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一、buy v. 买、换取、相信、值得买的东西

●I think he was trying to buy time.


try doing(尝试) / to do(尽力)

●Stone is playing this card to buy time. (出这张牌)

play this card to 用/使这一招

●I won't buy your nonsense.


nonsense 胡扯、胡说八道

● A lot of people bought that nonsense.

X is a good buy. (等于)

→ If something is a good buy, it is of good quality and not very expensive.

介词+n = adj of importance = important

●buy off 收买

●buyer n. 买主、卖家、采购员

purchase v/n 买、购买

purchaser n. 买主、买家

二、shop n. 店 v. 购物

go shopping 去购物

shopping mall 商品

●market 市场

supermarket 超市

store n. 商店、店;储备、储藏、仓库 v.储藏、储备 department store 零售店

convenient store 便利店

●online store 网店

shop online 网购(v) I like to shop online.

online shopping 网购(n) I like online shopping.

●grocery 杂货店

三、price tag / tag 价格标签

●bargain v 讨价还价 n. 交易、便宜货

discount 打折

promotion 促销

promotional compaign 促销活动、促销战

●X% off 打几折(Eg:30% off 打七折、去掉30%) on sale 打折

for sale 正在出售

BOGO→by one get one 买一送一

四、cashier 收银员

till n. 出纳机、交款处

●credit card 信用卡

debit card 借记卡、银行卡

cash 现金

online payment 在线支付

mobile payment 移动支付

pay by installment 分期付款

五、 receipt 收据

invoice 发票

quality warranty 质量保证书

●return 退货

exchange 换

final sale 最后售卖

六、window shopping 只逛不买

fifting room / change room 试衣间●in stock 有库存

stock n. 股票、库存

out of stock 无库存、没货

●fashion n 时尚

fashionable adj. 时尚的

infashion 流行

out of fashion 过时

fashion industry 时尚业
