福建省工程建设地方标准工程建设地方标准编号:DBJ/T13-135-2017住房城乡建设部备案号:J11820-2017福建省市政工程施工文件管理规程Specification for municipal engineeringconstruction management document in Fujian2017-03 -28 发布2017 -08-01 实施福建省住房和城乡建设厅发布福建省工程建设地方标准福建省市政工程施工文件管理规程Specification for municipal engineeringconstruction management document in Fujian工程建设地方标准编号:DBJ/T 13-135-2017住房和城乡建设部备案号:J11820-2017主编单位:福建省建设工程质量安全监督总站中建海峡建设发展有限公司批准部门:福建省住房和城乡建设厅实施日期:2017 年08 月01 日2017 年福州福建省住房和城乡建设厅关于发布省工程建设地方标准《福建省建筑工程施工文件管理规程》和《福建省市政工程施工文件管理规程》的通知闽建科【2017】7 号各设区市建设局(建委)、平潭综合实验区交通与建设局,各有关单位:由福建省建设工程质量安全监督总站和中建海峡发展有限公司共同主编的《福建省建筑工程施工文件管理规程》和《福建省市政工程施工文件管理规程》,经审查,批准为福建省工程建设地方标准,其中《福建省建筑工程施工文件管理规程》编号为 DBJ/T13-56-2017、《福建省市政工程施工文件管理规程》编号为 DBJ/T13-135-2017;均自 2017 年 8 月 1 日起实施。
原《福建省建筑工程施工文件管理规程》DBJ/T13-56-2011 和《市政工程施工技术文件管理规程》编号为 DBJ/T13-135-2011 同时废止。
2×300MW级热电机组扩建工程生产准备大纲2013年12月16日发布 2012年1月1日实施2×300MW级热电机组扩建工程生产准备大纲编制:初审:审核:审定:批准:目录一概述51工程概况52生产准备工作的指导思想和基本原则63生产准备工作的主要内容74生产准备大纲的编制依据8二组织机构9三人员培训91人员的配备92培训目标103运行培训104检修维护培训125培训管理13四技术准备131技术资料的收集、整理132培训教材的编写133技术资料的编写144建立设备清册和设备台帐145记录、报表准备146提供或审查保护定值157设备的命名编号及挂牌15五规章制度准备151管理制度152工作标准和岗位规范16六生产物资准备161燃料准备162备品配件准备163仪器、仪表、量具、工具及运行消耗材料的准备16七营销准备17八全面参与工程建设171设计审查172设备招投标183设备催交、验收及监造184设备安装过程监督检查18九分部试运、整套启动及交接后的工作181分部试运阶段182整套启动试运阶段193生产移交后的工作214性能考核试验及验收22十生产准备工作的管理与考核22附件23附件1:生产准备组织机构24附件2:需要收集、整理技术资料44附件3:培训教材编写责任分工49附件4:运行规程编写责任分工52附件5:系统图及接线图绘画责任分工55附件6:检修工艺规程编写责任分工59附件7:操作票编写责任分工67附件8:运行巡检路线及标准编写分工71附件9:设备定期轮换试验标准编写分工72附件10:运行安全技术及事故处理预案编写分工73附件11:设备清册及技术台账编写分工74附件12:记录、报表格式编制责任分工78附件13:保护定值计算责任分工80附件14:设备命名、编号及挂牌分工81附件15:补充完善生产准备工作规章制度分工81附件16:备品、备件储存定额责任分工82附件17:消耗材料计划编制责任分工83附件18:工器具及防护用品计划编制责任分工84一概述1工程概况本期工程建设2×300MW级亚临界燃煤供热汽轮发电机组,同步建设烟气脱硫装置。
备案号:— 2010 Q/中国国电企业标准Q/ —2010无燃油等离子体点火及助燃电厂设计、调试与运行导则Guide for design 、commissioning and operation of plasma ignition and combustion stabilization on fuel oil-free power plant(送审稿2010 - - 发布 2010 - - 实施中国国电发布目次前言............................................................................................................................................ ............ I V1 范围 (12 规范性引用文件 (13 术语和定义 (14 无燃油等离子体点火及助燃电厂的适应性 (34.1煤质的适应性 (34.2锅炉型式 (44.3燃烧器型式 (44.4制粉系统型式 (45 无燃油等离子体点火及助燃系统性能要求 (46 无燃油等离子体点火及助燃电厂的设计 (4 6.1通则 (46.2启动锅炉选型 (56.3冷炉制粉系统设计 (56.3.1 储仓式制粉系统 (56.3.2 直吹式制粉系统 (66.3.3 冷风加热器的选用 (66.3.4 冷风蒸汽加热器汽源 (76.3.5 冷风蒸汽加热系统的设计与布置 (86.3.6 冷风燃油加热系统的设计与布置 (96.4载体工质(空气系统设计 (96.5闭式循环冷却水系统设计 (96.6电气系统设计 (106.7控制系统的设计 (106.7.1 监测系统 (106.7.2 控制系统 (106.8等离子体燃烧器的布置 (116.8.1 切向燃烧直流燃烧器 (116.8.2 墙式燃烧旋流燃烧器 (116.9等离子体点火系统的设计 (116.9.1冷风加热器 (116.9.2载体工质(空气系统 (126.9.3冷却水系统 (136.9.4电源系统 (156.9.5监测控制系统 (156.9.6等离子体燃烧器的冷却风 (167 等离子体点火设备的制造 (167.1 等离子体燃烧器的制造 (167.1.1 等离子体发生器 (167.1.2 内燃式煤粉燃烧器 (177.2 电源设备的制造 (177.3 冷风蒸汽加热器的制造 (177.4 图像火焰监视探头的制造 (178 无燃油等离子体点火及助燃电厂的调试 (18 8.1 锅炉启动与调试 (188.2 制粉系统调试 (188.2.1 制粉系统启动前的检查 (188.2.2 启动前的调整及试验项目 (188.2.3 制粉系统整套启动调试 (198.2.4 制粉系统停止的操作及要求 (198.3 电气系统调试(包括冷态拉弧试验 (208.4 控制系统调试 (208.5 除灰、吹灰系统调试 (218.5.1冷态试运转条件 (218.5.2除灰系统静态调试 (218.5.3除灰系统动态调试 (218.5.4吹灰系统启动前应具备的条件和检查项目 (23 8.5.5静态试验和启动调整 (238.5.6 吹灰系统动态调整与带负荷试运 (248.6 仪用压缩空气系统调试 (248.6.1 冷态试运前的检查 (248.6.2 冷态试验项目及方法 (258.6.3 空压机带负荷冷态试转项目 (268.6.4 系统启动顺序及要求 (268.6.5 载体工质(空气系统调试步骤 (268.7 冷风蒸汽加热系统调试 (278.7.1 系统启动条件及检查 (278.7.2 系统启动 (278.8 闭式冷却水系统调试 (288.8.1 系统试运应具备的条件 (288.8.2 系统管道冲洗 (288.8.3 系统投运 (288.8.4 系统调试 (298.9 图像火焰监视系统调试 (298.10 等离子体点火系统调试 (308.10.1 启动前应具备的条件 (308.10.2 等离子体点火系统的启停与运行 (308.11 RB试验 (318.11.1机组设计的RB工况 (318.11.2RB的负荷及运行模式要求 (318.11.3调试步骤 (328.11.4RUNBACK动态试验及结果评估 (329 无燃油等离子体点火及助燃系统的运行和管理 (339.1 锅炉点火前无燃油等离子体点火及助燃系统的检查与准备 (339.2 无燃油等离子体点火及助燃系统的运行调整 (339.2.1等离子体发生器拉弧电流和电压的调整 (339.2.2等离子体发生器阴、阳极间距的调整 (349.2.3阴、阳极维护 (349.2.4载体风压的调整 (349.2.5冷却水压力的调整 (349.2.6等离子体燃烧器煤粉浓度的调整 (349.2.7一次风速(煤粉/空气混合物气流速度的调整 (349.2.8二次风速的调整 (349.2.9磨煤机出口温度的要求 (349.2.10等离子体燃烧器对应磨煤机出力 (359.3 无燃油等离子体点火及助燃系统运行管理及运行中的注意事项 (35 9.4 正常停炉 (369.5 冷态启动 (369.5.1 启动前应具备的条件 (369.5.2 储仓式制粉系统锅炉的冷态启动 (369.5.3 直吹式制粉系统锅炉的冷态启动 (379.6 热态和极热态启动 (379.7 最低稳燃负荷 (389.8 锅炉反事故措施 (389.8.1 防止空气预热器烧损技术措施 (389.8.2 防止炉膛爆破事故发生的技术措施 (399.8.3 防止制粉系统爆炸和着火措施 (39参考文献 (40前言无燃油等离子体点火及助燃电厂与燃用煤质、炉型、容量、制粉系统和无燃油等离子体点火及助燃系统多重因素有关,而且还涉及到电厂、锅炉制造厂、电力设计院、调试单位和等离子体点火设备制造厂,需要对涉及各方面的技术进行规范。
目录1 工程概况 (1)2 调试范围及相关项目 (1)3 措施编制标准和依据 (2)4 调试目的 (2)5 调试前应具备的条件 (2)6 调试步骤 (4)6.1静态调试 (4)6.2动态调试 (5)7 调试所使用工具 (5)8 调试质量的检验标准 (6)9 调试组织分工 (6)9.1 建设单位职责 (6)9.2 施工单位职责 (6)9.3 调试单位职责 (6)9.4生产单位职责 (6)9.5 监理单位职责 (6)9.6 DCS厂家及火检厂家职责 (6)10 强制性条文 (6)11 安全控制措施及要求 (8)12 环境保护、文明施工及低碳绿色施工措施及要求 (10)13 附录 (11)13.1 附表1:重大危险因素“H、S点”验证单 (11)13.2 附表2:MFT跳闸条件确认表 (12)13.3 附表3:MFT跳闸动作确认表 (13)13.4 附表4:系统试运条件检查确认表 (15)13.5 附表5:质量检验评定表 (16)13.6 附表6:调试措施交底记录表 (17)1 工程概况本工程项目位于山东省滨州市沾化区滨海镇大义路以北、疏港路以东,建设规模为:4×350MW供热机组,主要为满足滨州市沾化区滨北新区内企业的生产、生活用电、用热需求,为滨州市沾化区滨北新区内企业供热、供电。
热工控制系统(DCS系统)为和利时公司生产的MACS-SM(硬件)和MACS V6.5.2(软件)分散控制系统,主机DCS包括数据采集系统(DAS)、模拟量控制系统(MCS)、顺序控制系统(SCS)、锅炉炉膛安全监控系统(FSSS)、旁路控制系统(BPS)、电气控制系统(ECS)等各项控制功能。
• 两个阀体水平夹角为 105°布置。
• 循环物料返回点和燃料供 入点增加
固定床点火 流化床点火
检(FSSS--MFT),防止爆 炸。
作用: • 点火助燃
• 低负荷稳燃(自动 )
作用: • 点火(手动、远
控、自动) • 低负荷稳燃(自动
是将大量的高温固体 物料从烟气中分离出来, 送回到燃烧室,以维持燃 烧室内较高的固体颗粒浓 度,并保证燃料和脱硫剂 多次循环和反复燃烧。
• 减少尾部受热面的磨损
• 再生脱硫
• 回收可燃质,提高燃烧 效率
• 调节床温 • 调节床压
• 调节负荷(调节燃烧)
• 调节汽温 • 调节汽压
• 压头高、流量小
• 流量基本不随压头变化
容积式风机 如:罗茨风机
Designing and Manufacturing an Appropriate Technology Shredder in a Developing CountryJeffrey P. WeissAn Engineering Project submitted to the faculty of the School of Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Masters of Manufacturing Systems Engineering degreeUniversity of St. ThomasSt. Paul, MinnesotaDecember 2005AbstractThe focus of this project was to redesign a simple manual shredding machine used to shred breadfruit for the Republic of Haiti. A breadfruit shredder previously designed by a student senior design team was used as the basis for this project. The objective was to apply manufacturing principles, such as Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA), to simplify and reduce the cost of this machine so that it would be more accessible to poor farmers in Haiti. Each part of the shredder was examined using the DFMA methodology to determine if it could be eliminated or redesigned to simplify it while still making a quality product that met the performance criteria. The limitations of manufacturing a product in a developing country were also taken into consideration and played a key role in the outcome of the design. The result was a design that had a reduced number of parts, was more robust, easier to clean, simpler to build in a developing country, used materials that were more commonly available, and cost less to make.Revised Tommy Breadfruit ShredderAcknowledgementsI would like to acknowledge and send my sincerest thanks to my Project Committee of Dr. Camille George, Dr. Fred Zimmerman, and Mr. John Walker. They contributed numerous ideas during both the project phase and during the writing process. This resulted in a much better product that will hopefully improve the lives of people around the world. Dr. George also spent a great deal of time correcting and critiquing the writing of someone who was unaccustomed to writing in the academic thesis style.Many other people also lent a voice to the project during the research and design review phases. This would include Karl Mueller, Bruce Humphrey, Hank Garwick, Dave Elton, John Schevenius, Gary Olmstead, Fred Hegele, Pat O'Malley, Troy Pontgras, Yvonne Ng, and Clay Solberg. These people took the time to help and offered ideas that had previously been missed, resulting in a better product.I would also like to acknowledge the contribution of Dr. Mike Hennessey at the University of St. Thomas and the work of five of his undergraduate students. Justin Jackelen, Michael Boston, Angela Wachira, Keli Lais, and Matt Ellision took on the task of turning the revised breadfruit shredder drawings into computer animated Solidworks models. This contributed greatly to the visual understanding of the project and presentation. They also provided the fabrication prints that accompany this paper.Table of ContentsChapter I: Introduction (1)The Haitian Situation (2)Breadfruit (3)The Tommy Shredder (5)The Beneficiaries (5)Project Motivation (6)Chapter II: Research and Prior Work (7)UST Senior Design Team Work (7)Literature Search (9)Compatible Technology, International (11)Institutional Libraries (15)Research and International Organizations (15)Expert Inquires (17)Chapter III: Project Proposal (18)Project Objectives (18)Alternative Methods (20)Project Constraints (21)Project Budget (23)Financial Justification (23)Chapter IV: Findings and Results (24)Redesign Process (25)Design for Manufacture and Assembly Process (25)Alternative Designs (29)Design Reviews (30)Design Modifications (33)Fabrication Lessons (38)Design Variations (40)Shredder Blade Project (41)Testing the Redesigned Shredder (45)Redesign Results (47)Schedule (50)Final Budget (51)Chapter V: Discussion and Ramifications (52)Project Dissemination (52)Implementing the Shredder in Developing Countries (53)Project Obstacles (54)Bibliography: (57)Appendices (60)Appendix 1: Revisions 1 and 2 (60)Appendix 2: Revisions 3 and 4 (61)Appendix 3: Revisions 5 and 6 (62)Appendix 4: Revision 7 and 8 (63)Appendix 5: Breadfruit Shredder Exploded Layout (64)Appendix 6: Bill of Materials – Breadfruit Shredder (65)Appendix 7: Frame Plate Fabrication (67)Appendix 8: Drive Shaft Fabrication (69)Appendix 9: Feeder Tube Fabrication (70)Appendix 10: Blade Mount Fabrication (71)Appendix 11: Shredder Press Weight Fabrication (73)Appendix 12: Shredder Assembly Instructions (74)Appendix 13: Original Project Schedule (77)Appendix 14: Revised Project Schedule (78)Appendix 15: Preliminary Sketch by John Walker (79)Appendix 16: Contributions by Karl Mueller (80)Appendix 17: Drawing #001 – Frame Plate (82)Appendix 18: Drawing #002 – Drive Shaft (83)Appendix 19: Drawing #003 – Feeder Tube (84)Appendix 20: Drawing #004 – Drive Shaft Bearing (85)Appendix 21: Drawing #005 – Handle (86)Appendix 22: Drawing #006 – Blade Mount (87)Appendix 23: Drawing #007 – Center Divider (88)Appendix 24: Drawing #008 – Center Divider Spacer Tube (89)Appendix 25: Drawing #009 – Shredder Press Weight (90)Table of FiguresFigure 1: Map of the Republic of Haiti (CIA Fact Book, 2005) (3)Figure 2: Fruit of the Breadfruit Tree () (4)Figure 3: Senior Design Team Shredder (8)Figure 4: Garwick/Elton Breadfruit Shredder (13)Figure 5: Garwick/Elton Bicycle Drive Mechanism (14)Figure 6: Original Tommy Shredder Exploded View (28)Figure 7: Handle/Drive Shaft Changes (34)Figure 8: Drive Shaft Bearing Changes (35)Figure 9: Frame Plate Changes (35)Figure 10: Center Divider Changes (36)Figure 11: Blade Mount Changes (37)Figure 12: Combined Feeder Tube Hoop and Spacer (38)Figure 13: Alignment of Bushing Supports (39)Figure 14: Wooden Bushing Variation (41)Figure 15: Shredder Blade Profile Die, Profile Punch, and Hole Template (43)Figure 16: Fabricated Blade (45)Figure 17: The Revised Tommy Shredder (48)Table of TablesTable 1: Haiti Facts (CIA Fact Book, 2005) (2)Table 2: Proposed Budget (23)Table 3: Shredder Punch Hole Test (44)Table 4: Final Budget (52)Chapter I: IntroductionThis project will focus on redesigning for manufacture a simple breadfruit shredder for the Republic of Haiti. As one of the poorest nations in the Western hemisphere, Haiti is a country that lacks a stable government, education system, manufacturing base, or infrastructure. Malnutrition is a problem to the extent that the United States Department of State estimated that the child malnutrition rate was 22 percent in 2000(). Breadfruit is a natural food resource that is underutilized because it rots quickly and is difficult to store using traditional methods. Drying breadfruit can extend its shelf life and this process is best done when the shreds are even and consistent.A simple manual shredder was developed to produce consistent shreds for the inhabitants of Haiti by a group of senior engineering students at the University of Saint Thomas (UST) in conjunction with Compatible Technology International (CTI), an international non-profit organization. The student version of the shredder was designed and tested and found to meet all of the criteria that they had established. Despite meeting the requirements, the machine had the potential to be optimized to better reflect the manufacturing capabilities available in a developing country. This paper will document the redesign process and look at the manufacturing principles that drove this process. The end result was a machine that was simpler to build with the basic machine tools that would normally be found in a developing country such as Haiti, used materials that were more commonly available, had a reduced number of parts, was more robust, was easier to clean, and had a reduced cost.The Haitian SituationHaiti is considered to be the poorest and most destitute country in the Western hemisphere (CIA Fact Book, 2005). A majority of its population lives in poverty and relies on subsistence farming for survival. It has a long history of political upheaval and unrest since it gained its independence from France in 1804. The rotation of various governments and civil wars has hindered investment in the country and led to high unemployment and dismal living conditions for its inhabitants. The education system is broken or non-existent and there has been an exodus of knowledge from the island as people flee the dire conditions and turmoil.Table 1: Haiti Facts (CIA Fact Book, 2005)Population (Estimate, 2004): 8,121,622Land Area: 27,750 sq kmAverage Life Expectancy: 53 yearsPopulation Below Poverty Line: 80%Percentage of Population in Agriculture: 66%Unemployment Rate (no formal job): 66%Average Literacy Rate: 52%Figure 1: Map of the Republic of Haiti (CIA Fact Book, 2005)Most of the original Haitian forests have been cut down for fuel and the desire to cultivate more land. The weak governments have been unable or unwilling to confront this problem and it has continued unchecked. This deforestation has resulted in massive land erosion in the mountainous country and a net loss of arable land (CIA Fact Book, 2005). Breadfruit trees are abundant throughout the island and are one of the few trees that have survived the deforestation process.BreadfruitBreadfruit is an important food source and has become a staple for the inhabitants of warmer islands in the Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean. It has some nutritional value anda high starch content (Adebowale, 2005). Typical ways of preparing breadfruit are grilling, roasting, adding it to soups, and mashing.Figure 2: Fruit of the Breadfruit Tree ()One of the unique properties of breadfruit is its limited shelf life. Once it ripens and comes off of the tree, it will last between one and three days ( ). The breadfruit trees of Haiti produce fruit twice a year for a three week period (six weeks per year). Much of the fruit rots on the ground because of the inability to consume it all for the short time that it is in season (Capecchi, 2005). Typical preservation methods for fruit, such as canning, can be done but these value-adding processes are not common in Haiti and will increase the price of the food. A more economical way of preserving the breadfruit needed to be developed to utilize its potential to alleviate long-term hunger on the island.The Tommy ShredderThe development of a breadfruit harvesting process was taken on by two groups of senior mechanical engineering students as their Senior Design Projects in the 2003-2004 academic year. The first team attempted to devise a solar drier to quickly dehydrate the shredded breadfruit. The drying project showed that the shredded fruit could be successfully air-dried with an optimal shred size of ½” wide (Emiliusen, Mauritzen, McGruder, and Torgerson, 2004). The dried product can be stored for up to a year.The second team worked on developing a small, economical shredder that could efficiently and quickly process the breadfruit down into shreds so that it could be dried (Anderson, Fox, Rick, and Spah, 2004). The concept and methodology for the basic shredder design was done by the senior design team as was the testing to prove out the final design and will not be repeated in this paper. The purpose of this project was to examine and simplify the design, focusing primarily on its manufacturability.The BeneficiariesThe target beneficiaries of this shredder will be women’s cooperative groups based in Haiti. CTI, whose mission is to bring appropriate technologies to help increase food supplies and storage capacities in the developing world, has been working with the Methodist Church missions in Haiti on preserving breadfruit. Dried breadfruit can be ground into flour and local CTI volunteers have created several recipes using this breadfruit flour as the bulk material. UST teamed up with CTI to develop a simple shredder that could be used to shred the breadfruit. The goal of this joint project was tocreate a shredder that was simple to use and economical to manufacture so that local versions could be bought with micro-loans managed by the Methodist Church of Haiti. CTI also planned on helping set up a program to buy the shredded/ground breadfruit and process it into a cereal for Haitian school children (Capecchi, 2004). The plan was to take a resource, preserve it and add value, and then process it to create a commercial good. The objective of this undertaking is to give the women’s co-ops a starter model shredder that would allow them to generate some income from a readily available raw material.This shredder is also capable of processing a variety of different produce. There have been inquiries into its ability to shred cassava, sweet potatoes, and red peppers. The alternative uses of the shredder will not be explored here but the final design for this project will be made readily available and has potential uses worldwide. It will also be submitted to appropriate technology journals to broaden its dissemination.Project MotivationThe author of this master’s engineering project has spent time in developing countries and realized that there are often raw materials that are not fully utilized and exploited. The people generally lack the knowledge to manufacture items in large volumes and have limited manufacturing equipment, start-up money, a reliable source of power, or an infrastructure to transport the goods (Obi, 1999). However, these people are extremely creative and will adapt what they have on hand to work in almost any situation (Humphrey, 2005). The motivation for this project was to help the people develop theirown economy and hopefully raise their standard of living. This project will not only benefit the women of Haiti, it will help the local machine shops, provide work at the processing plant, and give the children of Haiti a stable, year around diet.Chapter II: Research and Prior WorkThe research for this project consisted of searching major journals, books on manufacturing in developing countries, contacting major research libraries, and personal contacts with experts in various fields. Many avenues for help were explored to gather information to improve the final design. The research phase of this project found that the work done by the UST senior design team was one of the few to address the issue of constructing a simple shredder for manufacture and use in a developing country.UST Senior Design Team WorkThis project is based on the work previously done by a University of Saint Thomas (UST) senior engineering design team whose goal was to develop the original breadfruit shredder based on the needs of the country of Haiti and the criteria established by Compatible Technology, International (CTI). The purpose of the original project was to “find the most efficient means of mechanically shredding breadfruit to best prepare the fruit for the drying process” (Anderson et al, 2004). The team developed concepts and tested many different methods of shredding the breadfruit and the mechanical actuators that would be needed for each prototype. The concepts were evaluated and ranked and the team chose the method best suited for their needs. The ‘Tommy Shredder’ developedby the student senior design team is shown in Figure 3 and their paper can be found on the UST website at /cmgeorge/breadfruit_shredder/.Figure 3: Senior Design Team ShredderThe senior design team had originally planned on testing the shredder in its target environment of Haiti but that country was not accessible at the time due to political unrest. A prototype shredder was built and brought to the Caribbean island of St. Vincent where there was an ample supply of breadfruit and established contacts. On the island of St. Vincent, the design was field-tested using breadfruit and the results recorded. The shredder met all of the target criteria established by CTI and the design team. It produced an average shred rate of 200 pounds/hour and cost less than $100 dollars U.S. to build (Anderson et al, 2004). This shredder became the baseline for the current project.Literature SearchA literature search done using the Compendex database at the University of Minnesota found several articles that were possibly related or relevant to the design of the breadfruit shredder. These articles were retrieved and analyzed with the result being that a majority were not related or did not contain information relevant to the design of an appropriate technology machine. Many of the applicable articles are referenced throughout this paper while those with less relevance to the project are cited in this section.In ‘Functional Properties of Native, Physically and Chemically Modified Breadfruit (Artocarpus Artilis) Starch’, Adebowale, Olu-Owolabi, Olawumi, and Lawal (2005) dealt with extracting starch from breadfruit. In the ‘Rediscovery of Local Raw Materials: New Opportunities for Developing Countries’, El-Mously (1997) discussed ways that developing countries could use local, undervalued resources to reduce their dependence on foreign imports. Breadfruit would be an undervalued resource on most Caribbean islands but the article did not provide information that would be relevant to the design of a shredder or this project. In the ‘Framework for Selecting and Introducing Appropriate Production Technology in Developing Countries’, Bruun and Mefford (1996) looked at working with the culture and education of developing countries when setting up a production facility. These are issues that will not be dealt with in this paper. In the ‘Role of Materials in Developing Countries’, Villas-Boas (1990) discussed the lack of use of new, high-tech materials in developing countries due to their cost and availability. Every effort was made to design the shredder using only common materials that would typicallybe available in a poor, developing country. In the ‘Supplier Selection in Developing Countries: a Model Development’, Motwani, Youssef, Kathawala, and Futch (1999) discussed issues involving selecting or qualifying vendors to produce a product. This will be the responsibility of the organization having the shredder built, and is beyond the scope of this project.A search of the Internet using the Google – Advanced Scholar provided more papers that had some relevance. Thakur, Varma, and Goldey (2001) in the ‘Perceptions of Drudgery in Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Operations: A Gender Analysis From Haryana State, India’ discusses the fact that women in developing countries spend much more time working in agriculture than men and the tasks given to them are more monotonous and tedious. The article supports the need for a device like the breadfruit shredder that has the potential to lift them out of that situation. In ‘A Framework for Implementing Appropriate Manufacturing Systems in Developing Economies’, Obi (1999) looked for explanations on why the Industrial Revolution passed by most developing countries and explored ways that these countries can start utilizing their vast manpower resources. He discusses the need to change workers attitudes. Finally, in ‘Meeting a Pressing Need’, Hynd and Smith (2004) discuss a simple oilseed ram press as an appropriate technology device for small scale extracting of oil from seeds and nuts. They examine some of the cultural issues that were associated with implementing the oilseed ram. The insights of this article could be used as a guide for undertaking the next phase of the shredder project; implementation into the Haitian culture. They briefly talk about some of themanufacturing difficulties, such as poor quality, associated with producing goods in a developing country.The best book relating to appropriate technology equipment used in developing countries is the ‘Appropriate Technology Sourcebook’ compiled by Darrow and Saxenian (1993). It is considered ‘The Bible’ by people in the appropriate technology field, such as those at CTI (Humphreys, 2005). The book is a resource listing appropriate technology machine books and papers that are available for purchase from other sources. It does not contain any designs of its own, but it does give a brief description of the contents of the papers and designs that are available for order. A search of this book and the updated website did not reveal any designs for manual shredders or grinders(/atnetwork/atsourcebook/index).Compatible Technology, InternationalCompatible Technology, International (CTI) () is an excellent local resource for dealing with appropriate technology in developing countries and has extensive connections throughout the world. It is an organization dedicated to using simple devices to improve food production and storage in the third world. They are a stakeholder in the design and development of the original shredder. The director of CTI is Bruce Humphreys who granted an interview on issues dealing with manufacturing in developing countries (2005). Some of the key points that he brought up were:Manufacturers in developing countries do not necessarily build parts to a fabrication print. Everything is custom and will look similar to what is desired,but is not quite the same.Creativity is not rewarded in many cultures and there is a desire to continue doing things the old way.Expectations in quality and standards will probably not be met. They do not typically produce to the same quality as is expected in the U.S.There are cultural norms and practices that will be slow to change and may not be overcome. This would primarily relate to the target market of women. Womentend to not use machines, thus the design must be easy to use and relatively toolfree.These assertions by Mr. Humphrey were reinforced in other literature relating to the topic (Obi, 1999).Hank Garwick and Dave Elton are the two CTI volunteers who are most closely tied into the Haiti mission. They have made several trips to Haiti on humanitarian missions associated with both CTI and the Methodist Church. The two offered insight into the Haitian mindset, manufacturing capabilities in Haiti, and experience in shredding breadfruit. Their comments on the manufacturing capabilities in Haiti were that “we would be lucky to find someone who could read a print, and even if they can they probably won’t follow it” (Garwick, 2005).Garwick and Elton were not satisfied with the work of the UST senior design team and continued to develop the shredder after the senior design team’s project ended. They made several small modifications to the design, built a prototype, and brought it down to Haiti to be tested (Fig. 4). The Garwick/Elton version of the shredder did not work as well as intended and did not produce the desired shred rate found by the UST engineering team (Garwick, 2005). It is unclear why this was the case. Several of the better design changes that they made to their shredder were incorporated into the current shredder design. These would include the sheet metal center divider and ideas on the retainer for the shredding blade.Figure 4: Garwick/Elton Breadfruit ShredderGarwick and Elton believed strongly that the prime power for the operation of the shredder should be a leg driven bicycle type mechanism instead of the current hand powered crank. Figure 5 shows a bicycle drive assembly that they added to a shredder (Garwick, 2005). This project is focused on producing a shredder for the poorest of people in Haiti and it was felt that a bicycle type mechanism would significantly add to the cost of the machine while making it unnecessarily complex. It is expected that this shredder will only be fully utilized for several weeks a year during the breadfruit harvest and would not justify the higher cost. The current design is one such that a bicycle type drive could be added to the shredder at a later date if desired by the user.Figure 5: Garwick/Elton Bicycle Drive MechanismInstitutional LibrariesThe United States Military Academy at West Point has an extensive library relating to military manuals and papers. The U.S. military routinely performs operations in developing countries and the units typically tasked with helping the local population are the Civil Affairs units and the Special Operations Forces. These units are often involved in nation building and community development and have close contact with the people. Daniel Prichard, a research librarian at the library, was contacted about any pamphlets, articles, or papers that the library may have on a shredder or appropriate technologies in developing countries. Mr. Prichard found nothing relevant at the Academy’s library (Prichard, 2004).A search of the University of St. Thomas’s and the University of Minnesota’s library systems found no books or on-site literature that was relevant to the design of the breadfruit shredder.Research and International OrganizationsThe Hawaiian Breadfruit Institute is an organization based in Hawaii whose mission is “to promote the study and use of Breadfruit for food and reforestation”( ). It tracks and propagates the 120 known varieties of breadfruit found on the islands of the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea. Dr. Diane Ragone, director of the Hawaiian Breadfruit Institute, was contacted regarding the shredding of breadfruit and the possible existence of similar devices. Dr. Ragone responded that she had not heard of any similar processing methods for breadfruit. Her primary concern for this wasthat the latex found naturally in breadfruit would ‘gum-up’ the machine and clog the shredding blade (Ragone, 2005). This issue was raised with Hank Garwick of CTI and he stated that most of the latex in breadfruit was found in the skin. The skin is removed before processing so this did not appear to be a concern for the shredder. The field tests in St. Vincent by the senior engineering student team did not report any excessive latex build up on the blades.The International Research Development Centre (IRDC) is a Canadian based organization whose purpose is ‘to build healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous societies’ (www.irdc.ca ). An e-mail was sent to IRDC explaining the project and asking about any information that they might have on shredders. The response was a link to their website which brought up nothing of value. A similar search of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) provided no additional information ().Research was done with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to see if there were requirements or recommendations for the food industry regarding food processing equipment or the components used in them. The purpose was to find out which materials were considered “Food Grade” and suitable for food contact. The goal is to make the shredder as sanitary and safe as possible regardless of the standards that may be present in a developing country. It was found that the FDA does not keep a list of recommended materials, but has established a list of requirements that manufactures must meet in order to state that it is a material approved for food contact. The premise of therequirements are that if any of the material could ‘migrate’ to the food, it must not pose a threat to humans (FDA, 1999).Expert InquiresThe Minneapolis/St. Paul area is home to several large food producing companies such as General Mills. Food Safety personnel at General Mills were contacted to ask about standards for their food production equipment and any suggestions that would help to make the shredder more sanitary and suitable for food contact. These inquiries covered guidelines that are typical of the food processing industry. Gary Olmstead, Food Safety Instructor at General Mills stated that equipment should be durable and easy to clean (Olmstead, 2005). General Mills avoids having any pieces of equipment over the product because of the risk of parts falling into the food. Fred Hegele, also part of food safety at General Mills, was concerned about the durability of any plastics used in the equipment. He emphasized that the machine cannot have any recessed pockets or hard to clean areas. These would trap bacteria and make it unsafe and unsanitary (Hegele, 2005). John Schevenius, a former General Mills Engineer and founder of CTI, was contacted about suggestions for the shredder. Although he was familiar with the breadfruit program, he could not offer any suggestions for improvement (Schevenius, 2005).The research done here showed that there is a lack of availability of information regarding the design of an appropriate technology machine. The design methodology varies from organization to organization and no standardized process appears to have been completed and published in a major journal regarding the topic. Appropriate。
DZ/T 0078—2014 4.2 技术准备 ...................................................................... 7 4.2.1 资料收集与综合整理 ........................................................ 7 4.2.2 剖面位置选择 .............................................................. 7 4.2.3 野外踏勘 .................................................................. 8 4.2.4 剖面设计 .................................................................. 8 4.3 剖面测制 ...................................................................... 9 4.3.1 基线布置 .................................................................. 9 4.3.2 地质观察、分层与记录 ...................................................... 9 4.3.3 作图步骤 .................................................................. 9 4.3.4 记录 ..................................................................... 10 4.3.5 剖面测制中的物化探工作 ................................................... 10 4.4 编制综合地质柱状图 ........................................................... 10 4.5 实测剖面小结 ................................................................. 10 4.6 实测勘查线剖面 ............................................................... 11 4.6.1 勘查线剖面用仪器法测制 ................................................... 11 4.6.2 勘查线剖面的内容 ......................................................... 11 5 地质填图 ......................................................................... 11 5.1 目的任务 ..................................................................... 5.2 工作依据 ..................................................................... 5.3 填图比例尺的选择 ............................................................. 5.3.1 填图比例尺的确定依据 ..................................................... 5.3.2 预、普查填图比例尺 ....................................................... 5.3.3 详查、勘探填图比例尺 ..................................................... 5.4 填图精度要求 ................................................................. 5.4.1 对地形底图的要求 ......................................................... 5.4.2 对地质研究程度及地质体表示程度的要求 ..................................... 5.5 地质点布置 ................................................................... 5.5.1 地质点位置 ............................................................... 5.5.2 地质点分类 ............................................................... 5.5.3 地质点密度及数量 ......................................................... 5.6 填图方法及技术要求 ........................................................... 5.6.1 野外踏勘 ................................................................. 5.6.2 地质观察路线的布置 ....................................................... 5.6.3 地质点的布置原则及要求 ................................................... 5.6.4 地质草图 ................................................................. 5.6.5 地质简图 ................................................................. 5.7 矿床地质填图及矿区地质填图 ................................................... 5.7.1 矿床地质填图 ............................................................. 5.7.2 矿区地质填图 ............................................................. 5.8 地质点定位 ................................................................... 5.8.1 现场标注点位 ............................................................. 5.8.2 测量坐标 ................................................................. 5.8.3 精确定位 ................................................................. 5.9 地质点的观察和记录要求 ....................................................... 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16
FSS(Frequency Selective Surface)天线罩是一种用于电磁波传输的特殊材料,其具有选择性地通过或者反射特定频率的电磁波的功能。
1. 材料选择。
2. 结构设计。
1. 制造工艺。
2. 质量控制。
1. 通信领域。
2. 雷达领域。
3. 无线电领域。
1. FSS雷达罩的材料选择FSS雷达罩的吸波性能主要取决于FSS表面的金属图案及其周期,在保证吸波性能的情况下,材料的成本、透明度、机械强度等因素也需要考虑。
附件3:CSEE 中国电机工程学会标准T/CSEE XXXX-YYYY火电机组自动快速甩负荷技术规程(征求意见稿)XXXX - XX - XX发布XXXX - XX - XX实施目次前言 (5)1 范围 (7)2 规范性引用文件 (7)3 术语和定义 (8)4 符号、代号和缩略语 (9)5 系统配置 (10)5.1 热力系统配置 (10)5.2 控制系统配置 (11)5.3 电气系统配置 (11)6 控制要求 (11)6.1 总体要求 (11)6.2 FCB主回路及触发信号 (13)6.3 锅炉侧控制要求 (13)6.4 汽机侧控制要求 (13)6.5 旁路及PCV阀控制要求 (14)6.6 FCB复位条件 (14)7 FCB 试验 (15)7.1 FCB适应性试验 (15)7.2 FCB 动态试验 (15)8 FCB 验收 (17)8.1 FCB 验收条件 (17)8.2 FCB 验收标准 (17)附录 A (资料性附录)FCB动作过程中机组主要参数记录表 (19)附录 B (资料性附录)机组总体FCB动作/试验情况一览表 (22)前言本标准按照《中国电机工程学会标准管理办法(暂行)》的要求,依据GB/T 1.1—2009《标准化工作导则第1 部分:标准的结构和编写》的规则起草。
本标准制定的主要技术内容为:——规定了适用范围(见第1 章);——提出了规范性引用文件(见第2 章);——明确了本文件适用的术语和定义(见第3 章);——明确了本文件适用的缩略语(见第4 章);——提出了实现FCB功能的系统配置要求(见第5 章);——提出了实现FCB功能的控制要求(见第6 章)——提出了FCB 试验内容(见第7 章);——规定了FCB 的验收条件及标准(见第8 章);请注意本标准的某些内容可能涉及专利。
光罩管理系统的优化来降低Haze的影响摘 要光罩在晶圆厂的日常使用中会因为环境、光罩存储方式等因素的影响产生雾状缺陷(Haze),目前在全世界范围内还是个无法避免和解决的课题。
在晶圆厂内,Haze的产生是正常现象并不可怕,真正对生产上有影响的是Haze 的光罩没有被及时发现,仍在使用造成产品因为光罩Haze的影响而造成良率的损失以及光罩因Haze 去送修造成产品生产周期的延迟。
所以目前国内外对于Haze 的研究也大部分都集中在如何及时发现Haze,降低影响。
本文研究目标是通过对现有光罩管理系统的分析来发现其中会对光罩产生Haze的隐患,并对此进行优化来降低光罩产生Haze 的几率。
关键词 :光罩, 光罩盒,光罩管理系统,Haze, IRISIVHAZE REDUCTION BY MASKMANAGEMENT SYSTEM OPTIMIZATIONABSTRACTWhen Mask used in Fab, mask will grow Haze due to environment and the method of mask storage. Haze growth is still a challenging topic in the world, though Haze growth isn’t the biggest problem in the Fab. The biggest impact is that yield lost by Haze could not be caught in time and mask with Haze remain in use, and production cycle time delay due to mask remount. Studies on Haze reduction in the world are focused on how to find Haze earlier and reduce wafer yield impact.This paper will show how to optimize mask management system to meet the target of Haze reduction. We succeeded in setting up mask inspection system to find early Haze and optimize mask management system to reduce Haze impact.KEY WORDS : mask, mask pod, RTMS, Haze, IRISV目录第一章 绪论 (1)1.1集成电路发展的历史及趋势 (1)1.1.1 什么是集成电路 (1)1.1.2 集成电路的分类 (2)1.1.3 集成电路发展的历史 (3)1.2课题研究背景和意义 (6)1.3 国内外最新研究状况 (7)1.3.1 一种Haze形成的新模型和光罩存储时间的评估 (7)1.3.2先进的光掩模制造工艺 (13)1.4 论文结构框架 (17)第二章Haze现象的描述 (18)2.1光罩的基本特性 (18)2.1.1 光罩的定义 (18)2.1.2 光罩的构成 (19)2.2 Haze 缺陷产生的原理和机制 (21)2.2.1 Haze 的现象和在wafer上的表现 (21)2.2.2 Haze缺陷产生的原理和机制 (21)2.2.3 Haze 发生与曝光波长的关系 (22)2.3光罩制作流程中对于Haze产生的贡献 (23)2.3.1光罩的生产流程介绍 (23)2.3.2 光罩生产流程中用到的化学品 (25)2.4 光罩使用过程中对Haze的贡献 (25)2.4.1 光罩盒的影响 (25)2.4.2 Fab 环境的影响 (27)2.5 小结 (28)第三章光罩管理系统的介绍 (29)3.1光罩管理系统的介绍 (29)3.1.1 IT 支持的光罩管理系统 (29)3.1.2 光罩盒管理系统 (30)VI3.1.3 光罩存储系统 (30)3.1.4 光罩检测系统 (31)3.2 目前系统中对光罩产生Haze 的影响 (31)3.2.1 光罩盒管理系统的缺陷 (31)3.2.2 光罩存储系统的缺陷 (34)3.2.3 光罩检测机制的缺陷 (35)3.3 优化光罩管理系统来降低Haze产生的发展方向 (35)3.4 小结 (36)第四章 光罩管理系统的优化和成果 (37)4.1光罩盒管理系统的优化和成果 (37)4.1.1建立光罩盒清洗机制 (37)4.1.2建立光罩盒零部件更换机制 (38)4.1.3建立光罩盒清洗流程 (41)4.1.4 建立光罩盒编码和报废机制 (42)4.1.5 评估新光罩盒来满足193nm以下制程的需要 (42)4.2 优化光罩的检测机制 (43)4.2.1 优化光罩IRIS 检测机制 (43)4.2.2 优化光罩STAR-light检测机制 (44)4.2.3建立光罩 Print-down 检测机制 (45)4.3小结 (47)第五章 总结 (48)参考文献 (49)致 谢 (52)攻读学位期间发表的学术论文 (53)VII图片目录图1-1 历代存储器的演变 (6)图1-2 历代处理器的演变图—晶体管数目 (6)图1-3 不同曝光能量下硫酸离子数量与HAZE数量的关系 (8)图1-4 不同硫酸离子数量情况下曝光能量与HAZE数量的关系 (8)图1-5 临界值两侧HAZE种子增长示意图 (9)图1-6 HAZE 影像 (10)图1-7 空气中硫酸根离子浓度与时间的关系 (11)图1-8 吸附硫酸离子量与存储时间的关系 (12)图1-9 吸附的硫酸离子浓度与存储时间的关系 (12)图1-10 OPC在图形设计中的应用 (15)图2-1 光罩基座光学特性 (20)图2-2 薄膜的构成 (20)图2-3 HAZE 在WAFER 上的表现 (21)图2-4 HAZE 产生原理和成分 (22)图2-5 HAZE发生于波长的关系 (23)图2-6 光罩制作流程 (24)图2-7 光罩盒示意图 (26)图3-1 光罩管理系统架构图 (29)图3-2 HAZE 发生数量与光罩盒清洗时间的相关性 (32)图3-3 HAZE 发生与光罩盒使用时间的相关性 (33)图3-4 193NM光罩发生HAZE的时间 (34)图4-1 分组IRIS FAIL RATE 图 (39)图4-2 新光罩盒IRIS FAIL RATE 图 (40)图4-3 LOW LINER 损坏示意图 (40)图4-4 模压工具示意图 (41)图4-5 XCDA POD 试验追踪图 (43)图4-6 IRIS 扫描原理 (43)图4-7 PRINT DOWN 示意图 (46)图4-8 各季度HAZE发现的方式 (47)图5-1 整体HAZE发生数量与产品量率影响图 (48)VIII表格目录表1-1 不同存储时间与硫酸粒子束量的关系表 (10)表2-1 光罩基座种类硬度对照表 (19)表2-2 光罩基座种类热膨胀系数对照表 (19)表2-3 化学品用途与特性 (25)表3-1 清洗机厂能分配表 (32)表3-2 光罩盒零部件更换要求 (33)表4-1 光罩盒数量控制与清洗时间的关系 (38)表4-2 光罩盒零部件按使用时间更换表 (39)表4-3 不同时间光罩盒内部湿度控制状况 (42)表4-4 光罩STAR-LIGHT 检测次序表 (45)IX第一章 绪论1.1集成电路发展的历史及趋势1.1.1 什么是集成电路所谓集成电路(Integrated Circuit, IC),是指用半导体工艺,或薄膜、厚膜工艺(或者是这些工艺的组合),把电路的有源器件、无源器件及互连线以相互不可分离的状态制作在半导体或绝缘材料基片上,最后封装在一个管壳内,构成一个完整的、具有特定功能的电路、组件、子系统或系统。
用APT还原制取细钨粉的工艺简介稀有金属与硬质台金总第106辫1991年9月用APT还原制取细钨粉的工艺简介大连硬质合金厂孙明君近几年来我厂以APT为原料,采用两次还原法制取细钨粉.通过生产实践证明,此祛生产的细钨粉性能稳定,松装比重,粒度波动范围小,铁和氧台量低.现将该法简单介绍如下:1.一科APT的技木素件分子式:s(NH')lO?12WOl?1IHlO.纯度:>9g.95嘶;WO3台量:>8g.00嘶:松装密度1.8~2.4g/cm.:FSSS粒度:>2.51xm,杂质台量(和);Si<0.001:Mn<O.001jMg<0.0007jFe<O.0011;C8<0.001;Mo<0.011:Na<0.002.2.生产工艺藏曩APT一一次还原一WOz一二次还原一鲴钨粉j.主蔓设鲁四管马弗炉炉管断面尺寸:300×70毫米:加热带长:4000毫米:加热带数:3带:加热功率:100舐:炉管材质:不锈锕Cr26Ni21:舟皿尺寸(长×宽×高):370×200×20(毫米):舟皿材质:不锈钢1Cr18NioTi4.还一工艺●囊装舟量:第一次还原(APT-~WOt)每舟装APT3.5~4公斤;第--~g(WOt—W)每舟装WOz1.8~2公斤.推舟速度:第一次还原2~/40分钟第=次还原2~/40分钟.氢气流量:第一,二次还原,每根炉管中氢气流量为35~40米./,J,时.主要技术性能如下:入炉氢气台水量:0.04~0,06克/米.寰l用APT还一再的矗稿霸的分辑麓暴总第106期用^PT还原制取细钨恸的]艺简介裹2用蓝色氯化鹤还最{I.的鲺鹤糖的分析结果19fIIlI成分(g/cm删)Jiclc;ci品i氯船连蓝一1w2.54j2710.0350.015<D.010I<0.005<0.050<0.01C.092 簋一2W{2.62'2.990.0660.015<0.O10<0.005n050<0010.073蓝一3W2.582.680.050.010<0.0l0<0.005ko050<0.0l0.0864W252;2.840.170.028<0.010l<0005<0050<O0l0.08蓝一5W.2722.660.0430.ni9<0010.<O005'<n.050<O010.】蓝一6WJ2.653.120.0790.013:..010<n.003kn.050<.oi0.1蓝一7wI3.252.940.120.015<O?0如i<0?.0j一\0略0<O.Ol0.096 一1wI2.7O2?8l0.0460.05<0.010I<0.005k,0.050<仉0l0.091蓝一9jW2.603.i00.0880.026<0.Dl0l<0.005<0.050<0.Oi0.095蓝一10w2.8712.s00.0920.010<0.010-<0.005l<0.050<O.Ol0.078 平均值I2.705f2.8350.07890.0176I!0.0891囊3用三氯化鹤还最得的绷鹤粉的分析结果还原温度,见表4.5.中问产品(wot)和瘫昌棚鲁珊的分析螬果(1)中间产品(wot)的分析结果1)分子式:WOt,其中有微量W:.0.WlIOI.:2)松装密度:2.1~2.4克/厘米a;3)FSSS粒度:4.0~5.5微米{4)氯化残渣:<0.08晒;囊4还原次数II温度(℃)二带三带第一次还原J5加~58.第=次还席800~840580~620840~8606钧8加~8605)杂质含量(嘶):Si<o.oo1,Mn<O?001,Mg<o.0007,Fe<0.03,Ca<O.001,20稀有垒属与硬质合金总第106期M0O<.0011Na<0.002.(2)成品细鹤粉的分析结果为了比较,除了列出用AFT还原得的细钨粉的分析结果(表1)外.还列出了用蓝色氧化钨还原得的细钨粉的分析结果(表2)以及用三氧化钨二次还原得的细钨粉的分析结果(表3).6.结论(1)以APT为原料.采用两次还原法(即第一次由APT还原成二氧化钨.第二次由二氧化钨还原成细钨粉)制取细钨粉.经我厂生产实践证明是先进可靠经济合理的方法.产品性能稳定,含氧量(平均为0.05舾)和含铁(上接第17页)韫度为60"'70℃时制得的APT晶体.我厂以前采用钨酸氨溶法蒸发结晶制得量(平均为0.013骺)低于从蓝色氧化钨两次还原法制取细钨粉的含氧量(平均为0.078) 和含铁量(平均为0.0t7嘶),也低于以三氧化钨为原料两次还原法制取的细钨粉的含氧量(平均为0.067啼)和含铁量(平均为0.03啼).(2)采用此法生产细钨粉节省电[如生产1吨细钨粉耗电3300~3500度.而从APT煅烧成三氧化钨(或蓝色氧化钨)再经两次还原制取细钨粉,耗电4100~4300度/每吨细钨粉],减少生产工序,节省劳力,提高金属回收率,降低产品成本.重5均匀租大的六面体APT结矗圈6细■粒^PT结■的APT生产掺杂钨.近年来我们用离子交换法的(NH.)tWOt溶液蒸发结晶制得的APT生产掺杂钨.两者都达到了生产要求.但是,非常明显的是,离子交换法制造的APT的成本比钨酸氨溶法低.而且钨的回收率高.三,结论为了获得均匀,粗大,六面体的APT结晶,要求控制下列蒸发结晶条件:1.蒸发结晶的起始温度应为80℃左右.最低不能低于50℃.这是消除针状结晶的主要条件.2.蒸发结晶开始一段时间以后,要求提高温度,使溶液处于沸腾状态,以促使晶粒长大.3.蒸发结晶过程要求不断搅拌.控制好搅拌强度.以保证结晶粒度均匀.参考文献[i:李汉广等译,《钨》中南矿墙学院科技情报室. [2]椿进曹,刘光耀.《钨,铝柑柬冶盒工芑学》,中国电子器件工业总公司.[3:《化学工程手册》(第九氟慕发及结晶),化学工业出版社,1985年.:4]张洪优等,《化学工业过程殛设备》,上册,高等敦青出版社,~956年.5:莫馘浩编,《钨冶炼的理和工艺》,轻工业出I!压社, ~984年.。
ANSI ESD S541 2008
ANSI/ESD S541-2008Reaffirmation of ANSI/ESD S541-2003 For the Protection of ElectrostaticDischarge Susceptible Items Packaging Materials forESD Sensitive ItemsElectrostatic Discharge Association7900 Turin Road, Bldg. 3Rome, NY 13440-2069An American National StandardApproved September 29, 2008ANSI/ESD S541-2008ESD Association Standard for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Susceptible Items – Packaging Materials for ESD Sensitive ItemsESD AssociationApproved June 8, 2008ANSI/ESD S541-2008Electrostatic Discharge Association (ESDA) standards and publications are designed to serve the public interest by eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating the interchangeability and improvement of products and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining the proper product for his particular needs. The existence of such standards and publications shall not in any respect preclude any member or non-member of the Association from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such standards and publications. Nor shall the fact that a standard or publication is published by the Association preclude its voluntary use by non-members of the Association whether the document is to be used either domestically or internationally. Recommended standards and publications are adopted by the ESDA in accordance with the ANSI Patent policy. CAUTION NOTICEInterpretation of ESDA Standards: The interpretation of standards in-so-far as it may relate to a specific product or manufacturer is a proper matter for the individual company concerned and cannot be undertaken by any person acting for the ESDA. The ESDA Standards Chairman may make comments limited to an explanation or clarification of the technical language or provisions in a standard, but not related to its application to specific products and manufacturers. No other person is authorized to comment on behalf of the ESDA on any ESDA Standard.THE CONTENTS OF ESDA’S STANDARDS AND PUBLICATIONS ARE PROVIDED “AS-IS,” AND ESDA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO SUCH CONTENTS. ESDA DISCLAIMS ALL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIESESDA STANDARDS AND PUBLICATIONS ARE CONSIDERED TECHNICALLY SOUND AT THE TIME THEY ARE APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION. THEY ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A PRODUCT SELLER’S OR USER’S OWN JUDGEMENT WITH RESPECT TO ANY PARTICULAR PRODUCT DISCUSSED, AND ESDA DOES NOT UNDERTAKE TO GUARANTY THE PERFORMANCE OF ANY INDIVIDUAL MANUFACTURERS’ PRODUCTS BY VIRTUE OF SUCH STANDARDS OR PUBLICATIONS. THUS, ESDA EXPRESSLY DISLAIMS ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE USE, APPLICATION, OR RELIANCE BY OTHERS ON THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THESE STANDARDS OR PUBLICATIONS. DISCLAIMER OF GUARANTYNEITHER ESDA, NOR ITS MEMBERS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES OR OTHER REPRESENTATIVES WILL BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR MISUSE OF ESDA STANDARDS OR PUBLICATIONS, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY THEROF. THIS IS A COMPREHENSIVE LIMITATION OF LIABILITY THAT APPLIES TO ALL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA, INCOME OR PROFIT, LOSS OF OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY AND CLAIMS OF THIRD PARTIES.LIMITATION ON ESDA’s LIABILITYPublished by:Electrostatic Discharge Association 7900 Turin Road, Bldg. 3 Rome, NY 13440Copyright © 2008 by ESD Association All rights reservedNo part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of AmericaISBN: 1-58537-149-1ANSI/ESD S541-2008FOREWORDPackaging is necessary to protect electronic items from physical and environmental damage during manufacture, transportation, and storage. While most types of packaging (not for static sensitive items) provide physical and environmental protection, it also may harm static sensitive electronic items by allowing the accumulation or the discharge of static electricity. (See Annex B for device damage information.)Packaging for ESD sensitive items is commonly derived by modifying existing packaging to prevent the packaging itself from causing static damage. The packaging generally retains its physical and environmental protective qualities. ESD protective packaging has been modified further to prevent other sources of static electricity from damaging a packaged item.This can be illustrated by considering bags. Polyethylene bags are useful packages for containing items and providing protection from physical and environmental damage. However, polyethylene bags accumulate potentially damaging amounts of static electricity. Chemicals (antistats) are added to the polyethylene bag to render it low charging. The result is a low charging (antistatic) polyethylene bag that is less likely to damage static sensitive items. By adding a conductive layer to the low charging polyethylene bag, an ESD shielding bag is created. This shielding bag is low charging, and shields packaged items from ESD and the electric field generated by other items.Other standard packaging including paper corrugate and plastic boxes, trays, and clamshells have, or are presently, following similar paths.A complete ESD control program, as defined by ANSI/ESD S20.20, requires the use of ESD protective packaging to properly manufacture, transport, and store ESD sensitive devices. This Standard provides requirements for ESD protective packaging that must be included inside and outside an Electrostatic Protected Area (EPA).Because most physical and environmental considerations can be left to traditional packaging design and testing methodologies, only the material properties that provide reduction or prevention of damage from static electricity need be addressed.This standard describes the packaging material properties needed to protect electrostatic discharge (ESD) sensitive electronic items, and references the testing methods for evaluating packaging and packaging materials for those properties. Where possible, performance limits are provided. Guidance for selecting the types of packaging with protective properties appropriate for specific applications is provided. Other considerations for protective packaging are also provided. This document is a substantial refinement of the discontinued Electronic Industries Association Standard EIA-541-1988. Updates include the adoption of surface resistance (ohms) in place of surface resistivity (ohms/square), volume resistance (ohms) in place of volume resistivity (ohm-cm), a shielding test that allows penetrating energy (nanoJoules) to be calculated in place of a voltage measurement (volts), and limits the use of static decay testing. Resistance is no longer the only property that is used to classify ESD packaging. Low Charging, Electric Field Shielding and Direct Discharge Shielding have been added.ANSI/ESD S541-2008This standard was originally designated ANSI/ESD S541-2003 and was approved on February 9, 2003. Standard ANSI/ESD S541-2008 is a reaffirmation of ANSI/ESD S541-2003 and was approved on June 8, 2008. Both documents were prepared by the 11.0 Packaging Subcommittee.At the time the 2003 version was prepared, the 11.0 Packaging Subcommittee has the following members:Brent Beamer, ChairmanStatic Control Components, Inc.Joe Blanchard Bradford CompanyWalt GatelyGately & Associates, Inc.Kyung J. KimBF Goodrich SCPRick KnightRanger Plastic Extrusions, Inc. Stephen Koehn3MWilliam MetzHewlett PackardCarl Newberg River’s Edge Technical Service / Microstat Labs Dale ParkinIBMCharles PerryMonroe ElectronicsRobert Vermillion RMV Technology Group, LLC StanWeitzElectro Tech SystemsThe following individuals made significant contributions to this document:Ryne Allen ESD Systems Ben BaumgartnerESD WestSteve FowlerU.S. Air ForceLarry Fromm Finisar Steve GerkenU.S. Air ForceRon GibsonCelesticaDavid E. SwensonAffinity Static ControlConsultingAt the time the 2008 version was prepared, the 11.0 Packaging Subcommittee has the following members:Brent Beamer, Chairman3MDonald Boehm Dou Yee Enterprises Jay HamlinMedtronicRick KnightRanger Plastic Extrusions, Inc.Thomas Larson Trek, Inc.James LudlowLubrizol CorporationCarl NewbergRiver’s Edge TechnicalService / Microstat LabsElaine Olson Intel Corporation Dale ParkinSeagateTim PrassRaytheonJeff Salisbury FlextronicsJulius TuranganWestern DigitalRobert VermillionRMV Technology Group, LLC Stanley WeitzElectro-Tech Systems, Inc.ANSI/ESD S541-2008TABLE OF CONTENTS1.0PURPOSE (1)2.0 SCOPE (1)3.0REFERENCED PUBLICATIONS (1)4.0DEFINITIONS (1)5.0PERSONNEL SAFETY (2)6.0PACKAGING APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS (2)6.1I NSIDE AN EPA (2)6.2O UTSIDE AN EPA (2)6.3T AILORING (4)7.0CLASSIFICATION OF ESD PACKAGING MATERIAL PROPERTIES (4)7.1L OW C HARGING (A NTISTATIC)M ATERIAL P ROPERTY (5)7.2 R ESISTANCE M ATERIAL P ROPERTY (5)7.2.1Resistance of Conductive Materials (see Figure 3) (5)7.2.2Resistance of Dissipative Materials (see Figure 3) (6)7.2.3Resistance of Insulative Materials (see Figure 3) (6)7.3 S TATIC S HIELDING P ROPERTY (6)7.3.1 Electrostatic Discharge Shielding (6)7.3.2 Electric Field Shielding (7)8.0ESD PACKAGING TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (7)8.1M ATERIAL P ROPERTIES (7)8.2M ATERIAL I DENTIFICATION (7)8.2.1 Warning Symbol (7)8.2.2Material Classification (7)8.2.3Traceability (7)ANNEX A (INFORMATIVE) – ESD PACKAGING MATERIAL GUIDANCE (9)A.1E NVIRONMENT AND D EVICE S ENSITIVITY (9)A.1.1Environment (9)A.1.2Device Sensitivity (9)A.2E QUIPOTENTIAL B ONDING (9)A.3D ISSIPATIVE M ATERIAL FOR I NTIMATE C ONTACT (9)A.4ESD P ACKAGING T YPES (9)A.5P ACKAGING FROM I NCOMING M ATERIAL TO THE P OINT OF U SE (10)A.6C OMPLIANCE V ERIFICATION (10)A.7O THER C ONSIDERATIONS (10)A7.1ESD Control Program (10)A7.2Contamination in Packaging (10)ANSI/ESD S541-2008ANNEX B (INFORMATIVE) – DEVICE DAMAGE (11)B.1D AMAGE F ROM ESD (11)B.2 D ISCHARGE TO A D EVICE (11)B.2.1Human Body and Machine Models (11)B.2.2Retained Charge (11)B.3D ISCHARGE FROM A D EVICE (11)B.3.1Charged Device Model (CDM) (11)B.3.2Triboelectrification (11)ANNEX C (INFORMATIVE) – LIMITATIONS FOR THE USE OF STATIC DECAY TESTING METHOD (12)C.1E LECTROSTATIC D ECAY (12)ANNEX D (INFORMATIVE) – FUTURE TEST METHODS (13)ANNEX E (INFORMATIVE) – ESD PACKAGING AND MATERIAL TYPES (14)E.1A DHESIVE T APE (14)E.2B AGS (14)E.3B OXES (14)E.4C USHIONING M ATERIALS (14)E4.1Air (14)E4.2Foam (14)E.4.3Loose Fill (15)E.5S HRINK W RAP (15)E.6S TRETCH W RAP (15)E.7T APE AND R EEL (15)E.8T HERMOFORMED T RAYS (15)E.9I NJECTION M OLDED T RAYS (15)E.10T UBES (15)ANNEX F (INFORMATIVE) – RELATED DOCUMENTS (16)ANNEX G (INFORMATIVE) – GUIDANCE FOR DETERMINING DISCHARGE SHIELDING PROPERTIES (17)FIGURESFigure 1: Application of ESD Packaging Properties (3)Figure 2. Example of EPA Configurations (4)Figure 3: Resistance Classifications (6)TABLESTable 1. ESD Packaging Protecting Required by Location (3)Table 2. Summary of Protective Properties (5)Table 3. Test Methods for Electrostatic Protective Packaging (8)ivANSI/ESD S541-2008 ESD Association Standard for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Susceptible Items – Packaging Materials for ESD Sensitive Items1.0 PURPOSEThis standard defines the packaging properties needed to protect electrostatic discharge susceptible (ESDS) electronic items through all phases of production, transport and storage. Application requirements are defined that support the intent and purpose of the packaging requirements stated in ANSI/ESD S20.20. Test methods are referenced to evaluate packaging and packaging materials for these product and material properties. Performance limits are provided.2.0 SCOPEThis document applies to packaging used to store, transport, and protect ESDS electronic items during all phases of production and distribution. This document does not address protection from EMI/RFI/EMP or protection of volatile materials. ESD protective packaging is a requirement of the overall ESD control program ANSI/ESD S20.20.3.0 REFERENCED PUBLICATIONSUnless otherwise specified, the following documents of the latest issue, revision or amendment form a part of this standard to the extent specified herein:ANSI/ESD S8.1, Symbols – ESD Awareness1ANSI/ESD STM11.11, Surface Resistance Measurement of Static Dissipative Planar Materials1 ANSI/ESD STM11.12, Volume Resistance Measurement of Static Dissipative Planar Materials1 ANSI/ESD STM11.13, Two-Point Resistance Measurement of Static Dissipative Materials1ANSI/ESD STM11.31, Evaluating the Performance of Electrostatic Discharge Shielding Materials – Bags1ANSI/ESD S20.20, Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment (Excluding Electrically Initiated Explosive Devices)1MIL-STD-2073, Standard Practice for Military Packaging24.0 DEFINITIONSThe following definitions are in addition to those found in the ESD Association Glossary of Terms:ESD Protected Area (EPA). A defined location with the necessary materials, tools and equipment capable of controlling static electricity to a level that minimizes damage to ESD susceptible items.NOTE: Refer to ANSI/ESD S20.20 for a discussion of safeguards.1 ESD Association, 7900 Turin Road, Bldg. 3, Rome, NY 13440; Ph: 315-339-6937; FAX: 315-339-6793; 2Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, Highway 547, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-5100ANSI/ESD S541-20085.0 PERSONNEL SAFETYThe procedures and equipment described in this document may expose personnel to hazardous electrical conditions. Users of this document are responsible for selecting equipment that complies with applicable laws, regulatory codes and both external and internal policy. Users are cautioned that this document cannot replace or supersede any requirements for personnel safety.Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) and other safety protection should be considered wherever personnel might come into contact with electrical sources.Electrical hazard reduction practices should be exercised and proper grounding instructions for equipment shall be followed.6.0 PACKAGING APPLICATION REQUIREMENTSTransportation of electrostatic sensitive devices requires packaging that provides protection from electrostatic hazards in the transportation or storage system. In the case of an EPA designed with continuous grounding of all conductors and dissipative items (including personnel), packaging may not be necessary. Refer to Table 1, Figures 1 and 2, and Annex A for more information.6.1 Inside an EPAPackaging used within an EPA (that satisfies the minimum requirements of ANSI/ESD S20.20) shall be:•Low charge generation.•Dissipative or conductive materials for intimate contact.•Items sensitive to < 100 volts human body model may need additional protection depending on application and program plan requirements.6.2 Outside an EPATransportation of sensitive products outside of an EPA shall require packaging that provides: •Low charge generation.•Dissipative or conductive materials for intimate contact.• A structure that provides electrostatic discharge shielding.NOTE: If electric field shielding materials are used to provide discharge shielding, a material that provides a barrier to current flow (insulator) must be used in combination with the electric field shielding material. Where this standard does not provide a test method, the user must determine the electrostatic discharge shielding properties of the packaging. See Annex G for guidance about determining discharge shielding properties.ANSI/ESD S541-2008Figure 1: Application of ESD Packaging PropertiesTable 1. ESD Packaging Protecting Required by LocationProtection Inside EPA Outside EPALow Charging Required Required Dissipative or ConductiveResistanceDischarge Shielding Optional Required3ANSI/ESD S541-2008Figure 2. Example of EPA Configurations6.3 TailoringThis document, or portions thereof, may not apply to all applications. Tailoring is accomplished by evaluating the applicability of each requirement for the specific application. Upon completion of the evaluation, requirements may be added, modified or deleted. Tailoring decisions, including rationale, shall be documented in the ESD control program plan.7.0 CLASSIFICATION OF ESD PACKAGING MATERIAL PROPERTIESMaterials and packages that are useful in preventing damage to sensitive electronic devices exhibit certain properties. These properties include:•Low Charging (antistatic)• Resistance:o Conductiveo Dissipativeo Insulative• Shielding:o Electrostatic Dischargeo Electric-field4ANSI/ESD S541-2008Table 2. Summary of Protective PropertiesProtection PropertyMaterials that have reduced amounts of charge accumulationas compared with standard packaging materials.Low Charging (antistatic)Dissipative or Conductive Resistance Provides an electrical path for charge to dissipate from the package.Protects packaged items from the effects of static discharge that are external to the package.Discharge Shielding7.1 Low Charging (Antistatic) Material PropertyMaterials with low charging properties have reduced amounts of charge accumulation when compared with standard packaging materials. Charge accumulation occurs when two materials are contacted and separated from each other. Charge magnitude and polarity are dependant on the materials involved, humidity, surface area, and other considerations. Mitigation of triboelectrification can be accomplished several ways.•Increasing the amount of charge that flows back to the original material will reduce the total amount of charge either item retains. This can be accomplished by reducing theelectrical resistance between the package and the contained device.•Similar materials tend to charge less than dissimilar materials. Coating the package interior and the contained device with the same material will reduce chargeaccumulation.•Reduction in the amount of relative motion between the package and contained device will reduce the amount of charge accumulated.A class of chemicals called antistats is frequently used to make packaging low charging. Antistats reduce the resistance of the packaging material and provide a boundary of similar material between the package and the contained device. This reduces charge generation through like material contact and separation.7.2 Resistance Material PropertyMost standard packaging materials are electrically insulative, and insulative materials retain charge. Making the package less insulative provides a path for charge to dissipate from the package. Specific amounts of resistance are useful for different purposes. Packaging can be classified by the lowest resistance part of its construction. The Resistance Classifications are illustrated in Figure 3.NOTE: There is no correlation between resistance measurements and the ability of a material to be low charging.7.2.1 Resistance of Conductive Materials (see Figure 3)Conductive materials may be surface conductive, volume conductive, or both. A surface conductive material shall have a surface resistance of less than 1.0 x 104 ohms. Volume conductive materials shall have a volume resistance of less than 1.0 x 104 ohms.5ANSI/ESD S541-20087.2.1.1 Resistance of Electric Field Shielding MaterialsWithin the conductive materials classification, Electric field shielding materials shall have a surface resistance of less than 1.0 x 103 ohms or a volume resistance of less than 1.0 x 103 ohms. Other methods may also define the electric field shielding classification.NOTE: These resistance values do not necessarily imply RFI/EMI/EMP shielding.7.2.2 Resistance of Dissipative Materials (see Figure 3)A static dissipative material shall have a surface resistance of greater than or equal to1.0 x 104 ohms but less than 1.0 x 1011 ohms, or a volume resistance of greater than or equal to 1.0 x 104 ohms but less than 1.0 x 1011 ohms. Packaging materials that are in intimate contact with devices should be dissipative.7.2.3 Resistance of Insulative Materials (see Figure 3)An insulative material shall have a surface resistance of greater than or equal to 1.0 x 1011 ohms, or a volume resistance of greater than or equal to 1.0 x 1011 ohms (see Figure 3).Figure 3: Resistance Classifications7.3 Static Shielding PropertyElectrostatic shielding materials protect packaged sensitive electronic items from the effects of static electricity that are external to the package.7.3.1 Electrostatic Discharge ShieldingElectrostatic discharge shielding materials are capable of attenuating an electrostatic discharge when formed into a container. The calculated energy allowed inside a static discharge shielding bag shall be less than 50 nanojoules when tested according to Table 3.6ANSI/ESD S541-20087.3.2 Electric Field ShieldingElectric field shielding materials are capable of attenuating an electric field when formed into a container.NOTE: Field-shielding materials classified according to section may allow current flow through their volume.8.0 ESD PACKAGING TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTSPackaging shall be defined for all material movement inside and outside electrostatic protected areas (EPA).8.1 Material PropertiesTable 3 provides test methods for determining material classifications for finished packages and materials. When possible, testing should be performed on the finished package.8.2 Material Identification8.2.1 Warning SymbolESD protective packaging shall be marked with the ESD protective symbol as described in ANSI/ESD S8.1, or MIL-STD-2073 for military applications.8.2.2 Material ClassificationESD protective packaging should be marked with the proper material classification per Section 7.0 as:•Charge Generation: “Low Charging” (preferred) or “Antistatic”•Resistance: “Conductive” or “Dissipative”•Shielding: “Discharge Shielding” or “Electric field Shielding”Use of multiple classifications is acceptable.8.2.3 TraceabilityPackaging should be marked with information that allows traceability to the packaging manufacturer and to the manufacturer’s date/lot code information. The date/lot code should allow traceability to quality control information pertaining to the manufacture of the specific lot of packaging.7ANSI/ESD S541-2008Table 3. Test Methods for Electrostatic Protective PackagingMaterial Property Test Method Method Description LimitsLow Charging (Antistatic) ESD ADV11.2Tribocharging oftubes, planarmaterials, bags, unitpacks (vibration)User definedResistanceANSI/ESD STM11.11 Surface resistanceof planar materials< 104 ohmsConductiveANSI/ESD STM11.12 Volume resistanceof planar materials< 104 ohmsANSI/ESD STM11.11 Surface resistanceof planar materials> 104 to < 1011 ohmsANSI/ESD STM11.12 Volume resistanceof planar materials> 104 to < 1011 ohmsDissipativeANSI/ESD STM11.13 Surface resistance2-point electrode> 104 to < 1011 ohmsShielding ANSI/ESD STM11.31 ESD Shieldingof Bags< 50 nanojoules8ANSI/ESD S541-2008 ANNEX A (INFORMATIVE) – ESD PACKAGING MATERIAL GUIDANCEA.1 Environment and Device SensitivityEnvironment and device sensitivity are two primary considerations for selecting ESD packaging material properties.A.1.1 EnvironmentSince the threat to a sensitive item is usually undetermined when the item is outside an ESD protected area (EPA), ESD sensitive items should be placed in ESD protective packaging whenever the item is outside the EPA or needs physical and environmental protection within the EPA.A.1.2 Device SensitivityIf the item’s sensitivity is unknown, it should be packaged in a manner that provides all of the protective properties.By understanding these factors, the level of static protective properties may be reduced: •Device sensitivity to ESD and ESD effects.•ESD threats that device will experience.Then the device should be evaluated for damage from those ESD threats, while being protected by the proposed level of packaging.A.2 Equipotential BondingWhile not always recognized as being a packaging consideration, equipotential bonding, or the shunting of leads, can be an effective method to mitigate damage. By placing a conductive shunt across device leads or card connectors, the various parts of the item share the same electrical potential. While not necessarily at ground potential, the fact that parts of the item share the same potential means that damaging current will not flow between them. Shunting has limitations. Energy from direct discharge and electric fields may impact the item in a manner that does not allow the energy to equalize through the shunt, but instead through the device. ESD packaging that offers other protective properties is usually used in conjunction with shunting devices. NOTE: Care should be exercised to neutralize charge on devices prior to shunting to avoid charged device model (CDM) damage. See Annex B for more information.A.3 Dissipative Material for Intimate ContactTo avoid rapid discharge to sensitive items, dissipative materials should be used as the layer of packaging that contacts the item.A.4 ESD Packaging TypesMany forms of packaging are available with electrostatic protective properties. This includes packaging such as bags, boxes (paperboard and plastic), semi-rigid plastic trays, cushion wrap, foam, loose fill, tape, trays, tubes, tape and reel, shrink-wrap, and stretch-wrap. Refer to Annex E for additional information.9ANSI/ESD S541-2008A.5 Packaging from Incoming Material to the Point of UseFigure 1 shows a simplified layout of a generic electronic packaging application. Each area has the recommended ESD packaging material properties noted. As discussed in Section A.1.2, if the item sensitivity and threats are documented, the level of ESD packaging can be reduced after confirming packaging functionality.NOTE: This layout shows an “islands of protection” approach to ESD safeguards. Many manufacturing processes employ a “total factory” approach, where the entire factory is a safeguarded area.A.6 Compliance VerificationThe static control properties of some packaging materials can deteriorate with time and use. Compliance Verification of static control packaging properties should be part of the ESD control compliance verification plan.A.7 Other ConsiderationsA7.1 ESD Control ProgramESD packaging alone cannot protect ESDS devices. It is but one component of the comprehensive ESD control program described in ANSI/ESD S20.20.A7.2 Contamination in PackagingItems packaged in static control packages may require protective considerations beyond the scope of this document. These considerations could include chemical corrosion, plastic stress crazing, and contamination from outgassing, particulate matter, or moisture. Guidance for plastic stress crazing can be found in EIA-564. Guidance for moisture considerations can be found in IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033.References:IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033, Standard for Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture/Reflow Sensitive Surface Mount Devices3EIA-564, Standard Test Method for Chemical Compatibility of Polycarbonate by Stress Crazing Evaluations43 JEDEC, 2500 Wilson Blvd., Suite 220, Arlington, VA 22201-3834; Ph: 703-907-7534; FAX: 703-907-7583; 4 Electronic Industries Alliance, 10。
卡梅伦液压数据手册(第 20 版)说明书
☰ Hydraulics
⌂ Cameron Hydraulic Data ☰
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................ 1-3 Liquids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... .......................... 1-3
Viscosity etc.
Steam data....................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
1 Liquid Flow.............................................................................. 1-4
Viscosity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... .......................... 1-5 Pumping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... .......................... 1-6 Volume-System Head Calculations-Suction Head. ........................... 1-6, 1-7 Suction Lift-Total Discharge Head-Velocity Head............................. 1-7, 1-8 Total Sys. Head-Pump Head-Pressure-Spec. Gravity. ...................... 1-9, 1-10 Net Positive Suction Head. .......................................................... 1-11 NPSH-Suction Head-Life; Examples:....................... ............... 1-11 to 1-16 NPSH-Hydrocarbon Corrections.................................................... 1-16 NPSH-Reciprocating Pumps. ....................................................... 1-17 Acceleration Head-Reciprocating Pumps. ........................................ 1-18 Entrance Losses-Specific Speed. .................................................. 1-19 Specific Speed-Impeller. .................................... ........................ 1-19 Specific Speed-Suction...................................... ................. 1-20, 1-21 Submergence.. . . . . . . . . ....................................... ................. 1-21, 1-22 Intake Design-Vertical Wet Pit Pumps....................................... 1-22, 1-27 Work Performed in Pumping. ............................... ........................ 1-27 Temperature Rise. . . . . . . ...................................... ........................ 1-28 Characteristic Curves. . ...................................... ........................ 1-29 Affinity Laws-Stepping Curves. ..................................................... 1-30 System Curves.. . . . . . . . ....................................... ........................ 1-31 Parallel and Series Operation. .............................. ................. 1-32, 1-33 Water Hammer. . . . . . . . . . ...................................... ........................ 1-34 Reciprocating Pumps-Performance. ............................................... 1-35 Recip. Pumps-Pulsation Analysis & System Piping...................... 1-36 to 1-45 Pump Drivers-Speed Torque Curves. ....................................... 1-45, 1-46 Engine Drivers-Impeller Profiles. ................................................... 1-47 Hydraulic Institute Charts.................................... ............... 1-48 to 1-52 Bibliography.. . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... ........................ 1-53
先进的场面活动引导和控制系统(ASMGCS)手册(Doc 9830)
先进的场面活动引导和 控制系统(A-SMGCS)
第一版 2004
主要参考资料:Leabharlann 【1】张怀兴,马士观,范国良.《英汉民用航空航行词典》. 中国民用航空局航行司第一 研究所,1991.
【2】马士观,范国良.《民用航空航行简缩语词典》. 中国民航出版社,1998. 【3】清华大学外语系.《英汉科学技术词典》. 国防工业出版社,1991.
1.1 场面活动引导和控制系统(SMGCS)运行 ................................................1 1.2 提高 SMGCS 的目标 ......................................................................................2 1.3 A-SMGCS 概念 ..............................................................................................2 第 2 章 运行需求 ......................................................................................................4 2.1 概要 ..............................................................................................................4 2.2 系统目标及功能 ..........................................................................................4 2.3 职责与功能划分 ..........................................................................................5 2.4 相关实现需求 ..............................................................................................5 2.5 基本功能需求 ..............................................................................................5 2.6 辅助需求 ......................................................................................................8 2.7 系统需求 ....................................................................................................12 第 3 章 操作及性能需求实施指导 ........................................................................14 3.1 系统目标及功能 ........................................................................................14 3.2 责任及职能分工 ........................................................................................14 3.3 相关实施需求 ............................................................................................16 3.4 基本功能需求 ............................................................................................18 3.5 辅助需求 ....................................................................................................26 3.6 系统需求 ....................................................................................................38 第 4 章 性能需求 ....................................................................................................41 4.1 系统需求 ....................................................................................................41 4.2 监视需求 ....................................................................................................42 4.3 路由需求 ....................................................................................................42 4.4 引导需求 ....................................................................................................42 4.5 控制需求 ....................................................................................................42 第 5 章 实施问题 ....................................................................................................44 5.1 简介 ............................................................................................................44 5.2 容量评估 ....................................................................................................44 5.3 成本/利益评估 ..........................................................................................45 5.4 评估满足 A-SMGCS 需求的具体系统性能的一般方法 ............................52 5.5 安全性评估 ................................................................................................54 5.6 鉴定 ............................................................................................................57 附录 A A-SMGCS 分类 ........................................................................................58 附录 B A-SMGCS 实现等级 ................................................................................60 附录 C A-SMGCS 的设备演进 .............................................................................62 附录 D 安全目标等级............................................................................................64 附录 E A-SMGCS 研究 .........................................................................................66
AS 2971-2002澳洲压力容器标准
This is a licensed electronic copy of a document where copyright is owned or managed by Standards Australia International.AS 2971—2002 AS 2971Australian Standard™Serially produced pressure vesselsThis Australian Standard was prepared by Committee ME-001, Pressure Equipment. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 15 February 2002 and published on 11 March 2002.The following interests are represented on Committee ME-001:A.C.T. WorkCoverAustralasian Institute of Engineer SurveyorsAustralian Aluminium CouncilAustralian Building Codes BoardAustralian Chamber of Commerce and IndustryAustralian Industry GroupAustralian Institute of EnergyAustralian Institute of PetroleumAustralian Liquefied Petroleum Gas AssociationBoiler and Pressure Vessel Manufacturers Association of AustraliaBureau of Steel Manufacturers of AustraliaDepartment for Administrative and Information Services, S.A.Department of Industrial Relations, QldDepartment of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources, Tas.Department of Labour, New ZealandElectricity Engineers Association, New ZealandElectricity Supply Association of AustraliaInstitute of Materials Engineering Australasia LimitedInstitution of Engineers AustraliaInstitution of Professional Engineers New ZealandNational Association of Testing Authorities AustraliaNew Zealand Engineering FederationNew Zealand Heavy Engineering Research AssociationNew Zealand Institute of WeldingNew Zealand Petrochemical Users GroupVictorian WorkCover AuthorityWelding Technology Institute of AustraliaWorkCover New South WalesDepartment of Consumer and Employment Protection, WorkSafe Division (W.A.)Keeping Standards up-to-dateStandards are living documents which reflect progress in science, technology and systems. To maintain their currency, all Standards are periodically reviewed, and new editions are published. Between editions, amendments may be issued. Standards may also be withdrawn. It is important that readers assure themselves they are using a current Standard, which should include any amendments which may have been published since the Standard was purchased.Detailed information about Standards can be found by visiting the Standards Australia web site at .au and looking up the relevant Standard in the on-line catalogue.Alternatively, the printed Catalogue provides information current at 1 January each year, and the monthly magazine, The Australian Standard, has a full listing of revisions and amendments published each month.We also welcome suggestions for improvement in our Standards, and especially encourage readers to notify us immediately of any apparent inaccuracies or ambiguities. Contact us via email at mail@.au, or write to the Chief Executive, Standards Australia International Ltd, GPO Box 5420, Sydney, NSW 2001.This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 01040.AS 2971—2002Australian Standard™Serially produced pressure vesselsOriginated as AS 2971—1987.Second edition 2002.COPYRIGHT© Standards Australia InternationalAll rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of the publisher.Published by Standards Australia International LtdGPO Box 5420, Sydney, NSW 2001, AustraliaISBN 0 7337 4365 XAS 2971—20022PREFACEThis Standard was prepared by the Australian members of the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand Committee ME-001, Pressure Equipment to supersede AS 2971—1987, Serially produced pressure vessels. After consultation with stakeholders in both countries, Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand decided to develop this Standard as an Australian Standard rather than an Australian/New Zealand Standard.This Standard covers a wide range of small, usually low-hazard, pressure vessels whose design and construction are based on satisfactory burst and other performance tests of a significant number of representative samples. The main types of vessels falling into this group are small, serially produced refrigeration type vessels, air brake reservoirs, drink dispensers, and consumer items such as pressurized fire extinguisher bodies not covered by other Australian Standards, and beer kegs.Almost invariably these types of vessels do not comply with AS 1210, Pressure vessels, which has been prepared primarily for one-off vessels where the design is based on proven formulas, and construction is based on proven materials, fabrication procedures, personnel, and tests which are predominantly non-destructive. AS 1210 does permit burst testing as a basis for acceptance of design of parts or vessels, but only when they cannot be calculated.Thus, there is a need to cover this alternative method of producing safe vessels where it is frequently equally sound and more economic to use burst and other performance tests to validate design, materials, and fabrication, all simultaneously.The main changes in this revision include the following:(a)An increase in limits on contained energy.(b)The introduction of a two-tiered concept for vessels which distinguishes betweenvessels with a simple shape and design and those with a more complicated shape,higher design strength and incapable of simple analysis.(c) A new appendix introducing the concept of an Integrated Pressure Equipment TestStation (IPETS).(d)Alignment with Standardization Guide No. 17.1, Drafting o f Standards that may bereferenced under occupational health and safety legislation.From 1995, there has been, and will continue to be, a phasing out of State and Territory regulatory authorities approving pressure vessel design and testing and a phasing in of competent bodies or persons to undertake this task. This Standard introduces a new concept of a pressure equipment test station, integral to the manufacturing process which will carry out these tasks.The economy and proven safety record of this alternative approach, which essentially results in the specification of ‘performance’ type requirements was recognized during the revision of this Standard as was the need for consistency with the principles of AS 1210.This Standard has been prepared to—(i)avoid possible confusion between the various classes of AS 1210 vessels and the fourclasses of serially produced vessels; and(ii)permit coverage of non-metallic vessels or pressure parts, e.g. plastic covers on cream dispensers or rubber protectors for thin bases of some vessels.The adoption of various classes approximates to the principle established in AS 1210; the classification being based primarily on the minimum safety factor as in AS 1210. In this way, a variety of vessels can be covered in a systematic manner in one document. The basis of these classes is discussed in the Commentary (which follows the appendices to this Standard).AS 2971—20023While the Standard primarily considers mass-produced or serially produced vessels, provision has been made for the production of vessels in very small numbers to meet the special needs of the refrigeration industry and the limited production runs in Australia.Limits have been placed on volume, pressure and contained energy for these vessels to ensure reasonable harmonization with AS 1210 and to cover virtually all vessels currently produced to satisfactory standards by this approach.It is envisaged that experience gained in the use of the Standard will highlight areas that need to be strengthened. The Standard will be regularly reviewed and revised as necessaryto ensure it remains a useful document to all parties concerned and provides safe, reliable pressure plant.Statements expressed in mandatory terms in notes to tables are deemed to be requirementsof this Standard.The terms ‘normative’ and ‘informative’ have been used in this Standard to define the application of the appendix to which they apply. A ‘normative’ appendix is an integral partof a Standard, whereas an ‘informative’ appendix is only for information and guidance.AS 2971—20024CONTENTSPage SECTION 1SCOPE AND GENERAL1.1SCOPE (6)1.2OBJECTIVE (6)1.3APPLICATION (6)1.4REFERENCED DOCUMENTS (7)1.5DEFINITIONS (8)1.6CLASSIFICATION OF VESSELS (9)1.7DESIGNATION (10)1.8APPLICATION OF CLASSES AND TIERS OF VESSELS (10)SECTION 2MATERIALS, DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE2.1MATERIALS (11)2.2DESIGN (11)2.3MANUFACTURE (12)2.4PROTECTIVE DEVICES AND FITTINGS (13)2.5CORROSION PROTECTION (13)SECTION 3PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS3.1GENERAL (14)3.2RESISTANCE TO INTERNAL PRESSURE (14)3.3RESISTANCE TO BURSTING AND FRAGMENTATION (14)3.4RESISTANCE TO FATIGUE (14)3.5RESISTANCE TO DROPPING (14)3.6RESISTANCE TO PENETRATION (14)3.7RESISTANCE TO IMPACT (14)3.8RESISTANCE TO TORQUE (15)3.9CLOSURE (15)3.10RESISTANCE TO CORROSION (15)3.11PRESSURE RELIEF (16)3.12MARKING PLATE ADHESION (16)3.13SURFACE QUALITY AND CONFORMANCE (16)3.14OTHER PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (16)SECTION 4MARKING AND INSTRUCTIONS4.1MARKING (17)4.2INSTRUCTIONS (17)SECTION 5ASSESSMENT OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS STANDARD5.1GENERAL (18)5.2WITNESSING OF TYPE TESTS (18)5.3REPORT OF TYPE TESTING (18)5.4MANUFACTURER’S DATA REPORT (18)5.5AUDITING OF MANUFACTURER’S FACILITIES (19)5.6RETESTS (19)AS 2971—20025APPENDICESA INTEGRATED PRESSURE EQUIPMENT TEST STATIONS (22)B INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE CUSTOMER AND THEMANUFACTURER (24)C PROOF PRESSURE TESTS (26)D BURST AND FRAGMENTATION TEST (27)E FATIGUE TEST (29)F DROP TEST (30)G PENETRATION TEST (32)H IMPACT TEST (34)I CORROSION TESTS (36)J PRESSURE-RELIEF DEVICE TESTS (38)K MARKING PLATE ADHESION TEST (40)COMMENTARY (41)AS 2971—2002© Standards Australia .au6STANDARDS AUSTRALIAAustralian Standard Serially produced pressure vesselsS E C T I O N 1 S C O P E A N D G E N E R A L1.1 SCOPEThis Standard specifies requirements for the materials, design, manufacture, inspection and testing of serially produced metallic or non-metallic or combination unfired pressure vessels comprising:(a)A maximum volume of 500 L.(b)A design pressure exceeding 0.05 MPa.(c) A product of the design pressure (in megapascals) and the total vapour space (inlitres) that is greater than 1 but less than 3000. Where the vessel contents are classified as harmful or very harmful to AS 4343, the upper limit is 1500 MPa.L. This Standard excludes contents classified as lethal.NOTE: The vapour space is the maximum volume which will contain compressed gas or vapour or liquefied gas or liquid above its atmospheric boiling point.(d) A temperature range of–20°C to 150°C. Vessels designated outside the range of 0°Cto 50°C require special tests. Refer to Appendices D, F and G where applicable.Such vessels may be refillable or non-refillable.NOTE: Users of this S tandard are reminded that it has no legal authority in its own right, but may acquire legal standing if adopted by government or any other authority having jurisdiction,or if specified as part of a commercial contract.1.2 OBJECTIVEThis Standard is intended to—(a)establish minimum requirements for the materials, design, manufacture, inspection and testing for pressure vessels within the range of Clause 1.1; and (b) provide a method of design based on destructive type testing and monitoring ofmanufacture by performance testing of representative samples from production. This method is an alternative to that given in AS 1210 to vessels within the range of Clause APPLICATIONThis Standard is not intended to apply to—(a)pressure vessels covered by other Australian Standards, e.g. portable fire extinguishers, LP Gas fuel vessels for automotive use and sterilizers;(b)compressed gas cylinders covered by AS 2030 (series) and Supplement No. 1 to AS 2030;(c)glass and plastics bottles; or (d) vacuum vessels (i.e. vessels that operate only below atmospheric pressure).AS 2971—2002.au © Standards Australia 71.4 REFERENCED DOCUMENTSThe following Standards are referred to in this Standard:AS1056Storage water heaters (series)1210Pressure vessels 1271Safety valves, other valves, liquid level gauges, and other fittings for boilers and unfired pressure vessels 1358Bursting discs and bursting disc devices—Guide to application, selection,and installation 1826Electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres—Special protection—Type of protections 2030The verification, filling, inspection, testing and maintenance of cylinders for the storage and transport of compressed gases (series)Supp 1Foreign gas cylinder specifications 2038Methods for detecting the susceptibility of austenitic stainless steel to intergranular corrosion 2278Non-refillable metal aerosol dispensers of capacity 50 mL to 1000 mL inclusive 2331Methods of test for metallic and related coatings 2331.3.1Method 3.1:Corrosion and related property tests—Neutral salt spray (NSS) test 2380Electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres—Explosion-protection techniques 2380.1Part 1:General requirements 2470Steel cylinders for compressed gases—Welded three-piece construction with longitudinal joint — 11 kg to 150 kg 2582Complete, filled transport packages — Methods of test 2582.4Method 4:Vertical impact test by dropping 2613Safety devices for gas cylinders 2971Serially produced pressure vessels 4343Pressure equipment — Hazard levels 4942Pressure equipment––Glossary of terms AS/NZS1677Refrigerating systems (series)1841Portable fire extinguishers (series)3509LP Gas fuel vessels for automotive use 3992Pressure equipment — Welding and brazing qualification AS/NZS ISO9001Quality management systems — Requirements ASTMB154Test method for mercurous nitrate test for copper and copper alloys.BS1746Specification for domestic pressure cookersSAEJ10Automotive and off-high highway air brake reservoir performance and identification requirementsANSI/UL207Refrigerant-containing components and accessories, non-electricalDOT39Non-reusable non-refillable cylinders1.5 DEFINITIONSFor the purpose of this Standard, the definitions given in AS 4942 and those below apply.1.5.1 BatchA group of serially produced vessels made with the same set-up in the same plant over a period not exceeding 3 months with a maximum interval of 5 days and subject to the same quality control measures.NOTE: The ‘same set-up’ refers to the same diameter, nominal thickness, heat treatment process and welding control settings.1.5.2 Certification bodyA nationally recognized body that provides certification.1.5.3 CustomerOrganization or person that receives a product or service.NOTES:1 A customer may be internal or external to the organization.2 A customer can be the ‘purchaser’.1.5.4 Design minimum temperatureThe lowest temperature at which the vessel part under consideration is intended to be operated. It is used to select material with suitable low temperature properties and as the basis for type and production tests.1.5.5 Design pressureThe maximum gauge pressure, at a designated temperature, which is allowed at the top of the pressure vessel in its operating position.1.5.6 Design temperatureThe maximum temperature at the design pressure, used to determine the dimensions of the vessel part under consideration, and used as the basis for type and production tests.1.5.7 Design verifierA person who verifies the design of pressure equipment.NOTE: In this S tandard, the design verifier may also witness tests or interpret test results or a combination of these.1.5.8 Integrated pressure equipment test station (IPETS)A test station integral with the manufacturing process and operating as specified in Appendix A. It is responsible for the quality of all pressure equipment sold from the manufacturing plant from which it operates.1.5.9 Serially produced vesselsVessels of the same diameter, configuration, nominal thickness, materials, openings, attachments and manufacture which are produced in series in such manner and numbers as will permit the use of statistical methods to control quality.NOTE: Such vessels are sometimes referred to as ‘multiple duplicate’ vessels.1.5.10 ShallIndicates that a statement is mandatory.1.5.11 ShouldIndicates a recommendation.1.5.12 Type testingA performance evaluation procedure (for the purpose of design verification) on a representative sample of production which ascertains that the product will fulfil the performance requirements of the design specification and the application Standard.1.5.13 Unfired pressure vesselA vessel subject to internal pressure or external pressure including inter-connecting parts and components up to the first point of connection to connected piping and fittings by bolting, screwing, welding, or by other means, but not including those vessels wherein steam or other vapour is or is intended to be generated, or water or other liquid is or is intended to be heated, by the application of fire or the products of combustion or by electrical means.1.5.14 VerificationConfirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that specified requirements have been fulfilled (by the IPETS or an independent third party design verifier and independent third party inspector).1.5.15 Verifying organizationAn organization accredited by a recognized body to grant certificates to the integrated pressure equipment test stations.1.6 CLASSIFICATION OF VESSELSVessels shall be classified according to their design, material, manufacture, and pressure performance as shown in Tables 1.1 and 1.2.TABLE 1.1CLASSES OF VESSELSClassMinimum burstpressure (times designpressure)Minimum proofpressure (times designpressure)Performancefatigue testOtherperformance test1H 2.35 1.25Required ifN > 101 3.5 1.5Required ifN > 200see Section 52 4.4 1.5 (Note 3)Not required392Not requiredNOTES:1N = the expected number of significant pressurizing cycles (i.e. cycles having a range of pressure greater than 20 percent of the design pressure) over the design life.2The manufacturer shall state in the data report the design life in cycles for Class 1H and Class 1 vessels or vessel parts.3Vessels less than 155 mm inside diameter and with harmful and non-harmful contents may be tested at design pressure.TABLE 1.2TYPICAL APPLICATIONS OF CLASSES OF VESSELSClass MaterialService(see Note)Example of application1H Ductile Static Sparklet cylinders1Ductile Static Fire extinguishers2Ductile Static or dynamic Air brake reservoir, refrigeration vessels, orcomponents, including ductile plastics vesselsor components3Non-ductile Static or dynamic Cast iron, glass, or plastics vessels orcomponentsNOTE: Static service is service where the vessel will not normally be subject to extra stresses due to external shock loads or due to pressure shocks, e.g. air brake reservoirs.1.7 DESIGNATIONVessels shall be designated by the number of this Standard and the class of vessel(e.g. AS 2971.1).1.8 APPLICATION OF CLASSES AND TIERS OF VESSELSThe class and tier applicable to each vessel shall be nominated by the manufacturer and be in accordance with Table 1.1, Table 1.2 and Table 1.3 as appropriate. The class and tier nominated shall be reviewed by the person or body witnessing the type tests in accordance with Clause 5.2, applicable to the pressure envelope which is usually governed by the cylindrical shell.Where non-ductile components are attached to ductile vessels, the non-ductile components shall be tested in accordance with Class 3 requirements. This may require different testing for the non-ductile components.TABLE 1.3TIERS OF VESSELSProperty Tier 1 vessels Tier 2 vesselsShape Simple (see Note 1)All shapesClass of vessel1, 2 or 31, 2, 3, or 1HMaterials Suitably ductile (see Note 2)All acceptable materialsService conditions Fatigue tests not requiredexcept where required byTable 1.1 for Class 1All conditionsContents Harmful and non-harmful(see Note 3)All contents classifications except lethal (see Note 3)NOTES:1Simply shaped: Those that are cylindrical or spherical in shape and have ends of conventional shape.2Suitably ductile: Those materials having a yield or 0.2% proof strength of less than 300 MPa and an elongation of more than 20%. Where the yield or 0.2% proof strength is >320 MPa but ≤360 MPa, the elongation may be reduced by 1% for each 10 MPa over 320 MPa but in no case be <16%.3Refer to AS 4343 for the classification of contents and hazard levels of pressure equipment.S E C T I O N2M A T E R I A L S,D E S I G N A N DM A N U F A C T U R E2.1 MATERIALSThe material used in pressure parts of a vessel shall not be deleteriously affected by, nor have a deleterious effect on, the intended contents of the vessel, and shall be such that each vessel would be able to pass the relevant type tests specified in this Standard.For the purpose of establishing the classification applicable to each vessel in accordance with Clause 1.8, ductile materials may be considered to be those materials which when tested by approved methods after manufacture of the vessel have not less than 8 percent elongation at rupture on a gauge length of 5.65/S o, where S o is the original cross-section within the gauge length, or equivalent elongation when measured on other gauge lengths or in a bend test or burst test, and which do not fragment during burst tests (see Clause 3.3). The ductility shall be measured in the area or areas of the vessel, and at conditions, such as temperature, that represent the lowest ductility in the material of the vessel as manufactured. Where the manufacturing process does not significantly alter the properties of the material, test certificates for, or tests on, the original material may be accepted by the manufacturer.2.2 DESIGN2.2.1 GeneralThe design shall be such that each vessel will consistently be able to pass the type tests specified in this Standard.2.2.2 Design pressureThe design pressure shall not be less than one or more of the following:(a)The maximum operating pressure specified in the appropriate application Standard,e.g. AS/NZS 1677 (series).(b)The maximum pressure likely to be experienced in normal operation.(c)The maximum developed pressure at 65°C where the vessel is likely to be exposed tothe sun without insulation unless satisfactory evidence can be provided demonstrating that a lower temperature can be assumed.(d)The start to discharge pressure of any pressure-relief device(s) in the system withwhich the vessel is to be used (see Note).NOTE: To avoid premature operation of pressure-relief device(s), it is necessary for the design pressure to be higher than the normal operating pressure.2.2.3 CrevicesReverse curvature ends, joggled joints, joints with retained backing strips, and incomplete penetration welds are not permitted where serious crevice or local corrosion could occur. 2.2.4 Cleaning accessSuitable provision shall be made for cleaning purposes where cleaning is required in service. Access openings may be required for this purpose.2.2.5 Inspection openingsEach vessel subject to corrosion and exceeding 155 mm inside diameter shall have at least two openings of at least 11 mm clear bore, or one opening of at least 20 mm clear bore, to permit inspection of representative areas of the vessel’s inside surface. For a vessel 155 mm or less inside diameter, the size, number, and location of openings shall be appropriate for the principal dimensions of the vessel. Such openings may be provided by openings for piping, fittings, or drainage.2.2.6 ClosuresClosures shall comply with following requirements as appropriate:(a)Screwed cap or plugA screw-threaded cap or plug closure shall have provision to leak while there are stillsufficient threads engaged to withstand the design pressure. Adequate allowance shall be provided for reduction of effective threads due to expected wear in operating the closure, and due to corrosion. It shall not be possible to release the closure at any dangerous pressure without a clear indication of leakage.(b)Studded connectionThe length of studs on a studded connection shall be such that the closure can leak while there are sufficient threads engaged to withstand the design pressure.(c)Bayonet closureFor a quick-acting bayonet closure, it shall not be possible to dangerously pressurize the vessel unless the closure is fully or safely engaged (see Note 2).(d)Internally fitted bridge closureThe forces on a bridge type internally fitted closure at any dangerous pressure shall be such that the closure cannot be opened by unassisted handpower (see Note 2). (e)Externally fitted bridge closureFor a bridge type external closure, it shall not be possible to dangerously pressurize the vessel unless the bridge is fully or safely engaged (see Notes 1 and 2).NOTES:1In Item (e), the operation of a screw on a bridge-type externally fitted closure should lift the lid slowly and cause obvious leakage before the bridge can be moved to an open position.2In Items (c), (d), and (e), dangerous pressure is any pressure sufficient to eject the vessel contents or any part of the closure in a manner that could result in injury to personnel.2.2.7 DrainsWhere waste liquid or deposits can accumulate in the vessel, drainage of the vessel in the operating position shall be possible. Openings provided for other purposes may be utilized for drainage.2.3 MANUFACTUREThe manufacturing procedures shall be such that each vessel will be able to pass the relevant type tests specified in this Standard.NOTE: See Appendix B for information to be supplied by the customer and manufacturer.2.4 PROTECTIVE DEVICES AND FITTINGS2.4.1 FittingsProvision shall be made for each vessel to be equipped with valves or other pressure-retaining fittings including safety fittings necessary to ensure that, in service, the vessel will—(a)be able to be used as intended;(b)be protected against overpressure; and(c)comply with the requirements of the appropriate application Standard.2.4.2 Pressure-relief devicesEach vessel shall be fitted with a suitable pressure-relief device where either of the following conditions prevail:(a)Where it is possible for the vessel to be pressurized in normal service from a sourcehaving a pressure greater than the design pressure of the vessel.NOTE: Excessive pressure may be prevented by a suitable pressure-relief device in the filling system. A pressure-reducing valve or regulator is not adequate alone.(b)Where the pressurized vessel may be subject to fire while not attached to a systemhaving a suitable pressure-relief device, except that a pressure-relief device is not required where the gas or vapour space is not greater than 2 L and the contents are non-harmful.Pressure-relief devices shall comply with the performance requirements of Clause CORROSION PROTECTIONEach vessel shall be suitably protected against corrosion, and where specified in Table 5.1 shall be capable of passing the appropriate corrosion test in Clause 3.10.Air brake reservoirs shall be protectively treated against corrosion as follows:(a)After satisfactory completion of hydrostatic testing, all reservoirs shall be suitablytreated to remove scale and rust, dried internally, and protectively treated internally against corrosion, particular attention being paid to the open joint in the inserted end.(b)The material used for protective treatment shall be resistant to oil, grease, water, andcrankcase gases, and to temperatures up to 150°C, and when tested with an equivalent coating thickness as provided in the air reservoir, shall comply with Clause 3.10(b). (c)An exterior paint finish providing the same salt spray protection as for the interiorshall be applied to all reservoirs on completion.。
分散控制系统的功能应全部进行测试,对验收 测试前已完成的功能测试项目可以通过检查合 格测试记录和抽查的方式进行测试,测试内容 有: 1 输入和输出功能的检查 2 人机接口功能检查 3 显示功能检查 4 打印和制表功能检查 5 SOE功能检查
6 历史数据存储功能检查
可靠性评估期间没有发生下列任一事件时,则 系统可靠性评估合格: 1) DCS系统发生下列任一重大故障: a) 一对冗余的控制器均故障(包括脱网); b) 一对冗余的通讯总线均故障,通讯功能丧失 或通讯时间过长; c) 全部操作员站的主要功能丧失; d) 一对冗余的服务器故障。
tt t f tt
tt t f tt
100%Biblioteka tf Ki 1
t fi
式中: tt——实际试验时间,它是指整个连续考核统计 时间扣除由于非本系统因素造成的空等时间; tf——故障时间,它是指被考核系统中任一装置或子系统 在实际试验时间内因故障而停用的时间经加权后的总和; tfi——第i个装置或子系统故障停用时间; Kfi——第i个装置或子系统的故障加权系数,加权系数参 见附录A。
5、 系统储备容量的测试 6、 输入输出点接入率和完好率的统计 7、系统实时性的测试 8、 系统各部件的负荷测试 9、 时钟同步精度的测试
1、 检查电缆选型和安装情况。I/O信号电 缆必须采用屏蔽电缆。电缆的敷设应符合 分层、屏蔽、防火和接地等有关规定 2 、抗射频干扰能力的测试(用功率为5W、 频率为400MHz~500MHz的步话机作干扰源, 距敞开柜门的分散控制系统机柜1.5m处工作, 分散控制系统应正常运行 ,记录测量信号 示值变化范围应不大于测量系统允许综合 误差的2倍。
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锅炉炉膛安全监控制系统(FSSS)1.系统概述锅炉炉膛安全监控系统,简称FSSS(Furnace Safeguard Supervisory Sustem),是保证锅炉安全运行的重要系统,安在锅炉启动、运行及停止的各个阶段,连续地监测锅炉的有关运行参数,根据防爆炸规程规定的安全条件,不断地进行逻辑判断和运算,用过相应连锁装置使燃烧设备按照既定程序完成必要操作,避免爆炸性的空气一燃料混合物在炉膛及烟道内积聚,并在出现危及锅炉安全的工况时,迅速切断进入炉膛的所有燃料,防止炉膛爆炸事故的发生。
2.系统主要控制逻辑(基本功能)◆主燃料跳闸(MFT)◆减负荷Run Back◆油系统泄露试验◆火焰检测及灭火保护◆炉膛吹扫◆报警及显示◆油燃烧器管理◆火检冷却风管理◆粉燃烧器管理◆上位机通讯◆快速切负荷Fast Cut Back目录1.泄漏试验 (2)1.1 叙述 (2)1.2 试验顺序: (2)2.炉膛吹扫 (3)2.1 叙述 (3)2.2 FSSS监视及控制炉膛吹扫的方法: (3)2.3 吹扫条件. (4)3.锅炉安全灭火(MFT及OFT) (5)3.1 叙述 (5)3.2 主燃料跳闸(MFT) (5)3.3 油燃料跳闸(OFT) (7)4 油燃烧器管理 (8)4.1 叙述 (8)4.2 油点火条件 (8)4.3 油燃烧器操作 (9)4.4. 操作指导 (9)5 直吹式制粉系统的管理 (12)5.1 煤粉燃烧器的管理叙述 (12)5.2 制粉系统的管理 (12)5.2.1 制粉系统的自动启动步序 (12)5.2.2 制粉系统的自动停止步序 (13)5.2.3 快速停磨 (13)5.2.4 制粉系统跳闸条件 (13)5.3 设备 (14)6 杂项 (19)6.1 火检冷却风机控制 (19)6.2. 密封风机 (19)7.3.密封风机入/出口挡板 (19)7.4. RB (20)1.泄漏试验1.1 叙述油系统泄漏试验是针对燃油供油速断阀、燃油回油速断阀及油角阀的密闭性所做的试验。
1.1.1 燃油回油速断阀及油角阀泄漏试验最初状态, 燃油供油速断阀, 燃油回油速断阀均应为关闭状态.打开燃油供油速断阀充油,油压建立后,关闭燃油供油速断阀.一定时间后,监视阀后压力.如果在90秒内母管压力一直保持高(PS1909),则泄漏试验成功,否则泄漏试验失败。
1.1.2 燃油供油速断阀泄漏试验打开燃油回油速断阀(同时打开燃油供油调节阀,并一直处于开位),8秒后关闭.然后FSSS监视油母管压力,如果在90秒内母管压力一直低(PS1910),则燃油供油速断阀没有泄漏;如果母管压力高,则表明油母管燃油供油速断阀有泄漏,泄漏试验失败。
1.2 试验顺序:(1) 若允许条件满足,可以从CRT上直接发出启动泄漏试验指令;(2) 打开燃油供油速断阀,打开燃油供油调节阀,充油.并在CRT上显示“燃油泄漏试验正在进行”;(3) 油母管压力高后,关闭燃油供油速断阀;(4) (90S)内,若燃油供油速断阀后母管压力高,则燃油回油速断阀及油角阀泄漏试验通过,并在CRT上显示;否则认为燃油回油速断阀及油角阀泄漏,燃油泄漏试验失败,并在CRT上显示。
(5) 若第一步试验成功,则打开燃油回油速断阀泄油,8秒种后关闭。
90S内, 若燃油供油速断阀后母管压力低,则认为泄漏试验通过;否则认为燃油供油速断阀有泄漏,泄漏试验失败,并在CRT上显示。
油母管泄漏试验准备就绪条件(如全部满足,则在CRT上显示“油泄漏试验准备好”)●MFT继电器已跳闸(ETS12DAS)●燃油供油速断阀已关(ZS1902C)●所有油角阀关闭●燃油回油速断阀已关(ZS1928C)●所有火检显示无火((油:BT1901A-BT1905A,煤: BT1906A-BT1910A))●油源压力正常(PS1902)2.炉膛吹扫2.1 叙述锅炉启动前或MFT后必须进行炉膛吹扫,否则不允许再次点火。
2.2 FSSS监视及控制炉膛吹扫的方法:(1)MFT继电器跳闸(ETS12DAS)后,FSSS自动发出“请求炉膛吹扫”信号,在CRT上“吹扫请求”的指示灯点亮。
(3) 启动指令发出后,FSSS向MCS发出一个信号将所有二次风挡板置于吹扫位。
(4) 当一次及二次吹扫条件全部满足后,吹扫计时器开始5分钟的计时,此时”吹扫进行中”的指示灯点亮。
(5) 吹扫过程中如果任何二次吹扫允许条件被破坏,吹扫计时器停止计时,同时“吹扫中断”指示灯点亮。
(6) 在锅炉吹扫进行时,NFPA(国家防火协会)要求燃油供油速断阀必须保持关闭。
(7) 如果5分钟吹扫顺利结束,则炉膛吹扫成功,“吹扫完成”的指示灯点亮。
2.3 吹扫条件.2.3.1 一次吹扫条件如下:●MFT条件不存在●至少一台送风机运行(MZ1502AS)且其出口挡板开(ZS1510AO, ZS1511AO)●至少一台引风机运行(MZ1601AS)且其入口、出口挡板开(ZS1606AO, ZS1607AO, ZS1608AO, ZS1609AO)●两台一次风机停运(MZ1501AT1)●至少一台空预器在运行(MZ1512AS, MZ1513AS)●所有火检探头均探测不到火焰(油:BT1901A-BT1905A,煤: BT1906A-BT1910A)●油母管燃油供油速断阀关闭(ZS1902C),燃油回油速断阀关闭(ZS1928C),所有油角阀关闭(ZS1903/4/5/6/7AC)●所有磨煤机停,且煤粉分离器出口挡板关闭(MZ1702AT1,ZS1703/4/5/6/7AC)●所有给煤机停(MZ1701AT)●油母管泄漏试验已经完成2.3.2 二次吹扫条件如下:●炉膛风量> 25%(FROM MCS)●炉膛风量< 40%(FROM MCS)●二次风挡板均在吹扫位(ZT1507/3/6/8/4/5A,ZT1507/3/6/8/4/5B)●炉膛压力正常(PT1606/7/8/9)●火检冷却风压正常(PS1501取非)●仪表空气压力不低(?)●烟道挡板在吹扫位3.锅炉安全灭火(MFT及OFT)3.1 叙述锅炉安全灭火逻辑监视燃料及炉膛情况并产生跳闸信号来切断油燃料或整个锅炉的燃料,至于切断哪个燃料需要看具体哪个条件超过了定值。
锅炉安全灭火是这样定义的:●MFT(主燃料跳闸)切断进入炉膛的所有燃料(煤粉和燃油)●OFT(油燃料跳闸)切断进入油燃烧器及油母管的所有燃油3.2 主燃料跳闸(MFT)FSSS逻辑需要监视以下不同的MFT条件。
3.2.1 MFT跳闸条件如下:●负荷〉30%BMCR且汽机跳闸,锅炉MFT;(ETS01/2/3FSSS)●两台送风机全停;(MZ1501A/BT4)●两台引风机全停;(MZ1601A/BT1)●火检探头冷却风压力低持续3秒;(PS1501)●炉膛压力高,延时3S;(2.5KPa)(PS1604/5/6三取二)●炉膛压力低,延时3S;(-2.5KPa)(PS1601/2/3三取二)●两台空预器全停,持续3S(四个主辅马达全部停)●全炉膛灭火:在有燃烧记忆的前提下突然失去全部火焰。
每层4/5五火,所有层无火)(脉冲);(有燃烧记忆前提指:任一排煤燃烧器4/5有火或者任一排油枪4/5投运)失去所有燃料:在有燃烧记忆的前提下,(所有角阀关闭或燃油供油速断阀关闭)且(所有给煤机全停)(脉冲);●操作员跳闸:操作员将MFT按钮按下;(CWA02DAS)●锅炉风量<20%;(from mcs)●仪表空气压力低;(PS7501/2/3)●省煤器入口流量低低延时10秒;(低于570吨/小时)(FSSS05/6/7MCS三取二)●在无油枪投入的情况下有任一煤层运行时一次风机全停;●无煤燃烧器运行时OFT;●炉膛出口蒸气温度>470度(A侧和B侧两个都高)延时2S;(TE1608A/B)●在无油枪投入的情况下有任一煤层运行时一次风机全停密封风机全停●在非等离子模式下,首支油枪点火推迟;(MFT继电器复位后,30分钟还没有燃烧器投运)●再热保护丧失:在总燃料量大于25%,机组未并网的情况下,高旁阀门关闭且(左高压主汽门关闭或左侧两个高压调门关闭,且右高压主汽门关闭或右侧两个高压调门关闭)延时一段时间(10秒钟),或低旁阀门均关闭且(左中压主汽门关闭或左侧两个中压调门关闭,且右中压主汽门关闭或右侧两个中压调门关闭)延时一段时间(10秒钟)(国家标准委员会定义)3.2.2 MFT继电器复位条件:●MFT继电器电源正常;(10CKA01AL001/2/3/6 信号为1正常)●不存在MFT跳闸条件;●炉膛吹扫完成;●MFT继电器已跳闸;当任何一个MFT跳闸条件满足后,都将引起MFT,MFT动作后:(1) 跳闸MFT继电器(2) 关闭燃油供油速断阀(3) 关闭燃油回油速断阀(4) 关闭所有油角阀(5) 停止所有磨煤机、关其出口门(6) 关所有磨煤机冷、热一次风门(7) 关一级减温水电动门A/B(8) 关二级减温水电动门A/B(9) 关再热减温水电动门A/B(10) 停所有一次风机(11) 送信号到ETS(2)(12) 送信号到各DPU(13) 停止所有吹灰(14) 到电除尘(15) 送信号到脱硫(16) 至METS系统接点2个,停电泵(17) 送信号到等离子(18) 送信号到旁路注意:对于燃油进油快关阀、燃油回油快关阀、给煤机、磨煤机、一次风机、小汽机A/B,MFT设计成软硬件互相冗余的,当MFT条件出现时软件会送出相应的信号来停掉相关的设备,同时MFT继电器也会向这些设备中送出一个硬接线信号来停掉它们。