


2 1 年 5月 01
铁 道 通 信 信 号
2 4
M a 2 】 v 0l
第4卷 第5 7 期
勰 如 Vo. 7 N . 勰 14 o 5 " 加 弱
C s C7
ID S N基本速率接 口 第三代移动通信技术的简称 Absitrae i nefc 基站控制器与基站之间的接 1( S — 3 G MR无线子系统) AfrlC ne f n e tr i 确认中心( 用于对铁路紧急呼叫相关信 息 进行记录、 储存) Ad Drp Mut lx r d. o lpe e i 分插复用器 Alr Idc t nSg l am n iai ina o 设备告警指示信号 A tm t a yS i h dOpi t ok uo ail w t e t a Ne r cl c c l w 自动交换光网络( 传输技术) Asn h o o sT a se d y c rn u rn frMo e 异步传送模式, 异步转移模式( 传输技术) Auo t an P oe t n tmai Tri rtci c o 自动列车防护 A te t ai e t uh ni t n C ne c o r 鉴权中心( 储存用户鉴权算法和加密密钥的实体) B o s rS re rw e/ e r v 浏览器/ 服务器 Bodat o t 1 H n e ra c s C nr a n l oC 广播控制信道( S — G M R无线子系统) Bra c s CHa n l o d a t n e 广播信道( S . G MR无线子系统) Bi Ero t rrRae t 比特误码率 Bod rGae y r e twa 边界网关 Bra b d Itgae evc gt t r o d a —nertdS rieDii Newok n l a 宽带综合业务数字网 B i igItga dT migS p l ul n ne t i n u py d r e 大楼综合定时供给设 备 b /s 比特/ 秒 Bod rRo tr r e ue 边界路由器 Bai t nefc s cRae Itra e 基本速率接 口 BaeSain Co tolr s tt nrl o e 基站控制器( S — G MR无线子系统) BaeSain S b ytm s tt u sse o 基站子系统( S . 线子 系统 ) G MR无 BaeT a s ev rSain s rn c ie tto 基站收发信机 ( S . G M R无线子 系统 ) Cl n/ re i tSevr e 客户端/1 I务器 ]  ̄ CelB od atCe tr l ra c s ne 小区广播中心( S R无线 子系统 ) GM— Co mmo nrlCHa n l nCo to n e 公共控制信道( S . GM R无线子 系统 ) T eIt n t n eeh n dT l rp o s l t e C m i e 国际电报电话 咨询委员会 h e ai a T lp o ea e g h C nut i o m t e n r ol n ea av t C mmo a n lSg aigs s m . o n Ch n e in l yt No 7 n e 公共信 道 7 号信令 系统 Co eDiiin Mut l c s d vso lpe Ac es i 码分多址( 无线多址技术 ) CelG1b lIe tt l o a d ni y 小区全球识别码 ( S — G M R编码 ) CelIe ty l d ni t 小区识别码 ( S R编码 ) G M. C b Itga d R docmmu ia o q ime t a ne rt a i o e nct n eu p n i 机车综合无线通信设备 ( S — G M R车载设备 ) Ci utS th r i wi c c 电路 交换 Ci utS th d Daa r i wic e t c — 电路交换数据 ( 3 C 线路列控数据 G MR传输 方式 ) S・ C lT pe l a y 呼叫类 型 C nr ie rfc C nrl e ta zd T af o t l i o 调度集 中控制 Chn s ri nrlS se ieeT an Co to ytm 中国列车运行控制 系统 De iae nrlCHa n l dc tdCo to n e 专用控制信道( S — G M R无线子系统) Daa C mmu c to t r t o niain Newok 数据通信 网



1 缩略语表# A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Z 缩略语英语解释中文解释A ReturnABR Area Border Router 区域边界路由器ACFP Application Control Forwarding Protocol应用控制转发协议ACL Access Control List 访问控制列表ServerACS Auto-Configuration自动配置服务器HeaderAH Authentication认证头ARP Address Resolution Protocol 地址解析协议SystemAS Autonomous自治系统ASBR Autonomous System Boundary Router自治系统边界路由器MulticastASM Any-Source任意信源组播B ReturnBAS Broadband Access Server 宽带接入服务器ConstraintBC Bandwidth带宽约束BCB Backbone Core Bridge 骨干网核心网桥BDR Backup Designated Router 备份指定路由器BEB Backbone Edge Bridge 骨干网边缘网桥BFD Bidirectional Forwarding Detection 双向转发检测BGP Border Gateway Protocol 边界网关协议BIMS Branch Intelligent Management System分支网点智能管理系统MAC 骨干网MACB-MAC BackboneBPDU Bridge Protocol Data Unit 网桥协议数据单元BSB Blockade State Block 阻塞状态块Router 自举路由器BSR BootStrapVLAN 骨干网VLANB-VLAN BackboneC ReturnCBS Committed Burst Size 承诺突发尺寸C-BSR Candidate-BSR 候选BSRTree 有核树CBT Core-BasedCDP Cisco Discovery Protocol 思科发现协议CE CustomerEdge 用户边缘CFI Canonical Format Indicator 标准格式指示位CHAP Challenge Handshake AuthenticationProtocol质询握手验证协议CIDR Classless Inter-Domain Routing 无类别域间路由CIR Committed Information Rate 承诺信息速率CIST Common and Internal Spanning Tree 公共和内部生成树CLNP Connectionless Network Protocol 无连接网络协议CPE Customer Premises Equipment 用户侧设备CR Constraint-basedRouting基于约束的路由CR-LSP Constraint-based Routed LabelSwitched Paths基于约束路由的LSPC-RP CandidateRP 候选RPCSNP CompleteSNP 全时序报文CSPF Constraint-based Shortest Path First 基于约束的最短路径优先CST Common Spanning Tree 公共生成树CT ClassType 服务类型D Return DAD Duplicate Address Detection 重复地址检测DD DatabaseDescription数据库描述DER DistinguishedEncodingRules特异编码规则DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 动态主机配置协议DHCPv6 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocolfor IPv6支持IPv6的动态主机配置协议DiffServ DifferentiatedService 区分业务模型DLDP Device Link Detection Protocol 设备链路检测协议DM DenseMode 密集模式DNS DomainNameSystem域名系统DoD Downstream On Demand 下游按需方式DoS Denial of Service 拒绝服务DR DesignatedRouter指定路由器DS DifferentiatedServices差分服务DSA Digital Signature Algorithm 数字签名算法DSCP DifferentiatedServicesCodepoint差分服务编码点DU DownstreamUnsolicited下游自主方式DUID DHCP Unique Identifier DHCP唯一标识符DUID-LL DUID Based on Link-layer Address 基于链路层地址的DUIDDVMRP Distance Vector Multicast RoutingProtocol距离矢量组播路由协议E Return EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol 可扩展认证协议EAPOL Extensible Authentication Protocol overLAN局域网上的可扩展认证协议EBS Excess Burst Size 超出突发尺寸ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital SignatureAlgorithm椭圆曲线数字签名算法EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol 外部网关协议End-Of-RIB End of Routing-Information-Base 路由信息库结束ERT ExportRoute-target 引出路由标识ESP Encapsulating Security Payload 封装安全载荷F Return FEC Forwarding Equivalence Class 转发等价类FIB Forwarding Information Base 转发信息表FIFO First In First Out 先入先出FRR FastReRoute 快速重路由FTN FEC to NHLFE map FEC到NHLFE表项的映射FTP File Transfer Protocol 文件传输协议G Return GARP Generic Attribute Registration Protocol通用属性注册协议GBIC Gigabit Interface Converter 千兆以太网接口转换器GR GracefulRestart 平滑重启GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation 通用路由封装GVRP GARP VLAN Registration Protocol GARP VLAN注册协议H Return HDLC High-level Data Link Control 高级数据链路控制HoVPN HierarchyofVPN 分层VPNH-VPLS HierarchyofVPLS 分层VPLSHWTACACS HW Terminal Access Controller AccessControl SystemHW终端访问控制器控制系统协议I Return IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority 互联网编号分配委员会ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol 互联网控制报文协议ICMPv6 Internet Control Message Protocol for 针对IPv6的互联网控制报文协议IPv6ICPIF Calculated Planning Impairment Factor计算计划损伤元素IDS Intrusion Detection System 入侵检测系统IEEE Institute of Electrical and ElectronicsEngineers电气和电子工程师学会IETF Internet Engineering Task Force 因特网工程任务组IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol 互联网组管理协议IGMP Snooping Internet Group Management ProtocolSnooping互联网组管理协议窥探IGP Interior Gateway Protocol 内部网关协议ILM Incoming Label Map 入标签映射ILS Internet Locator Service Internet定位服务IntServ IntegratedService 综合业务模型IPC Inter-processCommunication 进程间通信IPng IP Next Generation 下一代因特网IPS Intrusion Prevention System 入侵抵御系统IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4 因特网协议版本4 IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6 因特网协议版本6 IPX Internet Packet Exchange 网际报文交换IRF Intelligent Resilient Framework 智能弹性架构ISATAP Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel AddressingProtocol站点内自动隧道寻址协议I-SID Backbone Service Instance Identifier 骨干网服务实例编号IS-IS Intermediate System-to-IntermediateSystem intra-domain routinginformation exchange protocol中间系统到中间系统的域内路由信息交换协议ISP Internet Service Provider 因特网服务提供商ISSU In-Service Software Upgrade 不中断业务升级IST Internal Spanning Tree 内部生成树L Return LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol 链路聚合控制协议LACPDU Link Aggregation Control Protocol DataUnit链路聚合控制协议数据单元LAN Local Area Network 局域网LDP Label Distribution Protocol 标签分发协议LER Label Edge Router 标签边缘路由器LFIB Label Forwarding Information Base 标签转发表LLDP Link Layer Discovery Protocol 链路层发现协议LLDPDU Link Layer Discovery Protocol Data Unit链路层发现协议数据单元LLDP-MED Media Endpoint Discovery 媒体终端发现LSA Link State Advertisement 链路状态通告LSAck Link State Acknowledgment 链路状态确认LSDB Link State Database 链路状态数据库LSP Label Switched Path 标签交换路径LSR Label Switching Router 标签交换路由器LSR Link State Request 链路状态请求LSU Link State Update 链路状态更新M Return MAC Media Access Control 媒体访问控制MAC Message Authentication Code 消息验证码MAD Multi-ActiveDetection多Active检测MAN Metropolitan Area Network 城域网MBGP MulticastBGP 组播BGPMCE Multi-VPN-instance Customer Edge 多实例用户网络边界设备MD MulticastDomain 组播域MDI Medium Dependent Interface 介质相关接口MIB ManagementInformation Base 管理信息库MLD Multicast Listener Discovery Protocol 组播侦听者发现协议MLD Snooping Multicast Listener Discovery Snooping 组播侦听者发现协议窥探MOS Mean Opinion Scores 平均意见得分MP-BGP MultiProtocol Border Gateway Protocol多协议边界网关协议MPLS MultiProtocol Label Switching 多协议标签交换MSDP Multicast Source Discovery Protocol 组播源发现协议MPLS TE Multiprotocol Label Switching TrafficEngineering多协议标记交换流量工程MSTI Multiple Spanning Tree Instance 多生成树实例MSTP Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol 多生成树协议MTBF Mean Time Between Failures 平均故障间隔时间MTTR Mean Time to Repair 平均修复时间MTU Maximum Transmission Unit 最大传输单元N Return NAPT Network Address Port Translation 网络地址端口转换NAS Network Access Server 网络接入服务器NAT Network Address Translation 网络地址转换 NAT-PTNetwork Address Translation-ProtocolTranslation附带协议转换的网络地址转换NBMA Non-Broadcast Multi-Access 非广播多点可达 ND Neighbor Discovery 邻居发现 NET Network Entity Title 网络实体名称 NHLFE Next Hop Label Forwarding Entry 下一跳标签转发项 NLPID Network Layer Protocol Identifier 网络层协议标识符 NLRI Network Layer Reachability Information 网络层可达性信息 NMS Network Management System 网络管理系统 NMS Network Management Station 网络管理站 NQANetwork Quality Analyzer网络质量分析NTC NetTraffic Collector 网流采集设备 NTP Network Time Protocol 网络时间协议OReturn OAA Open Application Architecture 开放应用架构 OAMPDU OAM Protocol Data Units OAM 协议数据单元 OAPOpen Application Platform开放应用平台OID Object Identifier 对象标识符 OSPF Open Shortest Path First 开放最短路径优先PReturn P Provider服务提供商网络P2MP Point-to-MultiPoint 点到多点 P2PPoint to Point点到点 P2P Point-to-Point 点到点PAFV Port-based Auth-Fail VLAN 基于端口的Auth-Fail VLAN PAP Password Authentication Protocol 密码验证协议 PBB Provider Backbone Bridge 运营商骨干网桥 PBBN Provider Backbone Bridge Network 运营商骨干桥网络 PBN Provider Bridge Network 运营商桥接网 PDUProtocol Data Unit协议数据单元PE Provider Edge 服务提供商边缘设备 PGV Port-based Guest VLAN 基于端口的Guest VLAN PHP Penultimate Hop Popping 倒数第二跳弹出 PIMProtocol Independent Multicast协议无关组播PIR Peak Information Rate峰值信息速率PKCSPublic Key Cryptography Standards公共密钥加密标准 PMTU Path MTU路径MTUPPP Point-to-Point Protocol 点对点协议 PS Protection Switching 保护倒换 PSBPath State Block路径状态块 PSNP Partial SNP 部分时序报文 PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network 公共电话交换网 PXE Preboot eXecution Environment 预启动执行环境QReturnQoS Quality of Service 服务质量 RReturn R Reserved 保留RADIUSRemote Authentication Dial-In UserService远程认证拨号用户服务RD Route Distinguisher 路由标识符 RED Random Early Detection 随机早期检测 RIP Routing Information Protocol路由信息协议 RIP-2 Routing Information Protocol version 2 路由信息协议版本2 RMONRemote Network Monitoring远程网络监视RP Rendezvous Point 汇集点 RPF Reverse Path Forwarding 逆向路径转发 RPTRendezvous Point Tree共享树或汇集树RR Route Reflector 路由反射器 RRPP Rapid Ring Protection Protocol 快速环网保护协议 RSB Reservation State Block 预留状态块 RSTP Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol 快速生成树协议 RSVP Resource Reservation Protocol 资源预留协议SReturnSA Source Active 信源有效 SBMSubnetwork Bandwidth Management子网带宽管理SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy 同步数字系列 SEL NSAP Selector 有时也写成N-SEL sFlow Sampled Flow采样流SFM Source-Filtered Multicast 信源过滤组播SFP Small Form-factor Pluggable 小封装可热插拔SFTP SecureFTP 安全的FTPSIP Session Initiation Protocol 会话初始化协议SLA ServiceLevelAgreement服务等级协定SM SparseMode 稀疏模式SNAP Subnetwork Access Protocol 子网访问协议SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol简单网络管理协议SNPA Subnetwork Point of Attachment 子网连接点SP ServiceProvider 服务提供商SPE Superstratum PE or SeviceProvider-end PE上层PE或运营商侧PESPF Shortest Path First 最短路径优先SPI SecurityParameterIndex安全参数索引SPT Shortest Path Tree 最短路径树SSM Source-SpecificMulticast指定信源组播ST SharedTree 共享树STP Spanning Tree Protocol 生成树协议T Return TCI Tag Control Information 标签控制信息TE TrafficEngineering流量工程TEDB TEDataBase 流量工程数据库TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol 简单文件传输协议TLS Transparent LAN Service 透明局域网服务ToS TypeofService 服务类型TP TrafficPolicing 流量监管TPID Tag Protocol Identifier 标签协议标识符TS TrafficShaping 流量整形TTL TimeToLive 生存时间U Return URPF Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding 单播反向路径转发UTC Universal Time Coordinated 世界调整时间V Return VC VirtualCircuit 虚电路VLAN Virtual Local Area Network 虚拟局域网VoIP Voice over IP 在IP网络上传送语音数据VPDN Virtual Private Dial-up Network 虚拟私有拨号网络VPLS Virtual Private LAN Service 虚拟专用局域网服务VPN Virtual Private Network 虚拟专用网络VRRP Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol 虚拟路由器冗余协议VSI Virtual Switch Instance 虚拟交换实例VTY Virtual Type Terminal 虚拟类型终端VF Owner Virtual Forwarder Owner 虚拟转发器拥有者W Return WAN Wide Area Network 广域网WINS Windows Internet Naming Service Windows Internet名称服务WRED Weighted Random Early Detection 加权随机早期检测WWW World Wide Web 万维网X ReturnXENPAK 10-Gigabit Ethernet TransceiverPackage万兆以太网接口收发器集合封装XFP 10-GigabitsmallForm-factor Pluggable万兆以太网接口小封装可热插拔Z Return ZBR Zone Border Router 区域边界路由器。



移动通信类缩写含义移动通信类缩写含义1. GSM(Global System for Mobile Communications)全球移动通信系统,是一种全球性标准的数字移动通信技术,广泛用于2G和3G方式通信系统中。

2. CDMA( Division Multiple Access)码分多址技术,是一种数字移动通信技术,广泛应用于3G和4G方式通信系统中。

3. WCDMA(Wideband Division Multiple Access)宽带码分多址技术,是一种3G移动通信技术,用于无线网络中实现高速数据和语音传输。

4. LTE(Long Term Evolution)长期演进技术,是一种4G移动通信技术,提供了更快的数据传输速度和更高的系统容量。

5. 5G(Fifth Generation)第五代移动通信技术,是当前最先进的移动通信技术,具有更快的速度、更低的延迟和更大的网络容量。

6. IMS(IP Multimedia Subsystem)IP多媒体子系统,是一种基于IP技术的移动通信网络架构,用于提供多媒体服务,如语音、视频和消息传输。

7. SIM(Subscriber Identity Module)用户身份模块,是一种存储用户信息的芯片卡,用于身份验证和存储用户的方式号码、联系人和短信等信息。

8. IMEI(International Mobile Equipment Identity)国际移动设备身份码,是一个全球唯一的方式身份码,用于识别方式设备的唯一性。

9. APN(Access Point Name)接入点名称,是一个标识移动网络的名称,用于方式连接互联网并访问移动网络的服务。

10. HSPA(High Speed Packet Access)高速分组接入技术,是一种3G移动通信技术,用于提供高速的数据传输和互联网访问。

11. VoLTE(Voice over LTE)LTE语音通话,是一种通过LTE网络进行的高质量语音通话技术,提供更快、更稳定的语音通信服务。





AUIAUI:Attachment Unit Interface 连接单元接口AUI 端口是用来与粗同轴电缆连接的接口,它是一种"D"型15针接口,这在令牌环网或总线型网络中是一种比较常见的端口之一。




BNCBNC接头,是一种用于同轴电缆的连接器,全称是Bayonet Nut Connector(刺刀螺母连接器,这个名称形象地描述了这种接头外形),又称为British Naval Connector(英国海军连接器,可能是英国海军最早使用这种接头)或Bayonet Neill Conselman(Neill Conselman刺刀,这种接头是一个名叫Neill Conselman的人发明的)。




BRASBRAS (Broadband Remote Access Server)宽带接入服务器(Broadband Remote Access Server,简称BRAS)是面向宽带网络应用的新型接入网关,它位于骨干网的边缘层,可以完成用户带宽的IP/ATM网的数据接入(目前接入手段主要基于xDSL/Cable Modem/高速以太网技术(LAN)/无线宽带数据接入(WLAN)等),实现商业楼宇及小区住户的宽带上网、基于IPSec(IP Security Protocol)的IP VPN 服务、构建企业内部Intranet、支持ISP向用户批发业务等应用。



英文缩写英文名称中文名称3G The third generation mobile communications 第3代移动通信3GPP2 3rd Generation Partnership Project2 3G协作组2π/4-QPSK π/4-offset quadri-phase shift keying π/4偏置四相相移键控AA/D Analog-digital converter 模拟信号/数字信号转换A_key Authentication key 鉴权保密键AAA Authentication , Authorization , Accounting 鉴权、授权、计帐Abis BSC与BTS之间的接口ACCM Asyc-Control-Character-Map异步字符映射表ACF Authentication function 鉴权功能AFLT Advanced Forward LinkTrilateration 高级的前向链路三角定位AGPS Assisted GPS 网络辅助GPSAGW Access Gateway 接入网关AH Authentication Header 鉴权报头Ai MSC与PSTN之间的接口A-interface MSC与BSC之间的接口AMI Alternate mark inversion 信号交替反转AMPS Advanced Mobile PhoneSystem 高级移动电话系统ANID Access Network Identifier 接入网标识ANSI American National StandardInstitute 美国国家标准协会AOA Angle of Arrival 到达角度ARP Address Resolution Protocol 地址解析协议ASIG Analog signal 模拟信令板ATM Asynchronous transfermodule 异步传输方式AUC Authentication center 鉴权中心BBCTL Back control MPM控制层背板BCTN Back Control and Net CPM控制网络层背板BDT Back Digital Trunk 数字中继层背板BER Bit Error Ratio 比特差错率BHSM Busy Hour Short Message 忙时短消息数BIB Back unit indicating bit 后向指示语比特B-interface MSC与VLR之间的接口BIOS Basic input/output system 基本输入/输出系统续表英文缩写英文名称中文名称BNEN Back Net Network 16K网络层背板BNET Back Network 8K网络层背板BREW Binary Runtime Environment forWireless 无线二进制运行环境BS Base station 基站BSA Base Station Almanac 基站历书BSC Base station controller 基站控制器BSCM Basic service conceptmodule 基本业务概念模块BSID Base station identify 基站识别号BSN Back unit sequence number 后向顺序号码BSS Base station subsystem 基站子系统BTS Base transceiver station 基站收发信机BUSI Bus-interface MP单元的总线接口CCANID Current Access NetworkIdentifier 当前接入网标识CAP Content Access Platform 内容接入平台CAVE Cellular authentication & voice encryption algorithm 蜂窝鉴权和语音加密运算法则CBC Cell broadcast center 小区广播短消息中心CC Call control 呼叫控制Conference calling 会议电话Country code 国家码CCF Call control function 呼叫控制功能CCP Compress Control Protocol 压缩控制协议CDF Command Dispatch Function 命令分发功能CDMA Code division multipleaccess 码分多址无线通信系统CDSN Central Digital SwitchingNetwork 中心架数字交换网板CellID CellIDentity 蜂窝识别CFB Call forward busy 遇忙呼叫前转CFBI Central Fiber BusInterface 中心架光总线接口板CFD Call forward default 缺省呼叫前转CFM Central Fan Monitor 中心架风扇监控板CFNA Call forward no answer 无应答呼叫前转CFU Call forward unconditional 无条件呼叫前转CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol 查询握手鉴权协议C-interface MSC与HLR之间的接口CK Check bits 检验位CKCD Central clock and Comm.Driver 中心架时钟驱动及模块间通信驱动板CKDR Clock Driver 时钟驱动板CKI Clock benchmark interface 时钟基准接口板CLI Command line Interface 命令行接口CM Configuration Management 配置管理CMF Connection Monitor Function 连接监控功能CMIP Common Management InformationProtocol 公共管理信息协议CMIS Common Management InformationService 公共管理信息服务CNIP Call number identificationpresentation 主叫号码显示CNIR Call number identificationrestriction 主叫号码禁止显示COA Care of Address 转交地址COMM COMMunication 通信板CP Content Provider 内容提供商CPM Common Signaling ProcessModule 共路信令处理部件CPSN Central Power SwitchingNetwork 中心架超级交换网板CPU Center processing unit 中央处理器CR Connection request 接续请求CRC Cyclic redundancy check 循环冗余码校验CRF Command Resolve Function 命令解析功能CSCF Call state call controlfunction 呼叫状态呼叫控制功能CSL Component sub-layer 成份子层CSM Centre switch module 中心交换模块CT Call transfer 呼叫转移CTI Computer telephone integratedserver 计算机-电话集成服务器CTLU Control Unit 控制单元CTRL Control Layer 控制层CUG Close unit group 闭合用户群CW Call waiting 呼叫等待CWTS China wireless telecommunication standard 中国无线通信标准DDB Database 数据库DBAI Database Access Interface 数据库访问接口DBCM Database Control Manager 数据库控制管理DBWR Database Write 数据库写入DBIO Data Base Input & Output 数据库输入输出接口DCS1800 1800M TDMA系统DDN Data digital network 数据数字网DDSN Double DSN 16K网板DHA Dialogue handlingarchitecture 对话处理DID Dialogue identification 对话标识Di-interface MSC与ISDN之间的接口D-interface HLR与VLR之间的接口DAI Data Available Indicator 数据有效指示DBS Data BaseSubsystem 数据库子系统DHCP Dynamic Host ConfigurationProtocol 动态主机配置协议DiffServ DifferentiatedService 区分服务DMA Direct memory access 直接存储器访问DMM Data management module 数据管理模块DN Data number 用户号码簿号码DND Don’t disturb免打扰DO Date only 仅传输数据信号DPC Destination point code 目的地信元编码DPRAM Double port random accessmemory 双口随机存储器DRAM Dynamic random accessmemory 动态随机存储器DRS Data Ready to Send 数据准备发送DS-CDMA Direct sequence-CDMA 直扩式码分多址DSN Digital service network 数字交换网板DSNI Digital Switching NetworkInterface 数字交换网络接口板DT Digital trunk 数字中继DTEC Digital Trunk Echo Cancel 带回声消除数字中继板DTI Digital Trunk Interface 数字中继接口板DTMF Dual-tone multi-frequency 双音多频信号子单元DTU Digital trunk unit 数字中继单元DV Date and voice 传输数据和音频信号DWDM Dense wave divide multiple 密集波分复用EECDT Echo digital trunk 具有回声消除的数字中继板ECP Extended CapabilitiesParallel 扩展能力并行端口ECR Enhanced Call Routing 增强的呼叫路由选择EFD Event ForwardingDiscriminator 事件前转辨别器E-interface MSC与MSC之间的接口EIR Equipment identify register 设备标识寄存器EOTD Enhanced Observed TimeDifference 增强的时间差观察EPLD Erasable programmable logicdevice 可编程逻辑电子器件EPP Enhanced Parallel Port 增强型并行端口ESME Exterior short messageentity 扩展短消息实体ESN Electric serial number 电子序列号ESP Encapsulating SecurityPayload 封装安全载荷EV Evolvement 演化FF Flag 标志码FA Foreign Agent 外地代理FAC Foreign Agent challenge 外地代理查询FAM Fleet and Asset Management 运输车队及货物管理FBI Fiber Bus Interface 光纤总线接口板FC Feature code 业务码FDC Floppy disc controller 软盘控制器FDD Frequency division duplex 频分双工FDMA Frequency division multipleaccess 频分多址FE Fast Ethernet 快速以太网(接口)FFT Fast Fourier transform 快速傅立叶变换FIB Forward unit indicating bit 前向指示语FIFO First-in first-out 先入先出法FIM Feature interaction manager 特性交互管理F-interface MSC与EIR之间的接口FISU Fill-in signal unit 填充信号单元FM Fault Management 故障管理FM Frequency modulation 调频FPGA Field Program Gate Array 现场可编程门阵列FSN Forward serial number 前向序列号FTAM File transfer accessmanagement 文件传输接入控制协议FTP File transfer protocol 文件传输协议GGE Giga Ethernet 千兆以太网(接口)GHDM General Handoff DirectionMessage 普通切换方向消息G-interface VLR与VLR之间的接口GIS Geographic InformationSystem 地理信息系统GMD Gateway Message Distributor 网关消息分发模块GMSC Gateway mobile-services switchingcenter 移动关口局GMSK Gaussian filtered minimum shiftkeying 高斯滤波最小移频键控GMW GIS Middle Ware 地理信息系统中间件GPRS General Packet RadioService 通用无线分组数据业务GPS Global Positioning System 全球卫星定位系统GRE Generic RoutingEncapsulation 通用路由封装Gs 高斯(磁场强度单位)GSM Global system for mobilecommunications 全球移动通信系统GSM900 900M TDMA系统GT Global title 全球寻址号HHA Home Agent 归属代理HD Hard disk 硬盘HDB3 High Density Bipolar of Order3 三阶高密度双极性码HDLC High level data linkcontrol 高级数据链路控制HDM HLR digital processingmodule HLR数据处理模块H-interface HLR与AUC之间的接口HLR Home location register 归属位置寄存器HLR/AUC 归属位置寄存器/鉴权中心HSM HLR service processingmodule HLR业务处理模块HSS Home subscriber server 归属用户服务器HW High speed data way 高速数据通道II/O Input/Output 输入/输出ICMP Internet Control MessageProtocol Internet控制报文协议IDE Interface of hard diskequipment 硬盘接口IETF Internet Engineering TaskForce Internet工程任务组IKE Internet Key Exchange Internet 密钥交换协议IMSI International mobile subscriberidentity 国际移动用户标识IMT International MobileTelecommunication 国际移动电信ING IP Network Gateway IP网关IntServ Integrated Service 集成服务IP Internet protocol 因特网协议IPCP IP Control Protocol IP控制协议Ipsec IP Security IP安全协议Ipv6 IP Version 6 IP协议的版本6 IRM International Roaming MIN 国际漫游移动标识码ISA Industry StandardArchitecture 工业标准结构ISAKMP Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol Internet安全协定和密钥管理协议ISC IP Standard Communication IP 标准通信ISDN Integrated service digitalnetwork 综合业务数字网ISDN PRI ISDN Prime ISDN一次群速率ISM Interior software mapper 中间软件交换程序ISO International standardizationorganization 国际标准化组织ISP Internet serviceproviders Internet服务提供者ISUP ISDN user protocol ISDN 用户协议ITC Interrupt controller 中断控制器IW/GMSC Interworking/GatewayMSC 关口局/短消息信令网关IWF Inter Work Function 网络互通功能JJDMK Java Dynamic ManagementKit Java动态管理开发包JVM Java Virtual Machine Java虚拟机LL1 Layer 1 第一层L2 Layer 2 第二层L2TP Layer2 Tunnel Protocol 层2隧道协议LAC L2TP Access Concentrator L2TP 接入集中控制点LAC Local Area Code 本地区域码LAI Location area information 移动台位置信息LAN Local Area Network 局域网LBC Location Based Charging 基于位置的计费业务LBIS Location Based InformationServices 基于位置的信息服务LCF Link Control Function 连接控制功能LCM Location Common Module 定位公共模块LCM Link Control Module 连接控制模块LCP Link Control Protocol 链路控制协议LCS Location Services 定位业务LE Local exchange 本地交换局LED Light emitting diode 发光二极管LF Logging Function 日志功能LI Length Indication 长度指示语LIR Location InformationRestriction 位置信息限制业务LMT L1 Message Transfer L1内部消息转换LMT Local Management Terminal 本地维护终端LNS L2TP Network Server L2TP网络服务器LOMC Local Operations & maintenancecenter 本地操作维护中心LRF Local register function 本地登记功能LS Local switching 市话交换局LSSU Link status signal unit 链路状态信号单元LSTP Low signal transfer point 低级信令转换点MMAC Medium Access Control 媒体接入控制MACF Mobile access controlfunction 移动台接入控制功能MAF Management ApplicationsFunction 管理应用功能MAHO Mobile Assisted Handoff 手机协助的切换MAP Mobile application part 移动应用部分MC Message center 短消息中心MC-CDMA Multiple channel-CDMA 多载波码分多址系统MCC Mobile Country Code 移动国家码MCFTP Multi Channel Flow TreatmentProtocol 多通道流处理协议MD Message distribute 消息分配MDB Memory Data Base 内存数据库MDN Mobile data number 移动台号码MEI Mobility Event Indicator 移动事件指示MF Mediation Function 中介功能MFC Multi-frequency control 多频互控记发器信号子单元MIB Management Information Base 管理信息库MIF Management InformationFunction 管理信息功能MII Media Independent Interface 介质无关接口MIN Mobile station identifynumber 移动台识别码M-interface SME与SM/SME之间的接口MIP Mobile IP 移动IPMIT MO Instance Tree MO实例树MLS Mobile Location System 移动定位系统MMD MAP Message Distributor MAP 消息分发模块MML Man Machine Language 人机语言MMT Mobile Message Transfer MS消息转换MN Mobile Node 移动节点MNC Mobile network code 移动网络号MO Manage Object 管理对象MO Mobile originated 移动台发起MOCT Managed Object Class Tree 管理对象类树Modem Modulator Demodulator 调制解调器MOF MO administration Function MO 管理功能MON Monitor 监控板MP Module processor 模块处理机板MPC Mobile Position Center 移动定位中心MPCAP Mobile PositioningCapability 手机定位能力MPLS Multi Protocol LabelSwitching 多协议标签交换MPM MSC/VLR Process Module MSC/VLR 处理模块MRU Maximum Receive Unit 最大接收单元MRVT MTP Routing VerificationTest MTP路由检验测试MS Mobile station 移动台MSC Mobile switching center 移动交换中心MSC/VLR 移动交换中心/拜访位置寄存器MSID Mobile Station Identifier 移动台标识MSM Message Switching Module 消息交换模块MSS Mobile switching system 移动交换系统MSU Message signal unit 消息信号单元MT Mobile terminated 移动台终止MTBF Mean Time Between Failures 平均故障间隔时间MTP Message transfer part 消息传送部分MTP1 Message transfer part-layer1 消息转换层-第一层MTP2 Message transfer part-layer2 消息转换层-第二层MTP3 Message transfer part-layer3 消息转换层-第三层MWN Message waiting notice 消息等待通知NNAF Network Adapter Function 网元适配器功能NAI Network Access Identifier 网络接入标识NAMPS Narrow AMPS 窄带AMPSNAS Network Access Server 网络存取服务器NAT Network Address Translation 网络地址转换NCP Network Control Protocol 网络控制协议NE Network Element 网络单元NEF Network Element Function 网元功能NETU Network unit 网络单元NID Network identify 网络识别号N-interface HLR与MC之间的接口NMC Network Management Center 网管中心NPM Network Process Module 网络处理模块NTP Network Timing Protocol 网络时钟协议NVT Network Virtual Terminal 网络虚拟终端OOAM Operation And Management 操作与维护OMC Operations & maintenancecenter 操作维护中心OMC-R Operations & maintenancecenter-radio 基站侧操作维护中心OMC-S Operations & maintenancecenter-switch 交换侧操作维护中心OMF Operation MaintenanceFunction 操作维护功能OMM Operation maintenancemodule 操作维护模块OMT Operation MaintenanceTerminal 操作维护终端OO Object-Oriented 面向对象OOF Operation OutputtingFunction 操作输出功能OSA Open Service Architecture 开放业务体系OSF Operations Systems Function 操作系统功能OSPF Open Shortest Path First 开放最短路径优先OSS Operations Support System 操作支持系统OSS Operation System Subsystem 操作系统子系统PPAD Packetassembly/disassembly 分组装/拆设备PANID Previous Access NetworkIdentifier 先前接入网标识PAP Password AuthenticationProtocol 口令鉴权协议PCA Password calling access 口令呼叫接收PCB Printed circuit board 印制电路板PCF Packet Control Function 分组控制功能PCI Peripheral controllerinterface 外围控制器接口PCM Pulse code modulation 脉冲编码调制PDE Position Determining Entity 定位实体PDN Packet Data Network 分组数据网PDSN Packet Data Service Node 分组数据服务节点PDSS Packet Data Service System 分组数据服务系统PEPD Peripheral environment parameter detection 外围环境参数监控板PHY Physics 物理器件PI PDSN-Internet(Interface)PI (接口)P-I PI PI(接口)PIN Personal identificationnumber 个人身份识别号码(口令)PL Preferred language 优选语言PLMN Public lands mobilenetwork 公众陆地移动网PM Performance Management 性能管理PMT Positioning MessageTransfer 位置服务消息转换PN Pseudo Random Noise 伪随机噪声PN Puppet number 伪随机码Personal Numbering 个人号码POMC Provincial Operations & maintenance center 省级操作维护中心POS Packet over SONET/SDH 基于SONET/SDH的分组传输POWERB POWERB B电源板POWERC Power C C电源板POWERP Power P P电源盒POWS Power Switch 电源开关板P-P PDSN-PDSN(Interface)PP(接口)PP Peripheral module process 外围模块处理进程PPC Pre-paid charging 预付费业务PPP Point to Point Protocol 点对点协议PPTP PPP Tunnel Protocol PPP隧道协议PQOS Position Quality ofService 定位服务质量PSI PCF Session Identity PCF会话标识PSK Phase-shift keying 相移键控法PSM Periphery switch module 外围交换模块PSPDN Packet switched public datanetwork 公众分组交换数据网PSS Protocol Stack Subsystem 协议栈子系统PSTN Public switched telephonenetwork 公众电话交换网QQAF Q3 Adaptor Function Q3适配功能Q-CELP Qulcomm-code excited linerprediction 高通公司码激励线形预测编码Q-interface MC与MSC之间的接口QoS Quality of service 服务质量保证QPSK Quadri-phase shift keying 四相移键控QXF Qx Interface Function 类CMIP 接口功能RRAND Random number 随机数RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial in User Service 远端鉴权拨号用户服务RAS Remote access service 远端访问服务制功能RFC Remote feature control 远端业务控制RIP Routing InformationProtocol 路由信息协议RLP Radio Link Protocol 无线链路协议RMI Remote Method Invocation 远端方法调用RMT Remote Maintenance Terminal 远端操作维护终端RN Radio Node 无线节点RNC Radio Node Controller 无线控制节点RP Radio PDSN(interface)RP(接口)R-P RP RP(接口)RSVP Resource ReservationProtocol 资源预留协议RTC Real Time Clock 实时时钟终端功能RTT Radio TransmissionTerminal 无线发射终端Radio transmission technology 无线传输技术SSC Short message center 短消息中心SCA Select calling access 选择呼叫接受SCCP Signaling connect controlpart 信号连接控制部分SCE Service create environment 业务生成环境SCEP Service create environmentpoint 业务生成环境点SCF Service control function 业务控制功能SCMG SCCP management SCCP管理SCP Service control point 业务控制点SCRC SCCP routing control SCCP路由选择控制SCSI Small computer systeminterface 小型计算机系统接口SDF Service database function 业务数据库功能Service Discovery Function 服务发现功能SDH Synchronous DigitalHierarchy 同步数字系列SDL Specification & descriptionlanguage 规范和描述语言SDM Service database module 业务数据库部件SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic RAM 同步动态RAMSF State field 状态字段SI Service indication 业务指示语SIA Sensor InterfaceApplication 接收器应用接口SID System identify 系统识别号SIF Signaling informationfield 信令信息字段SIM Subscriber identity module 用户识别卡SLP Service logic point 业务逻辑点SLS Standby Location System 备用定位系统SM Security Management 安全管理SMAF Service management accessfunction 业务管理接入功能SMAP Service management accesspoint 业务管理接入点SMD Service Message Distributor 业务消息分发模块SME Short message entity 短消息实体SMEM Shared Memory 共享内存板SMF Session Management Function 会话管理功能Service management function 业务管理功能SMP Service management point 业务管理点SMPP Short message peer to peerprotocol 对等短消息协议SMS Short message service 短消息业务SMSC Short Message ServiceCenter 短消息中心SMSDFP SMS delivery pendingflag 移动台短消息不可及标志SNAPI SnapTrack API SnapTrack 应用接口SNM Service network module 交换网络模块SNMP Simple Network ManagementProtocol 简单网络管理协议SP Subscriber processor 用户处理器SPAC Signaling point allowed accessingcontrol 信令点允许访问控制模块SPC Signaling point code 信令点编码SPCC Signaling point crowding levelcontrol 信令点拥塞级别控制模块SPINA Subscriber PIN access 用户PIN接入SPINI Subscriber PINinterrupter 用户PIN拦截SPI Security Parameter Index 安全索引SPM Service Processing Module 业务处理模块SPPC Signaling point prohibited accessing control 信令点禁止访问控制SPS Service Process Subsystem 业务处理子系统SRF Special resource function 特殊资源功能SS7 Signaling system 七号信令系统SSAC Sub-system allowed accessingcontrol 子系统允许访问控制SSD Shared secret data 共享保密数据SSF System Support Function 系统支撑功能SSM Service switch processingmodule 业务处理部件SSN Sub-system number 子系统号码SSP Service switch point 业务交换点SSPC Sub-system prohibited accessingcontrol 子系统禁止访问控制模块SSTC Sub-system testing control 子系统测试控制模块STB Signaling terminator board 信令终端连接接口板STM Synchronous Transfer Mode 同步传输模式STP Signal transfer point 信令转接点SYCK Synchronization clock 同步时钟板TT Time switch module 时分交换模块TCAP Transaction capability applicationpart 事务处理能力应用部分TCP Transfer control protocol 传输控制协议TDMA Time division multipleaccess 时分多址TDOA Time Difference of Arrival 到达时间差分TLDN Temporary location digitalnumber 临时漫游号TM Transfer module 转换层模块TMD TCAP Message Distributor TCAP 消息分发模块TMN Telecommunication ManagementNetwork 电信管理网TMSC Terminal MSC 移动汇接局TNET Time synchronization & switchnetwork 同步时钟交换网Timed and NET 同步时钟网络板TOA Time of Arrival 到达时间TOS Type of Service 服务类型(IP 包头内容)TPMC Transactions Per Minute BenchmarkC 每分钟事务处理能力Benchmark CTRAP Trap 俘获,陷阱TS Time slot 时隙TSL Transaction sublayer 事务处理子层TT Transfer type 翻译类型TUP Telephone user part 电话用户部分UUAF User Applications Function 用户应用功能UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter 通用异步收发器UART Universal asynchronousreceiver/transmitter 异步串行总线接口UCD User LCS Client Database 用户/ LCS Client数据库UCT Universal Coordinated Time 全球通用时间标准UDBCLI Universal Database Calling Level Interface 通用数据库调用级接口UDP User Datagram Protocol 用户数据报协议UDR User Data Record 用户数据记录UHDM Universal Handoff DirectionMessage 通用切换方向消息Um-interface BSS与MS之间的空中接口UPS Uninterruptible PowerSource 不间断电源UTC Coordinated Universal Time maintained by International Time Bureau 全球标准时间UUAF Unit User ApplicationsFunction 单元用户应用功能UWMF Unit Windows ManagementFunction 单元窗口管理功能UWSF Unit Workstation Function 单元工作站功能VVGA Video Graphic Array 视频图形阵列VJ Van Jacobson(compression)VJ 压缩VLR Visitor location register 拜访位置寄存器VM Voice mailbox 语音信箱VPN Virtual Private Network 虚拟专用网VSE Vendor Specific Extension 厂商特定扩展VTP Virtual Tunnel Protocol 虚拟隧道协议VTY Virtual Terminal 虚拟终端WW-CDMA Width-CDMA 宽带CDMAWAM Window ApplicationManagement 窗口应用管理WAN Wide Area Network 广域网WAP Wireless ApplicationProtocol 无线应用协议WARN Wide Area ReferenceNetwork 广域参考网络WCF Workstation ControlFunction 工作站控制功能WCM Window Control Module 窗口控制模块WIN Wireless intelligentnetwork 无线智能网WSF Workstation Function 工作站功能WTP Wireless Transport Protocol 无线传输协议WVPN Wireless virtual privatenetwork 无线虚拟专用网XXML eXtensible Markup Language 可扩展标记语言。



移动通信类缩写含义移动通信类缩写含义一、GSM类缩写1. GSM:全球移动通信系统(Global System for Mobile Communications)- 简介:GSM是一种全球标准的数字蜂窝方式技术,用于移动方式和数据传输。

2. SIM:用户识别模块(Subscriber Identity Module)- 简介:SIM卡是一种嵌入式智能卡,用于存储移动用户的身份信息和个人数据。

3. UMTS:通用移动通信系统(Universal Mobile Telecommunications System)- 简介:UMTS是第三代移动通信标准,支持高速数据传输和多媒体应用。

4. HSPA:高速分组接入(High Speed Packet Access)- 简介:HSPA是一种通信协议,提供了高速数据传输和网络接入的能力。

5. LTE:长期演进(Long-Term Evolution)- 简介:LTE是一种4G无线通信技术,提供了高容量和高速率的移动通信服务。

二、CDMA类缩写1. CDMA:码分多址(Code Division Multiple Access)- 简介:CDMA是一种数字通信技术,通过将数据编码为码片进行传输和接收。

2. EV-DO:增强型数据传输优化(Evolution-Data Optimized)- 简介:EV-DO是一种CDMA网络技术,用于高速数据传输和移动宽带接入。

3. WCDMA:宽带码分多址(Wideband Code Division Multiple Access)- 简介:WCDMA是一种广泛使用的3G移动通信技术,提供高速数据传输和语音通信。

4. CDMA2000:CDMA第二代(Code Division Multiple Access 2000)- 简介:CDMA2000是一种CDMA网络技术,提供高速数据传输和语音通信。

三、TD-SCDMA类缩写1. TD-SCDMA:时分同步码分多址(Time Division-Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access)- 简介:TD-SCDMA是一种中国自主发展的3G移动通信技术,用于高速数据传输和语音通信。


Asynchronous Transfer Mode
Administrative Unit
Administration Unit Group
Attachment Unit interfaces
Dispersion Compensation Fiber
Dispersion Compensation Grating
Dispersion Compensation Module
Data Communication Network
Automatic Level Control
Automatic Level Control
Automatic Laser Shutdown
Administration Module
Assistant Maintenance System
AU Pointer Positive Justification
Administration Unit Group
Administration Unit Pointer
Arrayed Waveguide Grating





一. 网络通信缩写1. HTTP:超文本传输协议(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)HTTP是一种用于在Web浏览器和Web服务器之间传输超文本的协议。

2. IP:互联网协议(Internet Protocol)IP用于将数据包从一个网络节点传输到另一个网络节点。

3. WiFi:无线保真(Wireless Fidelity)WiFi是用于在无线设备之间传输数据的技术。

4. DNS:域名系统(Domain Name System)DNS将域名转换为与之关联的IP地址。

5. VoIP:网络电话(Voice over Internet Protocol)VoIP是一种通过互联网进行语音通信的技术。

二. 电信通信缩写1. PSTN:公共交换电话网(Public Switched Telephone Network)PSTN是传统电话网络,用于进行电话通信。

2. ISDN:综合业务数字网(Integrated Services Digital Network)ISDN是一种数字电话线路,可以同时传输语音和数据。

3. SMS:短消息服务(Short Message Service)SMS用于在移动设备之间发送短信。

4. MMS:多媒体消息服务(Multimedia Messaging Service)MMS用于在移动设备之间发送包含图像、音频和视频的消息。

5. SIM:用户身份模块(Subscriber Identity Module)SIM是嵌入在移动设备中的芯片,用于存储用户信息和身份验证。

三. 通信设备缩写1. LAN:局域网(Local Area Network)LAN是一种用于在有限地理范围内连接多个设备的网络。

2. WAN:广域网(Wide Area Network)WAN是一种连接较大地理范围内的设备的网络。


Gateway 计费网关 CGF Charging Gateway Functionality 计费网关实体 CLR Cell Loss Rate 信元丢失率 CM Configuration Management 配置管理 CM Connection Management 连接管理 CN Core Network 核心网络 CRC Cyclic Redundancy Code 循环冗余码 CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗余校验 CS Circuit Switch 电路交换域 CTDMA Code Time Division Multiple Access 码分-时分多
BSIC Base Station Identification Code 基站标识码
CA Capacity Allocation 容量分配 CAA Capacity Allocation Acknowledgement 容量分配确 认 CC Call Control 呼叫控制 CCCH Common Control Channel 公共控制信道 CCF Conditional Call Forwarding 条件呼叫前转 CCF Call Control Function 呼叫控制功能 CCH Control Channel 控制信道 CD Capacity Deallocation 容量释放 CDA Capacity Deallocation Acknowledgement 容量释放 确认 CDMA Code Division Multiple Access 码分多址接入 CI Cell Identity 小区识别码
--通信常见缩略语 --通信常见缩略语
AAA Authentication, Authorization, Accounting 鉴



通信专业英文缩略语缩略语英语解释中文解释AAM/CMAdministrationModule/Communication Module管理和通信模块BBA BCCH Allocation BCCH分配BAM Back Administration Module后管理模块BCC BTS? Color Code基站色码BCCH Broadcast Control CHannel广播控制信道BCHBroadcast channel (transportchannel)广播信道(传输信道)BIE Base Station Interface Equipment基站接口设备BITSBuilding Integrated TimingSupply 大楼综合定时供给系统BM Basic Module基本模块BS Base Station基站BS1Abis Interface Abis接口BSC Base Station Controller基站控制器BSIU Base Station Interface Unit基站接口单元BSS Base Station Subsystem基站子系统BTS Base Transceiver Station基站收发信台CCA Cell Allocation小区分配CBCH Cell Broadcast Channel小区广播信道CC Country Code国家码CCCH Common Control Channel公共控制信道CCS Common Channel Signaling共路信令方式CDU Combiner and Divider Unit合分路单元CGI Cell Global Identification全球小区识别码CIC Circuit Identification Code电路识别码CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check循环冗余校验CS-1Code Scheme-1编码模式-1(s)CS-2Code Scheme-2编码模式-2(s)CS-3Code Scheme-3编码模式-3(s)CS-4Code Scheme-4编码模式-4(s)CTN Central Switching Network Board中央交换网板DDBF Database File数据库文件Destination (Signaling) Point目的信令点编码DPCCodeDRX Discontinuous Reception非连续接收DTX Discontinuous Transmission非连续性发射EE3M E3 Sub-Multiplexer E3子复用设备EAC External Alarm Collection外部告警采集ECSC Early Classmark Sending Control早期类标发送控制EDU Enhanced Duplexer Unit增强型双工单元增强型全速率语音编EFR Enhanced full rate speech code解码EST Establishment建立FFACCH Fast Associated Control Channel快速随路控制信道FBC Photoelectric Conversion Board光电转换板FBI Optical Fiber Interface Board光接口板FPU Frame Processing Unit帧处理单元全速率码变换器、全FTC Full Rate Transcoder速率变码器FTP File Transfer Protocol文件传输协议FUL Radio Signaling Link无线信令链路GGALM Alarm board告警板GCKS Clock source时钟板GCTN Central switching Network board中心交换网板GEMA Emergency Action board双机倒换板GFBI Fiber Interface board光纤接口板GLAP LAPD Protocol Process board LAPD协议处理板Inter-Module CommunicationGMC2模块通信板board,Module Communication and Control模块通信控制板GMCCboardGMEM Memory board数据库接口板GMPU Main Process Unit主处理单元GNET Switching Network board交换网板GNOD Node Communication Board节点通信板GOPT Local Optical Interface Board光纤通信板GPRS General Packet Radio Service通用分组无线业务GPS Global Position System全球定位系统Global System for MobileGSM全球移动通信系统CommunicationsGSM Signaling Switching Network信令交换网板GSNTBoardHHDLC High-level Data Link Control高级数据链路控制HO Handover切换High magnification Power高增益功放板HPAAmplifier boardHSN Hopping Sequence Number跳频序列号HW Highway母线IID IDentification/IDentity识别IND Indication指示IOMUiSite Operation and MaintenanceUnit操作维护单元板IP Internet Protocol互联网协议、网际协议LLAPDLink Access Protocol on theD-channel D信道上的链路访问协议LPN7Common Channel SignalingProcessing Board公共信道信令处理板MMA Mobile Allocation移动台(频率)分配MAIO Mobile Allocation Index Offset移动分配索引偏移MCC Mobile Country Code移动国家码MCK Main Clock board主时钟板MFU Microcell Frame Unit微蜂窝帧处理单元Multiplication and Management复用管理单元MMUUnit移动网编号、移动网MNC Mobile Network Code编码MS Mobile Station移动台(手机)MSC Mobile Switching Center移动交换中心MSM MSC Subrate channel Multiplexer MSC侧子复用板MTP Message Transfer Part消息传递部分NNCC Network Color Code网络色码NSS Network SubSystem网络子系统OOM Opration and Maintenance操作维护OMC Operation and MaintenanceCenter操作维护中心OML Operation and Maintenance Link操作与维护链路OMU Operation and Maintenance Unit操作维护单元OPC Originating Point Code源信令点编码PPb Pb Interface Pb接口PBCCH Packet Broadcast Control Channel分组广播控制信道PBGT Power Budget功率预算PBU Power Boost Unit功率增强单元PCCCH Packet Common Control Channel分组公共控制信道PCIC Packet Circuit Identity Code分组电路标识码PCM Pulse-Code Modulation脉冲编码调制PCU Packet Control Unit分组控制单元Plesiochronous? DigitalPDH准同步数字系列HierarchyPDTCH Packet Data Traffic Channel分组业务数据信道公用陆地移动(通信)PLMN Public Land Mobile Network网Power and Environment MonitoringPMU电源环境监测板UnitPSU Power Supply Unit供电单元PWC Secondary Power Supply Board二次电源板RRACH Random Access CHannel随机接入信道RSL Radio Signaling Link无线信令链路SSACCH Slow Associated Control Channel慢速随路控制信道SAPI Service Access Point Identifier业务接入点标识Signaling Connection Control信令连接控制部分SCCPPartSCU Simple Combiner Unit简单合路单元Stand-alone Dedicated ControlSDCCH独立专用控制信道ChannelSITE Site站点SM Sub-Multiplexer Interface子复用板Short Message Service CellSMBCB短消息业务小区广播BroadcastSMI Sub-Multiplexer Interface 子复用板SP Signaling Point信令点SS7Signaling System Number 7七号信令STP Signaling Transfer Point信令转接点TTA Timing Advance时间提前量TC Transcoder码变换器TCH Traffic CHannel业务信道TCSM Transcoder and Sub-Multiplexer码变换与子复用单元(器)TEI Terminal Equipment Identifier终端设备标识Transmission Extension powerTES传输扩展供电单元Supply unitTEU Transmission Extension Unit传输扩展单元TFO Tandem Free Operation免汇接运营Timing/Transmission and定时/传输管理单元TMUManagement Unit码变换器/速率适配TRAU Transcoder & Rate Adaptation Unit单元TRX Transceiver收发信机TS Timeslot时隙TSC Training Sequence Code训练系列号(编码)VVSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio电压驻波比WWS Workstation操作台?A, Asub A-interface A接口AC Alternating Current 交流AC Access Class (C0 to C15) 接入级别(C0到C15)ACCH Associated Control Channel 随路控制信道ACELP Algebraic code excitation linear prediction 代数码激励线性预测ACOM Antenna Combiner 天线合路器AGCH Access Grant Channel 接入允许信道AM/CM Administration Module/ Communication Module 管理和通信模块ANSI American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准组织APC Automatic Power Control 自动功率控制API Application Program Interface 应用程序接口APL Advanced Phase Locking 高级时钟锁相ARFCN Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number 绝对射频信道号ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit 专用集成电路AuC Authentication Center 鉴权中心BBA BCCH Allocation BCCH分配BAM Back Administration Module 后管理模块BCC BTS Color Code 基站色码BCCH Broadcast Control CHannel 广播控制信道BCF Base Control Function 基本控制功能BCH Broadcast channel (transport channel) 广播信道BER Bit Error Rate 误码率BHCA Busy Hour Call Attempt 忙时尝试呼叫BIE Base station Interface Equipment (board) 基站接口设备(板)BIOS Basic Input Output System 基本输入输出系统BITS Building Integrated Timing Supply 大楼综合定时供给系统BM Basic Module 基本模块BP Burst Pulse 突发脉冲BQ Bad Quality 质量差BS Base Station 基站BS1 Abis Interface Abis接口BSC Base Station Controller 基站控制器BSIC Base Station Identity Code 基站识别码BSMU Base Station Interface Unit 基站接口单元BSS Base Station Subsystem 基站子系统BSSAP Base Station Subsystem Application Part 基站子系统应用部分BSSGP Base Station Subsystem GPRS Protocol 基站系统GPRS协议BSSMAP Base Station Subsystem Management Application Part 基站子系统管理应用部分BSSOMAP Base Station Subsystem Operation and Maintenance Application Part 基站子系统操作与维护应用部分BTS Base Transceiver Station 基站收发信台BTSM Base Transceiver Station Management BTS管理BVC BSSGP Virtual Connection BSSGP虚拟连接CCA Cell Allocation 小区分配CAMEL Customized Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic 移动网络增强逻辑的客户化应用CBA Cell Bar Access 小区禁止接入CBC Cell Broadcast Center 小区广播中心CBCH Cell Broadcast CHannel 小区广播信道CBCCH Cell Broadcast Control Channel 小区广播控制信道CBQ Cell Bar Qualify 小区禁止限制CBSM Cell Broadcast Short Message 小区广播短消息CC Country Code 国家码CC Calling Control 呼叫控制CC Connection Confirm 呼叫控制CCB Call Control Block 呼叫控制块CCBS Completion of Calls to Busy Subscribers 遇忙回呼CCCH Common Control Channel 公共控制信道CCH Control Channel 控制信道CCS Common Channel Signaling 共路信令方式CD Call Deflection 呼叫偏移CDB Cell Broadcast Database 小区广播数据库CDU Combining and Distribution Unit 合分路单元CELP Code Excited Linear Prediction 码激励线性预测CGI Cell Global Identity 小区全球识别码CI Cell Identity 小区识别CIC Circuit Identify Code 电路识别码CIC Carrier Interface Controller board 载频接口控制器CIR Carrier to Interference Ratio 载干比CKSN Ciphering Key Sequence Number 密钥序列号CKV Clock Drive board 时钟驱动板CM Connection Management 接续管理CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理单元CR Connection Request 连接请求CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗余校验CRO Cell Reselect Offset 小区重选偏移CS Coding Scheme (信道)编码方式CS-1 Code Scheme-1 编码模式-1(s)CS-2 Code Scheme-2 编码模式-2(s)CS-3 Code Scheme-3 编码模式-3(s)CS-4 Code Scheme-4 编码模式-4(s)CTN Central Switching Network Board 中央交换网板DDB DataBase 数据库DBF Database File 数据库文件DBMS Database Management System 数据库管理系统DC Direct Current 直流DCCH Dedicated Control Channel 专用控制信道DCL Diagnostic Control Link 诊断控制链路DDN Digital Data Network 数字数据网DL Downlink 下行链路DLC Data Link Connection 数据链路连接DLCEP Data Link Connection End Point 数据链路连接端点DLCEPI Data Link Connection End Point Identifier 数据链路连接端点标识DLCI Digital Link Connection Identity 数据链路连接标识DNS Domain Name Server 域名服务器DPC Destination (Signaling) Point Code 目的信令点编码DRDBMS Distributed Relational DBMS 分布式关系数据库管理系统DRX Discontinuous Reception (mechanism) 不连续接收DSC Downlink Signaling fault Count 下行信令故障计数DSP Digital Signal Processor 数字信号处理器DTAP Direct Transfer Application Part 直接传输应用部分DTMF Dual Tone Multi-frequency 双音多频(收号器)DTX Discontinuous transmission (mechanism) 不连续发送(机制)EE-Abis Enhanced Abis 增强型AbisE3M E3 Sub-Multiplexer 增强型E1子复用设备EA Early Allocation 预分配EAC External Alarm Collection 外部告警采集EC Emergency Call 紧急呼叫ECSC Early Classmark Sending Control 早期类标发送控制ECT Explicit Call Transfer 显示呼叫转移EDU Enhanced Duplexer Unit 增强型双工单元EFR Enhanced full rate speech code 增强型全速率语音编解码EIR Equipment Identity Register 设备识别寄存器EM Extended Measurement 扩展测量EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility 电磁兼容性EST Establishment 建立ETS European Telecommunication Standard 欧洲电信标准ETSI European Telecommunication Standard Institute 欧洲电信标准组织FFACCH Fast Associated Control CHannel 快速随路控制信道FBC Photoelectric Conversion Board 光电转换板FBI Optical Fiber Interface Board 光接口板FCCH Frequency Correction CHannel 频率校正信道FCS Frame Check Sequence 帧校验序列FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access 频分多址FH Frequency Hopping 跳频FIR Finity Impulsion Response 有限冲击响应FN Frame Number 帧号FPU Frame Processing Unit 帧处理单元FR Frame Relay 帧中继FTAM File Transfer Access and manipulation 文件传输、接入及使用FTC Full Rate Transcoder 码变换板FTP File Transfer Protocol 全速率码变换器FUC Frame Unit Controller 帧单元控制器FUL Radio Signaling Link 无线信令链路GG-Abis GPRS Abis GPRS AbisGALM Alarm board 告警板GCKS Clock source 时钟板GCTN Central switching Network board 中心交换网板GEMA Emergency Message Automatic Transmission System 双机倒换板GFBI Fiber Interface board 光纤接口板GGSN Gateway GPRS Support Node 网关GPRS支持节点GLAP LAPD Protocol Process board LAPD协议处理板GMC2 Inter-Module Communication board 模块通信板GMCC Module Communication and Control board 模块通信控制板GMEM Memory board 数据库接口板GMM GPRS Mobility Management GPRS移动性管理GMPU Main Processing Unit 主处理单元GMSC Gateway Mobile Switching Center 关口局GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift-frequency Keying 高斯滤波最小移频键控GNET Intra-module switching network board 交换网板GNOD Node Communication Board 节点通信板GOPT Local Optical Interface Board 光纤通信板GPRS General Packet Radio Service 通用分组无线业务GPS Global Position System 全球定位系统GPWS GSM Secondary Power board 二次电源板GSM, GSM900, GSM1800 Global System for Mobile communications 全球移动通信系统,900MHz的GSM系统,1800MHz的GSM系统GSN GPRS Support Node GPRS支持节点GSNT GSM Signaling Switching Network Board 信令交换网板GT Global Title 全局码GTP GPRS Tunnelling Protocol GPRS隧道协议HHC/HY COM Hybrid Combiner 混合桥型合路器HCS Hierarchical Cell Structure 小区分层结构HDLC High level Data Link Control 高级数据链路控制HDSL High speed Digital Subscriber Line 高速数字用户线HLR Home Location Register 归属位置寄存器HO Handover 切换HPA High magnification Power Amplifier board 高增益功放板HSC Hot Swap Controller 热倒换控制器HSN Hopping Sequence Number 跳频序列号HW Highway 高速通路IID IDentification/IDentity 识别IEC International Electrotechnical Commission 国际电工委员会IMEI International Mobile station Equipment Identity 国际移动终端设备标识IMSI International Mobile Station Identity 国际移动用户识别码IND Indication 指示IOMU iSite Operation and Maintenance Unit 操作维护单元板IP Internet Protocol 互联网协议ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network 综合业务数字网ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织ISR Interrupt Service 中断服务程序ISUP Integrated Services Digital Network User Part/ISDN User Part (七号信令之)ISDN用户部分ITU International Telecommunication Union 国际电信联盟ITU-T International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector 国际电信联盟-电信标准部IWF Inter-working Function 互连功能J- -KLL2ML Layer 2 Management Link 层2管理链路L3MM Layer-3 Mobility Management 层三移动管理LA Location Area 位置区LAC Location Area Code 位置区码(LAC)LAI Location Area Identity 位置区标识LAP Link Access Protocol 协议处理板LAPD Link Access Protocol on the D-channel D信道上的链路访问协议LAPDMAIL LAPD Mail Box LAPD邮箱LAPDm Link Access Protocol on the Dm channel Dm信道上的链路访问协议LLC Logical Link Control 逻辑链路控制LMT Local Maintenance Terminal 本地维护终端LNA Low Noise Amplifier 低噪声放大器LPN7 Common Channel Signaling Processing Board 公共信道信令处理板MMA Mobile Allocation 移动台(频率)分配MAC Media Access Control 媒质接入控制MAIO Mobile Allocation Index Offset 移动分配索引偏移MAP Mobile Application Part 移动应用部分MBR Multiband Report 多频报告MCC Mobile Country Code 移动国家码MCK Main ClocK board 主时钟板MCP Multiple Communication-Protocol Processor 多重通信协议处理器MDC Message Discrimination 消息鉴别MDSL Medium Bit-rate Digital Subscriber Loop 中速数字用户环线MDT Message Distribution 消息分配ME Mobile Equipment 移动设备MFU Microcell Frame Unit 微蜂窝帧处理单元MM Mobility Management 移动性管理MMU Multiplication and Management Unit 复用管理单元MNC Mobile Network Code 移动网号MNS Mobile Network Signaling 移动网信令MR Measurement Result 测量结果MR Measurement Report 测量报告MRP Multiple Reuse Pattern 多重复用方式MRT Message Routing 消息路由MS Mobile Station 测量报告MSC Mobile services Switching Centre, Mobile Switching Centre 移动交换中心MSISDN Mobile Station International ISDN Number 移动台国际ISDN 号码MSM MSC Subrate channel Multiplexer MSC侧子复用板MT Mobile Terminal 移动终端MTBF Mean Time Between Failure 平均无故障时间MTP Message Transfer Part 消息传输部分NNC Network Control 网络控制NCC Network Color Code 网络色码NCH Notification Channel 通知信道NE Network Equipment 网络设备NM Network Management 网络管理NS Network Service 网络服务NSE Network Service Entity 网络服务实体NSS Network SubSystem 网络子系统OO&M, OM Operations & Maintenance 操作与维护OACSO Off Air Call Set up 不占用空中通道的呼叫启动OAM Operation Administration and Maintenance 运行管理和维护OMAP Operation and Maintenance Application Part 操作维护应用部分OMC Operations & Maintenance Centre 操作维护中心OML Operation and Maintenance Link 操作与维护链路OMU Operations & Maintenance Unit (board) 操作维护单元(板)OOP Object Oriented Programming 面向对象的程序设计OPC Originating Point Code 源信令点编码OPT Optic Interface board 光纤通信板OS Operation System 操作系统OSI Open System Interconnection 开放系统互连模型PPA Power Amplifier 功率放大器PAGCH Packet Access Grant Channel 分组接入允许信道PBCCH Packet Broadcast Control Channel 分组广播控制信道PBGT Power Budget 功率预算PBU Power Boost Unit 功率增强单元Pb Pb Interface Pb接口PbSL PCU-BSC Signaling Link PCU-BSC间信令链路PCCCH Packet Common Control Channel 分组公共控制信道PCH Paging CHannel 寻呼信道PCIC Packet Circuit Identity Code 分组电路标识码PCM Pulse-Code Modulation 脉冲编码调制PCU Packet Control Unit 分组控制单元PD Protocol Discrimination 协议识别码PDCH Packet Data Channel 分组数据信道PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy 准同步数字系列PDN Packet Data Network 分组数据网PDP Packet Data Protocol 分组数据协议PDTCH Packet Data Traffic Channel 分组业务数据信道PI Peripheral Interface 外设接口部件PIN Personal Identity Number 个人识别码PLL Phase Locked Loop 锁相环路PLMN Public Land Mobile Network 公用陆地移动网络PMU Power and Environment Monitoring Unit 电源环境监测板PNCH Packet Notification Channel 分组通知信道POMU Packet Operation & Maintenance Unit 分组操作维护单元PON Passive Optical Network 无源光网络PPCH Packet Paging Channel 分组寻呼信道PRACH Packet Random Access Channel 分组随机接入信道PSDN Public Switched Data Network 公用数据交换网PSI Packet System Information 分组系统消息PSK Phase Shift Keying 相移键控PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network 公用电话交换网PSU Power Supply Unit 供电单元PT Penalty Time 惩罚时间PTCCH Packet Timing advance Control Channel 分组定时提前控制信道PTM Point To Multipoint 点到多点PTM-M Point To Multipoint Multicast 点对多点广播PTM-SC Point to Multipoint Service Center 点到多点数据服务中心PTP Point To Point 点对点PWC Secondary Power Supply Board 电源控制板QQoS Quality of Service 业务质量RRACH Random Access Channel 随机接入信道RE Reestablishment 呼叫重建RF Radio Frequency 射频RLC Radio Link Control 无线链路控制RLM Radio Link Management 无线链路管理RPE-LTP Regular Pulse Excitation-Long Term Prediction 规则脉冲激励-长期预测RPPU Radio Packet Process Unit 无线分组处理单元RR Radio Resource 无线资源RSA Rivest-Shamir-Adleman 通用关键子密码方法RSL Radio Signaling Link 无线信令链路RTE Radio Test Equipment 天线测试设备RX Receiver/Reception 收信机/接收RXLEV Received signal level 接收信号等级RXQUAL Received Signal Quality 接收信号质量SSABM Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode 置异步平衡模式SACCH Slow Associated Control Channel 慢速随路控制信道SACCH/C4 Slow Associated Control Channel/SDCCH/4 慢速随路控制信道/SDCCH/4SACCH/C8 Slow Associated Control CHannel/SDCCH/8 慢速随路控制信道/SDCCH/8SACCH/T Slow Associated Control CHannel/Traffic channel 慢速随路控制信道/业务信道SACCH/TF Slow Associated Control Channel/Traffic channel Full rate 慢速随路控制信道/全速率业务信道SAP Service Access Point 服务接入点SAPI Service Access Point Identifier 业务接入点标识SCCP Signaling Connection Control Part 信令连接控制部分SCH Synchronization CHannel 同步信道SCMG SCCP Management SCCP管理SCU Simple combining Unit 简单合路单元SDCCH Stand-alone Dedicated Control CHannel 独立专用控制信道SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy 同步数字系列SDU Service Data Unit 业务数据单元SGSN Serving GPRS Support Node 服务GPRS支持节点SID Silence Descriptor 静噪指示SIG Signaling 信令SIM Subscriber Identity Module 用户识别卡SITE Site 站点SLM Signaling Link Management 信令链路管理SLS Signaling Link Selection 信令链路选择码SM Sub-Multiplexer Interface 子复用板SM-SC Short Message - Service Center 短消息中心SMBCB Short Message Service Cell Broadcast 短消息业务小区广播SMC Short Message Center 短消息中心SMI Sub-Multiplexer Interface 子复用板SMS Short Message Service 短消息业务SMS-GMSC Short Message Service - Gateway MSC 短消息关口MSC SMS-IWMSC Short Message Service Interworking MSC 短消息互联MSC SMSCB Short Message Service Cell Broadcast 短消息小区广播SMUX Sub-Multiplexer 子复用器SNDCP SubNetwork Dependent convergence Protocol 子网相关的收敛协议SOR Support Optimization Routing 支持优选路由SP Signaling Point 信令点SRM Signaling Route Management 信令路由管理SS Supplementary Service 补充业务SS7 Signalling System 七号信令SSN SubSystem Number 子系统号STM Signaling Traffic Management 信令业务管理STP Signaling Transfer Point 信令转接点TTA Timing Advance 定时提前量TAI Timing Advance Index 时间提前量索引TBF Temporary Block Flow 临时数据块流TC Transcoder 码变换器TCH Traffic Channel 业务信道TCH/F A full rate TCH 全速率业务信道TCH/F2.4 A full rate data TCH s) 全速率数据业务信道(s)TCH/F4.8 A full rate date TCH s) 全速率数据业务信道(s)TCH/F9.6 A full rate data TCH s) 全速率数据业务信道(s)TCH/FS A full rate Speech TCH 全速率话音业务信道TCI Terminal Interface board 终端接口板TCP Transmission Control Protocol 传输控制协议TCSM TransCoder & Sub-Multiplexer 码变换与子复用单元TDMA Time Division Multiple Access 时分多址TE Terminal Equipment 终端设备TEI Terminal Equipment Identifier 终端设备识别码TES Transmission Extension power Supply unit 传输扩展供电单元TEU Transmission Extension Unit 传输扩展单元TFI Transport Format Indicator 传输格式指示TFO Tandem Free Operation 免汇接运营TLLI Temporary Link Level Identity 临时链路等级标识TMSC Tandem Mobile Switching Centre 汇接移动交换中心TMSI Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identifier 临时移动用户标识符TMU Timing/Transmission and Management Unit 定时/传输管理单元TN Timeslot Number 时隙号TNI Terminal Network Interface 终端网络接口部件TO Temporary Offset 临时偏移TRAU Transcoder & Rate Adaptation Unit 码变换器/速率适配单元TRX Transceiver (board) 收发信机TS Timeslot 时隙TSC Training Sequence Code 训练系列号(编码)TUP Telephone User Part(SS7) 电话用户部分UUA Unnumbered Acknowledge 无编号证实UDP User Datagram Protocol 用户数据报协议UDT Unit Data 单位数据UI Unnumbered Information (frame) 无编号信息帧Um 空中接口USF Uplink State Flag 上行链路状态标识USSD Unstructured Supplementary Service Data 非结构化补充业务数据VVAD Voice Activity Detection 话音激活检测VBS Voice Broadcast Service 话音广播呼叫业务VEA Very Early Allocation 很早分配VGCS Voice Group Call Service 话音组呼业务VLR Visitor Location Register 拜访用户位置寄存器VM Voice Mailbox 语音邮箱VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal 甚小天线卫星地球站WWDT Watchdog Timer 看门狗WS Workstation 操作台XxDSL x Digital Subscriber Line x数字用户线YZ爱尔兰表:某基站站型为S4/4/4。



通信常用缩写以下按照缩写的首字母排列:3GPP the third generation partnership project 第三代伙伴项目AAA authentication authorization and accounting认证、授权、计费AMR adaptive modulation rate 自适应调制速率AP access point 无线接入点AMPS adcanced mobile phone services 高级移动电话服务AAL ATM adaption layer ATM适配层ATM asychronous transfer mode异步传输模式B-ISDN broadband integrated services digital network综合服务数字宽频网BCC block control check 快控制校验BSC binary sychronou scommunication二进制同步通信BTS base transceiver station 无线电收发基站CB citizen band 民用波段C/S client server客户机、服务器CAPEX capital expenditure 资本性支出DTE data terminal equipment 数据终端设备DSL digital subcriber line 数据用户线DCS digital cellular sustem 数字蜂窝系统DHCP dynamic host configuration protocol 动态主机配置协议DLE data link escape数据链路逃逸DQDB distributed queue dual bus分布式列队双总线ETSI european telecommunication standands institute欧洲电信标准协会EDGM enhanced data rate for gsm evolution 增强型数据速率EDGE enhanced data for GSM evaluation 增强型数据GSM引进技术FDDI fiber distributed data interface光纤分布式数据接口GSM groupe special mobile\global system for mobile communication全球移动通信服务GPRS general packet radio service通用无线分组业务GERAN GSM/EDGE radio access networkHSSI high speed senrial interface高速串口HSCSD high speed circuit switch data高速电路交换数据HTTP hyper text transfer protocol 超文本传输协议IMS Internet multicasting service 多路广播服务ITU international telecommunication Union 国际电信联盟电信标准部门(TSS,即ITU-T)、无线电通信部门(RS,即ITU-R)和电信发展部门(TDS,即ITU-D)IMT international mobile telecommunications 国际移动通信联盟ISP Internet service provider移动运营商ICI inter carrier interference 载波间干扰IP interner protocol网际协议local\ metropolitan\ wide area network局域/城域/广域网location areas 位置区IDEN integrated digital enhanced network集成数字增强网络IM instant message 即时通讯MMS multimedia message services多媒体信息服务MS mobile station 移动站MLS multiprotocol label switch 多协议标签交换MSC mobile switch center 移动交换中心MGW media gate way 媒体网关NTT nippon teleprap and teleplane public corporationOPEX operating expenditure cost运营成本ODRS call detail records通话详细清单PCMCIA personal computer memory card international association个人计算机内存国家联合会PCS personal communication service个人通信服务PLMN public land mobile nerwork 公用陆地移动网PSTN public switched telephone network 公用电话网PDS personal digital assistant 掌上电脑、个人数字助手PDC personal communication services 个人通信服务PVC permanent virtual counection 永久虚电路PDC personal digital cellular个人数字蜂窝电话系统PDP packet data protocol分组数据协议PDCP packet data convergence protocol 分组数据汇聚协议PWLAN public wireless local area network公共无线局域网QoS quality of service 服务质量RAN radio assess network无线接入网RNC radio network controller 无线网络控制器RoI return on investment投资回报率RANAP radio access network application partRTP realtime transport protocol 实时传输协议synchronization character 同步sychronous data link control同步数据链路控制规范system network architecture 系统网络体系结构sychronous optical network 同步光纤网subscriber identity module 用户身份模块short message services\storage 存储 message systemsvc switch vitual circuit 开关\交换虚拟电路sychronous digital Sequence同步数字序列SIP session initiation protocol 会话启动协议total access communication sustem 全球入网通信系统TDM time division multiplexing时分多路复用universal mobile telecommunication system 通用移动通信系统URL uniform resource locator 统一资源定位器UTRAN UMTS ferritorid radio access network UMTS陆上无线接入网VPN virtual private network 虚拟专业网ADM Add Drop Multiplexer 分插复用器:AON Active Optical Network 有源光网络:APON ATM Passive Optical Network A TM无源光网络:ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 非对称数字用户线: AA Adaptive Antenna 自适应天线:ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation 自适应脉冲编码调制:ADFE Automatic Decree Feedback Equalizer自适应判决反馈均衡器:AMI Alternate Mark Inversion 信号交替反转码:AON All Optical Net 全光网AOWC All Optical Wave Converter 全光波长转换器:ASK Amplitude Shift Keying 振幅键控:ATPC Automatic Transfer Power Control自动发信功率控制:AWF All Wave Fiber 全波光纤:AU Administrative Unit 管理单元:AUG Administrative Unit Group 管理单元组:APD Avalanche Diode 雪崩光电二极管:BA Booster(power) Amplifier 光功率放大器:BBER Background Block Error Ratio 背景误块比:BR Basic Rate Access 基本速率接入:Bluetooth 蓝牙:C Band C波带:Chirp 啁啾:C Container C 容器:CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection 载波侦听多址接入/碰撞检测协议:CSMA/CA Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance 载波侦听多址接入/避免冲撞协议:CNR Carrier to Noise Ratio 载噪比:CP Cross polarization 交叉极化:DCF Dispersion Compensating Fiber色散补偿单模光纤DFF Dispersion-flattened Fiber色散平坦光纤:DR Diversity Receiver 分集接收DPT Dynamic Packet Transport动态包传输技术:ODM Optical Division ltiplexer 光分用器:DSF Dispersion-Shifted Fiber 色散移位光纤:DTM Dynamic Synchronous Transfer Mode 动态同步传送模式: DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing 密集波分复用:DLC Digital loop carrier 数字环路载波:DXC Digital cross connect equipment 数字交叉连接器:EA Electricity Absorb Modulation电吸收调制器:EB Error Block 误块:ECC Embedded Control Channel 嵌入控制通路:EDFA Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier 掺铒光纤放大器EDFL Erbium-doped Fiber Laser掺铒光纤激光器:ES Errored Second 误块秒:ESR Errored Second Ratio 误块秒比:FEC Forward Error Correction 前向纠错:FWM Four-wave Mixing 四波混频:FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access 频分多址:FTTB Fiber to the Building 光纤到大楼:FTTC Fiber to the Curb 光纤到路边FTTH Fiber to the Home 光纤到户:FA Frequency agility 频率捷变:CSMF Common Single Mode Fiber 单模光纤:DSF Dispersion-Shifted Fiber 色散位移光纤:GE Gigabit Ethernet 千兆以太网技术:GIF Graded Index Fiber 渐变型多模光纤:GS-EDFA Gain Shifted Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier增益平移掺饵光纤放大器: GVD Group Velocity Dispersion 群速度色散: HPF High Pass Filter 高通滤波器:HRDS Hypothetical Reference Digital Section 假设参考数字段: IDLC Integrated DLC 综合数字环路载波:IDEN Integrated Digital Enhanced Networks 数字集群调度专网:IEEE 802.3: CSMA/CD局域网,即以太网标准。

1、数据通信 缩略语

1、数据通信 缩略语

数通缩略语AAAA:Authentication, Authorization and Accounting 认证、授权和计费ABR:Area Border Router区域边界路由器ACL:Access Control List 访问控制列表ADSL:Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop 非对称数字用户环线ARP:Address Resolution Protocol 地址解析协议AS:Autonomous System 自治系统ASBR:Autonomous System Border Router 自治系统边界路由器BBRAS:Broadband Remote Access Server 宽带接入服务器CCAR:Committed Access Rate 允许访问速率CLI:Command Line Interface 命令行接口COS:Class of Service 服务等级DDHCP:Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 动态主机配置协议DHCP option82:DHCP relay agent option 82 DHCP中继代理选项DR:Designated Router 指定路由器DSLAM:Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer 数字用户线接入复用器D-V:Distance Vector Routing Algorithm 距离矢量路由算法FFE:Fast Ethernet 快速以太网FTP:File Transfer Protocol 文件传输协议GGARP:Generic Attribute Registration Protocol 通用属性注册协议GE:Gigabit Ethernet 千兆以太网GMRP:GARP Multicast Registration Protocol GARP多播注册协议GVRP:GARP VLAN Registration Protocol GARP VLAN注册协议HHGMP:Huawei Group Management Protocol 华为组管理协议IIAB:Internet Architecture Board 因特网体系结构委员会ICMP:Internet Control Message Protocol 因特网控制消息协议IGMP:Internet Group Management Protocol 因特网组管理协议IGP:Interior Gateway Protocol 内部网关协议IP:Internet Protocol 因特网协议IPoA:Internet Protocol Over ATM 承载于ATM网的IP报文MAC:Medium Access Control 介质访问控制MIB:Management Information Base 管理信息库NNBMA:Non Broadcast MultiAccess 非广播多点可达NIC:Network Information Center 网络信息中心NMS:Network Management System 网络管理系统NVRAM:Nonvolatile RAM 非易失随机存储器OOSPF:Open Shortest Path First 开放最短路径优先PPITP:Policy Information Transfer Protocol 策略信息传送协议PPPoA:Point-to-Point Protocol Over ATM 承载于A TM网的PPP报文PPPoE:Point-to-Point Protocol Over Ethernet 承载于以太网的PPP报文PQ:Priority Queueing 优先队列QQoS:Quality of Service 服务质量RRIP:Routing Information Protocol 路由信息协议RMON:Remote Network Monitoring 远程网络监视RSTP:Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol 快速生成树协议SSNMP:Simple Network Management Protocol 简单网管协议STP:Spanning Tree Protocol 生成树协议TTCP/IP:Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol 传输控制协议/互联网协议TFTP:Trivial File Transfer Protocol 简单文件传输协议TOS:Type of Service 服务类型TTL:Time To Live 生存时间UUDP:User Datagram Protocol 用户数据报协议VVDSL:Very-high-data-rate Digital Subscriber Line 甚高速数字用户线VLAN:Virtual LAN 虚拟局域网VOD:Video On Demand 视频点播VT:Virtual Terminal 虚拟终端VTP:VLAN Trunk Protocol VLAN干道链路协议VTY:Virtual Type Terminal 虚拟类型终端,用于虚拟线路WWRR:Weighted Round Robin 加权循环调度队列。



C&C:Computer & Communication,计算机与通信C/D:Coder / Decoder,编码器/译码器C/I:Carrier/Interference,载干比C/N:Carrier-to-Noise ratio,载噪比C/R:Command / Response (bit) ,命令/响应(比特)C2B:Customer to Business,消费者到企业(电子商务)C3(3C):Computer, Communication, Control,计算机、通信、控制C3I:Command, Control, Communication and Intelligence,指挥、控制、通信和情报C4I:Command, Control, Communication, Computer and Intelligence,指挥、控制、通信、计算机和情报C5(5C):Computer, Communication, Content, Customer and Control,计算机、通信、容量、顾客和控制C7:CCITT No.7 signaling,CCITT七号信令CA:Call Agent,呼叫代理CA:Certificate Authority,认证中心CA:Charging Analysis,计费分析CA:Collision Avoidance,碰撞防止CA:Communication Automation,通信自动化CA:Congestion Avoidance,拥塞防止CAA:Computer Assisted Animation,计算机辅助动画CAAD:Computer Aided Architecture Design,计算机辅助结构设计CAAS:Computer-Assisted Animation System,计算机辅助动画系统CAC:Call Admission Control,呼叫允许控制CAC:Computer Aided Creating,计算机辅助创意CAC:Computer Assisted Composition,计算机辅助创作(作曲) CAC:Computer-Assisted Counseling,计算机辅助咨询CAC:Connection Admission Control,连接允许控制CAD:Computer Aided Design,计算机辅助设计CAD:Computer-Aided Diagnosis,计算机辅助诊断CAE:Computer-Aided Education,计算机辅助教育CAE:Computer-Aided Engineering,计算机辅助工程CAE:Customer Application Engineering,用户应用工程CAI:Common Air Interface,公共空中接口CAI:Computer-Aided Instruction,计算机辅助教学CAI:Computer-Assisted Interrogation,计算机辅助咨询CAIRS:Computer-Assisted Information Retrieval System,计算机辅助情报检索系统CAL:Computer-Assisted Learning,计算机辅助学习CD:Caller Diverting,来电转接Caller ID,来话方显示Cellular Phones,移动电话CAM:Computer Added Manufacturing,计算机辅助制造CAM:Core Access Module,核心接入模块CAMC :Customer Access Maintenance Center,用户接入维护中心CAMEL:Customized Application for Mobile Network Enhanced Logic,移动网络定制应用增强逻辑服务器CAMPER:Computer Aided Movie PERspectives,计算机辅助电影画面制作CAN:Cable Area Network,缆区网络CAN:Campus Area Network,校园区域网络CAN:City Area Network,市区网络CAN:Compact Access Node,密集的接入结点CAN:Customer Access Network,用户接入网CAP:Cable Access Point,纤缆接入点CAP:Carrierless Amplitude Phase,无载波幅相(调制)CAP:Channel Assignment Problem,信道分配问题CAP:Competitive Access Provider,相互竞争的接入提供商CAPTAIN:Character And Pattern Telephone Access Information Network system,图文电话信息网络系统CAR:Channel Assignment Register,信道分配寄存器CAR:Committed Access Rate,承诺的接入速率CAR:Computer-Assisted Retrieval,计算机辅助检索CARD:Channel Allocation and Routing Data,信道分配与路由选择数据CARDDET,卡检测CAS:Channel Associated Signaling,随路信令CASE:Common Application Service Element,公共应用服务单元CASE:Computer Aided Software Engineering,计算机辅助软件工程CASE:Computer Aided Systems Evaluation,计算机辅助系统评价CAT:Computer Aided Testing,计算机辅助测试CAT:Computer-Aided Translation,计算机辅助翻译CATA:Computer Assisted Traditional Animation,计算机辅助传统动画显示CATS:CAble Transfer Splicing,纤缆转换连接CATV:CAble TeleVision,有线电视CATV:Community Antenna TeleVision,共用天线电视系统CATT:China Academy of Telecommunication Technology,中国电信科学技术研究院CAU:Cell Antenna Unit ,小区天线单元CA VE:Cellular Authentication V oice Encription,蜂窝鉴权和语音加密CA VG:Computer Assisted Video Generation,计算机辅助影像生成CAW:CAll Waiting,呼叫等待CB:Communication Bus,通信总线CB:Channel Bank,通道汇流排CBDS:Connectionless Broadband Data Service,无连接宽带数据业务CBK:Call BacK,回叫CBMA:Computer-Based Music Analysis,基于计算机的音乐分析CBQ:Class-Based Queuing,基于级别的排队CBR:Constant Bit Rate,固定比特率CBR:Constraint Based Routing,基于约束的选路CBR:Content Based Retrieval,基于内容的检索CBR:Continuous Bit Rate,恒比特速率CBSRP:Capacity-Based Session Reservation Protocol,基于容量的对话保留协议CBX:Computerized Branch eXchange,计算机化小交换机CC:Communication Control,通信控制CC :Call Collision,呼叫冲突CC:Call Control ,呼叫控制CC:Color Compensation,彩色补偿CC:Color Correction,彩色校正CC:Compression and Coding,压缩与编码CC:Control Channel,控制信道CC:Country Code,国家代码CC:Connection Confirmation,接续确认CC:Convolutional Coding,卷积编码CC:Credit Card,信用卡CCA:Call Control Agent,呼叫控制代理CCA:Common Communication Adapter,公用通信适配器CCA:Common Cryptographic Architecture,公用密码结构CCAF:Call Control Access Function,呼叫控制接入功能CCAF:Call Control Agent Function,呼叫控制代理功能CCB:Call Control Block,呼叫控制块CCB:Configuration Control Board,配置管理委员会CCB:Connection Control Block,连接控制块CCB:Customer Care and Billing,客户服务和计费CCBS:Completion of Call to Busy Subscriber,遇忙呼叫完成CCC:Color Cell Compression,色彩单元压缩CCC:Computer Communication Converter ,计算机通信转换器CCC:Credit Card Calling,信用卡呼叫CCCH:Common Control Channel,公共控制信道CCD:Charge Coupled Device,电荷耦合器件CCDMA:Cooperative CDMA,协作CDMACCDN:Corporate Consolidation Data Network,共同统一数据网络CCDU:CES Channels Dispatch Unit,电路仿真业务信道分配单元CCE:Cooperative Computing Environment,协作计算环境CCF:Call Control Function,呼叫控制功能CCF:Communication Control Field,通信控制字段CCF:Connection Control Function,接续控制功能CCH:Control Channel,控制信道CCI:CoChannel Interference,共道干扰CCI:Conference Call Indicator,会议电话指示器CCIR:International Radio Consulative Committee,国际无线电咨询委员会CCIS:Coaxial Cable Information System,同轴电缆信息系统CCIS:Common-Channel Interoffice Signaling,共路局间信令CCITT:International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee,国际电报与电话顾问委员会CCLN:CDMA Cellular Land Network CDMA,蜂窝陆地网络CCONTCSX ,开机维持CCONT:电源模块CCONTINT:电源模块中断CCP:Call Confirmation Procedure,呼叫确认过程CCP:Call Control Procedure,呼叫控制过程CCP:Call Control Processor,呼叫控制处理器CCP:Communication Control Processor,通信控制处理器CCP:Cross-Connection Point,交叉连接点CCPCH:Common Control Physical Channel,公共控制物理信道CCR:Call Congestion Ratio,呼损率CCS:Common Channel Signaling,公共信道信令CCS:Call Connected Signal,呼叫接通信号CCS:Centi-Call Seconds,百秒呼CCS:Common Channel Signaling,共路信令CCS:Control Coordination System,控制协调系统CCS7:Common Channel Signaling No.7,七号共路信令CCSA:Common-Control Switching Arrangement,公用控制交换方案CCSE:Common Channel Signaling Equipment,公共信道信令设备CCSM:Common Channel Signaling Module,公共信道信令模块CCSN:Common Channel Signaling Network,公共信道信令网CCSS:Common Channel Signaling System,公共信道信令系统CCTrCH:Coded Composite Transport Channel,编码组合传输信道CCTV:Closed-Circuit TeleVision,闭路电视CCU:Communication Control Unit,通信控制单元CCUT,低电保护充电控制信号CD:Call Deflection,呼叫改向CD:Call Distribution,呼叫分配CD:Cell Delay,信元延时CD:Collision Detection,冲突检测CD:Compact Disc,光盘CD:Compressed Data,压缩数据CDB:Common Data Bus,公共数据总线CDB:Common Data Base,公用数据库CD-DA:Compact Disc Digital Audio,数字音频光盘CDDI:Common Distributed Data Interface,通用分布式数据接口CDDI:Copper Distributed Data Interface,铜线分布式数据接口CD-DV:Compact Disc Digital Video,数字视频光盘CDE:Collaboration Development Environment,协同开发环境CDE:Compact Disc Erasable,可擦光盘CDF:Communication Data Field,通信数据字段CDFM:Compact Disc File Manager,光盘文件管理系统CDFS:Compact Disc File System,光盘文件系统CDG:CDMA Development Group,CDMA发展集团CD-G:Compact Disc-Graphics,图形光盘CDHS:Comprehensive Data Handling System,综合数据处理系统CDI:CalleD line Identity,被叫线路鉴别CD-I:Compact Disc-Interactive,交互式光盘CDIS:Common Data Interface System,公共数据接口系统CDL:Common channel Data Link,公共信道数据链路CDLI:CalleD Line Identity,被叫线路鉴别CDM:Code Division Multiplexing,码分复用CDMA:Code Division Multiple Access,码分多址,码分多址接入CD-MO:Compact Disk Magnet Optical,磁光盘Code Division Multiple Access(CDMA),分码多重进接Cordless Phone,无线电话CDPD:Cellular Digital Packet Data,蜂窝数字分组数据CDN:Content Delivery Network,内容提供网CDNM:Cross-Domain Network Manager,跨域网络管理程序CDP:Customer Data Processing,用户数据处理CDPC:Central Data Processing Computer,中央数据处理计算机CDPD:Cellular Digital Packet Data,蜂窝数字分组数据CDPS:Central Data Processing System,中央数据处理系统CDR:Call Data Recording,呼叫数据记录CDR:Call Detail Record,呼叫详细记录CDR:Call Detail Recorder,呼叫细节记录器CDR:Capacity to Demand Ratio,容量需求比CDR:Charging Data Recording,计费数据记录CD-R:Compact Disc Recordable,可写光盘CD-R:Compact Disc-Recorder,光盘写入机CDRAM:Cache Dynamic Randon Access Memory,DRAM高速缓存CD-ROM:Compact Disc-Read Only Memory,只读光盘CDRTOS:Compact Disc Real Time Operating System ,光盘实时操作系统CD-RW:Compact Disc ReWritable,可擦写光盘CDS:Compressed Data Storage,压缩数据存储器CDS:Computerized documention Service,计算机化的文献服务CDSS:Compressed Data Storage System,压缩数据存储系统CD-UDF:Compact Disc Unified Disk Format,统一格式的光盘CDV:Cell Delay Variation,信元迟延变化CDV:Compressed Digital Video,压缩数字视频CD-V:Compact Disc-Video,视频光盘CDVT:Cell Delay Variation Tolerance,信元迟延变化容差CD-WO:Compact Disc Write Once ,一次写入光盘CD-WOEA:Compact Disc Write Once Extend Area,一次写入光盘扩充区CD-WORM:Compact Disc-Write Once Read Many,一次写入多次读出光盘CE:Call Establishment,呼叫建立过程CE:Circuit Emulation,电路仿真CE:Computing Environment,计算环境CE:Connecting Element ,连接单元CE:Convolutional Encoder,卷积编码器CEC:Cell Error Control,信元差错控制CELP:Code-Excited Linear Excited Predictive Coding,码激励线性编码CEM:Constant Envelope Modulation,恒包络调制CEN:Cell Error Number,信元差错数CENTRX:CENTRal Exchange,集中用户交换机CEP:Call set-up Error Probability,呼叫建立差错概率CEPT:Conference European Post et de Telecom,欧洲邮政和电信会议CER:Cell Error Rate,信元错误率CES:Circuit Emulation Service,电路仿真业务CES:Coast Earth Station,海岸地球站CES:Communication Engineering Standard,通信工程标准CEST:Coast Earth Station Telex,海岸地球站用户电报CF:Call Forwarding,呼叫前转CF:Conversion Facility,转换设施CF:Core Function,核心功能CFA:Capacity and Flow Assignment,容量和流量分配CFB:Call Forwarding Busy,呼叫前转忙CFB:Call Forward on mobile subscriber Busy,移动台忙时前向呼叫CFN:Carrier Frequency Net,载频网CFRNc:Call Forwarding on mobile subscriber Not Reachable,移动用户未够能达到前向呼叫CFNRy:Call Forwarding on No Reply,呼叫无应答前转CFR:Cell Failure Ratio,信元失效比CFR:Channel Failure Ratio,信道失效比CFS:Call Failure Signal,呼叫故障信号CFU:Call Forwarding Unconditional,前向呼叫无条件转移CG:Charging Gateway,计费网关CG:Computer Graphics,计算机图形学CGC:Charge Generation Control,计费生成控制CGC:Circuit-Group-Congestion,电路群拥塞CGH:Computer-Generated Holograms,计算机生成的全息图CGI:Common Gateway Interface,通用网关接口CGI:Computer Graphics Interface,计算机图形接口CGM:Computer Graphics Metafile,计算机图形元文件CGP:Computervision Graphics Processor,计算机视觉图像处理器CH:Call Handler,呼叫处理器CH:Call Hold,呼叫保持CHA:Call Hold with Announcement,带通知的呼叫保持CHAN:CHarge Analysis,计费分析CHAP:Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol,口令握手认证协议CHARLIM,充电终止信号CHAS:CHannel Associated Signaling,随路信令CHC:CHannel Controller,通道控制器CHD:Call HanDling,呼叫处理CHI:CHannel Interface,通道接口CHILL:CCITT High Level Language,CCITT高级语言CHRFLAG:CHaRging FLAG,计费标记CHRMT:CHaRging MeThod,计费方法CHS:Call Hold Service,呼叫保持业务CHT:Call Holding Time,呼叫保持时间CI:Cell Identity,小区识别码CI:Cluster Interface,群接口CI:Command Identifier,指令标识符CI:Computer Interconnect,计算机互连CI:Congestion Indication,拥塞指示CI:Crossbar Interconnection,纵横制互联CI:Customer Installation,用户装置CIC:Ciucuit Identification Code,电路识别码CIC:Communications Intelligence Channel,通信智能信道CICS:Customer Information Control System,客户信息控制系统CID:Call Instance Data,呼叫实例数据CID:Caller Identification,主叫识别CID:Channel Identifier,信道标识符CIDFP:Call Instance Data File Point,呼叫实例数据文件段CIDR:Class Inter-Domain Routing,分级域间路由选择CIDR:Classless Inter Domain Routing,无级域间路由选择CIF:Common Intermedia Format,通用中间格式CIFS:Common Internet File System,公用因特网文件系统CIG:Cell Interconnection Gateway,信元互连网关CIG:Computer Image Generator,计算机图像发生器CIG:Computerized Interactive Graphics,计算机化交互图形学CIL:Call Identification Line,呼叫识别线路CIM:Common Information Model,公共信息模型CIM:Computer Input Media,计算机输入媒体CIM:Computer Input Microfilm,计算机输入微缩胶片CIM:Computer Integrated Manufacturing,计算机集成制造CIM:Control Interface Module,控制接口模块CIMS:Computer Integrated Manufacturing System,计算机集成制造系统CIO:Chief Information Officer,信息主管CIP:Call Information Processing,呼叫信息处理CIP:Congestion Indication Primitive,拥塞指示原语CIPOA:Classical IP Over ATM ATM,承载经典IPCIR:Calling-line-Identity-Request,主叫线路识别请求CIR:Committed Information Rate,待发信息速率CIS:CDMA Interconnect Subsystem,CDMA互连子系统CIS:Customer Information System,客户信息系统CISC:Complex-Instruction-Set Computing,复杂指令集计算CIU:Cell Input Unit,信元输入单元CIW:Customer Information Warehouse,用户信息仓库CIX:Commercial Internet eXchange,商用因特网交换CKE:Chinese Keypad Entry,中文键盘输入CKO:Chief Knowledge Officer,知识工程主管CLASS:Custom Local Area Signaling System,用户局域信令系统CLASS:Customized Local Access Signaling Service,定制的本地接入信令服务CLBM:CLassical Broadcasting Model,传统的广播模型CLD:Cell Loss Detection,信元损失检测CLEC:Competitive Local Exchange Carrier,竞争性的本地交换运营商CLI:Calling Line Identification,主叫线路识别CLI:Command Line Interface,指令线路接口CLIF:Called Line Identification Facility,被叫线路识别设备CLIP:Calling Line Identification Presentation,主叫用户线识别提示CLIP:CLassical over IP,IP承载传统业务CLIR:Calling Line Identification Restriction,主呼用户线识别限制CLIRI:Calling Line Identification Request Indication,主叫线路识别请求指示CLIS:Called Line Identification Signal,被叫线路识别信号CLLM:Consolidated Link Layer Management message,综合链路层管理信息CLM:ConnectionLess service Module,无连接业务模块CLNAP:ConnectionLess Network Access Protocol,无连接网络接入协议CLNP:ConnectionLess Network Protocol,无连接网络协议CLNS:ConnectionLess Network Service,无连接网络服务CLP:CaLl Processor,呼叫处理机CLP:Cell Loss Priority,信元丢失优先权CLP:Cell Loss Probability,信元丢失概率CL-PDU:ConnectionLess Protocol Data Unit,无连接协议数据单元CLPI:Cell Loss Priority Indication,信元丢失优先级指示CLR:Cell Loss Rate,信元丢失率CLR:Cell Loss Ratio,信元丢失比CLR:Computer Language Recorder,计算机语言记录装置CLS: Channel Load Sensing,信道负载检测CLS:Controlled Load Service,受控负载业务CLS:Customer Link Service,用户链路业务CL-SCCP:ConnectionLess SCCP,无连接SCCPCLSF:ConnectionLess Service Function,无连接服务功能CLSP:Channel Load Sensing Protocol,信道负载检测协议CLSS:Communication Link SubSystem,通信链路子系统CLT:Communication Line Terminal,通信线路终端CM:Cable Modem,纤缆调制解调器CM:Call Manager,呼叫管理器CM:Call Monitor,呼叫监控器CM:Cell Merger,信元归并CM:Coherence Multiplexing,相干复用CM:Configuration Management,配置管理CM:Connection Manager,连接管理器CM:Connection Management,连接管理CM:Connection Matrix,连接矩阵CM:Continuous Media,连续性媒体CM/SCM:Coherence Multiplexing / SubCarrier Multiplexing,相干复用/副载波复用CMA:Coherence Multiple Access,相干多址访问CMAC:Control Mobile Attenuation Code,控制移动衰减码CMC:Call Modification Completed message,呼叫改变完成消息CMC:Coherent Multi-Channel,相干多信道CMC:Concurrent Media Conversion,并行媒体转换CMC:CUG Management Center,CUG管理中心CMCB :CoMmunication Control Block,通信控制功能块CME:Communication Management Entity,通信管理实体CME:Connection Management Entity,连接管理实体CMI:Call Management Information,呼叫管理信息CMI:Coding Method Identifier,编码方式标识符CMIP:Common Management Information Protocol,公共管理信息协议CMIP:Common Management Interface Protocol,公共管理接口协议CMIS:Common Management Information Service,公共管理信息服务CMIS/P:Common Management Information Service / Protocol,公共管理信息服务/协议CMISE:Common Management Information Service Element,公共管理信息业务单元CMM:Cell Management Module,信元管理模块CMN:Cell Misinsertion Number,信元错插数CMOS:Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor,互补金属氧化物半导体CMP:Content Management and Protection,内容管理和保护CMP:Customer Management Point,客户管理点CMR:Call Modification Request message,呼叫改变请求消息CMR:Cell Misinsertion Rate,信元误插率CMR:Common-Mode Ratio,共模抑制比CMRR:Common-Mode Rejection Ratio,共模抑制比CMVR:Common-Mode V oltage Ratio,共模电压比CMRFI:Cable Modem RF Interface,线缆调制解调器射频接口CMRM:Call Modification Reject Message,呼叫改变拒绝信息CMRTS:Celulla Mobile Radio Telephone System,蜂窝移动无线电话系统CMS:Call Management System,呼叫管理系统CMS:Cluster Management System,群集管理系统CMS:Conversational Monitor System,会话式监控系统CMT:Cellular Message Telecommunications,蜂窝消息电信业务CMTS:Cable Modem Termination System,线缆调制解调器端接系统CMTS:Centralized Maintenance Test System,集中式维护测试系统CMW:Common MiddleWare,公共中间件CMX:Compact Multimedia Extension Services,压缩的多媒体扩展业务CMY:Cyan青,Magenta 品红,Yellow 黄,(printing colors),减色系统CN:Core Network,核心网CAN:Communication Network Architecture,通信网络体系结构CAN:Cooperative Networking Architecture,协作式联网体系结构CNC:Congestion Notification Cell,拥塞通知信元CNCC:Customer Network Control Center,用户网控制中心CNDP:Communication Network Design Program,通信网络设计程序CNII:China National Information Infrastructure,中国国家信息基础设施CNIP:Calling Name Identification Presentation,主叫号码识别显示CNIR:Calling Name Identification Restriction,主叫号码识别限制CNLP:Connectionless Network Layer Protocol,无连接模式网络层协议CNM:Centralized Network Management,集中式网络管理CNM:Customer Network Management,用户网管理CNMI:Communications Network Management Interface,通信网络管理接口CNN:Cellular Neural Network,蜂窝神经网络CNNS:Connectionless Node Network Service,无连接节点网络服务CNP:Communications Network Processor,通信网络处理器CNR:Carrier Noise Ratio,载噪比CNS:Communications Network System,通信网络系统CNTVR-1,稳压器控制信号-1CO:Central Office,中心局CO:Connection-Oriented,面向连接的COA:ChangeOver Acknowledge,倒换证实信号COAT:Coherent Optical Adaptive Technique,相干光自适应技术COBBACLK,音频(13M)时钟COBBACSX,音频片选COBBAIDA I数据线COBBAIF,音频接口COBBAQDAQ,数据线COBBASDA,音频数据COBBA,音频处理器COBOL:COmmon Business Oriented Language,面向商业的通用语言COC:Central Office Connection,中心局连接COC:COnsulation Calling,协商呼叫COCF:Connection-Oriented Convergence Function,面向连接的会聚功能CODEC:COder-DECoder,编译码器COFDM:Coding Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex,正交编码频分复用COH:Connection OverHead,连接开销COI:Central Office Interface,中心局接口COIP:COnnected line Identification Presentation,被连接线识别提示COIP:Connection-Oriented Internet Protocol,面向连接的网际协议COIR:COnnected line Identification Restriction,被叫连接线识别限制COIU:Central Office Interface Unit,中心局接口单元COL:Computer-Oriented Language,面向计算机的语言COL:COnnect Line identity ,连接线路识别COL(4:0),键盘列线COLI:COnnected Line Identity,被连接线路识别CoLP:Connected Line Identification Presentation,连接线显示CoLR:Connected Line Identification Restriction,连接线限制COM:Centralized Operation and Maintenance,集中的操作和维护COM:Common Object Model,公用对象模型COM:Continuation Of Message,报文继续COM/CM:Common Object Model / Continuation of Message ,公用对象模型/持续报文COMC :Centralized Operations and Maintenance Center,集中的操作和维护中心CONF:CONFerence calling ,会议呼叫CONP:Connection Oriented Network layer Protocol,面向连接的网络层协议CONS:Connection-Oriented Network Service,面向连接的网络服务COO:Cost Of Ownership,拥有成本COP:Character-Oriented Protocol,面向字符的协议COP:Cohenrent Optical Processor,相干光处理器COP:Continuation Of Packet,分组的连续性COPS:Common Open Policy Service,通用开放策略服务COQ:Channel Optimized Quantizer,信道最佳化量化器CORBA:Common Object Request Broker Architecture,公共对象请求代理结构CoS:Class of Service,业务类别,服务等级COS:Cell Output Switch,信元输出交换COS:Communications-Oriented Software,面向通信的软件COS:Cooperation for Open Systems,开放系统协作CO-SCCP:Connection-Oriented SCCP,面向连接的SCCP COSS:Common Object Services Specifications,公共对象服务规范COT:Central Office Terminal,中心局终端设备COT:Class Of Traffic,业务种类COT:Class Of Trunk,中继类别COTS:Connection Oriented Transfer Service,面向连接的传送业务COVQ:Channel-Optimized Vector Quantization,信道最佳化矢量量化CP:Collision Presence,出现冲突CP:Common Part,公共部分CP:Connection Point,连接点CP:Consolidation Point,集合点CP:Content Provider,内容供应商CP:Customer Premise,用户所在地CPA:Computer Performance Analysis,计算机性能分析CPB:Channel Program Block,信道程序块CPBX:Centralized Private Branch exchange,集中式电话小交换机CPC:Call Processing Control,呼叫处理控制CPCH:Common Packet Channel,公共分组信道CPCS:Common Part Convergence Sublayer,公共部分会聚子层CPCS-PDU:CPCS-Protocol Data Unit,公共部分会聚子层协议数据单元CPCS-SDU:CPCS-Service Data Unit,公共部分会聚子层业务数据单元CPE:Customer Premises Equipment,用户端设备CPFSK:Continuous Phase-Frequency Shift Keying,连续相位频移键控CPG:Call ProGress,呼叫进展CPH:Calling Party Handling,呼叫方处理CPHCH:Common PHysical Channel,公共物理信道CPI:Characters Per Inch,字符数/英寸CPI:Common Part Indicator,公共部分指示CPICH:Common Pilot Channel,公共导频信道CPL:Computer Program Library,计算机程序库CPLD:Complex Programmable Logic Device,可编程逻辑器件CPM:Call Processing Model,呼叫处理模式CPM:Call Processor Module,呼叫处理机模块CPM:Call Progress Message,呼叫进行消息CPM:Call Protocol Message,呼叫协议信息CPM:Call Protocol Module,呼叫协议模块CPM:Continuous Phase Modulation,连续相位调制CPM:Control Protocol Message,控制协议消息CPM:Core Packet Module,核心分组模块CPM:Critical Path Method,关键路径方法CPM:Cross Phase Modulation,交叉相位调制CPM:Customer Profile Management,客户类型管理CPN:Closed Private Network,专用闭环网络CPN:Customer Premises Network,用户驻地网CPP:Call Processing Program,呼叫处理程序CPP:Calling Party Pay,主叫付费CPR:Chirp-to-Power Ratio,啁啾与功率比CPR:Cost-Performance Ratio,价格性能比CPRMA:Centralized PRMA,集中式分组预留多址CPS:Call Privacy Service,呼叫保密业务CPS:Call Processing System,呼叫处理系统CPS:Central Processing System,中央处理系统CPS:Certification Practice Statement,认证操作规定CPS:Common Part Sublayer,公共部分子层CPS-PDU:Common Part Sublayer Protocol Data Unit,公共部分子层协议数据单元CPS-PH:Common Part Sublayer Packet Header,公共部分子层分组头CPS-PP:Common Part Sublayer Packet Payload,公共部分子层净荷CPSR:Current Program Status Register,当前程序状态寄存器CPT:Cellular Paging Telecommunications,蜂窝寻呼电信业务CPT:ComPatibility Test,兼容性测试CPT:Control Packet Transmission,控制报文分组传输CPT:Cost Per Thousand,每千人次访问收费CPT:Critical Path Technique,临界路径技术CPU:Central Processing Unit,中央处理器CPWDM:Chirped-Pulse Wavelength Division Multiplexing,脉冲波分复用CLI:Calling Line Identification,主叫线识别CR:Calling Rate,呼叫率CR:Channel Reservation,信道预定CR:Connection Request,连接请求CRA:Customerized Record Announcement,客户规定的记录通知CRAC:Channel Reservation for Ahead Cell,前信元信道预留CRBA:Common Request Broker Arehitecture,公共请求代理体系结构CRC:Centralized Resource Control,集中资源控制CRC:Common Routing Channel,公共路由选择信道CRC:Cyclic Redundancy Check,循环冗余校验CRC:Cyclic Redundancy Code,循环冗余码校验CRCA:Cyclic Redundancy Code Accumulator,循环冗余码累加器CRD:Call Rerouting Distribution,重选呼叫路由分布CRD:Clock Recovery Device,时钟恢复设备CRD:Collision Resolution Device,碰撞检测设备CRE:Cell Reference Event,信元参考事件CRED:CREDit card calling,信用卡呼叫CRF:Channel Repetition Frequency,信道重复频率CRI:Call Request with Identification,识别呼叫请求CRI:Collective Routing Indicator,集群路由选择标志CRM:Call Recording Monitor,呼叫记录监视器CRM:Customer Relationship Management,客户关系管理CRN:Call ReturN,呼叫返回CRP:Call Request Packet,呼叫请求分组CRP:Currently Recommended alternate Path,当前推荐的迂回路由CRS:Call Redirection Server,呼叫再定向服务器CRS:Call Redirection Supervisor,呼叫再定向监视器CRS:Call Routing System,呼叫路由选择系统CRS:Cell Relay Service,信元中继业务CRSS:Call Related Supplementary Services,呼叫相关辅助业务CRT:Call Request Time,呼叫请求时间CRT:Cathode-Ray Tube,阴极射线管CRTP:Compressed Real-Time Protocol,实时压缩协议CS:Capability Set,能力集CS:Cell Station,小区站CS:Central Station,中心站CS:Channel Selector,信道选择器CS:Channel Switching,信道交换CS:Character Strings,字符串CS:Circuit Switch,电路交换CS:Circuit Switched Domain,电路交换域CS:Client-Server,客户机-服务器CS:Compression System,压缩系统CS:Connection Server,连接服务器CS:Convergence Sublayer,会聚子层CS-1:Capability Set-1,能力组1CSA:Carrier Service Area,载波服务区CSA:Client Server Architecture,客户机服务器体系结构CSC:Circuit Supervision Control,电路监控CSC:Circuit Switching Center,电路交换中心CSC:Common Signaling Channel,公共信令信道CSC:Common-channel Signaling Controller,公共信道信令控制器CSC:Control Signaling Code,控制信令码CSC:Customer Service Center,用户服务中心CSCE:Centralized Supervisory and Control Equipment,集中监控设备CS-CELP:Conjugate-Structure Coded-Excited Linear Predication,共轭结构码激励线性预测CSCF:Call Server Control Function,呼叫服务器控制功能CSCM:Coherent SubCarrier Multiplexing,相干副载波复用CSCS:Common Signaling Channel Synchronizer,公共信令信道同步器CSCT:Circuit-Switched Connection Type,电路交换连接类型CSCW:Computer Supported Cooperative Work,计算机支持的协同工作CSD:Call Set-up Delay,呼叫建立延迟CSD:Circuit Switched Data,电路交换数据CSDN:Circuit Switched Data Network,电路交换数据网CSDN:Circuit Switched Digital Network,电路交换数字网络CSE:Common channel Signaling Equipment,公共信道信令设备CSEI:Common channel Signaling Equipment Interface,公共信道信令设备接口CSF:Cell Site Function,信元位置功能CSF:Channel Selection Filter,信道选择滤波器CSH:Called Subscriber Hold,被叫用户保持CSI:Called Subscriber Identification,被叫用户识别CSI:Carrier Scale Internetworking,载波级互通CSI:Channel State Information,信道状态信息CSI:Convergence Sublayer Indication,会聚子层指示CSIC:Customer Specific Integrated Circuit,用户专用集成电路CSK:Code Shift Keying,码移键控CSL:Computer Structure Language,计算机结构语言CSLIP:Compressed Serial Line Internet Protocol,压缩的串行线路因特网协议CSM:Call Segment Model,呼叫段模型CSM:Call Set-up Message,呼叫建立消息CSM:Call Supervision Message,呼叫监控信息CSM:Central Subscriber Multiplex,中心用户复用CSM:Clock Supply Module,时钟供给模块CSM:Customer Service Management,用户服务管理CSMA:Carrier Sense Multiple Access,载波检测多址访问CSMA/CD:Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection,带冲突检测的载波多路监听CSN:Circuit Switched Network,电路交换网CSN:Common Services Network,公共服务网CSNP:Complete Sequence Numbers Protocol data unit,完整序号协议数据单元CSO:Composite Second Order,复合二次失真CSP:Call Signal Processing,呼叫信号处理CSP:Commerce Service Provider,商业性服务供应商CSP:Control Signal Processor,控制信号处理机CSPDN:Circuit Switched Public Data Network,电路交换公共数据网CSPM:Call & Signaling Process Module,呼叫和信令处理模块CSR:Cell Start Recognizer,信元起始识别程序CSR:Cell Switch Router,信元交换路由器CSR:Centrex Station Rearrangement,中心站调整CSR:Customer Service Representative,客户服务代表CSS:Cell Site Switch,信元位置转换CSS:Channel Signaling System,信道信令系统CSTA:Computer-Supported Telecommunications Applications,计算机支持的电信应用CSTN:Color Super Twisted Nematic,彩色超扭曲向列(LCD)CSU:Channel Service Unit,信道服务单元CSU:Circuit Switching Unit,电路交换单元CSU:Common Service Unit,公共业务单元CSU:Customer Service Unit,用户业务单元CSU/DSU:Channel Service Unit / Data Service Unit,信道服务单元/数据服务单元CSUBANS:Called SUBscriber ANSwer,被叫用户应答CSUD:Call Set-Up Delay,呼叫建立延迟CSW:Channel Status Word,信道状态字CT:Call Transfer,呼叫转移CT:Computer Telephony,计算机电话CT/RT:Central Terminal / Remote Terminal,中央终端/远程终端CT2:Cordless Telephone 2,第二代无绳电话CT3:Cordless Telephone 3,第三代无绳电话CTA:Cordless Terminal Adaptor,无绳终端适配器CTB:Composite Triple Beat,复合三次拍频CTC:Cell Type Checker,信元类型检测器CTC:Channel Traffic Control,信道业务量控制CTC:CrossTalk Cancellation,串扰消除CTCA:Channel To Channel Adaptor,信道间适配器CTCF:Channel and Traffic Control Facility,信道与通信量控制设备CTCH:Common Traffic Channel,公共业务信道CTD:Cell Transfer Delay,信元传送迟延CTDM:Cell Time Division Multiplexing,信元时分复用CTDS:Code-Translation Data System,码转换数据系统CTE:Cable Termination Equipment,电缆终端设备CTE:Channel Translating Equipment,信道转换设备CTE:Customer Terminal Equipment,用户终端设备CTI:Computer Telephony Integration,计算机电话集成CTM:Circuit Transfer Mode,电路转移模式CTO:Chief Technology Officer,首席技术主管CTP:Connection Terminal Point,连接终端点CTS:Communications Technology Satellite,通信技术卫星CTS:Computer Telegram System,计算机电报系统CTS:Credit Telephone Service,信用卡电话业务CTTE:Common TDMA Terminal Equipment,通用TDMA终端设备CTV:Cable TeleVision,有线电视CTX:Customer Telephone eXchange,用户电话交换机CUF:Channel Utilization Factor,信道利用因素CUG:Closed User Group,密切用户群CUGOA:Closed User Group with Outgoing Access,带向外访问口的闭合用户群CUI:Character User Interface,字符用户接口CUID:Called User IDentification number,被叫用户识别号CUN:Common User Network,公共用户网络CVIP:Computer Vision and Image Processing,计算机视觉与图像处理CVPTV:Crypto-Vision Pay TeleVision,加密收费电视CVR:Computer V oice Response,计算机语音响应CVS:Creating Virtual Studios,虚拟制作室CVSD:Continuously Variable Slope Delta modulation,连续可变斜率增量调制CVT:Circuit Validity Testing,电路有效性测试CW:Call Waiting,呼叫等待CW:Continuous Wave (un-modulated signal),连续波(未调制信号)CWP:Computer Word Processing,计算机字处理CWP:Current-window pointer,当前窗口指针。



以下按照缩写的首字母排列:3GPP the third generation partnership project 第三代伙伴项目AAA authentication authorization and accounting认证、授权、计费AMR adaptive modulation rate 自适应调制速率AP access point 无线接入点AMPS adcanced mobile phone services 高级移动电话服务AAL ATM adaption layer ATM适配层ATM asychronous transfer mode异步传输模式B-ISDN broadband integrated services digital network综合服务数字宽频网BCC block control check 快控制校验BSC binary sychronou scommunication二进制同步通信BTS base transceiver station 无线电收发基站CB citizen band 民用波段C/S client server客户机、服务器CAPEX capital expenditure 资本性支出DTE data terminal equipment 数据终端设备DSL digital subcriber line 数据用户线DCS digital cellular sustem 数字蜂窝系统DHCP dynamic host configuration protocol 动态主机配置协议DLE data link escape数据链路逃逸DQDB distributed queue dual bus分布式列队双总线ETSI european telecommunication standands institute欧洲电信标准协会EDGM enhanced data rate for gsm evolution 增强型数据速率EDGE enhanced data for GSM evaluation 增强型数据GSM引进技术FDDI fiber distributed data interface光纤分布式数据接口GSM groupe special mobile\global system for mobile communication全球移动通信服务GPRS general packet radio service通用无线分组业务GERAN GSM/EDGE radio access networkHSSI high speed senrial interface高速串口HSCSD high speed circuit switch data高速电路交换数据HTTP hyper text transfer protocol 超文本传输协议IMS Internet multicasting service 多路广播服务ITU international telecommunication Union 国际电信联盟电信标准部门(TSS,即ITU-T)、无线电通信部门(RS,即ITU-R)和电信发展部门(TDS,即ITU-D)IMT international mobile telecommunications 国际移动通信联盟ISP Internet service provider移动运营商ICI inter carrier interference 载波间干扰IP interner protocol网际协议local\ metropolitan\ wide area network局域/城域/广域网location areas 位置区IDEN integrated digital enhanced network集成数字增强网络IM instant message 即时通讯MMS multimedia message services多媒体信息服务MS mobile station 移动站MLS multiprotocol label switch 多协议标签交换MSC mobile switch center 移动交换中心MGW media gate way 媒体网关NTT nippon teleprap and teleplane public corporationOPEX operating expenditure cost运营成本ODRS call detail records通话详细清单PCMCIA personal computer memory card international association个人计算机内存国家联合会PCS personal communication service个人通信服务PLMN public land mobile nerwork 公用陆地移动网PSTN public switched telephone network 公用电话网PDS personal digital assistant 掌上电脑、个人数字助手PDC personal communication services 个人通信服务PVC permanent virtual counection 永久虚电路PDC personal digital cellular个人数字蜂窝电话系统PDP packet data protocol分组数据协议PDCP packet data convergence protocol 分组数据汇聚协议PWLAN public wireless local area network公共无线局域网QoS quality of service 服务质量RAN radio assess network无线接入网RNC radio network controller 无线网络控制器RoI return on investment投资回报率RANAP radio access network application partRTP realtime transport protocol 实时传输协议synchronization character 同步sychronous data link control同步数据链路控制规范system network architecture 系统网络体系结构sychronous optical network 同步光纤网subscriber identity module 用户身份模块short message services\storage 存储 message systemsvc switch vitual circuit 开关\交换虚拟电路sychronous digital Sequence同步数字序列SIP session initiation protocol 会话启动协议total access communication sustem 全球入网通信系统TDM time division multiplexing时分多路复用universal mobile telecommunication system 通用移动通信系统URL uniform resource locator 统一资源定位器UTRAN UMTS ferritorid radio access network UMTS陆上无线接入网VPN virtual private network 虚拟专业网ADM Add Drop Multiplexer 分插复用器:AON Active Optical Network 有源光网络:APON ATM Passive Optical Network A TM无源光网络:ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 非对称数字用户线:AA Adaptive Antenna 自适应天线:ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation 自适应脉冲编码调制:ADFE Automatic Decree Feedback Equalizer自适应判决反馈均衡器:AMI Alternate Mark Inversion 信号交替反转码:AON All Optical Net 全光网AOWC All Optical Wave Converter 全光波长转换器:ASK Amplitude Shift Keying 振幅键控:ATPC Automatic Transfer Power Control自动发信功率控制:AWF All Wave Fiber 全波光纤:AU Administrative Unit 管理单元:AUG Administrative Unit Group 管理单元组:APD Avalanche Diode 雪崩光电二极管:BA Booster(power) Amplifier 光功率放大器:BBER Background Block Error Ratio 背景误块比:BR Basic Rate Access 基本速率接入:Bluetooth 蓝牙:C Band C波带:Chirp 啁啾:C Container C 容器:CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection 载波侦听多址接入/碰撞检测协议:CSMA/CA Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance 载波侦听多址接入/避免冲撞协议:CNR Carrier to Noise Ratio 载噪比:CP Cross polarization 交叉极化:DCF Dispersion Compensating Fiber色散补偿单模光纤DFF Dispersion-flattened Fiber色散平坦光纤:DR Diversity Receiver 分集接收DPT Dynamic Packet Transport动态包传输技术:ODM Optical Division ltiplexer 光分用器:DSF Dispersion-Shifted Fiber 色散移位光纤:DTM Dynamic Synchronous Transfer Mode 动态同步传送模式:DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing 密集波分复用:DLC Digital loop carrier 数字环路载波:DXC Digital cross connect equipment 数字交叉连接器:EA Electricity Absorb Modulation电吸收调制器:EB Error Block 误块:ECC Embedded Control Channel 嵌入控制通路:EDFA Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier 掺铒光纤放大器EDFL Erbium-doped Fiber Laser掺铒光纤激光器:ES Errored Second 误块秒:ESR Errored Second Ratio 误块秒比:FEC Forward Error Correction 前向纠错:FWM Four-wave Mixing 四波混频:FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access 频分多址:FTTB Fiber to the Building 光纤到大楼:FTTC Fiber to the Curb 光纤到路边FTTH Fiber to the Home 光纤到户:FA Frequency agility 频率捷变:CSMF Common Single Mode Fiber 单模光纤:DSF Dispersion-Shifted Fiber 色散位移光纤:GE Gigabit Ethernet 千兆以太网技术:GIF Graded Index Fiber 渐变型多模光纤:GS-EDFA Gain Shifted Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier增益平移掺饵光纤放大器: GVD Group Velocity Dispersion 群速度色散:HPF High Pass Filter 高通滤波器:HRDS Hypothetical Reference Digital Section 假设参考数字段:IDLC Integrated DLC 综合数字环路载波:IDEN Integrated Digital Enhanced Networks 数字集群调度专网:IEEE 802.3: CSMA/CD局域网,即以太网标准。



通信网络缩略语大全AAAL A TM适配层A TM Adaptation LayerABR 可用比特率A vailable Bit RateACR 衰减串扰比ADPCM 自适应差分PCMADSL 非对称数字环路Asymmetric Digital Subscriber LineAMI A TM Management InterfaceAMPS 先进型移动电话系统Advanced Mobile Phone SystemANS 高级网络与服务Advanced Networks and ServicesANSI 美国国家标准协会American National Standard InstituteAPON 无源光纤网络ARP 地址解析协议Address Resolution ProtocolARQ 自动重发请求Automatic Repeat RequestAS 自制系统Autonomous SystemASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit(Chip)ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation OneA TD 异步时分复用Asynchronous Time DivisionA TM 异步传输模式Asynchronous Transfer ModeBBBS 电子公告板Bulletin Board SystemBER 误比特率bit error rateBGP 边界网关协议Border Gateway ProtocolBICMOS 双极型CMOSBIP-8 Bit Interleaved Parity-8B-ISDN 宽带综合业务数字网Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network BMI Bus-Memory InterfaceBOOTP 引导协议BOOTstrapping ProtocolBRI 单一ISDN基本速率BUS 广播和未知服务器Broadcast/Unknown ServerCCAC 连接接纳控制Connection Admission ControlCA TV 公用天线电视CBDS 无连接宽带数据服务CBR 连续比特率Continuous Bit RateCCITT 国际电话电报咨询委员会CD Carrier DetectCDB Configuration DatabaseCDMA码分多址Code Division Multiple AccessCDPD 蜂窝数字分组数据Cellular Digital Packet DataCDV 信元延时变化Cell Delay V ariationCEC Common Equipment CardCERNET 中国教育科研网CIDR 无类型域间路由Classless InterDomain RoutingCLIP Classical IPCLP 信元丢失优先级CMIS/CMIP the Common Management Information Service/ProtocolCMOS 互补型金属氧化物半导体CMOT CMIS/CMIP on TCP/IPCNOM 网络营运与管理专业委员会Committee of Network Operation and Management CORBA公共对象请求代理结构Common Object Request Broker ArchitectureCPAN Comprehensive Perl archieve NetworkCPE Customer Premises EquipmentCPCS 公共部分会聚子层Common Part Convergence SublayerCR Carriage ReturnCS 会聚子层Convergence SublayerCSDN 电路交换数据网CSMA/CD 载波侦听多路访问/冲突检测Carrier Sense Multi-Access/Collision Detec tionDDAC Dual Attach ConcentratorDAS Dual Attach StationDCD Data Carrier DetectDCE 数据电路端接设备Digital Circuit-terminating EquipmentDHCP 动态主机控制协议DIME 直接内存执行Direct Memory ExecuteDME 分布式管理环境Distributed Management EnvironmentDNS 域名系统Domain Name SystemDPI 每英寸可打印的点数Dot Per InchDQDB 分布式队列双总线Distributed Queue Dual BusDS-3 Digital Standard-3DSMA数字侦听多重访问Digital Sense Multiple AccessDSP Digital Signal ProcessingDTE 数据终端设备Data Terminal EquipmentDTR Data Terminal ReadyDVMRP 距离向量多目路径协议Distance V ector Multicast Routing ProtocolEECL 硅双极型ECSRN 华东南地区网EGP 外部网关协议Exterior Gateway ProtocolEIA/TIA Electronic Industries Association and the Telecommunication Indus tries AssociationEMA以太网卡Ethernet Media AdapterE-mail 电子邮件Electronic MailEPD 提前舍弃分组数据包FFAQ 常见问题解答Frequently Answer QuestionFCS 快速电路交换Fast Circuit SwitchingFDDI 光纤分布式数据接口Fiber Distributed Data InterfaceFDM 频分多路复用Frequency Division MultiplexingFEC 前向差错纠正Forward Error CorrectionFEMA快速以太网卡Fast Ethernet Media AdapterFEXT 远端串扰FITL 光纤环路FMA FDDI网卡FDDI Media AdapterFOIRL Fiber Optic Inter-repeater LinkFTP 文件传输协议File Transfer ProtocolFTTC 光纤到楼群Fiber To The CurbFTTH 光纤到户Fiber To The HomeGGCRA通用信元速率算法Generic Cell Rate AlgorithmGGP 网关-网关协议Gateway-Gateway ProtocolGSM 移动通信全球系统(全球通) Global Systems for Mobile communications HHEC 信头错误控制Header Error ControlHCS 头校验序列Header Check SequenceHDLC 高级数据链路控制(协议)High-Level Data Link ControlHDTV 数字高清晰度电视High Definition TeleVisionHFC 混合光纤同轴Hybrid Fiber CoaxHIPPI 高性能并行接口High Performance Parallel InterfaceHOL 队头阻塞HTTP 超文本传输协议HyperText Transfer ProtocolHub 集线器IIAB 因特网结构委员会Internet Architecture BoardIAP 因特网接入提供商Internet Access ProviderICCB Internet控制与配置委员会Internet Control and Configuration Board ICMP 因特网控制信息协议Internet Control Message ProtocolICP Internet Content ProviderICX 部件间交换Inter-Cartridge ExchangeIDP 网间数据报协议Internetwork Datagram ProtocolIDU 接口数据单元Interface Data UnitIEEE 电子和电气工程师协会Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IETF 因特网工程特别任务组Internet Engineering Task ForceIGMP Internet组管理协议Internet Group Management ProtocolIGP 内部网关协议Interior Gateway ProtocolIISP间歇交换机信令协议ILMI 过渡性局域管理界面(?)IMP 接口信息处理机Interface Message ProcessorIMTS 改进型移动电话系统Emproved Mobile Telephone SystemIP 因特网协议Internet ProtocolIRC Internet Relay ChatIRTF 因特网研究特别任务组Internet Research Task ForceISDN 综合业务数字网Integrated Services Digital NetworkISO 国际标准化组织International Organization for Standardization(或简称International Standard Organization)ISP 因特网服务提供商Internet Service ProvederIT 信息技术Information TechnologyITU 国际电信联盟International Telecommunications UnionJJPEG 图像专家联合小组Joint Photographic Experts GroupLL2F 第二层转发L2TP 第二层隧道协议LAN 局域网Local Area NetworkLANE 局域网仿真LAN EmulationLAP 链路访问过程Link Access ProcedureLCP 链路控制协议Link Control ProtocolLE_ARP LAN仿真地址转换协议LEC 局域网仿真客户端LAN Emulation ClientLECS 局域网仿真配置服务LAN Emulation Configure ServiceLED 发光二极管LES 局域网仿真服务器LAN Emulation ServerLF Line FeedLI 长度指示LIM 插件板LLC 逻辑链路控制Logical Link ControlMMAC 介质访问控制Media Access ControlMAN 城域网Metropolitan Area NetworkMACA避免冲突的多路访问(协议)(IEEE802.11无线局域网标准的基础) Multiple Access with Access A voidanceMAU Medium Access UnitMIB 管理信息库Management Information BaseMIC Media interface connectorModem 调制解调器MOTD 当日消息Message Of The DayMPC MPOA ClientMPEG 活动图像专家组Motion Picture Experts GroupMRFCS 多速率快速电路交换Multirate Fast Circuit SwitchingMPOA Multi-Protocol Over A TMMPS MPOA ServerMRCS 多速率电路交换Multirate Circuit SwitchingMSC 移动交换中心Mobile Switching CenterMTBF 两次故障间的平均时间Media Time Between FaultsMTOR 故障修复所需平均时间Media Time of RepairMTP 邮件传输协议Mail Transfer ProtocolMTSO 移动电话交换站Mobile Telephone Switching OfficeMTTD 故障诊断所需平均时间Media Time to DiagnoseMTU 最大传输单元Maximum Transfer UnitNNAP 网络接入点Network Access PointNCA网络计算结构Network Computing ArchitectureNCFC 中国国家计算机网络设施,国内也称中关村网The National Computing and Network Facility of ChinaNCP 网络控制协议Network Control ProtocolNCP 网络核心协议Network Core ProtocolNEXT 近端串扰NFS 网络文件系统Network File SystemNHRP 下一个节点路由协议NHS NHRP ServerNIC Null-Attach ConcentratorNIC 网卡Network Interface CardNIC 网络信息中心Network Information CentreNIM 网络接口模块Network Interface ModuleNISDN 窄带ISDN Narrowband Integrited Services Digital NetworkNLAM 网络层地址管理NNI 网络-网络接口Network-Network InterfaceNOMS 网络营运与管理专题讨论会Network Operation and Management Symposium NREN (美国)国家研究和教育网National Research and Education NetworkNSAP 网络服务接入点Network Service Access PointNSF (美国)国会科学基金会NVRAM Non-volatile RAMNVT 网络虚拟终端Network V irtual TerminalOOAM 操作与维护Operation And MaintenanceODBC 开放数据库互连Open Database ConnectionORB 对象请求代理Object REquest BrokerOSF 开放软件基金会Open Software FundationOSI 开放系统互联Open System InterconnectionOSPF 开放最短路径优先(协议) Open Shortest Path FirstPPBX 用户交换机Private Branch eXchangePCM 脉冲编码调制Pulse Code ModulationPCN 个人通信网络Personal Communications Network PCR 峰值信元速率Peak Cell RatePCS 个人通信服务Personal Communications ServicePDH 准同步数字系列PDA个人数字助理Personal Digital AssistantPDN 公用数据网Public Data NetworkPDU 协议数据单元Protocol Data UnitPER 分组差错率packet error ratePEM Port Expansion ModulePIR 分组插入率packet insertion ratePI/SO Primary In/Secondary OutPLCP 物理层会聚协议Physical Layer Convergence Protocol PLR 分组丢失率packet loss ratePMD 物理媒体相关(子层)Physical Medium Dependent POH 通道开销PON 无源光纤网POP Post Office ProtocolPO/SI Primary Out/Secondary InPOTS 普通老式电话业务Plain Old Telephone ServicePPD 部分舍弃分组数据包Partial Packet DiscardP2P peer to peer,对等实体通信PPP 点到点协议Point to Point ProtocolPPTP点对点隧道协议PRM 每分钟可打印输出的页数Page Per MinutePRM 协议参考模型Protocol Reference ModelPRN 分组无线网Packet Radio NetworkPSN 分组交换节点Packet Switch NodePSDN 分组交换数据网PSTN 公用电话交换网Public Switched Telephone NetworkPVC 永久虚电路(包括PVPC和PVCC)Permanent Virtual CircuitPVPC permanent virtual path connectionPVCC permanent virtual channel connectionPVP 永久虚路径Permanent Virtual PathQQoS 服务质量Quality of ServiceRRADIUS 远端授权拨号上网用户服务RARP 逆向地址解析协议Reverse Address Resolution ProtocolRAS 远程访问服务器RFC 请求评注Request for CommentsRFT Request for TechnologyRIP Routing Information ProtocolRMON 远程网络管理Router 路由器RPC 远程过程调用Remote Procedure CallRSVP 资源重复利用协议RTMP Routing Table Maintenance Protocol(用于Appletalk)RTP 接收和发送端口RTS 往返样本Round Trip SampleRTS 剩余时间标签SSAP 业务接入点Service Access PointSAP 服务公告协议Service Advertising ProtocolSAR 分段和重组(子层) Segmentation and ReassemblySAS Single Attached StationSC Stick and Click connectorSCR 信号串扰比SCR 持续信元速率Sustained Cell RateSCS 交换控制软件SDH 同步数字系列Synchronous Digital HierarchySDLC 同步数据链路控制(协议) Advanced Data Communication Control Procedure SDTV 标准数字电视SDU 业务数据单元Service Data UnitSIPP 增强的简单因特网协议Simple Internet Protocol PlusSLIP 串行线路IP Serial Line Interface ProtocolSMDS 交换式多兆比特数据业务Switched Multimegabit Data ServicesSMF 单模光纤Single-mode FiberSMI Structure of Management Information(MIB的结构)SMT 站点管理Station ManagementSMTP 简单邮件传输协议Simple Mail Transfer ProtocolSNA系统网络体系结构System Network ArchitectureSNMP 简单网络管理协议Simple Network Management ProtocolSNR 信噪比Signal-Noise ratioSOH 段开销SONET 同步光纤网络Synchronous Optical NetworkSPE 同步净荷包Synchronous Payload EnvelopeSPP 定序分组协议(XNS中,相当于TCP)Sequential Packet ProtocolSRTS 同步剩余时间标签法SSCS 业务特定部分会聚子层SSI 服务器端包含Server Side IncludeST Stick and Turn connectorSTM 同步传输方式Synchronous Transfer ModeSTP 屏蔽双绞线Shielded Twisted PairSTS 同步传输信号Synchronous Transport SignalSVC 交换虚电路Switched V irtual CircuitSwitch 交换机TTAC Technical Assistance CenterTAST 时间分配话音插空技术Time Assignment by Speech Interpolation TC 传输汇集(子层) Transmission ConvergenceTCP 传输控制协议Transmission Control ProtocolTDM 时分多路复用Time Division MultiplexingTFTP单纯文件传输协议Trivial File Transfer protocolTIP终端接口处理机Terminal Interface ProcessorTP 双绞线Twisted PairTSAP 传输层服务访问点Transport Service Access PointTTL 生存时间Time To LiveTTR 定时令牌旋转UUBR 未定义比特率Undefined Bit RateUEM 通用以太网模块Universal Ethernet ModuleUDP 用户数据报协议User Datagram ProtocolUI Unix国际UNI 用户-网络接口User-Network InterfaceUPC 使用参数控制Usage Parameter ControlURL 统一资源定位Universal Resource LocatorUSB 通用串行总线Universal Serial BusUTP 非屏蔽双绞线Unshielded Twisted PairUUCP Unix to Unix Copy ProgramVV AN 增值网V alue Added NetworkVBR 可变比特率V ariable Bit RateVCC 虚信道连接V irtual Channel ConnectionVCI virtual channel identifierV-D 向量-距离(算法)又叫Bellman-Ford算法)vector-distanceVLAN V irtual LANVLSI 超大规模集成电路VOD 点播图像Video on DemandVPC 虚路径连接V irtual Path ConnectionVPI 虚路径标识virtual path identifierVPN 虚拟专用网络V irtual Private NetworkVRML 虚拟现实造型语言V irtual Reality Modeling Language VTP 虚拟隧道协议WWAN 广域网Wide Area NetworkWDM 波分多路复用Wavelength Division Multiplexing WDMA波分多路访问Wavelength Division Multiple Access WRB Web请求代理Web Request BrokerWWW 万维网World Wide WebXXNS Xerox Network System。



通信常见英文缩略语外贸邮件里常见的英文缩略词:1. CC=Carbon copy 抄送2. FYI=for your reference 供你参考3. ASAP=as soon as possible 尽快4. RESEND! 重传数字:2 = to/too2B or not 2B = To be or not to be4 = for4ever = foreverA:ASL = Age/Sex/LocationAFAIC = As Far As I’m ConcernedAFAIK = As Far As I KnowAMBW = All My Best WishesAOTS = All Of The SuddenASAFP = As Soon As "Friggin" Possible ASAP = As Soon As PossibleATST = At The Same TimeB:B4 = BeforeB4N = Bye For NowBBIAB = Be Back In A BitBBIAF = Be Back In A FewBBL = Be Back LaterBBN = Bye Bye NowBF = Boy friendBFD = Big Fing DealBFN = Bye For NowBHOF = Bald Headed Old FartBIF = Basis In FactBITD = Back In The DayBiz = BusinessBM = Byte MeBMOTA = Byte Me On The AssBNF = Big Name FanBOHICA = Bend Over Here It Comes Again BOM=bill of material 材料清单BR = Best regardsBRB = Be Right BackBRT = Be Right ThereBS = Big SmileBT = Byte ThisBTDT = Been There Done ThatBTSOOM = Beats The Sh Out Of MeBTW = By The WayBTWBO = Be There With Bells OnBWDIK = But What Do I Know?BWO = Black, White or OtherC:Cam = Web CameraCIAO = Goodbye (in Italian)CID = Consider It DoneCIS = CompuServe Information ServiceCMF = Count My FingersCof$ = Church of ScientologyCRAFT = Can’t Remember A Fing Thing CRAWS = Can’t Remember Anything Worth A Sh CSL = Can’t Stop LaughingCTC = Choaking The ChickenCU = See YouCUL/CYL/CUL8R = See You LaterCWYL = Chat With You LaterCYA = Cover Your AssD:DBEYR = Don’t Believe Everything You ReadDD = Due DiligenceDDD = Direct Distance DialDETI = Don’t Even Think ItDGT = Don’t Go ThereDHYB = Don’t Hold Your BreathDIIK = Damned If I KnownDILLIGAD = Do I Look Like I Give A d\\amn DILLIGAS = Do I Look Like I Give A ShDKDC = Don’t Know Don’t CareDL = DownloadDLTM = Don’t Lie T o MeDQYDJ = Don’t Quit You’re Day JobDRIB = Don’t Read If BusyDS = Dunce SmileyDYSTSOTT = Did You See The Size Of That ThingE:EG = Evil GrinEOM = End Of MessageESO = Equipment Smarter than OperatorF:F2F/FTF = Face To FaceFAQ = Frequently Asked QuestionFBKS = Failure Between Keyboard and SeatFE = For Example/Fatal ErrorFF&PN = Fresh Fields And Pastures NewFOAF = Friend Of A FriendFTASB = Faster Than A Speeding BulletFT = FaintFTL = Faster Than LightFTTB = For The Time BeingFUBAR = Fed Up Beyond All RecognitionFUBB = Fed Up Beyond BeliefFUD = (Spreading) Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation FWIW = For What It’s WorthFYA = For Your AmusementFYI = For Your InformationFYM = For Your MisinformationG:G2G = Got To GoG8T/GR8 = GreatGAL = Get A LifeGDGD = Good,GoodGF = girlfriendGG = Good Game/Gotta GoGIGO = Garbage In, Garbage Out GIWIST = Gee, I Wish I’d Said ThatGL = Good LuckGLYASDI = God Loves You And So Do I GMTA = Great Minds Think Alike GNBLFY = Got Nothing But Love For You GR&D = Grinning Running And Ducking GRRRR = "Growling"GSOAS = Go Sit On A SnakeGTG = Got To GoGTGB = Got To Go, ByeGTGP = Got To Go PeeGTH = Go To HellGTSY = Glad To See YaGYPO = Get Your Pants OffBE A QUEEN.H:HAGO = Have A Good OneHAK = Hugs And KissesHB = Hurry BackHD = HoldHHO1/2K = Ha Ha, Only Half Kidding HHOK = Ha Ha, Only KiddingHIOOC = Help! I’m Out Of CoffeeHowz = How isHTH = Hope This (That) HelpsHUA = Heads Up AceHUYA = Head Up Your AI:IAC = In Any CaseIAE = In Any EventIANAC = I Am Not A CrookIANAL = I Am Not A LawyerIBT = In Between TechnologyIBTD = I Beg To DifferIC = I See/In CharacterIDGAF = I Don’t Give A FIDGI = I Don’t Get ItIDK = I Don’t KnowIDKY = I Don’t Know YouIDST = I Didn’t Say ThatIDTS = I Don’t Think SoIFAB = I Found A BugIFU = I Fed UpIGGP = I Gotta Go PeeIIIO = Intel Inside, Idiot OutsideIIMAD = If It Makes An(y) DifferenceIIRC = If I Remember CorrectlyIIWM = If It Were MeILICISCOMK = I Laughed, I Cried, I Spat/Spilt Coffee/Crumbs/Coke On My KeyboardILY = I Love YouIMHO = In My Humble OpinionIMNSHO = In My Not So Humble OpinionIMO = In My OpinionINMP = It’s Not My ProblemINPO = In No Particular OrderIOH = I’m Outta HereIOW = In Other WordsIRL = In Real LifeISS = I Said SoITM = In The MoneyIYKWIM = If You Know What I Mean IYSS = If You Say SoJ:J/C = Just CheckingJ/K = Just Kidding!J/W = Just WonderingJAFO = Just Another Fing OnlookerK:K/KK = OK/OK, OKKFY = Kiss For YouKISS = Keep It Simple StupidKIT = Keep In TouchKMA = Kiss My AssKWIM = Know What I MeanKX = kissKYPO = Keep Your Pants OnL:L8R = LaterLD = Long DistanceLDTTWA = Let’s Do The Time Warp Again LLTA = Lots And Lots Of Thunderous Applause LMAO = Laughing My Ass OffLMK = Let Me KnowLOL = Laughing Out Loud/Lots Of Luck(Love) LTIC = Laughing ’Til I CryLTNS = Long Time No SeeLYL = Love Ya LotsLYLAS = Love You Like A SisterM:M8T = MateMHOTY = My Hat’s Off To YouMM = Market MakerMorF = Male or Female?MOTD = Message Of The DayMOTSS = Members Of The Same Sex MTFBWY = May The Force Be With You MWBRL = More Will Be Revealed LaterMYOB = Mind Your Own BusinessN:N = And/Know/NowNAK = Nursing At KeyboardNAZ = Name, Address, Zip (also means Nasdaq) NBD = No Big DealNBIF = No Basis In FactNFI = No Fing IdeaNFW = No Fing WayNIFOC = Nude In Front Of The ComputerNM = Never MindNMP = Not My ProblemNMU = Nothing Much YouNOYB = None Of Your BusinessNP = No ProblemNQOCD = Not Quite Our Class DearNRG = EnergyNRN = No Reply NecessaryNYCFS = New York City Finger SaluetO:OAUS = On An Unrelated SubjectOBTW = Oh, By The WayOIC = Oh, I SeeOICU = Oh, I See YouOMDB = Over My Dead BodyOMG = Oh My God/Oh My GoshOMIK = Open Mouth, Insert KeyboardONNA = Oh No, Not AgainOOC = Out Of CharacterOOTB = Out Of The Box/Out Of The BlueOT = Off TopicOTOH = On The Other HandOWTTE = Or Words To That EffectOZ = stands for "Australia"P:PEBCAK = Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard PEM = Privacy Enhanced MailPic = PicturePIMP = Peeing In My PantsPITA = Pain In The AssPLS/PLZ = PleasePMFJI = Pardon Me For Jumping InPO = Piss Off /product order/purchase orderPOS = Parents Over ShoulderPOV = Point Of ViewPPL = PeoplePro = ProfessionalPS = By The Way/PhotoshopS:SS:spring/summerT:TAH = Take A HikeTANSTAAFL = There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch TARFU = Things Are Really Fed UpTDTM = Talk Dirty To MeTEOTWAWKI = The End Of The World As We Know It TFN = Thanks For Nothin’THX/TX/THKS = ThanksTIA = Thanks In AdvanceTIAIL = Think I Am In LoveTIC = Tongue In CheekTKS/TKX=ThanksTLA = Three Letter AcronymTLGO = The List Goes OnTM = Trust MeTMI = Too Much InformationTMTOWTDI = There’s More Than One Way To Do It TPTB = The Powers That BeTSR = Totally Stuck in RAMTTFN = Ta Ta For NowTTT = That’s The Ticket/To The TopTTUL/TTYL = Talk To You LaterTWHAB = This Won’t Hurt A BitTY = Thank YouTYVM = Thank You Very MuchU:U = YouUR = YourU R = You areunPC = unPolitically CorrectURYY4M = You Are Too Wise For MeV:VFM = Values For MoneyVG = Very GoodW:WAG = Wild Ass GuessWAI = What An IdiotWB = Welcome BackWCA = Who Cares AnywayWDYS = What Did You Say?WDYT = What Do You Think?WE = WhateverWEG = Wicked Evil GrinWG = Wicked GrinWGAFF = Who Gives A Flying F WIIFM = What’s In It For Me?WIT = Wordsmith In TrainingWITFITS = What in the F is this ShWOG = Wise Old GuyWot/Wut = WhatWRT = With Respect To/With Regard To WTF = What The FWTG = Way To Go!WTSDS = Where The Sun Don’t Shine WYMM = Will You Marry MeWYP = What’s Your Problem?WYRN = What’s Your Real Name?WYS = Whatever You SayWYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get WYT = Whatever You ThinkX:X U = Kiss YouY:Y = WhyYa = YouYA = Yet AnotherYAFIYGI = You Asked For It You Got ItYDKM = You Don’t Know MeYep/Yup = YesYGBK = You Gotta Be Kiddin’YMMV = Your Mileage May VaryYNK = You Never KnowYOYO = You’re On Your OwnYR = Yeah, RightYSYD = Yeah, Sure You DoYTTT = You Telling The Truth?YYSSW = Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever Z:ZG:zoological garden动物园zz:zigzag Z字形, 锯齿形ZZZ:ZZZ[拟声]打鼾声Z:Zone地区,地带ZC:zone center区中心ZY:ZhongYuan aviation co.中原航空公司ZJ:ZheJiang airlines浙江航空公司ZS:This这,这个ZST:Zone Standard Time区标准时。



中国无线通信标准研究组(CWTS)ISP(Internet Service Provider):互联网服务提供商,即向广大用户综合提供互联网接入业务、信息业务、和增值业务的电信运营商。


EVDO(EV-DO):实际上是三个单词的缩写:Evolution(演进)、 Data Only。

LTE(Long Term Evolution):长期演进)项目是3G的演进,始于2004年3GPP的多伦多会议。

LTE并非人们普遍误解的4G 技术,而是3G与4G技术之间的一个过渡,是的全球标准,它改进并增强了3G的空中接入技术,采用OFDM和MIMO作为其无线网络演进的唯一标准。



MIMO(Multiple-Input Multiple-Out-put)多如多出技术:系统是一项运用于的核心技术。



该技术最早是由Marconi 于1908年提出的,它利用多天线来抑制信道衰落。

根据收发两端天线数量,相对于普通的SISO(Single-Input Single-Output)系统,MIMO还可以包括SIMO(Single-Input Multi-ple-Output)系统和MISO(Multiple-Input Single-Output)系统。

OFDM(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)即正交频分复用技术:实际上OFDM是MCM Multi-CarrierModulation,多载波调制的一种。




A/D Analogue to Digital Converter**模数转换AA Auto-Answer**自动应答AA1Adaptive Antenna**自适应天线,一种天线提供直接指向目标的波束,能AA2Assert Acknowledge**断言应答AAA Authentication,Authorization,Accounting**认证、授权和计费AAD Address Adder**地址加法器AB Address Bus**地址总线AB1Arithmetic Bus**运算总线ABC Automation of Bibliography through Computerzation**计算机化自动编ABR Available Bit Rate**可用比特率AC Access Control**存储控制AC1Address Carry**地址进位AC2Access Cycle**存储周期AC3Add Carry**加法进位AC4the Atlantic Cable**大西洋海底电缆AC5Authentication Centre**鉴权中心AC6Access Code**存储码ACCH Associated Control Channel**随路控制信道ACD Automatic Call Distribution**自动呼叫分配A-CDMA Asynchronous Code Division Multiple Access**异步码分多址ACI Adjacent-Channel Interference**邻频干扰ACIR Adjacent Channel Interference Ratio**邻信道干扰比ACK1ACKnowledgement**确认ACL Asynchronous Connectionless Link**异步无连接ACLR Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio**邻信道泄漏比ACLR1Adjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio**邻信道泄漏功率比ACLR2Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio**邻信道泄漏比ACLR3Adjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio**邻信道泄漏功率比acoustic amplitude logger acoustic amplitude logger**声波幅度测井仪acoustic amplitude logger1acoustic amplitude logger**声波幅度测井仪ACP Adjacent Channel Power**邻道功率ACP1Adjacent Channel Power**邻道功率acquisition time acquisition time**取数据时间acquisition time1acquisition time**取数据时间ACR Average Cell Rate**平均信元率ACR1Allowed Cell Rate**允许的信元率ACR2Average Cell Rate**平均信元率ACU Antenna Combining Unit**天线组合单元ACU1Acknowledgement Signal Unit**证实信号单元 表示正确地或ACU2Antenna Control Unit**天线控制器ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter**摸数转换器ADC;DAMPS North America digital cellular system**北美数字蜂窝系统ADFE Automatic Decree Feedback Equalizer**自适应判决反馈均衡器 一种利ADM Add Drop Multiplexer**分插复用器,一种新型的网络单元,将同步复用ADM1Add-Drop Multiplexer**上/下路复用器ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation**自适应差分脉冲编码调ADR Analogue-Digital Recorder**模拟-数字记录器ADR1Address Digit Receiver**数字地址接收器ADR2Advisory Route**建议路由ADR3Analogue Data Recognition**模拟数据识别ADRC Automatic Call Distribution Remote Capture**自动呼叫分配(分布)ADSL asymmetric digital subscriber line**不对称数字用户线ADSL2Asymetric Digital Subscriber Loop**非对称数字用户环路技术ADSS All Dielectric self-support**全介质自承式光缆 主要应用在强电场合AEB Analog Expansion Bus**模拟扩展总线AEIR Application Entity Installer and Remover**应用实体安装和拆除AFC Automatic Frequency Control**自动频率控制AFT Automatic Frequency Tune**自动频率调谐AG Audio Gateway**语音网关AGC Automatic Gain Control**自动增益控制AGCH Access Grant Channel**允许接续信道AIS Alarm Indication Signal**告警指示信号AIUR Air Interface User Rate**空中接口用户速率AJ Anti-Jamming**抗干扰AKA Authentication and Key Agreement**鉴权和密钥同意alarm summery panel alarm summery panel**报警汇总画面ALC Auto Level Control**自动电平控制ALS Automatic Laser Shutdown**自动激光关闭 在再生段光缆断开的情况下,ALT Automatic Link Transfer**自动链路转移AM/CM Administration Module/Communication Module**管理/通信模块AM1Amplitude Modulation**振幅调制AM-ADDR Active Member Address**活动的成员地址AMI Aliernate Mark Inversion Code**交替传号反转码AMI1Alternate Mark Inversion**信号交替反转码 一种数字传输中常用的编码AMPS Aduanced Mobile Phone System**高极移动电话系统AMPS 2Advanced Mobile Phone Institute**先进移动电话业务AMR Automatic Meter Reading**自动抄表AMR1Adaptive Multi Rate**自适应多速率AMRC Adaptive Multirate Codec**自适应多码率编译码器AN1Access Node**接入节点ANSI1American National Standard Institute**美国国家标准局AN-SMF AN system management function**接入网系统管理功能AN-SMF1Access Network System Management Function**接入网系统管理功能ANT1Antenna**天线AON Active Optical Network**有源光网络,属于一点对多点的光通信网络,AON1All Optical Net**全光网 就是网中直到端用户节点之间的信号通道仍然AON2All Optical Network**全光纤网络AOWC All Optical Wave Converter**全光波长转换器 是指不经过电域处理,直AP1Access Point**接入点APD1Avalanche Diode**雪崩光电二极管 利用雪崩倍增效应使光电流得到倍增APD2Avalanche Photo Detector**雪崩光电探测器API Application Programming Interface**应用编程接口APOC Advanced Paging Operator Code**先进寻呼操作码APON ATM Passive Optical Network**无源光网络,一种结合ATM多业务多比特APON1ATM-Based PON**ATM无源光网络APP A Posteriori Probability**后验概率APR1Automatic Programming and Recording**自动程序设计与记录APR2Automatic Position Reporting**自动位置报告APS Automatic Protection Switching**自动保护倒换APSK Absolute Phase Shift Keying**绝对相移键控AR Alternative Routing**迂回路由选择AR1Agent Request**代理请求AR2Access Rate**接入率ARA Average Response Amplitude**平均响应幅度AR-ADDR Access Request Address**访问请求地址ARB All Routes Busy**路由全忙ARC Automatic Remote Control**自动遥控ARC1Alternative Route Cancel**消除迂回路由ARDT Automatic Remote Data Terminal**自动远端数据终端ARF Access to the Resources Function**资源访问功能ARFCN Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number**完全的无线频率信道号码ARFCN1Absolute RF Channel Number**绝对频道号 以整数表示的绝对射频信道号ARI Access Rights Identity**存取权识别ARIB Association of Radio Industry Businesses**无线行业企业协会ARL Acceptable Reliability Level**合格的可靠性(标准)ARM1Asynchronous Response Mode**异步应答方式ARP Address Resolution Protocol**地址解析协议ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency**(美)高级研究计划署ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network**(美)高级研究计划署网络ARPANETq Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork**(美国国防部)高级研究ARPS Advanced Real-Time Processing System**高级实时处理系统ARQ Automatic Repeat Request**自动重复请求ARS Address Resolution Server**地址解析服务器ART1Alarm Reporting Telephone**报警电话ARTq Average Restoration Time**平均恢复时间AS1Anti-Spoofing**反电子欺骗 通过对P码进行加密处理,防止非授权用户干ASCI Advanced Speed Call**GSM phaseII+ 标准指定的新业务,其中包括优先ASE Application Service Element**应用服务单元 在单个应用联系上对一指ASEAT Autoregressive Spectral Estimation Acquisition Technique**自回归ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit**专用集成电路ASK Amplitude Shift Keying**振幅键控(幅移键控)ASK1Amplitude Shift Keying,Amplitude Shift modulation**幅移键控ASN.1Abstract Syntax Notation One**抽象语法定义,在采用开放系统OSI通信ASON Automatic Switched Optical Network**自动交换光网络ASP1Application Service Provider**应用服务提供商ASR1Automatic Send-Receiver**自动收发机ASR2Automatic Send and Receive**自动收发ASR3Automatic Speech Recognition**自动语音识别ASR4Answer Seizure Ratio**应答占用率ASR5Access Service Request**访问业务请求ASRTE Alternative Select Route**迂回选择路由ASTN Automatic Switched Transport Network**自动交换传送网ATI Automatic Transmitter Identification**自动发射机识别ATM Alternative Test Method**(光纤、光缆)替代测试法(ATM)ATM 2Asynchronous Transfer Mode**异步传输模式ATM1asynachronous transfer model**同步传输模式ATME automatic transmission measuring and signalling testing equipmen atmosphere Personal Digital Cellular**个人数字蜂窝系统ATPC Automatic Transfer Power Control**自动发信功率控制 技术的要点是微ATR Asynchronous Transfer Region**异步转移(传递)区ATR1Answer To Reset**回答到复位ATR2Answering Time Recorder**应答时间记录器ATR3Automatic Traffic Recorder**自动话务量记录器ATU Adapter Unit**适配单元ATU-C ADSL transceiver unit,central office end**ADSL局端发送接收单元 位ATU-T ADSL transceiver unit,remote terminal end**ADSL远端发送接收单元 ATU-T1ADSL transceiver unit,remote terminal end**ADSL远端发送接收单元ATX AteXternal**是由Intel 公司首创以提升微机主板整体性能的AU Access Unit**访问单元AU1Administrative Unit**管理单元,提供高阶通道层和复用段层之间适配功AUC Authentication Center**鉴权中心AUG Administrative Unit Group**管理单元组AUL Average Useful Life**平均使用寿命AU-n Administrative Unit-n**管理单元auroral Packet Randem Access Channel**分组随机接入信道AVL Average Voice Level**平均话音电平AVL1Automatic Vehicle Location system**自动车辆定位系统 车队的某一车AWF All Wave Fiber**全波光纤 消除了光纤1383nm的水峰,这样就在1350-1 AWG Array Waveguide Grating**阵列波导光栅AWG1array wave guide**阵列式波导光栅AWGN Additive White Gaussian Noise**加性高斯白噪声BA Booster(power) Amplifier**光功率放大器 可补偿光复用器的损耗,提高BA1Booster Amplifier**光功率放大器,可补偿光复用器的损耗,提高入纤功BAIC Barring of All Incoming Calls supplementary service**限制所有呼入BAOC Barring of All Outgoing Calls supplementary service**限制所有呼出BB Baseband**基带BBER Background Block Error Ratio**背景误块比 对于一个确定的测试时间而BBS Bulletion Board System**电子公告栏BC Billing Center**计费中心BCC Base Transceiver Station (BTS) Colour Code**基站代码BCCH Broadcast Control Channel**广播控制信道BCD Binary Coded Decimal**二进制编码的十进制BCH Bose,Chaudhuri&Hocquenghem Type of code**博斯-乔赫里-霍克文黑姆BCH1Broadcast Channel**广播信道BCJR Bahl-Cocke-Jelinek-Raviv**算法BCP BTS Control Processor**BTS控制处理器BDPSK Binary Differential Phase Shift Keying**二相差分相移键控BER BIT ERROR RATIO**误比特率 二值信号的差错比值。


Configuration Baseline»配罟基线。
已经正式约定并由变更管理流程进行管理的配置的基准。配置基准用作未来 构建、发布和变更的基础。
Component Carrier,分量載波□指参与载波聚合的不同小区所对应的载波。
Common Control CHannel,公共控制信道。
Commercial Mobile Alert System,商用移动预警系统。
Central Monitoring Unit type A,集中监控单元。
•种对不同温控力式的机柜进行温度自动调节控制的电/电路,支持对柜内 开关量的检测。
coordinated multipoint transmission/receptiont协作多点发送/接收。
成立于1998年,由许多国家和地区的电信标准化组织共同组成,是-个具 有广泛代衣性的国际标准化组织,是3G技术的重要制定者。它存在的意 义,就是为了协调成员之间的矛厉,制定规则和契约。
5G Core Network, 5G核心网。
5G Non-Standalone,5G非独立组网。
•个点到多点的双向控制信道。公共控制信道主要用于传送接入管理功能相 关的信令信息。
Control Channel Element,控制信道元素。
Common transport CHannel»公共传输信道。
Cabinet Control Unit,机柜控制单元。
Collision Detection,碰撞检测。
Buffer Status Report»缓冲区状态报告。







缩写列表下面是一些常见的移动通信英文缩写及其中文对照:- GSM(Global System for Mobile Communications):全球移动通信系统- CDMA(Code Division Multiple Access):码分多址- LTE(Long-Term Evolution):长期演进- UMTS(Universal Mobile Telecommunications System):通用移动通信系统- HSPA(High Speed Packet Access):高速分组接入- WCDMA(Wideband Code Division Multiple Access):宽带码分多址- WLAN(Wireless Local Area Network):无线局域网- VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol):网络语音传输协议- SMS(Short Message Service):短信服务- MMS(Multimedia Messaging Service):多媒体消息服务- APN(Access Point Name):接入点名称- IMEI(International Mobile Equipment Identity):国际移动设备身份码- SIM(Subscriber Identity Module):用户识别模块- PIN(Personal Identification Number):个人识别码- PUK(PIN Unlock Key):个人识别码解锁密钥- GPS(Global Positioning System):全球定位系统- NFC(Near Field Communication):近场通信- HDMI(High-Definition Multimedia Interface):高清晰度多媒体接口- SS7(Signaling System No. 7):信令系统第7号移动网络技术相关缩写下面是一些与移动网络技术相关的英文缩写和对应的中文翻译:- 4G(Fourth Generation):第四代移动通信技术- 5G(Fifth Generation):第五代移动通信技术- HSPA+(Evolved High-Speed Packet Access):进化高速分组接入- EDGE(Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution):增强型数据速率演进- GPRS(General Packet Radio Service):通用分组无线服务- WiMAX(Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access):全球微波互操作性接入移动设备相关缩写以下是一些与移动设备相关的英文缩写及其中文对照:- AP(Access Point):接入点- SIM card(Subscriber Identity Module card):SIM卡- IMEI number(International Mobile Equipment Identity number):IMEI号码通信协议和通信技术缩写下面是一些与通信协议和通信技术相关的英文缩写和对应的中文翻译:- TCP/IP(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol):传输控制协议/网际协议- WAP(Wireless Application Protocol):无线应用协议- SMTP(Simple Ml Transfer Protocol):简单邮件传输协议- HTTP(HyperText Transfer Protocol):超文本传输协议- VoLTE(Voice over LTE):LTE语音通信总结在移动通信领域中,有许多英文缩写常常被使用。

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TD-SCDMA 技术与实现
CWTS D DA DB DBA DBA DBMS DC DCA DCCH DCH DCMN DDN DHCP DISPRO DL DLPC DMB DOA DPC DPC DPCH DP-RAM DPS DRD DRNC DRX DS1 DSP DSP DSP DSP DTCH DTX DwPCH DwPTS E EDGE EFR EIR EM EMC EMF China Wireless Telecommunication Standard Group Digital to Analogue Database Database Administration Database Administrator Database management system Direct Current Dynamic Channel Allocation Dedicated Control Channel Dedicated Channel Data Configuration Manual Digital Data Network Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Distribution and Protection Unit Downlink Downlink Power Controll RNC Power Distribution Monitor Board Direction Of Arrival Destination Signaling Point Code Destination Point Code Dedicated Physical Channels Double Port-Random Access Memory Data Path Software Directed Retry Decision Drift Radio Network Controller Discontinuous Reception Digital Signal,Level1 Digital Signal Processing Domain Specific Part Destination Signaling Point Digital Signal Processor Dedicated Traffic Channel Discontinuous Transmission Downlink Pilot Channel Downlink Pilot Timeslot Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution Enhanced Full Rate Equipment Identity Register Element Management Electro Magnetic Compatibility Electromagnetic Fields
TD-SCDMA 技术与实现
模拟/数字 ATM 适配层 邻道泄漏功率比 确认 告警收集终端 告警收集终端告警及控制接口 告警收集终端连接器 主告警收集终端 告警收集终端处理核心 模数转换 模数转换单元 ATM 终端系统地址 地址格式标识 自动增益控制 网络辅助全球定位系统 告警指示信号 接入链路控制应用协议 告警状态 告警手册 自适应多速率 自适应多速率控制 到达方位角 自动保护转换 ATM 保护转换 天线保护盒 专用集成电路 管理状态 异步传输模式 鉴权中心 可用状态 加性高斯白噪声 后台管理模块 广播 基站核心控制器 基站色码 广播控制信道 广播信道 误比特率 基带信息控制器
TD-SCDMA 技术与实现
BIE BITS BLER BMC BMML BOOTP BS BSC BSS BTS C CAA CAN CBR CBC CBS CC CCB CCCH CCITT CCP CCPCH CDMA CE CELL ID CEPT CID CLI CLPC CML CN COM CORBA CPS CPU CRC CRNC CS CSER CS/PS CSV CTC CTFC CCTrCH CU RNC Interface Board Building Integrated Timing Supply System Block Error Rate Broadcast/Multicast Control Basic Man Manchine Language Bootstrap Protocol Base Station Base Station Controller Base Station Subsystem Base Transceiver Station Circular Antenna Array Controller Area Network Constant Bit Rate Cell Broadcast Center Cell Broadcast Service Call Control Core Control Board Common Control Channel The International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee Communication Control Port Common Control Physical Channel Code Division Multiple Access Consultants Europe Cell Identification Committee of Europe Posts & Telephones Cell ID Command Line Interface Closed Loop Power Control Command Manual Core Network Communication Common Object Request Broker Architecture Common Part Sublayer Central Processing Unit Cyclic Redundancy Check Controlling RNC Circuit Switched Change state event report circuit switched/packet switched Comma Separation Value Common Transmit Clocking Calculated Transport Format Combination Coded Composite Transport Channel Carrier Unit RNC 接口板 数字通信时间频率同步供给系统 误块率 广播/组播控制 基本人机语言 引导装载协议 基站 基站控制器 基站子系统 基站收发机 圆形天线阵 控制器区域网络 恒定比特率 小区广播中心 小区广播业务 呼叫控制 核心控制板 公共控制信道 国际电报电话咨询委员会 通信控制端口 公共控制物理信道 码分多址 欧洲咨询委员会 小区标识 欧洲邮电行政会议 小区标识 命令行接口 闭环功率控制 命令手册 核心网 通信 公用对象请求代理程序体系结构 公共部分子层 中央处理器 循环冗余校验 主控无线网络控制器 电路交换 状态转移报告 电路交换/分组交换 逗号分隔值文件类型 公共传输时钟 计算传输格式组合 编码复合传输信道 载波单元
TD-SCDMA 技术与实现
EMI EMS EPROM ESD ESD ETSI F FACH FAM FBN FC FDD FDMA FEC FER FER FMO FMR FP FPACH FPGA FTP FW G GB GGSN GHz GLT GMM GMSC GPRS GPS GRU GSM GTPU GUI GUI H HC HDLC HFN HLR HMN HMO Electro Magnetic Interference Element Management System Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory Electrostatic Discharge Electrostatically Sensitive Device European Telecommunications Standards Institute Forward Access Channel Front Administration Module Frequency Band Number Fast Control Frequency Division Duplex Frequency Division Multiple Access Forward Error Correction Frame Error Rate Failure event report Functional Managed Objects RNC Radio Frame Processing Board Frame Protocol Fast Physical Access Channel Field Programmable Gate Array File Transfer Protocol Firmware Gigabyte Gateway GPRS Support Node Gigahertz Graphical Local Terminal GPRS Mobility Management Gateway MSC General Packet Radio Service Global Positioning System GPS Receiving Unit Global System for Mobile communications User Plane Part of GPRS Tunneling Protocol Graphic User Interface Graphical Unit Icon Handover Control High Level Data Link Control Hyper Frame Number Home Location Register Hardware Manual Hardware Managed Object 电磁干扰 网元管理系统 可擦写可编程只读存储器 静电释放 静电敏感设备 欧洲电信标准组织