



1、高电压试验技术GB/T16927 高电压试验技术[1] GB/T 16927.1-1997, 高电压试验技术 第一部分: 一般试验要求High voltage test techniques--Part 1: General test requirements[2] GB/T 16927.2-1997, 高电压试验技术 第二部分:测量系统High voltage test techniques--Part 2: Measuring systemsGB/T 17627 低压电气设备的高电压试验技术[1] GB/T 17627.1-1998, 低压电气设备的高电压试验技术 第一部分:定义和试验要求High-voltage test techniques for low-voltage equipment Part 1: Definitions,test and procedure requirements[2] GB/T 17627.2-1998, 低压电气设备的高电压试验技术 第二部分:测量系统和试验设备High-voltage test techniques for low-voltage equipment Part2:Measuring system and test equipmentDL/T 848 高压试验装置通用技术条件[1] DL/T 848.1-2004, 高压试验装置通用技术条件 第1部分:直流高压发生器General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 1: High voltage DC generator [2] DL/T 848.2-2004, 高压试验装置通用技术条件第2部分:工频高压试验装置General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 2: Power frequency high voltage test device[3] DL/T 848.3-2004, 高压试验装置通用技术条件第3部分:无局放试验变压器General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 3: Non partial discharge testing transformer[4] DL/T 848.4-2004, 高压试验装置通用技术条件第4部分:三倍频试验变压器装置General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part4:Triple-frequency test transformer[5] DL/T 848.5-2004, 高压试验装置通用技术条件 第5部分:冲击电压发生器General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 5 : impulse voltage generatorDL/T846 高电压测试仪器通用技术条件[1] DL/T 846.1-2004, 高电压测试设备通用技术条件 第1部分:高电压分压器测量系统General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 1 : high voltage divider measuring system[2] DL/T 846.2-2004, 高电压测试设备通用技术条件 第2部分:冲击电压测量系统General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part2:Impulse voltage measuring system[3] DL/T 846.3-2004, 高电压测试设备通用技术条件 第3部分:高压开关综合测试仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 3: High voltage switch integrate detector[4] DL/T 846.4-2004, 高电压测试设备通用技术条件 第4部分:局部放电测量仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 4: Partial discharge detector [5] DL/T 846.5-2004, 高电压测试设备通用技术条件 第5部分:六氟化硫微量水分仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part5: Analyzer for trace moisture in SF6 gas[6] DL/T 846.6-2004, 高电压测试设备通用技术条件 第6部分:六氟化硫气体检漏仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 6: SF6 gas leak detector [7] DL/T 846.7-2004, 高电压测试设备通用技术条件 第7部分:绝缘油介电强度测试仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part7:Dielectric strength detector of insulating oils[8] DL/T 846.8-2004, 高电压测试设备通用技术条件 第8部分:有载分接开关测试仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 8: Detector of on-load tap-changers[9] DL/T 846.9-2004, 高电压测试设备通用技术条件 第9部分:真空开关真空度测试仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 9: Vacuum interrupter detectorIEC标准[1] IEC 60060-1-2010 高压试验技术.第1部分:一般定义和试验要求High-voltage test techniques - Part 1: General definitions and test requirements[2] IEC 60060-2-2010 高压试验技术.第2部分:测量系统High-voltage test techniques. Part 2: Measuring systems[3] IEC 60060-3-2006 高压试验技术.第3部分:现场试验的定义和要求High voltage test techniques - Part 3: Definitions and requirements for on-site testing[4] IEC 60060-4-1988 高压试验技术.第4部分:测量装置应用导则High-voltage test techniques. Part 4 : Application guide for measuring devices[5] IEC 60270-2000 高电压试验技术:局部放电测量High-V oltage Test Techniques – Partial Discharge Measurements-Third EditionIEEE标准[1] 4-1995 IEEE Standard Techniques for High-V oltage Testing (Revision of IEEE Std 4-1 978)[2] 4a-2001 Amendment to IEEE Standard Techniques for High-V oltage Testing[3] 48-2009 IEEE Standard for Test Procedures and Requirements for Alternating-Current Cable Terminations Used on Shielded Cables Having Laminated Insulation Rated 2.5 kV through 765 kV or Extruded Insulation Rated 2.5 kV through 500 kV[4] 95-2002 IEEE Recommended Practice for Insulation Testing of AC Electric Machinery (2300 V and Above) With High Direct V oltage[5] 400.1-2007 IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded Power Cable Systems Rated 5 kV and Above With High Direct Current V oltage[6] 400-2001 IEEE Guide for Field Testing and Evaluation of the Insulation of Shielded Power Cable Systems[7] 433-2009 IEEE Recommended Practice for Insulation Testing of AC Electric Machinery with High V oltage at Very Low Frequency[8] C37.09-2005 IEEE Standard Test Procedure for AC High-V oltage Circuit Breakers Rated on aSymmetrical Current Basis[9] C37.081-1981 IEEE Guide for Synthetic Fault Testing of AC High-V oltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis[10] C37.083-1999 IEEE Guide for Synthetic Capacitive Current Switching Tests of AC High-V oltage Circuit Breakers[11] C37.34-1994 IEEE Standard Test Code for High-V oltage Air Switches[12] C37.41-2008 IEEE Standard Design Tests for High-V oltage (>1000 V) Fuses, Fuse and Disconnecting Cutouts,Distribution Enclosed Single-Pole Air Switches,Fuse Disconnecting Switches, and Fuse Links and Accessories Used with These Devices[13] C37.53.1-1989 American National Standard High-V oltage Current-Limiting Motor-Starter Fuses - Conference Test Procedures[14] C37.301-2009 IEEE Standard for High-V oltage Switchgear (Above 1000 V) Test Techniques - Partial Discharge Measurements[15] C37.016 :2006 IEEE Standard for AC High-V oltage Circuit Switchers rated 15.5 kV through 245 kV二、冲击电压发生器和冲击电压试验[1] DL/T 846.2-2004, 高电压测试设备通用技术条件 第2部分:冲击电压测量系统General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part2:Impulse voltage measuring system[2] DL/T 992-2006,冲击电压测量实施细则Detailed implementation guide for impulse voltage measurement[3] JB/T 7083-1993, 低压电器冲击电压试验仪未注英文名称[4] JB/T 7080-1993, 绕组匝间冲击电压试验仪未注英文名称[5] DL/T848.5-2004, 高压试验装置通用技术条件 第5部分:冲击电压发生器General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 5 : impulse voltage generator [6] GB/T 16896.1-2005, 高电压冲击测量仪器和软件 第1部分:对仪器的要求Instruments and software used for measurements in high-voltage impulse tests-Part1: Requirements for instruments[7] GB/T 21222-2007, 绝缘液体 雷电冲击击穿电压测定方法Methods for the determination of the lightning impulse breakdown voltage of insulating liquids [8] GB/T 18134.1-2000, 极快速冲击高电压试验技术 第1部分:气体绝缘变电站中陡波前过电压用测量系统High-voltage testing techniques with very fast impulses --Part 1:Measuring systems for very fast from overvoltages generated in gas-insulated substations[9] DL/T557- 2005, 高压线路绝缘子空气中冲击击穿试验―定义、试验方法和判据Insulators of ceramic or glass material overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1000V -- impulse puncture tests in air[10] GB/T 1094.4-2005, 电力变压器 第4部分:电力变压器和电抗器的雷电冲击和操作冲击试验导则Power transformers—Part 4:Guide to the lightning impulse and switching impulse testing—Power transformers and reactors[11] GB/T 17626.5-2008, 电磁兼容 试验和测量技术 浪涌(冲击)抗扰度试验Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques - Surge immunity test [12] GB/T 14598.18-2007, 电气继电器 第22-5部分:量度继电器和保护装置的电气骚扰试验-浪涌抗扰度试验Electrical relays—Part22-5:Electrical disturbance test for measuring relays and protection equipment—Surge immunity test[13] JB/T 7616-1994, 高压线路绝缘子陡波冲击耐受试验未注英文名称[14] DL/T 557-2005, 高压线路绝缘子空气中冲击击穿试验―定义、试验方法和判据Insulators of ceramic or glass material overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1000V -- impulse puncture tests in airIEC标准[1] IEC 60897-1987 绝缘液体的雷电冲击击穿电压的测定方法Methods for the determination of the lightning impulse breakdown voltage of insulating liquids [2] IEC 61083-1-2001 高压冲击试验中测量用仪器及软件 第1部分:仪器的要求 Instruments and software used for measurement in high-voltage impulse tests-Part1: Requirements for instruments[3] IEC 61083-2-1996 高压冲击试验中测量用数字记录仪 第2部分:测定冲击波形参数用软件的评估Digital recorders for measurements in high-voltage tests - Part 2: Evaluation of software used for the determination of the parameters of impulse waveformsIEEE标准[1] 82-2002 IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Impulse V oltage Tests on Insulated Conductors[2] C37.013a-2007 IEEE Standard for AC High V oltage Generator Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis - Amendment 1: Supplement for Use With Generators Rated 10-100 MV A[3] C37.101 :2006 IEEE Guide for Generator Ground Protection[4] C37.102 :2006 IEEE Guide for AC Generator Protection[5] C57.98-1993 IEEE Guide for Transformer Impulse Tests[6] 1122-1998 IEEE Standard for Digital Recorders for Measurements in High- V oltage Impulse Tests[7]C57.138-1998IEEE Recommended Practice for Routine Impulse Test for Distribution Transformers3、工频试验变压器和工频电压试验[1] JB/T 9641—1999,试验变压器Testing transformers[2] JB/T 501-2006 电力变压器试验导则Test guide for power transformers[3] DL/T 848.2-2004, 高压试验装置通用技术条件第2部分:工频高压试验装置General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 2: Power frequency high voltage test device[4] DL/T 848.3-2004, 高压试验装置通用技术条件第3部分:无局放试验变压器General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 3: Non partial discharge testing transformer[5] GB/T 1408.1-2006, 绝缘材料电气强度试验方法 第1部分:工频下试验Electrical strength of insulating materials - Test methods - Part 1: Tests at power frequencies [6] GB2536—1990 ,变压器油Transformer oils[7] GB/T 17626.28-2006, 电磁兼容 试验和测量技术 工频频率变化抗扰度试验Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) - Testing and measurement techniques - Variation of power frequency immunity test[8] GB/T 3333-1999, 电缆纸工频击穿电压试验方法Cable paper--Determination of electrical strength at power frequence[9] GB/T 14517-1993, 绝缘胶粘带工频耐电压试验方法Test method for dielectric strength of insulating adhesive tape at power frequency[10] DL/T 812-2002, 标称电压高于1000V架空线路绝缘子串工频电弧试验方法Insulators string for overhead lines with a normal voltage above 1000V-AC power arc test method [11] GB/T 7252-2001, 变压器油中溶解气体分析和判断导则Guide to the analysis and the diagnosis of gases dissolved in transformer oil[12] DL/T 536-1993, 耦合电容器及电容分压器订货技术条件未注英文名称[13] JB/T 8169-1999, 耦合电容器及电容分压器Coupling capacitors and capacitor dividersGB1094 电力变压器[1] GB 1094.1—1996 ,电力变压器 第1部分:总则Power transformers--Part 1: General[2] GB 1094.2—1996 ,电力变压器 第2部分:温升Power transformers--Part 2: Temperature rise[3] GB 1094.3—2003,电力变压器 第3部分: 绝缘水平、绝缘试验和外绝缘空气间隙(eqv IEC 60076-3:2000)Power transformers--Part 3 : Insulation levels,dielectric tests and external clearances in air[4] GB/T 1094.4-2005, 电力变压器 第4部分:电力变压器和电抗器的雷电冲击和操作冲击试验导则Power transformers—Part 4:Guide to the lightning impulse and switching impulse testing—Power transformers and reactors[5] GB 1094.5—2008 ,电力变压器 第5部分:承受短路的能力Power transformers--Part 5: Ability to withstand short circuit[6] GB/T 1094.7-2008, 电力变压器 第7部分:油浸式电力变压器负载导则Power transformers—Part7:Loading guide for oil-immersed power transformers[7] GB/T 1094.10-2003, 电力变压器 第10部分:声级测定Power transformers—Part10:Determination of sound levels[8] GB 1094.11—2007,电力变压器 第11部分:干式变压器Power transformers--Part 11 : Dry-type transformersIEC标准[1] IEC 60076-10-1-2005 电力变压器.第10-1部分:声级的测定.应用指南Power transformers Part 10-1: Determination of sound levels Application guide-Edition 1[2] IEC 60076-10-2005 电力变压器.第10部分:声级的测定Power Transformers Part 10: Determination of Sound Levels[3] IEC 60076-11-2004 电力变压器.第11部分:干式变压器Power transformers Part 11: Dry-type transformers-First Edition[4] IEC 60076-12-2008 电力变压器.第12部分:干型电力变压器用负荷指南Power transformers - Part 12: Loading guide for dry-type power transformers[5] IEC 60076-13-2006 电力变压器.第13部分:自我保护式充液变压器[6] IEC 60076-15 Ed.1.0 (2008) Power transformers - Part 15: Gas-filled power transformers[7] IEC 60076-15-2008 电力变压器.第15部分:充气电力变压器Power transformers – Part 15: Gas-filled power transformers[8] IEC 60076-2-1993 电力变压器 第2部分:温升Power Transformers; Part 2: Temperature Rise-Second Edition[9] IEC 60076-3-2000 电力变压器 第3部分:绝缘水平、电介质试验和空气中的外间隙Power Transformers Part 3: Insulation Levels. Dielectric Tests and External Clearances in Air-Edition 2[10] IEC 60076-4-2002 电力变压器.第4部分:闪电脉冲和开关脉冲试验指南.电力变压器和电抗器Power transformers - Part 4: Guide to lightning impulse and switching impulse testing; Power transformers and reactors[11] IEC 60076-5-2006 电力变压器 第5部分:承受短路的能力Power Transformers Part 5: Ability to Withstand Short Circuit-Edition 3.0[12] IEC 60076-6-2007 电力变压器.第6部分:电抗器Power transformers – Part 6: Reactors-Edition 1.0[13] IEC 60076-7-2005 电力变压器.第7部分:油浸电力变压器负载指南Power transformers Part 7: Loading guide for oil-immersed power transformers-First Edition [14] IEC 60076-8-1997 电力变压器 第8部分:应用指南Power Transformers - Application Guide-First Edition[15] IEC/TS 60076-14-2004 电力变压器.第14部分:使用高温绝缘材料的液浸式电力变压器的设计和应用Power transformers – Part 14: Design and application of liquid-immersed power transformersusing high-temperature insulation materials-Edition 2.0[16] IEC 62032-2005, 移相变压器的应用、规范和试验指南Guide for the application. specification. and testing of phase-shifting transformersIEEE标准[1] 62.2-2004 IEEE Guide for Diagnostic Field Testing of Electric Power Apparatus - Electrical Machinery[2] 62-1995 IEEE Guide for Diagnostic Field Testing of Electric Power Apparatus - Part 1: Oil Filled Power Transformers, Regulators, and Reactors[3] C57.135-2005 IEEE Guide for the Application, Specification, and Testing of Phase-Shifting Transformers[4] 644-1994 IEEE Standard Procedures for Measurement of Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields From AC Power Lines4、工频谐振试验设备和试验技术[1] DL/T 849.6-2004, 电力设备专用测试仪器通用技术条件 第6部分:高压谐振试验装置General technical specification of test instruments used for power equipments Part 6: High voltage resonant test system5、冲击电流发生器和冲击电流试验技术[1] GB 4208-2008, 外壳防护等级Degrees of protection provided by enclosure[2] GB 18802.1-2002, 低压配电系统的电涌保护器(SPD)第1部分:性能要求和试验方法Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power distribution systems--Part 1:Performance requirements and testing methods[3] GB 11032-2000 交流无间隙金属氧化物避雷器Metal oxide surge arresters without gaps for a. c. systems[4] GB/T 18802.311-2007 低压电涌保护器件 第311部分:气体放电管(GDT)规范(等同IEC 61643-311-2001)Components for low-voltage surge protective—Part311:Specification for gas discharge tubes(GDT)[5] GB/T 17626.5-2008, 电磁兼容 试验和测量技术 浪涌(冲击)抗扰度试验Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques - Surge immunity testIEC标准[1] IEC TR 61000-1-5 :2004 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 1-5: General High power electromagnetic (HPEM) effects on civil systems-First Edition[2] IEC 60099-4 AMD 2 :2009 AMENDMENT 2 Surge arresters – Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems-Edition 2.0[3] IEC 61643-311 :2001 Components for Low-V oltage Surge Protective Devices - Part 311: Specification for Gas Discharge Tubes (GDT)-First Edition[4] IEC 61643-1 :2005 Low-voltage surge protective devices – Part 1: Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power distribution systems – Requirements and tests-Edition 2.0[5] IEC 61643-12 :2008 Low-voltage surge protective devices – Part 12: Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power distribution systems–Selection and application principles-Edition 2.0IEEE标准[1] C62.11a-2008 IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for Ac Power Circuits (>1 kV). Amendment 1: Short-Circuit Tests for Station, Intermediate, and Distribution Arresters[2] C62.11-2005 IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for AC Power Circuits (>1 kV)[3] C62.22-2009 IEEE Guide for the Application of Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for Alternating-Current Systems[4] 1299/C62.22.1-1996 IEEE Guide for the Connection of Surge Arresters to Protect Insulated, Shielded Electric Power Cable Systems[5]C62.34-1996IEEE Standard for Performance of Low-V oltage Surge-Protective Devices (Secondary Arresters)[6] C62.41.1-2002 IEEE Guide on the Surge Environment in Low-V oltage (1000 V and less) AC Power Circuits[7] C62.41.2-2002 IEEE Recommended Practice on Characterization of Surges in Low-V oltage (1000 V and Less) AC Power Circuits[8] C62.41-1991 IEEE Recommended Practice on Surge V oltages in Low-V oltage AC Power Circuits[9] C62.42-2005 IEEE Guide for the Application of Component Surge-Protective Devices for Use in Low-V oltage [Equal to Or Less Than 1000 V (AC) Or 1200 V (DC)] Circuits[10] C62.62-2010 IEEE Standard Test Specifications for Surge-Protective Devices (SPDs) for Use on the Load Side of the Service Equipment in Low V oltage (1000 V and less) AC Power Circuits[11] C62.62-2000 IEEE Standard Test Specifications for Surge-Protective Devices for Low-V oltage AC Power Circuits6、其他GB 311.1-1997,高压输变电设备的绝缘配合Insulation co-ordination for high voltage transmission and distribution equipmentGB/T11920-2008, 电站电气部分集中控制设备及系统通用技术条件General specification of central control equipment and system for electrical parts in power stations and substationsGB/T 7354-2003, 局部放电测量Partial discharge measurementsJB/T 8749.1-2007, 调压器 第一部分:通用要求和试验V oltage regulators--Part 1: General requirements and testsJB/T 7070.1-2002 ,调压器试验导则 第1部分:接触调压器和接触自动调压器试验导则Test guide for regulator Part 1: Test guide for variable regulators and automatic variable regulators GB/T 191-2008, 包装储运图示标志Packaging - Pictorial marking for handling of goods。



126Internalfault 内部故障 127Auxiliarycontacts 辅助触点 128Neutralauto-transformer 中性点接地自耦变压器 129Fusebox/fusiblecutout 熔断器 130Pulserelay/surgerelay 冲击继电器
旅长 2005 七 2007-10-2611:14
139Direct-to-groundcapacity 对地电容 140Shuntrunning 潜动 141Trip/opening 跳闸 142Tripswitch 跳闸开关 143Receivermachine 收信机 144High-frequencydirectionfinder 高频测向器 145Capacitycharge 电容充电 146timeover-current 时限过电流 148Surgeguard 冲击防护 149Oscillatorysurge 振荡冲击 150Failsafeinterlock 五防装置 151Differentialmotion 差动 152Capacitivecurrent 电容电流 154Timedelay 延时 156Normalinverse
Businsulator 母线绝缘器 62 Busrequestcycle 总线请求周期 63 Busreactor 母线电抗器 64 Busprotection 母线保护 65 Busrings 集电环 66 Busrod 汇流母线 67 Bussectionreactor 分段电抗器 68 Busstructure 母线支架;总线结构 69 Bustieswitch 母线联络开关 70 Bus-barchamber 母线箱
线圈调节器 81 Coilcurl 线圈 82 Coilcurrent 线圈电流 83 Coilendleakagereactance 线圈端漏电抗 84 Coilinductance 线圈电感 85 Currenttransformerphaseangle 电流互感器相角 86 Distancerelay;impedancerelay 阻抗继电器 87 Powerrheostat 电力变阻器 88 Electricallyoperatedvalve 电动阀门 89 Electricalgoverningsystem 电力调速系统 90



GB311.1-1997高压输变电设备的绝缘配合前言本标准是非等效国际电工委员会IEC 71-1:1993《绝缘配合第1部分:定义、原理和原则》对GB 311.1-83《高压输变电设备的绝缘配合》进行修订的。


相应的试验电压类型增加了“陡波前冲击试验”(在考虑中)和“联合电压试验”;3)据IEC 71-1给出了各类作用电压的典型波形(图1);4)对10kV和35kV的设备的外绝缘干状态下短时工频耐受电压的数值分别提高到42kV和95kV,但这并不意味着对外绝缘的要求或绝缘水平提高,因为在此电压范围内,绝缘水平主要是由雷电冲击耐受电压决定的;5)据IEC 71-1增加3/9次冲击耐受电压试验程序(6.3.2);6)对变压器类设备的截断冲击,提高了跌落时间,一般不大于0.7us,截波过零系数不大于0.3的要求,这样的规定和同类国际标准一致,技术上比较合理。

本标准和IEC 71-1的主要内容和技术要求基本上是一致的,但也存在某些差异,包括:①IEC 71-1:1993为说明绝缘配合的过程引入了多个“耐受电压”的术语和配合程序图,这虽对理解绝缘配合过程有一定帮助,但过于烦琐,未于采用;②Um<72.5kV设备的外绝缘干状态短时工频耐受电压比IEC71-1中的规定值高;③范围II的设备纵绝缘的额定雷电冲击耐受电压的反极性工频电压的幅值为(0.7~1.0)Um,IEC 71-1中规定仅为0.7 Um,也偏高。

故本标准只能为非等效采用IEC 71-1。

本标准自实施之日起,代替GB 311.1-83。






induction machine 感应式电机horseshoe magnet 马蹄形磁铁magnetic field 磁场eddy current 涡流right-hand rule 右手定则left-hand rule 左手定则slip 转差率induction motor 感应电动机rotating magnetic field 旋转磁场winding 绕组stator 定子rotor 转子induced current 感生电流time-phase 时间相位exciting voltage 励磁电压solt 槽lamination 叠片laminated core 叠片铁芯short-circuiting ring 短路环squirrel cage 鼠笼rotor core 转子铁芯cast-aluminum rotor 铸铝转子bronze 青铜horsepower 马力random-wound 散绕insulation 绝缘ac motor 交流环电动机end ring 端环alloy 合金coil winding 线圈绕组form-wound 模绕performance characteristic 工作特性frequency 频率revolutions per minute 转/分motoring 电动机驱动generating 发电per-unit value 标么值breakdown torque 极限转矩breakaway force 起步阻力overhauling 检修wind-driven generator 风动发电机revolutions per second 转/秒number of poles 极数speed-torque curve 转速力矩特性曲线plugging 反向制动synchronous speed 同步转速percentage 百分数locked-rotor torque 锁定转子转矩full-load torque 满载转矩prime mover 原动机inrush current 涌流magnetizing reacance 磁化电抗line-to-neutral 线与中性点间的staor winding 定子绕组leakage reactance 漏磁电抗no-load 空载full load 满载Polyphase 多相(的)iron-loss 铁损complex impedance 复数阻抗rotor resistance 转子电阻leakage flux 漏磁通locked-rotor 锁定转子chopper circuit 斩波电路separately excited 他励的compounded 复励dc motor 直流电动机de machine 直流电机speed regulation 速度调节shunt 并励series 串励armature circuit 电枢电路optical fiber 光纤interoffice 局间的wave guide 波导波导管bandwidth 带宽light emitting diode 发光二极管silica 硅石二氧化硅regeneration 再生, 后反馈放大coaxial 共轴的,同轴的high-performance 高性能的carrier 载波mature 成熟的Single Side Band(SSB) 单边带coupling capacitor 结合电容propagate 传导传播modulator 调制器demodulator 解调器line trap 限波器shunt 分路器Amplitude Modulation(AM 调幅Frequency Shift Keying(FSK) 移频键控tuner 调谐器attenuate 衰减incident 入射的two-way configuration 二线制generator voltage 发电机电压dc generator 直流发电机polyphase rectifier 多相整流器boost 增压time constant 时间常数forward transfer function 正向传递函数error signal 误差信号regulator 调节器stabilizing transformer 稳定变压器time delay 延时direct axis transient time constant 直轴瞬变时间常数transient response 瞬态响应solid state 固体buck 补偿operational calculus 算符演算gain 增益pole 极点feedback signal 反馈信号dynamic response 动态响应voltage control system 电压控制系统mismatch 失配error detector 误差检测器excitation system 励磁系统field current 励磁电流transistor 晶体管high-gain 高增益boost-buck 升压去磁feedback system 反馈系统reactive power 无功功率feedback loop 反馈回路automatic Voltage regulator(AVR)自动电压调整器reference Voltage 基准电压magnetic amplifier 磁放大器amplidyne 微场扩流发电机self-exciting 自励的limiter 限幅器manual control 手动控制block diagram 方框图linear zone 线性区potential transformer 电压互感器stabilization network 稳定网络stabilizer 稳定器air-gap flux 气隙磁通saturation effect 饱和效应saturation curve 饱和曲线flux linkage 磁链per unit value 标么值shunt field 并励磁场magnetic circuit 磁路load-saturation curve 负载饱和曲线air-gap line 气隙磁化线polyphase rectifier 多相整流器circuit components 电路元件circuit parameters 电路参数electrical device 电气设备electric energy 电能primary cell 原生电池energy converter 电能转换器conductor 导体heating appliance 电热器direct-current 直流time invariant 时不变的self-inductor 自感mutual-inductor 互感the dielectric 电介质storage battery 蓄电池e.m.f = electromotive force 电动势generator 发电机gas insulated substation GIS 气体绝缘变电站turbogenerator 汽轮发电机neutral point 中性点hydrogenerator 水轮发电机moving contact 动触头hydraulic turbine 水轮机fixed contact 静触头steam turbine 汽轮机arc-extinguishing chamber 灭弧室dynamo 直流发电机stray capacitance 杂散电容motor 电动机stray inductance 杂散电感stator 定子sphere gap 球隙rotor 转子bushing tap grounding wire 套管末屏接地线power transformer 电力变压器electrostatic voltmeter 静电电压表variable transformer 调压变压器ammeter 电流表taped transformer 多级变压器grounding capacitance 对地电容step up (down) transformer 升(降)压变压器voltage divider 分压器circuit breaker CB 断路器surge impedance 波阻抗dead tank oil circuit breaker 多油断路器Schering bridge 西林电桥live tank oil circuit breaker 少油断路器Rogowski coil 罗可夫斯基线圈vacuum circuit breaker 真空断路器oscilloscope 示波器sulphur hexafluoride breaker SF6 断路器peak voltmeter 峰值电压表potential transformer PT 电压互感器conductor 导线current transformer CT 电流互感器cascade transformer 串级变压器disconnector 隔离开关coupling capacitor 耦合电容earthing switch 接地开关test object 被试品synchronous generator 同步发电机detection impedance 检测阻抗asynchronous machine 异步电机substation 变电站Insulator 绝缘子hydro power station 水力发电站lightning arrester 避雷器thermal power station 火力发电站metal oxide arrester MOA 氧化锌避雷器nuclear power station 核电站bus bar 母线oil-filled power cable 充油电力电缆overhead line 架空线mixed divider (阻容)混合分压器transmission line 传输线XLPE cable 交链聚乙烯电缆(coaxial) cable (同轴)电缆relay 继电器iron core 铁芯tuned circuit 调谐电路winding 绕组suspension insulator 悬式绝缘子bushing 套管porcelain insulator 陶瓷绝缘子front(tail) resistance 波头(尾)电阻glass insulator 玻璃绝缘子inverter station 换流站flash counter 雷电计数器steel-reinforced aluminumconductor钢芯铝绞线charging(damping) resistor 充电(阻尼)电阻tank 箱体point plane gap 针板间隙earth(ground) wire 接地线exciting winding 激磁绕组grading ring 均压环trigger electrode 触发电极highvoltage engineering 高电压工程glow discharge 辉光放电highvoltage testing technology 高电压试验技术harmonic 谐波Power electronics 电力电子Automatic control 自动控制Principles of electric circuits 电路原理Digital signal processing 数字信号处理电气工程专业英语词汇表2power system 电力系统impulse current 冲击电流power network 电力网络impulse flashover 冲击闪络insulation 绝缘inhomogenous field 不均匀场overvoltage 过电压insulation coordination 绝缘配合aging 老化internal discharge 内部放电alternating current 交流电lightning stroke 雷电波AC transmission system 交流输电系统lightning overvoltage 雷电过电压arc discharge 电弧放电loss angle (介质)损耗角attachment coefficient 附着系数magnetic field 磁场attenuation factor 衰减系数mean free path 平均自由行程anode (cathode) 阳极(阴极) mean molecular velocity 平均分子速度breakdown (电)击穿negative ions 负离子bubble breakdown 气泡击穿non-destructive testing 非破坏性试验cathode ray oscilloscope 阴极射线示波器non-uniform field 不均匀场cavity 空穴,腔partial discharge 局部放电corona 电晕peak reverse voltage 反向峰值电压composite insulation 组合绝缘photoelectric emission 光电发射critical breakdown voltage 临界击穿电压photon 光子Discharge 放电phase-to-phase voltage 线电压Dielectric 电介质,绝缘体polarity effect 极性效应dielectric constant 介质常数power capacitor 电力电容dielectric loss 介质损耗quasi-uniform field 稍不均匀场direct current 直流电radio interference 无线干扰divider ratio 分压器分压比rating of equipment 设备额定值grounding 接地routing testing 常规试验electric field 电场residual capacitance 残余电容electrochemical deterioration 电化学腐蚀shielding 屏蔽electron avalanche 电子崩short circuit testing 短路试验electronegative gas 电负性气体space charge 空间电荷epoxy resin 环氧树脂streamer breakdown 流注击穿expulsion gap 灭弧间隙surface breakdown 表面击穿field strength 场强sustained discharge 自持放电field stress 电场力switching overvoltage 操作过电压field distortion 场畸变thermal breakdown 热击穿field gradient 场梯度treeing 树枝放电field emission 场致发射uniform field 均匀场flashover 闪络wave front(tail) 波头(尾)gaseous insulation 气体绝缘withstand voltage 耐受电压Prime mover 原动机Power factor 功率因数Torque 力矩Distribution automation system 配电网自动化系统Servomechanism 伺服系统Automatic meter reading 自动抄表Boiler 锅炉Armature 电枢Internal combustion engine 内燃机Brush 电刷Deenergize 断电Commutator 换向器Underground cable 地下电缆Counter emf 反电势电气工程专业英语词汇表3Loop system 环网系统Demagnetization 退磁,去磁Distribution system 配电系统Relay panel 继电器屏Trip circuit 跳闸电路Tertiary winding 第三绕组Switchboard 配电盘,开关屏Eddy current 涡流Instrument transducer 测量互感器Copper loss 铜损Oil-impregnated paper 油浸纸绝缘Iron loss 铁损Bare conductor 裸导线Leakage flux 漏磁通Reclosing 重合闸Autotransformer 自耦变压器Distribution dispatch center 配电调度中心Zero sequence current 零序电流Pulverizer 磨煤机Series (shunt) compensation 串(并)联补偿Drum 汽包,炉筒Restriking 电弧重燃Superheater 过热器Automatic oscillograph 自动录波仪Peak-load 峰荷Tidal current 潮流Prime grid substation 主网变电站Trip coil 跳闸线圈Reactive power` 无功功率Synchronous condenser 同步调相机Active power 有功功率Main and transfer busbar 单母线带旁路Shunt reactor 并联电抗器Feeder 馈电线Blackout 断电、停电Skin effect 集肤效应Extra-high voltage (EHV) 超高压Potential stress 电位应力(电场强度)Ultra-high voltage (UHV) 特高压Capacitor bank 电容器组Domestic load 民用电crusher 碎煤机Reserve capacity 备用容量pulverizer 磨煤机Fossil-fired power plant 火电厂baghouse 集尘室Combustion turbine 燃气轮机Stationary (moving) blade 固定(可动)叶片Right-of-way 线路走廊Shaft 转轴Rectifier 整流器Kinetic(potential) energy 动(势)能Inductive (Capacitive) 电感的(电容的) Pumped storage power station 抽水蓄能电站Reactance (impedance) 电抗(阻抗) Synchronous condenser 同步调相机Reactor 电抗器Light(boiling)-water reactor 轻(沸)水反应堆Reactive 电抗的,无功的Stator(rotor) 定(转)子Phase displacement (shift) 相移Armatu re 电枢Surge 冲击,过电压Salient-pole 凸极Retaining ring 护环Slip ring 滑环Carbon brush 炭刷Arc suppression coil 消弧线圈Short-circuit ratio 短路比Primary(backup) relaying 主(后备)继电保护Induction 感应Phase shifter 移相器Autotransformer 自藕变压器Power line carrier (PLC) 电力线载波(器)Bushing 套管Line trap 线路限波器Turn (turn ratio) 匝(匝比,变比) Uninterruptible power supply 不间断电源Power factor 功率因数Spot power price 实时电价Tap 分接头Time-of-use(tariff) 分时(电价)Recovery voltage 恢复电压XLPE(Cross LinkedPolyethylene )交联聚乙烯(电缆)Arc reignition 电弧重燃Rms (root mean square) 均方根值Operation mechanism 操动机构RF (radio frequency) 射频电气工程专业英语词汇表4Pneumatic(hydraulic) 气动(液压) Rpm (revolution per minute) 转/分Nameplate 铭牌L AN (local area network) 局域网Independent pole operation 分相操作LED (light emitting diode) 发光二极管Malfunction 失灵Single (dual, ring) bus 单(双,环形)母线Shield wire 避雷线IC (integrated circuit) 集成电路Creep distance 爬电距离FFT (fast Fourier transform) 快速傅立叶变换Silicon rubber 硅橡胶Telemeter 遥测Composite insulator 合成绝缘子Load shedding 甩负荷Converter (inverter) 换流器(逆变器) Lateral 支线Bus tie breaker 母联断路器Power-flow current 工频续流Protective relaying 继电保护sparkover 放电Transfer switching 倒闸操作Silicon carbide 碳化硅Outgoing (incoming) line 出(进)线Zinc oxide 氧化锌Phase Lead(lag) 相位超前(滞后) Withstand test 耐压试验Static var compensation (SVC) 静止无功补偿Dispatcher 调度员Flexible AC transmission system(FACTS)灵活交流输电系统Supervisory control and dataacquisition (SCADA)监控与数据采集EMC (electromagneticcompatibility)电磁兼容ISO (international standardizationorganization)国际标准化组织GIS (gas insulated substation,geographic information system)气体绝缘变电站地理信息系统IEC (internationalElectrotechnical Commission)国际电工(技术)委员会IEEE (Institute of Electrical andElectronic Engineers)电气与电子工程师学会(美)IEE (Institution of ElectricalEngineers)电气工程师学会(英)scale 刻度,量程calibrate 校准rated 额定的terminal 接线端子fuse 保险丝,熔丝humidity 湿度resonance 谐振,共振moisture 潮湿,湿气analytical 解析的operation amplifier 运算放大器numerical 数字的amplitude modulation (AM) 调幅frequency-domain 频域frequency modulation (FM) 调频time-domain 时域binary 二进制operation amplifier 运算放大器octal 八进制active filter 有源滤波器decimal 十进制passive filter 无源滤波器hexadecimal 十六进制。


器身定位装置 Positioning divice for active-part
垫脚 Foot-pad
小车支架及滚轮 Bogie frame and wheel
油箱 Tank
箱底 Tank bottom
箱盖及箱沿 Tank cover and tank rim
垫脚垫块 Suppoting block for foot-pad
39. 电流互感器 current tran-
40. 电压互感器 voltage tran-
41. 母线式电流互感器 bus-type current tran-
42. 瓷箱式电流互感器 porcelain type current tran-
47. 电容式电压互感器 capacitor type current tran-
48. 接地电压互感器 earthed voltage tran-
49. 组合式互感器 combined instrument tran-
20. 单相变压器组成的三相组合 three-phase banks with separate single-phase tran-
21. 电炉变压器 furnace transformer
22. 整流变压器 rectifier tran-
9. 变流变压器 conventer transformer
10. 分裂变压器 transformer with split windings
11. 厂用变压器 power plant transformer
18. H级绝缘变压器 transformer with H class insulation
19. 气体绝缘变压器 gas insulated transformer



10kv实验项目耐压试验步骤报告英文回答:HV Insulation System Test Report.1. Introduction.This report describes the procedure for performing high voltage insulation system tests on electrical equipment.The purpose of the test is to verify the integrity of the insulation system and to ensure that the equipment will operate safely at the specified voltage level.2. Test Procedure.The test procedure shall be conducted in accordancewith the following steps:Visual Inspection: The insulation system shall be visually inspected for any signs of damage or deterioration.This includes checking for cracks, breaks, or other defects.Dielectric Strength Test: The dielectric strength ofthe insulation system shall be tested by applying a high voltage between the conductor and ground. The voltage shall be increased gradually until the insulation breaks down.The breakdown voltage shall be recorded.Insulation Resistance Test: The insulation resistanceof the insulation system shall be tested by measuring the resistance between the conductor and ground. The resistance shall be measured at a high voltage and a low voltage.Partial Discharge Test: The insulation system shall be tested for partial discharges by applying a high voltageand measuring the partial discharge activity. The partial discharge activity shall be measured at a variety of voltages and frequencies.3. Test Equipment.The following equipment shall be used to conduct thetest:High Voltage Power Supply: The high voltage power supply shall be capable of supplying the required voltage and current for the test.Dielectric Strength Tester: The dielectric strength tester shall be capable of measuring the breakdown voltage of the insulation system.Insulation Resistance Tester: The insulation resistance tester shall be capable of measuring the insulation resistance of the insulation system.Partial Discharge Detector: The partial discharge detector shall be capable of measuring the partial discharge activity of the insulation system.4. Safety Precautions.The following safety precautions shall be observed during the test:Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): The personnel performing the test shall wear appropriate PPE, including gloves, safety glasses, and a hard hat.Electrical Hazards: The test area shall be properly grounded and the equipment shall be properly insulated.Fire Hazards: The test area shall be kept clear of flammable materials.Emergency Procedures: Emergency procedures shall be established and communicated to the personnel performing the test.5. Test Data.The following data shall be recorded during the test:Visual Inspection: The results of the visual inspection shall be recorded, including any signs of damage or deterioration.Dielectric Strength Test: The breakdown voltage shall be recorded.Insulation Resistance Test: The insulation resistanceat the high voltage and the low voltage shall be recorded.Partial Discharge Test: The partial discharge activity at the various voltages and frequencies shall be recorded.6. Test Report.The test report shall include the following information:Test Date: The date the test was performed.Test Location: The location where the test was performed.Test Personnel: The names of the personnel who performed the test.Equipment Used: The equipment that was used to perform the test.Test Results: The results of the test, including the data recorded during the test.Conclusions: The conclusions of the test, including whether the insulation system passed or failed the test.Recommendations: Any recommendations for corrective action, if necessary.中文回答:10kV 试验项目耐压试验步骤报告。

高电压相关GB IEC IEEE标准

高电压相关GB IEC IEEE标准

一、高电压试验技术GB/T16927 高电压试验技术[1] GB/T 16927.1-1997,高电压试验技术第一部分: 一般试验要求High voltage test techniques--Part 1: General test requirements[2] GB/T 16927.2-1997,高电压试验技术第二部分:测量系统High voltage test techniques--Part 2: Measuring systemsGB/T 17627 低压电气设备的高电压试验技术[1] GB/T 17627.1-1998,低压电气设备的高电压试验技术第一部分:定义和试验要求High-voltage test techniques for low-voltage equipment Part 1: Definitions,test and procedure requirements[2] GB/T 17627.2-1998,低压电气设备的高电压试验技术第二部分:测量系统和试验设备High-voltage test techniques for low-voltage equipment Part 2: Measuring system and test equipmentDL/T 848 高压试验装置通用技术条件[1] DL/T 848.1-2004,高压试验装置通用技术条件第1部分:直流高压发生器General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 1: High voltage DC generator [2] DL/T 848.2-2004,高压试验装置通用技术条件第2部分:工频高压试验装置General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 2: Power frequency high voltage test device[3] DL/T 848.3-2004,高压试验装置通用技术条件第3部分:无局放试验变压器General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 3: Non partial discharge testing transformer[4] DL/T 848.4-2004,高压试验装置通用技术条件第4部分:三倍频试验变压器装置General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 4: Triple-frequency test transformer[5] DL/T 848.5-2004,高压试验装置通用技术条件第5部分:冲击电压发生器General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 5 : impulse voltage generatorDL/T846 高电压测试仪器通用技术条件[1] DL/T 846.1-2004,高电压测试设备通用技术条件第1部分:高电压分压器测量系统General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 1 : high voltage divider measuring system[2] DL/T 846.2-2004,高电压测试设备通用技术条件第2部分:冲击电压测量系统General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 2: Impulse voltage measuring system[3] DL/T 846.3-2004,高电压测试设备通用技术条件第3部分:高压开关综合测试仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 3: High voltage switch integrate detector[4] DL/T 846.4-2004,高电压测试设备通用技术条件第4部分:局部放电测量仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 4: Partial discharge detector[5] DL/T 846.5-2004,高电压测试设备通用技术条件第5部分:六氟化硫微量水分仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 5: Analyzer for trace moisture in SF6 gas[6] DL/T 846.6-2004,高电压测试设备通用技术条件第6部分:六氟化硫气体检漏仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 6: SF6 gas leak detector [7] DL/T 846.7-2004,高电压测试设备通用技术条件第7部分:绝缘油介电强度测试仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 7: Dielectric strength detector of insulating oils[8] DL/T 846.8-2004,高电压测试设备通用技术条件第8部分:有载分接开关测试仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 8: Detector of on-load tap-changers[9] DL/T 846.9-2004,高电压测试设备通用技术条件第9部分:真空开关真空度测试仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 9: Vacuum interrupter detectorIEC标准[1] IEC 60060-1-2010 高压试验技术.第1部分:一般定义和试验要求High-voltage test techniques - Part 1: General definitions and test requirements[2] IEC 60060-2-2010 高压试验技术.第2部分:测量系统High-voltage test techniques. Part 2: Measuring systems[3] IEC 60060-3-2006 高压试验技术.第3部分:现场试验的定义和要求High voltage test techniques - Part 3: Definitions and requirements for on-site testing[4] IEC 60060-4-1988 高压试验技术.第4部分:测量装置应用导则High-voltage test techniques. Part 4 : Application guide for measuring devices[5] IEC 60270-2000 高电压试验技术:局部放电测量High-V oltage Test Techniques –Partial Discharge Measurements-Third EditionIEEE标准[1] 4-1995 IEEE Standard Techniques for High-Voltage Testing (Revision of IEEE Std 4-1 978)[2] 4a-2001 Amendment to IEEE Standard Techniques for High-V oltage Testing[3] 48-2009 IEEE Standard for Test Procedures and Requirements for Alternating-Current Cable Terminations Used on Shielded Cables Having Laminated Insulation Rated 2.5 kV through 765 kV or Extruded Insulation Rated 2.5 kV through 500 kV[4] 95-2002 IEEE Recommended Practice for Insulation Testing of AC Electric Machinery (2300 V and Above) With High Direct V oltage[5] 400.1-2007 IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded Power Cable Systems Rated 5 kV and Above With High Direct Current Voltage[6] 400-2001 IEEE Guide for Field Testing and Evaluation of the Insulation of Shielded Power Cable Systems[7] 433-2009 IEEE Recommended Practice for Insulation Testing of AC Electric Machinery with High V oltage at Very Low Frequency[8] C37.09-2005 IEEE Standard Test Procedure for AC High-V oltage Circuit Breakers Rated ona Symmetrical Current Basis[9] C37.081-1981 IEEE Guide for Synthetic Fault Testing of AC High-V oltage Circuit BreakersRated on a Symmetrical Current Basis[10] C37.083-1999 IEEE Guide for Synthetic Capacitive Current Switching Tests of AC High-V oltage Circuit Breakers[11] C37.34-1994 IEEE Standard Test Code for High-V oltage Air Switches[12] C37.41-2008 IEEE Standard Design Tests for High-V oltage (>1000 V) Fuses, Fuse and Disconnecting Cutouts, Distribution Enclosed Single-Pole Air Switches, Fuse Disconnecting Switches, and Fuse Links and Accessories Used with These Devices[13] C37.53.1-1989 American National Standard High-Voltage Current-Limiting Motor-Starter Fuses - Conference Test Procedures[14] C37.301-2009 IEEE Standard for High-V oltage Switchgear (Above 1000 V) Test Techniques - Partial Discharge Measurements[15] C37.016 :2006 IEEE Standard for AC High-V oltage Circuit Switchers rated 15.5 kV through 245 kV二、冲击电压发生器和冲击电压试验[1] DL/T 846.2-2004,高电压测试设备通用技术条件第2部分:冲击电压测量系统General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 2: Impulse voltage measuring system[2] DL/T 992-2006,冲击电压测量实施细则Detailed implementation guide for impulse voltage measurement[3] JB/T 7083-1993,低压电器冲击电压试验仪未注英文名称[4] JB/T 7080-1993,绕组匝间冲击电压试验仪未注英文名称[5] DL/T848.5-2004,高压试验装置通用技术条件第5部分:冲击电压发生器General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 5 : impulse voltage generator [6] GB/T 16896.1-2005,高电压冲击测量仪器和软件第1部分:对仪器的要求Instruments and software used for measurements in high-voltage impulse tests-Part 1: Requirements for instruments[7] GB/T 21222-2007,绝缘液体雷电冲击击穿电压测定方法Methods for the determination of the lightning impulse breakdown voltage of insulating liquids [8] GB/T 18134.1-2000,极快速冲击高电压试验技术第1部分:气体绝缘变电站中陡波前过电压用测量系统High-voltage testing techniques with very fast impulses --Part 1:Measuring systems for very fast from overvoltages generated in gas-insulated substations[9] DL/T557- 2005,高压线路绝缘子空气中冲击击穿试验―定义、试验方法和判据Insulators of ceramic or glass material overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1000V -- impulse puncture tests in air[10] GB/T 1094.4-2005,电力变压器第4部分:电力变压器和电抗器的雷电冲击和操作冲击试验导则Power transformers—Part 4:Guide to the lightning impulse and switching impulse testing—Power transformers and reactors[11] GB/T 17626.5-2008,电磁兼容试验和测量技术浪涌(冲击)抗扰度试验Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques - Surge immunity test [12] GB/T 14598.18-2007,电气继电器第22-5部分:量度继电器和保护装置的电气骚扰试验-浪涌抗扰度试验Electrical relays—Part 22-5:Electrical disturbance test for measuring relays and protection equipment—Surge immunity test[13] JB/T 7616-1994,高压线路绝缘子陡波冲击耐受试验未注英文名称[14] DL/T 557-2005,高压线路绝缘子空气中冲击击穿试验―定义、试验方法和判据Insulators of ceramic or glass material overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1000V -- impulse puncture tests in airIEC标准[1] IEC 60897-1987 绝缘液体的雷电冲击击穿电压的测定方法Methods for the determination of the lightning impulse breakdown voltage of insulating liquids [2] IEC 61083-1-2001 高压冲击试验中测量用仪器及软件第1部分:仪器的要求Instruments and software used for measurement in high-voltage impulse tests - Part 1: Requirements for instruments[3] IEC 61083-2-1996 高压冲击试验中测量用数字记录仪第2部分:测定冲击波形参数用软件的评估Digital recorders for measurements in high-voltage tests - Part 2: Evaluation of software used for the determination of the parameters of impulse waveformsIEEE标准[1] 82-2002 IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Impulse V oltage Tests on Insulated Conductors[2] C37.013a-2007 IEEE Standard for AC High V oltage Generator Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis - Amendment 1: Supplement for Use With Generators Rated 10-100 MV A[3] C37.101 :2006 IEEE Guide for Generator Ground Protection[4] C37.102 :2006 IEEE Guide for AC Generator Protection[5] C57.98-1993 IEEE Guide for Transformer Impulse Tests[6] 1122-1998 IEEE Standard for Digital Recorders for Measurements in High- Voltage Impulse Tests[7] C57.138-1998 IEEE Recommended Practice for Routine Impulse Test for Distribution Transformers三、工频试验变压器和工频电压试验[1] JB/T 9641—1999,试验变压器Testing transformers[2] JB/T 501-2006 电力变压器试验导则Test guide for power transformers[3] DL/T 848.2-2004,高压试验装置通用技术条件第2部分:工频高压试验装置General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 2: Power frequency high voltagetest device[4] DL/T 848.3-2004,高压试验装置通用技术条件第3部分:无局放试验变压器General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 3: Non partial discharge testing transformer[5] GB/T 1408.1-2006,绝缘材料电气强度试验方法第1部分:工频下试验Electrical strength of insulating materials - Test methods - Part 1: Tests at power frequencies [6] GB2536—1990 ,变压器油Transformer oils[7] GB/T 17626.28-2006,电磁兼容试验和测量技术工频频率变化抗扰度试验Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) - Testing and measurement techniques - Variation of power frequency immunity test[8] GB/T 3333-1999,电缆纸工频击穿电压试验方法Cable paper--Determination of electrical strength at power frequence[9] GB/T 14517-1993,绝缘胶粘带工频耐电压试验方法Test method for dielectric strength of insulating adhesive tape at power frequency[10] DL/T 812-2002,标称电压高于1000V架空线路绝缘子串工频电弧试验方法Insulators string for overhead lines with a normal voltage above 1000V-AC power arc test method [11] GB/T 7252-2001,变压器油中溶解气体分析和判断导则Guide to the analysis and the diagnosis of gases dissolved in transformer oil[12] DL/T 536-1993,耦合电容器及电容分压器订货技术条件未注英文名称[13] JB/T 8169-1999,耦合电容器及电容分压器Coupling capacitors and capacitor dividersGB1094 电力变压器[1] GB 1094.1—1996 ,电力变压器第1部分:总则Power transformers--Part 1: General[2] GB 1094.2—1996 ,电力变压器第2部分:温升Power transformers--Part 2: Temperature rise[3] GB 1094.3—2003,电力变压器第3部分: 绝缘水平、绝缘试验和外绝缘空气间隙(eqv IEC 60076-3:2000)Power transformers--Part 3 : Insulation levels,dielectric tests and external clearances in air[4] GB/T 1094.4-2005,电力变压器第4部分:电力变压器和电抗器的雷电冲击和操作冲击试验导则Power transformers—Part 4:Guide to the lightning impulse and switching impulse testing—Power transformers and reactors[5] GB 1094.5—2008 ,电力变压器第5部分:承受短路的能力Power transformers--Part 5: Ability to withstand short circuit[6] GB/T 1094.7-2008,电力变压器第7部分:油浸式电力变压器负载导则Power transformers—Part7:Loading guide for oil-immersed power transformers[7] GB/T 1094.10-2003,电力变压器第10部分:声级测定Power transformers—Part10:Determination of sound levels[8] GB 1094.11—2007,电力变压器第11部分:干式变压器Power transformers--Part 11 : Dry-type transformersIEC标准[1] IEC 60076-10-1-2005 电力变压器.第10-1部分:声级的测定.应用指南Power transformers Part 10-1: Determination of sound levels Application guide-Edition 1[2] IEC 60076-10-2005 电力变压器.第10部分:声级的测定Power Transformers Part 10: Determination of Sound Levels[3] IEC 60076-11-2004 电力变压器.第11部分:干式变压器Power transformers Part 11: Dry-type transformers-First Edition[4] IEC 60076-12-2008 电力变压器.第12部分:干型电力变压器用负荷指南Power transformers - Part 12: Loading guide for dry-type power transformers[5] IEC 60076-13-2006 电力变压器.第13部分:自我保护式充液变压器[6] IEC 60076-15 Ed.1.0 (2008) Power transformers - Part 15: Gas-filled power transformers[7] IEC 60076-15-2008 电力变压器.第15部分:充气电力变压器Power transformers –Part 15: Gas-filled power transformers[8] IEC 60076-2-1993 电力变压器第2部分:温升Power Transformers; Part 2: Temperature Rise-Second Edition[9] IEC 60076-3-2000 电力变压器第3部分:绝缘水平、电介质试验和空气中的外间隙Power Transformers Part 3: Insulation Levels. Dielectric Tests and External Clearances in Air-Edition 2[10] IEC 60076-4-2002 电力变压器.第4部分:闪电脉冲和开关脉冲试验指南.电力变压器和电抗器Power transformers - Part 4: Guide to lightning impulse and switching impulse testing; Power transformers and reactors[11] IEC 60076-5-2006 电力变压器第5部分:承受短路的能力Power Transformers Part 5: Ability to Withstand Short Circuit-Edition 3.0[12] IEC 60076-6-2007 电力变压器.第6部分:电抗器Power transformers –Part 6: Reactors-Edition 1.0[13] IEC 60076-7-2005 电力变压器.第7部分:油浸电力变压器负载指南Power transformers Part 7: Loading guide for oil-immersed power transformers-First Edition [14] IEC 60076-8-1997 电力变压器第8部分:应用指南Power Transformers - Application Guide-First Edition[15] IEC/TS 60076-14-2004 电力变压器.第14部分:使用高温绝缘材料的液浸式电力变压器的设计和应用Power transformers –Part 14: Design and application of liquid-immersed power transformers using high-temperature insulation materials-Edition 2.0[16] IEC 62032-2005,移相变压器的应用、规范和试验指南Guide for the application. specification. and testing of phase-shifting transformersIEEE标准[1] 62.2-2004 IEEE Guide for Diagnostic Field Testing of Electric Power Apparatus - Electrical Machinery[2] 62-1995 IEEE Guide for Diagnostic Field Testing of Electric Power Apparatus - Part 1: Oil Filled Power Transformers, Regulators, and Reactors[3] C57.135-2005 IEEE Guide for the Application, Specification, and Testing of Phase-ShiftingTransformers[4] 644-1994 IEEE Standard Procedures for Measurement of Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields From AC Power Lines四、工频谐振试验设备和试验技术[1] DL/T 849.6-2004,电力设备专用测试仪器通用技术条件第6部分:高压谐振试验装置General technical specification of test instruments used for power equipments Part 6: High voltage resonant test system五、冲击电流发生器和冲击电流试验技术[1] GB 4208-2008,外壳防护等级Degrees of protection provided by enclosure[2] GB 18802.1-2002,低压配电系统的电涌保护器(SPD)第1部分:性能要求和试验方法Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power distribution systems--Part 1:Performance requirements and testing methods[3] GB 11032-2000 交流无间隙金属氧化物避雷器Metal oxide surge arresters without gaps for a. c. systems[4] GB/T 18802.311-2007 低压电涌保护器件第311部分:气体放电管(GDT)规范(等同IEC 61643-311-2001)Components for low-voltage surge protective—Part 311:Specification for gas discharge tubes(GDT)[5] GB/T 17626.5-2008,电磁兼容试验和测量技术浪涌(冲击)抗扰度试验Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques - Surge immunity testIEC标准[1] IEC TR 61000-1-5 :2004 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 1-5: General High power electromagnetic (HPEM) effects on civil systems-First Edition[2] IEC 60099-4 AMD 2 :2009 AMENDMENT 2 Surge arresters –Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems-Edition 2.0[3] IEC 61643-311 :2001 Components for Low-V oltage Surge Protective Devices - Part 311: Specification for Gas Discharge Tubes (GDT)-First Edition[4] IEC 61643-1 :2005 Low-voltage surge protective devices –Part 1: Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power distribution systems –Requirements and tests-Edition 2.0 [5] IEC 61643-12 :2008 Low-voltage surge protective devices –Part 12: Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power distribution systems –Selection and application principles-Edition 2.0IEEE标准[1] C62.11a-2008 IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for Ac Power Circuits (&gt;1 kV). Amendment 1: Short-Circuit Tests for Station, Intermediate, and Distribution Arresters [2] C62.11-2005 IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for AC Power Circuits (>1 kV)[3] C62.22-2009 IEEE Guide for the Application of Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for Alternating-Current Systems[4] 1299/C62.22.1-1996 IEEE Guide for the Connection of Surge Arresters to Protect Insulated, Shielded Electric Power Cable Systems[5] C62.34-1996 IEEE Standard for Performance of Low-V oltage Surge-Protective Devices (Secondary Arresters)[6] C62.41.1-2002 IEEE Guide on the Surge Environment in Low-Voltage (1000 V and less) AC Power Circuits[7] C62.41.2-2002 IEEE Recommended Practice on Characterization of Surges in Low-Voltage (1000 V and Less) AC Power Circuits[8] C62.41-1991 IEEE Recommended Practice on Surge V oltages in Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits[9] C62.42-2005 IEEE Guide for the Application of Component Surge-Protective Devices for Use in Low-Voltage [Equal to Or Less Than 1000 V (AC) Or 1200 V (DC)] Circuits[10] C62.62-2010 IEEE Standard Test Specifications for Surge-Protective Devices (SPDs) for Use on the Load Side of the Service Equipment in Low V oltage (1000 V and less) AC Power Circuits[11] C62.62-2000 IEEE Standard Test Specifications for Surge-Protective Devices for Low-V oltage AC Power Circuits六、其他GB 311.1-1997,高压输变电设备的绝缘配合Insulation co-ordination for high voltage transmission and distribution equipmentGB/T11920-2008,电站电气部分集中控制设备及系统通用技术条件General specification of central control equipment and system for electrical parts in power stations and substationsGB/T 7354-2003,局部放电测量Partial discharge measurementsJB/T 8749.1-2007,调压器第一部分:通用要求和试验V oltage regulators--Part 1: General requirements and testsJB/T 7070.1-2002 ,调压器试验导则第1部分:接触调压器和接触自动调压器试验导则Test guide for regulator Part 1: Test guide for variable regulators and automatic variable regulators GB/T 191-2008,包装储运图示标志Packaging - Pictorial marking for handling of goods。


GIS(Gas Insulation Switchgear)
HV(High Voltage)
CB(Circuit Breaker)
DS(Disconnector switchgear)
CT(Current Transformer)
PT(Potential Transformer)
VT(Voltage Transformer)
LCC(Local control cubicle)
air Bushing
branch Bar
peak current
making current
breaking current
short-time withstand current









(3)机械性能好、环境适应力强,高低压绕组经高温烘焙固化形成一个整体.由于H级绝缘漆和聚酯纤维纸都具有一定的弹性,使产品具有较好的机械性能和较强的抗短路能力,又由于聚醋纤维纸抗盐雾及防污秽能力强,使变压器有较好的耐潮、耐碱、耐污秽能力.在意大利米兰CESI试脸室通过了E2级环境适应能力试验〔变压器置于一个密封室内,加入电导率为0.5-1.5S/m的盐雾,使湿度这到93'% ,温度维持在500℃,共计经过150h.使盐雾和水分充分渗透变压器的表面,在此情况下,施予75%的共工频耐压和75%的雷电冲击试验电压,产品不被击穿)和承受C2级热冲击能力试验(变压器置于一个密闭室内,室温为25℃,经过8h后将室温降到-250℃,保持12h,此时通入2倍的额定电流,使变压器温度达到165-170℃,断电后约2h,待变压器温度下降到25℃时,施予75%的工频耐压和75%的雷电冲击试验电压,产品不被击穿)。




电气专业主要名词翻译一、发电、输电1.发电机power generator2.柴油发电机组diesel generators3.储油间oil storage room4.控制柜control cabinet5.供电公司power supply company(s)6.供电局electricity supplier(s)二、高压配电high-voltage distribution1.高压进线柜high-voltage incoming cabinet/high-voltage inlet wiring carbinet2.高压电容补偿柜high-voltage capacitor compensate cabinet3.高压馈线柜high-voltage feeder cabinet4.高压开关柜、开关站high-voltage switch cabinet、high-voltage switchboard house5.高压柜型号the model of high voltage board6.高压柜编号high voltage board number7.高压柜尺寸the dimension of high voltage board8.配电总容量main distribution capacity9.真空断路器vacuum circuit breaker10.弹簧操作机构(直流操作)spring operation mechanism11.避雷器(lightning)arrester12.高供高量(高压供电、高压计量)high-voltage supply、high pressure measurement13.电气联锁electric lever interlocking14.直流屏direct current panels15.计量柜metering cabinet16.继电器relay三、变电所、变电站、开关站substation、switchboard house/switchyard1.变压器transformer2.低压配电柜、变压器柜、进线柜、无功补偿柜low-voltage distributors、3.配电箱(配电盘)switch box(electricity panel)4.配电线路distribution line5.塑壳断路器moulded case circuit breaker6.电容器、电抗器capacitor、reactor7.电流互感器current transformer8.电压互感器voltage transformer9.隔离开关isolating switch/disconnecting switch10.变电所低压主接线图low-voltage main wiring diagram of substation11.母线bus bar12.电缆cable13.导线electrical wire14.控制线control line15.工作电流operating current16.备用电源secondary power supplies17.功率因数补偿compensation of power factor18.变频站frequency changing station19.一次primary20.二次secondary四、动力1.双电源切换箱switch box for double power supply2.电力配电箱power switch box3.照明配电箱lightning switch box4.设备控制箱equipment control box5.电表箱meter box6.总等电位联结端子箱general equipotential bonding terminal box7.局部等电位联结端子箱local equal potential connection terminal box8.排烟风机smoke exhaust fan9.正压送风机pressurized forced draught fan10.排风机exhaust fan11.交流电动机alternating-current motor12.直流电动机direct-current motor13.电梯elevators14.自动扶梯escalator15.电梯控制箱elevators control box五、照明1.工作照明work lighting2.备用照明back up lighting3.应急照明emergency lighting4.疏散照明evacuation lighting5.蓄电池storage battery6.荧光灯fluorescent lamp7.白炽灯incandescent lamp8.节能灯energy-saving lamp9.吸顶灯ceiling lamp10.防水防尘灯waterproof and dustproof lamp11.密闭灯closed lamp12.壁灯bracket lamp13.灯座socket/lamp holder14.应急照明灯emergency lighting fixtures15.疏散指示灯evacuation lighting fixtures16.安全出口标志灯safety exit light17.换气扇ventilating fan18.双控开关double-control switch19.双联开关double connection plane switch/flashing at two points20.单联开关single connection switch21.三联开关tripe connection switch22.密闭开关enclosed switch23.防爆开关flame-proof switch24.控制按钮control button25.安全型两极加三极插座safe socket with two poles and three poles26.安全型两极加三极密闭插座safe closed socket with two poles and three poles27.带开关三极插座three poles socket with switch28.带开关两极插座two poles socket with switch29.带开关两极加三极插座two poles and three poles socket with switch30.安全型三极插座safe three poles socket31.眩光glare六、专有名词1.有功功率effective power2.无功功率reactive power3.视在功率apparent power4.线电压line voltage5.线电流line current6.相电压phase voltage7.相电流phase current8.额定电压rated voltage9.电阻resistance10.光通量luminous flux11.照度、照明、亮度illuminance、lighting、luminance12.接地系统earth network13.接地电阻grounding resistance14.接地线earthing conductor15.密闭母线槽、电缆桥架、金属线槽、金属管、塑料管closed bus bar groove、cable tray、metallic channel、metal pipe、plastic pipe16.耐火电缆(导线)、矿物绝缘电缆fire-proof cable(wire)、mineral insulated cable17.阻燃电缆(导线fire-retardant cable(wire)18.绝缘insulation19.绝缘子insulator20.接线图connection diagram21.电涌保护器surge protector22.漏电保护leakage protective23.避雷带(针)、避雷器mesh(lighting rods)、lightning arrester24.功率因数power factor25.蓄电池storage battery26.有效值、平均值、最大值、最小值effective value、mean value、maximum value、minimumvalue27.瞬时值instantaneous value28.频率frequency29.电流互感器current transformer30.电压互感器voltage transformer31.电容器capacitor32.电抗器reactor33.过电流保护overcurrent protection34.过电压保护overvoltage protection35.过载保护overload protection36.零序保护zero sequence protection37.机械联锁mechanical interlocking38.电气联锁electeic lever interlocking39.过流速断保护instantaneous over-current relay40.照度计算illuminance calculation41.负荷计算calculation method42.压降计算calculation of pressure drop43.防雷计算lightning protection calculation。



整理的高电压绝缘技术相关英文词汇Ambient air temperature 周围空气温度External insulation 外绝缘Internal insulation |A)绝缘Self-restoring insulation |lj 恢复绝缘Non-self restoring insulation 非 ft 恢复绝緣Disruptive discharge 破坏性放HiSulfur hexafluoride circuit breaker SF6 断路器Rated value 额定值Applied voltage 外施电压Clearance 间距w个导电部件问的、沿这些导电部件问最短路径的直线距离Insulation level 绝缘水平Power frequency withstand voltage 工频耐受电压Impulse withstand voltage 冲击耐受电压Switching impulse 操作冲击Lightning impulse withstand voltage (LIWV)雷Hi冲士Atmospheric conditions 大7气条件Altitude correction 海拔修正Long air-gap长空气间陳Correction coefficient 校正系数Plateau region of china 中M 商原地IXRelative atmospheric density 相对大7气密度Absolute humidity 绝对湿iTriangulation 三角测量Transducer转换器;变频器;换能器,转换装置;发送器;传感器Time delay histogramWave front time 波前时间Wave tail time波尾吋间Impulse generator (IG)冲击电压发生器Marx’s circuit马克斯回路Trigger gap点火问隙Testing transformer 试验变ffi器Power transformer 电力变压器Cascade connection (变压器的)申级连接Cockcroft-Wolton电路(直流)申级整流电路Accreditation system 认证制度Sphere gap球间隙Rod gap棒间隙Ultra high voltage (UHV)特高压Extra high voltage (EHV )超高正Electric charge Hi说Electric field 电场Electric potential 电位Poission’s equation 泊松方程Permittivity in vacuum 真空中的介Hi常数Laplace’s equation拉普拉斯方程Conformal mapping method 保角变换法Electric flux density 电通量密度Absolute dielectric constant 绝对介电常数Relative dielectric constant 相对介Hi常数Conductivity 电导率Current density 电流密度Difference method 差法Taylor expansion 泰勒展7T•式Finite elements method 有限元去Charger superposition method 模拟电荷法Corona noise电晕干扰Corona discharge 电晕放电Electric shock 电击Insulating material 绝缘体Dielectric 电介质Insulating property 绝缘性质Dielectric breakdown 绝缘击穿Dielectric strength 介质强度Dielectric polarization 介质极化Polarized charge 极化电荷Bound charge束缚电荷Dielectric loss 介质损耗Dielectric absorption 介质吸收Spontaneous charging current 瞬时充Hi Hl流Absorption current 吸收电流Leakage current 泄流电流Ionization 电离Diffusion and recombination (分子)扩散和S合Impact ionization 碰撞电离Electron avalanche 电子雪剧First ionization coefficient 第1 电离系数Criterion for spark discharge 汤逊火花放电条件Secondary ionization coefficient 第2 电离系数Streamer theory 流注理论Plasma等离子体Leader (放电)先导Main stroke 主放电Glow discharge 辉光放电Arc discharge电弧放电Intrinsic breakdown 木征出穿Electronic thermal breakdown 电子热击穿Electronic avalanche breakdown 场致发射出穷Partial discharge degradation 局部放Hi劣化Treeing degradation 树枝化劣化Electric tree 电树枝Water tree水树枝Chemical tree化学树枝Composite insulation 复合绝缘Surface discharge 沿面放电Insulation characteristics test 绝缘特性试验High voltage direct current test 直流高压试验Dielectric loss tangent test介质损辟角正切试验Alternating current test 交流Hi流试验Type test型式试验Acceptance test 验收试验Test after installation 竣工试验Step by step voltage rising 逐步升压Residual life剩余寿命Schering bridge 丙林电桥Acoustic emission sensor (AE)待感器Corss-linked polyethylene insulated polyvingl-chrolide sheathed cable 交联聚乙丈冷Ceramic varistor陶瓷变阻元件Long wave frontsThe external insulation under high-altitude, icing, pollution and other adverse natural conditions need in-depth test studies.Semi-peak value resistance 半电压电附Rationalization of insulation 绝缘配合gantry crane龙门吊车航吊empirical经验的,实验的empirical analysis / assumption / coefficient / comparison / constant 会辛验分析/{段设/ 系数/比较/常数smoothing capacitor 平波电抗器valve tower 分水塔loose flange活套法兰mounting hole 安装孔o ring groove o 型坡口长间隙击穿long air gap, breakbown ofAuxiliary equipment 辅助设备Long term energisation at 855kV 在855kV 卜长期运行Water repellant properties of composite insulator 负荷绝緣子的憎水性Resonant Test System i皆振试验系统Leader Propagation Model 先导发展模型Dielectric loss 介质损粍Series resonant 串联谐振Stochastic 随机性Oil impregnated paper bushing (OIP)汕浸纸奢管Epoxy resin impregnated bushing 环氧浸纸套管PASS (Plug and Switch System)Condenser电容器Resin Impregnated Paper bushing(RIP)树脂浸纸套管Bushings 衰管Wall bushings穿墙套管Routine and special tests 常规和特殊试验Power/dissipation factor 介质损耗因数chopped lightning impulse 雷Hi截波permanently hydrophilic insulator 憎水绝缘/•artificial climate hall 人工z C候室composite housed SF6 filled bushing SF6 气体绝缘复合套管creeping distance爬电SLi离(绝缘子的)Corrugate pipe 波纹管ultra-high frequency measurement 超高频法•(测局放的~种方法) Capacitive voltage dividing principle 电容分压原理Electrolyte 屯解液Bode diagram 波特閔Environment humidity 环境湿度Non linearity characteristics 非线性特性Pollution duration污秽持续吋间(污秽试验中)Resonance potential 共振电压Glow discharge 辉光放电Electric arc discharge 也弧放HiDielectric breakdown discharge 电出穿强度Sparking voltage 火花电压Formation老练处理Polarity effect 极性效应Edge effect边缘效应Coaxial cylinder gap同轴圆筒间隙Knife edge electrode 刃型电极Virtual front time视在波前时间Virtual time to half value 视在波尾时间Peak value 峰值Time above 90% 90%持续吋间Discharge ratio 放电概率50% flashover voltage 50%放电电压Main stroke 主放电Electronegative gas Hi负性气体Lightning rod 避雷针Grounding/ eathling 接地Root mean square value 有效值(力*均根值)Distortion factor 波形畸变率Cascade connection串接(试验变压器)Ripple factor纹波系数Multistage impulse voltage generator 多级冲击电压发生器Electromagnetic type potential transformer Hi磁式电Hi可.感器Capacitance potential device 电容式电压互感器Damped capacitor divider 阻尼电容分压器Scale factor 分压比Matching resistor 匹配电阻Multiple level method多级法(测量50%放也也ffi的一种方法)Up and down method 71*降法(测量50%放电电压的~种方、法)Impulse peak voltmeter 峰怕:电压表Current measuring shunt 分流器Coaxial tubular shunt 同轴分流器Insulation characteristics test 绝缘特性试验Insulation resistance test 绝缘也附试验Polarization极化指数Leakage index泄漏指数Schering bridge 西林电桥Oscillating impulse voltage OIV 振荡冲击电压波形Oscillating lighting impulse OLI 振荡雷电波Oscillating switching impulse OSI 振荡操作波。



1 引言中高压电力电子装置应用中,伴随着相关技术的不断进步,一方面越来越多的大功率半导体开关器件被用到电压等级相当高的场合,这就意味着每一路器件的驱动电源都要承受很高等级的电压,因此,如何做好隔离就成了关键问题。











新型多路输出高压隔离IGBT驱动电源A Novel IGBT Dive Power Supply for High Voltage Application王博中国矿业大学(北京)机电学院(北京,100083)Wang Bo Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College, China University Mining & Technology(Beijing)(Beijing, 100083, China)摘要:本文介绍一种新型的可以解决中高压场合IGBT供电问题的电源结构。






中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称哲学 Philosophy哲学 Philosophy马克思主义哲学 Philosophy of Marxism中国哲学 Chinese Philosophy外国哲学 Foreign Philosophies逻辑学 Logic伦理学 Ethics美学 Aesthetics宗教学 Science of Religion科学技术哲学 Philosophy of Science and Technology经济学 Economics理论经济学 Theoretical Economics政治经济学 Political Economy经济思想史 History of Economic Thought经济史 History of Economic西方经济学 Western Economics世界经济 World Economics人口、资源与环境经济学 Population, Resources and Environmental Economics应用经济学 Applied Economics国民经济学 National Economics区域经济学 Regional Economics财政学(含税收学) Public Finance (including Taxation)金融学(含保险学) Finance (including Insurance)产业经济学 Industrial Economics国际贸易学 International Trade劳动经济学 Labor Economics统计学 Statistics数量经济学 Quantitative Economics中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称国防经济学 National Defense Economics法学 Law法学 Science of Law法学理论 Jurisprudence法律史 Legal History宪法学与行政法学 Constitutional Law and Administrative Law刑法学 Criminal Jurisprudence民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学) Civil Law and Commercial Law (including Science of Labour Law and Science of Social Security Law )诉讼法学 Science of Procedure Laws经济法学 Science of Economic Law环境与资源保护法学 Science of Environment and Natural Resources Protection Law 国际法学(含国际公法学、国际私法学、国际经济法学、) International law (including International Public law, International Private Law and International Economic Law)军事法学 Science of Military Law政治学 Political Science政治学理论 Political Theory中外政治制度 Chinese and Foreign Political Institution科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动 Scientific Socialism and International Communist Movement中*史(含党的学说与党的建设) History of the Communist Party of China(including the Doctrine of China Party and Party Building)马克思主义理论与思想政治教育 Education of Marxist Theory and Education in Ideology and Politics国际政治学 International Politics国际关系学 International Relations外交学 Diplomacy社会学 Sociology社会学 Sociology人口学 Demography人类学 Anthropology民俗学(含中国民间文学) Folklore (including Chinese Folk Literature)民族学 Ethnology民族学 Ethnology马克思主义民族理论与政策 Marxist Ethnic Theory and Policy中国少数民族经济 Chinese Ethnic Economics中国少数民族史 Chinese Ethnic History中国少数民族艺术 Chinese Ethnic Art教育学 Education教育学 Education Science教育学原理 Educational Principle课程与教学论 Curriculum and Teaching Methodology教育史 History of Education比较教育学 Comparative Education学前教育学 Pre-school Education高等教育学 Higher Education成人教育学 Adult Education职业技术教育学 Vocational and Technical Education特殊教育学 Special Education教育技术学 Education Technology心理学 Psychology基础心理学 Basic Psychology发展与心理学 Developmental and Educational Psychology应用心理学 Applied Psychology体育学 Science of Physical Culture and Sports体育人文社会学 Humane and Sociological Science of Sports运动人体科学 Human Movement Science体育教育训练学 Theory of Sports Pedagogy and Training民族传统体育学 Science of Ethnic Traditional Sports文学 Literature中国语言文学 Chinese Literature文艺学 Theory of Literature and Art语言学及应用语言学 Linguistics and Applied Linguistics汉语言文字学 Chinese Philology中国古典文献学 Study of Chinese Classical Text中国古代文学 Ancient Chinese Literature中国现当代文学 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature中国少数民族语言文学 Chinese Ethnic Language andLiterature比较文学与世界文学 Comparative Literature and World Literature外国语言文学 Foreign Languages and Literatures英语语言文学 English Language and Literature俄语语言文学 Russian Language and Literature法语语言文学 French Language and Literature德语语言文学 German Language and Literature日语语言文学 Japanese Language and Literature印度语言文学 Indian Language and Literature西班牙语语言文学 Spanish Language and Literature阿拉伯语语言文学 Arabic Language and Literature欧洲语言文学 European Language and Literature亚非语言文学 Asian-African Language and Literature外国语言学及应用语言学 Linguistics and Applied Linguistics inForeign Languages新闻传播学 Journalism and Communication新闻学 Journalism传播学 Communication艺术学 Art艺术学 Art Theory音乐学 Music美术学 Fine Arts设计艺术学 Artistic Design戏剧戏曲学 Theater and Chinese Traditional Opera电影学 Film广播电视艺术学 Radio and television Art舞蹈学 Dance历史学 History历史学 History史学理论及史学史 Historical Theories and History of Historical Science考古学及博物馆学 Archaeology and Museology历史地理学 Historical Geography历史文献学(含敦煌学、古文字学) Studies of Historical Literature (including Paleography and Studies of Dunhuang)专门史 History of Particular Subjects中国古代史 Ancient Chinese History中国近现代史 Modern and Contemporary Chinese History世界史 World History理学 Natural Science数学 Mathematics基础数学 Fundamental Mathematics计算数学 Computational Mathematics概率论与数理统计 Probability and Mathematical Statistics应用数学 Applied mathematics运筹学与控制论 Operational Research and Cybernetics物理学 Physics理论物理 Theoretical Physics粒子物理与原子核物理 Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics原子与分子物理 Atomic and Molecular Physics等离子体物理 Plasma Physics凝聚态物理 Condensed Matter Physics声学 Acoustics光学 Optics无线电物理 Radio Physics化学 Chemistry无机化学 Inorganic Chemistry分析化学 Analytical Chemistry有机化学 Organic Chemistry物理化学(含化学物理) Physical Chemistry (including Chemical Physics) 高分子化学与物理 Chemistry and Physics of Polymers天文学 Astronomy天体物理 Astrophysics天体测量与天体力学 Astrometry and Celestial Mechanics地理学 Geography自然地理学 Physical Geography人文地理学 Human Geography地图学与地理信息系统 Cartography and Geography Information System大气科学 Atmospheric Sciences气象学 Meteorology大气物理学与大气环境 Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment 海洋科学 Marine Sciences物理海洋学 Physical Oceanography海洋化学 Marine Chemistry海洋生理学 Marine Biology海洋地质学 Marine Geology地球物理学 Geophysics固体地球物理学 Solid Earth Physics空间物理学 Space Physics地质学 Geology矿物学、岩石学、矿床学 Mineralogy, Petrology, Mineral Deposit Geology 地球化学 Geochemistry古生物学与地层学(含古人类学) Paleontology and Stratigraphy (including Paleoanthropology)构造地质学 Structural Geology第四纪地质学 Quaternary Geology生物学 Biology植物学 Botany动物学 Zoology生理学 Physiology水生生物学 Hydrobiology微生物学 Microbiology神经生物学 Neurobiology遗传学 Genetics发育生物学 Developmental Biology细胞生物学 Cell Biology生物化学与分子生物学 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology生物物理学 Biophysics生态学 Ecology系统科学 Systems Science系统理论 Systems Theory系统分析与集成 Systems Analysis and Integration科学技术史 History of Science and Technology工学 Engineering力学 Mechanics一般力学与力学基础 General and Fundamental Mechanics固体力学 Solid Mechanics流体力学 Fluid Mechanics工程力学 Engineering Mechanics机械工程 Mechanical Engineering机械制造及其自动化 Mechanical Manufacture and Automation机械电子工程 Mechatronic Engineering机械设计与理论 Mechanical Design and Theory车辆工程 Vehicle Engineering光学工程 Optical Engineering仪器科学与技术 Instrument Science and Technology精密仪器及机械 Precision Instrument and Machinery测试计量技术及仪器 Measuring and Testing Technologies and Instruments 材料科学与工程 Materials Science and Engineering材料物理与化学 Materials Physics and Chemistry材料学 Materialogy材料加工工程 Materials Processing Engineering冶金工程 Metallurgical Engineering冶金物理化学 Physical Chemistry of Metallurgy钢铁冶金 Ferrous Metallurgy有色金属冶金 Non-ferrous Metallurgy动力工程及工程热物理 Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics工程热物理 Engineering Thermophysics热能工程 Thermal Power Engineering动力机械及工程 Power Machinery and Engineering流体机械及工程 Fluid Machinery and Engineering制冷及低温工程 Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering化工过程机械 Chemical Process Equipment电气工程 Electrical Engineering电机与电器 Electric Machines and Electric Apparatus电力系统及其自动化 Power System and its Automation高电压与绝缘技术 High Voltage and Insulation Technology电力电子与电力传动 Power Electronics and Power Drives电工理论与新技术 Theory and New Technology of Electrical Engineering电子科学与技术 Electronics Science and Technology物理电子学 Physical Electronics电路与系统 Circuits and Systems微电子学与固体电子学 Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics电磁场与微波技术 Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology信息与通信工程 Information and Communication Engineering通信与信息系统 Communication and Information Systems信号与信息处理 Signal and Information Processing控制科学与工程 Control Science and Engineering控制理论与控制工程 Control Theory and Control Engineering检测技术与自动化装置 Detection Technology and Automatic Equipment系统工程 Systems Engineering模式识别与智能系统 Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems导航、制导与控制 Navigation, Guidance and Control计算机科学与技术 Computer Science and Technology计算机软件与理论 Computer Software and Theory计算机系统结构 Computer Systems Organization计算机应用技术 Computer Applied Technology建筑学 Architecture建筑历史与理论 Architectural History and Theory建筑设计及其理论 Architectural Design and Theory城市规划与设计(含风景园林规划与设计) Urban Planning and Design (including Landscape Planning and Design)建筑技术科学 Building Technology Science土木工程 Civil Engineering岩土工程 Geotechnical Engineering结构工程 Structural Engineering市政工程 Municipal Engineering供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程 Heating, Gas Supply, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Engineering防灾减灾工程及防护工程 Disaster Prevention and Reduction Engineering and Protective Engineering桥梁与隧道工程 Bridge and Tunnel Engineering水利工程 Hydraulic Engineering水文学及水资源 Hydrology and Water Resources水力学及河流动力学 Hydraulics and River Dynamics水工结构工程 Hydraulic Structure Engineering水利水电工程 Hydraulic and Hydro-Power Engineering港口、海岸及近海工程 Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering测绘科学与技术 Surveying and Mapping大地测量学与测量工程 Geodesy and Survey Engineering摄影测量与遥感 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing地图制图学与地理信息工程 Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering化学工程与技术 Chemical Engineering and Technology化学工程 Chemical Engineering化学工艺 Chemical Technology生物化工 Biochemical Engineering应用化学 Applied Chemistry工业催化 Industrial Catalysis地质资源与地质工程 Geological Resources and Geological Engineering矿产普查与勘探 Mineral Resource Prospecting and Exploration地球探测与信息技术 Geodetection and Information Technology地质工程 Geological Engineering矿业工程 Mineral Engineering采矿工程 Mining Engineering矿物加工工程 Mineral Processing Engineering安全技术及工程 Safety Technology and Engineering石油与天然气工程 Oil and Natural Gas Engineering油气井工程 Oil-Gas Well Engineering油气田开发工程 Oil-Gas Field Development Engineering油气储运工程 Oil-Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering纺织科学与工程 Textile Science and Engineering纺织工程 Textile Engineering纺织材料与纺织品设计 Textile Material and Textiles Design纺织化学与染整工程 Textile Chemistry and Dyeing and Finishing Engineering服装设计与工程 Clothing Design and Engineering轻工技术与工程 The Light Industry Technology and Engineering制浆造纸工程 Pulp and Paper Engineering制糖工程 Sugar Engineering发酵工程 Fermentation Engineering皮革化学与工程 Leather Chemistry and Engineering交通运输工程 Communication and Transportation Engineering道路与铁道工程 Highway and Railway Engineering交通信息工程及控制 Traffic Information Engineering & Control交通运输规划与管理 Transportation Planning and Management载运工具运用工程 Vehicle Operation Engineering船舶与海洋工程 Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering船舶与海洋结构物设计制造 Design and Construction of Naval Architecture and Ocean Structure轮机工程 Marine Engine Engineering水声工程 Underwater Acoustics Engineering航空宇航科学与技术 Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology飞行器设计 Flight Vehicle Design航空宇航推进理论与工程 Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering航空宇航器制造工程 Manufacturing Engineering of Aerospace Vehicle人机与环境工程 Man-Machine and Environmental Engineering兵器科学与技术 Armament Science and Technology武器系统与运用工程 Weapon Systems and Utilization Engineering兵器发射理论与技术 Armament Launch Theory and Technology火炮、自动武器与弹药工程 Artillery, Automatic Gun and Ammunition Engineering军事化学与烟火技术 Military Chemistry and Pyrotechnics核科学与技术 Nuclear Science and Technology核能科学与工程 Nuclear Energy Science and Engineering核燃料循环与材料 Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Materials核技术及应用 Nuclear Technology and Applications辐射防护及环境保护 Radiation and Environmental Protection农业工程 Agricultural Engineering农业机械化工程 Agricultural Mechanization Engineering农业水土工程 Agricultural Water-Soil Engineering农业生物环境与能源工程Agricultural Biological Environmental and Energy Engineering农业电气化与自动化 Agricultural Electrification and Automation林业工程 Forestry Engineering森林工程 Forest Engineering木材科学与技术 Wood Science and Technology林产化学加工工程 Chemical Processing Engineering of Forest Products环境科学与工程 Environmental Science and Engineering环境科学 Environmental Science环境工程 Environmental Engineering生物医学工程 Biomedical Engineering食品科学与工程 Food Science and Engineering食品科学 Food Science粮食、油脂及植物蛋白工程 Cereals, Oils and Vegetable Protein Engineering农产品加工及贮藏工程 Processing and Storage of Agriculture Products水产品加工及贮藏工程 Processing and Storage of Aquatic Products农学 Agriculture作物学 Crop Science作物栽培学与耕作学 Crop Cultivation and Farming System作物遗传育种学 Crop Genetics and Breeding园艺学 Horticulture果树学 Pomology蔬菜学 Olericulture茶学 Tea Science农业资源利用学 Utilization Science of Agricultural Resources土壤学 Soil Science植物营养学 Plant Nutrition植物保护学 Plant Protection植物病理学 Plant Pathology农业昆虫与害虫防治 Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control农药学 Pesticide Science畜牧学 Animal Science动物遗传育种与繁殖 Animal Genetics, Breeding and ReproductionScience动物营养与饲料科学 Animal Nutrition and Feed Science草业科学 Practaculture Science特种经济动物饲养学(含蚕、蜂等) The Rearing of Special-type EconomicAnimals (including Silkworm, Honeybees, etc.)兽医学 Veterinary Medicine基础兽医学 Basic Veterinary Medicine预防兽医学 Preventive Veterinary Medicine临床兽医学 Clinical Veterinary Medicine林学 Forestry林木遗传育种学 Forest Tree Genetics and Breeding森林培育学 Silviculture森林保护学 Forest Protection森林经理学 Forest Management野生动植物保护与利用 Wildlife Conservation and Utilization园林植物与观赏园艺 Ornamental Plants and Horticulture水土保持与荒漠化防治 Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Combating 水产学 Fisheries Science水产养殖学 Aquaculture Science捕捞学 Fishing Science渔业资源学 Science of Fisheries Resources医学 Medicine基础医学 Basic Medicine人体解剖与组织胚胎学 Human Anatomy, Histology and Embryology免疫学 Immunology病原生物学 Pathogenic Organisms病理学与病理生理学 Pathology and Pathophysiology法医学 Forensic Medicine放射医学 Radiation Medicine航空航天与航海医学 Aerospace and Nautical medicine临床医学 Clinical Medicine内科学(含心血管病学、血液病学、呼吸系病学、消化系病学、内分泌与代谢病学、肾脏病学、风湿病学、传染病学) Internal medicine (including Cardiology, Hematology, Respiratory, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Nephrology, Rheuma-tology, Infectious Diseases)儿科学 Pediatrics老年医学 Geriatrics神经病学 Neurology精神病与精神卫生学 Psychiatry and Mental Health皮肤病与性病学 Dermatology and Venereology影像医学与核医学 Imaging and Nuclear Medicine临床检验诊断学 Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics护理学 Nursing外科学(含普通外科学、骨外科学、泌尿外科学、胸心血管外科学、神经外科学、整形外科学、烧伤外科学、野战外科学) Surgery (General Surgery, Orthopedics, Urology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Burn Surgery, Field Surgery) 妇产科学 Obstetrics and Gynecology眼科学 Ophthalmic Specialty耳鼻咽喉科学 Otolaryngology肿瘤学 Oncology康复医学与理疗学 Rehabilitation Medicine & Physical Therapy运动医学 Sports Medicine麻醉学 Anesthesiology急诊医学 Emergency Medicine口腔医学 Stomatology口腔基础医学 Basic Science of Stomatology口腔临床医学 Clinical Science of Stomatology公共卫生与预防医学 Public Health and Preventive Medicine流行病与卫生统计学 Epidemiology and Health Statistics劳动卫生与环境卫生学 Occupational and Environmental Health营养与食品卫生学 Nutrition and Food Hygiene儿少卫生与妇幼保健学 Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health卫生毒理学 Hygiene Toxicology军事预防医学 Military Preventive Medicine中医学 Chinese Medicine中医基础理论 Basic Theories of Chinese Medicine中医临床基础 Clinical Foundation of Chinese Medicine中医医史文献 History and Literature of Chinese Medicine方剂学 Formulas of Chinese Medicine中医诊断学 Diagnostics of Chinese Medicine中医内科学 Chinese Internal Medicine中医外科学 Surgery of Chinese Medicine中医骨伤科学 Orthopedics of Chinese Medicine中医妇科学 Gynecology of Chinese Medicine中医儿科学 Pediatrics of Chinese Medicine中医五官科学 Ophthalmology and Otolaryngoloy of Chinese Medicine针灸推拿学 Acupuncture and Moxibustion and Tuina of Chinese medicine民族医学 Ethnomedicine中西医结合医学 Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine中西医结合基础医学 Basic Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative中西医结合临床医学 Clinical Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine 药学 Pharmaceutical Science药物化学 Medicinal Chemistry药剂学 Pharmaceutics生药学 Pharmacognosy药物分析学 Pharmaceutical Analysis微生物与生化药学 Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy药理学 Pharmacology中药学 Science of Chinese Pharmacology军事学 Military Science军事思想学及军事历史学 Military Thought and Military History军事思想学 Military Thought军事历史学 Military History战略学 Science of Strategy军事战略学 Military Strategy战争动员学 War Mobilization战役学 Science of Operations联合战役学 Joint Operation军种战役学(含第二炮兵战役学) Armed Service Operation (including Operation of Strategic Missile Force)战术学 Science of Tactics合同战术学 Combined-Arms Tactics兵种战术学 Branch Tactics军队指挥学 Science of Command作战指挥学 Combat Command军事运筹学 Military Operation Research军事通信学 Military Communication军事情报学 Military Intelligence密码学 Cryptography军事教育训练学(含军事体育学) Military Education and Training (including Military Physical Training)军制学 Science of Military System军事组织编制学 Military Organizational System军队管理学 Military Management军队政治工作学 Science of Military Political Work军事后勤学与军事装备学 Science of Military Logistics and Military Equipment军事后勤学 Military Logistics后方专业勤务 Rear Special Service军事装备学 Military Equipment管理学 Management Science管理科学与工程 Management Science and Engineering工商管理学 Science of Business Administration会计学 Accounting企业管理学(含财务管理、市场营销学、人力资源管理学) Corporate Management (including Financial Management, Marketing, and Human Resources Management)旅游管理学 Tourist Management技术经济及管理学 Technology Economy and Management农林经济管理学 Agricultural and Forestry Economics & Management农业经济管理学 Agricultural Economics & Management林业经济管理学 Forestry Economics & Management公共管理学 Science of Public Management行政管理学 Administration Management社会医学与卫生事业管理学 Social Medicine and Health Management教育经济与管理学 Educational Economy and Management社会保障学 Social Security土地资源管理学 Land Resource Management图书馆、情报与档案学 Science of Library, Information and Archival图书馆学 Library Science情报学 Information Science档案学 Archival Science.. .. .. ..参考.资料。



工频交流耐压试验工频交流耐压试验(wit hstand test of power f requency alternating current)检验电气设备绝缘耐受工频电压作用能力的试验。


试验时,按规定将被试品接入试验回路,逐步升高电压至标准规定的额定工频耐受电压值,保持1 min,然后迅速、均匀地降压到零。









该设备可用于1、6k V-500kV高压交联电缆的交流耐压试验2、发电机的交流耐压试验3、GIS和SF6开关的交流耐压试验4、6k V-500kV变压器的工频耐压试验5、其它电力高压设备如母线,套管,互感器的交流耐压试验。



电机零配件中英文对照表其他部件中英文对照表机电业常用英语电力专业英语〔1〕元件设备三绕组变压器:three-column transformer ThrClnTrans双绕组变压器:double-column transformer DblClmnTrans电容器:Capacitor并联电容器:shunt capacitor电抗器:Reactor母线:Busbar输电线:TransmissionLine发电厂:power plant断路器:Breaker刀闸(隔离开关):Isolator分接头:tap电动机:motor〔2〕状态参数有功:active power无功:reactive power电流:current容量:capacity电压:voltage档位:tap position有功损耗:reactive loss无功损耗:active loss功率因数:power-factor功率:power功角:power-angle电压等级:voltage grade空载损耗:no-load loss铁损:iron loss铜损:copper loss空载电流:no-load current阻抗:impedance正序阻抗:positive sequence impedance负序阻抗:negative sequence impedance零序阻抗:zero sequence impedance电阻:resistor电抗:reactance电导:conductance电纳:susceptance无功负载:reactive load 或者QLoad有功负载: active load PLoad遥测:YC(telemetering)遥信:YX 励磁电流(转子电流):magnetizing current 定子:stator功角:power-angle上限:upper limit下限:lower limit并列的:apposable高压: high voltage低压:low voltage中压:middle voltage电力系统 power system发电机 generator励磁 excitation励磁器 excitor电压 voltage电流 current母线 bus变压器 transformer升压变压器 step-up transformer高压侧 high side输电系统 power transmission system输电线 transmission line固定串联电容补偿fixed series capacitor compensation 稳定 stability电压稳定 voltage stability功角稳定 angle stability暂态稳定 transient stability电厂 power plant能量输送 power transfer交流 AC装机容量 installed capacity电网 power system落点 drop point开关站 switch station双回同杆并架 double-circuit lines on the same tower 变电站 transformer substation补偿度 degree of compensation高抗 high voltage shunt reactor无功补偿 reactive power compensation故障 fault调节 regulation裕度 magin三相故障 three phase fault故障切除时间 fault clearing time极限切除时间 critical clearing time切机 generator triping高顶值 high limited value强行励磁 reinforced excitation线路补偿器 LDC(line drop compensation)机端 generator terminal静态 static (state)动态 dynamic (state)单机无穷大系统 one machine - infinity bus system机端电压控制 AVR电抗 reactance电阻 resistance功角 power angle有功〔功率〕 active power无功〔功率〕 reactive power功率因数 power factor无功电流 reactive current下降特性 droop characteristics斜率 slope额定 rating变比 ratio参考值 reference value电压互感器 PT分接头 tap下降率 droop rate仿真分析 simulation analysis传递函数 transfer function框图 block diagram受端 receive-side裕度 margin同步 synchronization失去同步 loss of synchronization阻尼 damping摇摆 swing保护断路器 circuit breaker电阻:resistance电抗:reactance阻抗:impedance电导:conductance电纳:susceptance导纳:admittance电感:inductance电容: capacitance40 脉振磁场〔pulsating magnetic field〕:单相异步电动机的定子绕组是单相绕组,工作时定子绕组接在单相交流电源上,单相电流通过单相绕组产生与绕组轴线一致、而大小和方向随时间作正弦规律变化的交变磁场,称为脉振磁场。

410 电力配送产品指南说明书

410 电力配送产品指南说明书

Kyoritsu digital multimeter / 6mm Dia. clamp meter-AC/DC V, ohm, Hz
Kyoritsu digital multimeter / 10mm Dia. clamp meter-AC/DC V, ohm, Hz
Item no. 2040 2002PA 2002R 2007A 2031 2117R 2127R 2200 2608A 2805 KT200
Test & Measure
1109S 2200
Clamp meters AC/DC
Model 2046R • CAT. IV 600V rating • Current up to 600A AC/DC • Voltage up to 600V AC/DC • Continuity buzzer
• Measurement from 0.01mA to 120.0mA • Dual display with backlight shows both mA
measurement and percentage of 4-20 mA span • Analog output terminal for recorder connection
Description Kyoritsu analogue multimeter with dB & hFE Kyoritsu analogue multimeter with temperature & continuity buzzer.
Item no. 1109S 1110
Clamp meters AC
Model 2200 • Maximum AC current measurement 1000A • Maximum AC voltage measurement 600V • 33 mm diameter conductor size • Ultra slim and light weight

DocuPrint P115 b维修手册(第一版)无密码

DocuPrint P115 b维修手册(第一版)无密码

4.6 Laser Unit问题故障排除 ...................................................... 1-31 4.6.1 Laser unit故障 ...................................................... 1-31
1-23 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-25 1-25 1-26 1-26
4.2.20 重影 ................................................................ 1-26 4.2.21 图像模糊 ............................................................ 1-27
4.4.4 4.4.5 4.4.6
Drum错误 ............................................................ 1-29 无法检测到Drum unit ................................................. 1-30 更换Drum unit (更换新Drum unit后,LED显示仍提示更换Toner cartridge)... 1-30
• 当某页面作废时 (例如被替代页面取代), 请焚烧或撕碎该页面以将其销毁。
• 使用时请注意,应将手册保管好,避免遗失 或破损。
• 修订和修改信息 当出现设计变更或本维修手册发生修改时,在载 入最新的维修手册之前,将可能作为补充信息, 发行海外技术信息或海外维修公告。
在得知备用零件号码的变更及规 格调整等重要的变更信息后,须 立即反映在本维修手册内的相应 页面。



高电压技术专业英语词汇表absorbtance 吸收比absorption current 吸收电流AC transmission system 交流输电系统aging 老化alternating current 交变电流alternating voltage 交变电压ammeter 电流表amorphous dielectric 非晶体电介质amplitude 幅值anode/cathode 阳极/阴极anti-fog insulator 防雾型绝缘子apparent charge 视在电荷arc discharge 电弧放电arc suppressing 灭弧arc-extinguishing chamber 灭弧室arrester 避雷器artificial pollution test 人工污秽试验asynchronous machine 异步电机atmospheric reference condition 标准参考大气条件attachment coefficient 附着系数attenuation factor 衰减系数barrier 屏障barrier effect 屏障效应bending load 弯曲负荷BIL(basic impulse level)全波基本冲击绝缘boundary element method 边界元法breakdown 电击穿breakdown possibility 击穿概率breakdown voltage 击穿电压BSL(basic switch level)基本操作冲击绝缘水平bubble breakdown 气泡击穿bus bar 母线bushing 套管bushing tap grounding wire 套管末屏接地线cable 电缆capacitor divider 电容分压器cascade circuit 串联电路cascade transformer 串级变压器cathode ray oscilloscope 阴极射线示波器cavity 空穴,腔CB(circuit breaker)断路器ceramic insulator 陶瓷绝缘子charge density 电荷密度charge simulation method 模拟电荷法charging(damping) resistor 充电(阻尼)电阻collision ionization 碰撞电离collision ionization coefficient 碰撞电离系数compensating winding 补偿线圈composite insulation 组合绝缘compressed gas 压缩气体conductance 电导conductivity 电导率conductor 导线contamination flashover 污秽闪络corona 电晕corona discharge 电晕放电corona loss 电晕损耗corona onset voltage 电晕起始电压correction factor 校正因数coupling capacitor 耦合电容creapage distance 爬电距离critical breakdown voltage 临界击穿电压critical electrical strength 临界场强CT(current transformer) 电流互感器current density 电流密度current transformer 电流互感器damped capacitor voltage divider 阻尼电容分压器damping resistor 阻尼电阻DC breakdown voltage 直流击穿电压dead tank oil circuit breaker 多油断路器decay 衰减destructive test 破坏性试验detection impedance 检测阻抗dielectric 电介质,绝缘体dielectric constant 介质常数dielectric loss 介质损耗dielectric loss angle tangent 介质损失角正切diffuse 扩散digitizer 数字化仪direct current 直流电高电压技术专业英语词汇表2 direct current transmission直流输电disc spacer 盘式绝缘子discharge 放电disconnector 隔离开关displacement current 位移电流displacement polarization 位移极化distributed parameter circuit 分布参数电路divider 分压器divider ratio 分压器分压比drift velocity 漂移速度dry band 干区dry flashover voltage 干闪络电压DSO(digitizing storageoscilloscope)数字存储示波器dynamo 直流发电机earth resistance 接地电阻earth(ground) wire 接地线earthing switch 接地开关ecological efficiency 生态效应effect of nearby earthed object 接地体临近效应effect of polarity 极性效应effective ionisation coefficient 有效电离系数EHV(extra high voltage) 超高压electric breakdown 电击穿electric field 电场electrical strength 电气强度electrical tree 电树枝electroceramics 电工陶瓷electrochemical 电化学electrochemical deterioration 电化学腐蚀electro—mechanical test 机电联合试验electron avalanche 电子崩(α过程) electronegative gas 电负性气体electronegativity 电负性electro-optic effect 电光效应electrostatic field 静电场electrostatic generator 静电发生器electrostatic voltmeter 静电电压表EMC(electro—magneticcompatibility)电磁兼容EMP(electromagnetic pulse)高速电磁脉冲end fitting 金具EPDM(ethylene propylene rubber) 乙丙橡胶epoxy resin 环氧树脂ESDD(equivalent salt depositdensity)等值盐密exciting winding 激磁绕组expulsion gap 灭弧间隙external insulation 外绝缘extinction coil 消弧线圈FACTS(Flexible AC Transmission System)柔性输电failure current 故障电流Faraday cage 法拉第笼field distortion 场畸变field emission 场致发射field gradient 场梯度field strength 场强field stress 电场力finite element method 有限元法fixed contact 静触头flash counter 雷电计数器flash density 落雷密度flashover 闪络flashover voltage 闪络电压FM-IM 调频—光强度调制free path 自由行程front resistor 波前电阻FSD(full scale deflection)满偏刻度full wave 全波gas chromatographic analysis 气相色谱分析gas discharge 气体放电gaseous insulation 气体绝缘generating capacity 发电量generator 发电机GIS(gas insulated substation)气体绝缘变电站glass insulator 玻璃绝缘子glow discharge 辉光放电gradient 陡度grading ring 均压环ground wire 架空地线地线grounding 接地grounding capacitance 对地电容grounding device 接地装置grounding for lightening 防雷接地half-wave rectifying circuit 半波整流电路harmonic 谐波high voltage 高压high voltage arm 高压臂high voltage engineering 高电压工程high voltage testing technology 高电压试验技术hollow insulator 套筒高电压技术专业英语词汇表3 humidity correction factor湿度校正因数hydraulic turbine 水轮机hydro power station 水力发电站hydrophobicity 憎水性icing flashover 冰闪impulse current 冲击/脉冲电流impulse flashover 冲击闪络impulse ratio 冲击系数impulse voltage 冲击电压impulse voltage generator 冲击电压发生器induced overvoltage 感应过电压inhomogenous field 不均匀场insulation 绝缘insulation coordination 绝缘配合insulation diagnosis 绝缘诊断insulation distance 绝缘距离insulation level 绝缘水平insulation material 绝缘材料insulation on-line test 绝缘在线检测insulation resistance 绝缘电阻insulation test 绝缘检测insulator 绝缘子insulator string 绝缘子串internal discharge 内部放电inverter station 换流站ionization 电离ionization coefficient 电离系数ionization layer 电离层iron core 铁芯Kerr effect 克尔效应leakage current 泄漏电流lightning arrester 避雷器lightning conductor 避雷线lightning current 雷电流lightning flashover 雷闪lightning impulse voltage 雷电冲击电压lightning impulse withstandvoltage test雷电冲击耐压试验lightning outage rate 雷击跳闸率lightning over voltage 大气/雷电过电压lightning rod 避雷针lightning stroke 雷击lightning withstand level 耐雷水平live tank oil circuit breaker 少油断路器load center 负荷中心loss 损耗loss angle 介质损耗角lossless transmission line 无损传输线low voltage arm 低压臂magnetic field 磁场main discharge 主放电Marx generator 马克思发生器matching impedance 匹配阻抗mean free path 平均自由行程mean molecular velocity 平均分子速度mechanical performance 机械性能megohm meter/earthmeter 兆欧表metal oxide arrester MOA 氧化锌避雷器mixed divider (阻容)混合分压器MOA(metal oxide arrester)氧化锌避雷器mobility 迁移率motor 电动机moving contact 动触头multistage impulse voltagegenerator串级冲击电压发生器natural pollution test 自然污秽试验negative ions 负离子neural point 中性点neutral ground 中性点接地non—destructive insulation test 非破坏绝缘测试non—destructive measurement 非破坏性测试non-destructive testing 非破坏性试验nonpolar dielectric 非极性电介质non—self—maintained discharge 非自持放电non-uniform field 不均匀场nonuniformity coefficient 不均匀系数NSDD(non—soluble depositdensity)附灰密度nuclear power station 核电站oil—filled power cable 充油电力电缆optical radiation 光辐射oscilloscope 示波器overhead line 架空线overshoot 过冲overvoltage 过电压partial arc 局部电弧Paschen’s law 巴申定律PD(partial discharge) 局部放电peak reverse voltage 反向峰值电压peak voltage 电压波峰peak voltmeter 峰值电压表phase—to—phase voltage 线电压高电压技术专业英语词汇表4 photo ionization光电离photoelectric emission 光电发射photoemission 光电效应photoionization 光电离photon 光子leader discharge 先导放电Pockels effect 泡克尔斯效应point plane gap 针板间隙polarity effect 极性效应polarization 极化pollution flashover 污闪pollution flashover voltage 污秽闪络电压porcelain insulator 陶瓷绝缘子post insulator 支柱绝缘子power capacitor 电力电容power frequency arc test 工频大电弧试验power frequency testingtransformer工频实验变压器power frequency voltage 工频电压power network 电力网络power system 电力系统power transformer 电力变压器PPT(pulse power technology)脉冲功率技术primary winding 原边线圈protection angle 保护角protection gap 保护间隙protective grounding 保护接地PT(potential transformer) 电压互感器quality factor 品质因素quasi-uniform field 稍不均匀场radio interference 无线干扰radio interference test 无线电干扰试验rain flashover 雨闪rating of equipment 设备额定值recombination 复合recovery voltage 恢复电压reflect 反射relative inductivity 相对介电常数relay 继电器residual capacitance 残余电容resistivity 电阻率resistor divider 电阻分压器resistor-capacitor divider 阻容分压器resonance frequency 谐振频率restrike 重燃return stroke 反击ripple factor 纹波因数rod gap 棒间隙rod-rod electrode 棒—棒电极Rogowski coil 罗可夫斯基线圈rotor 转子routing testing 常规试验ROW(right-of—way)/corridor 线路走廊safety margin 安全裕度salt fog method 盐雾法Schering bridge 西林电桥secondary electron avalanche 二次电子崩secondary winding 副边线圈self-restoring insulation 自恢复绝缘self-sustained discharge 自持放电series resonant circuit 串联谐振回路shielding 屏蔽short circuit 短路short circuit testing 短路试验silicone rubber 硅橡胶skin effect 集肤效应soil resistivity 土壤电阻率solid dielectric 固体电介质solid layer method 固体层法space charge 空间电荷spark gap 点火球隙sparkover voltage 火花放电sphare-plane electrode 球—板电极sphare—sphare electrode 球-球电极sphere gap 球隙sphere gap spacing 球隙距离split conduct 分裂导线standard lightning impulse voltage 标准雷电冲击电压standard switching impulse voltage 标准操作冲击电压statistic diagnosis 统计诊断stator 定子steam turbine 汽轮机steamer 流注steel-reinforced aluminumconductor钢芯铝绞线step up (down) transformer 升(降)压变压器stepout overvoltage 解列过电压stray capacitance 杂散电容stray inductance 杂散电感streamer breakdown 流注击穿substation 变电站sulphur hexafluoride breaker SF6断路器高电压技术专业英语词汇表5 surface breakdown表面击穿surface charge 表面电荷surface discharge 沿面放电surge impedance 波阻抗suspension insulator 悬式绝缘子sustained discharge 自持放电switching flashover 操作闪络switching impulse voltage 操作冲击电压switching overvoltage 操作过电压synchronous generator 同步发电机tank 箱体taped transformer 多级变压器Td(thunderstorm day) 雷暴日temperature exponent 温度指数tensile load 拉伸负荷test object 被试品testing transformer 试验变压器thermal breakdown 热击穿thermal cycling test 冷热循环试验thermal ionisation 热电离thermal power station 火力发电站thermal radiation 热辐射thermal rating 耐热等级threshold wavelength 光电离临界波长time delay/lag 时延time to chopping 截断时间torsional load 扭转负荷Townsend theory 汤森理论tracking and erosion resistance 耐漏电起痕性能transmission line 传输线treeing 树枝放电trigger electrode 触发电极tuned circuit 调谐电路turbogenerator 汽轮发电机UHV(ultra high voltage)特高压uncertainty 不确定度uniform field 均匀场vacuum circuit breaker 真空断路器variable transformer 调压变压器VFTO(very fast transient overvoltage)甚快速瞬态过电压virtual front time 视在波前时间virtual origin 视在原点virtual time to half—value 视在半峰值时间voltage class 电压等级voltage divider 分压器voltage doubling rectifying circuit 倍压整流电路voltage drop 电压跌落volt-ampere characteristics 伏安特性voltmeter 电压表volt-time characteristics 伏秒特性water hydrogenerator 水轮发电机wave chopped 截波wave chopped at front 波前截波wave chopped at tail 波尾截波wave front 波前wave front/tail 波头/尾wave length 波长wet flashover 湿闪wet flashover voltage 湿闪络电压winding 绕组withstand voltage 耐受电压withstand voltage test 耐压试验XLPE cable 交链聚乙烯电缆。

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suffocation can result. Since it is a colorless, odorless gas, it goes undetected. Extreme care must be taken to avoid inhalation.
Perfluorinated Liquids
One trade name of perfluorinated liquids is Fluorinert™. They are clear, colorless, odorless and have a viscosity similar to water. Concerns include the need to have a sealed housing with a provision for expansion and contraction. It is expensive, and
Cost is certainly a big advantage of air. However, air has the worst dielectric strength of all the insulators in this listing, so distances will need to be the greatest for a given geometry. A second consideration is that surfaces need remain clean and free of dust over long periods, so that there is no arcing along a surface.
Oil is in widespread use in part due to its relatively low cost and thermal characteristics. Prior to 1977, some oils were dangerous due to the inclusion of toxic PCB’s (polychlorinated biphenyls), but this is thankfully an issue of the distant past. Considerations include the need to have a sealed housing with a provision for expansion and contraction. Oil can easily become contaminated by arcing and with the buildup of foreign materials. In addition, it can be messy to work with oil.
Silicone (Two-Part)
Like epoxy, silicone encapsulation is in widespread use in the high voltage industry. Poor adhesion is perhaps the biggest shortcoming of silicones. However, preparing the surface properly can alleviate this. Some silicones are adversely affected by certain materials. In the presence of these materials, the curing process is inhibited, and the silicone never cures. In addition, most silicones do not have good thermal conductivity, as compared to most epoxies.
Silicone (One-Part)
One part silicones are available in “self leveling” and thixotropic form. Thixotropic materials do not flow and remain in whatever shape they emerge in from the tube. It is somewhat like shaving cream in that respect. Prior to curing, the thixotropic silicone can be formed into a desired shape. Air bubbles can be trapped in cured thixotropic silicones, and thus their use is limited. One more thing to watch for is that some one-part silicones will corrode electronic assemblies.
High Voltage Insulation Methods
Evan Mayerhoff High Voltage Connection, Inc.
In our last newsletter we discussed spacing requirements for high voltage systems. One way to reduce the distance between two points with different voltages is to use encapsulation or some insulating medium. Here we will address the challenges of various insulation materials. Before getting to the specifics of each material, there are a couple of issues that apply to all materials. First, it is important that the insulating material is homogeneous. This is to ensure that the dielectric constant is the same throughout so that the electric field strength gradient is as constant as practical. Also, if there are any air pockets, there could be corona or localized arcing. The implications range from rapid insulation failure, to gradual, long term degradation. Thus, it’s a good idea to include a method for removing air from any encapsulant. One implication of homogeneity is that it is generally not a good idea to use more than one insulation material. Putting two materials “in series” can do more harm than good. We’ll address this in a future article. Second, it is important to derate the insulation’s dielectric strength, often expressed in volts per mil. The amount of derating depends upon the shapes of the conductors (the “sharp points” issue), the insulator thickness, and the insulator homogeneity. Generally, you derate the dielectric strength as the material gets thicker. For many materials you can find an equation that describes the relationship between thickness and dielectric strength. Here are some common materials used in electronics assemblies as high voltage insulation, and descriptions of issues that require special attention.
Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6)
This is a great insulator in that parts remain clean, and assemblies are easy to work on once the housing is opened and the gas is replaced by air. One difficulty with using SF6 is that the housing must be hermetically sealed. Two safety issues exist. Poisonous gasses are formed whenever there are arcs. Also, it is extremely hazardous if someone breathes in any SF6. It is denser than air, and will settle in the bottom of one’s lungs, and