

The tears of a water bottle

Iraq is the prince of Troy, beautiful vistas. He was in love with Zeus shrine in a handmaiden of the water. Maid is Helen, Zeus loved Helen, although she is only a maid. One day, Helen overheard Apollo and intelligence goddess Athena about destroy Troy decision, she had to go to the prince Iraq taboos against him. The way was found, Zeus's

guards were will Helen back to the temple of god. Zeus cannot bear to put to death, but she decided to punish her, so will the sin on to the prince of Troy upon him.

Zeus will catch back to the house of Iraq, persecuted for his Iraq and Helen drinks. The wife of Zeus goddess Hera envy has her no beauty Iraq era. Then she decided to harm the innocent prince. She secretly will Helen go, Helen natural to Iraq and private fled lower bound, then she will be taken on the spot two people. Outraged Zeus decided to put to death Iraq. In the deadly striker's shot Aaron arrows at the moment of Helen blocked was in Iraq handmaiden of my breast!

See trick can't succeed, Hera become angry from embarrassment under, will Iraq turned into a transparent water bottle, he shall not for Zeus to the water. However, in the water poured out is tears! All the gods moved emotionally, and Zeus in heaven will Iraq seal, do a sorrowful spirit. Iraq and nights in the distant horizon tears, people looked up to see only a group of flash when the stars shine like transparent suspended bottle night sky, so call it Aquarius.

Words: the nature of good, clean and pure mind is the water-bearer's most fascinating place.

Pisces romantic

The chobe special a god of exquisite bow, who was he shot an arrow in the people will love each other. However, the same longing for love Cupid but can not bring you happy, because he can't use his arrow.

In a Cupid to the dinner party, a facial expression special girl broke into the Cupid's heart. The girl is very beautiful, but a dim face concern, Cupid came up and ask them why, originally this girl is the language family, the daughter of Solomon, Solomon had predicted that this is a disaster of the party, but she, blood stone, will be the sacrifices of the disaster. Cupid after listen to very sad, because he had unconsciously fell in love with her. At this time, the terrible eye blame appear! The girl said: "I want to put this evil." Bravely she rushed to the monster. Cupid in all efforts to share the stone, a flustered the monster shot an arrow. Arrows hit the monster not only, also hit the blood stone! Venus pull up son Cupid jumped into the river, and they become two fish to escape. Cupid can't break free from the mother's hand, he was looking back at a tearful, looking at the blood stone and leave with a monster, disappear in the boundless universe...

Later, heaven, there is a sign that Pisces, but Cupid not there, he a man sitting alone on Jupiter.

Words: romantic Pisces girl back in the end of the world and strangers to dance, and fell in love w ith him. In the remote country, the king married a beautiful queen. New tile jealous, she saw the king to his former wife

a pair of children love truly, they decide to remove them.

Spring comes. New will be sent to the people after the wheat all and stir-fry until cooked, and spreading rumours, said the crops particles don't accept because the prince and the princess was cursed!!!!! Honest people believe that the queen of words, consistent demanding king will put to death the prince and princess, remove the curse. Anger difficult flat, involving the king ordered the killing the prince and princess.

The news spread to the prince and princess in the hearing of the birth mother, so she to Zeus for help. In the day of the execution, Zeus sent a male sheep will the prince and the princess rescued. The prince nature optimistic, but the princess playful carelessness, in the sea leap, accidentally fell back to his death sheep. Zeus to reward the ram will it hanging in heaven above, also be today known as the Aries.

Words: the prince and the princess of the optimism of the careless is the biggest characteristic of Aries person.

The temptation of Taurus

In ancient European Phoenician kingdom, the beautiful princess Europa often dreamt of a strange woman said to himself: "let me take you to see it, Zeus destiny goddess appoint you do his lover."

One day morning, Europa as usual to grass picked flowers, a high and luxuriant Taurus appeared, a pair of blue eyes burning feeling let Europa irresistable, she was delighted to jump on the back, and then, from the ground gently Taurus buck, fly to heaven Taurus fly to sit on a lonely island and gone. At this time, her smile was behind the, Europa turn head a see, unexpectedly is a dream that strange woman. The woman standing in front of her and said: "my son Cupid has shot through with you and Zeus heart, take you to the Taurus is here. Now you become Zeus himself on the ground, the goddess of your name will be and the world forever."

Words: this is for love and longing, silent for the beloved of the pay Taurus.

The kindness of Gemini

In ancient Greece, according to legend, the gentleness good LiDa princess has a pair of very lovable son, they are not natural, but as a touch, and the two brothers deep feelings.

One day, in Greece a giant beast attack, brave brother killed behemoths, triumphant return, the national rejoicing, LiDa he confesses to princess secretly things. Originally, the elder brother is with god the son of Zeus, the

princess, has eternal life. Unfortunately, brave men fighting for work and play up domestic. Chaos, someone took a spear stab to the elder brother, brother in order to protect the brother, strengthened flapping, stand in front of the elder brother. The results brother was killed. Brother pain not the desire living, back to heaven to request Zeus brother back. Zeus said: "the only way is to put your vitality half to him, so that he will live and you will become a man, will die at any time." without the promised brother. He said, the younger brother can in order to brother die, brother to brother why can't die? Zeus heard very touched, in the name of the two brothers created a constellation, named Gemini.

Words: brave sacrifice, to each other's feelings, this is Gemini's dedication

The curse of the cancer

Cancer in a war did not complete the task of the goddess Hera, so be damned, the curse will spread into the body of the queen, princess Athens married is the death of the queen.

Beauty los by the age of 20, in Athens to a prince named the sayin. He wanted to marry beauty los as his wife, beauty in the first sight at the los when sayin as deeply in love with him, but curse is terrible, the princess don't want just to own happiness and sacrifice mother. And so she set the nine shut, except that one sayin do, she could marry him. So that one of the heroic sayin did!! The great mother to daughter's happiness, resolutely put beauty los marry the sayin. In the United States and the wedding sayin los of that day of, the queen jump herself into the sea, the people in the sea found a huge crab, his arms around his chest, as if the lack of safety, and like a good protection mother. Hera know very regret, she let the mother in heaven as a constellation, and its image is a cancer.

Words: the lack of safety, sensitive and talk, has a mother's love of idea, is the nature of the cancer

The lion's brave

Arnie since the childhood love is made, though they have the same parents, but arnie down from heaven, and xu had's mother's born of his case.

Happy days quickly be bad luck in pieces. Hero Hector five competitive forces shows, to kill arnie and xu. In order to protect the lover is made, arnie decided to stand in the dense, hurst five competitive forces, the big forests. Make love arnie, she decided to arnie fought off the hittite before five competitive forces, even if it is mutually assured destruction. Xu came to carmel, and, by the spring water against Hector five competitive forces, was Hector five competitive forces killed. Hector five competitive forces to take arrows all soak in SheXie poisonous. In the evening, arnie found Hector five competitive forces. Hector five competitive forces pull out the sword and into the lion's arnie war in one place. Hector five competitive forces use poisoned arrows to the lion shoot, arrow in the lion's heart. The lion fell to the ground into people. Later Zeus let arnie back to heaven become stars, that's the bright like the sun of Leo.

Words: under the sign of Leo people were given to love and sacrifice for the character.

The winter of virgin

Stevens is a pure tabor harp spring goddess, Haiti and after rob to do his wife. There is neither the Bin tabor harp, are faced with great catastrophes. Zeus know, ordered Haiti and the curse, that he was again to die. But Haiti and really love Bin tabor harp, face before sleeping, he said Stevens tabor harp: "my body aroma should belong to the earth, would you please put it away!" Say that finish, Haiti and closed his eyes.

From the lower at tabor harp back to the earth when it is spring, she put the fragrance of the earth in lily and. However, she forget in Haiti and the rest of hell. In winter she finally unbearable ran to see the sea and land. By this time Haiti and will miraculously woke up, wait until spring at tabor harp a left him, and he sank into sleep. Year after year, this pure and beautiful virgin found himself is really in love with the gloomy between the ghost. So Zeus and provisions of the year a quarter of the time that they can meet. From then on, the winter is Bin tabor harp to hell to see Haiti and the day.

Beautiful words: Zeus moved by this special love, will heaven a constellation seal for virgo to mark world at tabor harp for everything. So, virgo's love is beautiful and touching.

Libra wish

Justice is the goddess of Zeus, the daughter, Poseidon is Zeus's brother. Justice goddess and Poseidon in long time together and produce the feelings.

The human not only cheating and intrigue to many god can't stand back to heaven were living, only justice goddess and Poseidon stayed. Goddess of human not despair, but Poseidon for human confidence lost, his pessimistic to persuade goddess back to heaven. Hence two people for the first time the quarrel, ended up to each other on the story of noisy. Justice goddess disdain Poseidon but is a pool of salt water, and Poseidon shake out the scandals of the goddess and Zeus illegitimate fact. Justice by a great insult the goddess, find father Zeus reason. Days after Hera Suggestions two people game, see who can more let the human feel peace, who lost to the other party who apology.

During a game, Poseidon toward the wall with a wave, a crack in the very beautiful out water, let a person see the feeling of cool and refreshing and comfortable and infinite. Then the desire of the goddess justice finally realized. People realize the important peace, goddess and Poseidon reconciliation, Zeus in honor of such result,

the portable take of scale to cast a heaven, there is today's libra.

Beautiful words: have a beautiful heart, hope to family and friends always peaceful co-existence, is the greatest wish of the libra.

Scorpio helpless

The sun god Apollo's son method with, daughter living in the sun god palace twistedbrush. Hurley deeply love method with eritrea. Same like hair and absolutely beautiful with eritrea springs of water, the goddess of Iraq. But method with don't understand's hurley, still and na Iraq in pairs. HeLi can't stand his unique feeling and apathy. She's found method with said: "dear brother, I have to tell you, you are not the children of the kingdom of heaven, but our mother and an unknown mortal life." the impulse of the method with easily believe that's the always not lying, sister of his car in the sun, out of the time of the two gate.

Method with fundamental don't control's sun car, allow it in the space and time in the devastating shuttle, give a person to bring disaster. Hurley know all of this is the fault of their own, send a cruel poison scorpion, fastened on the law with feet's naked, and burning method TongHe the sun's car together falls from sky to broad ella leader yunus the river. The water fountain, the goddess of Iraq buried him in tears. And hurley despair of pain and sufferings for four months, and finally become a poplar trees, her tears into glittering and translucent amber. Beautiful words: Zeus in order to warn the weakness of human conceit, with the only made the difference scorpions named a constellation, called Scorpio.

Striker kind

In ancient Greece's prairie, swept the half man, half of the horse's tribe. The tribe's Aaron striker, a kind sincere, the humble rational.

One day, the hero Hector five competitive forces came to visit, Aaron, and requirements for all his strange Aaron fell wine. Strange Aaron explain to he said wine is tribal public property, not alone can occupy. Brown five competitive forces grumpy, a man broke into the team tribe. The results conflicts inevitably happen.

Hector five competitive forces is mighty, the team is not Hector five competitive forces opponent, rained fled, and escaped to the home, Aaron, Hector five competitive forces stood at the door loudly reprimand angrily, if no one out, he will cut the tribes destroyed in order to tribal and friends, in order to resolve the conflict, selfless, Aaron came out and, at that moment, Hector five competitive forces arrows also flew over!!!!! The arrow penetrated through the god of his heart, he used up the last strength said: "and then a sharp arrow will also be tender heart tolerance: in the frenzy of the animal also won't destroy humanity." and then, his body broken into many little star, gathered in a take off to heaven, like horses, the way the arrow still seem to in his chest, in honor of kind of strange Aaron, people tube this constellation called Sagittarius.

Words: kindness, tolerance is Sagittarius inherent characteristics, I'm afraid that life won't change.

Capricorn happiness

Animal husbandry god paine long very ugly, he shy of inferiority.

At the end of the Milky Way has a lake, who also dare not involved, anyone into the river step will become fish, will never change does not come back, one day, god will gather in public is hosted a dinner, the black forest DuoTou of eyes suddenly burst into the hall beast!!!!! The body can't uniform it, are fleeing. Are playing harp fairy were scared, stay there, then paine leaped out and picked up fairy ran, the monster 10000 not think of, that Penn threw into the lake, he put the fairy is dragging in hand, the monster didn't a way, have to give up. Wait until the monster left, PanEnCai gingerly taken down to the shore fairy. The fairy was very grateful to put up in Penn, but the lower Penn has become a fish! Zeus appreciates his brave, to his image created Capricorn. Words: capricornians are rigorous and inside collect, to have their own unique understanding of happiness.


十二星座的希腊神话与罗马神话的守护神: Ⅰ 白羊座(Aries) 3月21日~4月20日 守护星:火星(象徵能量与精力) 守护神:希腊-战神阿瑞斯罗马-战神马斯 幸运色:黄色/红色 (Ares Galaxy) (非自然死亡率第二高的星座。10.11%。每100个白羊里就有10人死于非命。因为很冲动,觉得没必要考虑太多。) *非自然死亡包括意外死亡、自杀死亡、他杀死亡。 (平均寿命最短的星座。因为最爱生气) Ⅱ 金牛座(Taurus)4月21日~5月21日 守护星:金星(象徵耐久与物质) 守护神:希腊-爱神维纳斯罗马-爱神维纳斯 幸运色:蓝色/绿色 (Venus) (平均寿命第二短的星座。因为太贪图享受,脾气最大) Ⅲ 双子座(Gemini)5月22日~6月21日 守护星:水星(象徵咨询与适应) 守护神:希腊-传讯之神汉密斯罗马-墨格利 幸运色:银白色系 (Megaera) (非自然死亡率最高的星座。10.40%。每100个双子里就有10人死于非命。而且是自杀率最高的星座。因为很草率,觉得没必要顾及太多) Ⅳ 巨蟹座(Cancer)6月22日~7月22日 守护星:月亮(象徵情绪和感觉) 守护神:希腊-狩猎与守护之神阿尔特密斯罗马-保护之神狄安娜 幸运色:紫色/银色 (Diana) Ⅴ 狮子座(Leo)7月23日~8月23日 守护星:太阳(象徵荣誉和生命力) 守护神:希腊-太阳神阿波罗罗马-太阳神阿波罗 幸运色:橘色/金色 (Apollo) (平均寿命第三短的星座。因为太好面子)

Ⅵ 处女座(Virgo)8月24日~9月23日 守护星:水星(象徵知识和工作) 守护神:希腊-工业与商业之神赫尔墨斯罗马-赫尔墨斯 幸运色:灰色系 (Hermes) Ⅶ 天秤座(Libra) 9月24日~10月23日 守护星:金星(象徵爱情与美丽) 守护神:希腊-美神阿弗罗蒂忒罗马-美神阿弗罗蒂忒 幸运色:淡蓝色/粉红色 (Aphrodite) (平均寿命第四长寿的星座,因为很悠闲自得) Ⅷ 天蝎座(Scorpio)10月24日~11月22日 守护星:冥王星(象徵著转变或是轮回) 守护神:希腊-冥王哈迪斯罗马-死亡与轮回之神黑底斯 幸运色:淡红色/深红色 (Hades) (宙斯的弟弟,有狭心症,思考问题很容易极端,不会识人,总伤害不该伤害的人,却信任不该信任的人) Ⅸ 射手座(Sagittarius)11月23日~12月21日 守护星:木星(象徵自由与健康,全知与全能,成长与力量) 守护神:希腊-宇宙与人类之神宙斯罗马-众神之神朱彼斯 幸运色:紫红色/深蓝色/宝蓝色/宇宙色 (Zeus) (平均寿命最长寿的星座。因坚强乐观的人生态度。而且有最健康的身心。热爱大自然,从来都不利欲熏心。) (非自然死亡率第三高的星座。9.68%。每100个射手里就有9人死于非命。因为很坦荡,觉得没必要解释太多) (环境越丑恶和黑暗,这个神就越不愿贡献多少他的力量) Ⅹ 摩羯座(Capricorn)12月22日~1月20日 守护星:土星(象徵权、利与绝对) 守护神:希腊-时间与破坏之神克罗诺斯罗马-魔神萨登 幸运色:褐色 (Seddon,拉丁语Satan) (Satan,撒旦,最耀眼的魔鬼…明星?)(撒旦教的教徽正中,是一个山羊头)(也是第一个


十二星座背后的希腊神话故事 水瓶座 (1.20---2.18) 青春女神赫柏是宙斯和赫拉的女儿,她被父亲指派来担任奥林匹斯众神筵席中招待和倒酒的职务。后来因为赫柏被赫拉许配给了大力神赫拉克勒斯,所以侍酒的职务便一直空缺着,圣山上的筵席也一直无人搭理,使宙斯伤透了脑筋。 后来宙斯在天际巡游时,看上了一个年青英俊的特洛伊王子甘尼美德,他有着镶金的头发、如雪洁白的肌肤、唇红齿白。众神们也一致同意由他来担任侍酒一职,宙斯便派使者前去邀请;但甘尼美德生性爱好自由、浪荡不羁,说什么也不肯答应。 宙斯知道后大发雷霆,化身为一只大鹰,亲自将甘尼美德抓上了奥林匹斯山,甘尼美德在不得已的情况下,只好勉强担任了觞侍者的工作,但是他对故乡、亲人、自由的思念,让他每天都活在痛苦中。 后来,全能的宙斯对他产生了同情,让他在每年的一月到二月可以回到亲人身边,而他用来倒酒的宝瓶,也被宙斯升到空中成为水瓶座。 双鱼座(2.19---3.20) 爱与美的女神阿佛洛狄忒,美丽迷人,即便是她的雕像也会让人心生爱慕,可是因为赫拉与自己儿子火与工匠之神赫菲斯托斯的矛盾,她被赫拉许配嫁给了丑陋的火神。但是

性格浪漫的阿佛洛狄忒忍受不了火神的枯燥生活,和战神阿瑞斯相恋,并生下了厄洛斯,也就是大家熟知的拿着弓箭的爱神。 一天,阿佛洛狄忒带着儿子厄洛斯去参加众神的宴会,席间应邀参加并为众神们吹奏牧笛的山林与牧之神潘,因为演奏得特别的卖力,使得美妙的笛声在天地间回荡不已,可是这却引来了大怪物提风,使筵席变得一片混乱。混乱中小爱神厄洛斯与母亲走散,阿佛洛狄忒慌忙地四处寻找儿子。后来,她在桌子下发现了瑟瑟发抖的厄洛斯,于是便用一根丝带,一头拴住儿子的脚,一头绑在自己脚上,然后与儿子化身成两条鱼,逃离了筵席。 白羊座(3.21---4.19) 出自西元三世纪罗德岛希腊诗人艾波隆尼斯所写『寻觅金羊毛』的故事。玻俄提亚国王阿塔玛斯有个儿子佛里克索斯,而他的后母伊诺却想要害死他,以便让自己的儿子登上王位。 伊诺将国内所有谷物的种籽集中,偷偷的煮熟以後再分给人民,结果谷类自然无法生长,造成全国陷入饥荒;又跟神殿的使者串通,假称是天神降怒,必须将王子佛里克索斯祭献才可平息饥荒。 国王听信了伊诺的奸计,当王子将被送上祭坛的那一刹那,众神的使者赫尔墨斯接受了王子生母涅斐勒的请求,让


十二星座对应的英文单词 Pisces 双鱼座 Aquarius 水瓶座 水瓶座(或宝瓶座)叫做“Aquarius”,意思就是盛水的瓶子,所以也叫做“Water Bearer”,这里bear这个词是“携带,运输”的意思,例如《魔戒》原著中对男主角之一Frodo Baggins 的另一个称呼就是“the ring-bearer”,戒指的携带者。Bear这个词还有“忍受”、“生育”、“举止”等等意思,含义算得上是纷繁复杂,建议大家仔细读一遍字典中的解释和例句。 在拉丁语中“aqua”表示“水”,现在也是一个独立的单词;aquarium是水族馆;aquatic这个词不太常用,表示“水生的”,“水上的”;最后这个词演变到了sewer,也就是下水道的意思, 应该用得上。 Capricorn 摩羯座 从词汇的角度来看这是一个比较重要的星座,英语中是“Capricorn”,也有叫山羊座的。出生 于这一时段的人也叫做“Goat”。 和“goat”相关的重要的词是“scapegoat”,意思是替罪羊,语出《圣经·旧约》。按照古代犹太教的习俗,在每年赎罪日(Day of Atonement)的清晨,把两头山羊牵到圣所神坛(altar),由主祭抽签,一头羊献给上帝,一头羊交给死神。贡献给上帝的山羊是祭品,另一头羊则是替罪羊。在赎罪的过程中,大祭司把双手按在替罪羊的头上,诉说自己和民众所犯的罪,表示以色列人民的所有罪过都由替罪羊所承担,然后将这头象征性的代人受过的可怜的山羊放逐到荒凉的旷野中去。由此还衍生出了“scapegoatism”(替罪羊主义),意指嫁祸于人的阴 谋政策。 值得一提的是英语中南回归线的名字就是“tropic of Capricorn”,是热带的南边界,太阳垂直照射的最南端,我的天文学知识有限,也许摩羯座的月份正好是北半球的冬天南半球的夏天,所以用这个名字命名。与之相对的北回归线的名字自然是“tropic of Cancer”,巨蟹座的月份正好是北半球最热的时候。tropic有两个意思分别是“回归线”和“热带的”。另外“热带”叫做“ Torrid Zone”,torrid这个词很好记,谐音法就是“太 热了”。


白羊座Aries: [ '??ri:z ] 金牛座Taurus: [ 't?:r?s ] 双子座Gemini: [ 'd?eminai ] 巨蟹座Cancer: [ 'k?ns? ] 狮子座Leo: [ 'li(:)?u ] 处女座Virgo: [ 'v?:g?u ] 天秤座Libra: [ 'libr? ] 天蝎座Scorpio: [ 'sk?:pi?u ] 射手座Sagittarius: [ ,s?d?i't??ri?s ] 摩羯座Capricornus: [ ,k?pri'k?:n?s ] 水瓶座Aquarius: [ ?'kweri?s ] 双鱼座Pisces: [ 'pisi:z ] 拱极星座大熊Ursae Majoris 小熊Ursae Minoris 天龙Draconis 仙后Cassiopeiae 仙王Cephei 北天星座仙女Andromedae 蝎虎Lacertae 鹿豹Camlopardalis 御夫Aurigae 猎犬Canum Venaticorum 狐狸Vulpeculae 天鹅Cygni 三角Trianguli 小狮Leonis Minoris 英仙Persei 牧夫Bootis 武仙Herculis 后发Comae Berenicis 北冕Coronae Borealis 天猫Lyncis 天箭Sagittae 天琴Lyrae 海豚Delphini 飞马Pegasi 黄道星座白羊Arietis 金牛Tauri 双子Geminorum 巨蟹Cancri 狮子Leonis 室女Virginis 天秤Librae 天蝎Scorpii 人马Sagittarii 摩羯Capricorni 宝瓶Aquarii 双鱼Piscium 赤道带星座小马Equulei 小犬Canis Minoris 天鹰Aquilae 蛇夫Ophiuchi 巨蛇Serpentis 六分仪Sextantis 长蛇Hydrae 麒麟Monocerotis 猎户Orionis 鲸鱼Ceti 南天星座天坛Arae 绘架Pictoris 苍蝇Muscae 山案Mensae 印第安Indi 天燕Apodis 飞鱼Volantis 矩尺Normae 剑鱼Doradus 时钟Horlogii 杜鹃Tucanae 圆规Circini 蝘蜓Chamaeleontis 南三角Trianguli Australis 望远镜Telescopii 水蛇Hydri 南十字Crucis 凤凰Phoenicis 孔雀Pavonis 南极Octantis 网罟Reticuli 天鹤Gruis 南冕Coronae Austrinae 豺狼Lupi 大犬Canis Majoris 天鸽Columbae 乌鸦Corvi 南鱼Piscis Austrui 天兔leporis 船底Carinae 船尾Puppis 罗盘Pyxidis 船帆Velorum 玉夫Sculptoris 半人马Centauri 波江Eridani 盾牌Scuti 天炉Fornacis 唧筒Antliae 雕具Caeli 显微镜Microscopii


希腊神话与十二星座 希腊包含了丰富历史的希腊神话,它们以绮丽神幻的色彩,奔放 不羁的想象力流传了几千年,是我们探索希腊与西方文化的一把钥匙。十二星座的独特魅力也出自于此,你的星座在古希腊有着什么样的传 说呢? 火星守护--白羊座 特寒里亚国王阿塔玛斯和王妃涅佩拉结婚,两人生了一对双胞胎,但国王却和特贝的公主伊诺娃有段婚外情,将涅佩拉王妃赶出宫,而 迎伊诺娃为新妃。当伊诺娃王妃有了自己的孩子后,就决定要杀死前 涅佩拉王妃所留下的双胞胎(哥哥普里克思,妹妹赫雷)。她收买占卜 师向国王告状:若不将前王妃所生的孩子送给宙斯当祭品,众神将大怒,则今年将闹饥荒。涅佩拉知道后就向宙斯求救,于是宙斯就派天 上的黄金牡羊去载这两兄妹至天空彼方。因速度太快,妹妹跌落大海,牡羊就一边回头看妹妹,一边守护着哥哥,而形成现今的白羊座。 金星守护--金牛座 经希腊哈莫尼亚地方的贝纳斯河,国王贝纳斯有位美丽的公主欧 罗巴。有一天,公主和侍女们到野外摘花,玩耍,突然出现一只如雪 花般洁白的牛,以极温柔的眼光望着欧罗巴,其实这只牛是仰慕公主 美色的宙斯变的。一开始公主的确大吃一惊,但仍走向温驯的牛只身旁,轻轻抚摸它。因为公牛显得非常乖巧而温驯,于是公主就放心的 爬到牛背上试骑,忽然间牛奔跑了起来,最后跳进爱琴海。公主紧抱 着牛,海里生物皆出来向宙斯行礼,公主终于知道牛是宙斯的化身, 到了克里特岛后,就和宙斯举行婚礼,化身为牛的宙斯和欧罗巴公主 过着幸福的日子。 水星守护--双子座 迷恋斯巴达王妃勒达美色的宙斯,为接近她而化身为天鹅,两人 生了一对双胞胎-波拉克斯神子和人之子卡斯托。两人皆是骁勇冒险的


天蝎座女生与十二星座性格分析 编辑者:硫酸洗澡的女孩白羊座:3月21日~4月19日 守护神:阿瑞斯(Ares)——战神。象征力量、权力、战争、祸灾、征服、嗜血、武力、勇武。 白羊是很容易发脾气的,尽管有时候光打雷不下雨。他们很注重公平,自己或者自己的东西受到不公平的对待是他们极其不能容忍的。相反,谁对他们好他们会更加对你好来进行回报!(他们还是比较敢爱敢恨的)。白羊的天性比较会玩,有时候会带着自己的女朋友一起去玩,但那不是每个人都喜欢,所以如果你的男朋友是白羊,那就学着体谅他们吧!他们更像孩子。白羊座的男性可视为“超人”,他们总是被一种渴望得到敬佩和标新立异的狂热所驱使,喜欢表现出压倒一切的精神。他们不相信任何失败,总是激情满怀,知难而进。他们喜欢长驱直入,速战速决和胜利在望。他们的生活节奏紧迫,行动近乎狂热。在家里,喜欢推行自己的情趣和意愿;而在外面,则不轻易失言和做越轨之事。在一些重大的事情上,你会挺身而出,竭诚相助。 白羊座的人爱情生活常常是波浪起伏的。喜欢用激情去赢得女性,如果所倾慕的人有所回避,或者求爱遇到了阻力,更会激发他们不惜任何代价去征服她的决心。 金牛座4月20日~5 月20日 守护神:阿芙洛狄忒(Aphrodite)——美与爱女神,同时又是执掌生育与航海的女神。 金牛座不喜欢向别人提要求,对朋友一点要求都不会提。如果向你提要求,就代表对你的喜欢和信赖非同一般,不过就算再信赖一个人,金牛也很少开口要求什么。因为金牛是随遇而安的,心态很平静,悠哉,而且不喜欢欠任何人的人情。不喜欢打探朋友的太多私事,也不喜欢逼喜欢的人的讲不愿讲的。金牛男做事向来内急外不急,性格实际、勤勉。一直以一种稳重大方的面目示人。金牛男个性温和顺从,喜爱和平,崇尚和睦,性格沉稳,总是三思而后行。对人对事态度慎重,趋于保守,固执且一根筋,常会被人称作不懂变通的顽固派。对同事有深厚的友情,但由于对事情多计较,会遭到朋友的误解。 金牛男有那么一点妇人之仁,但脾气又颇暴躁,动了怒,便不可收拾。你以为一气之下他会杀了你,可能哦!不过而雨过天晴时,金牛男仍会站在草坡上温顺地吃着你喂给他的嫩草。对于金牛男而言,一定要拿捏准何时应针锋相对,何时应退让一步,盲目的动怒有时会惹来大祸。 优点:值得信赖;能坚持到底;择善固执;耐心十足。 缺点:占有欲太强;缺乏幽默感;顽固的死硬派;贪婪、顽固、懒惰;古板、自我放纵、易怒。 其实金牛的男生虽然不是十分的浪漫,但是他们却十分的可靠,爱就是爱,不爱就是不爱,爱上了就会坚持到底,如果你的男朋友是金牛,请珍惜他。 双子座:5月21日~6月21日 守护神:赫尔墨斯(Hermes)——商业之神,司掌商业、偷盗、旅行、运动、竞技、越境、黄泉路指引。 双子座的人喜爱变化,不可能同一时间只做一件事情,五时花六时变,心不在焉;虽然拥有些小聪明,但不专一,往往流于肤浅,持久力又低,成功很难,可以说是理性但不安的星座。双子座的守护星水星是使者之神,会刺激智慧,但也会令人产生挑剔、紧张的情绪;不过双子座掌握沟通,所以双子座的人善于和人相处。双子座的人可以不停说话,和他们谈情最好



火象星座: 偶像星座特点真白友也 (3月29日) 白羊座 (3.21-4.19) 自我意识和主观意识很 强,充满自信而且固执; 不会等待机会从天而降, 而会积极的争取或制造, 无畏艰难和困苦。虽然有 时会显得冲动,但基本上 还是会保持理智和果决, 是个适合面对竞争压力、 热情且永远天真未泯的 人。 朱樱司 (4月6 日) 偶像星座特点 狮子座(7.23-8.22)有时也相当浪漫,喜欢美丽的事并爱炫耀、豪华及被人围绕与赞美。狮子座的人热爱生命、好享乐、勇敢、坚持原则及理念。个性温暖、友善、体贴、外向、对人慷慨大方,很容易交朋友,人缘当然也很不错。 偶像星座特点 冰鹰北斗(12月17 日) 射手座 (11.23-12.21) 射手座的人崇尚自由、无 拘无束及追求速度的感 觉,生性乐观、热情,是 个享乐主义派。射手座的 守护星是希腊神话中的宙 斯-宇宙的主宰和全知全 能的众神之王。所以是个 神圣的完美主义者,有阳 刚的气息、宽大体贴的精 神,重视公理与正义的伸 张。

土象星座: 偶像星座特点 神崎飒马(4月20日) 金牛座 (4.20-5.20) 他们忠诚、真心、善解人 意、实际、不浮夸、率 真、负责,凡事讲求规则 及合理性。喜欢新的理念 并会花时间去接触、证 明,是个自我要求完美的 人;同时他们对物质和美 的生产力方面,也是超人 一等。在艺术创作的领域 中,不是艺术家就是优秀 的鉴赏者。 仁兔成鸣 (4月27 日) 游木真 (4月30 日) 偶像星座特点 高峯翠(8月29日) 处女座 (8.23-9.22) 做事周到、细心、谨慎而 有条理,并非常理性,甚 至冷酷。有特殊的评论能 力,喜欢把事情一点一点 的分析、批判。强调完整 性,不喜欢半途而废;对 任何事都有一套详细的规 划,然后一步步的实施并 完全掌握。做什么事都很 投入,而且好学、好奇、 求知欲旺盛。他们对自己 的要求很严格,从不妥 协、让步,是个优秀的幕 僚人才及工作狂。 乙狩阿多尼 斯(8月29 日) 深海奏汰(8月30 日)


十二星座英语名称(Zodiac) 白羊座3.21-4.19 ----Aries 金牛座4.20-5.20----- Taurus 双子座5.21-6.21----- Gemini 巨蟹座6.22-7.22 ----Cancer 狮子座7.23-8.22---- Leo 处女座8.23-9.22 ----Virgo 天秤座9.23-10.23 -----Libra 天蝎座10.24-11.21 ----Scorpio 人马座11.22-12.20---- Sagittarius 山羊座12.21-1.20----- Capricorn 水瓶座1.21-2.19----- Aquarius 双鱼座2.20-3.20 ------Pisces 十二星座学英语Aries 白羊座(3月21日~4月20日) The fire element of Arise brings assertive “I” energy. 火相星座的特质使白羊座具有非常自信的自我力量。 TIPS: Your persistence will lead you to success. But your impulsive temper may cause problems. 坚持会使你成功,但是爱冲动的毛病也会带来麻烦。Taurus 金牛座(4月21~5月21日) The Earth element of Taurus brings strength and the desire for solid ground form and structure. 土相星座的特质让金牛座渴望并具有脚踏实地的能力。TIPS: You might be a little bit slow-witted, but your consistency will make it up.你也许反应有一点慢,但是你的坚毅会弥补这个缺点。 Gemini 双子座(5月22日~6月21日) The Air element of Gemini brings communication, intellect and speed. 风向星座的特质让双子座具有沟通能力,智慧和速度。 TIPS: Your mutable motivation brings adaptability. 你的多变使你能够适应事物。 Cancer 巨蟹座(6月22日~7月22日) Cancer’s element is Water. Symbolic of the emotions, water signs need to give and receive. 巨蟹座是水相星座。水是情感的象征,水的特质是给予和接受。TIPS: Good memory is your born gift.良好的记忆力是你与生俱来的天赋。 Leo 狮子座(7月23日~8月23日) Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, innovate, and lead.狮子座是火相星座的中心。火引发了创造,革新和领导的欲望。 TIPS: Your fixed motivation adds self-reliance. But remember to balance self-confidence with humility. 你对目标的坚定不移使你自信。但是记住自信也需要谦虚来平衡。 Virgo 处女座(8月24日~9月23日) Ruled by shape-shifting Mercury, Virgo works hard to stability. 在流动的水星控制下,处女座需要努力才能获得稳定。

十二星座 研究性学习

十二星座的研究【结题报告】 高一(14)班指导老师:邓荣建课题组长:胡洪飞 研究背景 1.天文是震泽中学的特色,作为震中的学子,理应积极响应学校的办学特色 2.天文学是研究天体和浩瀚宇宙的一门科学,是自然科学基础学科之一 3.天文学和国民经济、国防以及人类社会的进步有着极密切的关系 4. 对于十二星座的故事,人们自然是耳熟能详,但对于天文意义上的十二星座,人们又了解多少呢?为此,我们展开了研究。 研究目的和意义 1.积极响应学校的办学特色,做一个负责的震中人 2.相信科学,不迷信,从科学角度看待十二星座 3.增强自己自我研究和学习的能力,善于探究,勤于思考,增强自己的动手能力 4.加深自己对天文的了解,加强自己对天文的兴趣 研究方法 调查法,文献法 研究综述 1.讨论制定课题 2.分工合作 3.搜集资料图片,分析并研究 4.分发问卷,进行必要的采访 5.从天文与人们的关注度方面进行全面的总结结题 研究成果 (一)概述 【黄道十二星座】的

如果我们把浩瀚的宇宙看成一个天球的话,那么宇宙中的88个星座则把整个天球分成了北天球和南天球两大部分。根据每个星座的大部分面积是在北天或在南天,分别被称为北天星座或南天星座。根据这种划分法,北天星座有28个,南天星座有48个,另外12个为黄道星座。 那么黄道是什么意思?黄道星座又是指什么呢?地球绕着太阳 公转,一年转完一圈。地球公转时,从地球上看太阳,太阳在天球上、众星间缓慢地移动着位置,方向与地球公转方向相同,即自西向东,也是一年移动一大圈,叫做太阳的周年视运动。太阳周年视运动在天球上的路径,就是黄道。换句话说:地球公转轨道平面无限扩大而与天球相交的大圆,就是黄道。 黄道经过88个星座中的13个,除了蛇夫座的一小部分之外,从春分点所在的双鱼座数起,它们是双鱼座、白羊座、金牛座、双子座、巨蟹座、狮子座、处女座、天秤座、天蝎座、人马座、摩羯座、宝瓶座,统称为黄道十二星座。黄道星座名称确实经过多次变迁,很多与神话有关,多数是以动物名称命名。 为什么要特别分出黄道星座呢?它们有些什么特殊性太阳在黄 道上移动,其他行星绕太阳公转的轨道与地球公转轨道之间相交成一个不大的角度,也就是说,各行星与黄道之间相交成一个不大的角度,称为轨道倾角。九大行星中,除了冥王星之外,轨道倾角最大的是水


Birth: Feb. 20 - Mar. 20 Key Words inspiring, loving, fantasizing, visualizing Personality Pisces are independent and mystical. They are sensitive and loving. They can easily adapt and change according to the situation. Pisces can handle many different tasks at once and be successful in all of them. Although trying to be independent, they like to have somebody above them to manage all the tasks they perform. Pisces can tolerate other people's behaviors; they are religious and pay strong attention to family and relationship values. Birthstone jade, opal, amethyst Attracting Signs Aquarius, Cancer, Scorpio

Celebrities Albert Einstein, Sharon Stone, George Washington 出生月份2月20日-3月20日 关键词 激励性,仁爱,幻想,观察力强 性格 双鱼座的人拥有独立和神秘的个性,他们又是敏感而仁爱的,他们对各种状况应变自如。双鱼座的人能够同时执行许多不同的任务并能很好地完成。虽然他们试图独立完成任务,但他们很喜欢在上司的管理下执行任务。他们能够宽容他人的行为,富有宗教信仰,非常重视自己的家庭及与他人的关系。 幸运石 玉,猫眼蛋白,紫水晶

十二星座性格特点 中英文对照。

VIRGO - The Perfectionist 处女座完美主义者 Dominant in relationships. Conservative. 两性关系中占主导地位。保守。 Always wants the last word. Argumentative. Worries. Very smart. 总是追根究底。爱辩论。常忧虑。非常聪明。 Dislikes noise and chaos. Eager. Hardworking. Loyal. Beautiful. 讨厌嘈杂的环境和混乱的事物。充满渴望。勤奋。忠实。美丽。 Easy to talk to. Hard to please. Harsh. Practical and very fussy. 易成为交谈的对象。很难取悦。严格。务实但有点大惊小怪。 Often shy. Pessimistic. 通常会很害羞。被动。 SCORPIO - The Intense One 天蝎座激烈的个体 Very energetic. Intelligent. Can be jealous and/or possessive. 精力充沛。有智慧。会富有嫉妒心和占有欲。 Hardworking. Great kisser. Can become obsessive or secretive. 勤奋。接吻很棒(这个评价真是太……有价值了)。会钻牛角尖或者神秘兮兮。 Holds grudges. Attractive. Determined. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Romantic. 会记仇。有魅力。矢志不渝。钟爱投身于长久的两性关系。善谈。浪漫。 Can be self-centered at times. Passionate and Emotional. 会有些自我为中心。充满激情且情绪化。 LIBRA - The Harmonizer 天秤座和谐的人 Nice to everyone they meet. Can't make up their mind. 对遇到的人都很好。犹豫不决。 Have own unique appeal. Creative, energetic, and very social. 有独特的吸引力。有创造力、精力充沛且善于交际。 Hates to be alone. 讨厌独处。 Peaceful, generous. Very loving and beautiful. Flirtatious. 祥和、慷慨。充满爱意且美丽。有点轻佻。(原文这么说的,不怪我……) Give in too easily. Procrastinators. Very gullible. 容易放弃。拖拖拉拉。轻信他人。


Aries 白羊座 Birth:Mar. 21-Apr. 20 KeyWords independence, pioneering, acting, leading Personality Aries is the first sign of the twelve zodiacs. It represents thebegin ning of all things and usually displays a strong desire to lead. Arian s are adventurous,energetic, pioneering, and courageous. Aria ns always want to be on top. They tend to be frank and open but als oself-centered and willful. Arians love adventure and almost have no fear. All is done withgreat enthusiasm which affects the peoplearound them.Arians areloyal to family and friends. Aries is ruled by theforceful Mars. Arians are good athletes, doctors, ex plorers,soldiers, and leaders. Sometimes they like physical, emoti onal and mental extremes but Arians should be careful notto go too far with their extremism. Birthstone diamond, ruby, emerald, amethyst Attracting Signs Gemini, Leo,Libra,Scorpio Celebrities Celine Dion,Leonardo Da Vinci, JackieChan Vocabulary 出生月份3月21日-4月20日 关键词 独立,创新,热情活力,领袖气质 性格 白羊座位居十二宫之首,极具创新精神,通常会表现出极强的领导欲。白羊座的人精力充沛,富有冒险性,愿起先锋作用且坚强勇敢,凡事都力争上风。他们的性格坦诚、直率,但往往以自我为中心,并且任性妄为。白羊座的人喜欢冒险,无所畏惧。他们热情似火,对周围的人极具影响力,


古希腊神话的传说和12星座名字起源的故事水瓶座 Aquarius 1/2 0~2/18 在希腊神话中,传说当时在奥林匹克宴会上,有位专门替诸神斟酒的赫蓓女神,因为有一次她在替诸神服务的时候,态度略显轻忽怠慢,于是就被诸神辞退工作,然后将她送给大力士海格立斯。虽然把她赶走了,但斟酒的工作还是需要有人做,于是宙斯看中了特洛依王茨罗斯的儿子,他就是被诸神评为人间最美的少年葛尼梅得斯。宙斯要葛尼梅得斯在宴会上为诸神斟酒,并且留在他的身旁服侍他。但葛尼梅得斯却不愿意,于是宙斯就化为一只老鹰将他劫来,不过倔强的美少年,最后依然想办法逃走了。宙斯在一气之下,就将他放置在天上变成水瓶座。水瓶座在十二星座中排行第十一,守护星是天王星,守护神在希腊神话中是优拉纳斯大神,他精通天文,学问丰富,有预知未来的能力。这个星座出生的人,反应灵敏,而且聪明有智慧。诸神之父—宙斯的妹妹希勒所生的女儿赫瑟,是奥林匹斯众神筵席中,招待和倒酒职员。自她嫁到别神府后,侍酒职务一直悬缺着。后来宙斯终于看上了一个年青英俊的特洛依王子—加尼米德。众神们也一致同意由他来担任侍酒一职,宙斯便派使者前去邀请。可是加尼米德爱好自由、放荡不羁,怎样也不答应宙斯的邀请。宙斯知道后十分愤怒,他不但将加尼米德抓回,还迫使他永远担任行侍者的工作,而宝瓶中的水成为众神智能的泉源。这就是水瓶座的起源。双鱼座 Pisces 2/19~3/20 在希腊神话中,传说爱与美的女神阿佛罗狄忒和她的爱子埃罗斯两人有一天在幼发拉底河边散步,结果突然遭到扰乱诸神宴会的怪物提风的袭击,在一阵慌乱中。两个人化身成

为鱼逃走,但为了怕彼此走失了,阿佛罗狄忒就将身上的丝带系在鱼尾上。后来这个形状被天神看见了,就把它们放置在天上,成为西鱼及北鱼,变成了双鱼座。双鱼座在十二星座中排行第十二,守护星是海王星。海王星在罗马神话中是海神,在希腊神话中则是掌管海洋、河川、泉水、地震的大神。这个星座出生的人,性情温和,有丰富的想象力及宽容心。有一天众神因为天气佳之故,乃在河畔设宴。爱好音乐的众神们快乐的唱歌和弹奏乐器,气氛相当热络。突然传来凄厉的叫声,这就是肩膀下长出一百尾蛇,拥有大羽翼怪物的杰凡。众神一看不妙,乃四处逃走,宙斯化为鸟,阿波罗化为乌鸦,赫拉化为牡牛,裘林梭斯化为山羊,众神皆以动物之姿逃离。爱和美之女神阿弗罗裘特与其子恋爱之神耶罗斯乃化身为鱼,遁入尤法拉特斯河中。那时彼此决定用缎带将两人尾巴绑在一起,永不分开,就这样顺利从怪物手中逃脱。母子俩就这样以尾巴相连,永不分离的姿势升天,这就是双鱼座的由来。白羊座 Aries 3/21~4/19 在希腊神话中,传说有个叫狄萨历亚的王国,国王亚马思塔和王后斐莉生了一对儿女,哥哥名字叫弗力可斯,妹妹叫艾伦,原本一家人过着幸福快乐的日子。后来国王又娶了一个王妃叫伊娜,王妃不喜欢他们兄妹,一直想找机会除掉他们。有一年发生严重的旱灾,这个狠心的妃子终于逮到机会,她煽动国王说,如果将这两兄妹当作供品献给天神宙斯的话,旱灾就可以解除了。因此,国王决定把这两兄妹献给伟大的天神宙斯,以换取天神的垂怜。当这个恶毒的阴谋被两兄妹的母亲斐莉知道后,她着急得不知所措,后来赶紧向奥林匹克天神中的郝曼,借


十二星座希腊神话起源 星座传说--牧羊座(又称牡羊座,正规名称为白羊座) 特寒里亚国王阿塔玛斯和王妃涅佩拉结婚,两人生了一对双胞胎,但国王却和特贝的公主伊诺娃有段婚外情,将涅佩拉王妃赶出宫,而迎立诺娃为新妃。当伊诺娃王妃有了自己的孩子后,乃决定要杀死前涅佩拉王妃所留下的唯一双胞胎,(哥哥是普里克思,妹妹是赫雷)。她收买占星师向国王告状:若不将前王妃所生的孩子送给宙斯当祭品,众神将大怒,则今年将闹饥荒。涅佩拉知道后就向宙斯求救,于是宙斯就派天上的黄金牡羊去载这两兄妹至天空彼方。因速度太快,妹妹跌落大海,牡羊就一边回头看妹妹,一边守护着哥哥,而形成现今的牡羊座。 星座传说--金牛座 经希腊哈莫尼亚地方的贝纳斯河,国王贝纳斯有位美丽的公主赫洛蓓。有一天,公主和侍女们到野外摘花,玩耍,突然出现一只如雪花般洁白的牛,以级温柔的眼光望着赫洛蓓,其实这只牛是仰慕公主美色的宙斯变的。一开始公主的确大吃一惊,但仍走向温驯的牛只身旁,轻轻抚摸它。由于公牛显得非常乖巧而温驯,于是公主就放心的爬到牛背上试骑,忽然间牛奔跑了起来,最后跳进爱琴海。公主紧抱着牛,海里生物皆出来向宙斯行礼,公主终于知道牛是宙斯的化身,到了克里特岛后,就和宙斯举行婚礼,化身为牛的宙斯和赫洛蓓公主过着幸福的日子。 星座传说--双子座

迷恋斯巴达王妃勒达美色的宙斯,为接近她而化身为天鹅,两人生了一对双胞胎-波拉克斯神子和人之子卡斯托。两人皆是骁勇冒险的武士,经常联手立下大功勋。他们二人也有一对双胞胎堂弟-伊达斯和林克斯。一天四人准备去抓牛,他们抓了很多牛,并准备平分时,贪心的伊达斯和林克斯趁波拉克斯,卡斯托兄弟不备时,将牛全部带回去。被激怒的两对双胞胎大起争执,结果伊达斯用箭将卡斯托刺死。波拉克斯伤心得要随卡斯托赴天国,但却因为拥有永远的生命而不能如愿。他的悲痛感动了宙斯,乃为他们二人设立星座,分别住在天国和死亡之国。 星座传说--巨蟹座 宙斯和人间女孩阿克梅妮生了儿子海格拉斯,海格拉斯后来和德贝的公主结婚,生了小孩过着美满的生活。由于宙斯正后赫拉的咒语,海格拉斯竟亲手刃妻,自己也正欲自杀,宙斯为了让他赎罪,乃任命为耶里斯特斯王,他必需经历十二大冒险行动,其中第二项是制服住在沼泽中的怪物西多拉。西多拉是只有九个头的巨蛇,躲在沼泽附近的洞窟内,海格拉斯对其投火炬,激怒的西多拉乃吐毒气攻击,同住在沼泽里的大巨蟹眼见西多拉苦战,乃跳出咬海格拉斯的脚,结果巨蟹被踩碎,西多拉也被制服。赫拉因感伤它的逝世,而在天上设立巨蟹座。 星座传说--狮子座 宙斯和阿克梅妮所生之子海格拉斯,被任命为耶里斯特斯王,要去执行十二项困难的任务,第一个任务是制服在涅梅谷的不死食人


十二星座的传说 古希腊神话是世界上最优秀的文化遗产,是欧洲文化的发源地,要想了解欧洲文化首先要了解古希腊神话。 《十二星座的传说》就是通过讲述十二星座的故事,让众多的小朋友初步接触到了古希腊神话,所以《十二星座的传说》又属于一部知识童话。 我们每一个人都拥有一个美丽的星座,每一个星座都有一个美丽的传说,星座寄托了我们人类勤劳、勇敢、爱情、希望和平的情感。 白羊座Aries(3月21日~4月19日) 在一个古老的爱情海海岸上,有一个小国,国王和皇后因性格不和而分开,并另外取了一个妻子,而这位新皇后无法忍受国王的前妻留下的一双子女,于是就想了一个阴谋来惩罚这两个无辜的孩子。 春天来临,又到了播种耕种的季节,新皇后将炒熟了的麦子,发送给全国不知情的农夫。已经熟透了的麦子,无论怎样浇水、施肥,当然都无法发出芽来。被蒙在鼓里的农夫,百思不得其解。 新皇后就在此时,散播有关麦子的摇言,指称麦子之所以无法发芽,是因为这个国家受到了诅咒,而受到诅咒全都是因为王子和公主的邪恶念头,引起了天怒,导致天神对国家的处罚。 个性淳朴的农民们一听,天啊!这还得了!因为邪恶的王子和公主,全国的人民都将陷於贫穷饥饿的深渊中,这是一件多么可怕的事啊! 很快地,全国各地不论男女、老少,都一致要求国王一定要将王子与公主处死,国家才能解开这个诅咒,平息天怒,人民的幸苦耕种才会有收获,国家也才能恢复过去的安定富足。 国王虽心有不舍,但为了平息众怒,只好无奈地答应了人们的要求,准备将公主与王子处死,以换得人民的信任。这个消息传到了王子公主的生母耳中,当然是又惊又怕,赶紧向伟大的天神——宙斯求助。宙斯当然知道是皇后搞的鬼,於是就答应帮忙。在行刑的当天,天空突然出现一支有着金色长毛的公羊,将王子兄妹救走,就在飞行以过大海的途中,这支公羊一个不小心,让妹妹摔下海中死掉了。 后来宙斯为了奖励这支勇敢但又有些粗心的公羊,就将他高挂在天上,也就是今天大家所熟知的白羊座。每个人都有自己的星座,每个星座都有着自己的故事,你是那个星座呢?你又知道自己的星座有着怎样的爱情故事呢?请收听我们的有声小说《十二座星座的传说》会让你知道这些答案的哦!


这里是关于88个星座的中英文: 1 仙女座 Andromeda 0h 40m + 38° 106 2 唧筒座 Antlia 10h 0m - 35° 85 3 天燕座 Apus 16h 0m - 76° 28 4 水瓶座 Aquarius 22h 20m - 13° 113 5 天鹰座 Aquila 19h 30m + 2° 85 6 天坛座 Ara 17h 10m - 55° 47 7 白羊座 Aries 2h 30m + 20° 66 8 御夫座 Auriga 6h 0m + 42° 144 9 牧夫座 Bootes 14h 35m + 30° 114 10 雕具座 Caelum 4h 50m - 38° 28 11 鹿豹座 Camelopardalis 5H 40m + 70° 138 12 巨蟹座 Cancer 8h 30m + 20° 91 13 猎犬座 Canes Venatici 13h 0m + 40° 41 14 大犬座 Canis Major 6h 40m -22° 37 15 小犬座 Canis Minor 7h 30m + 6° 32 16 摩羯座 Capricorn 21h 0m - 20° 65 17 船底座 Carina 8h 40m - 62° 147 18 仙后座 Cassiopeia 1h 0m + 60° 100 19 半人马座 Centaurus 13h 20m - 47° 193 20 仙王座 Cepheus 22h 0m + 70° 117 21 鯨魚座 Cetus 1h 45m - 12° 125 22 蝘蜓座 Chamaeleon 10h 40m - 78° 23 23 圆规座 Circinus 14h 50m - 63° 29 24 天鸽座 Columba 5h 40m -34° 17 25 后发座 Coma 12h 40m + 23° 47 26 南冕座 Corona Australis 18h 30m - 41° 29 27 北冕座 Corona Borealis 15h 40m +32° 29 28 乌鸦座 Corvus 12h 20m - 18° 24 29 巨爵座 Crater 11h 20m - 15° 22 30 南十字座 Crux 12h 20m - 60° 38 31 天鹅座 Cygnus 20h 30m + 43° 184 32 海豚座 Delphinus 20h 35m + 12° 26 33 剑鱼座 Dorado 5h 0m - 60° 20 34 天龙座 Draco 17h 0m +60° 153 35 小马座 Equuleus 21h 10m + 6° 10 36 波江座 Eridanus 3h 50m - 30° 100 37 天炉座 Fornax 2h 45m - 33° 36 38 双子座 Gemini 7h 0m + 22° 106 39 天鹤座 Grus 22h 20m - 47° 43 40 武仙座 Hercules 17h 10m + 27° 177 41 时钟座 Horologium 3h 20m - 52° 68 42 长蛇座 Hydra 10h 30m - 20° 162 43 水蛇座 Hydrus 2h 40m - 72° 30


Birth: Mar. 21-Apr. 20 Key Words independence, pioneering, acting, leading Personality Aries is the first sign of the twelve zodiacs. It represents the beginning of all things and usually displays a strong desire to lead. Arians are adventurous, energetic, pioneering, and courageous. Arians always want to be on top. They tend to be frank and open but also self-centered and willful. Arians love adventure and almost have no fear. All is done with great enthusiasm which affects the people around them. Arians are loyal to family and friends. Aries is ruled by the forceful Mars. Arians are good athletes, doctors, explorers, soldiers, and leaders. Sometimes they like physical, emotional and mental extremes but Arians should be careful not to go too far with their extremism. Birthstone diamond, ruby, emerald, amethyst Attracting Signs Gemini, Leo, Libra, Scorpio Celebrities Celine Dion, Leonardo Da Vinci, Jackie Chan Vocabulary 出生月份3月21日-4月20日 关键词 独立,创新,热情活力,领袖气质 性格 白羊座位居十二宫之首,极具创新精神,通常会表现出极强的领导欲。白羊座的人精力充沛,富有冒险性,愿起先锋作用且坚强勇敢,凡事都力争上风。他们的性格坦诚、直率,但往往以自我为中心,并且任性妄为。白羊座的人喜欢冒险,无所畏惧。他们热情似火,对周围的人极具影响力,忠于家庭和朋友。火星是白羊座的守护星,他们将是很好的运动员、医生、探险家、军人和领导人。有时他们在物质、情绪及精神上趋于极端化,应注意避免在这些方面的过激行为。
