


This book is designed to assist Chinese English learners generally and more specifically those who are willing to take part in the IELTS speaking test.

Each topic includes questions giving in parts 1, 2 and 3 in the IELTS speaking test. Learning a foreign language, such as English is considered to be a great worry for most Chinese students, simply because of the great expectation we have toward the language itself. Every student would agree with fact that a grammatically structured sentence would be easier to understand, therefore, students are urged to reconsider how better they could improve their skills while preparing themselves for the IELTS test.

This book has an entirely new design in addressing IELTS learners, because I’ve tried to bring my personal perspective with a deep reflection on mostly and frequently asked questions in the test.

Communication is our link to everything we do in our lives, as well as it’s the one central force that allows people to make connections with those around us. Therefore, the answers in this book are expressed in a real communicative style to let the IELTS learners appreciate how native speakers may express themselves as well.

Sampling was used in this book as method for inducing what is mostly needed as expressive and communicative skills in the IELTS speaking test, such as, explaining, sharing general and personal views, logical sequencing of sentences, clear marking of stages in a discussion, narration and argumentation, and adequacy, in a real like situation.

The goal of this book is to provide IELTS learners with a comprehensive, practical, readable and enjoyable, and most important, intellectually sound form of communicating ones ideas.

The answers have been adjusted to a more adaptable form to help the IELTS speaking learners enriching their own experiences and knowledge.

No teaching book is perfect for everyone or for every possible learning situation- but, through this book I’ve strive n to make it better and ultimately more useful and accessible for IELTS learners.

The diversity of the topics giving in the IELTS speaking test are respected in this book to make the picture clearer for the students, because I believe that diversity of topics shapes the students’ thinking way as well as influences their app roaches to the real world and to everyday communication. Thus, I encourage the students to appreciate the diversity of our cultural life as it improves our communication in an interactive world.














Here below are several examples of the typical IELTS Speaking Test questions topic

Overview of the Speaking Test:

Part 1

The actual Speaking Test doesn?t begin until the examiner turns on the tape recorder.

Part 1 will take 4 to 5 minutes. Part 1 begins with a greeting such as, “Good morning.”

And the examiner introduces him / herself. Next, the examiner introduces a topic and asks you few questions on that topic. Then the examiner introduces another topic and asks you

a few questions on that topic. Finally, the examiner introduces the last topic for Part 1,

(Topic 3) and asks you a few questions on that topic.

Each topic will have an average of 4 questions. So, in total, Part1 of the test has 1 greeting and 16 questions. These 16 questions are to be answered in 5 minutes.

You will know when Part 1 is over when the examiner tells you that he/she is going to give you a topic for you to talk about. This is the beginning of Part 2.(see pages )

Part 2

As soon as you receive the card, you will have 60 seconds to:

Decide what you?re going to talk about, and

Plan your answer and jot down some points on the notepaper that is given to you.

At the end of the 60 seconds, the examiner will remind you that you have 1 to 2 minutes to finish your presentation.(see pages)

Part 3

Part 3 of the test starts when the examiner says something like this:

“We?ve been talking about (topic) and I?d like to ask you a few questions related to (this topic)”

In part 3, you will be asked questions on 1 or 2 topics . If there is enough time, you will be asked questions on both topics. Both topics are loosely connected with the topic of part 2, the one or two follow-up questions in part 2 might have hinted at the topics for part 3.

Whether you are asked questions from only one or two topics, you will probably be asked

a total of between 4 and 6 questions.

The words used in the questions are more difficult than the words in the questions for part

1 and 2. The replies usually also require you to use more difficult language. Generally, the

language and ideas of part 3 are much more abstract than in the earlier parts of the test.

In part 3, the examiner can help you a little if you don?t understand the questions. That is, the examiner can re-ask the question using simpler words.

In general, the following topics and concepts are important for part 3:

Attitudes, Information and Communication, Society, Change, and Education.

The following language function is frequently elicited: Speculation (about the past, the present and especially, the future.)

Part 1

The Standard Introduction Questions

1.Can I see you identification, please :( =May I see your identification, please?)

2.Can you tell me your full name, please? (=Please tell me your name.)

3.What shall I call you? (=What do your friends call you?=What can I call you ?=What

should I call you?)

4.Can you tell me where you?re from? (=Where are you from?)

We don?t know exactly what topics will be chosen as Topics 1 to 3. In general, Topics 1 to 3 are about your everyday life.

However, we do know this – The IELTS Handbook says that the following topics are very important: Home, Family, Work or Study, and Interests. The …Specimen tests also included the topic of: Hometown: as an important topic. The Handbook also says that there will be other topics, similar to these.

In the next few pages, you will find many practice questions for the following topics:




●Hobbies and Interests

●Everyday personal habits

●Traveling and Transport






●Country Life and City Life


●Climate/ Weather



1.Tell me a little about your family.

(Say, “There are three people in my family.”NOT, “There are three members in my family.”)

2.Are you more like your father or your mother?

3.Did you know your grandparents?

4.What kinds of things do you do as a family?

5.How often do you eat together as a family?

6.Who is the “head” of your family?

7.How important do you think it is to have a brother or a sister?

8.What is a typical Chinese family like?

9.Why is family life important to you ?


1.What type of housing do you live in? (E.g., house, flat [apartment], room, dormitory.)

2.What kind of place is it? (=What?s it like?= Give me a general description of it.)

3.How many bedrooms does it have?

4.Does it have a kitchen?

5.Who lives with you?

6.Is it a nice area?

7.Are amenities such as a bus stop and a shopping centre conveniently located near your


8.What?s the best thing about your home?

9.Is there anything (that) you don?t like about your accommodation?

10.How much do you pay for your accommodation?

11.Why did you choose that kind of accommodation?

12.How long have you lived there?

13.Do you know your neighbours very well?

14.How much longer do you think you?ll continue to live there?

15.Would you say it?s a good place to live?(=Do you like living there?)

16.In the future, what kind of accommodation would you like to live in?


1.Tell me a little about your hometown.

2.What?s the weather like there?

3.Were you born there?

4.How long have you lived there?

5.What?s the most interesting thing about (your hometown)?

6.What kind of jobs do people do in (your city)?[=What industries are there in (your


7.Is it an old city?

8.Is it famous for anything?

9.What are the good points about living there?

10.Are there any drawbacks to live there?

11.What are the people like there?

12.Is it an expensive place to live?

13.Would you say it is a good place to live?

14.Is it an attractive city?

15.What are the public transportation facilities like there?

16.Is it easy to move around the city?

17.Does the city have good shopping, health and education facilities?

18.Does the city have a lot of entertainment facilities?

19.Does the city have good employment opportunities?

20.Does the city have a rich cultural life?

21.Would you say that it?s a good place to open a business?

Hobbies and Interests

1.Do you have any hobbies and interests?

2.What are some of your hobbies and interests?

3.How long have you been interested in (this hobby)?

4.How did you become interested in (this hobby)?

5.Would you say it?s an expensive hobby?

6.How much time do you spend on this hobby?

7.What do you like to do on weekends?

8.Do you play any sport?

9.What sports are most popular in China?

10.Do you read much?

11.Do you like music?

12.Are you interested in art and culture?

13.How much time do you spend on exercise (=keeping fit)?

14.What are your favorite forms of entertainment?

15.What kinds of films do you like best?

16.What kinds of music do you like best?

17.Do you like to do creative things?

Everyday Personal Habits

1.What do you usually do in the evenings?

2.What kind of clothes do you usually wear?

3.Do you believe people should be able to dress the way they like? Why?

4.Do you usually eat a big breakfast?

5.What are some examples of typical Chinese food?

6.What?s your favourite food?

7.How much TV do you watch?

8.What kinds of TV programs do you most often watch?

9.Do you usually go to bed early or late? Why?

10.How much exercise do you do?

11.Do you think you are healthy? Why?/ Why not?

12.Do you have any bad habits that you?d like to change?

13.How do you feel about smoking?


1.What do you usually do in (=on) your holidays?

2.What would you like to do on holidays in the future?

3.What places have you been to?

4.What would you suggest a visitor to China should see and do?

5.Has tourism changed China? How?

6.What do you think the future of tourism in China will be like?

7.What do you like to do for rest and relaxation, for example, on the weekend?

Travelling and Transport

1.What form of transport do you most often use?

2.Is it cheap or expensive?

3.Is it convenient and comfortable?

4.Do you like commuting in the city?

5.If you could change the way you travel, how would you prefer to commute in the city?

6.Do you make many long-distance calls?

7.How do you usually travel long-distance? Why do you choose that form of transport?

8.What do you think of flying?

9.Why do people travel long-distance in China?

10.What changes do you think might/will take place in transport in China over the next 30


11.How is travelling and transport in Chain today different to what it was, say, 60 years ago?School

1.What is/was your favourite subject in school? Why?

2.What do you think is more important, studying math and science or studying subjects such

as language and history? Why?

3.What do you think are the advantages of studying a foreign language?

4.How do you feel about studying English?

5.What?s the hardest part about studying English?

6.Do you think high school students in China have too much homework?

7.Did/Do you enjoy school life? Why? / Why not?

8.Do you think sport should be a part of a secondary school curriculum? Why?/ Why not?

9.How do you think the education system in China could be improved?

10.Why is studying overseas (= abroad) important to you?


1.What is your occupation? (= What do you do? = What do you do for a living?)

2.Where do you work?

3.Please describe your job.

4.Do you have any special responsibilities in your job?

5.How long have you been doing this job?

6.How do you feel about your job? (= Would you say it?s a good job?)

7.How (=Why) did you choose this job?

8.How long do you think you?ll continue to do this kind of work?


1.What are the qualities of a good friend?

2.How do most people make friends?

3.Why do people need friends?

4.Are friends more important than family?

5.Have you ever had a friend form another country?


1.How well do you know your neighbors?

2.What kind of people are your neighbors?

3.What are the qualities of a good neighbor?


1.How often do you go shopping?

2.What do you usually buy?

3.Do you often look for bargains and special sales?

4.Do you think credit cards are a good idea? Why?/Why not?

5.Do you often go to supermarkets? Do you like them?

6.What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping in supermarkets?

7.Do you have a neighborhood shop that you often go to? What do you buy there?

8.How has shopping in China changed in recent years?

9.How is shopping in China today different to shopping in your grandparents? time?

10.How do you think shopping might change in the next 30 years?

11.Who pays the bills in your house? How are they paid?

Country and City Life

1.Do you like cities? Why? /Why not?

2.Do you like going to natural places such as mountains, lakes, rivers, farmland, forests, and

beaches? Why?

3.Would you like to live in such a natural place?

4.What are the differences between country life and city life in China?

5.What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city or living in the country?

6.Where would you prefer to live: the country or the city? Why?

7.How has city life changed in the past 20 years in China?

8.Can you compare city life today to city life, say, 60 years ago?

9.How do you think city life will change over the next 20 years?


1.How do you feel about animals?

2.Apart from seeing animals in zoos, what experience have you had with animals?

3.Do you think it is important to be kind to animals, even ones that are going to be killed for

their meat? Why?

4.What do you think of zoos?

5.Are there any animals that you dislike? Why?

6.Would you like to have a pet? Why?/Why not?

7.What of animal would you like? Why?

8.If you could be any animal, which one would you choose to be? Why?

Climate/ Weather :

What is the typical weather/ season in your country ?

Which is your favorite season?

If given a chance, would you like to have this season through out the year?

What do you dislike most about this season?

How do you think, behavior of people change in different seasons?


Do you like sports?

You prefer to watch or play sports ? Why?

Which is the favorite sport you play/ watch?

Which is the most favorite sport in your area?

Which sport you always cherished to play but never got a chance to?

Part 2

These example questions are grouped under: people, things, everyday activities, experiences, and speculation or future.


1.Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education.

You should say: where you met them (=him or her)

What subject they taught

What was special about them (Reference for part 3 on page13 questions 1-12)

2.Describe a person who has helped you.

You should say: who the person was

When and where this person helped you

How they helped you (Reference for part 3 on page13 questions 13-22)

3.Describe one of your best friends

You should say: who he/ she is

When you got to know each other.

What his/her personality is

And explain why you are best friends (Reference for part 3 on page 13 questions 23-33) 4. Describe a well-known person you admire.

You should say: who this says: who this person is;

What he/she does;

What is special about him/her

And explain why you admire him/her (Reference for part 3 on page 14 questions 34-39) 5.Describe one child you are familiar with?

You should say: who he/she is

What his/her personality and hobby is

And explain why you like the child (Reference for part 3 on page 14 questions 40- 46) 6.Describe an elder people you are familiar with.

You should say:who she/she is;

What his/her personality is

What you did together

And explain his/her influence on you (Reference for part 3 on page14 questions 47-51 ) Things:

7.Describe an electric appliance you often use

You should say: what it is;

What its functions and features are

How often you use it;

And explain why you think it useful (Reference for part 3 on page 14 questions 52-61 ) 8.Describe a special gift you received

You should say: what it is;

Who sent it to you

Why do you like it (Reference for part 3 on page 14 questions 62- 72)

House & Building

9.Describe an old thing at your home

You should say: what it is

How long it has been kept at your home

Who passed it down

And explain what?s its value (Reference for part 3 on page 14 questions 73-80)

10.Describe a handicraft in China

You should say: what it is

What it is used for

Where it can be got

And explain its value (Reference for part 3 on page 15 questions 81-85 )

11.Describe a piece of clothes/jewelry you like.

You should say: what it looks like

When you wear it

And explain why you like it (Reference for part 3 on page 15 questions 86- 99)

12.Describe a toy you played when you were a child.

You should say: what it is

How it is played

And explain what you got from playing the toy (Reference for part 3 on page 15 questions 100-110 )

13.Describe a river, a lake, or sea you have been to.

You should say: where it is

What do people do there

The differences in four seasons (Reference for part 3 on page 15 questions 111-122 ) 14.Describe an unforgettable building you visited.

You should say: what it is

Where it is located

When you visited it

And explain why you like to describe it (Reference for part 3 on page 16 questions 123-136)

15.Describe a natural beauty you visited

You should say: when you visited it;

Where it is located

What impressed you the most (Reference for part 3 on page 16 questions 137-147 )

16.Describe a city you visited

You should say: what it is

Where it is

What it looks like

And explain why the city impressed you (Reference for part 3 on page16 questions 148-158 )

17.Describe a park or a garden you like.

You should say: where it is

What you can see

When you went there

And explain why you like the park or garden (Reference for part 3 on page 16 questions 159-164)

18.Describe one of your holidays

You should say: when it was

What you did

Why it made a deep impression on you (Reference for part 3 on page 17 questions 165-169 )

19.Describe a supermarket that you like

You should say: what its name is

Where it is located

What?s special about it

And explain why you like it so much (Reference for part 3 on page 17 questions 170-174)

20.Describe the restaurant that you like best

You should say: the name of the restaurant

Where it is

Why you like it

And explain what is special about it. (Reference for part 3 on page 17 questions 175-190 )

21.Describe a school you attended

You should say: what art is

The size of it

The advantages of studying there

Your pleasure of learning there (Reference for part 3 on page 17 questions 191-197 ) Entertainment

22.Describe one of your favorite films.

You should say: what the title is

When you saw this film

What the story is about

And explain why you were attracted by it. (Reference for part 3 on page17 questions 198-206)

23.Describe a newspaper or magazine you often read

You should say: what the name is

How often you read it

What the content is

And explain why you like reading it (Reference for part 3 on page 18 questions 207-215 )

24.Describe one of your favorite books

You should say: what the name is;

When you read it

What it tells about;

And explain why you like this book. (Reference for part 3 on page 18 questions 216-223 ) 25.Describe your favorite way to relax

You should say: what it is

When and where you do it

How often you do it

And explain why it is your favorite way (Reference for part 3 on page 18 questions 224-232 )

26.Describe an interest or hobby that you particularly enjoy:

You should say: what this interest or hobby is

How long you have been doing it

What effect has it had on your life

And explain what you think about the balance between work and leisure. (Reference for part 3 on page 18 questions 233-237)

27.Describe a kind of sport you like

You should say: what it is

What facilities it needs

How often you do or watch it

And explain why you like it (Reference for part 3 on page 18 questions 238-247 ) 28.Describe a TV program you enjoy watching

You should say: what it is

What it is mainly about

How often you watch the program

And explain what you learn from the program (Reference for part 3 on page 19 questions 248-256)

29.Describe the part of a day you like best

You should say: what it is

What you usually do at that time

And explain why you like it (Reference for part 3 on page 19 questions 257-262 ) 30.Describe the role music plays in your life.

You should say: what music you like most

Why you like to listen to music

What benefits there will be if we let children learn an instrument

And explain why this kind of music influences you so much. (Reference for part 3 on page

19 questions 263-268)


31.Describe a special meal or dish you had

You should say: when and where you had it

What you had

Why you had the meal and explain why it is special to you (Reference for part 3 on page 19 questions 269-278 )

32.Describe a happy event in your life

You should say: when it happened

Where it happened

What it was

And explain how you felt when you experienced it (Reference for part 3 on page 19

questions 279- 288)

33.Describe a letter or card you received

You should say: who sent the letter or card to you

When it was sent

What the content was

And explain why it is special to you (Reference for part 3 on page 20 questions 289-296 )

34.Describe a birthday party you joined

You should say: when it was

Where it was held

What you did

And explain why you enjoyed the party (Reference for part 3 on page 20 questions 297-303 )

35.Describe a party you attended that has remained in your memory

You should say: where it was

What the occasion for the party was

Why you enjoyed it so much

And explain what made the party so memorable for you (Reference for part 3 on page 20 questions 304-310 )

36. Describe a folk tale you heard in the childhood

You should say: when you heard it

Who told it to you

What?s the content

And explain its influence on you (Reference for part 3 on page 20 questions 311-316) 37.Describe a difficult thing you did.

You should say: what it was

When you did it

Who helped you with it

And explain what you learned from it (Reference for part 3 on page 20 questions 317-322 )

38.Describe the worst weather that you have experienced in your life.

You should say: what it was

When it happened

Your experience

And explain what you saw exactly during that experience. (Reference for part 3 on page 20 questions 323-329)

39.Describe your experience of learning English

You should say: when you start to learn English

Describe the most interesting English class

Which thing helps to your English

And explain the importance of learning English (Reference for part 3 on page 21 questions 330-334 )

40.Describe the most unforgettable success in your life

You should say:

what it was

How you made it

Why it is important (Reference for part 3 on page 21 questions 335-341 )


41.Describe the transportation in your city

You should say: what kind of transportation are available

What the traffic situation is like

How we can improve it

And explain what measures should be taken to make transportation more efficient (Reference for part 3 on page 21 questions 342-347 )

42.Describe the pollution in your region

You should say:

What the sources of the pollution are

What effect it has on the life of the people

What measures should be taken to reduce it

And explain why this is important. (Reference for part 3 on page 21 questions 348-352) 43.Describe the ways people get the news

You should say: whether you get news every day

Through what media do you get it

Which news do you prefer to get

And explain the importance of getting the news every day (Reference for part 3 on page21 questions 353-358)

44.Describe the four seasons in China

You should say: how many seasons there are

What features there are

What people do in the four seasons (Reference for part 3 on page 21 questions 359-361 )

45.Describe an advertisement that you have seen or heard

You should say: what is it about

Where do you know it?

Why you like it (Reference for part 3 on page 21 questions 362-367)

46.Describe a skill or subject which you would like to study

You should say: what this skill is

Why it is popular

What it is about

And explain why you like to study this skill or subject (Reference for part 3 on page21 questions 368-372)

Part 3


1 What qualities do you think a good teacher should have?

2. Do you think teachers have high position in the society?

3. Do many young people in your country want to be teachers?

4. What do you think of education system in your country?

5. What do you think should be done to solve the problems?

6. How can teachers encourage creativity in students?

7. What do you think education really mean?

8. How can education be reformed to meet the future challenges?

9. What are the differences between middle school and university life?

10. What are the pressures the students have to face?

11. What do you think of the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?

12. Do you think it?s good to adopt the multi-media teaching in schools?

13. Did you help others? What kind of help?

14. What kind of help did your parents give you?

15. Do you think help important in society?

16. What do you think of international aid?

17. What?s the difference between friends and neighbors?

18. Do you think it important to get along well with the neighbors?

19. What should people do to improve the relationship with their neighbors?

20. What do you think of the neighborhood in the city?

21. What are the differences in the neighbors? relationship between the city and the countryside?

22. What do you think of the neighbors? relationship in the countryside?

23. Do you think friends are important in your life?

24. What does friendship mean to you?

25. What are the qualities you value in your best friend?

26. How do people make friends with others?

27. What do you think are the differences between neighbors and friends?

28. What are the differences between adults and children in making friends?

29. Will friendship change in future?

30. What do you think friendship break up?

31. Where do young people usually meet in your city?

32. Do you usually meet new people?

33. Have you made any friends on the internet?

34. What kind of people can become famous?

35. What are the factors which lead to their success?

36. What are the advantages of being famous?

37. What kind of responsibility do famous people have in society?

38. What kind of people are admired in China?

39. What would you do if you would be a famous person one day?

40. What are the differences between children nowadays and in the past?

41. Do you think the children nowadays are happier than those before?

42. What are the differences between parents nowadays and in the past?

43. What are the problems of primary education in your country?

44. What?s the influence of parents on their children?

45. Which parent has greater influence on you?

46. How do you think to bridge the generation gap?

47. What is the elder people?s status in families in China?

48. Do you think elder people?s suggestions useful?

49. What are the elder people?s problems now?

50. What should the government do you solve the problems? What are the differences between the young and the old in saving money?

51. Does the development of technology bring about changes to elder people?s life?

52. Do you think high-tech products such as computers are naturally more useful in your daily life?

53. What are the advantages and disadvantages of technology?

54. What is the impact of technology on people?s life?

55. How can people benefit from modern technology in doing housework?

56. What are the negative sides of modern household appliances?

57. How has technology changed in China over the last few years?

58. What general trends might the future of technology and its standard?

59. How do feel about the modern biological technology?

60. What is your opinion on the problem of energy?

61. What changes have been in appliances in China in recent years? Do you think this is a good change?

62. Did you send gifts to others?

63. Do you usually send expensive gifts?

64. Did you receive any expensive gifts from others?

65. What are the differences between the gifts you received 10years ago and nowadays?

66. Can you imagine the gifts children will receive in the future?

67. Do you think it good children to get expensive gifts?

68. Can you describe the ways people send each other gift?

69. What kind of gifts will Chinese people receive in the future?

70. Is there any special gift in China?

71. What do people want to express by sending gifts?

72. What are the differences between Chinese and Westerners in sending gifts?

73. What?s the value of the old thing?

74. Do you think it necessary to preserve old things?

75. Do Chinese generally like visiting museums?

76. Do you think children should often visit museums?

77. What?s the difference between visiting museums and watching pictures of objects online?

78. Do you think it good for museums to sell tickets to the public?

79. What are the problems in the museums in your city?

80. How can museums attract more people?

81. Would you like the handicraft you make to friends as present?

82. What are the differences between handicrafts and products made by machine?

83. What?s the most important skills nowadays? Do you think it necessary to learn these skills?

84. Why is DIY so popular nowadays?

85. Do you think advertisements are useful to popularize the products?

86. What kind of clothes can make people distinctive?

87. Do you like fashionable or traditional costume?

88. How can you know a person through his or her clothes?

89. What are the advantages and disadvantages of uniforms?

90. What?s the most important thing you pay attention to when you choose clothes?

91. Why do you think young people try to look different?

92. What are the differences between men and women in choosing clothes?

93. What are the differences between the young and the elder in choosing clothes?

94. What do you think of fashion? Do you like following the fashion?

95. What do you think decides fashion or what?s in?

96. What are the differences between clothes people wear nowadays and 20 years ago?

97. Do you think clothes are important to one person?

98. Do you think men care more about women?s appearance than women do about men?s?

99. What clothes do you think can make a woman more attractive?

100. How do you think a child can benefit from playing a child?s game?

101. Is there any difference between boy?s games and girl?s games?

102. What?s the difference between the toys in the past and now?

103. Do you think that playing with toys will affect children in their studies?

104. Do you think that people are influenced by the games when they were young?

105. What games will children play in the future?

106. Do you think it is good for children to play many computer games?

107. What do you think of electronic toys?

108. What are the changes in children?s playtime nowadays?

109. What can parents do to promote creative play for their children?

110. Do you think it is good for parents to buy expensive toys to their children?

111. What kind of sports are there on water?

112. What?s the most important one in your country?

113. Do you think the government should fund water sports?

114. What do you think of water problems in China?

115. What?s the difference between water and oil?

116. What?s the relationship between modern technology and water?

117. What do you think of the water resource in the world?

118. What do you think causes the shortage of the water resource?

119. What should the government do to protect the water resource?

120. What did the government do to protect water in your city?

121. What should the public do to protect the water resource?

122. Did you do anything to save water?

123. What impression do you have when you visit ancient buildings?

124. What?s the difference between the constructions in your city now and those 20years ago and can you describe the building styles in detail to me?

125. Do you think we should protect ancient buildings?

126. What role do you think old and modern buildings play in society?

127. What are the advantages and disadvantages of houses and apartments?

128. What changes will there be if there is a historical place?

129. What?s the meaning of history?

130. Why do we need to study history?

131. Do you think the Chinese government covers the truth of history?

132. How important are traditions and cultural relics?

133. What do you think of the constructions in the city center?

134. Do you think the building style has influence on the people living in the building?

135. What are the differences between the north and the south in building style?

136. What do you think of those high building in big cities?

137. What problems do you think there are in the environment?

138. Do you think people are aware of the environmental issues?

139. What do you think the government should do to protect the environment?

140. What the public should do to protect the environment?

141. What did you do to protect the environment?

142. Do you feel optimistic that environmental problems will be solved in the future?

143. Do you think your city does well in a forestation?

144. Besides air pollution, what other kinds of pollutions are there in your city?

145. Who do you think more responsible for pollution, individuals or the government?

146. Which is more important, increasing people?s living standard, or protecting the environment?

147. What do you think of the problem of garbage in the city?

148. What do you think should be improved in your city?

149. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the city life?

150. What are the advantages of countryside life?

151. Why do many people flood into big cities?

152. What problems does the expansion of cities bring about?

153. What do you think should be done to bridge the gap?

154. What did the government do to develop the rural areas?

155. What do you hope to improve the city you are living in?

156. What role does tourism play in your country?s economy?

157. What is a city going to be like in the future?

158. What?s the difference in cities between 100 years ago and now in China?

159. Are there any gardens in your neighborhood?

160. What do people do in the garden?

161. Do people have their own gardens in your neighborhood? What?s the influence of park in our life? 162. Why do people want to own a park or go to the park?

163. Is it important to have a garden of your own?

164. How do parks and gardens attract more visitors?

165. What is the difference between your holidays and your parents? holidays?

166. How can the government develop China?s tourism?

167. Can you say something about tourism changes in your life?

168. What are the positive and negative aspects of tourism?

169. How does it influence the social changes?

170. How often do you go shopping?

171. Do you like go shopping?

172. What do you think of the living standard in China now?

173. What?s the monthly cost of living for a family in your hometown?

174. Do you cook at home?

175. How often do you cook by yourself?

176. Who did you learn cooking from?

177. Do you read cookery book?

178. Do you prefer to learn cooking from TV or from books?

179. What?s the influence of western food on Chinese people?

180. Why is the fast food popular in China?

181. What do you think of fast food in people?s life?

182. What do you think about science in food processing?

183. What do you think about scientifically produced food?

184. What suggestion do you want to make about it?

185. What are the effects of the scientific production of food on the growth of the population in the world. 186. What…s the main food in China?

187. What changes have taken place on food in China?

188. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living a friend to your home for dinner instead of going to a restaurant?

189. Has eating habits changed for Chinese people during these years?

190. What change will take place about people?s eating habit in the future?

191. What types of the schools are there?


(一) 雅思口语的基本结构( basic structure) 连接词组( linking phrases ) First, firstly, initially, to begin with, I should begin by saying The first thing / point / issue / advantage /etc. I should / would like to mention / highlight is ... Second, secondly, next, a second point is, something else is, in addition (to that), not only that, but... Of course A second feature /Something else / Another point I would like to mention/ say/ is that ... 第三 Third, thirdly, consequently, I could also say ... After that, what 's more I shouldn 't forget to add / mention / say / comment that ... 最后

Finally, ultimately, last, last but not least, a final point I 'd like to make is, one last point I cold add is ... 表示转折 However, whereas, on the other hand, in contrast, despite (that) in spite of ( that), even though,, having said that, then again, nonetheless, even so, compared with, on the contrary, although, but, yet, still, instead of , at the same time 表示类似 Similarly, likewise, as well as (this), by a similar token..., in a similar way, moreover, besides (that), furthermore, 支持连接(supporting links ) 举例说明 For example, for instance, in fact, to illustrate this, one example of this is ... Case in point, namely, in particular, particularly, especially, such as, you know, like, What I mean by that is ... By that I mean... To be blunt, to be brief, to be more specific, to be more exact, to be more precise, in other words, I should


2019年雅思口语考官范文:外国文化Describe a foreign culture that you like You should say 1.what culture it is and how you know about it 2.what differences there are between that culture and your own and why you like that foreign culture. 考官范文: 1. Which culture and how I know about it I'm going to talk about France and French culture. I know France quite well because it was the first foreign country that I visited as a child. I've been on several family holidays there, and I lived and worked in Paris for a while after finishing university. 2. Cultural differences The first thing that comes to mind when I think about France is the bread! I love the fact that French people buy fresh baguettes every morning, usually from small local bakeries or 'patisseries'; it makes a change from the loaves of sliced bread that most of us buy from the supermarket here in the UK. One slightly negative difference I noticed in Paris is that Parisians don't seem to make friends with their work colleagues to the same extent as we do here. 3. What I like about it I really like the café culture in France. You can always find somewhere interesting to sit and have a coffee and chat


雅思口语Part2常考话题:交通工具 本文为大家收集整理了雅思口语Part2常考话题:交通工具。雅思口语Part2着重考察同学们的英语交流能力,同学们在备考阶段可以注意多积累素材,平时多模仿多练习,这样在考试中才不至于无话可说。 Describe an important form of transport for you I want to describe the bus, which is probably the most common form of transport for most of us in Suzhou. I probably use the bus about 10 or more times in a week. I use it not just to go back and forth to work but also to go shopping. I have a monthly pass and so I can travel freely on one without having to pay each time I go on. I also use a bus when I want to go traveling from one place to another for distances that do not last fur more than a day. I do have a bicycle, but I use that only for very" short distance" things, like getting some vegetables at the local grocery store or things like that. I prefer taking the bus. I always feel safe taking a bus because it is a big vehicle and it moves more slowly than a taxi. It is quite convenient, since there are enough lines. Even though it is not as convenient as a car, it allows you to work while you are traveling. It is relatively cheap


Holiday Vocabulary Part 1-style questions Examiner: What kind of holiday do you like? Miguel: I try to avoid tourist traps… I like to get away from it all and prefer going somewhere off the beaten track… last year I had the holiday of a lifetime… a two week wildlife safari in Kenya. Examiner: What do you like to do when you’re on holiday? Anna: I enjoy visiting the local places of interest… I like to go sightseeing and always sign up for guided tours as it’s a chance to be shown around and take p hotographs … one of my hobbies. Examiner: Do you have many tourists in your country? Amy: Yes … we have a lot of holiday resorts along the coast that are popular with tourists … most people come on package holidays and stay in one of the many hotels and self-catering apartments. Part 2-style task Describe a beautiful place you once visited. You should say: ?when you went to this place ?where it was ?who you went with and say why you liked it so much. Sally: A few years ago I went on a long weekend to the Lake District in the UK … it’s a very popular holiday destination in the north of England … I went on my own and had a wonderful time … I stayed in a youth hostel and met some really nice people … but the most memorable thing about the holiday were the breathtaking views… and lovely picturesque villages… it can get very busy with hordes of tourists so I decided to go out of season in the autumn … the weather was fantastic and the shops were full of local crafts… a really great holiday … it’s certainly not the


2019年雅思口语考官范文:礼物 Describe a gift you gave or received. 其它问法: Describe something you bought recently. Describe something you own which is important to you. 考官范文: I'm going to describe my mobile phone. I bought it online / in a mobile phone shop / it was a present from... I use the phone to keep in touch with friends and family, for communication by voice, text and email. It has various features like video, MP3 player, wireless Internet, digital camera and games. It's easy to share photos and music. I use it for almost everything, it even has a calendar that reminds me about appointments. My phone is an essential part of my life. It holds my contacts, my photos, my music collection. I've got instant access to my favourite websites. It's like having my whole life in my pocket. I couldn't live without it. Part3相关问题: 1.Do you think it's important for boys to play with "boys' toys" and for girls to only play with "girls' toys"? 考官范文: I think boys naturally seem to prefer playing with "boys' toys" and girls with "girls' toys". When I was young I had


雅思口语上考场时的答题技巧 雅思口语上考场时的5个答题技巧一文总结了站在雅思口语考场上时的5个技巧,这些技巧都是关于心态调整和面对面交流的技巧。下面就和大家分享雅思口语上考场时的5个答题技巧,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语上考场时的5个答题技巧 在面对IELTS口语考试时,除了语言知识的储备外,下面这些小提示,希望可以帮到正在为雅思口试而拼搏的你。 1.保持礼貌和热情。 打招呼是考官观察考生的第一步,所以一定要大方,自然。要注意在面试过程中表现出良好的文化修养。进入面试室之前,应该先敲门;进门后,应主动问候考官。如果考官伸出手表示要握手,考生应当立即上前热情大方地与对方握手。但考生不应主动要求握手,更不能戴着手套握手。问候要自然,不要背诵已准备好的问候语,那样会给人一种虚假的感觉。 2.坐势须自如。 考生必须有良好完美的坐势,以使口试中的沟通和接触能够顺利进行。如果你坐的是一张直背椅,千万不要“瘫”在椅背上,

脊背应挺直,切勿弯腰弓背,也不要摇摆小腿,头要挺起,但不宜高昂头颅,僵直着脖子,这样给人一种冷冰冰的感觉。口试时最忌讳的坐势就是把腿翘起来。 3.面对考官的问题,不能简单的回答“YES”或“NO”,而应尽量积极主动。 考官不希望考生像法庭上的被告,用“YES”或“NO”来回答问题。考官在提问时,总是希望你作具体的解释说明,在你的说明中了解你的个性,语言水平等。 4.不要过分奉承考官。 有的考生一味迎合考官,像一个唯唯诺诺的用人,无论考官说什么,都表示赞成或者一味地点头,开口闭口就有意恭维考官:“You are perfectly right。”或“What you have said is true。”这样只顾一心奉承考官而不敢发表自己的意见或见解,其结果只能是使口试越来越枯燥,乏味;考官最终会对你失去信心而得出结论:你是个平庸之辈。 5.有语法错误时不要害怕,应镇定地更正。 力求准确,少犯语法错误当然是考生们追求的目标之一,但千万不要为了追求绝对准确而牺牲了流利。另外,流利不等于语速快,流利意味着没有太多间断的平稳,顺畅的表达。


最完整的口語(英國雅思考官提供)Speaking topics 1)Talk about a sports-person or sports team that you admire. You should say what sport they play. You should say where and when they play. You should explain why you admire them. 2)Talk about a sport that you enjoy or have enjoyed playing. You should say where you play this sport. You should say when you play this sport. You should explain why you like it. 3)Describe your ideal job. Say what the job is. Describe what duties it would involve. Explain why you would like to do this job. 4)Describe the best party you have been to. Say when and where this party took place. Describe how you celebrated. Explain why you enjoyed it. 5)Talk about the season of the year that you like best. You should say what the season is like. You should say at what time of the year this season occurs. You should explain why you like it. 6)Talk about a type of music that you particularly enjoy. You should say when you listen to this music. You should explain why you like it. You should say which person or groups of people play this music. 7)Describe an historic building you have seen or would like to visit. Say what this building looks like. You should state where it is. Explain why you liked seeing or would like to see it. 8)Talk about the type of accommodation you live in.


Chapter 1 Importance of structure 雅思口语考官检查四个方面: Pronunciation([pr?u,n?nsi'ei??n]: n. 发音;读法) 这考查你的重音和语调 Vocabulary(词汇):Use BIG words, but make sure they are pronounced correctly and used in the correct context! 语法:Don’t worry too much about making mistakes but be sure to use a variety of ways to describe different tenses and try to use high-level grammar. Fluency/Coherence (流利/连贯):There are many skills involved with this part! The most important skill-structure-is what this book is about! 上面4部分,每一部分都很重要,各项得分相加的总和除以4就是你的得分。 在“Pronunciation,Vocabulary,grammar,Fluency/Coherence ”四部分中,花1个月分别训练各项,训练Fluency/Coherence所取得的进步最大,得分最高,因此,最后一个月,我训练的重点应该是Fluency/Coherence。(因为我说的越流利,就越显自然,越像是母语使用者,分数必然高!) 想要提高“流利度”分数一定要构思好如何来回应! To simplify, “fluency”refers to how natural you are and “coherence”refers to how clear/well-organized you are. In particular, in both the speaking and writing tests, structure is very important. 插一小段内容谈写作: 有些作文组织的很好,有清晰的结构并且用了好的连接词或短语。这类作文大多数我都给了高分。 还有些作文毫无组织,几乎看不懂,无法理解。 有些学生的作文甚至不分段落,所以文章感觉像是冗长而且杂乱无章的演说。这会使考官发疯的! 小技巧:使用段落!! 作文当中的很多问题在于有没有准备!我们等一下会讲准备工作在口语第二项测试中有多重要! 老实说,有组织的文章结构加上简单明了、易于考官理解的观点比较好。这样至少能保证你得一个不错的分数。(这一点同样适用于口语考试,如果你有疑惑,follow this guideline!)Chapter 2 Basic structure Here is the basic structure that you can/should use for almost every question: Firstly, when you respond to a question, you answer needs some kinds of introduction. Let’s call this the: say something stage (评论阶段). When the examiner ask you a question, don’t directly answer the question (even if you only say


雅思口语考试考官常用套话 雅思口语考试中考官使用的指令语言是比较固定的,一般都是按照下面列的这个流程来进行的。大家可以在跟朋友对练或模考时使用,增加练习的仿真度。 Good morning. Come in and take a seat. Can you tell me your full name, please? What shall I call you? Can I see your identification please? Can you tell me where you are from? 第一部分 Now in this first part, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself. 1. Let’s talk about… 2. I’d like to move on now to talk about … 3. Let’s move on to the topic of … 4. Let’s move on to the topic of … 第二部分 Now I’m going to give you a topic, and I’d like you to talk about it for one to two minutes. Before you talk, you’ll have one minute to think about what you’re going to say. You can make some notes if you wish. Do you understand? Here’s some paper and a pencil, for making notes, and here’s your topic ...... All right? Remember you have one to two minutes for this, so don’t worry if I stop you. I’ll tell you when the time is up. Can you start speaking now, pl ease? ...... 第三部分 We’ve been talking about …… and I’d like to discuss one or two more general


雅思口语考试万能语句 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

雅思口语考试万能语句1. 与考官见面用语 Glad to meet you here.? 很高兴见到你。 How nice to see you.? 能见到你太好了。 Fancy seeing you.? 见到你真好。 How are you?? 你好吗? I’m glad to have had the opportunity to meet you here.? 我很高兴能有机会见到你。 I’m glad to meet you.? 我很高兴能见到你。 I’m please to meet you. 我很开心能见到你。 It’s a pleasure to meet you. 能见到你很开心。 2. 对考官所提问题完全听不懂 Could you please rephrase that question / topic?? 你能把这个问/话题换种说法再说一次吗? I’m not exactly sure what you mean…? 我不在确定你指的是什么。。。 3. 对考官所提问题似懂非懂,要核实对考官所提问题的理解是否正确 Do you mean…?? 你指的是。。。

If I understand right,…? 如果我没有理解错的话。。。 I’m sorry if I’m being a little slow, but…?? 不好意思如果我理解慢了,但是。。。 I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand. Do you mean (that)…?? 不好意思,我不能确定我完全理解了。你指的是。。。 So am I right in saying…?? 所以我可以说。。。 If I’ve got the picture, then…? 如果我理解了的话,那。。。 So what you mean is…, right? 所以你想说明的是。。。对吗? Sorry I don’t quite catch you. You mean…?? 对不起我没完全理解,你指的是。。。 Can I get one thing clear?? 我可以确认一下吗? Would I be correct in supposing…?? 所以我假设。。。是对的吗?? 4. 对考官所提问题的内容不熟悉 I’m not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps)…? 我不太确定怎么回答这个问题,但是(也许)。。。 That’s a rather difficult question, but (maybe)… 这是一个相对来说有点难度的问题,但是(也许)。。。 I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about…? 不好意思,但是我对于。。。不是很了解。 5. 评价考官所提问题 That’s difficult to answer, but (maybe)…?


应对雅思口语考官有什么秘诀 如何取得雅思口语考官的认同是拿到雅思口语高分的要点。下面就和大家分享应对雅思口语考官有什么秘诀,希望能帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 应对雅思口语考官有什么秘诀 答雅思考官问窍门一:凡事尽量说好的一面 在回答问题时应表现正面的态度。考生通常都应该诚实地回答所有问题,但有一些问题,回答的时候还是应该保持比较正面,尽量说好的一面。例如问你对自己家乡的印象,就算你真的认为非常不堪,也不应说出口。一句话,不要complain。 答雅思考官问窍门二:答案须清晰而详细 千万不要刻意用一些深奥或复杂的字来解释事情。不要以为这样可以加深考官的印象,一个简洁明了的答案绝对比一个复杂难懂的答案好。但要指出的是,简单的答案并不等于短答案,答案太短会使整个面试有太多的停顿,而考官也要大伤脑筋多想问题,你面临的问题也就会更多。 答雅思考官问窍门三:把握考场节奏

首先,你尽可能地多说,让考官少说,但也不要走上极端,把两个人的交谈变成一个人的演讲,要注意分寸。雅思口语技巧,不出国考雅思有用吗我们每一个考生并不应期望着考官会问到 我们已准备的问题,但是如果遇到,不要word-for-word地把自己准备好的答案滔滔不绝地背诵出来,给人一种明显在背书的感觉。这是一种最危险的做法,当他知道你在背诵事先准备好的答案,他会打断你而改变另一个话题。你可能会失去这个好机会而陷入困境。 考生应该巧妙地运用一些犹豫表达,好像在边想边说,同时也可以询问一两句考官的想法。另外,在交谈过程中,考生也会被问到自己不熟悉的话题。有些考生过于紧张,会出现冷场现象,这时千万不要沉默,没反应,或苦思冥想。这样不仅没有解决问题,反而给考官留下一种不会表达自己的印象。考生应尽量控制谈话,试着改变题目;对比较难回答的问题,尽量偏离它。 答雅思考官问窍门四:熟用下列表达方式 Good morning. Good afternoon. I’m very well. Thank you. Pleased to meet you. I beg your pardon. What exactly would you like to know? Perhaps I can begin by telling you about… Recently, I’ve been studying at … Recently, I’ve been working at … I’ve been studying English for (1 year)... The reason I’m taking the test is because … Would you like to know about …? Before that I studied

雅思口语考官带读带练 (事件)第14期Western Wedding西式婚礼

These days there are no real rules for a western wedding; even religious ceremonies can be held at a couple's venue of choice, or outdoors. Many people like to stick to traditional ways though, so here are some aspects of a Western wedding. The ceremony This is often held in a religious building such as a church, chapel, synagogue or mosque. If the wedding is a civil ceremony, the Registry Office of the local government offices becomes the venue. In church, the friends and family of the bride sit on one side of the aisle, and those of the groom on the other. The bride arrives last, and the Groom and the best man wait for her at the end of the aisle, near the altar. The bride is 'given away' by her father, a custom with roots in the idea of women being men's property! During the ceremony, the couple exchange marriage vows and gold rings, guarded until this moment by the best man, and the broom is given permission by the person marrying them to kiss the bride. As they leave the church, their guests throw rice or paper confetti and may tie old shoes and lucky horseshoes to the back of their car, which is also decorated. They drive to the wedding reception in a hotel, pub or garden, or at home. The white dress and trimmings Bridal gowns of ancient times were brightly colored to signify joy, but many brides wear white,supposedly to represent purity or virginity. In fact, Queen Victoria is commonly credited withbeing the first bride to wear white as a sign of wealth. Long ago the bridegroom would cover hisbride's head, to conceal her identity if he had capture her, or as protection from evil spirits,resultin g in the bridal veil, usually made of net or lace. Brides may also wear a garte r,originally intended to keep her stockings up, and carry a bouquet of flower s. These last aregiven away after the ceremony; the garter is torn off and gi ven to a lucky bachelor, or evenauctioned, while the bouquet is thrown by th e bride to her single female friends: the personwho catches it will marry next. These traditions actually have roots in England when guestswould tear at the bride's clothing and flowers to share in her happiness. While fleeing from her attackers, the bride would toss her bouquet into the mob to placate them. The wedding cake Traditionally in England, wheat cakes were broken over the bride's head to br ing good luck and fertility. During the reign of King Charles II of England, a b aker stacked these cakes andfrosted them, creating the wedding cake we kno w today. The bride and groom kiss over theirtall cake for luck and then cut th e first piece together. Feeding cake to each other is a symbol of how they will always trust and provide for each other, and feed and nourish their relationshi p. The honeymoon Back when a bride married by capture and not by choice, the groom would take h er away followingthe wedding, and keep her in hiding for a full cycle of the m


1) At what age did you start studying mathematics? I can't exactly remember, but it was probably in my first year at primary school when I was 5 years old. I probably learnt simple addition at that age. 2) Do you like mathematics? Why / why not? I don't dislike maths, but I wouldn't say that I've ever really liked the subject either. I'm happy to do simple calculations, but my brain can't cope with the complex stuff! 3) Is it necessary for everyone to learn mathematics? Yes, I think it is. We all need a basic grounding in maths so that we can do daily tasks, like managing our money, working out bills, and so on. 4) Do you prefer to use a calculator when doing mathematics? It depends. I quite like exercising my brain with anything that's easy enough, but I use the calculator on my phone for anything tricky.

雅思口语考官带读带练 (事件)第30期Firtst Day at School开学第一天

Firtst Day at School开学第一天参考文本: This is the story of my first day at Primary school,which was so traumatic that it's amazing that I everwent back again. The day itself was fine, I was a bitne rvous but I had a good time, and then it came tothe end of the very short day and I knew my Mummywas coming to pick me up, so the teacher in chargeto ld me to go and wait under the big tree. But myMummy was late, so after wh at seemed like aneternity, I started to look around for a bigger treebecause I assumed my Mummy couldn't find me and the tree actually wasn't very big a t all, inthe school grounds. So I wandered out of the school grounds and alon g this side road that hadlots of trees planted all along it, big chestnut trees th ey were, comparing to see which one wasthe biggest. And of course the bigge st one was on the corner of the side road and the big mainroad. So I was stan ding under this tree, all of 4 and a half years old, when my Mum comesbelting along, along the main road from where we lived, knowing that she was late a nd in a panic, and what did she see but her little darling leaning out over the main road, waving ather, all alone. So of course she was very angry with the school and rang them up and told themoff for their lack of supervision. I the n just dreaded going back there as I knew they wouldgive me a hard time, an d so they did. They utterly humiliated m e and that just summed upmy whol e school experience.
