


参考文献所引用期刊常采用缩写名称. 下面列出了一些物理类论文所引用期刊, 其标准的缩写名称由黑体表示.Acta Chim ica Sin ica (化学学报)Acta Crystallogr aphicaActa Cytol ogicaActa Crystallogr aphica, Sect ion A: Crystal Physics, Diffraction, Theoretical and General CrystallographyActa Crystallogr aphica, Sect ion B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal ChemistryActa Phys icaActa Phys ica-Chim ica Sin ica (物理化学学报)Acta Phys ica AustriacaActa Phys ica Pol onicaActa Phys ica Sin ica-Ch inese Ed ition (物理学报)AcusticaAdv ances in Appl ied Mech anicsAdv ances in At omic and Mol ecular Phys icsAdv ances in Chem ical Phys icsAdv ances in Magn etic Reson anceAdv ances in Phys icsAdv ances in Quantum Chem istryAIP Conf erence Proc eedingsAkust icheskii Zh urnal [Sov iet Phys ics--- Acoust ics]Am erican J ournal of Phys icsAnal ytical Chem istryAnn als of Fluid Dyn amicsAnn als of Math ematicsAnn als of Phys ics (N ew Y ork)Annu al Rev iew of Nucl ear Sci enceAppl ied Opt icsAppl ied Phys ics Lett ersAppl ied Spectrosc opyAstron omical J ournalAstron omy and Astrophys icsAstrophys ical J ournalAstrophys ical J ournal, Lett ers to the EditorAstrophys ical J ournal, Suppl ement Ser iesAstrophys ical Lett ersAt omic Data and Nucl ear Data TablesAust ralian J ournal of Phys icsBell Syst em Tech nical J ournalBiogr aphical Mem oir s of Fell ows of the R oyal Soc ietyBiochem istryBiol ogy Lett ersBr itish J ournal of Appl ied Phys icsBull etin of the Acad emy of Sci ences of the USSR, Phys ical Ser ies (translation of Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya)Bull etin of the Am erican Astron omical Soc ietyBull etin of The Am erican Phys ical Soc ietyBull etin of the Astron omical Inst itutes of the Neth erlandsBull etin of the Chem ical Soc iety of J a p a nCan adian J ournal of Chem istryCan adian J ournal of Phys icsCan adian J ournal of Res earchChem ical J ournal of Chin ese U niversity (高等学校化学学报)Chem ical Phys icsChem ical Phys ics Lett ersChem ical Rev iewsChin ese Chem istry Lett ersChin ese J ournal of Chem istry (化学学报)Chin ese J ournal of Chem istry Phys ics (化学物理学报)Chin ese J ournal of Phys icsChin ese J ournal of Struct ural Chem istry (结构化学学报)Chin ese Phys icsChin ese Phys ics Lett ersChin ese Sci ence Bull etin (科学通报)Comments on Astrophys ics and Space Phys icsComments on At omic and Mol ecular Phys icsComments on Nucl ear and Part icle Phys icsComments on Plasma Phys ics and Controlled FusionComments on Solid State Phys icsCommun ications in Math ematical Phys icsCommun ications in Theor etical Phys icsCommun ications on Pure and Appl ied Math ematicsComput er Phys ics Commun icationsCryogenicsCzech oslovak J ournal of Phys icsDiscuss ions of the Faraday Soc ietyEarth and Planet ary Sci ence Lett ersElectron ics Lett ersExperientiaFields and QuantaFound ations of Phys icsHelv etica Chim ica ActaHelv etica Phys ica ActaHigh Temp erature ( USSR) (translation of Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur)IBM J ournal of Res earch and Dev elopmentIcarusIEEE J ournal of Quantum Electron icsIEEE Trans actions on Antennas and Propag ationIEEE Trans actions on Electron DevicesIEEE Trans actions on Inf ormation TheoryIEEE Trans actions on Instrum entation and Meas urementIEEE Trans actions on Magn eticsIEEE Trans actions on Microwave Theory and Tech niquesIEEE Trans actions on Nucl ear Sci enceIEEE Trans actions on Sonics and Ultrason icsInd ustrial and Eng ineering Chem istryInfrared Phys icsInorg anic Chem istryInorg anic Mater ials ( USSR) (translation of Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy) Instrum ents and Exp erimental Tech niques ( USSR) (translation of Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta) Int ernational J ournal of Magn etismInt ernational J ournal of Quantum Chem istryInt ernational J ournal of Quantum Chem istry, Part 1Int ernational J ournal of Quantum Chem istry, Part 2Int ernational J ournal of Theor etical Phys icsJ a p a n ese J ournal of Appl ied Phys icsJ a p a n ese J ournal of Phys icsJETP Lett ers (translation of Pis'ma v Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki)J ournal de Chim ie Phys iqueJ ournal de Phys ique ( Paris)J ournal de Phys ique et le RadiumJ ournal of Appl ied Crystallogr aphyJ ournal of Appl ied Phys icsJ ournal of Appl ied Spectrosc opy ( USSR) (translation of Zhurnal Prikladnoi Spektroskopii)J ournal of Atmos pheric and Terr estrial Phys icsJ ournal of Atmos pheric Sci encesJ ournal of At omic and Mol ecular Phys ics (原子与分子物理学报)J ournal of Chem ical Phys icsJ ournal of Comput ational Phys icsJ ournal of Cryst al GrowthJ ournal of Fluid Mech anicsJ ournal of Geophys ical Res earchJ ournal of High Energy Phys icsJ ournal of Inorg anic and Nucl ear Chem istryJ ournal of Low Temp erature Phys icsJ ournal of Lumin escenceJ ournal of Macromol ecular Sci ence, [Part B] Phys icsJ ournal of Math ematical Phys icsJ ournal of Mol ecular Spectrosc opyJ ournal of Non-Cryst alline SolidsJ ournal of Nucl ear EnergyJ ournal of Nucl ear Energy, Part C: Plasma Physics, Accelerators, Thermonuclear ResearchJ ournal of Nucl ear Mater ialsJ ournal of Phys ical and Chem ical Ref erence DataJ ournal of Phys ical Chem istryJ ournal of Phys ics A: General PhysicsJ ournal of Phys ics and Chem istry of SolidsJ ournal of Phys ics B: At omic, Mol ecular and Opt ical Phys icsJ ournal of Phys ics: Cond ensed MatterJ ournal of Phys ics D: Appl ied Phys icsJ ournal of Phys ics E: Scientific InstrumentsJ ournal of Phys ics F: Metal PhysicsJ ournal of Phys ics ( Moscow)J ournal of Plasma Phys icsJ ournal of Polym er Sci enceJ ournal of Polym er Sci ence, Polym er Lett ers Ed itionJ ournal of Polym er Sci ence, Polym er Phys ics Ed itionJ ournal of Quant itative Spectrosc opy & Radiat ive TransferJ ournal of Res earch of the Nat iona l Bur eau of Stand ardsJ ournal of Res earch of the Nat iona l Bur eau of Stand ards, Sect ion A: Physics and ChemistryJ ournal of Res earch of the Nat iona l Bur eau of Stand ards, Sect ion B: Mathematical SciencesJ ournal of Res earch of the Nat iona l Bur eau of Stand ards, Sect ion C: Engineering and Instrumentation J ournal of Sci entific Instrum entsJ ournal of Sound and Vib rationJ ournal of Speech and Hear ing Disord ersJ ournal of Speech and Hear ing Res earchJ ournal of Stat istical Phys icsJ ournal of the Acoust ical Soc iety of Am ericaJ ournal of the Am erican Ceram ic Soc ietyJ ournal of the Am erican Chem ical Soc ietyJ ournal of the Am erican Inst itute of Electr ical Eng ineersJ ournal of the Audio Eng ineering Soc ietyJ ournal of the Chem ical Soc ietyJ ournal of the Electrochem ical Soc ietyJ ournal of the Mech anics and Phys ics of SolidsJ ournal of the Opt ical Soc iety of Am ericaJ ournal of the Phys ical Soc iety of J a p a nJ ournal of the R oyal Soc iety InterfaceJ ournal of Vac uum Sci ence and Technol ogyMater ials Res earch Bull etinMed ical Phys icsMem oirs of the R oyal Astron omical Soc ietyMol ecular Cryst als and Liq uid Cryst alsMol ecular Phys icsMon thly Not ices of the R oyal Astron omical Soc ietyNat iona l Bur eau of Stand ards ( U.S.), Circ ularNat iona l Bur eau of Stand ards ( U.S.), Misc ellaneous Publ icationNat iona l Bur eau of Stand ards ( U.S.), Spec ial Publ icationNature( London)Notes and Rec ords of the R oyal Soc ietyNucl ear Data, Sect ion ANucl ear Data, Sect ion BNucl ear FusionNucl ear Instrum entsNucl ear Instrum ents & MethodsNucl ear Phys icsNucl ear Phys ics ANucl ear Phys ics BNucl ear Sci ence and Eng ineeringOpt ica ActaOpt ics and Spectrosc opy ( USSR) (translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya)Opt ics Commun icationsOpt ics Lett ersOpt ics NewsOptik( Stuttgart)Philips Res earch Rep ortsPhilos ophical Mag azinePhil osophical Trans actions of the R oyal Soc iety of LondonPhil osophical Trans actions of the R oyal Soc iety A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Phil osophical Trans actions of the R oyal Soc iety B: Biological SciencesPhys ical Rev iewPhys ical Rev iew A: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical PhysicsPhys ical Rev iew B: Solid StatePhys ical Rev iew C: Nuclear PhysicsPhys ical Rev iew D: Particles and FieldsPhys ical Rev iew E: Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary TopicsPhys ical Rev iew Lett ersPhys ical Rev iew S pecial T opics - Accel erators and Beams (close up ST, without periods)Phys ica Status SolidiPhys ica Status Solidi A: Applied ResearchPhys ica Status Solidi B: Basic ResearchPhysica( Utrecht)Phys ics and Chem istry of SolidsPhys ics Lett ersPhys ics Lett ers APhys ics Lett ers BPhysics( N ew Y ork)Phys ics of FluidsPhys ics of Met als and Mettalogr aphy ( USSR) (translation of Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie) Phys ics Teach erPhys ics TodayPlasma Phys icsProc eedings of the Cambridge Philos ophical Soc ietyProc eedings of the IEEEProc eedings of the IREProc eedings of the Nat iona l Acad emy of Sci ences of the U nited S tates of A mericaProc eedings of the Phys ical Soc iety, LondonProc eedings of the Phys ical Soc iety, London, Sect ion AProc eedings of the Phys ical Soc iety, London, Sect ion BProc eedings of the R oyal Soc iety of LondonProc eedings of the R oyal Soc iety A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering SciencesProc eedings of the R oyal Soc iety B: Biological SciencesProg ress of Theor etical Phys icsPubl ications of the Astron omical Soc iety of the Pac ificRadiat ion Eff ectsRadiologyRadio Sci enceRCA Rev iewRep orts on Prog ress in Phys icsRev iew of Sci entific Instrum entsRev iew of Mod ern Phys icsRuss ian J ournal of Phys ical Chem istry (translation of Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii)ScienceSci entific Am ericanSci ence in China Ser ies G (中国科学G辑)Sol ar Phys icsSolid State Commun icationsSolid-State Electron icsSpectrochim ica ActaSpectrochim ica Acta, Part A: Molecular SpectroscopySpectrochim ica Acta, Part B: Atomic SpectroscopySurf ace Sci enceTetrahedronTheor etica Chim ica ActaThin Solid FilmsTrans actions of the Am erican Crystallogr aphic Assoc iationTrans actions of the Am erican Geophys ical UnionTrans actions of the Am erican Inst itute of Min ing, Metall urgical and Pet roleum Eng ineers Trans actions of the Am erican Nucl ear Soc ietyTrans actions of the Am erican Soc iety for Met alsTrans actions of the Am erican Soc iety of Mech anical Eng ineersTrans actions of the Br itish Ceram ic Soc ietyTrans actions of the Faraday Soc ietyTrans actions of the Metall urgical Soc iety of AIMETrans actions of the Soc iety of Rheol ogyUltrasonicsZ eitschrift für Anal ytische Chem ieZ eitschrift für Angew andte Phys ikZ eitschrift für Anorg anische und Allg emeine Chem ieZ eitschrift für Astrophys ikZ eitschrift für Elektrochem ieZ eitschrift für Kristallogr aphie, Kristallgeom etrie, Kristallphys ik, Kristallchem ieZ eitschrift für Metallk un d eZ eitschrift für Naturforsch ungZ eitschrift für Naturforsch ung, Teil A: Physik, Physikalische Chemie, KosmophysikZ eitschrift für Phys ikZ eitschrift für Phys ik A: Atoms and NucleiZ eitschrift für Phys ik B: Condensed Matter and QuantaZ eitschrift für Phys ik C: Particles and FieldsZ eitschrift für Phys ikalisch- Chem ische Materialforsch ungZ eitschrift für Phys ikalische Chem ie, Abt eilung A: Chemische Thermodynamik, Kinetik, Elektrochemie, EigenschaftslehreZ eitschrift für Phys ikalische Chem ie, Abt eilung B: Chemie der Elementarprozesse, Aufbau der Materie Z eitschrift für Phys ikalische Chem ie ( Frankfurt am Main)Z eitschrift für Phys ikalische Chem ie (Leipzig)。



国外物理学类核心期刊中英文对照物理总论类核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中图刊号出版国1Physical review letters物理学评论快报530B0003美国2Physical review. E,Statistical,nonlinear,and soft matter physics物理学评论。

E辑,统计物理学、非线性和软凝聚态物理学530B0002-1E美国3Advances In physics物理学进展530C0002英国4Physics reports物理学报道530LB006荷兰5Physica. A物理学。

A辑530LB007荷兰6Journal of physics. D, Applied physics物理学杂志。

D辑,应用物理学539C0001英国7Journal Of physics。

A,Mathematics and general物理学杂志A辑,数理与普通物理学530C0003英国8Physics today今日物理学530B0005美国9Journal of the Physical Society of Japan日本物理学会志530D0002日本10Reports on progress In physics物理学进展报告530C0059英国11Computer physics communications计算机物理学通讯738LB002-A荷兰12Journal of mathematical physics数学物理学杂志533B0001美国13Journal of computational physics计算物理学杂志539B0002美国14Physica。

D,Nonlinear phenomena物理学。

D辑,非线性现象530LB009荷兰15Journal of experimental and theoretical physics实验与理论物理学杂志533B0006 美国16Communications In mathematical physics数学物理通讯533E0001德国17JETP letters实验与理论物理学杂志快报533B0005美国18Europhysics letters欧洲物理学快报530F054法国19Philosophical magazine哲学杂志530C0001英国20Annals of physics物理学纪事530B0007美国21Foundations Of physics物理学基础530LB003荷兰22American Journal of physics美国物理学杂志530B0006美国23Journal de physique. IV,Proceedings物理学杂志。



Journal of Fluid Mechanics = 流体力学杂志. 英国.527C0001International Journal of Heat and mass Transfer = 国际传热与传质杂志\英国 .525C0006AIAA Journal = 美国航空与航天学会志. 美国.877B0001The Physics of Fluids, A = 流体物理学,A辑. 美国.527B0002Fluids Dynamics = 流体动力学(英译苏刊). 美国.527B0054Journal of Engineering Physics = 工程物理杂志(英译苏刊). 美国.534B0053Journal of Heat transfer, Transactions of the ASME = 传热杂志,ASME汇刊. 美国.725B0001The Physics of Fluids, B = 流体物理学,B辑. 美国.527B0002International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids = 国际流体力学数值方法杂志. 英国.527C0004Fluid MechanicsSoviet Research = 苏联流体力学研究(英译苏刊). 美国.527B0052International Journal of Multiphase flow = 国际多相流杂志. 英国.527C0003Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik = 应用数学与力学杂志. 德国.519A0001Magnetohydrodynamics = 磁流体动力学(英译苏刊). 美国.527B0053Journal of Applied Mechnaics and Technical physics = 应用力学与技术物理杂志(英译苏刊). 美国.529B0052 Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME = 流体工程杂志,ASME汇刊. 美国.780B0001Physical Review , A = 物理评论,A辑. 美国.530B0002Soviet PhysicsDOKLADY = 苏联物理学报告(英译苏刊). 美国.530B0070International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow = 国际热与流体流杂志. 英国.527C0053Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics = 非牛顿流体动力学杂志. 荷兰.527LB0053International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer = 国际传热与传质通讯 . 英国.725C0056Heat Transfer Soviet Research = 苏联传热研究. 美国.725B0054Physical Review Letters = 物理评论快报 . 美国.530B0003International Journal of Engineering Science = 国际工程科学杂志. 英国.710C0009Journal of Computational Physics = 计算物理杂志. 美国.539B0002Waerme-und Stoffuebertragung = 热力学与流体力学. 德国.710E0008Physica,D = 物理,D辑. 荷兰.530LB001High Temperature = 高温(英译苏刊). 美国.534B0052JSME International Journal, II = 日本机械工程师学会国际杂志,II辑. 日本.780D0063Fluid Dynamics Research = 流体动力学研究. 荷兰.527LB001Journal of the Physical Society of Japan = 日本物理学会志. 日本.530D0002Computers and Fluids = 计算机与流体. 英国.--─738C0074Heat Transfer-Japanese Research = 日本传热研究. 美国.525B0055Chemical Engineering Science = 化学工程科学. 英国.810C0004Physics Letters, A = 物理快报,A辑. 荷兰.530LB004Thermal Engineering = 热力工程(英译苏刊). 英国.721C0058AIChE Journal美国化学工程师协会会志. 美国.810B0001Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = 应用数学与力学(英译苏刊). 美国.ISSN 0066-5479Applied Scientific Research = 应用科学研究 . 荷兰.500LB002Comptes Rendus de l';Acadecie des Sciences , Serie II = 法国科学院报告,II辑. FRA.500F0003Numerical Heat Transfer = 数值传热. 美国.725B0059Rheologica Acta = 流变学学报. 德国.526E0051Soviet Aeronautics = 苏联航空学(英译苏刊). 美国.877B0298Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik = 应用数学与物理杂志. 瑞士.519LD001Proceedings of the Royal Society of London ,A = 伦敦皇家学会会报,A辑. 英国.510C0007Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques,Serie Mecanique Appliquee = 罗马尼亚科学技术杂志,应用力学辑. ROM.529AD001Review of Scientific Instruments = 科学仪表评论. 美国.798B0004Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics = 印度理论与应用数学杂志. 印度.510HA056The Journal of Chemical Physics = 化学物理杂志. 美国.542B0003Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer = 热物理与传热杂志. 美国.533B0057Physica, A = 物理,A辑. 荷兰.530LB001Canadian Journal of Physics = 加拿大物理学杂志. 加拿大.530NA001Europhysics Letters = 欧洲物理快报. FRA.530F0054Soviet Technical Physics Letters = 苏联技术物理快报(英译苏刊). 美国. 534B0060Acta Mechanica = 力学学报. AUT.520LE001International Journal of Engineering Fluid Mechanics = 国际工程流体力学杂志. 美国.712B0100Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering = 应用力学与工程中的计算方法. 瑞士.712LD004European Journal of Mechanics ,A = 欧洲力学杂志,A辑. FRA.Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics = 地球物理与天体物理流体动力学.英国.----562C0056Journal of Physics, E:Scientific Instruments = 物理学杂志,E辑:科学仪表. 英国.798C0005Journal of Mathematical and Physical Science = 数学与物理学杂志. 印度.510HA055Power Engineering(USSR Academy of Sciences) = 动力工程(苏联科学院)(英译苏刊). 美国.720B0071Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics = 印度理论物理杂志. 印度.533HA001Soviet Physics Technical Physics = 苏联物理学技术物理(英译苏刊). 美国.534B0051Journal of Physics, A = 物理学杂志,A辑. 英国.530C0003Measurement Techniques = 计量技术. 美国.713B0080Acustica = 声学 . 德国.535E0001Mechanics Research Communications = 力学研究通讯. 英国.520C0052Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves = 燃烧、爆炸与激波(英译苏刊). 美国.816B0083Journal of Applied Physics = 应用物理学杂志. 美国.539B0001Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis = 理性力学与分析文献. 德国.520E0001Journal of Engineering Mathematics = 工程数学杂志. 荷兰.712LB002Journal of Statistical Physics = 统计物理学杂志. 美国.533B0054Mathematics of Computation = 计算数学 . 美国.519B0004Nuclear Physics, B: Proceedings Supplement = 原子核物理学,B辑:会议补篇. 荷兰.538LB001Soviet Physics JETP = 苏联物理学实验物理与理论物理(英译苏刊). 美国.533B0006Journal de Physique = 物理学报. FRA.530F0004Mathematical and Computer Modilling = 数学与计算机模拟. 英国.513C0058Zeitschrift fut Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung = 飞行科学与宇宙研究杂志. 德国.877E0006Recherche Aerospatiale = 航空空间研究 . FRA.877F0095Journal of Scientific Computing = 科学计算杂志. 美国.738B0557Journal of Sound & Vibration = 声与振动杂志 . 英国.535C0002The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and applied Mathematics = 力学与应用数学季刊. 英国.520C0001Journal of Mathematical Analysis & Applications = 数学分析与应用杂志. 美国.513B0003Lietuvos TSR Mokslu Akademijos Darbai, B =立陶宛科学院院报B辑. LIT.ISSN 0132-2729Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions of the ASME = 应用力学杂志ASME汇刊. 美国. 529B0002Computers & Structures = 计算机与结构 . 英国.538C0070International Journal of Thermophysics = 国际热物理杂志. 美国.534B0004Journal of Physics, D = 物理学杂志,D辑. 英国.539C0001Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis = 数学模拟与数值分析. FRA.Numerische Mathematik = 数值数学. 德国.513E0002Communications in Mathematical Physics = 数学物理通讯. 德国.533E0001Computers & Chemical Engineering = 计算机与化工. 英国.738C0020Comptes Rendus de I';Academie des Sciences, Serie I = 法国科学院报告,I辑. FAR.500F0003IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics = 数学及其应用学会应用数学杂志. 英国.519C0002Journal of Turbomachinery, Transactions of the ASME = 涡轮机械杂志,ASME汇刊. 美国. 784B0012Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical And Space Science = 日本航空宇宙. 日本.877D0053Applied Optics = 应用光学. 美国.537B0004Archives of Mechanics = 力学文献集. 波兰.529AB051Chemical Engineering Research and Design = 化学工程研究与设计. 美国.810B0128International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering = 国际工程数值方法杂志. 英国.712C0010Modelling, Simulation and Control , B = 模型,模拟与控制B辑. FRAInternational Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics = 国际非线性力学杂志. 英国.520C0002Journal de Mecanique Theorique et Appliquee = 理论与应用力学杂志. FRA.521F0001Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, Part A = 印度国立科学院院报,A辑. 印度.530HA0003 Applied Numerical Mathematics = 应用数值数学. 荷兰.519LB006Astrophysics and Space Science = 天文物理学与宇宙科学. 荷兰.550LB002Computer Physics communications = 计算机物理学通讯. 荷兰.738LB002Israel Journal of Technology = 以色列技术杂志. ISR.ISSN 0021-2202Journal of Colloid and Interface Science = 胶体与界面科学杂志. 美国.----542B0004Journal of Differential Equations = 微分方程杂志 . 美国.513B0006Journal of Non-Equillibrium Thermodynamics = 非平衡热力学杂志. 德国. 542E0006。



空间平移不变性与动量守恒的严格证明第18卷第3期V o1.18No.3重庆师范学院(自拣科学版)JournalofCho~qingNoz~a]Uldve~'dty(N~ScienceEdition)2001年9月Sep.2001空间平移不变性与动量守恒的严格证明胡先权.丁朝远(重庆师范学院物理学与信息技术系,重庆400047)搞要:力学系统的对称性与守恒量研究有着耀远的意义,由时空对称性导出的盲皂量,量等守恒定律是辟越翦理学各个领域的瞢追法刷.对于量子系统守恒量的推导,一般文献费科及教材多采用对峙空坐标作无限小壹换,并对姨函教作一肝近似展开和僭琦Lie对群性而推出相应的守恒量.丰文从sch姆r蛰秉出发,井对空闻平移壹挠下的波函教作完富的毂教晨开.僭琦Lie对称性而导出量守恒.较之仅作一叶近似展开的文靛青科和着作的证明更为严谨.关t词:量子系统;空间平移不变性;动量;对嚣性;渡函数中围分类号:04131:o5622文棘标识码:A文章■号:1001-8905f2001J03-0005-04 AnExactDerivationofConservationofMomentumforQuantumSystemUnder InvarianceofTranslationinSpace口UXian.quart.DINGChao-yuan(Dept.ofPhysicsandInformationTechnology.ChongqingNormalUniversity.Chongqing4 00047.China)Abs13"ac!,:symmatryinspaceandtimeleadtotheconsorv~onlawsofenergysudmomentum,whichare.S%er8lprinoiplew0s3ellfieldsofphy~csSo.itisofgreatimportancetostudysyu~aetrizationandco~eervatio nlawsofmechanicalsystem.Whileinmostof8eneralliteraturesandtextbooksthedefiv~ionsofconservation0fmmaentu mforquantumsystemsa工emadebyinfinitesimal廿B珊lalionBinspacetbyapproximateexpansionofwavefunctions ∞thefirstorder,orme~.nsoftheLiesymmeUfus.Inthispaper.theconservationofmomentumderivedhⅧthepictureSehrSdfugerandthewavefunctionsbelongingtothe~anslationsinspace蚋madetoexpandinpower8~tle8sudwiththehelpofLieeymetr~es.the∞n目,rvaonofm~mentumisobtained.Itismoreprecisethanthatinthe]iteratures.Keywords:q~antumsystem;invadsuceoftrsns]ationsinspacemomentum;symmetry~wav efunction对称性显示物质世界的统一性,对称性的自发破坏,则显示了物质世界的多样性.物理系统所处的状态和运动规律常常包含某些对称性质为其基本特性.对于系统具有的对称性的分析和研究在物理学的众多梗域内都有重要意义.由时空对称性导出的能量,动量等守恒定律是跨越物理学各个梗域的普遍法则.众所周知,系统动量守恒是和系统内粒子的绝对位置的不可测定性.系统具有平移不变性密切相关的.对于量子系统动量守恒量的推导.一般文献资料均采用系统坐标作无穷小变换;.一;+.,(i=1,2.3,…),然后对波函数(.+△;)作一阶近似展开(j+A})=(j)+△;?(;)+o()即不考虑二阶以上无限小量o(Ar)的相应项的贡献,进一步由系统具有的平移对称性推出哈密顿算符口与动量算符,的相互对易.最后得出动量守恒.本文在推导系统动量守恒时,不采用约去二阶以上无限小量o(At,)的相应项的近似方法,丽是采用对渡函数(;.+)柞完全的级数展开,由于渡函数具有有限性,连续性和单值性….因而渡函数展开的级数具有绝对收敛的性质,可利用进一特性对该级数重新进行组合,借助Lie对称性仍然可以导出系统动量守恒.较之仅柞一阶近似展开的文献资料和着作的证明更为严谨.●收薯日期:2001.03-16基金硬目:重庆市教育委员会资助项目作者俺舟:胡先权(1944-),男.四川双藏人,重庆范学院曲囊蕞教授.硪导.主妥从事散学■曩方程.曩黼理方向的If兜.6重庆师范学院(自髌科学版)弟18卷1无限小变换和Lie对称性设//为量子系统的密顿算符,为系统所处的量子态.则由sch-mger方程=舶(1)以及可观铡量Q在;时刻的期望值I)=I母'<;.')Q(;,')矗(2)其中为系统内所有粒子的坐标的简写.可导出(')的变化率请砉')=(,I)[口.驯(,r)(3)其中[口,驯为量子泊松…(Poisson)括号[口,HI=l/诵(口日一胃口)显然如果口不显含时间l,当口的期望值不随时间改变时,有[口,日]=0(4)上述逆命题亦成立,即如果口不显含时间l,当[Q,丑]=O时,Q的期望值为守恒量.现考虑坐标系沿轴作微小位移.即坐标作Lie变换=+,此时将波函数作一阶近似展开(+△)=()+△a()/Ox+.(△)=)+音争△x+o()=(1+,+.())(5)其中P称为沿轴平移的生成算子.此即为坐标表象中的沿轴方向的动量算符,P=h/i(a/缸),它不显含时间',aP/越=0.显然'(+A)=((+△))'=([1+(△)/壳P+.(A)]())'(5)对孤立系统而言.由于坐标系平移事实上等价于粒子的平移,可以说两个坐标系统s系和s系观测到的日的期望值是相同的.即I'(+△)(+△)dx=J'()()dx=I'()()()d(6)移项I'()脚()一I'(+)却(+Ax)=0(7)利用P为厄米算符的特性J(P,)='P,将(5),(5)代^(7)可推出一△/^(P日一HP)+o()=0(8)约去二阶以上无限小量.(),必有[P.,明=1/请(P,日一liP)0(9)说明Lie对称变换下的生成元守恒】,也即沿轴方向的动量守恒.上述即为一般文献资料对量子系统动量守恒的推导方法.2无限小变换和波函数的高阶近似展开以波函数的四阶近似展开为例,=(…+参+导++.cc卜(?+,一一:++.c,㈤)=([1+.一:一++.((Ⅶ㈤)'(10)将(1O),(10)代^(7)式,由平移不变性知缸的各阶系数须满足第3期胡先扳,等:空间平穆不变性与动量守恒的严格证明7的系数一i/h(P一)=O即[P,圳:0Ax的二阶系数一1/h(P一,P/2一PP,H/2):0(11)Ax的三阶系数一r/^(P:n/31一nP~/31+PnP~/21一p~flP./2I)=0(12)的四阶系数(P:H/41一PP:/31+P:nP:/4一P:nP./31+P:/41)/=0(13)显然,只要(9)式满足,则(11),(12).(13)自动满足.说明将渡函数作高阶近似展开,只要约去高阶项0((△))](),仍然得出动量守恒的结论.3无限小变换和波函数的完全级数展开c+△,::六c警;cct,'(x+Ax):((+))':(()())':者(—-iAx);())'(14)将(14),(14)代人(6)式()(=』熹(T-iAx哥(1(iA~;:()如:()()出+()'()(;:一)()+(-1)(警)哥:)因而有耋(半)'(;:吾一:)+荤季(一)(iAx,~…'哥::.(16)显然.只要(9)满足.也即P'H一Hpt=0,必有;:一::0,因而(16)式第一部分自动为零.下面进一步证明(16)式第二部分自动为零.得出系统动量严格守恒的结论.既然()式第一部分动为零,可将其添加到第二部分,(16)式可改写为.∑(-1)(警)舢r=o(17)由于:=",可进一步改写(16)式中求和的方式,磊苷(…)'+苷(…)':.(ts)其中(…):(iAx/h)…当m+n=2(偶数),则m和n的组合方式共有2L+1种,写成对称形式如下:,n=012LL1L22L一12L:2L2L一12L一2LL一1L一210因而(18)式第一部分可改写为(一t)(…)'谚如:L至=t薹(..'如(t9)—::f=!:+r_+(=2:一(2L—)…岛(2L一1)!k!.L!L!...(2L—k)一2L1k+L:s+(-1)小㈨)(A)岛(一)!!.!!,…8重庆师范学院学掇(自然科学版)第18卷其=:.用数学归纳法证明(.一当L=1,S=2/2=1,即S2=一(一1),当L=2,3.4…(B)式均成立a设L=n时,(B)式成立.S=一(一1)/(n!)当Ln+1时,s…t)五其中兰!二2:(2(n+1)一)!2(一1).2(一1).一岛(2(n+1)一)!k!.(n+2)!n2"=薹2q=薹2q一q{1q1岛((+1)一)!!岛(一)!!岛(一)!!(+)!(一)=_(一=一(B)(C)(D)s.+=T——一i+=一—{一"T——ii—而一i—.丽—j一一—1.:—i可见当L=n+1时,(B)式仍然成立.于是(A)=0当J,|+n=2L+1(奇数),则J,|和n的组合方式共有2L+2种,写成对称形式如下: =012"4-1L"4-22L一12L2L+1n=2L"4-12L2L一1"4-1工L一1210因而(18)式第二部分可改写为互(一-)re!n一!(-_-)'¨=耋高''(2.)上述积分式前面的系数可写成}}+(.…")(21)其中=薹等=砉(22){两+乏云0(23)因而(20)=O,亦即(18)式第二部分为零.即证明了(16)式第二部分自动为零.也即证明了系统作无限小位移变换时,系统动量严格守恒.由于系统动量守恒是和系统内粒子的绝对位置的不可测定性,系统具有平移不变性密切相关的.本文从Sehr6dinger绘景出发,并对空闯无限小平移变换下的波函数作完全的级数展开,导出量子系统动量守恒,这是本文的主要特色.也是一般文献资料和着作推导动量守恒未曾使用过的方法. 参考文献:[1]李政道.场论与粒子物理学[M].北京:科学出版杜.1980,113.【2]FEYNMANPTheFeynmanLecturesonPhysics,V o1.2【M].Adison—pany,1975[3]ELLIOTTJP.SymmetryhPhysics[M].LondonMaemilhn1979.2%30.[4j吉布森wM.基车粒子物理学中的对称性原理[M].丁里译.北京:高等教育出版社,1984.27-28.[5]曾谨言.量子力学[M]北京:辩学出版社,1982.167?169.【6]周世勋.量子力学【M].上海:上海科学技术出版杜,1964.3"]-94.[7]索科洛夫AA.量子力学原理[M].王祖望译.上海:上海科学技术出版社,1983.166—167.[8]喀兴林.高等量子力学[M].北京:高等教育出版社,1999.83.206,333.[9]SCHIFFLI.Qu~tumMechanics(ThirdEdition)[M].MCGRAW—HillBookCompany,1968.169.[10]ERNSTMLoehlGroupTheo~aad【Application【M]AcdcmicPⅫNewY ork,1968.129?142.(责任蝙辑许文昌)。

journal of physics d模板

journal of physics d模板

journal of physics d模板摘要:一、期刊基本信息1.期刊名称:Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics2.影响因子:2.721(2014-2015年)3.所属学科:物理-物理:应用4.出版周期:每周5.出版年份:1970年6.出版社:IOP Publishing Ltd.二、投稿与审稿经验1.审稿周期:约70天2.审稿过程:大改3.状态变化:投稿后一个月变为awaiting decision,随后变为awaiting referee report正文:Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics是一本知名的SCI二区杂志,主要涵盖物理-物理:应用领域的研究。

该期刊成立于1970年,由IOP Publishing Ltd出版,每周出版一次。


对于投稿作者来说,Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics的审稿周期较为合理,大约需要70天。

一位投稿作者表示,自己在投稿后一个月时,状态已变为awaiting decision。

然而,几天后状态又变为awaiting referee report,推测原因是编辑又找了更多审稿人。


总的来说,Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics是一本具有较高影响力的SCI期刊,对于物理领域的研究者来说,投稿于此期刊具有较高的价值。


journal of physics d模板

journal of physics d模板

journal of physics d模板【原创版】目录1.引言2.Journal of Physics D 的介绍3.Journal of Physics D 的范围和主题4.Journal of Physics D 的审稿流程5.Journal of Physics D 的发表标准6.Journal of Physics D 的影响力7.结论正文1.引言Journal of Physics D 是一本知名的物理学期刊,致力于发表关于物理学各个领域的高质量研究论文。

本文将详细介绍 Journal of Physics D 的各个方面,包括其介绍、范围和主题、审稿流程、发表标准以及影响力等。

2.Journal of Physics D 的介绍Journal of Physics D 是由英国物理学会(Institute of Physics)出版的一本国际化的物理学期刊。

该期刊创刊于 1970 年,至今已有超过50 年的历史。

Journal of Physics D 是一本高质量、高影响力的学术期刊,旨在为物理学领域的研究者提供一个展示和交流研究成果的平台。

3.Journal of Physics D 的范围和主题Journal of Physics D 涵盖了物理学的各个领域,包括但不限于:凝聚态物理、原子分子物理、光学、核物理、粒子物理、天体物理、等离子体物理、量子物理、软物质物理、统计物理等。


4.Journal of Physics D 的审稿流程Journal of Physics D 采用双盲审稿制度,以确保审稿过程的公平和公正。





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Specific heat andrelated thermophysical properties of liquid Fe-Cu-Mo alloy. Sci China Ser G-Phys Mech Astron, 2007, 50(4): 397―4063 Qin Y H, Liu F, Yin H W, et al. Photonic structure in thewings of Papilio Bianor Ganesa. Chin Sci Bull, 2007, 52(23): 3183―31884 田赫, 掌蕴东, 王楠, 等. 环型谐振微环光波导链中光群速度的控制. 科学通报, 2006, 52(20): 2353―23565 Hu X, Ng S C, Li Y, et al. Cooling-rate dependence of thedensity of Pd40Ni10Cu30P20 bulk metallic glass. Phys Rev B, 2001, 64(17): 172201注意: 1) 引用增刊论文时, 卷号后注明“(增刊)或(Suppl)”.2) 已被接收但尚未正式发表的论文, 缺年、卷(期)、页码中任一项的, 只能放在脚注中, 注明“已接受(In press)”. 没有卷期号及起止页码, 但有doi号, 可以作为参考文献列出.专著1 惠希东, 陈国良. 块体非晶合金. 北京: 化学工业出版社,20062 Gaydon A G, Wolfhard H G . Flames. 2nd ed. London:Chapman and Hall Ltd, 1960. 30—35注意: 第一版不用列出.论文集1 Hayes D, Hixson R S, McQueen R G. High pressure elasticproperties, solid-liquid phase boundary and liquid equation of state from release wave measurements in shock-loaded Copper. 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PHYSICAL REVIEW E 物理学评论E辑:统计物理、等离子体、流体和相关跨学科论题 1063-651X 1993影响因子 2.397, 2.202 即年指标 0.495, 0.445 SCI-2344

ASME(American Society of Mechanical Engineers,美国机械工程师学会)成立 于1880年,现已成为一家拥有全球超过 125,000位会员的国际性非赢利教育和技 术组织。由于工程领域各学科间交叉性不 断增长,ASME出版的19种期刊也相应提 供了跨学科前沿科技的资讯,内容涉及基 本工程、能量资源、环境与运输、制造业 等诸多学科。

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering《生物机械工程 学杂志》 ISSN 0148-0731,创刊于1977年,全年4期,刊载机械工 程原理、技术及知识在生理现象与系统的分析,以及生物 学与医学设备和系统的设计、开发、分析与控制应用的科 技论文。SCI、EI收录期刊,EI 2000年收录39篇,2000年 SCI影响因子0.816、被引频次1802、即年指标0.135、年 载文量89、被引半衰期8.7。 Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering《工程计算与信息科学杂志》 ISSN:1530-9827,创刊于2001年,全年4期,发表研究论 文与技术评论,内容涉及网络辅助设计与生产、虚拟现实 环境系统、信息模型与实体的工程应用、计算机辅助设计 与制造、工程模拟与可视化、计算机辅助产品开发、企业 信息管理、工程教育中的计算机技术等方面。



Abstract: B y cla ssify ing a ssem b ly un it s in to“rig id bod ies”and“soft cab les”, sy stem a t ic resea rch on m ethod s of a ssem b ly sim u la t ion fo r com p lex sy stem s is conducted from the th ree p ersp ect ives of p roduct m odeling, a ssem b ly p rocess p lann ing and a ssem b ly sim u la t ion. F irst ly, acco rd ing to the d ifferen t fea tu res of rig id bod ies and soft cab les, co rrespond ing m odeling m ethod s a re p ro2 po sed, tha t is, 3D CAD m odeling m ethod s fo r rig id bod ies and w ire2d ist ribu t ion m ethod s fo r flex2 ib le cab les. T hen, by tak ing a ssem b ly p rocess a s the inverse p rocess of d isa ssem b ly, a ssem b ly p rocess p lann ing m ethod fo r com p lex sy stem w ith soft cab les is p u t fo rw a rd, in w h ich cab le de2 fo rm ing p rocess and it s co rrespond ing sim u la t ion m ethod s a re taken in to accoun t. F ina lly, a ssem 2 b ly sim u la t ion is ca rried ou t ba sed on a ssem b ly p rocess. Illu st ra t ion s dem on st ra te tha t the p ro2 po sed m ethod can be app lied in a ssem b ly sim u la t ion of com p lex sy stem w ith soft cab le. Key words: rig id2flex sy stem s; a ssem b ly sim u la t ion; cab les; d isa ssem b ly m ethod; inverse k ine2 m ics

Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman

哦,船长,我的船长!起来吧,请听听这钟声, 起来,——旌旗,为你招展——号角,为你长鸣。 为你.岸上挤满了人群——为你,无数花束、彩带、花环。 为你,熙攘的群众在呼唤,转动着多少殷切的脸。 这里,船长!亲爱的父亲! 你头颅下边是我的手臂! 这是甲板上的一场梦啊, 你已倒下,已死去,已冷却。 我们的船长不作回答,他的双唇惨白、寂静, 我的父亲不能感觉我的手臂,他已没有脉搏、没有生命, 我们的船已安全抛锚碇泊,航行已完成,已告终, 胜利的船从险恶的旅途归来,我们寻求的已赢得手中。 欢呼,哦,海岸!轰鸣,哦,洪钟! 可是,我却轻移悲伤的步履, 在甲板上,那里躺着我的船长, 他已倒下,已死去,已冷却。
W a lt W hitm a
W a lt W hitm a n wa s a n Am e rica n poe t, e ssa yist a nd journa list. A hum a nist, he w a s a pa rt of the tra nsition be tw e e n tra nsce nde nta lism a nd re a lism , incorpora ting both vie w s in his w orks . W hitm a n is a m ong the m ost influe ntia l poe ts in the Am e rica n ca non , ofte n ca lle d the fa the r of fre e ve rse . 美国诗人、散文家、新闻工作者及人文主义者。 他身处于超验主义与现实主义间的变革时期, 著作兼并了二者的文风。惠特曼是美国文坛中 最伟大的诗人之一,有自由诗之父的美誉
他的文作在当时实具争议 性,尤其是他的著名诗集 《草叶集》,曾因其对性 的大胆描述而被归为淫秽。

scirea journal of physics 影响因子

scirea journal of physics 影响因子

scirea journal of physics 影响因子(实用版)目录1.SCIREA Journal of Physics 简介2.影响因子的定义和意义3.SCIREA Journal of Physics 的影响因子表现4.影响因子对于学术期刊和作者的重要性5.结论正文1.SCIREA Journal of Physics 简介SCIREA Journal of Physics 是一本由 SCIREA 出版的开放获取物理学期刊,旨在为物理学领域的研究者提供一个分享和讨论科研成果的平台。


2.影响因子的定义和意义影响因子(Impact Factor,简称 IF)是一种衡量学术期刊影响力的指标,它反映了某个期刊中文章在一定时间内被引用的平均频次。

影响因子最初是由美国科学信息研究所的欧内斯特·加尔菲尔德(Eugene Garfield)在 1960 年代提出的,现在已经成为衡量期刊质量、学术地位和影响力的重要指标。

3.SCIREA Journal of Physics 的影响因子表现根据我国最新的数据显示,SCIREA Journal of Physics 的影响因子在物理学类期刊中表现优秀,位居较高水平。





5.结论总的来说,SCIREA Journal of Physics 作为一本物理学期刊,在影响因子上的表现值得肯定。




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IOP文章不仅包括了建立了量子理论的著名物理学家马克 IOP文章不仅包括了建立了量子理论的著名物理学家马克 MaxPlanck发表的论文 发表的论文, 斯普朗克的 MaxPlanck发表的论文,也包括了一些曾经 获得过诺贝尔物理学和化学奖的文章成果,例如: 获得过诺贝尔物理学和化学奖的文章成果,例如:
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影响 因子
微型机械与微型工程学报 神经工程学报 光学学报A 光学学报A辑:光学与应用光 学 物理学学报A 物理学学报A辑:数理与理论 物理学 物理学学报B 物理学学报B辑:原子,分子 原子, 与光物理 物理学学报: 物理学学报:凝聚态物质 物理学学报: 物理学学报:会议录
谢 谢!

1.931 2.145
期刊列表-3 期刊列表-
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics Journal of Radiological Protection Measurement Science and Technology Metrologia Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering Nanotechnology New Journal of Physics Nonlinearity





国际知名的力学期刊刊名原文名创刊年附注《应用数学和力学》(中国) (AppliedMa hematics and Mechanics) 1980《应用数学和力学》编辑委员会《热应力杂志》(美)Journal of Thermal Stresses 1978 美国Hemispheres Publishing Co.《国际非线性力学杂志》(英) International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 1966 英国Pergamon Press Ltd.《国际固体与结构杂志》International Journal of Solids and Structures 1965 英国Pergamon Press Ltd.《国际多相流杂志》(英)International Journal of Multiphase Flow 1973 英国Pergamon Press Ltd.《地震工程与结构动力学》(英)Earthquake Engineering Structural Dynamics 1972 英国John Wiley Sons Ltd.《国际热与热流杂志》(英) International Journal of Heat and FluidFlow 1979 英国Mechanical Engineering Publi-CationsLtd.《国际地震工程与土壤动力学杂志》(英)International Journal of Earthquake Engineering Soil Dynamics1981 英国CML Publications《工程断裂力学》(英)Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1968 英国Pergamon Press Ltd.《国际压力容器与管道杂志》(英)The International Journal Of Pressure Vessels Piping 1973 英国Applied Science Publishers Ltd.《国际工程数值方法杂志》(英)International Journal for Numerical Methodsin Engineering 1969 英国John Wiley Sons Ltd.《工程材料与结构的疲劳》(英)Fatigue of Engineering Materials and Structures 1978 英国Pergamon Press Ltd《国际疲劳杂志》(英) International Journal of Fatigue 1979 英国IPC Science and Technology Press.《国际岩石力学与采矿学及地质力学文摘》(英)International Journal of Rock Mechanics MiningScienc Geomechanics ABSTRACTS 1964 英国Pergamon Press Ltd.《水利》(法)La Houille Blanche 1902 法国《理论与应用力学杂志》(法)Journal de Mecanique Theorique et Appliquee (Le) 1962 法国Centrale des revues DunodGauthier-Villars《工程师文献》(联邦德国)Ingenieur-Archiv 1929 联邦德国Springer-Verlag 《岩石力学与岩石工程》(奥地利)Rock Mechanics Rock Engineering 1929 奥地利Springer-Verlag《固体力学文献》(荷兰)Solid Mechanics Archives 1976 荷兰Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.《应用力学和工程技术中的计算机方法》(荷兰)Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 1972 荷兰Elsevier Science Publishers.《风工程和工业空气动力学杂志》(荷兰)Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 1975 荷兰Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company(原名为Journal of Industrial Aerodynamics,1980年改为现名)《国际断裂杂志》(荷兰)International Journal of Fracture 1965 荷兰Martinus Nijhoff Publishers《水利学研究杂志》(荷兰)Journal of Hydraulic Research 1963 荷兰International Assiciation for Hydraulic Research《非牛顿流体力学杂志》(荷兰)Journal of Non-Newtonian Flluid Mechanics 1975 荷兰Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company《波动》(荷兰)Wave Motion 1979 荷兰North-Holland Publishing Co.《土木工程学报》(中国)China Civil Engineering 1954 中国土木工程学会China Civil Engineering Society《力学学报》(中国)Acta Me-chanica Subuca 1957 中国力学学会《力学学报》编辑委员会(The Editorial Board of ACTAMECHANIC A SINICA,the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics)《力学译丛》(中国)1964 中国科学技术情报研究所分所《力学进展》(中国)1982 中国科学院力学研究所《应用力学》(中国)1982 中国科学技术情报研究所分所《固体力学学报》(中国)Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 1980 《固体力学》学报编辑委员会员《应用数学和力学》(中国)Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 1980 《应用数学和力学》编辑委员会《建筑结构学报》(中国)Jour-nal of Building Structures 1980 中国建筑学会《上海力学》(中国)1980 《上海力学》编辑部《爆炸与冲击》(中国)1981 《爆炸与冲击》编辑部《振动与冲击》(中国)1982 《振动与冲击》编辑委员会《空气动力学学报》(中国)Acta Aerodynamica Sinica 1983 《空气动力学学报》编辑委员会《数学物理学报》(中国)1981 《数学物理学报》编辑委员会《实验应力分析学会会报》(美)Proceedings of the Society for Experimental StressAnalysis 1943 美国实验应力分析学会(Society for Experimental Stress Analysis)《实验力学》(美)Experimental Mechanics 1961 美国实验应力分析学会(Society for Experimental Stress Analysis)《结构力学杂志》(美)Journal of Structural Mechanics 1972 美国Marcel Dekker Ine.《流变学杂志》(美)Journal of Rheology 1957 美国John Wiley Sons Inc. Publishers.《液压与气体力学》(美)Hydraulics Pneumatics; Magazine of Fluid Power and Control Systems 1948 美国Penton/IPC《流体物理学》(美)Physics of Fluids 1958 美国物理学会(American Institute of Physics)《流体力学年评》(美)Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 1969 美国Annual Review Inc.《应用力学杂志》(美)Journal of AppliedMechanics 1935 美国机械工程师学会(American Society ofMechanical Engineers)《实验应力分析学会年度春季会议录》(美)Proceedingsof the SESA Annual Spring Meeting 美国实验应力分析学会(Society for Experimental Stress Analysis)《聚合物科学杂志》(美)Journal of Polymer Science 1946 美国John Wiley Sons Inc Publishers《生物工程学杂志》(美)Journal of BiomechanicalEngineering 1977 美国机械工程师学会(American Society ofMechanical Engineers)《复合材料杂志》(美)Journal of Composite Materials 1967 美国Technomic Publishing Company Inc.《流体工程学杂志》(美)Journal of FluidsEngineering 1973 美国机械工程师学会(American Society ofMechanical Engineers)《美国土木工程师学会会报--工程力学组杂志》(美)Proceedings of the American Society of CivilEngineers- Journal of the Engineer Mechanics Division 1873 美国机械工程师学会(American Society of Civil Engineers)《自动车工程师学会汇刊》(美)SAE Transactions 1906 自动车工程师学会(Society of Automotive Engineers)《船舶研究杂志》(美)Journal of ShipResearch 1893 造船与轮机工程师协会(Society of NavalArchitects Marine Engineers)《美国航空与航天学会志》(美)AIAA Journal 1930 美国航空与航天学会(American Institute of Aeronautics Astronautics)《苏联流体力学研究》(美)Fluid Mechanics-Soviet Research 1972 美国Scripta Publishing Co.《流体动力学》(美)Fluid Dynamics 1966 美国Plenum Publishing Co.《伦敦皇家学会会报,A辑:数学及物理科学》(英)Proceedings of the Royal Society of London,A:Mathematical Physical Sciences 1854 英国皇家学会(The Royal Society of London)《伦敦皇家学会哲学汇刊,A 辑数学与物理科学》(英)Philosophical Transactions of the RoyalSociety of London,SeriesA:Mathematical PhysicalSciences 1854 英国皇家学会(The Royal Society of London)1887年(第178卷)起分A,B两辑出版《力学研究通讯》(英)Mechanics Research Communications 1974 英国Pergamon Press Ltd《生物流变学》(英)Biorheology 1963 英国Pergamon Press Ltd.《生物力学杂志》(英)Journal of Biomechanics 1968 英国Pergamon Press Ltd.《材料科学杂志》(英)Journal of Materials Science 1966 英国Chapman and Hall Ltd.《应变》(英)Strain 1964 英国应变测量学会(British Society for Strain Measurement)《工程设计应变分析杂志》(英)Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 1965 英国Mechanical EngineeringPublications Ltd.《力学研究》(英)Research Mechanica 1980 英国Applied Science Publishers《计算机与结构》(英)Computers Structures 1971 英国《计算机与流体》(英)Computers Fluid 1971 英国Pergamon Press Ltd. 《水力气体机械动力》(英)Hydraulic Pneumatic Mechanical Power 1955 英国Trade Technical Press Ltd. Ltd.《飞机工程》(英)Aircraft Engineering 1929 英国Bunhill Publications Ltd. 《航空季刊》(英)Aeronautical Quarterly 1949 英国皇家学会(Royal Aeronautical Society)《航空杂志》(英)Aeronautical Journal 1897 英国皇家学会(Royal Aeronautical Society)《星际航行学报》(英)ActaAstronautica 1955 英国1974年改为现名,1955~1973年刊名为Astronautica Acta,Pergamon Press Ltc.《应用数学与力学杂志》(英)Journal of Applied Mathematics Mechanics 1958 英国1974年改为现名,1955~ 1973年刊名为AstronauticaActa,Pergamon Press Ltd《理性力学与分析文献》(联邦德国)Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 1957 联邦德国springer-Verlag《流变学学报》(联邦德国)Rheologica Acta 1958 联邦德国Dr. Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag《流体力学实验》(联邦德国)Experiments in Fluid 1983 联邦德国springer-Verlag《油压力学与气体力学》(联邦德国)Olhydraulik und Pneumatik 1957 联邦德国Krausskopf Verlagsgruppe《数学生物学杂志》(联邦德国)Journal of Mathematical Biology 1974 联邦德国springer-Verlag《热力学与流体力学》(联邦德国)Warme-und Stoffubertragung 1968 联邦德国springer-Verlag《法国流变学小组手册》《通报》(法)Cahiers et Bulletin du Groupe Franais de rheologie 1965 法国《法国科学院会议周报,A-B辑:数理科学》(法)Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances deL’Academie des Sciences, Series A et B:”Sciences Mathematiques,Sciences Physiques” 1835 法国Centrale des Revues Dunod Gauthier-Villars《应用力学纪事》(法)Journal de Mecanique Appliquee 1977 法国Centrale des Revues Dunod Gauthier-Villars《力学》(意)Mechanica 1966 意大利Pitagora Editrice《力学学报》(奥地利)Acta Mechanica 1965 奥地利Springer-Verlag《弹性体杂志》(荷)Journal of Elasticity 1971 荷兰artinus Nijhoff Publishers《天体力学》(荷)Celestial Mechanics 1969 荷兰Publishing Co.《工程数学杂志》(荷)Journal of Engineering Mathematics 1966 荷兰Martinus Nijhoff Publishers《材料力学》(荷)Mechanics of Materials 1981 荷兰North-Holland Publishing Co.《澳大利亚地质力学杂志》(澳)The Australian Geomechanics Journal 1971 澳大利亚《加拿大航空与空间杂志》(加)Canadian Aeronautics SpaceJournal 1955 加拿大,1962年改为现名,1955~1961年刊名为:Canadian Aeronautics Journal.《核工程与设计》(瑞士)Nuclear Engineering and Design 1965 瑞士Elsevier Sequoia .《应用数学与力学杂志》(民主德国)ZAMM-Zeitschrift fur Angewandt Mathematikund Mechanik 1921 民主德国Akademic-Verlag《理论与应用力学》(波兰)Mechanika Teoretyczna i Stosowana 1964 波兰PWN《工程汇刊》(波兰)Rozprawy Inzynierskie 1953 波兰PWN《力学文献集》(波兰)Archives of Mechanics 1849 波兰PWN《罗马尼亚技术科学杂志, 应用力学辑》(罗)Revue Roumaine des sciences Techniques,Serie Mecanique Appliquee1956 罗马尼亚科学出版社《应用力学研究》(罗)Studii si Cerctari de Mecanica Applicata 1942 罗马尼亚科学出版社《日本应用力学全国会议录》(日)Proceedings of the Japan National Congress of Applied Mechanics 1953 日本中央科学社《材料》(日)Journal of the Society of Materials Science 1952 日本材料学会《日本机械学会论文集》(日)Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineer 1935 日本机械学会《土木协会论文报告集》(日)Proceedings of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers 1944 日本土木工学会《日本造船协会志》(日)Bulletin of the society of Naval Archiects of Japan 1915 日本造船协会《流体工程学》(日)流体工学1965 日本产业开发社(原名:学,1965~)《日本材料强度学会志》日本材料强度学会志1967 日本材料强度学会《力学研究所报告》(日)力学研究所报告1967 日本力学研究所《日本流变学会志》(日)日本一学会志1973 日本流变学会《应用数学与力学》(苏联)1936 苏联《苏联科学院通报:固体力学》(苏)1966 苏联,美国出版有英译本《磁流体力学》(苏)1965 苏联,美国出版有英译本《燃烧与爆炸物理学》(苏)1965 苏联《应用力学与物理学杂志》(苏)1960 苏联,美国出版有英译本《应用力学》(苏)1955 苏联《复合材料力学》(苏)1965 苏联《建筑力学与建筑物计算》(苏)1959 苏联《莫斯科大学力学通报》(美)Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin 1969 美国Allerton Press Inc (译自俄文)《得克萨斯大学巴尔科研究中心年报》(美)Annual Repoet-Balcones Research Center, Texas at Austin 美国《剑桥哲学会数学汇刊》(英)Re Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1977 英国Cambridge ,1977年改为现名,1843~1976 年名为Proceedings of Cambridge Philosophical Society;Mathematical Physical Sciences《力学与应用数学季刊》(英)Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 1948 英国《流体力学杂志》(英)Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1956 英国Cambridge 《应用力学研究所报告》(日)Reports of Research Institute for Applied Mathematics 1952 日本九州大学应用力学研究所《东京大学航天研究所报告》ISAS (Institute of Space Aeronautical Science,Univ. 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通常认为, 冻干过程中, 慢冻会形成粗大冰晶, 升华时传质阻力小, 干燥速率大, 因而塌陷 温度升 高。但本实验结果表明, 对于降温时充分结晶的物 料, 塌陷温度不受降温速率的影响, 这可能是由于冰 晶大小所引起的升华速率的变化很小, 不足以对塌 陷温度产生影响。但是, 当降温速率增大, 导致结 不充分时, 塌陷温度则会大大降低。
Zuo Jianguo L iW e izhong W eng L indong
( School of Energy and P ow er E ngineer ing, D alian U niver sity of T echnology, D alian 116024, China)
Abs tract
- 42 0 - 35 4
图 1 降温速率对 10% 蔗糖水溶液冰晶形态的影响 (标尺: 100 m )
F ig. 1 Effect of freezing rate on the ice cry sta l of 10% sucrose aqueous so lution ( sca le: 100 m )
( a) 1∀ /m in ( b ) 10∀ /m in
2 2 压力 压力是冷冻干燥中的一个重要加工参数, 它影
响着干燥过程中的热质传递。压力过高促进传热但 不利于传质, 压力过低促进传质但不利于传热。冷 冻干燥过程中, 压力一般控制在 30 P a以下。样品 不同, 冷冻干燥时采用的压力也有所不同。然而对 于冻干显微系统, 由于样品与冷台面之间不存在空 气层, 因此压力只影响传质而不影响台面向样品传 热。
差示扫描量热仪为功率补偿型 ( D iamond DSC, P erk inE lm er) , 冷却方式为 机械制冷 ( Intracoo ler II, P erk inE lm er) , 样品冲洗气体为高纯度氮气 ( 纯度大 于 99 999% ) , 流量 20 m L /m in并保持 不变。温度 标定采 用 正癸 烷 和铟 ( 熔 点 分 别为 - 29 66∀ 和 156 60∀ ) 。样品皿为标 准液体铝 皿, 用 液体压片 机压制。样品质量取 5 m g左右, 精确到 0 1 mg。在 参比侧放置与样品皿相同的空皿。如果没有特殊说 明, 样品均以 10∀ /m in 从 25∀ 降温至 - 50∀ , 等温 5 m in, 然后以 10∀ /m in 升温至 25∀ 。在升温扫描 时读取数据, 玻璃化转变温度 T g!取半比热外推温度 ( ha lf cp extrapolated)。每个实验重复 3次, 取平均值。



第14卷第3期2006年2月中国矫形外科杂志O rthoped i c Journa l of Ch i n aVol 114,No 13Feb 12006△基金项目:国家863计划(NO.2002AA205021)作者简介:郭全义(19652),男,山西人,副主任医师,博士学位。


电话:(010)66937202 E -mail:doc 2t orguo@・综 述・藻酸钙的特性及在软骨组织工程的应用△郭全义综述,卢世璧审校(解放军总医院骨科研究所,北京市海淀区复兴路28号 100853)中图分类号 R68711 文献标识码 A 软骨缺乏血运,仅靠关节滑液提供大部分营养,因此软骨组织的自身修复能力极其有限,一旦损伤难以修复,继发的创伤性关节炎、关节退行性变、关节僵直将会导致严重的功能障碍。





1 软骨组织工程支架的特性细胞外基质是细胞附着的基本框架和代谢的场所,其形态和功能直接影响着组织的形态和功能,其替代物的研究一直是软骨组织工程的关键。


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I NSTITUTE OF P HYSICS P UBLISHING J OURNAL OF P HYSICS A:M ATHEMATICAL AND G ENERAL J.Phys.A:Math.Gen.36(2003)6119–6127PII:S0305-4470(03)55116-2Structural changes in bunched crystalline ion beams M Bussmann,U Schramm,T Sch¨a tz1and D HabsSektion Physik,Ludwig Maximilians Universit¨a t M¨u nchen,GermanyE-mail:ulrich.schramm@physik.uni-muenchen.deReceived22October2002,infinal form9December2002Published22May2003Online at /JPhysA/36/6119AbstractMeasurements of the spatial distribution of bunched crystalline ion beams in theradio frequency quadrupole storage ring PALLAS are presented for differentratios of the longitudinal and the transverse confinement strengths.The length of highly elongated crystalline ion bunches and its dependence on the bunching voltage is compared to predictions for a one-dimensionalion string and three-dimensional space-charge-dominated beams.The lengthis found to be considerably shorter than that predicted by the models.Furthermore,the scaling of the length with the bunching voltage is shownto differ from the expected inverse cube root scaling.These differences canpartially be attributed to the formation of a mixed crystalline structure.Additionally,a concise mapping of the structural transition from a string to a zig-zag configuration as a function of the ratio of the confinement strengthsis presented,which in a similar way deviates from the predictions.PACS numbers:29.20.Dh,41.75.−I,52.27.Gr,05.70.Fh1.IntroductionIn the PALLAS(PAuL Laser cooling Acceleration System)rf quadrupole storage ring[1], crystalline ion beams[2–4]have recently been experimentally realized at a beam energy of around1eV[1,5–7].Generally,the phase transition to the Coulomb-ordered‘crystalline’state,the state of ultimate brilliance,can occur when the mutual Coulomb energy of stored ions overcomes their mean kinetic energy by about two orders of magnitude.As typical inter-ion distances amount to the order of10µm,beam temperatures in the mK range are required to fulfil this condition.Therefore,Doppler laser cooling is applied for the efficient reduction of the longitudinal velocity spread of the ion beam.Providing sufficient confinement,the transverse ion motion is coupled to the longitudinal motion and cooling of all degrees of freedom is achieved.1Present address:NIST,Boulder,CO,USA.0305-4470/03/226119+09$30.00©2003IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK61196120M Bussmann et alThe PALLAS storage ring has been used for the emulation of synchrotrons [8]mapping the focusing parameters required to attain and maintain coasting [6,7]and bunched [9,10]crystalline ion beams.For bunched ion beams the ion current is additionally modulated by a harmonic pseudo-potential in the co-moving system,the so-called ‘bucket’potential,thereby splitting and compressing the beam into ‘bunches’.Except for the collective motion of the ions in the beam,this situation is equivalent to the situation commonly found in linear Paul traps (see,e.g.,[11]).Yet,the length of the bunches can be considerably larger as compared to the typical situation of a stationary ion crystal in a linear Paul trap,challenging theoretical models as will be shown.We first recapitulate the experimental methods to create bunched crystalline ion beams,which have been described in more detail elsewhere [9,10],and then discuss novel results on the shape and the structure of these crystalline ion bunches as a function of the strength of the longitudinal and the transverse confinement.2.Experimental setupThe PALLAS storage ring resembles a quadrupole ion guide,bent into a circle of C =2π×R =2π×57.5mm circumference [12,13].Typically,a radio frequency =2π×6.3MHz with an amplitude of U rf =300V is applied between the ring-shaped quadrupole electrodes with an aperture radius of r 0=2.5mm.Stored 24Mg +ions of mass m and charge e thenexperience a time-averaged harmonic pseudo-potential (r)= 0r 2 r 20with a depth of 0=qU rf /8,where q =2eU rf m 2r 20 denotes the stability parameter of the Mathieudifferential equation [14]and has a typical value of q =0.25.This potential transversely confines the ions along the orbit and leads to a secular frequency ωsec =q /√8.Furthermore,the longitudinal ion motion can be manipulated by the use of 16individual drift tubes.With an effective length of L =22mm each,they enclose the whole ion orbit.Two laser beams,addressing the Doppler-shifted 3s 2S 1/2–3p 2P 3/2transition of the 24Mg +ions,are used for the acceleration of the ions,one co-propagating with the ion beam,one counter-propagating.During acceleration the frequency ω1of the first laser is continuously increased at a tuning rate of 5GHz s −1.The frequency ω2of the second laser is kept fixed,determining the final velocity of the coasting beam of typically v ≈2600m s −1.The longitudinal velocity spread of the ion beam is efficiently reduced by the friction force that results from the combination of both accelerating and decelerating laser forces [1,5–7].The fluorescence light of laser-cooled ions is detected with a fast photo-multiplier.Furthermore,time-averaged images of the beam can be recorded with an intensified CCD video camera.While these images represent a direct measurement of the transverse beam profile,the longitudinal profile of an ion bunch is measured by recording the photo-multiplier signal in phase with the bunching voltage [10]applied to one of the drift tubes (as described below).The spatial ion distribution in the bucket is then derived from the recorded temporal distribution of fluorescence photons.3.Bunching of ion beams in PALLASA sinusoidal potential at a bunching frequency of ωb ≈2π×40kHz (harmonic number h =6)and amplitude U 0of a few mV is applied to one of the drift tubes of length L for the control of the spatial longitudinal ion distribution [9,10].If the bunching frequency is tuned to a harmonic number h of the revolution frequency ωrev =2π×v/C ,an ion propagating with the synchronous velocity v s =Cωb /(2πh)experiences no longitudinal force while ionsStructural changes in bunched crystalline ion beams 6121with higher velocities will be decelerated and vice versa [8].Individual ions oscillate in h co-moving longitudinal pseudo-potential wells with an effective potential depth [9,10]ofU b =2U 0sin (πhL/C)(1)with the synchrotron frequency ωsyn =2π×eU b h 2πC 2m.(2)For the case of bunched beams,the friction force providing the longitudinal cooling can be generated with a combination of the decelerating force of the counter-propagating laser beam and the restoring pseudo-force of the bucket [15,16],again similar to the situation of laser cooling of stationary ions in the harmonic well of a linear trap.In this regime of a bunched beam cooled with only the decelerating laser beam at fixed frequency ω2,the bunching frequency has to be carefully adjusted,so that the synchronous velocity v s comes to lie slightly below the velocity corresponding to the Doppler-shifted laser resonance (see also [9,10]).The synchrotron motion is efficiently damped and the ions are cooled to the synchronous velocity,but shifted out of the bucket centre by the laser force.Crossing this resonance condition immediately leads to an inverse situation where the synchrotron motion of the ions is increased as then ions are driven out of the bucket by the decelerating laser force.Thus,the experimental procedure used for the attainment of crystalline bunched beams is the following:to prevent any ion losses due to initial mis-adjustments of the frequencies,ions are (re-)accelerated by the continuously scanning co-propagating laser beam as for the previous case of the acceleration of the coasting beam until the fine adjustment of the bunching frequency ensures efficient cooling by the counter-propagating laser beam inside the comparatively shallow bucket.Once this point is reached,no ions are lost from the bucket anymore and the accelerating laser beam can be shut off.4.Shape and structure of ion crystals in the bucketLarge stationary ion crystals confined in linear Paul traps by harmonic potentials of different strengths in the transverse and longitudinal directions form spheroids of constant charge density which can be characterized [11,17,18]by their aspect ratioα=L b D b .(3)The full longitudinal length L b and the full transverse width D b refer to the distances of the outermost ions in the longitudinal and transverse directions.For a comparison with experimental data of crystalline beams,where single ions are presently not resolved,D b and L b have to be replaced by statistical quantities,leading to α∗=L FWHM /(4σ).As described in [6],the full transverse width of the beam is approximated by four times the width σc of a Gaussian,from which an overall resolution of the imaging system (here σ0=4.8µm)is subtracted according to σ= (σc )2−(σ0)2.The FWHM bunch length [10]L FWHM is used for the description of the length of the bunch.A more intriguing image of the spatial distribution of the bunch (similar to the images of stationary ion crystals)could clearly be acquired by strobing the intensified camera synchronously with the bunching voltage.Yet,the accumulation of consecutive images after each revolution of the bunch is very time consuming and therefore requires long-term stability of the cooling lasers that cannot be guaranteed with the present setup.For an exposure time of 10ns per image,the integration time would be of the order of 25min and thus this6122M Bussmann etalFigure1.Longitudinal beam profile(β=282×103,α∗=826)showing two consecutive ionbunches.The parabolic shape of the bunches indicates a space-charge-dominated beam.Thedistance of the two bunches is given by z=C/h.The length of the bunches corresponds to acompression of z/L FWHM=7.6,while the transverse beam radius is2σ=9.6µm.technique would not allow the kind of systematic investigations presented here.Nevertheless, the required improvements of the experimental setup are planned to be made in the near future.In the PALLAS storage ring extremely elongated crystal structures confined in the bucket potential well with a length of the order of10mm and a width of only severalµm are investigated.In this regime the shape of the crystal is no longer adequately described by a spheroid as in the coldfluid model,where an analytical expression for the dependence ofαon the trap parameterβ,the ratio of the transverse to the longitudinal confinement strength, has been derived[17–19].Still,the aspect ratioαshould depend onβfor the case of bunched beams where the confinement strength is characterized byβ=ω2⊥ω2z=ω2secω2syn.(4)The structure of an ion crystal consisting of N b=N/h particles is uniquely determined [12,20]by the dimensionless linear densityλ(z)=n(z)a ws a ws=14π 03e22mω2sec1/3(5)where n(z)= N/ z denotes the local linear ion density and a ws the Wigner–Seitz radius, which is a measure of the average inter-ion spacing as a function of the strength of the transverse confinement.For infinitely long ion crystals,only‘truly’realized for the case of coasting beams,a transition from a one-dimensional string of ions into a two-dimensional zig-zag pattern is expected forλ(z)=λ=0.71[20].5.Longitudinal spatial beam profilesA typical longitudinal profile of a bunched crystalline beam in the PALLAS storage ring is shown infigure1.The inverse parabolic form of the two consecutive ion bunches indicates that the inter-ion Coulomb repulsion is in equilibrium with the confining forces of the harmonic longitudinal pseudo-potential and that the shape of the bunch is no longer determined by its temperature.Two different models are compared to the experimental results in the following discussion. In both models,the linear ion density n(z)is well described by an inverse parabola[21],forStructural changes in bunched crystalline ion beams6123Figure 2.Fluorescence image of the left half of a stationary ion crystal in the storage ring PALLASwith N b =40ions compared to the corresponding theoretical calculation following James [23].The string was confined in harmonic potentials in both the transverse and longitudinal directions.The trap parameter was β≈1340(ωz =2π×15kHz,ωsec =2π×550kHz).Note that the weak longitudinal confinement was generated with the drift tubes also used for the bunching ofbeams.Figure 3.Enlarged longitudinal profile of the bunched crystalline ion beam presented in figure 1.The measured profile is compared to a parabolic profile where the length corresponding to aone-dimensional ion string [21](almost identical to the one corresponding to a non-crystallinespace-charge-dominated beam [22])is used.which one can substitute L FWHM by L b /√2.For space-charge dominated but non-crystallinebunched beams,Ellison et al [22]derived a total bunch length of L Ellison = ln r 02σ 12N b e 0R 2U b h13.(6)Note that the dependence of the length on the ratio of the aperture radius r 0to the transverse beam radius 2σindicates that this model describes three-dimensional ion bunches in a conducting beam pipe.On the other hand,the model of Dubin [21]describes a one-dimensional ion string trapped in a longitudinal harmonic potential.The corresponding total bunch length amounts toL Dubin = ln (6N b )+γ−72 12N b e 0R 2U b h13(7)where γ≈0.5772is Euler’s constant and parameters are adopted for the conditions at the PALLAS storage ring.Starting from the cold fluid model [17,18],this approach takes into account the long-range order of the ion string which is especially relevant for small numbers of ions (N b 200)in the bunch,but gives results for the bunch length similar to those of equation (6)for N b of the order of 1000.Equation (7)was shown to be in good agreement with direct calculations of the ion positions [21,23].For illustration purposes,figure 2shows an image of the left half of a stationary ion string (N b =40)stored in PALLAS.The ion positions are compared to a direct calculation following James et al [23],nicely describing the measurement.In surprising contrast,figure 3shows a comparison of the longitudinal profile of a bunched crystalline ion beam (N b ≈1000)with the two pared to equations (6)and (7),6124M Bussmann et alFigure4.Deviation from the dependence L FWHM∝U−1/3b of the FWHM bunch length L FWHMat a given bunching voltage U b for a bunched crystalline ion beam(filled stars).The dotted curvefollows the expected U−1/3b scaling to illustrate the difference from the experimental result,yet,the absolute length isfitted to thefirst data point.For reasons of comparison the bunch lengths(2σof a Gaussian profile)of a hot,non-space-charge-dominated beam(open rhombs)have beenadded to the plot.the length of the bunch is about a factor of2smaller than expected,considerably increasing the phase-space density of the ion beam.At this point,the most obvious difference between the crystalline bunches presented here and the stationary crystal shown infigure2lies in the number of ions involved and in the corresponding overall length.Bunch lengths measured at different bunching voltages are presented infigure4.The bunch length for a crystalline ion string should depend on the depth of the longitudinal confiningpotential as L b∝U−1/3b [21],provided no changes in the structure of the crystal,which mightchange its compressibility(∝d L b/d U b),take place during the compression.Reflecting the harmonic confinement,the same dependence should hold true for non-crystalline space-charge-dominated beams[22]and for emittance-dominated hot beams.Figure4depicts the deviation from this dependence found in the experiment.At present,this behaviour can only be attributed to local changes in the crystal structure.In a zig-zag configuration another degree of freedom transverse to the direction of the beam propagation opens and the ions are pushed aside by the Coulomb repulsion when the longitudinal confinement is increased.For sufficiently long crystals,the central part of the crystal can undergo such a transition to a zig-zag with a rather constant linear density of0.8 λ 0.9,while the rest of the crystal remains in the string configuration whereλgradually varies with z.As an illustration,figure5shows an image of a stationary ion crystal recorded in the PALLAS storage ring which exhibits the onset of such a structural transition.The transition is accompanied by a considerable decrease in the crystal length.An increase in the longitudinal confinement causes more ions toflip into a zig-zag configuration and the ion crystal becomesshorter more quickly than expected according to L b∝U−1/3b .Yet,the absolute value of thelength and thus the discrepancy with the much larger theoretical value cannot be attributed to this effect.Structural changes in bunched crystalline ion beams 6125-Figure 5.Fluorescence image of the left half of a stationary ion crystal with N b ≈68ions in the PALLAS storage ring.The gradual transition from a string-like structure on the outside to azig-zag inside the crystal is visible. The inter-ion spacing is comparable to that in figure 2,the trapparameter is β=73(ωsec =2π×180kHz,ωz =2π×21kHz).-Figure 6.Mapping of the structural transition of a bunched crystalline ion beam.6.Mapping the transition from string to zig-zagExperiments have shown that the threshold value of λ=0.71,established for the transition from a string to a zig-zag [20]in infinite systems,also roughly holds for a local transition in longitudinally confined ion crystals [5,12].To investigate this transition in bunched crystalline beams,careful changes were applied to the rf potential depth U rf and the bunching voltage U b to approach the critical trap parameter corresponding to the transition.Thus,each data point in figure 6corresponds to a different combination of these voltages chosen independently for each point to maintain a stable beam.The dotted line connecting the different data points in figure 6is solely meant to guide the eye.Although for a parabolic profile of the linear density n(z),obviously,parts of the ion crystal can evolve into a zig-zag structure below an average linear density of ¯λ=(1/L b ) +L b /2−L b /2a ws n(z)d z =0.71,a sharp transition was observed at a distinct value ofβ≈880×103as depicted in figure 6.The average linear density amounts to ¯λ≈0.83at this transition point.This structural transition is identified by a sudden broadening of the width of the beam similar to the case of coasting beams [6].The transverse beam size changes significantly when a ‘full’structural transition from a string to a zig-zag configuration takes place.For the case of ion bunches,only a minor part is assumed to remain in the string configuration in contrast to the situation illustrated in figure 5.Previous systematic studies of the transverse beam size of different crystal structures for coasting beams [6,7]allow the6126M Bussmann et al three structural regimes to be distinguished,string,zig-zag and helix,although the transverse beam size has to be reconstructed from a time-averaged picture,where longitudinal changes in the crystal structure are smeared out.Predictions from MD simulations(N b<500)[19]and from the coldfluid model[24]for the trap parameter value at which the transition from a string to a zig-zag should occur exist, namelyβ(1) Schiffer (N b)=0.395N1.73bN b<500[19](8)andβ(1) Dubin (N b)=(3x1N b)264(ln(6N b)+γ−13/5)x1≈2.05[24].(9)The predicted values,βSchiffer(N b)=175×103andβDubin(N b)=273×103for N b=11000/6both differ considerably from the experimental result,which is consistent with previously published PALLAS data[10].Further changes in the transverse width were observed for different zig-zag configurations, leading to the different values ofα∗infigure6.For certain values of the trap parameter the beam was found to be unstable,indicated by the cross infigure6,possibly due to recurring structural changes from a string to a zig-zag.The size of the error bars refers to the maximum and minimum values measured and is of the same order of magnitude as the differences inα∗for the zig-zag structures.7.Conclusion and outlookFirst systematic studies of the length and width of bunched crystalline ion beams were performed in the PALLAS rf quadrupole storage ring.The dependence of the bunch length on the bunching voltage has been found to strongly and surprisingly differ from theoretical predictions for pure crystalline strings.The different scaling with increasing longitudinal confinement can be qualitatively explained by the gradual formation of a crystal structure dominated by an ion string,but including a small zig-zag contribution.For these string-like crystalline bunched beams the absolute bunch length has always been found to be at least a factor of2shorter than that expected from the literature for non-crystalline space-charge-dominated beams or large one-dimensional ion strings,notably a very favourable effect.Sucha shorter bunch length might even hint at a release of energy related to the phase transition[25].Yet,the quantitative dependence of the bunch length on the particle number remains to be investigated.Moreover,a sharp transition at¯λ=0.83from a string-like structure of the ion crystal to a zig-zag has been observed,similar to our previous observations[9,10],and mapped as a function of the trap parameter.This trap parameter value ofβ≈880×103has been found to be considerably different from theoretical predictions.Since the predictions for the length of a pure ion string and the value of the trap parameter at the transition from a string to a zig-zag structure are closely related[24],afinal explanation of the obvious discrepances between the experimental results presented here and the theoretical predictions should include aspects of the shape and structure of highly elongated crystals as well as of the dynamics of the structural transition.For the ongoing investigation of mixed crystalline structures in bunched beams,the systematic mapping of a wider range starting from an unambiguous string to afinal zig-zagstructure is foreseen.It is planned to further investigate the L b∝U−1/3b scaling and itsdependence on the ion number N b for bunched crystalline ion strings.Additionally,MDStructural changes in bunched crystalline ion beams6127 calculations are currently prepared to investigate the string to zig-zag transition in a bunched ion beam of N b 1000.AcknowledgmentsThis work has been supported by the DFG(HA1101/8)and the MLL.We acknowledge fruitful discussions with P Kienle and J P Schiffer and generous technical support by R Neugart. 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