






11. A) The art of saying thank you. B) The secret of staying pretty.

C) The importance of good manners. D) The difference between elegance and good manners.

12. A) They were nicer and gentler.

B) They paid more attention to their appearance.

C) They were willing to spend more money on clothes.

D) They were more aware of changes in fashion.

13. A) By decorating our homes. B) By wearing fashionable clothes.

C) By being kind and generous. D) By putting on a little make-up.


(1) 主旨预测

花几秒种的时间浏览3题12个选项,迅速找出相互关联的几个高频词:good manners, appearance, fashionable, generous, nice, pretty。从而作出初步概括,短文中可能会涉及文明礼貌及仪表美等方面的内容。

(2) 分测各题

第11题四选项是四个名词短语,又是本篇短文的第一题,很可能是测试文章的主旨大意。选项C和D中反复出现了good manners,具有关键词的特征。所以听时注意文章的开篇和结束部分,重点在辨别短文的主旨。

第12题,竖读后发现四个选项主语一致,均以they开头,且都是用的一般过去时,都用到了比较极形式,但均未明确出现被比较的对象,但常识告诉我们比较的对象无非是过去和现在两种不同情况。再看中心词nicer and gentler, appearance, clothes, fashion,虽各不相同,但通过归纳概括可以发现选项A与众不同,描述的是行为举止方面等内在气质的胜出,而其他选项的中心词则同属一个范畴,都是围绕对衣着打扮等外在仪容的表述。由此可推测出这一题是就过去的某些人的内在气质或外在特征较之当前的情况有何区别来设置问题。


[关键词提示] good manners, generous, nice, gentle


Do you remember a time when people were a little nicer and gentler with each other? I certainly do. And I feel that much of the world has somehow gotten away from that. Too often I see people rushing into elevators without giving those inside a chance to get off first, or never saying “thank you” when others hold a door open for them. We get lazy and in our laziness, we think that something, like a simple “thank you” doesn’t really matter. But it can matter very much.

The fact is that no matter how nicely we dress or how beautifully we decorate our homes, we can’t be truly elega nt without good manners because elegance and good manners always go hand in hand. In fact, I think of good manners as a sort of hidden beauty secret. Haven’t you noticed that the kindest, most generous people seem to keep getting prettier? It’s funny how that happens. But it does. Take the long-lost art of saying “thank you”. Like wearing a little makeup or making sure your hair is neat, getting into the habit of saying “thank you” can make you feel better about yourselves. Good manners add to your i mage while an angry face makes the best dressed person look ugly.

11.What is the passage mainly about?

12.What does the speaker say about people of the past?

13.According to the speaker, how can we best improve image?

[参考答案]11. C 12. A 13. C



形象添彩,即使考生没听到文章中“Hav en’t you noticed that the kindest, most generous people seem to keep getting prettier? It’s funny how that happens. But it does.”这几句话,只要抓住了文章的最后一句话,就能轻松确定答案为选项B。






11. A) It has been proven to be the best pain-killer.

B) It is a possible cure for heart disease.

C) It can help lower high body temperature effectively.

D) It reduces the chance of death for heart surgery patients.

12. A) It keeps blood vessels from being blocked.

B) It speeds up their recovery after surgery.

C) It increase the blood flow to the heart.

D) It adjusts their blood pressure.

13. A) It is harmful to heart surgery patients with stomach bleeding.

B) It should not be taken by heart surgery patients before the operation.

C) It will have considerable side effects if taken in large doses.

D) It should not be given to patients immediately after the operation.


(1) 主旨预测

花几秒种的时间浏览3题12个选项,选项都为以it为主语的短句,提供的信息相对较多。迅速找出几个相互关联的高频词或关键词:heart disease, heart surgery patients, cure, recovery, blood vessels, blood pressure, stomach bleeding, operation, doses。从而推测出短文中可能会介绍某种药物对于心脏病或高血压手术患者的作用或疗效。

(2) 分测各题


第12题四选项均又是以it为主语的短句,且都用了一般现在时,而且A,C,D三个选项中分别出现了三个与blood相关的词组blood vessels, blood flow和blood pressure,由此可推测出这一题是就这种药物对于病人在血液方面的疾患有何帮助,听的时候可以着重辨别哪一个是短文中提到的内容。

第13题,依然是以it为主语的四个短句,B,D两个选项的谓语均用到了否定式和被动语态should not be (done),A,C两个选项虽然用的是肯定句(It is harmful to…及It will have considerable side effects),但表达的同样是负面的意义,通过分析可以推测出这道题会就这种药物的副作用或是用药禁忌来设问。

[关键词提示] heart surgery, blood vessels, operation


A new study reports the common drug aspirin greatly reduces life threatening problems after an operation to replace blocked blood vessels to the heart. More than 800,000 people around the world have this heart surgery each year. The doctors who carried out the study say giving aspirin to patients soon after the operation could save thousands of lives. People usually take aspirin to control pain and reduce high body temperature. Doctors also advise some people to take aspirin to help prevent heart attacks. About 10~15 percent of these heart operation end in death or damage to the heart or other organs. The new study shows than even a small amount of aspirin reduced such threats. The doctors said the chance of death for patients who took aspirin would fall by 67%. They claimed this was true if the aspirin was given within 48 hours of the operation. The doctors believe aspirin helps heart surgery patients because it can prevent blood from thickening and blood vessels from being blocked. However, the doctors warned that people who have stomach bleeding or other bad reactions from aspirin should not take it after heart surgery.

11. What is the finding of the new study of aspirin?

12. In what way can aspirin help heart surgery patients according to the doctors?

13. What warning did the doctors give about the use of aspirin?

[参考答案]11. D 12. A 13. A

这篇科普短文篇幅适中,但因涉及的是医药类的内容,生词较多,对考生在听的过程中理解信息造成了障碍。听力理解中内容较难的短文,设题多遵循在段首、段尾的主题句及信息提示词后设问的规律,且问题往往为细节题,所以有时即使没听懂文章的内容,但抓住这种规律,捕获首尾句中及信息提示词后的关键词(通常是听到什么选什么),也能找到正确答案。比如,本文的第一句即主题句,第11小题也是针对短文的段首句提问,听到“greatly reduces life threatening problems after an operation to replace blocked blood vessels to the heart”这句话后,马上就能综合出reduce, problems, operation, heart 等几个词表达是选项D所表明的信息,所以可以在该选项旁作上记号。而听到“The doctors believe aspirin helps heart surgery patients because…”和“However, the doctors warned that…”两句话时,则应对because和however两个信息提示词后的信息重点关注,而第12和13题的答案也正在其中。第12题选项A的“It keeps blood vessels from being blocked.”与because后听到的“prevent … blood vessels from being blocked”如出一辙,而第13小题的选项A提到的“patients with stomach bleeding”也与听到的“people who have stomach bleeding”相符,所以根据听到什么选什么的原则,就能选出正确答案。


17. A) They wanted to follow his example.

B) They fully supported his undertaking.

C) They were puzzled by his decision.

D) They were afraid he wasn’t fully prepared.

18. A) It is more exciting than space travel.

B) It is much cheaper than space travel.

C) It is much safer than space travel.

D) It is less time-consuming than space travel.

19. A) They both attract scientists’ attention

B) They can both be quite challenging

C) They are both thought-provoking.

D) They may both lead to surprising findings.

20. A) To show how simple the mechanical aids for diving can be.

B) To provide an excuse for his changeable character.

C) To explore the philosophical issues of space travel.

D) To explain why he took up underwater exploration.


(1) 主旨预测

全文相关的16个选项开头都非常有规律,第17题和第19题都是以They开头的句子,第18题是以It开头的四个含比较级的句子,而第20题是以To开头的目的状语。在这些选项中频率最高的词非space travel莫属,而且它是作为一个被比较对象出现的,由此可以初步判断将要听到一篇关于人物对space travel的兴趣发生变化的文章,结合diving及water exploration,多半会讲述他比较space travel及water diving/exploration之后所形成的观点及兴趣问题。



第18题,四个以It开头的四个含比较级的句子,被比较对象相同都是space travel,可在四个形容词下划线,在听的时间就一定要注意某项工作或研究与space travel相比较的究竟有何不同之处。

第19题,四选项同第17题的主语一样,均以They开头,但此They非彼They,结合上一小题看,此处所指代的应是与上一小题中space travel相比较的另一种工作或研究。



[关键词提示] space travel, diving, underwater exploration


When my interest shifted from space to the sea, I never expected it would cause such confusion among my friends, yet I can understand their feelings. As I have been writing and talking about space flight for the best part of 20 years, a sudden switch of interest to the depth of the sea does seem peculiar. To explain, I’d like to share my reasons behind this unusual change of mind. The first excuse I give is an economic one. Underwater exploration is so much cheaper than space flight. The first round-trip ticket to the moon is going to cost at least 10 billion dollars if you include research and development. By the end of this century, the cost will be down to a few million. On the other hand, the diving suit and a set of basic tools needed for skin-diving can be bought for 20 dollars.

My second argument is more philosophical. The ocean, surprisingly enough, has many things in common with space. In their different ways, both sea and space are equally hostile. If we wish to survive in either for any length of time, we need to have mechanical aids. The diving suit helped the design of the space suit. The feelings and the emotions of a man beneath the sea will be much like those of a man beyond the atmosphere.

17. How did the speaker’s friends respond to his change of interest?

18. What is one of the reasons for the speaker to switch his interest to underwater exploration?

19. In what way does the speaker think diving is similar to space travel?

20. What is the speaker’s purpose in giving this talk?

[参考答案]17. C 18. B 19. D 20. D


这篇短文以作者自述的形式解释说明了他本兴趣转变的几条理由。文章篇幅较长,多为细节题,只有最后一个小题需综观整体文章内容,然后推断出答案,此题的难度也最大。设题的方式依然遵循了段首句原则,信号词原则(The first excuse)。要求考生抓住一些相关“提示”句型,如有过渡词引导的句子,以及短文中的列举信息等。由于文章中没出现什么生词,内容相对较易理解,所以问题设置相对较难。对于短文的听力,特别是细节题正解大多为听到什么关键词与某个选项中的一致即是正确答案。但本文的三个细节题的正确选项均设计为了同义替换项或此话彼说项,如cause confusion与were puzzled,economic与cheaper,equally hostile与chanllenging。对于这类文章,细节纷繁复杂,如何有效地把握一些“有用’的细节是关键。所谓有用,即是能帮助选择答案的信息。这就要求我们在听音前能够要比较准确地预测问题,然后再有的放矢地听,并在相应的选项旁作上记号,毕竟再好的记性也不可能“过耳不忘”。



2008年英语专业四级考试全真试卷及其参考答案SECTION A CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 3 are based on the.following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation. 1. When is Anne available for the meeting? A. The third week of May. B. The third week of June. C. The eleventh of June. D. The eleventh of May. 2. Their meeting will probably take place in A. London. B. Toronto. C. Mexico City. D. Chicago. 3. When is Eric calling back? A. Thursday afternoon. B. Friday afternoon. C. Thursday morning.

D. Friday morning. Questions 4 to 6 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation. 4. According to the woman, advertisements A. let us know the best product. B. give us sufficient information. C. fail to convince people. D. give misleading information. 5. In the woman's opinion, money spent on advertisements is paid A. by manufacturers. B. by customers. C. by advertisers. D. by all of them. 6. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?. A. The woman seems to be negative about advertising. B. The woman appears to know more about advertising. C. The man is to be present at a debate on advertising. D. The man has a lot to talk about on advertising. Questions 7 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation,


1 学生集中考前模拟测试,统一批改,发现学生薄弱点。 《视听说III》介绍四级考试听力题型和出题思路(听即、替换、混淆、推断) 讲解预读技巧(预读时间,目标和技巧) 和强化练习 2 《视听说III》听力辅导专题讲解--短对话:分析小对话高频场景;讲解场景 常用词和句型;训练基本解题技巧(常规推测,否定转折等) 3 《视听说III》听力辅导专题讲解--长对话:分析长对话场景类型;汇总重要 短语及关键词;讲解训练解题技巧(如:主要话题,人物身份, 说者态度,对话结果等) 4 《视听说III》听力辅导专题讲解---笔记效率:讲解基本速记技巧,如使用缩 略语和常见表逻辑关系符号,抓主谓简化句子,掌握篇章结构 列提纲等;训练强化高效率记笔记。 5 《视听说III》听力辅导专题讲解--短文听力:讲解和训练读题(分析高频率 词汇,预测短文内容和范围);讲解把握常考逻辑关系,主题判 断和关键要点;训练解题技巧,如听即原则,重读原则,顺序 原则,转折原则等。 6 《视听说III》听力辅导专题讲解---复合听写:讲解训练短文阅读捕捉信息, 了解大意,根据线索预测缺失内容及词性;训练提高边听边记 能力;强调和强化正确拼写,注意常见问题,如动词时态,名 词单复数,大小写,专有名词,短语固定搭配等。 7 《视听说III》模拟测试,根据测试结果难点讲解 第一周:--------见PPT 第一节课模拟四级听力测试并自我批改,收集学生反馈:自我评价,弱项分析。 第二节结合刚测试的试卷, 1 简要介绍四级听力考试题型,出题思路;2英语四级答题技巧--预读技巧; 3 做题强化所学 预读技巧概述 听力中的预读技巧是指在相关录音播放之前,考生快速浏览选择题的四个选项,并根据选项内容猜测录音内容、提问方向以及可能的正确答案等,从而在随后听录音的过程中有效把握 重点,快速选出正确答案。在预读时,考生要重点把握预读时间与预读目标。 1.预读时间 很多考生都知道听力选择题的预读技巧,却常常苦于考场上时间紧张,觉得没有时间预读。 其实,考生在考试中至少应该有8分钟的预读时间(9:55~10:03),每道题的预读时间约有20秒。时间到9:55时,考官会要求考生停笔,收作文部分的答题卡,这时考生就可以开始做 听力预读;10:00开始播录音时,最前面的试音部分和读SectionA的Direction时间共需三分钟左右,考生也可以用这段时间进行预读。此外,每道选择题的做题时间为15秒,考生应

四级听力 4招巧解短文理解

Lecture 2第二讲4招巧解短文理解 短文理解所含的信息量相对较大,不仅要求考生在听的过程中捕捉到具体的语言细节,还要求考生从语篇上对短文有整体性的把握和理解。因此,考生必须掌握一些有针对性的解题步骤和解题技巧,这样才能在考试时做到游刃有余。第一招:听音前预测内容和问题听音前快速浏览选项可以大致推测出文章的主要内容,通过纵向、横向比较各题选项能够发现一些重要的提示信息,如短文可能涉及的内容、问题可能考查的内容等。另外,通过提炼选项要点,还可以确定听音时应重点关注的细节信息,有针对性地记笔记。 听前预测的成败主要取决于考生对短文理解设题特点的熟悉程度、对选项要点的提炼和分析能力、以及对短文涉及内容的背景知识的熟悉程度。 【例1】(07 12 Passage One) 【预览选项】 26. [A]They care a lot about children. [B]They need looking after in their old age. [C]They want to enrich their life experience. [D]They want children to keep them company. 27.[A]They are usually adopted from distant places. [B]Their birth information is usually kept secret. [C]Their birth parents often try to conceal their birth information. [D]Their adoptive parents don t want them to know their birt h parents. 【预测信息】 预览四道题各选项,由选项中多次出现的children,adopted,birth parents,natural parents,adoptive parents等可推知,本文与收养孩子有关。 26. 选项都是与“they”的需求有关,根据选项[A]和[D]中的宾语children以及之前对主题的预测可知,本题很可能是问收养孩子的原因。 27. 根据各选项内容可知,they,their在此处都是指“被收养的孩子”。由[B]、[C]选项28.[A]They generally hold bad feelings towards their birth parents. [B]They do not want to hurt the feelings of their adoptive parents. [C]They have mixed feelings about finding their natural parents. [D]They are fully aware of the expenses involved in the search. 29.[A]Early adoption makes for closer parent child relationship. [B]Most people prefer to adopt children from overseas. [C]Understanding is the key to successful adoption. [D]Adoption has much to do with love.中出现的birth information可知,本题很可能是问被收养的孩子不知道他们的出生信息的原因。 28.根据各选项内容可知,they在此处指“被收养的孩子”。由各选项中的bad feelings…,hurt the feelings…,mixed feelings…可知,本题应该是关于“被收养的孩子对他们的亲生父母与养父母的感情”。[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项都与此有关,只有[D]是关于费用的,故其为答案的可能性较小。 29. 四个选项主题各异,由此可知本题很可能是对文中某点进行提问。在听音时应重点关注与选项相关的信息。 【听音验证】 When couples get married, they usually plan to have children. Sometimes, however, a couple can not have a child of their own. In this case, they may decide to adopt a child. In fact, adoption is


英语四级听力综合训练材料 The New York City really has the wonders of the Big Apple that exceeds all expectations -- the fantastic skyscrapers, marvelous museums, cultural centers, architecture and sightseeing attractions, among which the following are most worth seeing. The Statue of Liberty stands magnificently on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. It is a national monument which was presented by France on October 28, 1886 to remember the American Revolution. Wall Street was built by the Dutch to protect the colony from Indian attack. Now it is America's financial center. Broadway is an avenue in Manhattan, a symbol of the New York theatre. At night it is brilliantly lit by spectacular lighted signs which have given it the name "The Great White Way".


英语专业四级听写50篇 前言 听写在英语专业四级统考中占有15%的比重,是考试的重要组成部分。 说起听写,正在准备和已经参加过英语专业四级考试的同学会说: “我能明白听写的内容,可写的时候就是跟不上!”“短文大意我明白,可是有的语我不 会写。” 这只反映出了问题的两个方面。一是听写速度不够快。二是词汇量不够或词汇掌握得不够准确。这些无疑是影响听写成绩的重要因素。但是,这些不是问题的全部。在从事听写教学及听写问卷过程中,很容易发现学生失分的具体问题: (1)没听懂,没听好,听写速度跟不上,写出的内容断断续续不连贯,学生因此大量失分; (2)有的词汇没听懂,拼写不够准确,这导致听写失分; (3)时态错误导致失分; (4)单复数不准确导致失分; (5)没有注意断句或专有名词,句子开头单词或专有名词错误使用大小写导致失分; (6)没有注意原文冠词的使用,书写时漏掉冠词导 致失分; (7)没有注意单数第三人称形式导致失分; (8)没有注意单数复数名词的形式导致失分。 上述问题的产生有的是缺乏训练造成的,如书写速度跟不上。有的则是语言基础较 差造成的,如听力较差没有完全听懂或没有掌握好词汇。而单复数、大小写、冠词漏写 等则多是粗心大意造成的。 听写部分能提高吗? 当然能!而且提高的空间很大。 笔者从事英语专业基础教学与研究,从一开始所带的教学班参加四级考试超过全国 院校平均通过率28.2个百分点,超过全国专业外语院校平均通过率12.5个百分点开始,所带的教学班在全国英语专业④级统考中通过率始终ito%,平均成绩、优秀率始终名列 前茅。最近一次所带的教学班参加四级统考,又考出了很好的成绩,通过率超过全国院 校平均水平26石个百分点,超过全国专业外语院校13.6个百分点,而且在十几个平行 班中平均成绩是最高的,优秀人数也是最多的。在四级考试中,听写一项的成绩也不例外,每次均位居第一,本项目满分15分,所带班级平均成绩能够达到14分。 是不是学生基础很好?统计表明,和平行班相比所带班级入学时并不存在什么特别 优势。 教学经验表明,听写成功的关键是训练方法和体现训练方法的训练材料。 听写训练过程中无论是老师还是学生都有必要注意以下几点: 二.扭握淤轿肘虚度大纲要求第一遍用正常速


能级 一、教学目标 1.了解原子的玻尔模型 2.了解原子能级概念和氢原子的能级图. 3.了解玻尔理论的重要意义及其局限性. 二、重点、难点分析 1.原子的玻尔模型是本节课的重点内容。 2.对原子发光现象的解释是学习的难点。 三、主要教学过程 (一)新课引入 前一节提到卢瑟福的原子核式结构学说跟经典的电磁理论产生了矛盾,这说明了经典的电磁理论不适用于原子结构.那么怎么解释原子是稳定的?又怎么解释原子发光的光谱不是连续光谱呢? (二)教学过程设计 1.玻尔的原子模型. (1)原子的稳定性. 经典的电磁理论认为电子绕原子核旋转,由于电子辐射能量,因此随着它的能量减少,电子运行的轨道半径也减小,最终要落入原子核中. 玻尔在1913年结合普朗克的量子理论针对这一问题提出新的观点. 玻尔假设一:原子只能处于一系列不连续的能量状态中,在这些状态中原子是稳定的,电子虽然绕核运动,但并不向外辐射能量.这些状态叫做定态.说明:这一说法和事实是符合得很好的,电子并没有被库仑力吸引到核上,就像行星绕着太阳运动一样.这里所说的定态是指原子可能的一种能量状态,有某一数值的能量,这些能量包含了电子的动能和电势能的总和. (2)原子发光的光谱. 经典的电磁理论认为电子绕核运行的轨道不断的变化,它向外辐射电磁波的频率应该等于绕核旋转的频率.因此原子辐射一切频率的电磁波,大量原子的发光光谱应该是连续光谱. 玻尔针对这一问题提出新的观点. 玻尔假设二:原子从一种定态(E 初)跃迁到另一种定态(E 终 )时,它辐射(或 吸收)一定频率的光子,光子的能量由这两种定态的能量差决定,即 h=E初-E终. 说明:这一说法也和事实符合得很好,原子发光的光谱是由一些不连续的亮线组成的明线光谱. (3)原子能量状态和电子轨道. 玻尔假设三:原子的不同能量状态跟电子沿不同的圆形轨道绕核运动相对应.原子的定态是不连续的,因此电子的可能轨道的分布也是不连续的. 2.氢原子的轨道半径和能量.(本部分内容中半径公式和能量公式实验教材不


英语四级听力练习大全 Over the past 40 years, Cambodia's cultural treasures have been under attack. Many artifacts have disappeared from ancient religious centers and other historic sites across Cambodia. A large number of the objects were secretly removed from the country and sent to art museums and private collections around the world. New research shows that much of this activity was the work of organized crime. It also suggests that most pieces have disappeared from public view, probably forever. Cambodia's 1,000-year-old temples and other historic areas first came under attack in 1970, at the start of the Cambodian civil war. The looting and raids continued until the fighting stopped about 30 years later. One incident in the early 1970s involved government soldiers. They used a military helicopter to airlift ancient artifacts from a 12th Century fort in the northwest. The 10th-century Cambodian sandstone statues from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York is blessed by Cambodian Buddhist monks in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, June 11, 2020. At the same ruins in 1998, generals tore down and removed 30 tons of the structure. Six military trucks loaded with artifacts were sent toward the border with Thailand. Only one of the six trucks was stopped and its objects returned. The rest disappeared. For years, researchers believed that such well-organized attacks were rare, and that most of the raids involved local


2011-6 protect/protection 保护 neglect 忽略 restore 恢复 damage 破坏 notion 概念 false 错误的 wearer 佩戴者 weaken 减弱 loss 失去 vision 视力=eyesight permanently 永久的achievement 成就=accomplishment surgery 手术 accomplish 实现;完成=achieve belief 信念 proven 被证实的 evidence 证据 harmful 有害的 inappropriate 不恰当的 myth 神话;荒诞的说法dim 昏暗的 strained 紧张的 eyestrain 眼睛疲劳 replace 替换 transfer 转移 transplant 移植 nerve 神经 fiber 纤维 eyeball 眼球 attach 把…附在…上,把…固定 current 目前的=present trend 趋势 nursing home 疗养院 day-care center 日护中心 well-equipped 装备精良的convenient 方便的 accessible 容易得到的;易接近的available 可得到的 adult 成年人 adult children 成年子女

commitment 承诺;承担的义务responsibility 责任 saving 储蓄 use up 用完 regret 遗憾;后悔professional 专业的 standard 标准的;标准affectionate 慈爱的;充满深情的cooperative 合作的 frank 坦白的;直率的 seek 寻求(过去式:sought)make full use of 充分利用community 社区 facility 设施 elderly 年迈的 relative 亲属 likely 有可能的 in contrast 相比之下dependent 依靠的;不独立的 as long as 只要 in order to 为了 appreciate 感激;欣赏satisfying 令人满意的consideration 考虑 state 陈述 safety 安全 right 权利 complaint 抱怨 conflict 冲突 out-dated 过时的equipment 设备 welfare 福利 regulation 规则compensation 补偿request 要求 quit 辞职 unborn 未出生的 union 工会;联盟representative 代表media 媒体 protest 抗议 inform 通知;告知coworker 同事=colleague


英语四级听力练习方法 英语四级听力练习方法1、时间分配:每天至少40分钟专攻听力 听力能力的提高是个潜移默化的过程,“三分练,七分养”。因此,在准备四级听力的过程中,最重要的是保证每天都有听英语。建议每天抽出40分钟时间专攻听力,新闻,综艺节目,有声读物或者电影等,但是你一定要集中注意力,沉浸在英文环境中。 2、备考材料:通过历年真题练习听力 真题仍旧是最为重要的练习材料。建议将历年的真题反复听,仔细听,连续听至少三轮,将没听清楚,不能确定,没及时反应出来的地方标出来反复听,对照参考答案认真分析。有时间的还可以背诵听力材料,对培养语感和记忆听力中的口语也有好处。 3、练习方法:一看二听写 第一招,看听力。四级听力的对话,展示了一个个很实用的场景,用语很地道,如果能把历年来四级考题中的对话全部跟读、模仿下来,那么你的口语一定会很溜。如果你的中学基础还不是很牢固,还可以用它来进一步学习基本词汇、基本语法。 大学英语四级听力训练的建议 1.可以选择看美剧或者电影及听英文歌曲!建议去找bbc的纪录片,基本都是双语字幕的。刚开始可以参照汉语字幕,当你看进去之后,就可以不要再看汉语,不能养成不好的习惯,注意的是一定不要太依赖字幕,要不

看再多也没有多大用处。 2.要提升听力,最先要解决的问题必须是基础知识。词汇和语法怎么也逃不过了,复习单词的方法太多了,比如说下载百词斩、拓词、知米都可以。要想两个都学,可以尝试巨微的土豪金。真题语境中学习的效果是很好的,。 3.听力除了上面说的历年真题一定比不可少,“零元课”网站全部都是免费的资料,随便用,还有技巧讲解的视频哦! 4.在练习听力的过程中一定要弄懂每个句子,最好是能将英文都翻译成中文,要是不懂就问别人,反正一定得弄懂。 5.听力改革之后,四六级的长对话和复合式听写没了,取而代之的是讲座和谈话。很多的原素材都来自于bbc/voa,所以想要快速拿下改革新题型,还是要多去这些电台好好听听新闻的。 6.光说不练假把式,听力做题的一般方法要给大家说道说道。听力考试的时候,先读文章,猜测空白处所填写的内容,用铅笔写在旁边。然后在下面选项组,标出每个选项的意思。最后根据词汇的意思和雌性,做信息匹配。 英语四级听力复习方法 1.听力大概复习两个月就够了,建议十月份开始,每天抽时间听1~2个小时,以往年的听力材料为主,搭配真题,把复习重点放在听力答题技巧上,而不是听力能力上。 2.如果你英语基础不是很好,建议一开始从短对话话开始听,找到感觉以后,开始听短文章,历年的听力材料mp3可以去“零元课”打包下载,下载到手机上随时都可以听。 3.其实很多同学听力得分很低,并不是没有复习好,而是到


TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2016) -GRADE FOUR- PART ⅠDICTATION Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 1 minute to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Now listen to the passage. Think Positive and Feel Positive Are you confident or insecure in a difficult situation? / Do you react positively or negatively? / The answer may depend in part on whom you’re around. / A study found that negative thinking can be contagious in some cases. / For example, the researchers studied 103 college roommates. / They measured each roommate’s tendency towards negative thinking. / It was found that thinking patterns can be contagious. / Students with a negative thinking roommate became more depressed themselves, / and students with more positive thinking roommates / were more likely to become more positive as well. The second and third readings. You should begin writing now. Are you confident or insecure in a difficult situation? / Are you confident or insecure in a difficult situation? / Do you react positively or negatively? / Do you react positively or negatively? / The answer may depend in part


2016年英语四级听力专项辅导练习题 众所周知,在四、六级中,听力部分一直是考生们复习的重点,也是令大家最头疼,同时也是很容易失分的地方。以下是网整理的关于听力专项辅导练习题,供大家备考。 Art for Sale Part Ⅰ Directions: In this part, you will hear a passage. After the passage, you will be asked some questions. You will hear the passage and the questions about it just one time. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 1. A) The centre of international trade. B) The centre of international art market. C) The centre of art. D) The centre of antiques. 2. A) The world's biggest and oldest seller of art and antiques. B) The world's biggest seller of art. C) The world's oldest seller of art. D) The world's biggest seller of antiques. 3. A) Its status. B) Its 250-year-old reputation. C) Its staff. D) Both A and B. 4. A) Because its business is not very good this year. B) Because its headquarters is to move to another city. C) Because a journalist accused Sotheby's staff of bringing art treasures to London illegally. D) None of the above. Part Ⅱ


2015年12月英语四级听力原文及答案 Part 1 短对话 Question 1 - M: Do you remember the wonderful film on space exploration we watched together last month? - W: Sure. It's actually the most impressive one I've seen on that topic. Q:What do we learn about the speakers? Question 2 - W: Are you looking for anything in particular? - M: Yes. My son is graduating from high school, and I want to get him something special. Q:Where does the conversation most probably take place? Question 3 - M: Mike told me yesterday that he had been looking in vain for a job in the art gallery. - W: Really? If I remember right, he had a chance to work there, but he turned it down.

Q:What does the woman say about Mike? Question 4 - W: Would you like to come to Susan's birthday party tomorrow evening? - M: I'm going to give a lecture tomorrow. I wish I could be in two places at the same time. Q:What does the man mean? Question 5 - W: Aren't you discouraged by the slow progress your staff is making? - M: Yes. I think I will give them a deadline and hold them to it. Q:What is the man probably going to do? Question 6 - W: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the visitors' parking is? I left my car there. - M: Sure. It's in Lot C. Over that way. Q:What does the woman want to know? Question 7 - W: You look great! Now that you've taken those fitness classes.


四级英语听力训练短文 hat Kind Of Dogs Are Sled Dogs? In books and movies like Call of the Wild, huge, vicious huskies pull sleds for hundreds of miles over the Alaskan tundra. A Moment of Science wonders, what kind of dogs are sled dogs? Husky Most champion sled dogs are not pure husky: in fact, the “Alaskan Husky” isn’t really a breed at all:it’s a mix of various breeds. Although not pure bred, every sled dog must be carefully bred for life on the trail. The dogs need heavy coats to protect them from the cold, and tough feet to prevent injuries. Unlike the tough dogs in the movies, dogs with softer feet wear booties when they run. Sled Dogs The dogs also need compact bodies to maximize endurance. The sled dogs’ remarkable endurance is t hanks to their large heart-to-body ratio, and their ability to carry oxygen from the lungs to the muscles, which is about three times that of a human being On film, large dogs seem powerful, but their size decreases their ability to use oxygen efficiently. In competitive dog-sledding, dogs usually weigh less than 55 pounds and can comfortably trot over 70 miles a day. Temperment


2007年英语专业四级考试全真试卷及其参考答案SECTION A CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation. 1. Which of the following is NOT needed for the Lost Property Form? (A) Name. (B) Nationality. (C) Address. (D) Phone number. 2. From the conversation we know that Mark Adams comes from. (A) Essex. (B) Edinburgh. (C) London. (D) The US. 3. What will Mark Adams do the day after tomorrow? (A)To come to the office again. (B) To wait for the phone call.


这类短文主要是对社会中存在的某些现象,和某些问题进行揭示、剖析和研究,涉及社会政治、经济、家庭、犯罪、环境、公共交通等方面的内容,并对这些问题做出一种主观的评论,多以议论文为主。 比如:2003年12月的四级考试的第一篇短文就讲述了当今社会的人们不再象过去那样注重文明礼貌的现象,2000年6月第二篇短文讲述了如何制止滥用毒品这一社会问题,而2000年1月的第一篇讲述了战争造成的环境污染问题。 由于这类短文的选材一般是比较热门的话题。考生在平时生活中或多或少都通过各种媒体或途径有所接触,只是不同的人对这些现象与问题的看法不同,因此论述的角度和观点就千差万别。做这类题时,考生切忌以自己的观点或平时听到的别人的观点答题,而应以这些观点为基础和比较对象,去理解作者的看法,以听到的录音内容为基础进行答题。 这类短文设置的问题以主旨大意题和造成某个社会现象或问题的原因类题为主。由于这类文章通常有主题句,且主题句常为短文的首句或尾句。所以考生切记第一时间进入状态,集中注意听清文章的开篇及结尾部分。对于原因类题,一般在短文中都能直接提及,所以在预读选项,预测问题的基础上带着问题去听,听到什么选什么能大大降低答题的难度。 请看2003年12月CET-4的第一篇短文: 11. A) The art of saying thank you. B) The secret of staying pretty. C) The importance of good manners. D) The difference between elegance and good manners. 12. A) They were nicer and gentler. B) They paid more attention to their appearance. C) They were willing to spend more money on clothes. D) They were more aware of changes in fashion. 13. A) By decorating our homes. B) By wearing fashionable clothes. C) By being kind and generous. D) By putting on a little make-up. [解题思路] (1) 主旨预测 花几秒种的时间浏览3题12个选项,迅速找出相互关联的几个高频词:good manners, appearance, fashionable, generous, nice, pretty。从而作出初步概括,短文中可能会涉及文明礼貌及仪表美等方面的内容。 (2) 分测各题 第11题四选项是四个名词短语,又是本篇短文的第一题,很可能是测试文章的主旨大意。选项C和D中反复出现了good manners,具有关键词的特征。所以听时注意文章的开篇和结束部分,重点在辨别短文的主旨。


四级真题听力练习(新题型) Section A Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item. 1.A) There were shootings. B) There was an explosion. C) Moscow troops killed terrorists. D) Several international flights delayed. 2. A) He closed the airport’s customs. B) He called for ambulances and fire engines. C) He found out those who were responsible. D) He changed his schedule. Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item. 3. A) The . charity, Save the Children, in Vietnam. B) Improving the health of mothers and babies in the world. C) Reducing the number of childhood deaths in South Asia. D) High death rates of mothers and babies in developing countries. 4. A) South Asia. B) Vietnam. C) Africa D) South America. Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item. 5. A) Hold the constitutional vote. B) Allow in foreign search and rescue teams. C) Accept international aid right away. D) Adopt John Holme’s suggestions. 6. A) Na?ve. B) Feasible C) Open. D) Flexible. 7. A) The UN can’t impose help on Burma without its government’s agreement. B) It is reasonable for Burma to refuse foreign aid. C) It is useless to offer air-dropping supplies to Burma. D) The constitutional vote can’t improve the current situation. Section B Conversation One Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 8. A) It is used by more people than English.
