


导读:本文小学五年级英语演讲稿(三篇),来源互联网,仅供读者阅读参考. 【篇一】

Goodafternoon,teachers!MynameisXuLulu.I`m11.IcomefromClass1Grade 5ofTongPuNo.2PrimarySchool.Thereare4peopleinmyfamily.Myfatheristal l.Mymotherispretty.Mysisterhasalonghair.AndI`magoodstudent.However, myhomeisneartheschool,Ioftengetupearly.BecauseImustworkhard.afters chool,Ilikeplayingcomputergamesandreadingbooks.I`dliketoeatapples.T heyaresweetandhealthy.AndIlikeTuesdaybest.WehaveEnglish,music,com puterandP.E.onTuesdays.MymathteacherisMissHuang.Herclassissomuchf un.Somyfavouriteclassismath.AndIlikeChineseandEnglish,too.Thisisme.A nactivegirl.PleaserememberXuLulu.Thankyouverymuch!


Goodafternoon,teachers!Today,I`mveryhappytomakeaspeechhere.Now,l etmeintroducemyself.MynameisZhuRuijie.MyEnglishnameisMolly.I`m12.I comefromClass1Grade6ofTongPuNo.2PrimarySchool.I`manactivegirl.Ilike playingbasketball.BecauseIthinkit`sveryinteresting.I`dliketoeatpotatoes.T hey`retasty.Myfavouritecolourisgreen.AndIlikemathbest.It`sfun.Onthewe ekend,Ilikereadingbooksinmyroom.Ihaveahappyfamily.Myfatheristalland

strong.Mymotherishard-workingandtall,too.Mybrotherissmart.AndI`mag oodstudent.Mydreamistobeateacher,becauseIwanttohelpthepoorchildre ninthefuture.Thankyouforlistening!Pleaserememberme!


Goodafternoon,teachers!I`mveryhappytointroducemyselfhere.I`mScott. MyChinesenameisSunZijing.I`m13.I`mfromClass1Grade6ofTongPuNo.2Pr imarySchool.Ihavemanyhobbies,suchasplayingping-pong,playingbadmi nton,listeningtomusic,readingmagazinesandsoon.Myfavouritefoodischic ken.It`stastyandyummy.SoI`mverystrong.I`manaughtyboy.Ialwaysplaytric ks.AndIjustlikestayinginmyroomandreadingbooks.ButIhaveadream,Iwant tobeacar-designer.BecauseI`macarfan.Thisisme.PleaserememberSunZijin g!Thankyouverymuch!


英语课前三分钟演讲精选稿5篇 【一】英语课前三分钟演讲稿 ladies and gentlemen: its our great honor and deepest pleasure to welcome you, our dear friends, both old and new from all over china, all over asia, and all over the world. on behalf of our dedicated classmates, our distinguished teachers, foreign friends, especially our gracious host, the no.2 longgang high school , we greet you and encourage you to seize upon this unique opportunity to conquer english and make lifelong friends with people from every province of our wonderful country and throughout the world. by conquering english, we can help ourselves and others. we are human beings, not animals. we know what we want to do. we know our destiny is in our hands. with hard work and determination, we can do anything we set our minds to do. from today on we will accompany you day and night every minute on this unique journey. we want you to open your heart.


Hello ,teachers ,boys and girls !My name is Li Han . I’m 9 years old. I’m from Xiaoxi Primary School .You see I’m a cute girl . I like orange ,the sun is orange . I like drawing sun too . It makes me warm . Now let me say a chant : The man is the father ,tall,tall ,tall . The woman is the mother ,not so tall . That’s the sun ,small ,small ,small. They are a family ,one and all . Today my topic is my family .I have a happy family . My father , My mother and me . My parents love me very much .My mother is a PE teacher . She is tall and thin . Her face looks small and her eyes are very beautiful . My mother is very kind and friendly to others , but she is very strict with me . My father is a teacher, too . He likes hard every day . He likes running and playing football. I love my father ,I love my mother ,they love me . I can sing a song : I love my family I love my mother , I love my father ,they love me ,they love me . I love my grandpa , I love my grandma ,they love me ,they love me . That’s all ,thank you .


课前三分钟英语演讲稿模板3篇 Three minutes before class English speech template 演讲人:JinTai College

课前三分钟英语演讲稿模板3篇 前言:演讲是指在公众场合,以有声语言为主要手段,以体态语言为辅助手段,针对某个具体问题,鲜明、完整地发表自己的见解和主张,阐明事理或抒发情感,进行宣传鼓动的一种语言交际活动。本文档根据题材主题演讲内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文档下载后内容可按需编辑修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:课前三分钟英语演讲稿样本 2、篇章2:课前三分钟英语演讲稿范文 3、篇章3:课前三分钟英语演讲稿范本 篇章1:课前三分钟英语演讲稿样本 It is undeniable that the worsening environment has become the biggest concern of the present-day world. Land resources are dwindling because of water loss and soil erosion. Waste gases poison the air we breathe. The rivers and lakes are polluted by waste dumped in them from factories. It is probably no exaggeration to say that deterioration of the quality of the environment threatens the existence of mankind itself.


演讲是指在公众场所,以有声语言为主要手段,以体态语言为辅助手段,针对某个具体问题,鲜明、完整地发表自己的见解和主张,阐明事理或抒发情感,进行宣传鼓动的一种语言交际活动,整理了“五年级一分钟英语演讲稿带翻译”仅供参考,希望能帮助到大家! little robert(好孩子) little robert asked his mother for two cents. "what did you do with the money i gave you yesterday?" "i gave it to a poor old woman," he answered. "you're a good boy," said the mother proudly. "here are two cents more. but why are you so interested in the old woman?" "she is the one who sells the candy." 好孩子小罗伯特向妈妈要两分钱。“昨天给你的钱干什么了?”“我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。“你真是个好孩子,”妈妈骄傲地说。“再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?”“她是个卖糖果的。” Sara, who comes from Canada, is our Oral English teacher. She is loved and respected by many students. What influences me most is that she is warm-hearted, generous and easy-going. She always stays optimistic and tries hard to understand every of her student. Besides, she often tells us some interesting stories and jokes in class, so as to make a happy atmosphere for us to study English. She loves teaching so much and has the eagerness to devote her life to Education. Because of her outstanding achievements, she had won lots of rewards, one of which is “Model Teacher” prize. 萨拉是我们的英语口语老师,她来自加拿大。很多学生都很尊敬和喜爱她。她给我的最深刻的影响是她的热情、慷慨又随和的性格。萨拉总是很乐观,不断地努力了解每一个学生。她还会在课上给我讲有趣的故事和笑话,所以她教的英语课都很轻松有趣。她喜爱教学工作,渴望一生都献身教育事业。因为她的优秀表现,她获得了许多奖项,其中有模范教师奖。 My Pet When I was a child, I really want a pet, like ducks, rabbits, cats, dogs, even a pig! Finally, my parents bought me a puppy as my birthday gift. I really love it, it was really lovely. When I was tired, it always made me happy. I take it for a walk every evening. I was very happy when we get together. In a word, pets can bring us a lot of fun, they are important to us. 当我还是个孩子的时候,我真的很想要只宠物,例如鸭子、兔子、猫咪、小狗、甚至是小猪! 后来,我爸妈买了只小狗给我做生日礼物。我真得很喜欢它。它真得很可爱。当我很累时,它总会让我开心。每天晚上我都会带它出去走走。我们在一起的时候很开心。总之,宠物们可以带给我们欢乐,它们对我们很重要。 the thirsty pigeon口渴的鸽子 a pigeon, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud


三年级英语演讲稿 good morning everyone! i am very glad to make a speech here! this time, i'd like to talk something about my dream. one day i want to grow up to be an actress. i want to be famous as can be. to be known thought out the world and to be love. to be an actress there are greater chance of meeting others famous people, going to their party and wearing fancy clothes, getting to be watch on screen. having own movies, tv show, comecial, clothing labe and so much more. everthing is going to be about me when i be come an actress. so i want to be an actress to be famous and loveable as can be. thank you! 早上好,同学们。 我很高兴可以在这里做一个演讲!这一次,我想谈谈我的梦想。 有一天我长大后想当演员。我想成为著名的可以。被认为是爱的世界。成为一个演员,有更大的机会,满足其他有名的人,去他们的派对,穿着漂亮的衣服,去看屏幕上的。有自己的电影,电视节目,comecial,服装标签和这么多更多。一切都将是我当我是演员。所以我想成为一个演员,是著名的和可爱的可以。 谢谢!


my chinese dream 我的中国梦 i am very glad to stand here to give thier a short speech.today my topic is that the youth are the future of motherland 很高兴站在这里做这篇短小的演讲,我演讲的主题是青年是祖国的未来。 在准备英语演讲比赛的时候,我本想简单地从网上搜索一些文章作为我演讲的内容。我 看过很多文章,有著名主持人的、北大教授的、大学生的,也有初中生的。但是看完之后, 我放弃了当初的想法,我甚至为当初的想法感到有一些羞愧。因为今天我站在这里向大家演 讲的主题,是一个庄重而严肃的主题;是一个充满荣耀与自豪的主题;是每一个中华儿女共 同期盼的主题。每个人都有属于他们自己的中国梦,而我,当然也有一直萦绕在心怀只属于 我的中国梦。 so what?s my chinese dream ? finally i will announce. we had learned a lot of knowledge and understood a lot of truth in the book. we had a basic concept to our country at that time. we know that our country is full of sunshine , and we are the future of our country, and our dreams are to be the hope of our motherland. 我的中国梦是什么样的?先卖个关子。 记得刚刚上学那会儿,我们天真无邪。在课本里,我们学到了很多很多知识,也明白了 很多很多道理,我们对祖国也有了一个最基本的概念。我们知道我们的祖国到处充满阳光, 正在慢慢发展,而我们,就是祖国未来的花朵,未来的希望。我们梦想将来能够成为祖国的 希望。 这,是我们最初的中国梦。最真诚的我们,最真诚的梦。 但是,不知道什么时候开始,我们长大了,生活似乎一下子变得和以前不太一样了,与 此同时,虽然我们很不想承认但是却又不得不承认的是,我们的思想,我们的为人处世观, 我们对我们祖国的看法,也潜移默化中慢慢开始了转变。我们的社会变得到处充满欺骗、冷 漠、勾心斗角、压力、腐败、险恶,我们变得暴躁,不冷静,愤世嫉俗。我们的国家,似乎 也开始变得千疮百孔。而好多我们亲爱的祖国委以重任培养的青年学生们变得轻浮、急躁, 更别提什么梦想,什么中国梦了? are we sick, or is our dear motherland sick? 我很惊讶,当大街上有老人摔倒,我们不敢再去扶起;我很难过,当有人做了好事被报 道,更多的人说他做作;我很伤心,当我看到我们众多的青年人变得冷漠、市侩、欺诈以及 缺乏理想。 到底是我们病了,还是我们亲爱的祖国病了? i dont want to talk about the construction of our country politics, and also speak impassioned speech on the diaoyu island event .i just want to appeal young people,showing the side of youth,good and confidence.we must learn to organize our own thoughts, correct our own concept, and change our direction to the right side in future life. china dream actually lies in our young generation, especially of the intellectuals. 我的中国梦,不想大谈政治,也不想对钓鱼岛事件发表慷慨激昂的演讲。我只想呼吁, 呼吁我们年轻人,呼吁我们祖国的希望能够将我们的青春一面,将我们的善良一面,将我们 的自信一面好好展现出来。我们要学会整理自己的思想,端正自己看问题的观念,摆正自己 的人生方向。我们的中国梦实际上正掌握在我们自己手上,掌握在我们年青一代,尤其是知 识分子手上。


我的周末英语演讲稿五年级篇一:简单五年级英语演讲稿2分钟以内 2分钟励志英语演讲稿 演讲稿一:2分钟励志英语演讲稿ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! im very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is youth. i hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it. first i want to ask you some questions: 1、do you know what is youth 2、how do you master your youth youth youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life . youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . nobody grows old merely by a number of


五年级英语演讲稿大全 篇一:小学五年级英语话题演讲稿 I like sports Good morning, Everyone! I will talk about sports. I am a lovely boy. I like many kinds of sports, such as walking, running, swimming, climbing, cycling and skipping. Sports give me a good health and bring me a lot of fun. Now, I will tell you about my cycling sport. I often ride my bike when I am free. I like to ride my bike on a road. There are no cars and few people on the road. It is not very long. It is very good for cycling. When I ride down the slope, the bike runs very fast, and I feel like flying. It’s very good for me. Cycling gives me a lot of fun. Sports give me a strong body and bring me a lot of fun. If you want to be strong, please do sports; if you want to enjoy a happy life, please do sports, too. Thank you! My Family I have a happy family. There are three members in


小学三年级英语演讲稿带翻译篇一:小学三年级英语演讲稿带翻译 篇一:三年级英语故事演讲 3.【培养卓越口才】 三个好朋友 three good friends 圣诞节英语故事演讲稿 科信小学三年级二班王洪敏指导教师:王志秀、解桂相 hello, everyone! i’m wang hongmin. i’m9 years old. i’m in class 2 grade 3. today i will tell you a story . the topic is three good friends. so we should help each other,and we are all good friend. 英语翻译: 三个好朋友 一天,一只猴子在河边骑车。这时他看见树下有一只狮子,狮子向他跑来。他非常的害怕,掉进河里。他不会游泳,大叫起来。兔子听见了,跳进水里,但他却没有办法救猴子。幸运的是,一只大象过来了。大象非常强壮,救出了兔子和猴子。他们来到大象的家,在那里吃了一顿大餐。从此他们

成了好朋友。 注:对本次英语故事演讲活动的说明:“培养卓越口才”对学生是终身受用的。一个学生敢于讲话、敢于表达思想,表明这个孩子有强烈的自信心。自信心对于一个学生来说,是安身立世之本。而人际间的沟通能力和表达能力恰恰是我们教育里所缺乏的。 新教育提倡把发言权还给我们的孩子,要通过开展一系列口才训练活动,让孩子去思考、去表达,利用好课堂环境和外部环境,多角度对学生进行语言训练,达到培养卓越口才、打造自信人生之目的。我们科信小学是双语实验学校,培养双语口才是我们实施新教育的课题之一,我们经常开展一些活动,如,英语口语表演、英语故事演讲、英语童话剧表演等培养孩子的卓越口才。上面的故事是圣诞节期间,班级的英语故事演讲比赛王洪敏同学的演讲稿。篇二:三年级英语演讲稿 各位家长,大家下午好! 我是本学期担任四(1)班英语教学的韦老师,很多家长也许是第一次见到我,大家彼此间可能比较陌生。首先,我想和各位家长谈谈两个礼拜下来,我对这个班级,学生英语情况的印象。这个班级的学生对英语学习的兴趣还是比较浓厚的,这两个礼拜,从课堂中的反应可以看出。每次我用多媒体课件上课,学生学习新知识的热情是高涨的。这说明,


课前五分钟演讲稿励志故事|五分钟励志英语演讲 稿 课前五分钟演讲稿励志故事篇一 巴金在自己的随想录中说过.“人不是点缀太平的.而是工作的,正因为有了荆棘,才需要我们在荆棘中开辟道路。”一个人来到世 界上,平平坦坦过完一生是毫无意义的。要建立自己的天地,让成 为主宰自己的主人。这一切都不可以空想,要靠实际行动、勇气、 智慧、毅力才能实现。可是这条路不好走。放眼望去它若隐若现, 只有一条荆棘丛生、弯弯曲曲、坑坑洼洼的小路。为了自己的目标,为了磨练自己的意志,我们必须果断的选择这条路。 从我们降生到世上那一刻起,注定要经历一翻彻骨寒。有人要逃避磨难,导致被小小的寒气所封杀。我走在这条路上,永不后悔。 我赤着双脚.用双手扒着荆棘,荆棘的锋芒和我的肌肤一次次零距离 接触,伤痛让我一次次动摇决心,但我固守阵地,决不动摇!强忍伤 痛依然义无反顾的朝目的地前进。虽说伤痛时常让我疼痛难忍。我 却从中总结了不少经验,伤痕弥合留下了不少疤痕,每一个伤疤都 是一次挫折,都是一次经验的积累,都是一次成长的标志,所以我 不悲伤,坚定的走下去。只有在这样的道路上我才能充分挖掘自己 的潜能。 荆棘并不可怕,可怕的是没有信心、没有勇气走下去,半途而废。没有荆棘的道路,没有挑战性;没有挑战的人生,没有意义;没有意 义的人生,生不如死!!荆棘的道路上成就有勇气、有自信、有智慧、有梦想的人!荆棘的道路上锤炼了人的意志,荆棘的道路上打磨了人 的梦想。走在荆棘的道路上,用古人仁的经验告诫世人,成功的人 必须有成功的路,成功路上必定坎坎坷坷、荆棘丛生,荆棘丛生必 定能苦其心志。

只要我们有坚定的信心和勇气,荆棘便不会阻碍我们通向成功。相反,荆棘是我们成功的垫脚石,磨难使我们越挫越勇。在荆棘丛 中开辟道路! 我要在荆棘中开辟道路! 课前五分钟演讲稿励志故事篇二 青春不仅仅是一声声的赞美,它更是拥有使命并为之奋斗不息的源泉。因为生命的光环一个个被践踏的躯体赋予了新的灵魂;因为青 春的绚丽,一个个飞舞的思绪会聚成一首悲壮的挽歌。 时光的老人又一次送来了五月,迎来了又一个“五四”青年节。在这阳光灿烂,安宁详和的幸福生活之时,我不禁想起了那些曾为 中华民族的民主,科学,独立而抛头颅洒热血的青年们,是他们, 在民族遭受屈辱的时刻挺身而出,以力挽狂澜之势救黎民于苦难。 在斗争中,青年们敢于直面惨淡的人生,敢于正视淋漓的鲜血,他 们以燃烧的激情和鲜血凝聚成精神的火炬,点燃了未来。这种青春 是多么绚丽夺目呀,这种使命是多么震撼人心啊! 青春是美好的,没有使命感的青春便是贫血的青春。青年是祖国的未来,是民族的希望。在任何一个时代,青年都是社会上最富有 朝气最富有创造性,最富有生命力的群体。我们要怎样才能实践自 己肩负的历史使命,怎么样才能使自己的青春光彩照人呢 放眼看吧,在我们社会主义现代化建设的征途中,涌现出许多新时代青年的楷模。从伟大的共产主义战士雷锋到以服务祖国需要为 乐的王杰,从自学成才的张海迪到科技创新的秦文贵……他们在平 凡的岗位上,用五四精神诠释了青春的使命!演绎了一幕幕惊天动地 的话剧!谱写了一曲曲壮丽雄浑的青春赞歌! 作为新世纪的我们,要树立远大的理想,人的一生只能享受一次青春,当一个人在年轻是就把自己的人生与人民的事业紧紧相连, 他所创造的就是永恒的青春。我们要坚持勤奋学习,立志成才。二 十一世纪,信息交流日益广泛,知识更新大大加快。形势逼人自强。催人奋进。我们要跟上时代步伐,更好的为现代化建设贡献力量就 必须学习学习再学习,打下坚实的知识功底。在学习中,还要善于


五年级英语口语演讲稿范文 五年级英语口语演讲稿范文1、The Thirsty Pigeon口渴的鸽子 A PIGEON, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. Not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard, jarring herself terribly. Having broken her wings by the blow, she fell to the ground, and was caught by one of the bystanders. Zeal should not outrun discretion. 有只鸽子口渴得很难受,看见画板上画着一个水瓶,以为是真的。他立刻呼呼地猛飞过去,不料一头碰撞在画板上,折断了翅膀,摔在地上,被人轻易地捉住了。 这是说,有些人想急于得到所需的东西,一时冲动,草率从事,就会身遭不幸。 2、The Wind And The Sun (风和太阳) One day the wind said to the sun, “Look at that man walking along the road. I can get his cloak off more quickly than you can.” “We will see about that,” said the sun. “I will let you try first.” So the wind tried to make the man take off his cloak. He blew and blew, but the man only pulled his cloak more closely around himself.


篇一:三年级英语演讲稿 各位家长:晚上好,很高兴能有这样一个机会,能和大家进行面对面的交流。我是三年级四个班的英语任课教师,另外还教四年级两个班的英语,我姓顾。经过两个多月与孩子们的相处,我已经记住了每一个孩子的名字,并对他们的性格、学习能力有了一定的了解。今天我想就三年级的英语教学和这半学期在教学中存在的一些问题与各位家长共同探讨,以便更好地帮助孩子学好英语,用好英语,为日后的英语学习打好扎实的基础。 一、本学期英语学习的内容: 1.课本后的单词表是最基础的,而且加粗词更为重要,要求孩子能够听、说、认读。这就要孩子们回家去复习,消化这些单词。词汇是三年级考试的重要内容,一定要过关。 2.课文中的对话,日常交际用语。要求熟练,流畅地背出来,说出来。 三年级英语,是小学英语学习中一个重要的起步阶段。其实要学好英语,课上占40%,其余的60%还需要学生在课后不断的巩固,加深记忆。每个学生对新知识的接受能力是不同的,有的可能在课堂上就已经有了很深的印象,很难忘记,但这样的孩子毕竟还是少数的。大部分学生都只能是初步了解新知识,要真正接受新知识还需学生在课后多下功夫。所以,在学校我会尽最大的努力进行教学,但课余时间还需要广大家长大力配合。如:听录音跟读、背诵要家长多督促。如果孩子说“我已经会读会背了,不用听录音了。”那你千万别由着他,这是错误的想法和做法。因为通过模仿录音,孩子才能拥有准确的发音和纯正的语音语调,光凭自己的感觉来读来背,会导致很多发音不够标准或是很生硬,洋味不足。为了帮助孩子更好地学好英语,请各位家长配合完成以下工作: 1. 要重视孩子的英语家庭口头作业,我一般每次课后用校讯通的形式进行发送,没有英语课的日子也可以让孩子进行自主预习或复习。确保孩子每天边听录音,边跟读单词、课文,要读出声音,而且要用手指去点着读,这样有利于提高他们对单词的认读能力。我发现有个别孩子这方面的能力比较弱,如果出示实物和图片,他能脱口而出说出单词,跟他用英语口头交流,他也能对答如流,但是呈现单词或句子让他认读,他竟一无所知。这次期中考试中,head\hand, ear\eraser, who are you\how are you?这些知识点的错误就暴露了孩子平时对词句的认读不够到位。另一种巧妙的复习方法是让孩子把学过的内容教给你们,他们一定会非常认真地当好小老师,学习效果一定会更好。 2. 开学以来,有些孩子忘记带英语课本的现象还是时有发生,所以希望家长能每天提醒孩子检查第二天要带的书本,养成良好的学习习惯。 二、学习评价 1.作业本 作业本的量不大,一堂课对应一面,所以一般我们都在课内进行完成。为了让孩子们养成及时订正错误的习惯,我都会在目录页将他错误的页码写上去,孩子们看到后会去主动订正,之后我会将页码划去。所以你们也可以去关注一下他们的作业本,记录的页码越少,说明他平时的作业质量越高,学习态度很认真。 2.课文过关 从期初开始,我就让孩子们在课本的附录页上贴上了课文过关表。由于我教6个班,分身乏术,所以平时的课文读背过关我就委托过关组长来把关,成绩分为abc档。组长是我根据孩子平时的课堂表现和考试成绩加以确定,到现在为止,已经有三轮组长产生。轮流当,既能培养他们的责任感,也能促使他们提高对自己的要求,所以这个规则我会继续下去。一个单元全部得a的孩子能兑换到一张贴纸,为了提高他们过关的积极性,我承诺期末他们可以用贴纸兑换实物奖品。3.学业测试 单元考试我们英语组统一采用《学法指导丛书》,期中、期末另外出试卷。每次考试后希望各位家长能认真地查阅一下孩子的答卷情况,看看孩子的知识点掌握得如何。光看一个分数,


2015英语课前5分钟演讲稿 演讲稿一:英语课前5分钟演讲稿 Today I am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of success. What is success? It is what everyone is longing for.Sometimes success would be rather simple. Winning a game is success; getting a high grade in the exam is success; making a new friend is success; even now I am standing here giving my speech is somehow also success. However, as a person's whole life is concerned, success becomes very complicated. Is fortune success? Is fame success? Is high social status success? No, I don't think so. I believe success is the realization of people' s hopes and ideals.Nowadays, in the modern society there are many people who are regarded as the successful. And the most obvious characteristics of hem are money, high position and luxurious life. So most people believe that s success and all that they do is for this purpose. But the problem is wether it is real success. We all know there are always more money, higher position and better condition in front of us. If we keep chasing them, where is the end? What will satisfy us at last? Therefore, we can see, to get the real Success we must need something inside, which is the realization of people' hopes and ideals. Different people have different ideas about success; cause people's hopes and ideas vary from one another. But I am sure every success is dear to everybody, cause it is not easy to come by, cause in the process of our striving for success, we got both our body and soul tempted, meanwhile we are enlightened by the most valuable qualities of human beings: love, patient, courage and sense of responsibility. These are the best treasures. So now I am very proud that I have this opportunity to stand here speaking to all of you. It is my success, cause I raise up to challenge my hope. What is success? Everyone has his own interpretation as I do. But I am sure every success leads to an ever-brighter future. So ladies and gentlemen, believe in our hopes, believe in ourselves, we, every one of us, can make a successful life! Wish you all good success! 演讲稿二:英语课前5分钟演讲稿 Good morning,ladies and gentlemen,today i am so happy to stand here to give you a speech.Or rather, a real story of mine. Though with time going by,i can still remember what you once told me.You should be a brave girl.Smiling,you looked into my eyes.Year in,year out,nearly most of my memories are fading little by little.But only this simple sentence remained,without being forgotten in my life. Again and again,i can not stop myself from thinking about it.So ordinary,but so impressive,so moving,just like the brightest sunshine,it helps me go through the darkest night.I am such a sensitive girl in your heart.You said,my sorroful facial expression made feel so distersssed.However,there is one thing i never tell you,that is ,i am becoming a big girl gradually with your words and smiles.I never tell you about it,for


小学五年级英语演讲稿范文 Dear teachers, students: I am *ery happy to meet with you here today to tell you my speech is entitled "English, so I am happy." English, spread to all o*er the world, people talk about memorization. Since my time in first grade began to learn English, I was not interested in it, but the third and fourth grade, when a sudden interest in reading in English e*ery day, and e*en self-learning, to raise a lot of English results . Now, my greatest interest is the time to see the English. Each weekend, I always find time to read English books or see on the English comic books, information books, and e*en outside the time when shopping, but also with some English information on the book, simply put it down. Each school, I sometimes went to the library of books on English, a *iew that is 30 minutes, the har*est has been so many. Once again, the summer *acation, I went to the United Kingdom. Where I see a lot of the city, this afternoon I ha*e


小学三年级学习方法优秀演讲稿 导语:适合自己的学习方法,才是最好的学习方法。以下是小编整理的小学三年级学习方法优秀演讲稿,欢迎同学们阅读借鉴。 1.学习方法演讲稿老师们、同学们: 大家好!很荣幸我能在这里与大家分享我的学习经验。 我认为要想取得一个理想的成绩,就必须要有一个好的学习方法。 学习方法因人而异,但是,好的学习方法绝对离不开课前认真预习、上课认真听讲和课后及时复习这三个方面。 1、认真预习。 预习在整个学习知识的过程中有着不可低估的作用。预习是学生自主的学习行为。在整个学习的过程中,如果学生课前没有做好准备的话,听课就会十分被动,而且还会手忙脚乱,课堂效率也不会很高,在复习的时候更是显的费时费力。如果学生课前有准备,那么上课的时候就会心中有数,课堂笔记也就有了重点,对老师的提问反应就会更快,这样不仅提高了课堂效率,而且还能增强学生的自信心。 2、抓住课堂。 学习重在平时的努力上,不适于突击复习。平日里学习最重要的是课堂的40分钟,听讲要聚精会神,思维紧跟老

师走。要集中注意力听讲,集中注意力、专心致志听讲才能学有所得;心不在焉、心猿意马肯定会影响上课效率,有时也会一无所获。其次要带着问题听课,带着问题去听课,能促使自己积极开动脑筋,紧跟老师的教学节奏,及时理解和消化教学内容。还要积极举手发言,积极举手发言是一种参与,它既能较好的促使自己专心听课、动脑筋思考,还能锻炼语言表达能力。最后要认真做好笔记,笔记不仅是学习新知识的方法,也是复习旧知识的依据,同时我们还可以从笔记中发现新的问题。 3、及时复习。 我们在课堂上所学习到的知识,便成为了我们的短时记忆,如果不经过及时的复习,这些记住过的东西就会被逐渐遗忘,而经过了及时的复习之后,这些短时的记忆就会变成我们的长时记忆,这些知识就会在大脑中保持更长的时间。由此可见,及时复习是我们掌握好所学知识的关键。 所以只有把握好预习、听讲和复习这三个环节才能真正做到学有所成。 以上是我学习心得和体会,希望对大家有所帮助。我真诚希望大家学习上都有所思考,有所判断,早日找到一套属于自己的学习方法,并坚持不懈地走下去。 我的演讲完了,谢谢大家。 2.学习方法演讲稿尊敬的领导、老师、亲爱的同学们:
