

U nit3T or F

1.The question“what is an American?”was first asked by J.

Hector St.John de Crevecoeur.T

2.Christopher Columbus discovered America in1492.T

3.The first English permanent settlement was founded in


4.Massachusetts was established by the English puritans who

separated themselves from the Rome Catholic Church.F

5.The state of Pennsylvania used to be inhabited by the Quakers.


6.The theory of politics of the America Revolution came from John

Locke,a French philosopher in the17th century.F

7.By the early1760s,the13English colonies in the North America

were ready to separate themselves from Europe.T

8.George Washington,Benjamin Franklin,and Abraham Lincoln

were regarded as the founding fathers of the United States of America.F

U nit4

1.When the War of Independence was over,the United States was one

unified nation as it is today.__F____

2.The agreement that set this plan of cooperation among different states

after the American Independence was called the Constitution of the United States.___F__

3.The US Constitution set up a federal system with a strong central


4.The main duty of the Congress is to make laws,including those which

levy taxes that pay for the work of the federal government._T____ 5.Under a Constitution Amendment passed in1951,a president can be

elected to only one term.____F___

6.The president has the authority to appoint federal judges,and all such

court appointments are subject to confirmation by the House of Representatives.____F__

7.The10very short paragraphs which guarantee freedom and individual

rights and forbid interference with lives of individuals by the government are called the Bill of Rights.__T__

8.The idea of checks and balances as a way of restricting government

power and preventing its abuse was first provided in the Federalist Papers.____T__

9.Today,the United States has two major political parties.One is the

Democratic Party,formed before1800.The other is the Republic Party, formed in the1850s,by people in the states of the North and the West.


10.Americans have to join a political party in order to vote or to be a

candidate for public office.__F___


1.Alexander Hamilton was the third president of the united states.__F

2.The first factory in the United States was a cotton textile mill.___T

3.Many people objected to the idea of the corporation because it is less

personal than sole proprietorship and partnership._____T______

4.The unites states’economy suffered severely from the two World

Wars in the20th century.____F____

5.Many people believe that the economic freedom of capitalism is

crucial to America’s economic success.___T_

6.When people buy stocks,they become part of the company.__T

7.The stockholders make profits even when the company loses


8.One reason for America’s affluence is that a lot of people have

inherited wealth from their parents._F__

9.Strong domestic demand is one factor contributing America’s


10.Many American leaders have extolled the virtues of farmers.__T

11.Measures have been taken since to cope with it,and America emerged

from the ongoing financial crisis since2010.____F


1.During the War of the Independence and many years after that,the

Americans were mostly concerned about religious freedom._F__

2.According to the First Amendment to the Constitutions of the United

States,there would be a state-supported region.__F__

3.Those citizens whose religion forbids them to fight in wars can

perform other services instead of becoming soldiers.___T

4.The Baptists are the largest Protestant group in the US over25million


5.There are more than100Protestants sects in the United States today.T

6.There are more Catholics than Protestants in the US.____F

7.John.F.Kennedy was the first Catholics elected as the US President.


8.Today many Jewish people don’t think of themselves as ethnically

Jewish any more and have adopted as a secular,non-religious outlook.


9.When a Supreme Court decision made abortion legal in America,

many Catholics,evangelical Protestant and Orthodox Jews objected.


10.In America,scientific and economic advance and rising material

progress have been accompanied by a decline in religious observance.



1.Critics of the affirmatives action programs are of the opinion that this

results in reverse discrimination.____T___

2.The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act,or GI Bill of Rights,gave

veterans priority in finding better jobs.___F_

3.American university students have always liked to get degrees that are

aimed at preparing them specifically for certain professions.__F__

4.One of the things that decide whether an applicant can be accepted by

a college is his/her scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests._T___

5.According to the author,larger universities are always better,and

more desirable universities are always more expensive.___F_

6.It takes at least four years to get a bachelor’s degree from an

institution of higher learning in the US._T___

7.Segregating blacks into separate schools was unconstitutional after

the decision of the Supreme Court in1954._T__

8.Harvard College was originally founded to train government officials.



1.The anti-war teach-in by white students in Berkeley began the civil

rights movement in the1960s,the first of several social movements during that decade.__F_

2.“We shall overcome!”is a very famous anti-war song during the


3.In the1960s,three groups–Afro-Americans,Asian Americans and

women–were dissatisfied with their lives.____F_

4.During WWII,many American Negroes had a taste of life by

moving to and working in the North.__T__

5.When the civil rights movement began,non-violent,direct action

tactics like sit-ins and boycotts were the chief vehicle for social protest.__T__

6.A social movement is possible only when there are organizations and

spontaneous actions.__T__

7.Malcolm X became known throughout the Sixties because of his

leadership role in the civil rights movement.__F__

8.A great movement for the civil rights movement was the March on

Washington on august,1963when one-quarter million blacks and whites stood together to hear President John.F.Kennedy’s famous“I have a dream”speech.____F__

9.In1966,the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense was organized on

Oakland,whose major work was to enforce civil rights laws.__T__ 10.The arrest of a CORE organizer at the campus of University of

California at Berkeley touched off the Free Speech Movement which catapulted Mario Savio to the status of a student hero._T___

11.Betty Friedan’s book The Mystique(1963)stirred highly charged

responses from thousands of women who reported from its first year of publication to this day that it changed their lives.__T___ UINT10

1.The United States was founded on the principle of human equality,

and in reality the nation has lived up to that ideal.__F__

2.The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the United States

now is the blacks,or afro-Americans,who account for11.7%of the population.___F___

3.In1863,President Abraham Lincoln signed The Emancipation

Proclamation which together with the13th Amendment to the Constitution in1865legally abolished the slavery.___T___

4.The problem of poverty does not exist in the United States because

the overall distribution of wealth and income is equal.__F__

5.Drug abuse in the United States has come to be regarded as one of the

most challenging social problems facing the nation.___T___

6.President Richard Nixon’s administration was toppled because of the

Watergate Affair,with many administrative officials later facing criminal charges and some being imprisoned.___T___

7.The CIA,which is a branch of the United States Federal government,

is in charge of investing violation of certain federal laws inside the United States.___F___

8.Corruption in the United States takes the form of fraud,false

advertising,corporate price fixing,bribery,embezzlement,and tax evasion.__T__

9.Statistics usually overlook white-collar crimes because they are

affected by police reporting practices and that many crimes unreported.__T___

10.The presidencies of Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon were marked

by a well-founded public belief that their administrations were deliberately and systematically lying to the people.__T__


1.According to the author,it is not very difficult to generalize about the

American way of life.__F__

2.Hollywood films give the wrong impression that all Americans are


3.Over the last40years about11%or15%of the population are

classified as living in poverty.___T___

4.According to the essay,there is more violence in American life than

in other industrialized countries generally.__T____

5.The introduction of“no-fault”divorce laws has contributed to a major

decline in the divorce rate since the late1970s._F___

6.The long-term result of a flourishing youth is that traditional values

do not transmit readily from one generation to the next._T____

7.For most Americans,the core idea of religion is exemplified in

Judaism or Christianity or perhaps Buddhism.__F__

8.The Confucian tradition approached the issue of moral behavior in a

non-theological but intensely social way.___T___

9.In the United States,announcing a belief in God does result in active

participation in religious services.___F_

10.Back in the17th century,the new American felt morally superior to

Old Europe which they called the Dark World.__T___

11.Being anglophilic is defined as earlier immigrants from England

viewing themselves as following English upper-class manners and tastes.__T__

12.The currency of“the melting pot”image dates back to1905when a

popular play was first produced by a Jewish playwright from England.


13.In the early20th century,those who still dominated American life

were mostly composed of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants(WASPS).


14.Racial segregation in public schools was officially outlawed in1954

by the Supreme Court decision in Brown v.the Board of Education.



1.From its beginning,the women’s movement was inextricably

entwined with Civil Rights movement.___T__

2.Women’s Liberation began as a movement in the early1960s.__F__

3.Mott and Stanton had first met eight years in London,at the World’s

Anti-slavery Convention._T___

4.Negros and women were happy under the domination of masters.


5.Republican Party leaders included provisions explicitly protecting

women in the Reconstruction amendments to the Constitution.__F__ https://www.360docs.net/doc/d118175605.html,bor-saving devices such as washing machines and refrigerator,

electric stoves and vacuum cleaners made housework easier and less tedious.__T_

7.By the1950s,more and more middle and upper-middle class women

expected to attend college._T___

8.During the1940s,it was necessary for women to take over the jobs in

factories left vacant by men who went off to fight the war._T___

9.In the1950s women were leading a happy life because they owned

their homes and had a husband in full-time employment,and in

addition,they enjoyed a large amount of labor-saving devices and the many advantages of an excellent education.__F___

10.By the time of1980election of the republican president,Ronald

Reagan,the backlash against feminism was the strongest.__T__ UNIT13

1.Eli Whitney was noted for inventing the cotton gin and developing

the system of mass production of weapons with interchangeable parts.


2.John H.Hall invented sewing machines,typewriters,and bicycles.


3.Before the construction of the railroads,the barge and canal system

was the main means of transportation in the American Northeast.


4.The significant role of the Stevens family in the history of

transportation in early nineteenth century America is underestimated.


5.The equality and endurance of railroads tracks was the fundamental

constraint on the size and speed of trains._T__

6.Samuel F.B.Morse was the inventor of the telephone._F___

7.The first computers were enormous in size and consumed great

quantities of electricity.__T__

8.Radio was a place where lots of advertisements were placed for

products to feed a growing consumerism in America merging after World War I.__T___

9.The original idea was to connect computers was for educational and

commercial uses.__F_

10.What motivated most scientists and engineers in America to develop

an atomic bomb in the first place were to prevent Japan from using such a device.___F___

11.The Internet is a global set of documents,images,and other resources

and refers to all of the publicly accessible websites in the world.


12.The Apollo11mission landed men on the moon for the first time in

human history.__F__


1.American foreign policy has been swinging between isolationism and

inter-ventionism since World War II.__F__

2.Pax American indicates American policy to create a world order

dominated by the United States._T___

3.The founding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO)in

1949and the Warsaw Pact in1955split the world into two military blocs.And the Cold War began.__T__

4.The United States had its test of the hydrogen bomb in1953after the

Soviet Union has its such test in1972.__F__

5.Sputniks are man-made satellites made by the Soviet Union.__T___

6.When Ronald Reagan became president in1982,he wanted to beat

the Soviet Union in the space technology race and so he initiated the Star Wars project._T____

7.In1948president Truman put forward the Truman Doctrine,which is

generally regarded as the formal declaration of the implementation of the US containment foreign policy.__T____

8.After the Korean War,the United States made necessary adjustments

and adopted a strategy of contraction.___F__

9.At the end of the Second World War,a concrete wall,separating East

and West Berlin,was built which became the symbol of the Cold War.


10.The Clinton Administration made international peace,economic

prosperity and promotion of democracy the three pillars of American foreign policy.___F__

11.After the Sept.11terrorist attack,anti-terrorism became a priority on

the agenda of the majority of the countries all over the world.____T_ 12.When George W.Bush became president,his foreign strategy had two

prominent elements:isolation and faith in the military strength.__F__ 13.After the US launched war on the Saddam regime,the Iraq people

welcomes and gave long term support to the American occupation forces.__F__

14.In his first year of presidency,President Obama made several moves

in an attempt to improve the US relations with European allies and its neighboring countries in South America.__F__

15.The American foreign policy in the last half a century has been based

on the US analysis of the national interests.___F___


1.Canada is the largest country in North American continent._T__

2.Canada is rated regularly as having the highest standard of living in

the world because it has rich natural resources.___F___

3.The majority of the Canadian population lives in an area not far away

from the Canadian-US border.___T__

4.French is an official language in Quebec and maritime provinces.


5.The Gold Rush in the late1800s took place in the president province

of British Columbia.__F__

6.Toronto is the biggest city and the capital of Canada.__F__

7.Newfoundlanders have an Irish accent because their ancestors came

from Ireland.__T__

8.Canada became a country in1949with the entry of Newfoundland in

the Union.__T___


1.In history,British Columbia agreed to join confederation on condition

that railroad would be built to the west coast.__T__

2.Provincial governments are responsible for the local economy,

education and health system._T__

3.The Governor-General is the representative of the Queen and is the

head of the government.__F_

4.The Canadian parliament is divided into an upper class called the

House of Commons,and a lower house called the Senate.F____

5.The two biggest political parties in Canada are the Reform Party and

the Liberal Party.__F_

6.The Constitution Act was introduced by Brian Mulroney to ensure

Canadians‘legal rights.__F__

7.The Meech Lake Accord was set to recognize Quebec as a“distinct


8.It was Pierre Trudeau’s government that signed the NAFTA._F__

9.Jean Chretien introduced the bilingualism act to promote the respect,

understanding and preservation of different cultures in Canada.


10.The Progress Conservative Party and the Reform Party merged into

the Conservative Party in2003._F___


1.Officially,Canada refers to itself as a multicultural society within a

bilingual framework.__T__

2.The Métis are a group of aboriginal people who inherited their French

and aboriginal backgrounds.___T__

3.The aboriginal people in Canada gained the right to vote in1920s.


4.From the1890s through the1920s,the Canadian governments

encouraged immigrants from northern Europe to farm and harvest the forests.__F_

5.The majority residents in Quebec are French speakers,and there are

about600,000French speakers living outside Quebec._T__

6.Provincial government offices all over Canada offer bilingual services.


7.During the great depression,Canada welcomed refugees fleeing from

Germany but banned Asian immigration.__F__

8.The Canadian immigration policies are directed by provincial and

federal governments,and have been largely determined by economic considerations.___T__


1.Canada is a leading industrial nation with a highly developed


2.Canadian federal governments have by tradition intervened in the

development of the country’s resources and infrastructure._T__

3.Canada used to be mainly an exporter of staple commodities,things

like furs,fish,forestry and agricultural products.__T___

4.During the administration of John A.MacDonald,Canada’s economy

fell more deeply under the influence of the United States.__F___

5.The Auto Pact between Canada and the US,which erected heavy

tariffs on the import of US cars,was signed in1965.__F__

6.During Pierre Trudeau’s administration,a“Third Option”was

explored to develop stronger trading relations with Japan and south-east Asian countries.____F___

7.The National Energy Policy enacted by Canadian government in1980

caused heated debate and angered the resource-rich western provinces.


8.The Free Agreement came into effect in1989,with a schedule of

removing tariff protection on most items by1990.__F___

9.Canada does not have favorable conditions for farming,so agriculture

has stopped being an important part of Canadian economy.__F_

10.Though Canada has a variety of industries,the degree of foreign

ownership of its industries is high.___T_


1.Canada plays an important role in international affairs and it is one of

the five great powers which sit on the UN Security Council.___F__ 2.Canada provided the“air power”to support US military operations in

the1990-1991Gulf War but this contribution was largely overlooked.


3.The US did not agree with Canada on the claims that Canadian

territory stretched to the Arctic Circle._T__

4.In geography,Canada has the world’s longest coastline and lies

between two superpowers,therefore,militarily it is considered vulnerable.___T__

5.In order to draft more fighters to fight in Europe during WWII,the

Canadian government introduced conscription,which was resented by French Canadians.___F____

6.Canada came out of WWII as a full-fledged and sovereign state and

enacted a golden age of international diplomacy.____T_

7.Pierre Trudeau earned a Nobel Peace Prize for his role in easing the

Suez Crisis in1956.__F_

8.Canada has often been called by its allies as a“free rider”because it

most of the times follows the US policy.__F__

9.Canada strongly supports arms control and banning of nuclear


10.Canada felt a special commitment to helping the Third World

countries because it shared somewhat the same historical experience and had the same concerns.__T_


18秋华师《英语国家国情与文化—英国》在线作业-2 18秋试卷作业参考答案 一、单选题共30题,60分 1、In summer there are open-air theatres, including one in London's Regent's Park, where ____ are performed, and the Minack Theatre, which is an open cliffside near Land's End in Cornwall. AWilliam Shakespeare's plays BChristopher Marlowe's plays CBen Johnson's plays DGeorge Bernard Shaw's plays 这门答案选择:A 2、In December 1653,by an Instrument of Government,____became Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England. ARichard I BOliver Cromwell CCharles B DJames II 这门答案选择:B 3、The singular of 'media' is Amedian. Bmedium. Cmedial. Dmediate. 这门答案选择:B lthough Wales has been united with England for more than 400 years, the Welsh has kept alive ____. Atheir own language Btheir own literature Ctheir own tradition DAll of the above 这门答案选择:D 5、The___________refers to the mechanization of industry and the consequent changes in social economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. AUrbanization


国家《英语课程标准》的基本理念 新一轮课程改革对英语教育教学理念产生了重大影响,最主要的一点是 明确了关于英语课程的功能的新理念“义务教育阶段英语课程具有工具性和人文性双重性质”。这是语言课程改革中的最重大的成就。 1、注重素质教育,体现语言学习对学生发展的价值。义务教育阶段英语课程的主要目的是为学生发展综合语言运用能力打基础,为他们继续学习英语和未来发展创造有利条件。语言既是交流的工具,也是思维的工具。学习一门外语能够促进人的心智发展,有助于学生认识世界的多样性,在体验中外文化的异同中形成跨文化意识,增进国际理解,弘扬爱国主义精神,形成社会责任感和创新意识,提高人文素养。 2、面向全体学生,关注语言学习者的不同特点和个体差异。义务教育是全民教育的重要组成部分,义务教育阶段的英语课程应面向全体学生,体现以学生为主体的思想, 在教学目标、教学内容、教学过程、教学评价和教学资源的利用与开发等方面都应考虑全体学生的发展需求。课程应成为学生在教师的指导下构建知识、发展技能、拓展视野、活跃思维、展现个性的过程。由于学生在年龄、性格、认知方式、生活环境等方面存在差异,他们具有不同的学习需求和学习特点。只有最大限度地满足个体需求才有可能获得最大化的整体教学效益。 3、整体设计目标,充分考虑语言学习的渐进性和持续性。英语学习具有明显的渐进性和持续性特点。语言学习持续时间长,而且需要逐渐积累。《义务教育英语课程标准》旨在体现小学、初中和高中各学段课程的有机衔接和各学段学生英语语言能力循序渐进的发展特点,保证英语课程的整体性、渐进性和持续性。英语课程应按照学生的语言水平及相应的等级要求组织教学和评价活动。 4、强调学习过程,重视语言学习的实践性和应用性。现代外语教育注重语言学习的过程,强调语言学习的实践性,主张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实语言并在此基础上学习和运用语言。英语课程提倡采用既强调语言学习过程又有利于提高学生学习成效的语言教学途径和方法尽可能多地为学生创造在真实语境中运用语言的机会。鼓励学生在教师的指导下,通过体验、


心理学专业英语总结——HXY 随意传阅·顺颂试安 注释:1.“*”在书上是黑体字,但感觉不重要背了也没什么卵用 2.“”背景色项表示答案恰好有三项,可能出选择 3. 人名已加黑,可能连线或选择 4. 每章节的末尾有方便记忆的单词表(只包括这篇总结中出现的关键单词) 5. 方便理解记忆,已在各项下方注明中文释义 6.“,”大部分都是作为点之间的分割,类似于逗号,前后不连成句子 Chapter 1——Perspectives in psychology 心理学纵览 Section 1: Approaches to psychology 心理学入门 ●What is psychology? 心理学是什么 Definitions: The scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. 定义:对行为和心理过程的科学研究 Psychology come from: ①philosophy, ②biology ③physics. 心理学来源于:哲学、生物学和医学 When: 1879 as a separate scientific discipline. 形成于:1879年,作为独立学科 History (develop): structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, behaviourism, cognitive psychology, humanistic approach, biological approach. 历史发展:结构主义,机能主义,精神分析,行为主义,认知,人本主义,生理。 ●The psychoanalytic approach to psychology 精神分析理论 Origins & history: Sigmund Freud, unconscious mental causes, treat as the causes of mental disorders, built up an theory. 历史来源:弗洛伊德提出潜意识心理动机,把它视为心理疾病的原因,并建立理论。 Assumptions: unconscious processes, psychic determinism, hydraulic drives, psychodynamic conflict, stages of development. 假设:潜意识过程,精神决定论,驱力(攻击、性),心理动力冲突,发展阶段 Methods of investigation: case study (method), free association (tech), dream analysis (tech). 研究方法:个案研究方法,自由联想技术,梦的解析技术 *Areas of explanation: personality development, moral/gender development, aggression, abnormality, memory. 可解释领域:人格发展,道德/性别发展,攻击性,异常,记忆 *Weaknesses: unrefutable, theoretically unscientific. 缺点:不可被其他事件驳斥,因此理论不具科学性 ●The behaviourist approach to psychology 行为主义理论 Origins & history: John Watson, empiricism, learning. 历史来源:华生,经验主义,学习 Assumptions: behaviour is learned from the environment, only observable behaviour should be studied. 假设:行为来源于环境,研究可观察的行为 *Areas of explanation: language acquisition, moral development, attraction, abnormality.

英语国家国情 2

A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom 该国,我们正在研究的全称是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。这是一个什么在许多方面是一个复杂的国家复杂的名字。大多数人都知道做些什么,因为它的庞大的海外帝国给它一个重要的国际作用,只是来到一个在未来数年年底,之后第二次世界大战。然而,一些市民对英国知道(他们可能会呼吁干脆英国或错误,英格兰)可能不大如何最真实的英国人今天过自己的生活。一方面,帝国的日子已经足够长的时间以前,只有老人记得他们的任何东西是生活中的重要性。英国不再是一个帝国的国家,尽管其帝国的影响可能常常在遇到的各种方式,而不是在与50或更多曾是这个帝国的一部分,和国家之间的密切关系,至少它通过一个松散的维持(自愿)组织的联系称为英联邦国家。但更重要的英国国际关系今天是欧洲联盟,其中英国1973年以来的成员,这是在考虑更有用现代英国强调它的作用作为一个欧洲国家,而不是其英联邦成员资格。它仍然是一个相对富裕的国家,是7国集团成员的大型发达经济体。另外一个旧帝国的作用明显成效在于弥补的英国人口本身。从这些英联邦国家,这在20世纪50年代和60年代鼓励一些移民,已制作了其中1人在20个非欧洲种族。他们自己或其父母或祖父母,出生在印度或巴基斯坦,加勒比国家,这些只是最常见的。这将引入什么是对英国的章节关键主题:因为是大多数情况下,或所有,国家是不可能总结了一些简单的对话英国人民。英国认为谁,很多人认为的英国绅士。但是,这仅仅是一个旧有的从未适用于英国绝大多数人来说,没有什么真正的有效性今天。英国是一个国家,一个单一的护照,和一个政府及对其所有的主权,但作为国家的大力顾名思义,它是由不同的元素组成。它包括4一个国家内的部分国家:大不列颠岛是由英格兰,苏格兰和威尔士,北爱尔兰,一份关于爱尔兰邻近的岛屿省份,完成设置。因此,在讨论英国和英国的一些考虑,必须使这些分歧,例如:一个来自苏格兰的女人不会高兴,如果我们打电话给她的英国绅士?她是苏格兰和女性,并认为她的身份从不同的男人和不同的英语。但是,这4个组成部分之间的区别的国家只有一个,也许是最简单的,不同的是分裂联合王国。有人已经指出,英国现在是一个多种族社会,这些移民是最近才集团带来了自己的文化,这与他们并肩坐在一起,与生活更加传统的英国方式方方面,例如,许多穆斯林,而大多数(名英国人至少)是基督教徒。并明确在我的苏格兰妇女的例子涉及的是事实,男人和女人没有生活在英国同样的经历。此外,英国经济分为:它是一个阶级结构的社会。很可能夸大了这个阶级的重要性,因为结构的过程中,大多数国家有一些一流的一种制度,但它确实可以说,对英国社会的阶级结构是比较明显的。一名工厂工人,他的父亲是工厂的工人很可能会从股票经纪,父亲是一名股票经纪人,不同的文化:他们将倾向于读不同的报纸,看不同的电视节目,用不同的说话口音,在做不同的事情他们的自由时间,对自己的孩子有不同的期望。另一个不同之处,这标志着英国社会就是区域。即使在四个国家,每个地区的不同:高地之间的差异和低地苏格兰有着悠久的历史意义,例如:北部和南部英格兰队也被认为是文化不同,但它们之间的边界上没有标记任何地图,只存在一个比较笼统的精神风貌。然而,有一些是在经济方面的区别的基础,南部平均较富裕的北方。部分之间的北部和南部的另一个区别,这标志着英国社会,一个可以看到在许多社会中,但有可能尤其明显,在英国,也就是资本之间的区别和不同的经济差别的原因找到了省份。伦敦是在该国南部,并在英国占主导地位的各种方式。这是迄今为止该国最大的城市,约占全国人口的七分之一,它是政府的所在地,它是文化中心,这里是所有的主要报纸,电视台,与遥遥领先的最广泛选择画廊,剧院和博物馆。此外它是商业中心,在英国大公司总部的绝大多数,是国家的金融中心,三个主要的国际金融中心之一。因此,它结合了北京,上海,广州,还是纽约,华盛顿和洛杉矶的职能,在一个城市。并鉴于其长期在英国的历史作用,也许西安呢!伦敦是英国的经济和文化生活的巨大影响力,并在一定程度上在其阴影的国家中休息。


一、课程性质与基本理念 (一)课程性质 普通高中英语课程是高中阶段全面贯彻党的教育方针、落实立德树人根本任务、发展英语学科核心素养、培养社会主义建设者和接班人的基础文化课程。 英语属于印欧语系,是当今世界广泛使用的国际通用语,是国际交流与合作的重要沟通工具,是思想与文化的重要载体。学习和使用英语对汲取人类优秀文明成果、借鉴外国先进科学技术、传播中华文化、增进中国与其他国家的相互理解与交流具有重要的意义和作用。 普通高中英语课程作为一门学习及运用英语语言的课程,与义务教育阶段的课程相衔接,旨在为学生继续学习英语和终身发展打下良好基础。普通高中英语课程强调对学生语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力的综合培养,具有工具性和人文性融合统一的特点。普通高中英语课程应在义务教育的基础上,帮助学生进一步学习和运用英语基础知识和基本技能,发展跨文化交流能力,为他们学习其他学科知识、汲取世界文化精华、传播中华文化创造良好的条件,也为他们未来继续学习英语或选择就业提供更多机会;普通高中英语课程同时还应帮助学生树立人类命运共同体意识和多元文化意识,形成开放包容的态度,发展健康的审美情趣和良好的鉴赏能力,加深对祖国文化的理解,增强爱国情怀,坚定文化自信,树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,为学生未来参与知识创新和科技创新,更好的适应世界多极化、经济全球化和社会信息化奠定基础。 (二)基本理念 1.发展英语学科核心素养,落实立德树人根本任务 普通高中英语课程具有重要的育人功能,旨在发展学生的语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力等英语学科核心素养,落实立德树人根本任务。实施普通高中英语课程应以德育为魂、能力为重、基础为先、创新为上,注重在发展学生英语语言运用能力的过程中,帮 助他们学习、理解和鉴赏中外优秀文化,培育中国情怀,坚定文化自信,拓展国际视野,增进国际理解,逐步提升跨文化沟通能力、思辨能力、学习能力和创新能力,形成正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。 2.构建高中英语共同基础,满足学生个性发展需求 普通高中英语课程应在有机衔接初中学段英语课程的基础上,通过必修课程为所有高中学生搭建英语学科核心素养的共同基础,使其形成必要的语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力,为他们升学、就业和终身学习构筑发展平台。必修课程的内容与要求面向全体 学生,具有基础性特点。同时,普通高中英语课程应遵循多样性和选择性原则,根据高中学生的心理特征、认知水平、学习特点以及未来发展的不同需求,开设丰富的选修课程。


英语专业社会实践报告总结 最近发表了一篇名为《英语专业社会实践报告总结》的范文,好的范文应该跟大家分享,重新整理了一下发到这里。 英语专业社会实践报告总结 时间过得真快,不知不觉间我已经是一名大三的学生了。回想自己大一和大二的生活,我觉得自己没有充分利用平时的空余时间,白白浪费了很多的宝贵时间。大学跟高中给我提供了两个完全不同的学习环境,进入大学以后,由自己支配的时间大大增多,而不是像高中一样什么都由老师帮你安排;在大学里,完全要靠自己的努力,自觉地去学习。因此当我进入大学以后,接触到大学的学习方式时,没有立即改变,还是按照原来高中时候的习惯学习,所以一时无法适应,也就这样一天天地消磨时光。现在我觉得很后悔,人的大学生活一生就这一次,如果现在不好好利用,更待何时呢?所以在今后的学习生活中,我要为自己订立明确的目标,并朝着目标不断努力奋斗,努力实现自己的理想。 自身规划:虽然我即将步入大三下学期,但从现在开始规划我未来的学习之路也不是太迟。过去的两年已经荒废了不少时间,从现在开始我要为自己的未来进行打算。所以从现在开始,我要抓紧每分每秒,不再浪费宝贵的时间。在大四时还要面临专业八级的考试,所以我要不断增强自己在英语学习上的听、说、读、写能力,争取一次性就通过英语专业八级考试。热门思想汇报当然,现在的努力学习也是为了将来能找到一份好的工作,而好的工作并不是只要学习成绩好就能得到,还要有好的工作经验和工作能力才行。所以在学习的同时,我也要走进社会,不断拓展自己的视野,增加自己的工作经验,增强自己的工作能力,为自己今后的就业做准备。 实践调查:在这个寒假中我针对英语专业学生的就业问题作了一些调查,发现就业情况不容乐观。经过这次调查,我发现原本在大学期间学英语专业的学生只有很少的一部分在毕业以后从事跟英语相关的职业,绝大多数选择从事其他行业。也有很多人抱怨说学习英语专业没什么优势,因为其他专业的学生也可以把英语学得很好,而且他们还可以学习另外一门专业的知识。在我看来,每一门专业都有各自的用处,关键是要看你是否已经把它的相关知识彻底地掌握了。如

英语国家社会与文化 课程标准

《英美概况》教学大纲 一、课程说明. 1. 课程代码:107013841 2. 课程中文名称:英美概况 3. 课程英文名称:The Society and Culture of Major English Speaking Countries — an Introduction 4. 课程总学时数:32 5. 课程学分数:2 6. 授课对象: 英语专业二年级学生 7.本课程的性质、地位和作用 《英美概况》是英语专业本科的一门专业任选课。本课程以英语为媒介,比较系统地向学生阐述世界主要英语国家的社会与文化背景,如地理、历史、政治、经济、社会生活和文化传统等方面的基本知识。它是英语专业学生学习英语专业其它语言基础课和在高年级阶段学习英语文学和翻译等课程的基础。本课程的教学可以提高学生在跨文化语言运用过程中对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性和处理文化差异的灵活性,从而改善学生的跨文化语言运用能力。 二、教学基本要求 1.本课程的目的、任务 本课程的教学目的在于让英语专业学生了解和熟悉主要英语国家的社会与文化概貌,掌握其地理、历史、政治、经济、社会生活与文化传统等方面的基本知识,扩大知识面,丰富文化修修养,加深对英语国家语言、文化和文学的理解,提高分析判断能力。 2.本课程的教学要求 本课程的基本要求是让学生掌握英美两个典型英语语言国家的历史与社会文化背景、民族特点、当前现状及发展前景。通过本课程的学习,学生除掌握有关英美两国的社会基本构成、文化传统、经济科技发展等基本知识外,同时也提高自身对英文社科类书籍的阅读能力,从而进一步提高自己的英语水平。 在课程的教学过程中,教师也可适当向学生推荐一些反映英美国家文化的优


中国国情词汇翻译 总需求 aggregate demand 总供给 aggregate supply 企业文化 corporate/entrepreneurial culture 企业形象 corporate image (Cl); enterprise image 跨国公司 cross-national corporation 创业精神 enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit 外资企业 foreign-funded enterprise 猎头公司head-hunter 假日经济 holiday economy 人力资本human capital 航空和航天工业aerospace industry 飞机制造工业aircraft industry 电子工业 electronic industry 汽车制造工业 car industry 娱乐业 entertainment industry 信息产业 information industry 知识密集型产业 knowledge-intensive industry 国有大中型企业 large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises 轻工业 light industry 博彩业 lottery industry 制造业 manufacturing industry 垄断行业 monopoly industries 市场多元化 market diversification 市场经济 market economy 市场监管 market supervision 购买力 purchasing power 熊市 bear market 牛市 bull market 城镇化 urbanization 房地产 real estate 首付 down-payment 业主 home owner 个人购房贷款 individual housing loan


小学英语新课程理念 (一)面向全体学生,注重素质教育 面向全体的核心是使受教育的每个学生都得到发展。义务教育阶段的英语课程是为每一个学生开设的。我们所设计的教学目标也应该是为绝大多数学生可以达到的。新课程要求教师在设计教学目标时,起点不能太高,应从中下层学生的基础出发,教学进度不能太快,教学难度不能太大,坡度不能太陡。当然,在保证课程面向广大学生的同时,我们也要创造条件,满足那些有更多学习潜力的学生的需要。 另外,英语课程不仅要培养学生的语言能力,而且要培养学生的思维能力、想像能力、创新能力。在教学中要渗透情感教育,使学生心智都得到发展。 在小学英语教学中,要做到面向全体学生,正确实施素质教育,必须注意以下几点: 1、在小学英语教学的整体目标上不仅仅是关注小学生知识有所得,能力有所提高,更重要的是要使小学生能够认识自我,建立自信,拥有学习英语的兴趣。同时,要让小学生在学习英语的过程中,形成适合自己的学习策略。换句话说,小学英语教师一定要关注学生健康人格的发展,既要从事教学活动,又要从事教育活动。 2、在小学英语教学中,要确立以学生为中心()和以学习为中心()的指导思想。以学生为中心,就是要求小学英语教师在教材选用和教法设计时密切结合学生的生活实际,考虑小学生的认知水平和心理发展水平,考虑不同年龄段学生的学习要求与个体差异。这实际上就是按教育规律办事,使用权不同的学生在各自原有的基础上获得英语学习的乐趣、自信,具有不同的初步运用英语的能力。以学习为中心,就是要求小学英语教师在教学过程中,不要把英语课上成知识传授课,不要以教师的教代替学生的学。小学英语课一定要让学生在活动中去学习英语,通过说说、听听、唱唱、玩玩等形式,让小学生感受到学习英语的快乐,从而培养学习英语的兴趣。 3、要真正在课堂教学中实施素质教育。课堂教学氛围是十分重要的。在小学英语教学中,和谐的师生关系有时比教学方法更重要。教师在教学过程中,应该以小学生朋友、帮助者的身份出现,尊重每一个学生。特别要关爱那些在英语学习方面有困难的学生,要尽可能多地为小学生提供实践英语的机会,鼓励他们所做的一切尝试,保护他们的积极性,让他们在活动中增强学习英语的主动性、参与性,培养合作意识。 (二)整体设计目标,体现灵活开放 新课程的目标是按小学三年级到高中三年级英语课程的九级目标体系设计的。这个目标使得基础教育的英语课程成为了一个整体,而不是像以往的教学大纲那样按小学、初中、高中划分为三个学段,教师在教学过程中很难把握住各个学段的衔接问题。另外,英语课程的九级目标体系还有利于各地区根据本地区的实际情况去调整课程目标。 英语课程标准的分级式设计与整体性要求,体现了英语教学目标的一致性、教学的连续性与操作的灵活性。各地的经济和教育发展不平衡,师资条件差异也很大。我们不能用同一尺度去要求整个小学英语教学。小学英语教师可以根据学生的实际,灵活确定各年级的教学要求。教育研究部门和学校管理层也应该以一种开放的心态支持小学英语教学为此所做的努力。 三、突出学生主体,尊重个体差异 小学英语教学在教学目标设定、教学过程设计、教学评价的实施和课程资源的开发上都要突出以学生为主体的思想。就目前小学英语教学的现状来看,要做到以学生为主体,主要应该考虑以下几点:一


专业英语课程总结 《计算机专业英语》是综合计算机知识和英语运用能力的一门课程,它涵盖了计算机基础知识、计算机软件知识、计算机硬件知识、计算机网络基础知识等。它注意与计算机专业课的协调性;注重实践性和实用性。 通过这门课的学习,我收获颇多,下面就我个人看法,谈谈如何学好这门课。 还记得高中的时候学英语吗?每天都是语法、时态、句型、阅读等等,这样的教学模式导致我们只是能够应对考试,却无法将学到的应用到生活当中,对于专业英语,我们要做到的不仅仅是能够考试,我们要做到真正的理解与运用,那个样对我们以后的工作才有帮助。 众所周知,学英语无非四个方面:听、说、读和写,专业英语亦是如此。 多听一些专业的单词,它与我们四六级接触的词汇不同,这些词汇都是我们在计算机领域中经常见到的,比如:Bandwidth、Broadband、Client等等,多接触这些单词。当我们见到磁盘的时候,我们知道它的英文名字叫Diskette。 对于我们计算机人员而言,说的机会是相当少的,所以我们就要寄希望于读,把文章读出声来。 你能听懂不代表你知道它怎么用,多读一些计算机相关的文章,并不是要你读出声,二是默读,通过这个角度,我们可以了解单词的用法,知道一句话怎么去解释,知道不同语境下代表的不同意思。 最后一步就是写了,我认为,一个优秀的计算机人才,要具有较强的英语书写能力,尤其是编程人员,我们在开发一个项目的时候会考虑到项目的国际化,那么,我们在定义变量名、方法明的时候就会考虑用英语,那样能够很好的应高我们程序的规范性。 学好专业英语,对我们后面的工作有什么好处呢?据我了解,很多应用开发的官方文档都是英文的,eclipse API虽然有中文,但也只是部分,没有英语的支撑还是看不懂,而ios开发官方文档几乎是全英文。在我们平时的开发过程中,很多时候是要查阅这些文档的。 由此可见,学好专业英语,不仅仅可以让我们通过考试,更多的好处是给我们后面的学习和工作提供了很大的便利,让我们在专业领域走的更加顺利。



西安建筑科技大学 2014-2015学年第一学期《德语国家国情文化》课程论文我所认识的德国啤酒 班级:应用物理1301 学号:131005017 姓名:郝佳琪

德国在中国人眼中,是一个有着悠久历史而让人向往的国家,德国吸引着我们的不仅仅是它的文化,还有德国人的品质。小时候我对德国的了解只基于第二次世界大战,这次战争不仅仅是中国的痛,更是全世界的痛。虽说这个过错是希特勒这些纳粹人犯下的,但德国人敢于承认并且反思,令人感到这个民族经过浩劫之后更加成熟起来。而令我对德国人的印象发生改变却是因为德国的下跪总理勃兰特。1970年,在波兰,面对600万犹太人的亡灵他替所有必须这样做而没有这样做的人下跪了,这不仅体现的是他的气节,也是德国人的民族气节。这样的民族值得我去尊敬。 通过在这学期课堂上的学习了解,我对德国确实有了一个更深层的认识。德国的民族文化让我敬佩,可最让我印象深刻的是德国的啤酒,不得不说德国啤酒是纯正啤酒的代名词,在公元1516年巴伐利亚公国的威廉四世大公颁布了“德国纯啤酒令”,规定了德国啤酒只能以大麦芽、啤酒花和水三种原料制作,所以德国成为当今世界第二大啤酒生产国是当之无愧的,其境内共有一千三百家啤酒厂,生产的啤酒种类高达五千多种,而根据官方统计每个德国人平均每年喝掉138公升的啤酒,世界上在也找不到比德国人更热爱啤酒的民族了!多年来经德国人培养形成的啤酒文化更是世界独一无二的,例如啤酒节,更是全世界都参与了进去。 1810年的十月,为了庆祝巴伐利亚的路德维格王子和萨克森国的希尔斯公主的婚礼而举行德国啤酒节的盛大庆典。自那以后,十月啤酒节就作为巴伐利亚的一个传统的民间节日保留下来。每年从九月下旬到十月上旬,人们倾巢而出,亲朋好友相伴,恋人情相依,欢聚在一起,喝着自制的鲜酿啤酒,吃着德国独有的各式各样的香肠和面包,其间乐队身着民族服装穿梭于人群之中,娴熟地演奏轻松欢快的乐曲。 由于德国人将喝酒视为每天的“必修课”,各种酒馆、酒屋、小客栈便多似天上的星星。仅人口100万的慕尼黑就有3000多个每天都座无虚席的啤酒馆。几乎每个踏进酒馆的人至少都点半升啤酒佐餐,但人们最常点的还是一升。所以“一升”在慕尼黑及整个巴伐利亚可说是个“计量单位”,当地还盛行一谚语“有节制地一天喝一升,健康赛神仙”。人们也不只是进餐时才喝酒,几乎


本课程一个单元一个话题,每个话题都以对话训练作为切入点,先说后听,加大听说技能,特别是实用交际能力的训练,把培养一定的实用口头交际能力作为本教程的重要任务。先读后写,加强应用文的实用文体阅读能力的培养,满足生产一线业务人员实际的涉外交际需要。听、说、读、写、译技能的培养与训练围绕同一话题展开,语言基本功与实用的日常和业务交际能力的培养有机地结合起来。 1、贯彻“以学生为中心,教师为引导,多媒体教学为手段”的多样化教学模式的理

念,教学体现了人性化设计理念,提高英语教学实际效率。(1) 将听说、读写与综合运用相结合,课堂教学与自主学习相结合,充分利用多媒体语音设备,提高学生听、说、读、写、译应用能力。(2) 采用课堂教学、听力训练、自主学习、实践运用相结合的方式,营造个性化学习的环境,大量使用先进的信息技术,推进基于计算机和网络的英语软件教学,为学生提供良好的语言学习环境与条件。课堂设计使学生有足够的情绪安全感,从而有勇气开口练习说英语,使学生从“练”中学,亲身体验从“学懂→学会”的全过程,享受成功。(3) 课程重视培养学生的英语综合能力,针对三级考试的具体要求,重视培养学生活学活用,博闻强记的能力,加大对听、说和写的实用技能的训练。

2、高职英语课程不仅是一门语言基础知识课程,也是拓宽知识,了解世界文化的素质教育课程。因此,设计高职英语课程时也应充分考虑对学生的文化素质培养和国际文化知识的传授。要尽可能地利用语言载体,让学生了解科学技术、西方社会文化等知识。要强调通过大量的自主阅读来提高词汇量和增加知识。 无论是听说,还是主要基于课堂教学的读写译,其设置都充分体现个性化,考虑不同起点的学生,既照顾起点较低学生,又给基础较好的学生有发展的空间;既能使学生打下扎实的语言基础,又能培养他们较强的实际应用能力尤其是听说写的能力;既保证学生在整个大学期间的英语语言水平稳步提高,又有利于学生个性化的学习,以满足他们各自不同的专业发展需要,以确保不同层次的学生在英语应用能力方面得到充分的训练和提高。 3、工学结合 (1)坚持以就业为导向,面向社会、大力推进工学结合、实行校企合作、产教结合。教师与学生可以分批深入企业进行参观与随岗实习;聘请有实际国际贸易实际经验的企业人员来校讲座;加大双师型教师的培养力度。创办校内实训基地,使学生在模拟商务环境中进行实际操练,进一步缩短人才培养的实际效果与市场需求之间的距离。在加强技能教育的同时,也要十分注重对学生进行思想道德、意志力等方面的培养,努力把学生培养成德才兼备的社会有用之才。 (2)开设英语角,由专门指导教师进行定期指导。英语角由英语俱乐部管理和组织,定期举行,每期设主题活动。 (3)注重学生交际实践,多举行口语竞赛,朗诵比赛,词汇竞赛等英语活动,充分利用外教资源,免费开设英语口语班,辅导学生参加湖北省各级口语比赛,选拔学生参加全国高职高专实用英语口语大赛,在参赛的同时向兄弟院校学习,极大地提高学生英语学习的积极性,提高学生在就业时的竞争力。



一学习总结 1理论课程学习总结 人说,“走进大学就一只脚踏进了社会”,这句话没说错。上大学之前,我们有三分之二的时间在学校认真学习科学知识,缺乏自理能力,不懂人情世故。而上了大学之后,不仅要学习,还要管理好自己的生活、处理好与同学、老师的关系。所有这些都不是老师和爸妈能教会的,要靠自己在日常生活中不断的学习和总结经验教训。 在大学里,有些人刻苦专研专业知识,希望将来在专业方面有所突破或能继续深造;有些人则在学好功课的基础上,发现了自己某方面的潜力,比如:较强的社交能力、体育比较好等。而大学这样一个宽松的环境正为他们提供了一个实现自我的舞台。因此,在大学里,我们不仅可以更深入的学习科学知识,还可以在业余时间挖掘自身的潜力和增强自身的特长。但不管将来你从事什么工作,首先要学好英语和用好计算机,这是形势所迫,也是现实。随着现代化步伐的加快,计算机已经成为我们进行各项工作的主要工具,而学好英语是用好计算机的基础,以后走上工作岗位,不会英语和计算机,我们将寸步难行。 但有很多同学说,英语很难学,就是学不好。其实并不是不能学好,我认为没有学不会的东西,除非你不去努力或方法不对。说句实在话,学语言确实是一件比较困难的事,尤其是在一个没有相关语言环境的情况下去学。因为学语言包括听,说,读,写四个方面,要想做到这四个方面都强确实不容易。但我们可以先掌握好基础知识,再根据自己以后的发展方向决定在哪个方面进行提高。比如,你决定以后从事软件开发的工作,那你可以多看看这方面的英文版的书籍。 可是,尽管英语是如此的难学,很多同学还是不以为然。许多同学进入大学后就想着如何去玩,觉得初中、高中这六年憋得实在不行了。可是放松也要有限度,不能荒废了学业,难道辛辛苦苦考上大学就是来玩的吗?因此,当我们在享受大学生活给我们带来新鲜和刺激时,不要忘了花点时间去读读单词,看看英语文章。把英语学习当成一种乐趣,而不仅仅是应付学校的考试和通过四六级。 其次,就要说到计算机知识的学习了,对于我们信息管理专业来说,计算机就是我们谋生的工具。首先,我们应学会最基本的使用电脑的操作,如开机、关机、软件的安装、office的使用、电脑的日常维护等。此外,随着科学技术的日新月异的发展,网络在人们的生活中起着越来越重要的作用,不管是日常生活、交友、娱乐还是工作,人们越来越依赖于网络。因此我们还要学会上网,学会利


英国与爱尔兰 Part One Multiple Choice 1.Which of the following is not a name people use to refer to the UK? B A. Great Britain B. The British Island C. The United Kingdom D. Britain 2.is the capital city of Wales. D A. Belfast B. Edinburgh C. Aberdeen D. Cardiff 3.According to a 2005 estimate, Britain now has a population of over ________ millions. C A. 160 B. 600 C. 60 D. 16 4.The two landmarks of London are _________. A A. Guildhall and St. Paul’s Cathedral B. Guildhall and Covent Garden C. City Hall and St. Paul’s Cathedral D. City Hall and Covent Garden 5.Among the four parts of the United Kingdom, is the smallest. D A. England B. Scotland C. Wales D. Northern Ireland 6.The largest lake in the UK is located in ________. D A. England B. Wales C. Scotland D. Northern Ireland 7.English belongs to the group of Indo-European family of languages. C A. Celtic B. Indo-Iranian C. Germanic D. Roman 8.In the early part of 11th century, ________ replaced English as the official language in England. B A. German B. French C. Celtic D. Indo-European 9.English was standardized because of the ________. A A. introduction of printing press B. first industrial revolution C. reins of William the Conqueror D. French retreat from England 10.The introduction of Christianity to Britain added the first element of ________ words to English D A. Danish and Finnish B. Dutch and German C. French and Italian D. Latin and Greek 11.Standard English is based on the speech of the upper class of ________. B A. southeastern England B. southwestern England C. southern Scotland D. northern Wales 12.At present, nearly of the world's population communicate in English. B A. half B. a quarter C. one third D. one fifth 13.Julius Caesar and his ________ troops invaded the British islands in year 55 BC. A A. Roman B. Italian C. Greek D. Germanic 14.The attack on Rome ended the Roman occupation in Britain in 410. D A. Norman B. Danish C. Celtic D. Germanic 15.By the late 7th century, became the dominant religion in England. D A. Celtic Christianity B. Anglo-Saxon Christianity C. Germanic Christianity D. Roman Christianity 16.All the coronations of the British nation have been held in ________ since the 11th century. B A. the City Hall B. Westminster Abbey C. the King’s Council D. Buckingham Place 17.Westminster Abbey was built at the time of ________. B A. St. Augustine B. Edward the Confessor C. William the Conqueror D. Alfred the Great 18.________ improved the courts of justice, introduced the jury system and institutionalized common law in Britain. C A. Edward the Confessor B. St. Augustine


Part One True or False 1、Britain is no longer an imperial country.T 2The stereotype of the English gentlemen never applied the majority of the British people. T 3、Northern Ireland is part of Great Britain. F 4、Most people in Scotland speak the old Celtic language ,called “Gaelic ”. F 5、Ireland is part of Great Britain. F 6、Most British people are Protestants while most Irish people are Catholics. T 7、The divine right of the king(君权神授) means the sovereign derived his authority from his subjects .8、As the king in the theory had God in his side ,it was thought that he should exercise absolute power.F F 9、Britain ,like Israel ,has a written constitutions of the sort which most countries have. F 10、In the UK ,a government cannot stand for longer than five years except in exceptional circumstance.T 11、There are two(three) national parties in the UK according to the text. F 12、The majority of Britain’s recent immigrants have mainly come from North(South) Asia and Caribbean countries.13、By the 1880’s the British economy was dominant in the world. 14、Another reason for British decline is the loss of its colonies ,especially India ,which gained its independence in 1947. F T T 15、The service industry in the U.K. employs 70% of the total work force. T 16、Much early British literature was concerned with Christianity ,and Anglo-Saxons produced many versions of Bible.17、William Shakespeare is a great poet and much known of his life.18、The purpose of British education is not only to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills but also to socialize children.19、The state seldom interferes with the decision of when ,where ,how and what children are taught.20、When the Second World War ended ,Britain no longer was the largest military power in Western Europe.21、According to the text ,the most important single factor which influences British policy- makers is its history.22、The Prime Minister and Cabinet decide on the general direction of Britain’s foreign policy.23、The British host a large American military presence and there are 63 American military bases in the UK. 24、On an average day ,an overwhelming majority of Britons over the age of 15 read a national or local paper. T F T F F T T T T 25、The Advertising Code ensures that advertisements are legal ,decent ,honest and truthful ;have a sense of responsibility for consumer and society ;and respect the principals of fair competition.T 26、The tabloids are smaller format newspapers with color photos and catchy headlines. They often called “the gutter press ”.T 27、The tradition of having Sunday off derived from the Christian Church. T 28The origin of Browning lies in the victory celebration ceremony by the ancient warriors. T
