lie down and rest躺下休息 8. hot tea with honey 加蜜的热茶 9. see a dentist 看牙医 10. drink lots of water多喝水 11. lots of 许多 12. have a toothache牙疼 13. That's a good idea好主意 14. go to bed 去睡觉 15. feel well感到好 feel ill 感到不舒服 16. start doing/ to do sth开始做某事 17. two days ago两天前


八年级上册英语词组总结 U1 T1 1.为…加油cheer on 2.相当多quite a bit /a lot 3.对…有益be gond for 4.成长grow up 5.在今后in the future 6.放弃give up 7.参加take part in 8.做运动do exercise 9.相当好pretty well 10.跳高the high jump 11.跳远the long jump 12.全世界all over the world 13.花时间做…spend….(in)doing 14.保持健康keep fit =keep healthy 15.后天the day after tomorrom 16.到达arrive in/at 17.同…比赛play against 18. 动身去某处leave for 19.去滑雪go sking 20.比….更喜欢prefer….to 21.请你们来给我们加油好吗? Would you like to come and cheer us on? 22.我希望我们以会获胜。 I hope our team will win. 23.下周来学校将举行运动会。 There is gong to be a school sports meet next weekend 24.他是世界上最好的运动员之一。 He is one of the best runners in the world. 25.你长大想做什么? What are you going to be when you grow up? 26.我想成为一名舞者。 I 'm going to be a dancer. U1 T2 1.病倒fall ill 2.乱扔throw around 3.立刻at once=right now In a minute=right away 4.对….大喊大叫shout at 5.对…..生气be angry with 6.尽力做try /de one ‘s best 7.对……感到抱歉be sorry for 8.关小声turn down 9.让某人一直等keep sb doing 10.一个多世纪over one century 11.以便so that 12.遵守规定obey/follow the rules 13.越来越受欢迎More and more popular 14.其他某个地方somewhere else 15.变疲劳get tired 16.使某人身体强壮build sb up 17.代替instead of 18.做….很开心have fun doing 19.在….做得好do well in =be good at 20.也as well 21.了意于be gald to 22.看起来有语言活力look active 23.感觉健康feel well 24.你介意教我英语吗? Would you mind teaching me english 25.我是一个15岁的男孩 I am a 15-year-old boy. 26.过去我很胖 I was fat in the past 27.我认为运动使我健康 I think sports make me healthy 28.请你不要乱扔瓶子好吗? Would you mind not throwing bottles around? U1 T3 1.交朋友make friends 2.拍照take photos 3.代表shand for 4.准备be/get ready for 5.冲过终点线pass the finish line 6.改善我们的环境i improve our environment 7.至少at least 8.去看望我的祖母 go to sea my grandparents 9.去看牙医go to see the dentist 10.为数学考试做准备get ready for the math test 11.与好朋友去钓鱼go fishing with my good friends


八年级上册: Unit 1 1.how often 多久一次 2.hardly ever 几乎不 3.as for 至于 4.junk food 垃圾食品 5.a lot of 许多 6.of course 当然 7.look after 照顾 8.do exercise 锻炼 9.make a difference 有区别\有重要性 10.surf the Internet 浏览因特网 11.Animal World 动物世界 12.do homework 做家庭作业 13.a healthy lifestyle 健康生活方式 14.get good grades 获得好成绩 15.get up 起床 16.keep in good health 保持健康 17.once or twice a week 每周一两次 18.eating habits 饮食习惯 19.ten to eleven times 十到十一次 20.pretty healthy 相当健康 21.go to the movie 去看电影 22.watch TV 看电视 23.read books 看书 24.the result for “watch TV”看电视调查结果 25.be good for 对…有益 26.want sb to do sth 想让某人做某事 27.try to do sth 试着做某事 28 .how many hours 多少小时 Unit 2 1.have a cold 患感冒 2.a few 有些 3.at the moment 此时\现在 4.have a stomachache 肚子疼 5.have a sore throat 嗓子疼 6.have a fever 发烧 7.lie down 躺下 8.see a dentist 看牙医 9.have a headache 头疼 10.have a toothache 牙疼 11.hot tea with honey 热茶加蜂蜜 12.stressed out 紧张


八年级下册英语短语词组 Unit 1 1.there will be =there is / are going to be 2.less: 不可数名词fewer 可数名词复数 less pollution fewer people 3.argue with 争吵 4.everything will be free .一切将免费 5.in the future 将来 6.在。。。以后 In 用于将来时态 in 加时间时,只表示将来的时间 I will be here in a minute.一分钟之后我就来 After 用于过去时态 He came back after 2 days. 7.An astronaut 宇航员 8. fall in love with (fell, fallen) 爱上 9. wear 穿着a suit \ put on 穿上a pair of jeans he is wearing a suit today. 她今天穿着一件西装 It is cold outside, please put on a sweater. 外面冷,请穿上毛衣 10.Be like = look like 看起来像 What's your sister like?你姐姐怎么样? What does your sister look like?你姐姐长什么样子?11. make/ let sb do sth 让某人做某事 Make sb adj It is enough to make her happy. 12. over and over 反复 13. help sb do sth Help sb with sth 14. go through 仔细检查 15.seem 用法 She seems quite happy today. 今天她似乎很高兴 It seems that + 句子 It seems that you are lying. 你似乎在撒谎 Sb seems to do sth He seems to be thinking about something. 他似乎正在考虑某事 16. fly v. Flew Flight n. 17. see / watch / hear /find sb do/ doing sth I often see Tom play soccer at school. I saw Tom watching TV when I went to visit him last night. 18. keep a pet 养宠物 19. come true.实现 20. look smart显得精神/看起来聪明 21. be able to 22. he is 8 years old. He is an 8-year-old boy. Unit 2 1.talk with /to \和。。。。讲话 2.talk about谈论 3.out of style过时 4.In style时髦的 5.call sb up 打电话 6.enough +名词 7.形容词+ enough 8.write to sb wrote 写信 9. a key to the door 门的钥匙 10.a ticket to a ball game球赛的门票 11.the answer to the question问题的答案 12.improve my English提高英语 13.ask sb for help 向人求助 14.play too loud 15.buy (bought) sth for sb 买东西给某人 16.say sorry to sb 17.find 找到 18.find out 经过努力发现,弄清楚 19.talk about it on the phone 20.need to do 21.人pay (paid )money for sth 22. 4 个“花费” 23.人spend …doing 24.it takes sb time to do sth 25.物cost sb money 26.either. 也。用于否定句末 27.too 也肯定句末 28.also 也be 后,动词前 29.3个“借” 30.borrow sth from sb 31.lend sth to sb how long can I __keep___(借) the book? A week. 32.the same as 和。。。。一样 33.what is your advice for sb? 34.invite sb to do 邀请。。。做某事 35.everyone else 其他人 36.luck 名词运气 37.lucky 形容词幸运的 38.luckily副词幸运地 39.get on well with 和。。。。相处的好 40.return sth to sb 归还 41.have fight with 打架 42.could you please give me some advice? 你能给我提点建议吗 43.not … until 直到。。。。才 I did’t go to bed until I finished my homework last night. 44.there are lots of things you could do. 有许多事情你可以做 45.as + 形容词、副词+as https://www.360docs.net/doc/ff11698735.html,plain about 抱怨 47.all kinds of pets / different kinds of pets 各种宠物 https://www.360docs.net/doc/ff11698735.html,pare ….with 比较 49.except 除。。。之外 50.forget to do sth 忘记 51.leave left + 介词忘记 I left my homework at home last night Unit3 1. 过去进行时be + doing 2.. 下列时间状语出现时,用过去进行时。 At 7 o’clock last night Those days at this time yesterdat


仁爱英语八年级上册词组汇集 Unit 1 Topic 1 during the summer holidays 在暑假期间between…and…在两者之间 cheer sb. on 为某人加油 prefer doing sth. 更喜欢做某事 quite a bit/a lot 很多 plan to do sth. 计划做某事 go skating/skiing/bicycling/climbing/hiking 去滑雪/滑冰/骑车/爬山/远足 arrive in/at=get to=reach 到达 play against…与……对抗/较量 for long 很久 leave for…动身去… the day after tomorrow 后天 places of interest 名胜 play baseball 打棒球 at least 至少 be good at=do well in 善于做某事 take part in 参加 all over the world 全世界 be good for 对……有益 a good way 一种好方法 keep fit/healthy保持健康

relax oneself 放松某人自己 What a pity/ shame! 多可惜 Topic 2 do me a favor=give me a hand=help me 帮助我 have a soccer game进行一场足球赛 fall ill /be ill 病倒了 Would you mind (my)doing sth? (我)做…你介意吗? Would you mind (not)doing sth? 别做…你介意吗? right away = at once 立刻;马上 miss a good chance 错过一个好机会get/miss a goal 得到/失去一分shame on sb. 为某人感到羞耻 do one’s best尽某人的力 say sorry to sb. 对某人说抱歉 be sure to do sth. 确定做某事 be angry with sb. 生某人的气 with one’s help = with the help of sb.在某人的帮助下 serve food 上菜 turn up/down…调高/低(音量) keep sb. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事


八年级上册: Unit One 1.how often 多久一次 2.hardly ever 几乎不 3.as for 至于 4.junk food 垃圾食品 5. at the moment 此刻;目前 6.of course 当然 7.look after 照顾 8.do exercise 锻炼 9.eat less meat吃更少的肉 10.surf the Internet 浏览因特网 11.Animal World 动物世界 13.a healthy lifestyle 健康生活方式 14.get good grades 获得好成绩 15.get up 起床 16.keep in good health 保持健康 17.once or twice a week 每周一两次 18.eating habits 饮食习惯 20.pretty healthy 相当健康 21.go to the movie 去看电影 22.watch TV 看电视 23.read books 看书 24.the result for “watch TV” 看电视调查结果 25.be good for 对…有益 26.want sb to do sth 想让某人做某事 27.try to do sth 试着做某事 Unit Two 1.have a cold 患感冒 2.a few 有些 4.have a stomachache 肚子疼 5.have a sore throat 嗓子疼 6.have a fever 发烧 7. lie down and rest 躺下休息 8.see a dentist 看牙医 9.have a headache 头疼 10.have a toothache 牙疼 11.hot tea with honey 热茶加蜂蜜 12.stressed out 紧张 13.go to bed early 早睡觉 14.listen to music 听音乐 15.be popular in 在……受欢迎 16.on the other hand 在另一方面 17.stay healthy 保持健康
