



香港城市大学计算机科学授课型研究生申请要求香港城市大学简介学校名称香港城市大学学校英文名称City University of Hong Kong学校位置中国 | 香港 | 九龙2020 QS 世界排名52香港城市大学概述香港城市大学(City University of HongKong),简称城大(CityU),是中国香港的一所亚洲前列和国际化的公立研究型综合大学,位于九龙塘。

作为中国香港特别行政区政府资助的八所高等教育院校之一,城大入列教育部国家重点高校名单,为粤港澳高校联盟、京港大学联盟、中俄工科大学联盟、沪港大学联盟成员高校,并获A ACSB和EQUIS双重认证。





2019QS亚洲大学排行榜第21位,QS综合星级评定五星+大学 。


计算机科学专业相关信息专业名称计算机科学专业英文名称MSc Computer Science隶属学院工程学院学制1年语言要求雅思6.5 托福79 六级450GMAT/GRE 要求不要求2019 Fall 申请时间11月14日-5月31日2020 Fall 申请时间11月21日-20年3月31日(延期至5月31日)学费(当地货币)156,000计算机科学课程内容序号课程中文名称课程英文名称1计算机网络和互联网Computer Networks and Internets 2软件工程Software Engineering3数据工程Data Engineering4机器学习:原理与实践Machine Learning: Principles and Practice5自然语言处理Natural Language Processing6人工智能指导研究Guided Study in Artificial Intelligence7网络搜索的算法和技术Algorithms & Techniques for Web Searching8云计算:理论与实践Cloud Computing: Theory and Practice9机器学习:算法与应用Machine Learning: Algorithms and Applications10数据科学指导研究Guided Study in Data Science 11信息安全专题Topics on Information Security 12增强隐私的技术Privacy-enhancing Technologies13信息安全指导研究Guided Study in Information Security序号课程中文名称课程英文名称14虚拟现实技术与应用Virtual Reality Technologies and Applications15电脑游戏设计Computer Games Design 16视觉与语言Vision and Language 17机器学习主题Topics in Machine Learning 18项目Project 19指导学习Guided Study 20人工智能Artificial Intelligence 21视觉与影像Vision and Image 22智能系统Intelligent Systems23数据仓库和数据挖掘Data Warehousing and Data Mining 24大数据算法与技术Big Data Algorithms and Techniques 25电子商务的信息安全Information Security for eCommerce 26密码学:理论与实践Cryptography: Theory and Practice 27信息安全技术管理Information Security Technology Management 28计算机图形学Computer Graphics29多媒体技术与应用Multimedia Technologies and Applications30实用的优化算法和技术Practical Optimization Algorithms and Techniques31软件质量工程Software Quality Engineering 32虚拟现实和游戏引擎技术Virtual Reality and Game-Engine Technologies33优化主题及其在计算机科学中的应用Topics in Optimization and its Applications in Computer Science 34电子商务概论Introduction to eCommerce* 香港城市大学计算机科学研究生申请要求由 Mastermate 收集并整理,如果发现疏漏,请以学校官网为准。















这与美国的大学要求的 PERSONAL STATEMENT完全不同,研究计划(RESEARCH PROPOSAL)是纯学术的,无须加入诸如个人经历、感情这些东西。










The application process for Master's program at City University of Hong Kong includes online application and submission of relevant documents.2.学生需要先选择所申请的专业,并查看该专业的申请截止日期和录取要求。

Students need to first select the program they areapplying for and check the application deadline and admission requirements for that program.3.在线申请包括填写个人信息、教育背景、工作经验和推荐人等。

The online application includes filling in personal information, educational background, work experience, and references.4.需要上传学位证书、成绩单、个人陈述和其他相关文件。

Applicants need to upload their degree certificates, transcripts, personal statements, and other relevant documents.5.提交完整的申请材料后,学生需要支付申请费用并等待学校审核。

After submitting the complete application materials, students need to pay the application fee and wait for the school's review.6.学校会对申请材料进行审核,如果需要补充材料,会通知申请人。


























香港城市大学中文授课型研究生申请要求香港城市大学简介学校名称香港城市大学学校英文名称City University of Hong Kong学校位置中国 | 香港 | 九龙2020 QS 世界排名52香港城市大学概述香港城市大学(City University of HongKong),简称城大(CityU),是中国香港的一所亚洲前列和国际化的公立研究型综合大学,位于九龙塘。

作为中国香港特别行政区政府资助的八所高等教育院校之一,城大入列教育部国家重点高校名单,为粤港澳高校联盟、京港大学联盟、中俄工科大学联盟、沪港大学联盟成员高校,并获A ACSB和EQUIS双重认证。





2019QS亚洲大学排行榜第21位,QS综合星级评定五星+大学 。


中文专业相关信息专业名称中文专业英文名称MA Chinese隶属学院人文与社会科学学院学制1年语言要求雅思6.5 托福79 六级450GMAT/GRE 要求不要求2019 Fall 申请时间11月14日-4月30日2020 Fall 申请时间11月21日-20年4月30日(延期至5月31日)学费(当地货币)156,000中文课程内容序号课程中文名称课程英文名称1汉语基本概念Essential Concepts in Chinese Language2中国文化基本概念Essential Concepts in Chinese Culture3中国古典文学专题Topics in Classical Chinese Literature4中国古代经典专题Topics in Chinese Ancient Classics5中国现当代文学专题Topics in Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature6中国文学批评史专题Topics in History of Chinese Literary Criticism7中国古典语言学专题Topics in Classical Chinese Philology8中国语言文学选读Selected Readings in Chinese Language and Literature9普通话教学:理论与方法Teaching Chinese in Putonghua:Theory and Methodology10对外汉语教学:理论与方法论Teaching Chinese as a Second Language: Theory and Methodology11中国大陆,香港和台湾的汉语应用写作Chinese Practical Writing in the Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan12媒体汉语Chinese for the Media13中文创意写作Chinese Creative Writing14中文语言结构Chinese Linguistic Structures 15粤语语言学Cantonese Linguistics16汉学精选读物*Selected Readings in Sinology*17中国文学史哲学名著Great Works of Chinese Literature, History and Philosophy18政府和公共行政汉语Chinese for Government and Public Administration19政府和公共管理中文专题Special Topics in Chinese for Government and Public Administration20商务汉语Business Chinese21商务汉语专题Special Topics in Business Chinese22媒体中文专题Special Topics in Chinese for the Media23中国创意写作专题Special Topics in Chinese Creative Writing24中国对联,中国古典散文和诗歌写作研讨会Writing Workshop in Chinese Couplet, Classical Chinese Proseand Verse25粤语与普通话的对比研究Contrastive Studies of Cantonese and Putonghua 26中国语言文学专题Special Topics in Chinese Language and Literature 27香港文学与文化主题研究Topic Studies in Hong Kong Literature and Culture28中国文学的性别视角Gender Perspective on Chinese Literature29中国文学与宗教专题Special Topics in Chinese Literature and Religion 30硕士项目Master's Project 31专业汉语研讨会Seminar on Chinese for Professional Purposes32专业汉语高级话题Advanced Topics in Chinese for Professional Purposes* 香港城市大学中文研究生申请要求由 Mastermate 收集并整理,如果发现疏漏,请以学校官网为准。





















香港城市大学中国研究授课型研究生申请要求香港城市大学简介学校名称香港城市大学学校英文名称City University of Hong Kong学校位置中国 | 香港 | 九龙2020 QS 世界排名52香港城市大学概述香港城市大学(City University of HongKong),简称城大(CityU),是中国香港的一所亚洲前列和国际化的公立研究型综合大学,位于九龙塘。

作为中国香港特别行政区政府资助的八所高等教育院校之一,城大入列教育部国家重点高校名单,为粤港澳高校联盟、京港大学联盟、中俄工科大学联盟、沪港大学联盟成员高校,并获A ACSB和EQUIS双重认证。





2019QS亚洲大学排行榜第21位,QS综合星级评定五星+大学 。



中国研究专业相关信息专业名称中国研究专业英文名称MA China Studies隶属学院人文与社会科学学院学制1年语言要求雅思6.5 托福92 六级490GMAT/GRE 要求不要求2019 Fall 申请时间11月14日-3月31日2020 Fall 申请时间11月21日-20年3月31日(延期至4月30日)学费(当地货币)140,400中国研究课程内容序号课程中文名称课程英文名称1中国外交政策Chinese Foreign Policy2在中国做研究Doing Research in China3中国政治的主要问题Key Issues in Chinse Politics4MACS资本项目State and Market in China5中国的国家与市场Theories of Government and Public Administration6政府和公共行政理论China and the Developing World7中国与发展中世界Comparative Public Administration in Greater China8大中华地区公共管理比较Environmental Governance in China9中国的环境治理Ethics and Political Philosophy of China10中国的道德与政治哲学Social Change and Urbanisation in Contemporary China 11当代中国的社会变革与城市化* 香港城市大学中国研究研究生申请要求由 Mastermate 收集并整理,如果发现疏漏,请以学校官网为准。



香港城市大学申请必看NotesforApplicants第一篇:香港城市大学申请必看Notes for ApplicantsNotes for Taught Postgraduate Applicants * Information is subject to change without prior noticeProgramme Information and Entrance Requirements Please visit the Programme Information for individual programme information including University's General Entrance Requirements, Programme Entrance Requirements and English Proficiency Requirements.Medium of Instruction and Assessment The normal medium of instruction and assessment at the University is English.Application Fee(Non-refundable and Non-transferable)The application fee for admission to a programme is HK$200 per online application.Please submit additional applications if you wish to apply for more than one programme.The application fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.You are required to pay the application fee online using a credit card(VISA or MasterCard), before submission of the online application.Application Period Please visit here for the up-to-date application schedule of various programmes.You are required to submit the online application before the specified deadline.Supporting Documents The documents to be submitted in supporting your application are listed under the Section on “Supporting Document” in the online application.Please note the following while you are preparing the required documents: Please upload the required supporting documents of your academic and / or professional qualifications(such as academic transcripts and award certificates, examination / English test results, etc.)before submitting your application.Documents unrelated to academic qualifications(e.g.HKID card)need not besubmitted.Submitted documents will not be returned.Transcripts and certificates which are not in English should be accompanied by an official certified translation.It is your responsibility(including CityU students)to provide full information to facilitate the evaluation of your application.Incomplete submission may delay the processing of the application.Selection decisions will mainly be based on the qualifications set out in your application.Additional information/documents provided to the University after the commencement of the selection process may or may not be considered, at the discretion of the relevant department.Original documents(including CityU qualifications and public examination results)should be presented for verification upon request by the University at a later time.Provision of any false or misleading information or failure to supply the original documentation for verification will lead to disqualification of the admission application and any offer / enrolment made will be rescinded.All fees paid will not be refunded.Application Acknowlegement, Processing and Results An acknowledgement message will be shown immediately after an applicant has successfully settled the application fee via online payment.In addition, an acknowledgement email will be sent to the applicant upon receipt of his/her online application.Depending on the programme you apply for, applications may be reviewed on a rolling basis during the application period or in batches after the application deadline.Applicants can check the application result online through their application account.In addition, the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies will write to the successful applicants on the offer of admission by post.No letter will be sent otherwise.Multiple Applications If you wish to apply for morethan one programme, click the 'Apply for a New Programme' button after logging into your application account.If you have applied for more than one programme, your programme choices will receive the same priority in our processing.Please note that if you receive more than one admission offer from the University, you can choose to enroll in one programme only.Change of Contact Information Please login your online application to update your correspondence address, email address and contact phone number at e of Application Information Collected 1.The information that you provide in the application, including the HKID card/passport/travel document number, examination results and qualifications, will be used for the following purposes:(a)as a basis for various types of processing in relation to your application;(b)as a basis for the selection of applicants for admission to the programmoffered by the University and for other relevant or related purposes;(c)for obtaining from the relevant examination authority, assessment body or academic institution in Hong Kong and elsewhere information about your public examination results, records of studies or professional qualifications if deemed appropriate;(d)for carrying out checks of your applications, and any records of studies in the University and other institutions in Hong Kong and elsewhere if deemed appropriate;(e)for transferring relevant data to the student record system of the University upon the successful outcome of your application;(f)for statistical and research purposes(with personal identifiers removed).2.In accordance with the Personal Data(Privacy)Ordinance, you have the right of access to and theright of correction of the information contained in the application form, and the right to request a copy of such data during the admission exercise.If you wish to obtain more information, please write to the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies.You may be charged a fee for each request.Data for unsuccessful applications will be destroyed at the end of the admission exercise.Applicants with Physical or Other Disabilities The admission of an applicant to the University is based on academic criteria and other specified entrance requirements.If you have a physical or other disability, you are not required to declare this at the application stage.However, if you need assistance regarding your application( attend an interview), you may discuss your needs with us for special arrangement to be made if practicable.Simultaneous Registration T o enrol for an additional CityU programme or a government-funded programme/place, students must apply in writing to the School of Graduate Studies for approval by the University.Current CityU Students(Programme Transfer)Current CityU students who wish to change their study programme to another one of the same level should not submit an admission application.They should obtain the Programme Transfer Application Form from the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate rmation for CityU Staff For CityU staff seeking application for admission, normal admission procedures will rmation for International/Non-local Students Non-local students are persons who require a student visa/entry permit issued by the Hong Kong Immigration Department to study in Hong Kong.Persons holding any of the following documents issued by the Hong Kong Immigration Department are NOT considered as non-local students: “Permanent Hong Kong Identity Card”(asdistinguished from a “Hong Kong Identity Card”)dependent visa full-time employment visa/work permit(for part-time study)one-way permit for entry to Hong Kong entry visa/entry permit for quality migrants entry visa/entry permit for capital investment entrants Student Visa/Entry Permit Non-local students must obtain a student visa or an entry permit to study in Hong Kong.Students admitted from overseas countries should direct their applications for a visa to the Chinese Embassy or Consulate General in their place of residence or to the Immigration Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(HKSAR).As part of the application for a visa, applicants are required to nominate a Hong Kong resident aged 18 or above to act as a sponsor.Those who have difficulty in nominating a sponsor may write to the University to act in this capacity.For mainland students, the University will be required to act as the sponsor for their study.In accordance with the regulations of the Immigration Department in Hong Kong, students holding a student visa/an entry permit for studying in Hong Kong are allowed to undertake part-time paid employment during their stay in Hong Kong under stipulated conditions.If you need advice on visa requirements, please consult the Hong Kong Immigration Department, HKSAR.Personal Accident and Medical Insurance/Travel InsuranceIt is mandatory for non-local students to purchase a personal accident and medical insurance / travel insurance policy during their study period at the University.For further information, please visit the Mainland and External Affairs Office.Cost of Living The cost of living in Hong Kong is generally high.The estimated basic cost of living for a single student is around HK$6,000 to HK$10,000 per month to cover food, lodging and general livingexpenses, depending on the type of accommodation selected and level of living and personal expenses.The above estimate does not include the tuition fee which may vary by programme depending on the credit load to be taken.Student Accommodation Except that students offered government-funded places for the Postgraduate Certificate in Law programme(PCLL)are eligible to apply for student residence, all taught postgraduate students should seek off-campus accommodation as early as possible before arrival at Hong Kong.Details aboutoff-campusaccommodationareavailable第二篇:香港城市大学硕士研究生入学申请香港城市大学硕士研究生入学申请一、香港城市大学简介一所年轻向上、精力充沛的大学香港城市大学(简称“城大”)于1984年建校,是香港特别行政区政府资助的八所大专院校之一。

香港城市大学 硕士研究生入学申请

香港城市大学 硕士研究生入学申请





一所广泛获得国际认可的大学城大二十年来所取得的成就已广泛获得国际认可:(1)根据上海交通大学发布的《2005年世界大学排名》报告,城大连续3年高踞大中华地区最优秀高校前10名;(2)根据《泰晤士报高等教育增刊》(The Times Higher Education Supplement)2005年世界最佳200所大学排名中,较2004年跃升20位(排名榜摘自《泰晤士报高等教育增刊》网页):城大进入200强,与清华、北大、复旦大学等共同跻身大中华地区优秀高校榜前10名;城大更荣登最佳100所科技大学及最佳100所社会科技大学之列。

(3)根据美国德州大学达拉斯分校公布全球最优秀100所商学院调查,城大商学院获列亚太地区五强之一(美国德州大学达拉斯分校排名榜);(4)城大商学院成功通过国际管理教育协会(AACSB International)的入会评审,是大中华地区内的第3间获得认证的商学院(获国际管理教育协会认证之院校名单);(5)根据《信息系统协会会讯( CAIS )》2005年5月发表的一项全球大学信息系统研究论文发表数量的排名,城大位居第五,在北美以外地区排名第一。


(7)由城大领导的三个应用研究项目,在香港研究资助局 2004-05 年度中央拨款的竞逐中,成为获得大学教育资助委员会资助院校中获拨款最多的院校,充份显示城大在应用研究领域的贡献及社会对其之认同。














香港城市大学建筑学授课型研究生申请要求香港城市大学简介学校名称香港城市大学学校英文名称City University of Hong Kong学校位置中国 | 香港 | 九龙2020 QS 世界排名52香港城市大学概述香港城市大学(City University of HongKong),简称城大(CityU),是中国香港的一所亚洲前列和国际化的公立研究型综合大学,位于九龙塘。

作为中国香港特别行政区政府资助的八所高等教育院校之一,城大入列教育部国家重点高校名单,为粤港澳高校联盟、京港大学联盟、中俄工科大学联盟、沪港大学联盟成员高校,并获A ACSB和EQUIS双重认证。





2019QS亚洲大学排行榜第21位,QS综合星级评定五星+大学 。



建筑学专业相关信息专业名称建筑学专业英文名称Master of Architecture隶属学院工程学院学制2年语言要求雅思6.5 托福79 六级450GMAT/GRE 要求不要求2019 Fall 申请时间20fall 新开2020 Fall 申请时间11月21日-20年4月27日学费(当地货币)432,000建筑学课程内容序号课程中文名称课程英文名称1可持续建筑设计Sustainable architecture design 2可持续的城市主义与生态景观Sustainable urbanism and eco-landscape3基于性能的设计和先进的环境模拟技术Performance-based design andadvanced environmental simulation technics4设计方法论和专业实践Design methodology and professional practice 5设计计算和架构信息管理Design computation andarchitecture information management6建筑与城市保护Architecture and urban conservation* 香港城市大学建筑学研究生申请要求由Mastermate 收集并整理,如果发现疏漏,请以学校官网为准。



香港城市大学法学硕士授课型研究生申请要求香港城市大学简介学校名称香港城市大学学校英文名称City University of Hong Kong学校位置中国 | 香港 | 九龙2020 QS 世界排名52香港城市大学概述香港城市大学(City University of HongKong),简称城大(CityU),是中国香港的一所亚洲前列和国际化的公立研究型综合大学,位于九龙塘。

作为中国香港特别行政区政府资助的八所高等教育院校之一,城大入列教育部国家重点高校名单,为粤港澳高校联盟、京港大学联盟、中俄工科大学联盟、沪港大学联盟成员高校,并获A ACSB和EQUIS双重认证。





2019QS亚洲大学排行榜第21位,QS综合星级评定五星+大学 。




法学硕士专业相关信息专业名称法学硕士专业英文名称Master of Laws隶属学院法学院学制1年语言要求雅思7 托福97 六级 500GMAT/GRE 要求不要求2019 Fall 申请时间11月15日-5月31日2020 Fall 申请时间11月21日-20年4月30日(延期至5月31日)学费(当地货币)148,800 -186,000法学硕士课程内容序号课程中文名称课程英文名称1中国知识产权法若干问题Selected Issues on Chinese IP Law2中国宪法和行政法Constitutional and Administrative Law of China3中国和比较金融法Chinese and Comparative Financial Law4中国环境法与比较环境法Chinese and Comparative Environmental Law5中国公司法与比较公司法Chinese and Comparative Company Law6中国的产权:法律、经济和政策分析Property Rights in China: Legal, Economic, and Policy Analysis7中国义务法Chinese Law of Obligations8中国商法与比较商法Chinese and Comparative Commercial Law9中国对外贸易投资法Chinese Foreign Trade and Investment Law10中国与比较竞争法Chinese and Comparative Competition Law11中国劳动法和比较劳动法Chinese and Comparative Labour Law12中国的法律与社会Law and Society in China 13中文和比较的替代争端解决Chinese and Comparative Alternative Dispute Resolution 14普通法制度与方法概论Introduction to Common Law System and Methodology 15普通法体系、推理和方法论Common Law System, Reasoning and Methodology16国际投资法律International Investment Law 17国际贸易法律International Trade Law 18亚洲的法律和商业Law and Business in Asia 19跨国法律问题Transnational Legal Problems 20反倾销与反补贴措施的深入研究Advanced Study of Antidumping and Countervailing Measures 21WTO法律的当前问题Current Issues in WTO Law 22国际私法Private International Law 23国际商业合同和统一的销售法International Commercial Contracts and Uniform Sales Law 24普通法制度与方法概论Introduction to Common Law System and Methodology 25普通法体系、推理和方法论Common Law System, Reasoning and Methodology 26宪法Constitutional Law 27合同法Law of Contract 28侵权行为法Law of Tort29普通法制度与方法概论Introduction to Common Law System and Methodology 30普通法体系、推理和方法论Common Law System, Reasoning and Methodology 31合同法Law of Contract32侵权行为法Law of Tort33刑法我Criminal Law I34刑法二世Criminal Law II35土地法律我Land Law I36土地法律二世Land Law II37香港的家庭法Family Law in Hong Kong38香港与中国大陆的法律制度Legal System of Hong Kong and Mainland China39法律方法、研究和写作Legal Methods, Research and Writing40法学Jurisprudence41股本和信任Equity & Trusts42国际公法Public International Law43知识产权:理论、版权和设计Intellectual Property: Theory, Copyright and Design44法律的意志Law of Wills45欧洲竞争法和竞争政策European Competition Law and Policy46国际人权法International Human Rights Law 47消费者法律Consumer Law48法律和性别Law and Gender49动物法律与福利Animal Law and Welfare50提单法Bills of Lading Law51海商法Admiralty Law52合同法(基础课程)Law of Contract (Foundation Course)53普通法体系、推理与方法论(基础课程)Common Law System, Reasoning and Methodology (FoundationCourse)54提单法Bills of Lading Law55海商法Admiralty Law56保险法Insurance Law57海上保险法Maritime Insurance Law 58航空法Aviation Law59海事仲裁法律Maritime Arbitration Law60中国海商法与比较海商法Chinese and Comparative Maritime Law61租船合同法律Charterparties Law62海事诉讼法Admiralty Procedure Law63普通法制度与方法概论Introduction to Common Law System and Methodology64普通法体系、推理和方法论Common Law System, Reasoning and Methodology65版权、外观设计和相关权利的国际比较法International and Comparative Law of Copyright, Designs and Allied Rights66国际和比较法的商标和专利International and Comparative Law of Trade Marks and Patents67法律和技术Law and Technology68中国知识产权法若干问题Selected Issues on Chinese IP Law 69娱乐法律Entertainment Law70国际和比较知识产权法:商标和专利International and Comparative Intellectual Property Law: Trademarks and Patents71国际比较著作权法International and Comparative Copyright Law72知识产权:法律、实践和程序Intellectual Property: Law, Practiceand Procedure73企业知识产权Business Intellectual Property 74普通法制度与方法概论Introduction to Common Law System and Methodology 75普通法体系、推理和方法论Common Law System, Reasoning and Methodology76跨境重组及破产Cross-Border Restructuring and Insolvency 77公司法Company Law78公司治理的法律和操作方面Legal and Operational Aspects of Corporate Governance 79资本、证券市场监管Capital and Securities Market Regulation80国际金融:法律法规International Finance: Law and Regulation 81银行法Banking Law 82商法Commercial Law 83保险法Insurance Law84企业的人权责任Human Rights Responsibilities of Business85中国公司法与比较公司法Chinese and Comparative Company Law86中国与比较竞争法Chinese and Comparative Competition Law* 香港城市大学法学硕士研究生申请要求由 Mastermate 收集并整理,如果发现疏漏,请以学校官网为准。



香港城市大学研究生申请目录香港城市大学简介 (2)香港城市大学研究生申请要求 (3)香港城市大学研究生申请专业介绍 (4)香港城市大学研究生入学基本要求 (9)香港城市大学研究生申请行前准备 (10)香港高校教育情况简介 (12)香港城市大学简介香港城市大学(常常被简称或昵称为“城大”),创建于 1984年,截至目前为止,共有约20,000名学生,在校修读超过130项的副学士学位、学士学位、及研究生课程。






香港城市大学研究生申请要求一般入学要求: 申请人必须持有认可大学颁授的学士学位,应届毕业生在课程开始之前若能获取所需学历资格亦可申请入学。






香港城市大学都市管理授课型研究生申请要求香港城市大学简介学校名称香港城市大学学校英文名称City University of Hong Kong学校位置中国 | 香港 | 九龙2020 QS 世界排名52香港城市大学概述香港城市大学(City University of HongKong),简称城大(CityU),是中国香港的一所亚洲前列和国际化的公立研究型综合大学,位于九龙塘。

作为中国香港特别行政区政府资助的八所高等教育院校之一,城大入列教育部国家重点高校名单,为粤港澳高校联盟、京港大学联盟、中俄工科大学联盟、沪港大学联盟成员高校,并获A ACSB和EQUIS双重认证。





2019QS亚洲大学排行榜第21位,QS综合星级评定五星+大学 。




都市管理专业相关信息专业名称都市管理专业英文名称MA Urban Management隶属学院人文与社会科学学院学制1年语言要求雅思6.5 托福92 六级 490GMAT/GRE 要求不要求2019 Fall 申请时间11月14日-3月31日2020 Fall 申请时间11月21日-20年3月31日(延期至5月31日)学费(当地货币)156,000都市管理课程内容序号课程中文名称课程英文名称1了解现代都市Understanding the Modern Metropolis 2城市金融与预算Urban Finance and Budgeting3城市生活与文化Urban Life and Culture4亚洲大都市:城市管理中的问题The Asian Metropolis: Issues in Urban Management5城市管理者研究方法Research Methods for Urban Managers6城市管理研讨会:探索当代城市The Urban Management Workshop: Exploring the Contemporary City7都市管理Capstone项目MAUM Capstone Project * 香港城市大学都市管理研究生申请要求由 Mastermate 收集并整理,如果发现疏漏,请以学校官网为准。



香港城市大学研究生申请目录香港城市大学简介 (2)香港城市大学研究生申请专业介绍 (3)香港城市大学研究生院简介 (7)香港城市大学研究生入学基本要求 (9)香港城市大学研究生申请行前准备 (10)香港研究生期间旅游攻略 (14)香港城市大学研究生申请常见名词解释 (22)香港高校教育情况简介 (24)香港城市大学读研究生之高校游 (27)香港城市大学简介香港城市大学(常常被简称或昵称为“城大”),创建于1984年,截至目前为止,共有约20,000名学生,在校修读超过130项的副学士学位、学士学位、及研究生课程。






香港城市大学研究生申请专业介绍College of Business(商学院)Master of Arts in International Accounting 国际会计学硕士学制1年,会计或金融背景,有两年工作经验优先,学费177,000港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Science in Professional Accounting and Corporate Governance 专业会计与企业管治学制1年,非会计学位,学费212,400港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Science in Finance 金融学学制1年,有2-4年金融工作经验优先,学费177,000港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Science in Applied Economics 应用经济学学制1年,可以非经济专业申请,学费146,400港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Science in Financial Services 金融服务学学制1年,有2-4年金融工作经验优先,学费177,000港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Science in Financial Engineering 金融工程学制1年,有2-4年金融工作经验优先,有数量分析背景,学费177,000港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Science in Business Information Systems (with non-IT backgrounds) 商务咨询系统(无IT背景)学制1年,非信息系统或计算机科学专业背景,学费120,900港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Science in Business Information Systems (with IT backgrounds) 商务咨询系统(有IT背景)学制1年,信息系统或计算机科学专业背景,学费120,900港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Science in Information Systems Management 资讯系统管理学制1年,有相关工作经验优先,学费120,900港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 450 of Science in Electronic Business and Knowledge Management 电子商务与知识管理学制1年,商学管理学专业优先,有两年工作经验优先,学费120,900港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Science in Electronic Commerce 电子商贸学制1年,学费132,990港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Arts in Global Business Management 环球企业管理学制1年,三年国际商业管理工作经验或者两年与第一学位相关的管理经验优先,学费146,400港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Science in Organizational Management 组织管理学制1年,分2个方向,特殊方向要求工作经验,学费146,400港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Arts in Quantitative Analysis for Business 工商数量分析学制1-2年,学费126,000港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Arts in Operations and Supply Chain Management 营运与供应链管理学制1年,有工作经验优先,学费131,100港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Science in Marketing 市场营销学学制1年,有两年工作经验优先,学费156,600港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences(人文与社会科学学院)Master of Social Sciences in Counselling 辅导学学制2年,有两年社会服务、教育、卫生、人力资源等相关工作经验优先,学费120,900港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Social Sciences in Applied Psychology 应用心理学学制1年,相关专业背景,学费127,300港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Social Work 社会工作学学制2年,学费197,470港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Social Sciences in Applied Sociology 应用社会学学制1年,学费120,900港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Arts in Modern Asian Studies 现代亚洲研究学制1年,1年以上相关工作经验优先,学费129,360港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 450 of Arts in international studies 国际研究学制1年,1年以上相关工作经验优先,学费129,360港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Arts in Language Studies (Language and Law / Linguistics / Translation and Interpretation/Translation with Language Information Technology) 语言学(语言及法律/ 语言学/ 翻译与传译/ 翻译及语言资讯科技)学制1年,可能有笔试或面试,学费120,900港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Arts in Chinese (Chinese Language and Literature / Chinese for Professional Purposes /Chinese for Educational Purposes) 中文(中国语言及文学/专业中文)学制1年,学费120,900港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Arts in English Studies 英语语言学学制1年,学费120,900港币,9月开学,雅思7,托福 of Arts in Communication and New Media 传播与新媒体学制1年,有两年相关工作经验优先,学费105,600港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 450 of Arts in Integrated Marketing Communication 整合营销传播学制1年,有两年相关工作经验优先,学费105,600港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Arts in Public Policy and Management 公共政策与管理学制1年,可能有笔试或面试,有工作经验优先,学费120,900港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Arts in Housing Studies 房屋学学制1年,学费131,100港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Arts in China Studies 中国研究学制1年,相关专业背景,学费103,140 港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福92,CET6 of Arts in Urban Management 都市管理学制1年,学费126,000港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福92,CET6 of Science and Engineering(科学与工程学院)Master of Science in Environmental Science and Technology 环境科学与技术学制1年,相关专业背景,学费120,900港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 450 of Science in Construction Management (Construction Project Management/Real Estate Project Management) 建造管理(建造项目管理/房地产管理) 学制1年,相关专业背景,学费126,000港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Science in Civil and Architectural Engineering (Building Construction Cost Management / Civil Engineering/ Urban Design and Regional Planning/ Building Services) 土木及建筑工程(建造财政管理/土木工程/ 都市设计与规划/ 建筑设备) 学制1年,相关专业背景,学费126,000港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Science in Urban Design and Regional Planning 都市设计与规划学制2年,学费,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Science in Computer Science 计算机科学学制1年,相关专业背景,学费120,900港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Science in Electronic and Information Engineering 电子与信息工程学制1年,相关专业背景,学费120,900港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 450 of Science in Multimedia Information Technology 多媒体信息技术学制1年,相关专业背景,学费120,900港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 450 of Science in Advanced Technology and Management 先进科技及管理学制1年,相关专业背景,学费120,900港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 450 of Science in Engineering Management 工程管理学制1年,相关专业背景,学费120,900港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Science in Mathematics for Finance and Actuarial Science 金融与精算数学学制1年,相关专业背景,学费120,900港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Science in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology 材料工程与纳米技术学制1年,相关专业背景,学费131,700港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Creative Media(媒体学院)Master of Fine Arts in Creative Media 创意媒体学制2年,有工作经验优先,学费217,620港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 500(13年秋季招28人) of Arts in Media Cultures 媒体文化学制1年,学费120,900港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 500(13年秋季招43人) of Energy and Environment(环境与能源学院)Master of Science in Energy and Environment 环境与能源学学制1年,理工科背景,学费105,600港币,9月开学,雅思6.5,托福79,CET6 of Law(法学院)Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution 仲裁与争议解决法学制1年,学费110,550港币,9月开学,雅思7,托福97,CET6 of Laws (Chinese and Comparative Law / International Economic Law / Common Law / Maritime and Transportation Law / General) 法学硕士(中国法与比较法/国际经济法/普通法/海事与运输法/法学硕士)学制1年,法学背景,学费108,960港币,9月开学,雅思7,托福97,CET6香港城市大学研究生院简介周亦卿研究生院简介香港城市大学研究生院成立于一九九四年,负责统筹及管理有关研究生教育的一切事务,为大学提供研究生课程的策略取向,确保研究生教育稳健发展。



香港城市大学工程管理学授课型研究生申请要求香港城市大学简介学校名称香港城市大学学校英文名称City University of Hong Kong学校位置中国 | 香港 | 九龙2020 QS 世界排名52香港城市大学概述香港城市大学(City University of HongKong),简称城大(CityU),是中国香港的一所亚洲前列和国际化的公立研究型综合大学,位于九龙塘。

作为中国香港特别行政区政府资助的八所高等教育院校之一,城大入列教育部国家重点高校名单,为粤港澳高校联盟、京港大学联盟、中俄工科大学联盟、沪港大学联盟成员高校,并获A ACSB和EQUIS双重认证。





2019QS亚洲大学排行榜第21位,QS综合星级评定五星+大学 。


工程管理学专业相关信息专业名称工程管理学专业英文名称MSc Engineering Management隶属学院工程学院学制1年语言要求雅思6.5 托福79 六级450GMAT/GRE 要求不要求2019 Fall 申请时间11月14日-5月31日2020 Fall 申请时间11月21日-20年5月31日(延期至5月31日)学费(当地货币)156,000工程管理学课程内容序号课程中文名称课程英文名称1工程管理原理与概念Engineering Management Principles and Concepts 2营运管理Operations Management 3项目管理Project Management4技术创新与创业Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship 5实验和田口方法的高级设计Advanced Design ofExperiments and Taguchi Methods6资产和维护管理Asset and Maintenance Management 7业务流程改进与创新Business ProcessImprovement and Innovation 8中国工程企业管理China Engineering Enterprise Management9数据挖掘与统计建模Data Mining and Statistical Modeling 10论文Dissertation11工程经济分析Engineering Economic Analysis12随机动态系统的估计与控制Estimation and Control of Random Dynamic Systems13工程经理的金融工程Financial Engineering for Engineering Managers14使用回归,时间序列和动态模型进行预测和控制Forecasting and Control Using Regression, Time Series, and Dynamic Models15工业案例研究Industrial Case Study16工程师的工业营销管理Industrial Marketing Management for Engineers17管理战略质量Managing Strategic Quality18人工智能管理决策系统Managerial Decision-making Systems with Artificial Intelligence19项目管理Project Management20质量改进:系统和方法Quality Improvement: Systems and Methodologies21质量与可靠性工程Quality and Reliability Engineering22风险与决策分析Risk And Decision Analysis23统计建模与实验设计Statistical Modeling and Design of Experiments24供应链管理Supply Chain Management25技术创新与创业Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship26不确定条件下决策的理论基础Theoretical Underpinnings of Decision Making Under Uncertainly27业务预测方法Forecasting Methods forBusiness28全球人力资源管理Global Human Resource Management29国际组织行为International Organizational Behavior30管理国际业务Managing International Business31管理科学Management Science 32统计方法I Statistical Methods I33可持续绿色制造Sustainable Green Manufacturing* 香港城市大学工程管理学研究生申请要求由 Mastermate 收集并整理,如果发现疏漏,请以学校官网为准。



香港城市大学英语研究授课型研究生申请要求香港城市大学简介学校名称香港城市大学学校英文名称City University of Hong Kong学校位置中国 | 香港 | 九龙2020 QS 世界排名52香港城市大学概述香港城市大学(City University of HongKong),简称城大(CityU),是中国香港的一所亚洲前列和国际化的公立研究型综合大学,位于九龙塘。

作为中国香港特别行政区政府资助的八所高等教育院校之一,城大入列教育部国家重点高校名单,为粤港澳高校联盟、京港大学联盟、中俄工科大学联盟、沪港大学联盟成员高校,并获A ACSB和EQUIS双重认证。





2019QS亚洲大学排行榜第21位,QS综合星级评定五星+大学 。






英语研究专业相关信息专业名称英语研究专业英文名称MA English Studies隶属学院人文与社会科学学院学制1年语言要求雅思7 托福102GMAT/GRE 要求不要求2019 Fall 申请时间11月14日-3月31日2020 Fall 申请时间11月21日-20年3月31日(延期至4月30日)学费(当地货币)156,000英语研究课程内容序号课程中文名称课程英文名称1社会语境中的语言Language in Its Social Context2文学、语言和文化Literature, Language and Culture3语言教学方法Approaches to Language Teaching4亚洲和亚洲散居文学英语Asian and Asian Diaspora Literature in English 5文学批评方法Critical Approaches to Literature6语言学习课程设计Curriculum Design in Language Studies7话语分析Discourse Analysis8话语、意识形态和权力Discourse, Ideology and Power9论文Dissertation10Drama-Based教育学Drama-Based Pedagogy11英语语音学和音位学English Phonetics and Phonology12专业话语的体裁分析Genre Analysis of Specialized Discourse13语法和词汇Grammar and Lexis14人权文学与文化Human Rights Literature and Culture15文学与都市Literature and the City16新文学和语言学习New Literacies and Language Learning17英语学习的研究方法Research Methods in English Studies序号课程中文名称课程英文名称18第二语言习得Second Language Acquisition19英语学习中的特殊话题Special Topics in English Studies20研究文学和电影Studies in Literature and Film21以学术为目的的英语教学Teaching English for Academic Purposes 22语言学习中的测试和评价Testing and Evaluation in Language Studies 23图形的小说The Graphic Novel24游记Travel Writing25英语世界文学World Literatures in English* 香港城市大学英语研究研究生申请要求由 Mastermate 收集并整理,如果发现疏漏,请以学校官网为准。



申请HK大学的经验背景,我小本,今年毕业,学化学的, T 580(第一次公开,不好意思告诉人),六级64(合格),在一所普通的重点高校念书,GPA3.34/4,3.8 above(major),无PAPER,学生工作有一些,但是个人觉得对申请用处不大,到香港做毕业设计,去年十月决定要申请香港, 没有老师直接推荐,两封推荐信分别是大学期间和毕业设计的老板(这个算是和自己学术关系最近的了),开始做各方面的准备。

差不多清楚吧,这个BACKGROUND.我申请的学校很多,香港科技大学(UST)最后没有投材料,但是也还是联系过里面的老师,其他的五所学校,香港大学(HKU),香港中文大学(CUHK),香港城市大学(CITYU), 香港理工大学(POLYU), 香港浸会大学(BUHK)都申请了.我和几乎每个学校的老师都有过一定的联系, 也不一定是陶瓷, CITYU的那个老师,我是不一定去他那里的,但是我们保持联系了.香港科技大学(UST)先说说HKUST吧, 这个学校我开始准备最早, 因为发现里面有个老师是我们学校毕业的,觉得会比较友好一点. 所以就最先联系了这个老师, 老师很热情, 叫我到UST去面试,随便聊了聊,老师说他今年已经答应了两个本校的本科生,没有钱再招我了. 因为这个老师是我大学导师的同学, 他给我介绍了另外几个UST的老师,当时也都去聊了一下,总体感觉是他们的招生都有自己的一个固定圈子,基本上都是要靠介绍的, 最后走的时候老师也跟我说如果没有人介绍或者答应你,你就不要申请了, 其实是浪费钱的.我有一个高中同学也申UST, 学计算机的, 学校的老师原来在UST干过,就介绍他过来, 结果什么都没有要, 去年11月就给了OFFER. 所以我想UST招生的这种思路还是有一定的普遍性的,他们会比较认介绍,我也看到板子上面UST有写OFFER发得很早的. 不过我也认得一个师兄UST的, 硕士毕业申请博士, 没有介绍,完全是碰运气的,但是进去以后也发现这样的情况比较少, 他学电器自动化, 同学当中, 清华北大的一半还多.这个学校我走到这里就为止了,我不愿意去做完全没有希望的事情. 但是UST的校园实在是美丽, 去了之后, 坚定了我一定要在香港留下来的愿望. 而且UST的失望, 也成了我后来准备的动力. 之前我并没有意识到香港申请的难度, 以为自己很不错, 也许UST成功了, 我不会有后来那么精心的准备, 也不会有学到那么多东西, 让我自己对自己有个正确的态度. 所以有时候失败是一种财富. 经过这一次的失败,我思考了很多,也几乎可以说,我真正开始申请香港,是从失败开始的.香港大学(HKU)我最心仪的老师是在HKU, 老师很有名, 背景也很好, 在我们这一行里面几乎是香港最难申请的老师之一了. 身边的, 听说的, 也没有一个人套到这个老师. 尽管当时已经很晚了, 很多人都联系过她并且没有结果, 我还是决定,至少为了自己曾经梦想过, 去做一次尝试, 尽管这样很有可能让我失去HKU的录取机会. 于是我把这个老师十年之内的所有我可以找到的文章拜读了一遍, 然后给老师发了一封EMAIL, 简单介绍了一下自己的情况,石沉大海. 一个星期时候,我决定再发一封, 过了几个小时,她回信了, 让我看到了希望. 当时她要我的简历,成绩单和PS. 但是因为我之前其实没有怎么准备材料, PS当然是没有的.为了趁热打铁,我决定尽快赶出我的PS. 当时到处都看到PS怎么重要,要写很久,改很多,才可以用之类的文章, 在网上找PS的写法越找越没有信心. 我下午收到的邮件, 在网上找相关的东西找了四五个小时,得到的结论是,失望. 我觉得这个东西,根本就不可能在一个晚上写好, 更不可能改好. 当时脑筋里面的想法就是放弃.到了晚上了, 我仔细想想自己申请的目标和优势,其实也就是一直以来专业的基础很扎实啊. 没有什么别的优势,特别是英语,有劣势.所以PS只要写出一个真实的自己.紧接着,在凌晨两点,12月香港最瑟瑟的风中去机房打印了我以前读过的一些对我有启发的东西作为材料.两点半回寝室,开始写PS.从回忆自己的大学生活开始, 顺着自己最最自然的思路写, 大概写了三个小时,到了早上将近六点的时候, 我的PS初稿完成, 又花了一个小时整理出来了一个CV, 洗了个澡去实验室干活, 下午回来重新看了一遍, 改了一下比较低级的错误, 把成绩单扫描了, 在老师要求的一天之内给她回了EMAIL, 附上了所有的材料.发了之后依然没有消息了, 很伤心了一阵, 觉得对不起自己的努力, 于是又发了一遍, 把扫描的成绩单换成了PDF格式, 果然又马上有了回信, 要我去HKU面试. 她定的时间, 我发现那天早上我有一门期末考试,但是我还是没有说什么的答应了.面试之前我上水木等地方看了所有可以看到的面试问题, 做了一番准备, 这个时候很感谢身边的朋友, 她们也帮助我想了很多问题, 让我做了更充分的准备, 那段时间期末, 面试, 做实验, 一个星期, 我总共睡觉的时间不到十小时. 最后那天晚上, 前半夜复习了一下期末的内容, 后半夜重新看了一遍她的文章,整理出了自己对他方向的认识和见解. 最后看了看面试一般问题, 就去考试了. 考完就上了去HKU的车, 面试.面试之后, 我发过邮件感谢, 后来也一直在给这个老师发邮件, 但是再也没有收到过回信,我以为我的面试失败了.后来到了快DEADLINE的时候, 一个GG鼓励我说,不要放弃, 赶紧把材料送过去. 真的要谢谢这位GG, 要不我可能会放弃HKU的申请. 他这样说了之后, 我回想了一下其实也是, 我看了那么多文章, 和她聊了那么多, 其实我的RP可以写得很好的. 所以我精心写了一个RP, 加上之前的PS 之类的东西, 一起寄了材料.HKU基本上到这里我做的工作也结束了, 后来到了快有消息的时候,这个老师又开始很主动的和我联系, 发EMAIL, 打电话, 但是即使她已经把我报到系里了,她也不敢担保她的自己和情况可不可以一定让我进去, 所以权衡CU的100%和这边的一点不确定,为了家人不再为我担心,我选择了CU. 申请我经历太多, 实在是经不起再折腾了.但是这个老师让我很感动,在申请她的过程当中, 我的思考最多, 努力也最多, 最后我很伤心的放弃, 伤心的,并不只是HKU这个学校, 这个老师, 因为在我心里, HKU和CU并没有什么很大差别, 我伤心的, 只是自己曾经努力追求的东西, 最后, 却是选择的放弃.HKU的经历让我看到了研究经历对于本科生的重要, 因为老师在面试我的时候, 既问了我自己的课题进展情况, 也问了我对她的课题的理解. 和他实验室的学生聊, 我了解到他们都是北大,科大和南大的, 根本就没有我们这种米老鼠学校的份.所以我觉得, 我最后可以套到他, 我和他聊的时候的各种见解起到了很大的作用, 他的文章, 我绝对不是白看的, 那些阅读和总结, 应该是我得到机会的关键. 另外, 我觉得, 陶瓷不轻易放弃, 也是我申请成功的很重要的经验.香港城市大学(CITYU)这个学校最神奇,估计很多版友也有发现. 我申请这个学校呢,全部用的是申请HKU的材料, 也是同一天寄的(不过我所有的东西都是同一天寄的).那个老师,也是一次跟着师姐去一个墙报展玩认得的,其实也没有用心要去, 但是老师人很好,一直都在帮我,和我联系, 介绍一些他们学校的情况,所以我还是把这个学校作为保底申请了. 交了150大洋.CITYU是香港所有的学校里面老师的权利最小的一个学校了.那个认得的老师其实还是很想要我的,但是他一直都只是鼓励我申请. CITYU的小米比较勤快,我当时是中午去送的材料,下午就收到要我补RP的邮件, 但是老师说我们系不需要RP, 所以我告诉小米了,然后他们也在同一天告诉我我的材料齐了.大概过了一个月吧, 恩, 这个老师突然有一天发EMAIL给我说他没有找到我的材料,邮件如下:Our department finished the recommendation procedure the end of last week. I am sorry but your application has not been recommended to the faculty level at this stage. It is deferred to the next round. The reason is that the department has received a lot of applications for postgraduate studies this round, and many of the applicants have got some publications. Due to the limited quota, we cannot take all the good candidates on board. Anyway, the deadline for the next round ofapplications will be in April and the selection process will start again in May. Your application will be considered again then.I am sorry that I cannot bring you any positive news for the time being. If you have any questions, or if there is anything I can help, please let me know.这封邮件是二月九号收到的. 我知道,我和这个学校的渊源就词结束.但是后来又碰到了这个老师, 我就开始问他他们学校的录取方式, 他说他们学校不管老师出钱或者怎么样, 都是由一个评分制度先对申请者进行录取, 要是分数不高,就不会推荐给老师,老师再想要都没有办法.在这个评分制度里面,占比重最大的就是GPA和PAPER. 所以说名校啊, RP啊, 之类的软的指标, 在CITYU占的比重, 恩, 也不能说不大, 至少在第一步不会有很大用, 推荐到了老师那里的人再由挑选的时候还是有用的.(这个几乎原文记录,留给后人参考)CITYU就这么多了.香港理工大学(POLYU)没有什么好说的,因为我都没有搞清楚这个学校有哪些老师,也没有去陶瓷,唯一搞清楚的就是怎么网申,12月的时候不知道OFFER长啥样子的时候收到这个学校的OFFER,然后就糊涂的拒掉了,从此又没有消息了.香港浸会大学(BUHK)这个学校, 呵呵, 偶还真的申请玩玩的, 每天都在和那些老师见面, 不过还是申请了,毕竟他们随时都可能有QUOTAS的.浸会是个小学校, 申请的人不多, 但是由于名额也不错, 所以也不能说就一定可以上. 而且我在浸会的老板今年没有钱招生,所以对于我来说其实这个学校并不是很有希望. 但是由于老师们都知道我申请, 不申请浸会不太礼貌.浸会的申请,由于我没有认真去做这件事情,所以谈不上很有经验, 但是我在里面呆的时间多,和系主任院长聊过一些,了解一点他们招生, 留给后人参考吧.我们系是全年申请, MPHIL和PHD都是每个月进校,申请上面没有什么很强的时间概念. 名额也不是像别的学校那样统一分配, 基本上和招聘差不多, 哪个老师接了新的项目, 或者是有学生毕业实验室没人了, 就会向系里申请名额招生, 一般只要实验室和资金没有问题,老师就可以拿到名额. 拿到名额之后, 老师会去系里看那里保存下来的申请资料, 找到最适合自己的人选, 然后发个邮件问一下这个学生是不是还愿意来, 就OK了. 至于系里的资料, 研究生院每个月会向院系送过去申请资料, 系里会有一个初审, 筛选出条件符合系里要求的, 备案, 留给老师挑选, 一般备案时间是一年.老师选人, 我谈的几个老师都是, 对于本科生, 他们看中GPA和英语水平, 有研究经历更好, 因为对内地的学校了解不多, 除了几个他们熟悉的学校, 其他学校在他们看来差不多. 对于研究生, 主要还是PAPER跟研究方向了. RP 很少看. 最多在几个人中间犹豫的时候看看.香港中文大学(CUHK)这个学校讲起来有点小曲折.本来在香港比较好的三所学校当中,我觉得这个的希望最大, 开始没有陶瓷, 准备就硬申. UST被拒,HKU没有消息之后, 我也一度很沮丧, 不愿意在做任何的尝试, 我怕最后的尝试, 会带给我过早的失望.在香港的半年, 我自己对自己认识的变化很大, 觉得离开了熟悉自己的环境, 我什么都不是. 原来大家都觉得我好的那种感觉离我彻底远去,这是继GRE失败后我最情绪最低谷的时候,不过这种低谷,在CUHK陶瓷之后继续下滑.圣诞节回了学校, 见到了原来的导师, 他也很为的担心. 但是当时他对我讲, 知道我担心你什么?我当时很迷茫的说不知道. 然后他跟我讲"我从来就没有怀疑过你的能力, 也没有怀疑过你申请香港的希望, 虽然在那个小地方,竞争激烈并且很需要运气, 但是我相信你的实力和能力. 只是有一点, 这一次我见到你, 看不到你曾经开朗和自信, 看到的是一个已经打了败仗的人.一个已经败给自己的人, 是让我担心的." 这里提到这个老师, 要先感谢他了, 我的大学, 受影响最大的人就是这个老师, 每次我低落的时候都是被他启发并且重新去努力争取的.这一次也一样, 他的话,还有他给我写推荐信并且到邮局去帮我寄信启发并感动了我. 我觉得即使自己现在已经毫无希望,至少要对得起老师的努力. 至少我不能放弃.圣诞节过完, 我给CUHK的老师发了第一封邮件, 也是简单的介绍了一下自己的情况, 这个老师E德很好,很快就回了邮件, 要我的CV. 这一次, CV是现成的, 我当然马上回信发给他了. 20分钟之后,收到下面邮件:Thank you for your CV, but it seems that your qualification and research background do not fit our research programme. Thank you for your interest in our work and I hope you can find a position elsewhere.看到这封邮件我就哭了, 我几乎是绝望了, HK三所好学校, 全部都没有了. 我又不愿意去一个自己不喜欢的方向. 所以真的很矛盾, 那天晚上, 我开始投简历找工作.但是我发现那一晚上我都睡不着, 晚一点的时候我从床上爬起来, 打开电脑, 重新开始看这封邮件, 我觉得我真的不甘心, 难道我这么有兴趣的东西就真的不适合我么?我当时就给老师发了一封邮件, 把我自己的背景和他研究所需要的能力一样一样的MATCH, 最后我说, 我是认真考虑过才来联系你的, 希望你也认真考虑我的申请, 我不需要你一定说YES,但是至少我们要公平, 需要互相认真.奇迹也就发生在这封邮件上面了,老师也就不久给我回了EMAIL, 没有再提前面的事情, 向我要了成绩单和获奖证明.我发过去了, 他EMAIL给我说需要面试,并且详细的告诉我了从我所在的地方怎么去他的OFFICE.有一次的面试经验, 即使这一次的机会一样来之不易,我没有上一次那么紧张了. 去了依然是问一些现在做的项目和对他的兴趣何在, 并且了解了一下本科学习的经历. 面试进行得很轻松, 他说一切满意, 还需要看一下我的推荐信就做决定.其实我心里还是悬着的, 因为我不知道我的推荐信是什么样子的.和这个老师的联系先暂停了, 另外一件事情发生, 在我收到CITYU那封信的下午, 我收到中大负责招生的老师的电话, 问了我一些问题(差不多算面试)之后邀请我到CUHK去和他面谈,面谈到是再没有为难我了,基本上就是了解一下我的背景里面他不清楚的地方, 然后就说我们有几个老师都对你很有兴趣, 你可以尝试联系一下他们.不过***好象很着急找你,你见完我以后就去找他吧, 我们说好了的.那一天是我申请的转折点, 我去了我联系的老师那里, 他告诉我他决定了要我, 并且我相当于已经通过了系里. 当时我还对HKU抱希望,所以没有马上答应这个老师,说我还希望去联系一下HKU再做决定. 老师说好,随时欢迎你做出明智的决定.我和HKU联系了半个月, HKU的老师把我报到了院里, 按往年的情况, 其实我HKU也算是到手了, 但是偏偏今年, 他们学校资金方面出现了问题, 需要重新审核之类, 这个老师也就不能给我一个确定了.CUHK的签字不能再等,3月9号签字(对LOCAL和在香港的申请者)以及发EMAIL(对内地学生)给OFFER,3月15号上报研院发OFFER.就这样, 我和HKU没有足够的缘分,我在上个星期天发EMAIL给中文的老师说我决定去, 他很高兴, 星期一早上九点一上班就回了我的EMAIL, 问我什么时候过来填表, 我那天早上就去了. 填了表我们小聊了一下我就离开了, 我说我很累,我需要休息了. 我未来的老板说, 你已经很坚强了, 你的一封EMAIL让我看到了一个坚韧的你. 一个人在外独自面对一切,你已经很不错了. 你好好休息, 项目和课题, 我们开学再聊. 如果你觉得休息好了,也欢迎提前联系我.现在我坐在这里,写着我的申请道路.我可以说GAME OVER了, 也可以说NEW LIFE IS COMING。



香港城市大学应用社会科学授课型研究生申请要求香港城市大学简介学校名称香港城市大学学校英文名称City University of Hong Kong学校位置中国 | 香港 | 九龙2020 QS 世界排名52香港城市大学概述香港城市大学(City University of HongKong),简称城大(CityU),是中国香港的一所亚洲前列和国际化的公立研究型综合大学,位于九龙塘。

作为中国香港特别行政区政府资助的八所高等教育院校之一,城大入列教育部国家重点高校名单,为粤港澳高校联盟、京港大学联盟、中俄工科大学联盟、沪港大学联盟成员高校,并获A ACSB和EQUIS双重认证。





2019QS亚洲大学排行榜第21位,QS综合星级评定五星+大学 。



应用社会科学专业相关信息专业名称应用社会科学专业英文名称MA Applied Social Sciences隶属学院人文与社会科学学院学制1年语言要求雅思6.5 托福79 六级450GMAT/GRE 要求不要求2019 Fall 申请时间11月14日-5月31日2020 Fall 申请时间11月21日-20年3月31日(延期至5月31日)学费(当地货币)156,000应用社会科学课程内容序号课程中文名称课程英文名称1心理健康咨询的评估和干预Assessment and Interventions in Mental Health Counselling2认知行为干预Cognitive-behavioural Interventions3人类服务战略领导力Strategic Leadership for Human Services4攻击行为和凶杀Aggressive Behavior and Homicide 5团体咨询与治疗Group Counselling and Therapy6心理病理学Psychopathology7家庭暴力:预防和治疗Domestic Violence: Prevention and Treatment8社会福利政策体系与改革Social Welfare Policy System and Reform9社会福利管理Social Welfare Management10社会工作者的法律问题Legal Issues for the Social Worker11人类服务战略领导力Strategic Leadership for Human Services12心理健康咨询的评估和干预Assessment and Interventions in Mental Health Counselling13罪犯的刑法和康复Penology & Rehabilitation of Offenders序号课程中文名称课程英文名称14认知行为干预Cognitive-Behavioural Interventions 15犯罪学高级理论Advanced Theories in Criminology 16香港及太平洋地区的刑事司法Criminal Justice in Hong Kong and the Pacific17心理与犯罪Psychology and Crime 18警务研究Policing Studies19攻击行为和凶杀Aggressive Behavior and Homicide 20学校环境中的社会工作实践Social Work Practice in a School Setting21批判性社会工作实践Critical Social Work Practice 22应用社会学Applied Sociology23社会科学观点Social Science Perspectives 24程序设计与评估Programme Design & Evaluation 25应用社会学专题Special Topics in Applied Sociology 26应用社会统计分析Applied Social Statistical Analysis 27团体咨询与治疗Group Counselling and Therapy 28心理病理学Psychopathology29基于叙事的治疗对话:理论与实践Narrative-based Therapeutic Conversations: Theory and Practice 30为儿童和青少年提供咨询Counselling Children and Youth 31基于家庭的服务和家庭实践Family-based Service and Family Practice32家庭暴力:预防和治疗Domestic Violence: Prevention and Treatment33咨询老年人Counselling Older Adults 34劳资关系Labour and Workplace Relations 35社会影响评估Social Impact Assessment 36社会指标发展Social Indicators Development* 香港城市大学应用社会科学研究生申请要求由 Mastermate 收集并整理,如果发现疏漏,请以学校官网为准。



1. 研究生院全年均接受入学申请
2. 每年进行两次入学申请的审批
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Admissions Handbook Research Degree ProgrammesChow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies(Research Degree and Professional Doctorate Programmes)City University of Hong KongTat Chee AvenueKowloonHong KongEnquiries:Tel : (852) 3442-9076Fax : (852) 3442-0332Email : sg@.hkWebsite : .hk/sgsAugust 2010The information contained in this Handbook is correct at the time of printing in August 2010. Please note that there may be changes to the information from time to time without prior notification. Applicants may contact the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies if they have any queries.This Handbook is provided for information and to facilitate research degree applications and does not form part of a contract between any person and the University.Contents1INTRODUCTION (1)1.1City University of Hong Kong (1)1.2Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies (1)2ADMISSIONS (3)2.1Entrance Requirements (3)2.2English Proficiency Requirements (3)2.3Application Period (5)2.4Application Procedures (5)2.5Funding Sources of Support for Research Studies (6)2.6Application Fee (7)2.7Use of Application Information (7)2.8Change of Contact Information after Submission of Application (7)2.9Applicants with Physical or Other Disabilities (8)2.10Enrolment (8)2.11Enquiries (8)3RESEARCH AREAS FOR MPHIL/PHD PROGRAMMES (9)4RESEARCH DEGREE PROGRAMMES (16)4.1Programme Aims and Structure (16)4.2Study Period and Residence Requirement (16)4.3Report Submission (17)4.4Medium of Instruction/Assessment and Thesis Presentation (17)4.5Award of MPhil/PhD Degree (18)4.6Recognition of Academic Performance (18)5FINANCIAL AWARDS/ASSISTANCE (19)5.1Postgraduate Studentship (19)5.2Research Tuition Scholarship (19)5.3Conference Grant (20)5.4Research Activities Fund (20)5.5Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies Scholarships (20)5.6Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies Entrance Scholarships (20)5.7CityU Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies IBM Research Fellowships (20)5.8Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies Postdoctoral Career Fellowships (21)5.9Government Grants and Loans and External Financial Awards/Assistance (21)6FEES FOR 2011-2012 (22)7STUDENT ACCOMMODATION AND SUPPORT TO STUDENTS’ STUDIES (23)7.1Student Accommodation (23)7.2Student Development Services (23)8INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS FROM OVERSEAS AND THE CHINESE MAINLAND (24)8.1Definition of Non-local Applicants (24)8.2Student Visa/Entry Permit (24)8.3Personal Accident and Medical Insurance / Travel Insurance (24)8.4Mainland and External Affairs Office (24)8.5Cost of Living (24)Appendix 1: Guidelines for Preparing a Research Proposal for Graduate Studies in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (25)Appendix 2: Guidelines for Preparing a Research Proposal for Graduate Studies in the School of Creative Media (26)Appendix 3: Guidelines for Preparing a Research Proposal for Graduate Studies in the School of Energy and Environment (28)Appendix 4: Guidelines for Preparing a Research Proposal for Graduate Studies in the School of Law (29)Appendix 5: Research Degree Programme Structure of the College of Business (32)11 INTRODUCTION1.1 City University of Hong KongEstablished in 1984, City University of Hong Kong is a modern, hi-tech institution committed to providing a quality learning environment for its students and the community. The University currently has a student enrolment of over 17,000 (excluding sub-degree students), of which over 5,700 are postgraduates. Its programmes provide a wide range of learning opportunities from undergraduate and postgraduate studies to continuing education. For more information about the University and its academic and supporting units, please visit our website (.hk )The University provides a modern teaching and learning environment with the latest design in educational technology to support quality teaching and research activities. Moreover, a wide range of facilities and services are provided to support students’ stu dies and recreational activities. Students’ halls (.hk/sro/) are also available on campus to provide students with residential accommodation and an avenue for academic and cultural exchange. The University also has an official postgraduate student body, namely, CityU Postgraduate Association, with its membership covering both research and taught postgraduate students. The Association serves as a communication channel between postgraduate students and the University. More information about the Association is available at: .hk/cupa .1.2 Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate StudiesPostgraduate education facilitates the advancement of knowledge and provides high-level academic education and professional training to cater for the society’s needs. The University continuously strives to promote this important area of postgraduate education. Taught postgraduate programmes are offered for different professional needs. On the research study side, diverse areas of study are provided to suit individuals’ research interests.To provide a better focus for the further development of its postgraduate programmes, the University established the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) in 1994. SGS coordinates and offers strategic direction to the University’s taught and research postgraduate provision. The School aims to provide better coordination and strategic direction to ensure the continued development of postgraduate studies at the University. The School is committed to providing an environment conducive to learning for postgraduate students. Its principal role is to facilitate the educational experience of its postgraduate students.The School received a generous donation from Dr Chow Yei Ching, and was named the "Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies" in 2006.Mission of SGSThe mission of SGS is to promote excellence in postgraduate education and ensure consistency and high standards across the University. Sharing responsibility for postgraduate studies with departments, colleges and schools, and operating through a system of collegial governance, consultation and leadership, SGS defines and administers university-wide regulations for postgraduate education.SGS also provides expertise, advice and information; oversees the design and delivery of programmes; organizes reviews and develops performance standards; supports diversity, equity, fairness, and ethical conduct in postgraduate education; organizes services and financial assistance to postgraduate students; encourages a close and positive relationship between research and graduate training; and represents the foundation of postgraduate education at CityU in the wider academic and general community.Administrative Structure of SGSThe Dean and Associate Dean of Graduate Studies oversee the School and the coordination and management of postgraduate education within the University. They provide academic guidance for programme development, planning and decision making in the School. As Chair of the Board of Graduate Studies, the Dean of Graduate Studies plays a role in managing the quality of postgraduate programmes.The School Secretary and a team of administrative staff provides overall administrative support for postgraduate studies, including student admissions and student financial support; study and research progress, examinations and graduation; student forums and workshops; research conferences and seminars; student statistics as well as publications relating to postgraduate studies.Governance, Leadership and QualityA Board of Graduate Studies was established to review and make recommendations on theAcademic Regulations, rules and procedures governing all postgraduate programmes and studies. It has a role to develop, implement, monitor and review policy pertaining to postgraduate work. The Board of Graduate Studies reports to Senate on matters relating to postgraduate teaching and learning.There are two sub-committees under the Board of Graduate Studies, namely the Committee on Taught Postgraduate Programmes (CTPP) and the Committee on Research Degrees Candidature (CRDC). The CTPP oversees matters related to taught postgraduate programmes as assigned by the Board of Graduate Studies, while the CRDC oversees the admission, supervision, progress and examination of candidates for the MPhil, PhD and professional doctorates.22ADMISSIONS2.1Entrance Requirements1. Applicants seeking admission to a research degree programme should satisfy the followingminimum entrance requirements:(a)Master of Philosophy (MPhil)∙hold a relevant bachelor’s degree with first or second class honours (or equivalent qualification) from a recognised university.(b)Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)∙be a current MPhil student in the University who seeks transfer to PhD candidature;or∙hold a higher degree by research (or equivalent qualification) from a recognised university; or∙hold a taught Master’s degree (or equivalent qualification) from a recognised university; or∙hold a Bachelor’s degree with first class honours (or equivalent qualification) from a recognised university.2.Equivalent qualifications mentioned above include relevant professional qualifications or otherscholarly achievements recognised by the University.3. In addition to the above, individual Departments and Schools may prescribe further entrancerequirements.2.2English Proficiency Requirements1.Applicants from an institution where the language of teaching is not English should satisfythe minimum English proficiency requirements specified by both the University andindividual Colleges and Schools. The University’s minimum English proficiencyrequirement for research degree programmes is 550 (paper-based test) or 213 (computer-based test) or 79 (internet-based test) in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)OR an overall band score of 6.5 in the International English Language Testing System(IELTS). Equivalent qualifications are also acceptable.34 2.In addition to the University’s requirement as given above, individual Colleges and Schoolshave set a higher standard, or equivalent acceptable qualifications, suitable for their disciplines as follows:(a)College of Business∙ a minimum TOEFL score of 580 (paper-based) or 237 (computer-based) or 92 (internet-based); or∙other test scores that may be regarded as equivalent to TOEFL 580 (paper-based) or 237 (computer-based) or 92 (internet-based).(b)College of Humanities and Social Sciences∙ a minimum TOEFL score of 550 (paper-based) or 213 (computer-based) or 79 (internet-based); or∙an overall band score of 6.5 in IELTS with 6 in any skill; or∙band 6 in the Chinese mainland’s College English Test; or∙other test scores that may be regarded as equivalent to TOEFL 550 (paper-based) or 213 (computer-based) or 79 (internet-based).(Please note that individual Departments in the College may adopt a higher standard.)(c)College of Science and Engineering∙ a minimum TOEFL score of 550 (paper-based) or 213 (computer-based) or 79 (internet-based); or∙band 6 in the Chinese m ainland’s College English Test; or∙other test scores that may be regarded as equivalent to TOEFL 550 (paper-based) or 213 (computer-based) or 79 (internet-based).(Please note that individual Departments in the College may adopt a higher standard.)(d)School of Creative Media∙ a minimum TOEFL score of 550 (paper-based) or 213 (computer-based) or 79 (internet-based); or∙band 6 in the Chinese mainland’s College English Test; or∙ a minimum IELTS score of 6.5; or∙other test scores that may be regarded as equivalent to TOEFL 550 (paper-based) or 213 (computer-based) or 79 (internet-based).(e)School of Energy and Environment∙ a minimum TOEFL score of 550 (paper-based) or 213 (computer-based) or 79 (internet-based); or∙band 6 in the Chinese mainland’s College English Test; or∙ a minimum IELTS score of 6.5; or∙other test scores that may be regarded as equivalent to TOEFL 550 (paper-based) or 213 (computer-based) or 79 (internet-based).(f)School of Law∙ a minimum TOEFL score of 580 (paper-based) or 92 (internet-based); or∙ a minimum overall band score of 7 in IELTS; or∙ a score of 490in the Chinese m ainland’s College English Test Band 6.(The School has stipulated a validity period of three years for results of the above tests.Applicants are required to provide their English test results obtained within the three years preceding their application.)52.3 Application Period1. Applications are accepted throughout the year and will be considered in two rounds annually. The application deadlines for 2011 are as follows:2. Applications submitted after the application deadline will normally be considered in the next admission round.3. Final-year undergraduate and postgraduate students who are expected to complete their studies in 2011 can also apply in the above two admissions rounds; a conditional offer may be granted to suitable applicants.2.4 Application Procedures1. Applications for admission should be made online at our website (.hk ).2. Applicants are required to upload the following documents through the online application system:(a) completed application form (online through the Web); and(b) application fee payment (see “Application Fee”); and(c) a photocopy of the following supporting documents:(i) official certificates and transcripts of academic qualifications (Certificates andtranscripts that are not in English should be accompanied by a formal certifiedtranslation in English.) [Applicants who obtained degrees from institutions thatgave degree classification and/or grade point average but are not shown in thecertificate or transcript are required to also send copies of any other officialdocuments that indicate their formal degree classification or grade pointaverage.](ii) certificates of professional qualifications , if applicable (Certificates that are not inEnglish should be accompanied by a formal certified translation in English.)(iii) (in support of the applicant’s publication record, if applicable) the front page ofthe papers (for papers that have been published) or the letter of acceptance (forpapers that have been accepted for publication). [Applicants to the School of Lawmust also submit a self-assessment (of not more than 400 words) of theirpublications together with full copies of their best three publications. Where anypublication so submitted is in a language other than English, it must beaccompanied by an abstract in English.](iv) international English language test results , if applicable (see page 4). [ForTOEFL results, applicants may send in a copy of their score record or arrange with6the TOEFL service centre to send the record directly to the University (InstitutionCode: 3401).](v)For applicants applying for admission to the following College/School, a research proposal with clear objectives and proposed methodology is required.Please refer to the respective guidelines for preparing a research proposal givenin Appendices 1, 2, 3 and 4:∙College of Humanities and Social Sciences∙School of Creative Media∙School of Energy and Environment∙School of Law3. Applicants are also required to nominate two academic referees who can comment on theiracademic performances (proposed supervisor and persons from non-academic circles are normally not acceptable as academic referees). Please send the Referee’s Report Form (available at .hk/sgs/) to the referees and invite them to complete the form and return it directly to the School under confidential cover.4.Please note that incomplete submission may delay the processing of the application.5.Applicants are strongly advised to discuss their proposed research area with the relevantcoordinator (see page 14) before submitting an application.6.To facilitate verification of academic qualifications, students admitted onto research degreeprogrammes may be required to arrange for the relevant institutions to send the University an original copy of their official transcript for the bachelor’s and/or postgraduate degree(s) they have obtained.7.CityU staff seeking admission to a research degree programme should follow the normaladmission procedures. Full-time academic staff, Teaching Fellows and Instructors of the University are not allowed to pursue a research degree in their own Department/School under the supervision of colleagues from the same Department/School.2.5Funding Sources of Support for Research StudiesResearch studies can be undertaken on a government-funded or a self-financing basis, subject to their availability of student quota and funding. Qualified full-time candidates admitted to a research degree programme will be considered for postgraduate studentship supported by government fund or external funds. The application procedures, entrance and English proficiency requirements, and programme requirements for these two types of students are the same. Applicants should indicate their intention to pursue government-funded or self-financing studies in their application form.Tuition fee levels and entitlement to financial awards and services are different for these two types of students, reflecting the different sources of funding. Government-funded students are required to pay tuition fees at a rate set by the government. Quotas for government-funded places for each university in Hong Kong are also set by the government. As self-financing places are not subsidised, these students are required to pay a higher level of tuition fees. In addition, self-financing students are not eligible to apply for financial awards (e.g. postgraduate studentships, research tuition scholarships, conference grants, etc.) financed by government funds.Applicants who have not obtained a research master’s degree before admission are admitted for direct entry to 4-year PhD studies. The funding support can be on UGC-funded basis, self-financing basis, or a combination of both. Applicants are advised to contact the Department/School concerned for details of financial arrangements.2.6Application Fee1.An application fee of HK$200 will be charged for online application, which is non-refundable.Settlement of the application fee shall be made via online credit card payment.2.Please note that applications will not be processed if the payment of the application fee has notbeen settled.2.7Use of Application Information1.The information provided in the application form will be used for the following purposes:(a)as a basis for various types of processing in relation to your application;(b)as a basis for selection of applicants for admission to research degree programmes offeredby the University and for other relevant or related purposes;(c) for identifying multiple applications and checking records of academic/professionalqualifications with the parties concerned;(d)for transferring information to the student records system of the University, if and whenthe application is successful.2.For non-local candidates who need to apply for a student visa/an entry permit for the purposeof studying in Hong Kong, a copy of their academic transcripts and certificates may be sent, onrequest, to the parties concerned for processing the visa/entry permit application.3.Any false information and misrepresentation will result in disqualification of the applicant foradmission to the University.4.In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the right to accessall personal information relevant to their application and the right to correct the personalinformation contained in the application form. To obtain more details about this, please write tothe School.2.8Change of Contact Information after Submission of ApplicationPlease inform the School immediately in writing or through e-mail ( of any changes to your correspondence address and contact phone number during the application period.In the notification, please state clearly your name and application/on-line form reference number.78 2.9Applicants with Physical or Other DisabilitiesThe admission of an applicant to a programme is based on academic criteria and any other entrance requirements specified by individual Departments and Schools. Applicants with physical or other disabilities can choose not to declare their disability at the application stage. Such applicants, however, are advised to select programmes with which they are physically able to cope. If they have any queries in this regard or wish to have information on facilities available for people with disabilities generally, they should consult the relevant coordinator (see page 14).2.10Enrolment1.Applicants on being informed of acceptance must pay the required fees and register in personwith the School within the prescribed period. Those who fail to do so will be deemed to have declined the offer.2.Upon registration, students are required to produce for verification the original copy of thesupporting documents for qualifications claimed in the application form.3.The commencement date of candidature is normally the first day of September or January tofit with the beginning of a semester. The School may approve other starting dates, which will be the first day of a month, if so recommended by the supervisor.4.Non-local students should seek the advice of their supervisors regarding the commencementdate of studies immediately after the approval of their visa/entry permit application, and inform the School of the recommended commencement date as soon as possible.5.Students are not allowed to register simultaneously in another programme of study in theUniversity or in any other institution without the prior permission of the School. This also applies to students who are interrupting their studies or on study leave.6.Full-time students are not allowed to undertake full-time jobs without the prior approval of theSchool.2.11EnquiriesFor further information, please contact the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies: Telephone: (852) 3442-9076Fax: (852) 3442-0332E-mail: sg@.hkWebsite: .hk/sgs/rpg/admissionBy mail: Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies(Research Degree and Professional Doctorate Programmes)City University of Hong KongTat Chee AvenueKowloonHong Kong3RESEARCH AREAS FOR MPHIL/PHD PROGRAMMESThe University offers research degree studies in a wide range of research areas including the following:Administrative and Policy SciencesThe field of Administrative and Policy Sciences (APS) has established excellence at an internationally competitive level in the University.APS researchers work in the areas of governance, public and social policy, personal and social services, public management, applied ethics, regional/international studies and social research. Established expertise, much of it at the cutting edge of the field, lies in a range of applied policyand social scientific areas and themes: labor, health care, education, transport, public finance, personnel management, government/political reforms, central-local relations, civil society, community and social development, gender, family, youth and aging, ethnicity, and crime and criminal justice. Focused on Hong Kong and the region (Hong Kong and Greater China, Eastand Southeast Asia), APS research is both empirically oriented and theoretically informed. APS researchers are involved in vigorous collaborations with some of the best researchers from the region, Australia, United Kingdom and the United States.Advanced Manufacturing Technology and ManagementThe Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management aspires to provide infrastructural support to the growing manufacturing industries in the Asia-Pacific region by supplying highly skilled professionals, research facilities and technical support to all aspect of modern manufacturing processes. As the type of products as well as the manufacturing processes continue to shift and move into high technology sectors, MEEM is changing and expanding its research portfolio to meet the current and future needs.The advanced manufacturing technology and management area focuses mainly on the following: advanced surface coating; advanced material processing; tribology and wear; optical sensing and nano-metrology; compensatory control of machine tools; design for manufactureand assembly; CAD/CAM application; non-destructive testing; ergonomics and human factors; quality inspection; condition monitoring and fault diagnosis; advanced robotics, biotechnologyand automation; machine vision; RFID technology; mechatronics; embedded systems; smart engineering asset management; rapid prototyping and reverse engineering design; virtual manufacturing; global manufacturing and product development; production modeling and scheduling methodologies; environmental management and green manufacturing; quality and reliability management; factory performance analysis; occupational health and safety management; conflict management; experiential and activity-based learning in industrial engineering; organizational learning in manufacturing; project management; and re-structuringof Hong Kong manufacturing industries.Applied Mathematics9 The applied mathematics area focuses mainly on the following: asymptotics and perturbation methods; complexity theory; control and system theory; dynamical system; fluid mechanics; granular materials; learning theory; mathematical finance; modeling of new materials; nonlinear10 elasticity; linear and nonlinear waves; numerical analysis; partial differential equations; scientific computation; plate and shell theory; stochastic analysis; and wave propagation.Built EnvironmentWind, water, fire, earthquake, disasters and collapses; building maintenance, construction, machineries, energy, day lighting, indoor air quality, health and safety; construction management, disputes, economy, contracts, law and regulations; building structures and construction materials; town planning, regional air quality, computational fluid dynamics; tunneling, foundations, slopes and geotechnics; intelligent and green buildings, indoor air quality; mechanics, nano-mechanics and simulation; bridges, roads and rail; transportation, evacuation, GPS, GIS; design, computer drafting, electronic submission; housing and real estates, finance and management.Chinese and Comparative LawThe Chinese and comparative law area focuses mainly on the following: comparative law theory and practice, constitutional and administrative law, human rights, socio-legal studies, economic analysis of law, civil and commercial law, foreign investment and trade law, cross-border legal issues, banking law, international law, arbitration and alternative dispute resolution, law of torts, law of contract, environmental and planning law, criminal law and criminal justice, professional legal studies.A vigorous and cooperative research culture provides a platform for creation, exchange, discussion and debate of ideas and perspectives on Chinese and comparative law. The focus is on both theoretical and practical aspects of legal research and emphasizes studies in global issues from a Chinese and Asian perspective and with an interdisciplinary focus. Research output is disseminated in Greater China and overseas.Computer Science and Digital MediaThe Department of Computer Science (CS) has established and maintained an excellent record in publishing original research results and developing high quality applied research deliverables in the last few years. In addition, the Department also works together with the School of Creative Media (SCM) since certain research interests are developed and overlapped to an extent.The computer science and digital media area focuses mainly on the following: (1) Multimedia Technology, Pattern Recognition, Video and Image Computing: Image, Video and 3D Model Retrieval; Statistical Deformable Models; Intelligent Systems, Video Encoding; Medical Imaging; (2) Distributed Mobile Computing and Wireless Networking: Distributed Algorithms; P2P Systems; Computer Communications; Internetworking; Network Protocols; Mobile Computing; Wireless Networks; Wireless Sensor Networks; WDM Optical Networks; Network Security; (3) Applied Algorithms: Bioinformatics; Computational Geometry; Data and Internet Security; Equilibrium Algorithms; Scheduling; (4) Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge and Data Management: AI Search; Optimization; Evolutionary Computing; Constraint Programming; Machine Learning; Text Mining; Information Retrieval; Semantic Object Modeling; (Web) Data Mining and Warehousing; Mobile/Multimedia Data Indexing and Caching; XML and Interoperability; Workflow and Web Services; (5) Systems, Software Engineering and Internet Applications: Embedded System; Parallel Architecture; Real-time。
