

三年级上册英语单词表Unit 1pen [pen]钢笔pencil ['pensəl]铅笔pencil-case ['pensəlkeis]铅笔盒ruler ['ru:lə]尺子eraser [i'reizə]橡皮crayon ['kreiən]蜡笔book [buk]书bag [bæɡ]书包sharpener['∫ɑ:pənə]卷笔刀school [sku:l]学校Unit 2head[hed] 头face[feis] 脸nose[nəuz] 鼻子mouth ]mauθ]嘴eye [ai]眼睛ear [iə]耳朵arm[ɑ:m] 胳膊finger['fiŋɡə] 手指leg [leɡ]腿foot [fut]脚body ['bɔdi]身体Unit 3red [red]红色的yellow ['jeləu]黄色的green [ɡri:n]绿色的blue [blu:]蓝色的purple ['pə:pl] 紫色的white [hwait] 白色的black [blæk]黑色的orange ['ɔrindӡ] 橙色的pink [piŋk]粉色的brown [braun]棕色的Unit 4cat [kæt] 猫dog [dɔɡ, dɔ:ɡ]狗monkey ['m∧ŋki]猴子panda ['pændə]熊猫rabbit ['ræbit]兔子duck d∧k] 鸭子pig [piɡ]猪bird [bə:d]鸟bear [bεə]熊elephant ['elifənt]大象mouse ]maus, mauz]老鼠squirrel ['skwə:rəl] 松鼠cake [keik] 蛋糕bread [bred]面包hot dog 热狗hamburger ['hæmbə:ɡə]汉堡包chicken ['t∫ikin]鸡肉French [frent∫]Fries 榨薯条Coke [kəuk] 可乐juice [dӡu:s] 果汁milk[milk]牛奶water['wɔ:tə] 水tea[ti:]茶coffee ['kɔfi]咖啡Unit 6one [w∧n]一two [tu:]二three[θri:] 三four [fɔ:]四five [faiv] 五six[siks] 六seven['sevən] 七eight [eit]八nine[nain] 九ten[ten]十doll [dɔl]玩具娃娃boat [bəut]小船ball [bɔ:l]球kite[kait] 风筝balloon ]bə'lu:n] 气球car [kɑ:]小汽车plane [plein] 飞机三年级下册•单词表Unit 1boy [bɔi]男孩girl [ɡə:l] 女孩teacher ['ti:t∫ə] 教师student ['stju:dənt]学生this [ðis, 弱ðəs] 这个my 我的friend [frend] 朋友I’m=I am 我是nice [nais]好的;愉快的good morning ['mɔ:niŋ] 早上好good afternoon [,ɑ:ftə:'nu:n]" 下午好meet [mi:t]遇见;碰见goodbye [,ɡud'bai] 再见too [tu:] 也;太father ['fɑ:ðə] 父亲;爸爸dad 爸爸口语mother ['m∧ðə]母亲;妈妈mom 妈妈口语man [mæn] 男人woman ['wumən]女人grandmother ['ɡrænd,m∧ðə] 外祖母grandma ['ɡrændmɑ:](口语(外)祖母grandfather ['ɡrænd,fɑ:ðə](外)祖父grandpa ['ɡrændpɑ:](口语(外)祖父sister ['sistə] 姐妹brother ['br∧ðə] 兄妹let’s=let [let]us [∧s] 让我们great [ɡreit] 太好了really ['riəli, 'ri:li] 真地;确切地and ænd, 和;并且how [hau] 多么;怎么样Unit 3eleven [i'levən]十一twelve [twelv] 十二thirteen 'θə:'ti:n]十三fourteen ['fɔ:'ti:n]十四fifteen ['fifti:n]十五sixteen ['siks'ti:n] 十六seventeen [,sevən'ti:n] 十七eighteen ['ei'ti:n] 十八nineteen [,nain'ti:n] 十九twenty ['twenti] 二十how [hau] many ['meni]多少can [kæn, kən] 能够;可以look [luk] at [强æt, 弱ət]看;瞧Unit 4peach [pi:t∫]桃pear [pεə]梨orange ['ɔrindӡ] 橙子watermelon ['wɔ:təmelən]西瓜apple ['æpl] 苹果banana [bə'nɑ:nə] 香蕉strawberry ['strɔ:bəri]草莓grape [ɡreip]葡萄like [laik]喜欢some [s∧m] 一些;某些thanks 多谢Unit 5bus [b∧s]公共汽车bike [baik] 自行车taxi ['tæksi] 出租车jeep [dӡi:p]吉普车desk [desk]课桌chair [t∫εə]椅子Walkman 随身听lamp [læmp]台灯your [jɔ:, jəu, 弱jə] 你的;你们的zoo [zu:] 动物园Unit 6small [smɔ:l] 小的big [biɡ]大的long [lɔŋ, lɔ:ŋ] 长的short [∫ɔ:t] 短的;矮的tall [tɔ:l] 高的giraffe [dӡi'rɑ:f] 长颈鹿deer [diə] 鹿deer [diə] 鹿四年级上册•单词表Unit 1 unit 3window:['windəu] 窗户thin [θin] 瘦的board:[bɔ:d] 木板 strong [strɔŋ] 强壮的,light:[lait] 光线 quiet [kwaiət] 安静的picture:['pikt∫ə] 画 friend [frend] 朋友door:[dɔ:] 门 Chinese [tʃaɪni:z, -ni:s] 中国的floor:[flɔ:] 地板 like [laik] 喜欢classroom:['klɑ:srum] 教室 his [hiz, ɪz] 他的many:['meni] 许多的 photo [fəutəu] 照片our:['auə] 我们的 has [hæz有classmate:['klɑ:smeit] 同学 name [neim] 名字seat:[si:t] 座位 he [hi: 他near:[niə] 近的 teacher [ti:tʃə,tiːtʃə(r)] 教师what:[wɔt] 什么 student [stju:dənt] 学生in:[in] 在...里, music [mju:zik] 音乐the:[ðə] 这(个),那(个 science [saiəns] 科学we:[wi:] 我们 sport [spɔ:t] 运动have:[hæv] 有,拥有 right [rait] 正确的new:[nju:] 新的;新鲜的;新型的 boy [bɔi] 男孩go:[gəu] 去;离去 girl [ɡə:l] 女孩where:[hweə] 在哪里 unit 4computer:[kəm'pju:tə] 电脑,电子计算机 study [stʌdi] 学习wall:[wɔ:l] 墙 bathroom [bɑ:θrum] 浴室fan:[fæn] 扇子 bedroom [bedru:m, -rʊm] 卧室clean:[kli:n] 清洁的 kitchen [kitʃin] 厨房you:[ju:] 你;你们 fish [fiʃ] . 鱼see:[si:] 看见 here [hiə] 在这里me:[mi:] 我 home [həum] 家look at:[luk] [æt] 看room [ru:m] 房间Unit2 school [sku:l] 学校Chinese book:['tʃai'ni:z][buk] 语文书 phone [fəun] 电话English book:['iŋgliʃ] [buk] 英语书 bed [bed] 床, math book [mæθ] [buk] 数学书schoolbag [sku:lbæg] 书包storybook [stɔ:ribuk] 故事书,小说 fridge [fridʒ] 冰箱notebook [nəutbuk] 笔记簿 table [teibl] 桌子colour [k∧lə] 彩色 they [ðei, ðe] 他[她, 它]们fat [fæt] 胖的sofa [səufə] 沙发shelf [ʃelf] 架子key [ki:]钥匙may [mei] 可以 open [əupən]开着的sure [∫uə] 当然 please [pli:z]请bag [bæɡ] 袋, 包 on [ɔn]在…上pencil[pensəl铅笔 no [nəu]不, 不是pen [pen] 笔 desk [desk]书桌twenty-one [twenti:w∧n] 二十一 door [dɔ:]门thirty [θə:ti:] 三十 chair [tʃɛə,tʃeə(r)]椅子forty [fɔ:ti:] 四十 bed [bed]床fifty [fifti] 五十heavy [hevi] 重的sorry [sɔri] 对不起sorry [sɔri] 对不起book [buk] 书ruler [ru:lə] 尺Unit 3thin [өin] 瘦的strong [strɔŋ] 强壮的,quiet [kwaiət] 安静的friend [frend] 朋友Chinese [tʃaɪni:z, -ni:s] 中国的like [laik] 喜欢his [hiz, ɪz] 他的photo [fəutəu] 照片has [hæz]有name [neim] 名字he [hi: 他teacher [ti:tʃə] 教师student [stju:dənt] 学生music [mju:zik] 音乐science [saiəns] 科学sport [spɔ:t] 运动right [rait] 正确的boy [bɔi] 男孩girl [ɡə:l] 女孩Unit 4study [st∧di] 学习bathroom [bɑ: θrum] 浴室bedroom [bedru:m] 卧室kitchen [kitʃin] 厨房fish [fiʃ] . 鱼here [hiə] 在这里home [həum] 家room [ru:m] 房间school [sku:l] 学校phone [fəun] 电话bed [bed] 床,sofa [səufə] 沙发shelf [ʃelf] 架子fridge [fridӡ] 冰箱table [teibl] 桌子they [ðei, ðe] 他[她, 它]们key [ki:]钥匙open [əupən]开着的please [pli:z]请on [∧n]在…上no [nəu]不, 不是desk [desk]书桌door [dɔ:]门chair [tʃeə]椅子bed [bed]床Unit5rice [rais] 大米fish [fiʃ] 鱼noodle [nu:dl]面条beef [bi:f]牛肉vegetable [vedӡitəbl]蔬菜soup [su:p]汤have [hæv]吃dinner [dinə]晚餐wait [weit]等bread [bred]面包milk [milk]牛奶egg [eɡ]蛋water [wɔ:tə]水hungry [h∧ŋɡri]饥饿的for [fɔ:]为,给knife [naif]刀chopstick [tʃɔpstik]筷子spoon [spu:n]勺子plate [pleit]盘子fork [fɔ:k]叉子help [help]帮助pass [pɑ:s]传递ready [redi]准备好了try [trai]尝试show [ʃəu]展示food [fu:d]食物use [ju:z]使用chicken [tʃikin]鸡肉fish [fiʃ]鱼Unit6family [fæmili]家庭parent [peərənt]父母uncle [∧ŋkl]舅舅aunt[ɑ:nt]姑姑baby [beibi]婴儿people [pi:pl]人member [membə]成员only [əunli]仅仅puppy [p∧pi]小狗come [k∧m]来who [hu:, hu]谁sister [sistə]姐妹brother [br∧ðə]兄弟father [fɑ:ðə]父亲mother [m∧ðə]母亲driver [draivə]司机doctor [dɔktə]医生farmer [fɑ:mə]农民nurse [nə:s]护士young [j∧ŋ]年轻的四年级下册•单词表Unit1playground ['pleiɡraund] 操场garden ['ɡɑ:dn ] 花园office ['ɔfis] 办公室teacher,s-office ['ɔfis] 教师办公室library [ 'laibrəri ] 图书馆canteen [ kæn'ti:n ] 食堂first [ fə:st ] 第一floor [ flɔ: (r)] 层(楼)welcome [ 'welkəm ] 欢迎to 给,对our [ 'auə ] 我们的many [ 'meni ]许多的visitor [ 'vizitə ] 客人;参观者there [ ðεə ] 哪儿;那里class [ klɑ:s]班级;课程lunch [l∧ntʃ] 午餐at 在this way [ wei ] 这边please [ pli:z ] 请beautiful [ 'bju:tiful ]美丽的computer [ kəm'pju:tə ] 计算机board [ bɔ:d ]写字板fan [ fæn ]扇子;电扇light ['lait ]灯this [ðis] 这,这个is 是my [mai] 我的that [ðæt] 那;那个your 你的art [ɑ:t] 绘画;艺术;美术art room [ɑ:t] [ru:m] 绘画教室computer [ kəm'pju:tə ] 计算机;电脑computer room 计算机教室washroom ['wɔʃrum] 卫生间music ['mju:zik] 音乐music room ['mju:zik] [ru:m] 音乐教室gym [ dӡim ] 体育馆TV room电视机房second [ 'sekənd ] 第二cool [ ku: ] 订好的;酷的teacher,s desk[ desk ]讲台picture[ 'piktʃə ]图画 .wall[ wɔ:l ]墙floor[ flɔ: ] 地板yes [ jes ] 是的it [ it ] 它Unit2English [ 'iŋgliʃ ]英语;英文English class英语课class [ klɑ:s ] 课music class [ klɑ:s ] 音乐课P.E. class体育课breakfast [ 'brekfəst ] 早餐dinner [ 'dinə ] 晚餐;正餐.over [ 'əuvə ] 结束go [ gəu ]去go to the playground [ 'pleiɡraund ]去操场go home [ həum ] 回家now[ nau ]现在just a minute ['minit] 再多一会kid [ kid ] 小孩;孩子run [ r∧n ] 跑one[ w∧n ]一two[ tu: ] 二three [ θri: ]三four [ fɔ: ]四five[ faiv ]五six[ siks ] 六.seven[ 'sevən ]七eight[ eit ] 八.nine[ nain ] 九.ten[ ten ]十what[ wɔt]什么time [taim] 时间it’s = it iso’clock [ə’klɔk] ……点钟get [ ɡet ] 得到获得get up [ ɡet ] [∧p ] 起床go to school [sku:l] 上学go home 回家go to bed上床睡觉ready [ 'redi ] 准备好的hurry [ 'h∧ri ] 抓紧;赶快math [ mæθ ]数学Chinese ['tʃai'ni:z] n 语文,汉语;中国人adj中国的,中国人的;中国话的china ['tʃainə] n 中国;瓷器English [ 'iŋgliʃ ] a英国的;英国人的;英语的n英语;英国人England ['iŋglənd] n英格兰;英国P.E.体育music [ 'mju:zik ] 音乐for [ fɔ ] 为;给class [ klɑ:s] 班级;课程Unit3jacket [ 'dӡækit ] 夹克衫shirt [ʃə:t ] 衬衫skirt [ skə:t ] 裙子dress [ dres ] 连衣裙sweater [ 'swetə ] 毛衣T-shirt T恤衫whose [ hu:z ] 谁的red [ red ] 红色的blue [ blu: ] 蓝色的yellow [ 'jeləu ] 黄色的green [ ɡri:n ] 绿色的green beans [gri:n][bi:ns] 绿豆white [ hwait ] 白色的no [nəu] 不;不是not [ nɔt ] 不;不是的jeans [dӡi:nz] 牛仔裤pants [ pænts ] 长裤parents ['peərənts] 父母亲socks [sɔks] 袜子shoes [ʃu:z] 鞋子shorts [ʃɔ:ts] 短裤these [ ði:z ] 这些so [ 'səu] 如此;那样they’re = they arethose [ ðəuz ] 那些but [ b∧t ] 但是what for [ wɔt ] 为什么neighbour [ 'neibə ] 邻居colour [ 'k∧lə ] 颜色Unit4warm [ wɔ:m ] 暖和的cold [ kəuld ] 寒冷的cool [ ku:l ] 凉爽的;酷的hot [ hɔt ] 炎热的weather [ 'weðə ] 天气weather report [ ri'pɔ:t ] 天气预报wear [ wεə ] v. 穿today [tə'dei ] 今天can’t = can notput on穿上put on 动词,表示穿上衣服的动词,强调动作./例: I get up and put on my coatwear 动词,表示穿上衣服的动作,也可表示穿着衣服的状态,强调状态./例: Today, he wears a red hat jeans [dӡi:nz] 牛仔裤pants [ pænts ] 长裤socks [sɔks] 袜子shoes [ʃu:z] 鞋子let’s = let usplay [ plei ] 玩,踢football ['futbɔ:l] 足球rainy [ 'reini ] 下雨的rain [ rein ] n雨vi下雨snowy [ 'snəui ] 下雪的snow [ snəu ] n雪;vi下雪now [ nau ] 现在windy [ 'windi ] 有风的wind [ wind ] n风cloudy [ 'klaudi ] 多云的cloud [ klaud ] 云sunny [ 's∧ni ] 晴朗的sun [ s∧n ] 太阳hello [hə'ləu] 喂,你好(打电话用语)hi [ hai ] 喂,你not much [ m∧tʃ ] 没什么New York纽约matter [ 'mætə ] 事情;麻烦have to必须;不得不close [ kləuz ] 关;关上bye [ bai ] 再见(口语)Unit5colourful ['k∧ləful ] 色彩丰富的pretty [ 'priti ] 漂亮的;可爱的cheap [ tʃi:p ] 便宜的expensive [iks'pensiv] 昂贵的sixty [ 'siksti(:) ] 六十seventy [ 'sevənti ] 七十hundred [ 'h∧ndrəd ] 百assistant [ə'sistənt ] 售货员help [help] 帮助how much多少钱ninety-nine [ 'nainti ] 九十九that’s = that isbig [ biɡ] 大的small [ smɔ:l ] 小的long [ lɔŋ ]长的short [ʃɔ:t ] 短的;矮的sneakers ['sni:kəz] 胶底帆布鞋;网球鞋slippers ['slipə] 拖鞋sandals ['sandl] 凉鞋boots [ bu:ts ] 靴子want [ wɔnt ] 想要pair [ peə ] 一双;一对a pair of一双for [fɔ:] 为;给son [ s∧n ] 儿子sun [ s∧n ] 太阳size [ saiz ] 尺码all right[ɔ:l ] [ rait ]好吧;好的we’ll=we willtake [ teik ] 买them [ ðem ] 它(他、她)们apple [ 'æpl ] 苹果banana[ bə'nɑ:nə ] 香蕉pear [pe ə ] 梨Orange [ 'ɔrindӡ] 橙子watermelon ['wɔ:təmelən] 西瓜are [ɑ:] 是they [ ðei ] pron. 他(她,它)们Unit6sheep [ʃip ] 绵羊horse [ hɔ:s ] 马hen [ hen ] 母鸡lamb [ læm ] 小羊;羔羊goat [ ɡəut ] 山羊cow [ kau ] 奶牛farm [ fɑ:m ] . n. 农场,农田farmer ['fɑ:mə] n. 农夫,农民aren’t =are notdonkey [ 'dɔŋki ]驴子key [ ki: ] 钥匙fat [ fæt ] 胖的cat ['kæt ] 猫rabbit [ 'ræbit ] 兔子pig [ piɡ] 猪duck [ d∧k ] 鸭子tomoto [ tə'ma:təu] 西红柿cucumber [ 'kju:k∧mbə ] 黄瓜potato [ pə'teitəu ] 土豆onion [ '∧njən ] 洋葱carrot [ 'kærət ] 胡萝卜fresh [ freʃ ] 新鲜的eleven [ i'levən ] 十一twelve [ twelv ] 十二thirteen [ 'θə:'ti:n ] 十三fifteen [ 'fifti:n ] 十五twenty [ 'twenti ] 二十how many 多少how much 多少there [ ðeə ] 那儿;那里there be(一)单元音(12个)1、/i:/ me he see tea2、/ I / it big ship3、/e/ bed let friend4、/æ/ cat and apple5、/ɑ:/ car farm garden6、/∧/ on hot want7、/ə:/ her birthday8、/ə / ago teacher doctor9、/u:/ zoo ruler cool10、/u / foot good book11、/ɔ:/ water short door12、/ɔ/ dog what talk(二)双元音(8个)1、/ ei / day eight great2、/ ai / hi my bye like3、/ ɔi / boy toy4、/ əu / no boat know5、/ au / out now brown6、/ iə / ear deer near7、/eə / bear there8、/ uə / sure poor/θ/thirteen 十三[θə:ti:n]thank 谢谢[ θæŋk]/ð/mother 母亲['m∧ðə]father 父亲['fɑ:ðə]五年级上册•单词表Unit1young [j∧ŋ]年轻的funny [ 'f∧ni]滑稽可笑的.tall [tɔ:l] 高的kind[ kaind ]和蔼的old[ əuld ]年老的short[ʃɔ:t ]矮的thin[ θin ]瘦的. .who [ hu: ]谁.Mr[ 'mistə ]先生. .from[ frɔm ]从;来自. .Canada[ 'kænədə ]加拿大what[wɔt ]什么like[ laik ] 喜欢know[ nəu ]知道.now[ nau ]现在no[ nəu ]不principal[ 'prinsəpəl]校长university-tudent ['ju:ni'və:siti ][ 'stju:dənt ]大学生strict[ strikt ]严格的.smart[ smɑ:t]聪明的;巧妙的active[ 'æktiv ]积极的;活跃的Miss[ mis ]小姐lady[ 'leidi ]女士;小姐;夫人so much[ səu][ m∧tʃ]很;非常fun[ f∧n ]有趣;逗笑quiet['kwaiət]安静的;文静的she[ʃi: ]她he[ hi: ]他her[ hə: ]她的his[ hiz ]他的very[ 'veri ]很;非常but[ b∧t ]但是Unit2Monday(Mon.)星期一['m∧ndi]Tuesday(Tue.)星期二['tju:zdi ]Wednesday(Wed.)星期三['wenzdei]Thursday(Thu.)星期四['θə:zdi ]Friday(Fri.)星期五[ 'fraidi ]Moral Education思想品德课[ 'mɔ:rəl]['edju:'keiʃən]Social Studies社会课[ 'səuʃəl ] [ 'st∧diz ]day天;日子[ dei ]wait[ weit ]等待;等等waiter [ 'weitə ]n.侍者,服务员tomorrow明天[tə'mɔrəu].have有;吃[ hæv ] .on [∧n]在…上do homework做作业[ dəu ] [ 'həumwə:k ] . watch TV看电视[ wɔtʃ]['ti:'vi:]read books读书[ri:d] [ bu:ks]often常常;经常['ɔfən]Sunday(Sun.) [ 's∧ndi ]星期天.sometimes [ 's∧mtaimz ]有时usually [ 'ju:ӡuəli ]love爱;热爱[ l∧v ] . .what about [wɔt] ['əbaut]怎么样?yeah是;行[jεə] .play computer games玩电脑游戏[ plei][kəm'pju:tə][ geims ] too也;太[ tu: ] . .to [ tu: ]do housework[du:]['hauswə:k]做家务Unit3cabbage['kæbidӡ]洋白菜;卷心菜pork [pɔ:k]猪肉mutton ['m∧tn]羊肉eggplant ['egplɑ:nt]茄子fish [ fiʃ ]鱼green beans [gri:n][bi:ns]青豆tofu ['təufu:]豆腐potato[pə'teitəu]土豆tomato[tə'mɑ:təu]西红柿for [fɔ:] prep.给;为lunch [ l∧ntʃ ]午餐we [ wi: ]我们menu [ 'menju: ]菜单sound [ saund ]听起来healthy['helθi]健康的;有益健康的tasty['teisti ]好吃的;可口的sweet [ swi:t ]甜的sour [ 'sauə ]酸的fresh [ freʃ ]新鲜的salty ['sɔ:lti]咸的they [ ðei ] pron. 他们favourite [ 'feivərit]特别喜爱的;最喜爱的fruit [ fru:t ]水果grape [ greip ]葡萄have to [ hæv ][ tu: ]不得不now[ nau ]现在eat [ i:t ]吃Unit4empty the trash [ 'empti ] [ træʃ ]倒垃圾cook the meals [ kuk ] [ mi:ls ]做饭water the flowers[ 'wɔ:tə ] [ 'flauəs ]浇花sweep the floor [ swi:p ] [ flɔ: ]扫地clean the bedroom打扫卧室[ kli:n ][ 'bedrum]ill[ il]有病的helpful[ 'helpful ]有帮助的,有用的at home[ æt ][ həum ] 在家里just do it [ dӡ∧st ][du:] [ it ] v. 就这么干吧do housework[du:][ 'hauswə:k ]做家务make the bed[ meik ] [ bed ]铺床set the table[ set ] [ 'teibl ]摆饭桌;摆餐具wash the clothes[wɔʃ]] [ kləuðz ]洗衣服do the dishes [ 'diʃiz ]洗碗碟put away the clothes收拾衣服[put][ə'wei][kləuðz]I would like to [ ai ] [ wud ] [ laik ] [ tu:]have a try [ hæv] [trai ]试一试robot [ 'rəubɔt ] 机器人play chess [ plei ] [ tʃes ]下棋use a computer[ju:z][kəm'pju:tə]使用电脑Unit5air-conditioner[eə] [kən'diʃənə]空调curtain [ 'kə:tn ]窗帘trash bin [ træʃ ] [bin]垃圾箱closet[ 'klɔzit ]壁橱,衣橱close[kləuz]关mirror[ 'mirə ]镜子end table[ end]['teibl ]床头柜look at[ luk ] [ æt ]看一看own[ əun ]自己的flat[ flæt ]公寓third[ θə:d ]第三的bedroom[ 'bedrum ]卧室kitchen[ 'kitʃin ]厨房bathroom[ bɑ:θru:m ]卫生间living room[ 'liviŋ ] [ ru:m]客厅;起居室very much [ 'veri ] [ m∧tʃ]非常;很多in [ in ]在...里面on[∧n]在…上面under [ '∧ndə ] 在...下面near [ niə ] 在…旁边behind [ bi:' haind]在...后边over [ 'əuvə ] 在...上面in front of [ fr∧nt ] [ɔ:f ]在…前面clothes[ kləuðz ]衣服work [ wə:k ]工作tell [ tel ]告诉;说Unit6sky [ skai ]天空cloud [ klaud ]云mountain [ 'mauntin ]山;山脉river [ 'rivə ]河流flower [ 'flauə ]花grass [ grɑ:s ]草lake [ leik ]湖泊forest [ 'fɔrist ]森林path [ pɑ:θ ]路;小道park [ pɑ:k ]公园farmer [ 'fɑ:mə ]农夫holiday [ 'hɔlədi ]假期picture['piktʃə]照片village [ 'vilidӡ]乡村;村庄city [ 'siti ]城市house [ haus ]房子;住宅bridge [ bridӡ ]桥tree [ tri: ]树road [ rəud ]公路;大道building [ 'bildiŋ ]建筑物clean [ kli:n ]干净的air [eə ]空气run [ r∧n ] 跑;奔跑any [ 'eni ]任何的;所有的五年级下册•单词表Unit1do morning exercises晨练[ 'mɔ:niŋ ] ['eksəsaiz]eat breakfast [i:t ] ['brekfəst]吃早饭have English class上英语课['iŋgliʃ] [ klɑ:s ]play sports [ plei ] [ spɔ:ts ] 进行体育活动eat dinner[ 'dinə ]吃晚饭when 什么时候[wen ]about [ 'əbaut ]关于,大约policeman警察[ pə'li:smən ]work工作[ wə:k ]evening 夜晚、晚上[ 'i:vniŋ ]get up起床[ get ] [∧p ]at [ æt ]在…点钟usually通常;一般['ju:ӡuəli]noon 中午[ nu:n ]tell [ tel ]告诉;说climbing mountains 爬山['klaimiŋ ] ['mauntins ]go shopping['ʃɔpiŋ ] 购物;买东西play the piano[pi'ænəu]弹钢琴visit grandparents看望(外)祖父母[ 'vizit][,græn'pєərənts ] go hiking 去远足[ 'haikiŋ ]weekend 周末['wi:kend ]week [wi:k] n.一星期;周often 经常['ɔ:ftən ]sometimes['s∧mtaimz]有时候rain 下雨[ rein ]either 也[ 'aiðə ]next 下一个[ nekst ]Unit2spring 春天[ spriŋ ]winter 冬天[ 'wintə ]season 季节[ 'si:zn ] ['si:zən]which 哪一个[witʃ ]best[best] 最;极always 总是[ 'ɔ:lweiz ]play with[ wiθ ]玩;与…一起玩snow 雪[ snəu ]leaf(复数leaves)叶子[ li:f ] [ li:vz ]up [∧p ] north [ nɔ:θ ]北方;向北方Halloween [ 'hæləu,wi:n ]万圣节前夕(指十月三十一日夜晚)Thanksgiving[ θæŋks'giviŋ ]感恩节swim 游泳[ swim ]fly kites放风筝[ flai ]skate [ skeit ] 滑冰;滑冰鞋make a Snowman [meik]['snəumæn]堆雪人plant trees [ plɑ:nt ] [ tri:s ]种树why 为什么[wai ]because 因为[ bi'kɔz ]sleep 睡觉[ sli:p ]Unit3January 一月[ 'dӡænjuəri ]February 二月[ 'februəri ]March 三月[ mɑ:tʃ ]April 四月[ 'eiprəl ]May 五月[ mei ]June 六月[ dӡu:n ]July 七月[ dӡu:'lai ]August 八月[ 'ɔ:gəst]September九月[ səp'tembə]October 十月[ɔk'təubə ]November十一月[nəu'vembə] December十二月[di'sembə]chart 图表[ tʃɑ:t ]birthday生日['bə:θdei]uncle叔叔;舅舅[ '∧ŋkl ]cousin 堂(表)兄弟姐妹['k∧zən]first 第一[fə:st]second 第二['sekənd]third 第三[θə:d]fourth 第四[fɔ:θ]fifth 第五[fifθ]eighth 第八[eiθ]ninth第九[nainθ]twelfth 第十二[twelfθ]twentieth 第二十['twentiθ]e-card 电子卡片[e'kɑ:d]her 她的[hə:]able能['eibl]everyone ['evriw∧n]每个人then 那么[ðen]date 日期[deit]Unit4draw pictures画画[drɔ:] ['piktʃəs]cook dinner做饭[kuk] ['dinə]read a book看书[ri:d] [buk]answer the phone 接电话['a:nsə][fəun]talk 讲话[tɔ:k]Children's Center儿童活动中心['tʃildrəns] ['sentə] see you later 再见[si:] [ju:] ['leitə]listen to music听音乐['lisən] [tu:]['mju:zik]clean the room打扫房间[kli:n] [rum]write a letter写信[rait] ['letə]write an e-mail写电子邮件[rait] [æn] [i'meil]mom 妈妈[m∧m]grandpa爷爷;外公['grænpɑ:]speak to和…讲话[spi:k]hold on 等一下['həuld '∧n]call打电话[kɔ:l]study 书房['st∧di]Unit5fly [flai]飞jump [dӡ∧mp]跳walk [wɔ:k]走run跑[r∧n]swim游泳[swim]kangaroo袋鼠[kænɡə'ru:]truck象鼻[tr∧k]sleep睡觉[sli:p]climb往上爬[klaim]fight打架[fait]swing荡;荡秋千[swiŋ]drink water喝水[driŋk] [wɔtə]climber攀登者['klaimə]Unit6take pictures照相[teik] ['piktʃəs]watch insects观察昆虫[w ɔ:tʃ] ['insekts]pick up leaves采摘树叶[pik] [∧p] [li:vz]do an experiment做实验[æn] [iks'perimənt] catch butterflies捉蝴蝶[kætʃ] ['b∧təflaiz]woods树林[wudz]ant蚂蚁[ænt]have a look看一看[hæv] [luk] honey蜂蜜['h∧ni]thing[θiŋ]东西;物count insects数昆虫[kaunt] ['insekts] collect leaves收集树叶[kə'lekt] [li:vz] write a report写报告[rait] [ri'pɔ:t] play chess下棋[plei] [tʃes]have a picnic[hæv] ['piknik]举行野餐him他(宾格)[him]leave离开[ li:v ]us我们(宾格)[∧s ]over there ['əuvə ][ðeə]在那边六年级上册•单词表Unit1by [bai] 经……;乘foot [fut] 脚;足bike [baik]自行车bus [b∧s]公共汽车train [trein]火车plane [plein]飞机ship [ʃip] 船;舰subway ['s∧bwei]地铁how[hau] 怎样;怎么go to school[gəu] [tu:] [sku:l]上学then [ðen] 然后;接着fifth [fifθ] 第五;五分之一traffic ['træfik] 交通traffic light [lait]交通灯traffic rule [ru:l]交通规则stop [stɔp]停;停车站wait [weit]等;等待remember [ri'membə]记住get to [get] [tu:]到达find [faind]寻找;找到difference ['difərəns]不同;区别same [seim]相同的every ['evri]每个;所有的country ['k∧ntri]国家always ['ɔ:lweiz]总是;一直mean [mi:n]意思是drive [draiv]驾驶driver ['draivə]驾驶员right [rait]右边的;正确的;准确的side [said] 边;面;侧;端English [ 'iŋgliʃ ]英国Australia [ɔ'streiliə ]澳大利亚however [hau'evə]但是left [left]左边的must [m∧st]必须know [nəu]知道Unit2library ['laibrəri]图书馆post office [pəust] ['ɔ:fis]邮局hospital ['hɔspitl]医院cinema ['sinimə] 电影院bookstore ['bukstɔ:]书店science museum ['saiəns] [mju:'zju:m]科学博物馆excuse me [iks'kju:z] [mi:]对不起where [weə]在哪里;到哪里please [pli:z]请next to['nekst] [tu:] 与……相邻far [fɑ:] 远supermarket [,sju:pə'mɑ:kit] 超市bank [bæŋk] 银行after school ['ɑ:ftə] [sku:l]放学以后want [w∧nt]想要a pair of [peə]一双shoe store [ʃu:] [stɔ:] 鞋店get off [get] [ɔ:f]下车minute ['minit] 分钟north [nɔ:θ] 北south [sauθ]南east [i:st] 东west [west] 西turn [tə:n] 转弯right [rait] 右边left [left] 左边straight [streit] 成直线地then[ðen] 然后twelfth[twelfθ]第十二party ['pɑ:ti] 聚会;晚会tell [tel] 告诉start [stɑ:t] 开始take [teik] 乘坐look [luk] for [fɔ:] 寻找Unit3next week ['nekst] [wi:k]下周this morning [ðis] ['mɔ:niŋ]今天上午this afternoon [ðis]['ɑ:ftə'nu:n]今天下午this evening [ðis] ['i:vniŋ]今天晚上tonight [tə'nait] 今晚tomorrow [tə'mɔ:rəu] 明天take a trip [teik] [trip] 去旅行read a magazine[ri:d][ 'mægə'zi:n]阅读杂志go to the cinema [gəu][tu:][ðə]['sinimə]theme park[θi:m] [pɑ:k]主题公园the Great Wall [ðə][greit][wɔ:l] 长城busy ['bizi] 忙碌的together [tə'geðə] 一起地comic book ['kɔmik] [buk]漫画书post card [pəust] [kɑ:d] 明信片newspaper ['nju:z,peipə] 报纸magazine [,mægə'zi:n] 报纸dictionary ['dikʃənəri]词典;字典shoe store[ʃu:] [stɔ:] 鞋店buy [bai] 买fruit stand[fru:t] [stænd]水果摊pet shop [pet] [ʃɔp]宠物商店need [ni:d] 需要plant [plɑ:nt] 植物else [els] 其他;另外shop [ʃɔp] 商店Unit4hobby ['hɔbi] 爱好ride a bike [raid] [baik]骑自行车riding ['raidiŋ] a bike骑自行车dive[daiv] 跳水diving['daiviŋ] 跳水play the violin [plei] [,vaiə'lin]拉小提琴make kites [meik] [kait]制作风筝making kites ['meikiŋ]制作风筝collect stamps [kə'lekt] [stæmp]集邮collecting stamps[kə'lektiŋ] 集邮show [ʃəu] 展览pen pal [pen] [pæl]笔友dear [diə] 亲爱的twin [twin] 双胞胎之一look [luk] 看上去something ['s∧mθiŋ] 某事物must [m∧st] 一定;肯定fun [f∧n] 快乐;乐趣with [wiθ] 同……;和……TV reporter [ri'pɔ:tə]电视台记者live [liv] 居住;住lives居住;住(第三人称单数)lives [laivz]:叶子的复数(life)teach [ ti:tʃ] 教teaches[ ti:tʃiz] 教(第三人称单数)go [gəu] 去goes去(第三人称单数)watch [wɔtʃ] 看watches [wɔtʃ iz] 看(第三人称单数)read [ri:d] 读;看reads 读;看(第三人称单数)doesn,t=does not [nɔt]different ['difərənt]不同的week [wi:k] 星期;周say [sei] 说;讲soon [su:n] 不久excited [ik'saitid] 兴奋的激动的Unit5singer ['siŋə]歌唱家;歌手writer ['raitə]作家actor ['æktə]男演员actress ['æktris]女演员artist ['ɑ:tist]画家TV reporter [ri'pɔ:tə]电视台记者show [ʃəu]演出;表演;节目Hong Kong [hɔŋ][kɔŋ]香港engineer [,endӡi'niə]工程师accountant [ə'kauntənt]会计policeman [pə'li:smən](男)警察salesperson[,seilz'pə:sən]售货员cleaner ['kli:nə] n. 清洁工company ['kɔmpəni]公司where [hwεə]在哪里;到哪里work [wə:k]factory ['fæktəri]工厂design [di'zain]设计tip [tip]有用的小建议help [help]帮助money ['m∧ni]钱;金钱enjoy [in'dӡɔi]从…获得乐趣;享受tourist['tuərist]旅行者;旅游者way[wei]路;道motor cycle['məutə] ['saikl]摩托车police [pə'li:s] 警方;警察部门Unit6rain [rein]雨;下雨cloud [klaud]云;云彩vapour ['veipə] 蒸气;水汽sun [s∧n]太阳stream [stri:m](小)河;(小)溪come from[k∧m][frɔm]来自……;从……来shine[ʃain]照耀become[bi'k∧m]变成little['litl]小的drop[drɔp](液体的)珠;滴wake up[weik] [∧p]醒;醒来feel['fi:l]感觉到;感受到think[θiŋk]想;思考meet[mi:t]遇见;碰见other['∧ðə]其他的;另外的;别的fall[fɔ:l]落下;跌落;降落;掉下down从高到低;向下into['intu:]进入;到……里面come out[k∧m][aut]露出;出现again[ə'ɡen]再一次;又;seed [si:d]种子soil [sɔil]土壤sprout[spraut]苗;嫩芽plant [plɑ:nt]植物;种植should [ʃud]应该then [ðen]然后garden['gɑ:dn]花园easy['i:zi]简单的put[put]放;放置several['sevərəl]一些(但不多);几个day[dei]天see[si:]看见pot[pɔt]锅;碗;瓢;盆lovely['l∧vli]可爱的;美丽的make sure [meik] [suə]核实或查明某事物get[ɡet]得到month[m∧nθ]月份;月old[əuld](某)年龄的still[stil]仍然;依旧;还是hardly['hɑ:dli]几乎没有;几乎不come on [k∧m][ ∧n]用于祈使句以鼓励某人做某事,尤指促其加速或努力试一试六年级下册•单词表Unit1taller更高的shorter更矮的stronger更强壮的older年龄更大的younger更年轻的cm(centimeter[sentimitə])厘米than [ðæn]与…相比较little ['litl] 小的tail [teil] 尾巴think [θiŋk] 想;思考funnier更滑稽的kg(kilogram ['kiləuɡræm])千克;公斤bigger更大的heavier更重的longer更长的thi nner['θinə]更瘦的smaller(体型)更小的feet [fi:t]脚(复数)size [saiz]号码;尺码wear[weə]穿meter ['mi:tə]米ton [t∧n]吨each [i:tʃ]各自;每个squid [skwid]鱿鱼lobster ['lɔbstə]龙虾shark [ʃɑ:k]鲨鱼deep [di:p]深的seal [si:l]海豹sperm whale [spə:m] [weil]抹香鲸killer whale ['kilə]虎鲸even ['i:vən]甚至Unit2have a fever ['fi:və] 发烧hurt [hə:t] 疼痛have a cold[ kəuld ]感冒;伤风have a toothache [ 'tu:θeik ]牙疼. have a headache['hedeik ]头疼. . have a sore throat [sɔ:][ θrəut ] 喉咙疼matter['mætə ]事情;麻烦sore[sɔ:]疼的feel [ fi:l ] 感觉sick[ sik ]不舒服的;有病的nose [ nəuz ] 鼻子people [ 'pi:pl ] 人们flu [ flu: ] 流感know知道[ nəu ]might可以;能[ mait ]worry烦恼;忧虑[ 'w∧ri ]medicine药['medisin]drink饮料[ driŋk ]stay在;逗留[ stei ]better更好的[ 'betə ]soon[ su:n ]立刻;不久tired疲劳的;累的[ taird ]excited兴奋的[ ik'saitid ]angry['æŋgri]生气的;愤怒的happy['hæpi]高兴的bored[ bɔ:d ]无聊的;烦人的sad[ sæd ]忧愁的;悲伤的trip旅行[ trip ]fail不及格;失败[ feil ]test测试[ test ]hear[ hiə ]听见;听到match比赛[ mætʃ ]between在…之间[ bi'twi:n ]pass传递[ pɑ:s ]kick踢[ kik ]a little[ 'litl ]有些。

全世界英文表达有:around the world、all over the world、entire world、worldwide。
1、around the world
读音:英[əˈraund ðəwɜː(r)ld] 美[əˈraʊnd ði wɜrld]
She joined a dance company which took her around the world.
2、all over the world
读音:英[ɔ:l ˈəuvəðəwɜː(r)ld] 美[ɔl ˈovɚði wɜrld]
The Beatles have copycats all over the world.
3、entire world
The entire world must take notice of something like this.
读音:英[ˈwɜ:ldwaɪd] 美[ˈwɜ:rldwaɪd]
His books have sold more than 20 million copies worldwide

辅音依赖元音而存在,与元音配合,产生 音节,构成英文的多样化。
发辅音的特点: 1. 气流受阻:从肺部呼出的气流在通过口腔或鼻腔
是遇到阻碍(发元音时不受任何阻碍)。 2. 有清、浊之分:发音时声带不振动、送气的叫清 辅音;发音时声带振动、不送气的叫浊辅音。
hope [həʊp] 希望 plane [pleɪn] 飞机 cap [cæ p] 帽子 happy ['hæ pɪ] 幸福的
boy [bɔɪ] 男孩 oil [ɔɪl] 油 toy [tɔɪ] 玩具 boil [bɔɪl]煮沸
[au] [aʊ]
bow [baʊ] 鞠躬 cow [kaʊ] 奶牛 house [haʊs] 房子 mouth [maʊθ] 嘴
[əu] [əʊ]
coat [kəʊt]外衣 goat [gəʊt]山羊 comb [kəʊm] 木梳 rose [rəʊz] 玫瑰
eat [iːt] pea [piː] bee [biː] tea [tiː]
吃 豌豆 蜜蜂 茶叶
[i] [ɪ]
it [ɪt] 它 sit [sɪt] 坐 bit [bɪt] 一点儿 big [bɪg] 大的
zoo [zuː] 动物园 moon [muːn] 月亮 spoon [spuːn] 匙 stool [stuːl] 凳子
[ei] [eɪ]
cake [keɪk] 蛋糕 plane [pleɪn]飞机 table ['teɪbl] 桌子 snake [sneɪk] 蛇
[ai] [aɪ]
eye [aɪ] 眼睛 tie [taɪ] 领带 bike [baɪk] 自行车 tiger [taɪgə] 老虎

英文常用词汇一、动物(animals)animal ['æniməl]cat猫[kæt]dog狗[dɔɡ, dɔ:ɡ]pig猪[piɡ]duck鸭[dʌk]rabbit兔['ræbit]horse马[hɔ:s]elephant大象['elifənt]ant蚂蚁[ænt]fish鱼[fiʃ]bird鸟[bə:d]eagle鹰['i:ɡl]beaver海狸['bi:və]snake蛇[sneik]mouse老鼠[maus, mauz]squirrel松鼠['skwə:rəl, 'skwi-,'skwʌ-]kangaroo袋鼠[,kænɡə'ru:]monkey猴['mʌŋki]panda熊猫['pændə]bear熊[bεə]lion狮子['laiən]tiger老虎['taiɡə]fox狐狸[fɔks]zebra斑马['zi:brə]deer鹿[diə]giraffe长颈鹿[dʒi'rɑ:f]goose鹅[ɡu:s]hen母鸡[hen]turkey火鸡['tə:ki]lamb小羊[læm]sheep绵羊[ʃip]goat山羊[ɡəut]cow奶牛[kau]donkey驴['dɔŋki]squid鱿鱼[skwid]lobster龙虾['lɔbstə]shark鲨鱼[ʃɑ:k]seal海豹[si:l]sperm whale抹香鲸[spə:m-hweil]killer whale虎鲸['kilə-hweil]二、人物(people)['pi:pl] friend朋友[frend]boy男孩[bɔi]girl女孩[ɡə:l]mother母亲['mʌðə]father父亲['fɑ:ðə]sister姐妹['sistə]brother兄弟['brʌðə]uncle叔叔;舅舅['ʌŋkl]man男人[mæn]woman女人['wumən]Miss小姐[mis] Mr.先生lady女士;小姐['leidi]mom妈妈[mɔm] dada爸爸[dæd, 'dɑ:dɑ:]parents父母parent ['pεərənt]grandparents祖父母['ɡrænd,pεərənt]grandma/grandmother(外)祖母['ɡrænd,mʌðə]aunt姑姑[ɑ:nt, ænt]cousin堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹['kʌzən]son儿子[sʌn]daughter女儿['dɔ:tə]baby婴儿['beibi]kid小孩[kid]classmate同学['klɑ:smeit]queen女王[kwi:n]visitor参观者['vizitə]neighbour邻居['neibə]principal校长['prinsəpəl]university student大学生[,ju:ni'və:səti-'stju:dənt]pen pal笔友[pen-pæl]tourist旅行者['tuərist]people人物['pi:pl]robot机器人['rəubɔt, -bət, 'rɔbət]grandpa/grandfather(外)祖父['ɡrændpɑ:] /['ɡrænd,fɑ:ðə]三、职业(jobs)[dʒɔbs] teacher教师student学生['stju:dənt, 'stu:-] doctor医生[dɔktə]nurse护士[nə:s]driver司机[nə:s]farmer农民['fɑ:mə]singer歌唱家['siŋə]writer作家['raitə]actor男演员['æktə]actress女演员['æktris]artist画家['ɑ:tist]TV reporter电视台记者[ri'pɔ:tə]engineer工程师[,endʒi'niə]accountant会计[ə'kauntənt]policeman(男)警察[pə'li:smən]ssalesperson销售员['seilz,pə:sən]cleaner清洁工['kli:nə]baseball player棒球运动员['beisbɔ:l-'pleiə]assistant售货员[ə'sistənt]police警察[pə'li:s]四、学习用品(school[sku:l] things)Pen钢笔[pen]Pencil铅笔['pensəl]pencil-case铅笔盒['pensəl-keis]ruler尺子['ru:lə]book书[buk] bag包[bæɡ]comic book漫画书['kɔmik-buk]post card明信片[pəust-kɑ:d]newspaper报纸['nju:s,peipə,'nju:z-]schoolbag书包['sku:lbæɡ]eraser橡皮[i'reizə]crayon蜡笔['kreiən]sharpener卷笔刀story-book故事书['stɔ:ri-buk]notebook笔记本['nəutbuk]Chinese book语文书English book英语书math book数学书[mæθ-buk]magazine杂志[,mæɡə'zi:n]dictionary词典['dikʃənəri]五、人体(body)['bɔdi] foot脚[fut]head头[hed]face脸[feis]hair头发[hεə] nose鼻子[nəuz]mouth嘴[mauθ]eye眼睛[ai]ear耳朵[iə]arm手臂[ɑ:m]hand手[hænd]finger手指['fiŋɡə]leg腿[leɡ]tail尾巴[teil]六、颜色(colours)red红[red]blue蓝[blu:]yellow黄['jeləu] green绿[ɡri:n]white白[hwait]black黑[blæk]pink粉红[piŋk]purple紫['pə:pl]orange橙['ɔrindʒ, 'ɔ:-]brown棕[braun]七、食品、饮料(food & drink)rice米饭[rais]bread面包[bred]beef牛肉[bi:f]milk牛奶[milk]water水['wɔ:tə, 'wɔ-]egg蛋[eɡ]fish鱼[fiʃ]tofu豆腐['təufu:]cake蛋糕[keik]hot dog热狗[hɔt-[dɔɡ] hamburger汉堡包['hæmbə:ɡə] French fries炸薯条[fraids]cookie曲奇['kuki]biscuit饼干['biskit]jam果酱[dʒæm]noodles面条['nu:dl]meat肉[mi:t]chicken鸡肉['tʃikin]pork猪肉[pɔ:k]mutton羊肉['mʌtən]vegetable蔬菜['vedʒitəbl]salad沙拉['sæləd]soup汤[su:p]ice冰[ais]ice-cream冰淇淋['aiskri:m]Coke可乐juice果汁[dʒu:s]tea茶[ti:]coffee咖啡['kɔfi]breakfast早餐['brekfəst]lunch午餐[lʌntʃ]dinner/supper晚餐['dinə] /['sʌpə]meal一餐[mi:l]八、水果、蔬菜(fruit/ vegetables)[fru:t]['vedʒitəbl]apple苹果['æpl]banana香蕉[bə'nɑ:nə, -'næ-] pear梨[pεə] orange橙['ɔrindʒ, 'ɔ:-]watermelon西瓜['wɔ:tə-'melən]grape葡萄[ɡreip]eggplant茄子['eɡplɑ:nt,-plænt]green beans青豆[ɡri:n-bi:n]tomato西红柿[tə'mɑ:təu]potato土豆[pə'teitəu]peach桃[pi:tʃ]strawberry草莓['strɔ:bəri]cucumber黄瓜['kju:kʌmbə]onion洋葱['ʌnjən]carrot胡萝卜['kærət]cabbage卷心菜['kæbidʒ]九、衣服(clothes)[kləuðs] jacket夹克衫['dʒækit]shirt衬衫[ʃə:t]T-shirt丅恤衫skirt短裙子[skə:t]dress连衣裙[dres]jeans牛仔裤[dʒi:n, dʒein] pants长裤[pænts]socks袜子[sɔk]s shoes鞋子[ʃu:]ssweater毛衣['swetə]coat上衣[kəut]raincoat雨衣['reinkəut]shorts短裤[ʃɔ:t]ssneakers网球鞋['sni:kə] sslippers拖鞋['slipə]ssandals凉鞋['sædəl]sboots靴子[bu:ts]hat(有沿的)帽子[hæt]cap便帽[kæp]sunglasses太阳镜['sʌn,ɡlɑ:siz,-,ɡlæ-]tie领带[tai]scarf围巾[skɑ:f]gloves手套[ɡlʌv]strousers裤子['trauzəz]cloth布[klɔθ, klɔ:θ]十、交通工具(vehicles)['vi:ikl] bike自行车[baik]bus公共汽车[bʌs]train火车[trein]boat小船[bəut]ship轮船[ʃip]yacht快艇[jɔt]car小汽车[kɑ:]taxi出租车['tæksi]jeep吉普车[dʒi:p]van小货车;面包车[væn]plane/airplane飞机[plein] /['εəplein]subway/underground地铁['sʌbwei] /['ʌndəɡraund]motor cycle摩托车['məutə-'saikl]十一、杂物(other things)['ʌðə][θiŋ]swindow窗户['windəu]door门[dɔ:]desk课桌[desk]chair椅子[tʃεə]bed床[bed]computer计算机[kəm'pju:tə] board写字板[bɔ:d]fan风扇[fæn]light灯['lait] teacher's desk讲台['ti:tʃə][desk]picture图画;照片['piktʃə]wall墙壁[wɔ:l]floor地板[flɔ:]curtain窗帘['kə:tən]trash bin垃圾箱[træʃ][bin]closet壁橱['klɔzit]mirror镜子['mirə]end table床头柜[end-'teibl]football/soccer足球['fut,bɔ:l]['sɔkə]present礼物['prezənt, pri'zent]walkman随身听[wɔ:k-mæn]lamp台灯[læmp]phone电话[fəun]sofa沙发['səufə]shelf书架[ʃelf]fridge冰箱[fridʒ]table桌子['teibl]TV电视air-conditioner空调[εə] [kən'diʃənə]key钥匙ki:]lock锁[lɔk] photo照片['fəutəu] chart图表[tʃɑ:t] plate盘子[pleit] knife刀[naif]fork叉[fɔ:k] spoon勺子[spu:n] chopsticks筷子pot锅[pɔt]gift礼物[ɡift]toy玩具[tɔi]doll洋娃娃[dɔl]ball球[bɔ:l]balloon气球[bə'lu:n]kite风筝[kait]jigsaw puzzle拼图游戏['dʒiɡsɔ:] ['pʌzl]box盒子[bɔks]umbrella伞[ʌm'brelə]zipper拉链['zipə]violin小提琴[,vaiə'lin]yo-yo溜溜球nest鸟窝[nest]hole洞[həul]tube管子[tju:b, tu:b]toothbrush牙刷['tu:θbrʌʃ]menu菜单['menju:, mə'nju:]e-card电子卡片[kɑ:d]e-mail电子邮件[meil]traffic light交通灯['træfik]['lait]money钱['mʌni]medicine药['medisin]十二、地点(locations)[ləu'kei ʃən] shome家[həum]room房间[ru:m, rum] bedroom卧室['bedru(:)m] bathroom卫生间['bɑ:θrum] living room起居室['liviŋ][ru:m, rum]kitchen厨房['kitʃin] classroom教室['klɑ:srum] school学校[sku:l]park公园[pɑ:k]library图书馆['laibrəri]post office邮局[pəust]['ɔfis] police office警察局[pə'li:s] ['ɔfis]hospital医院['hɔspitəl] cinema电影院['sinəmə] bookstore书店['bukstɔ:] farm农场[fɑ:m]zoo动物园[zu:]garden花园['ɡɑ:dn]study书房['stʌdi]playground操场['pleiɡraund]canteen食堂[kæn'ti:n]teacher's office教师办公室['ti:tʃə]s['ɔfis]library图书馆['laibrəri]gym体育馆[dʒim]washroom卫生间['wɔʃrum]art room绘画教室[ɑ:t] [ru:m,rum]computer room计算机教室[kəm'pju:tə] [ru:m]music room音乐教室['mju:zik][ru:m, rum]TV room电视机房[ru:m]flat公寓[flæt]company公司['kɔmpəni]factory工厂['fæktəri]fruit stand水果摊[fru:t] [stænd]pet shop宠物商店[pet] [ʃɔp]nature park自然公园['neitʃə][pɑ:k]theme park主题公园[θi:m] [pɑ:k]science museum科学博物馆['saiəns][mju:'ziəm]the Great Wall长城[ɡreit] [wɔ:l]supermarket超市['sju:pə,mɑ:kit]bank银行[bæŋk]country国家['kʌntri]village乡村['vilidʒ]city城市['siti]hometown家乡['həum'taun]bus stop公交车站[bʌs][stɔp]十三、课程(classes)[klɑ:s, klæs]sports体育运动[spɔ:ts] science科学['saiəns]Moral Education思想品德课['mɔrəl-,edju:'keiʃən]Social Studies社会课['səuʃəl]Chinese语文math数学[mæθ]PE体育课English英语课十四、国家、城市(countries/cities)['kʌntriz] /['siti]China/PRC中国People's Republic of China)['pi:pls][ri'pʌblik][ɔv]America/USA美国UK联合王国(United Kingdom)England英国Canada/CAN加拿大Australia澳大利亚New York纽约London伦敦Sydney悉尼Moscow莫斯科Cairo开罗十五、气象(weather)['weðə] cold寒冷的[kəuld]warm温暖的[wɔ:m]cool凉爽的[ku:l]snowy下雪的['snəui]sunny晴朗的['sʌni]hot炎热的[hɔt]rainy下雨的['reini]windy有风的['windi]cloudy多云的['klaudi]weather report天气预报['weðə][ri'pɔ:t]十六、景物(nature)['neitʃə] river河流['rivə]lake湖泊[leik]stream河;溪[stri:m]forest森林['fɔrist]path小道[pɑ:θ, pæθ]road公路[rəud] house房子[haus, hauz]bridge桥[bridʒ]building建筑物['bildiŋ]rain雨[rein]cloud云[klaud]sun太阳[sʌn]mountain山['mauntin]sky天空[skai]rainbow彩虹['reinbəu]wind风[wind]air空气[εə]moon月亮[mu:n]十七、植物(plants)[plɑ:nt, plænt] sflower花['flauə]grass草[ɡrɑ:s, ɡræs]tree树[tri:]seed种子[si:d]sprout苗[spraut]plant植物[plɑ:nt, plænt]rose玫瑰leaf叶子[li:f]十八、星期(week)[wi:k] Monday星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四Friday星期五Saturday星期六Sunday星期天weekend周末[,wi:k'end,'wi:kend]十九、月份(months)[mʌnθ]z Jan. (January)一月Feb.(February)二月Mar.(March)三月[mɑ:tʃ]April四月May五月[mei]June六月July七月Aug.(August)八月[ɔ:'ɡʌst]Sept.(September)九月Oct.(October)十月Nov.(November)十一月Dec.(December)十二月二十、季节(seasons)['si:zən]s spring春[spriŋ]summer夏['sʌmə]fall/autumn秋[fɔ:l]/['ɔ:təm]winter冬['wintə]二十一、方位(directions)[di'rek ʃən]ssouth南[sauθ, sauð]north北[nɔ:θ]east东[i:st]west西[west]left 左边[left]right右边[rait]up上[ʌp]down下[daun]二十二、患病(illness)['ilnis] have a fever发烧['fi:və]hurt疼痛[hə:t]have a cold感冒[kəuld]have a toothache牙疼have a headache头疼['hedeik]have a sore throat喉咙疼[sɔ:][θrəut]二十三、数词(numbers)['nʌmbəz]one一[wʌn]two二[tu:]three三[θri:]four四[fɔ:]five五[faiv]six六[siks]seven七['sevən]eight八[eit]nine九[nain]ten十[ten]eleven十一[i'levən]twelve十二[twelv]thirteen十三['θə:'ti:n] fourteen十四['fɔ:'ti:n]fifteen十五['fifti:n]sixteen十六['siks'ti:n]seventeen十七[,sevən'ti:n]eighteen十八['ei'ti:n]nineteen十九[,nain'ti:n]twenty二十['twenti]thirty三十['θə:ti]forty四十['fɔ:ti]fifty五十['fifti]sixty六十['siksti]seventy七十['sevənti]eighty八十['eiti]ninety九十['nainti]forty-two四十二['fɔ:ti- tu:]hundred百['hʌndrəd]one/a hundred and thirty-six一百三十六first第一[fə:st]second第二['sekənd]third第三[θə:d]fourth第四[fɔ:θ]fifth第五[fifθ]eighth第八[eitθ, eiθ]ninth第九[nainθ]twelfth第十二[twelfθ]twentieth第二十['twentiiθ]thirtieth第三十fortieth第四十fiftieth第五十['fiftiiθ]sixtieth第六十['sikstiθ]seventieth第七十eightieth第八十ninetieth第九十fifty-sixth第五十六二十四、形容词(adj.) big大的[biɡ]small小的[smɔ:l]long长的[lɔŋ, lɔ:ŋ]tall高的[tɔ:l]short短的;矮的[ʃɔ:t] young年轻的[jʌŋ]old旧的;老的[əuld]strong健壮的[strɔŋ, strɔ:ŋ]thin瘦的[θin]active积极活跃的['æktiv]quiet安静的['kwaiət]nice好看的[nais]kind和蔼亲切的[kaind]strict严格的[strikt]smart聪明的[smɑ:t]funny滑稽可笑的['fʌni]tasty好吃的['teisti]sweet甜的[swi:t]salty咸的['sɔ:lti]sour酸的['sauə]fresh新鲜的[freʃ]favourite最喜爱的['feivərit]clean干净的[kli:n]tired疲劳的['taiə]dexcited兴奋的[ik'saitid]angry生气的['æŋɡri]happy高兴的['hæpi]bored无聊的sad忧愁的[sæd]taller更高的[tɔ:l] əshorter更矮的[ʃɔ:t] əstronger更强壮的[strɔŋ, strɔ:ŋə]older年龄更大的['əuldə] younger更年轻的['jʌŋə, 'jʌŋɡə] bigger更大的[biɡə]heavier更重的['lɔŋɡə, 'lɔ:ŋ-] longer更长的['lɔŋɡə, 'lɔ:ŋ-]thinner更瘦的smaller更小的[smɔ:lə]good好的[ɡud]fine好的[fain]great很好的[ɡreit]heavy 重的['hevi]new新的[nju:, nu:]fat胖的[fæt]happy快乐的['hæpi]right对的[rait]hungry饥饿的['hʌŋɡri]cute逗人喜爱的[kju:t]little小的['litl]lovely可爱的['lʌvli]beautiful漂亮的['bju:tiful]colourful色彩鲜艳的['kʌləful]pretty漂亮的['priti]cheap便宜的[tʃi:p]expensive昂贵的[ik'spensiv]juicy多汁的['dʒu:si]tender嫩的['tendə]healthy健康的['helθi]ill有病的[il]helpful有帮助的['helpful]high高的[hai]easy简单的['i:zi]proud骄傲的[praud]sick有病的[sik]better更好的[betə]higher更高的[haiə]二十五、介词(prep.)in在……里[in]on在……上;在……时候[ɔn, ɔ:n, ən, n]under在……下面['ʌndə]near在……的旁边[niə]behind在……后边[bi'haind]next to与……相邻[nekst]over在……上面['əuvə]in front of在……前面[frʌnt]二十六、代词(pron.)I我we我们[wi:弱wi]you你;你们[ju:, 弱ju, jə] he他[hi:, 弱hi, i:, i]she她[ʃi:]it它[it]they他(她,它)们[ðei, 弱ðe]my我的our 我们的['auə, ɑ:]your你的;你们的[jɔ:, jəu, 弱jə]his他的[hiz, 弱iz]her她的[hə:, 弱ə:, hə, ə]二十七、动词(v.)play(.ed)玩;踢[plei] swim(swam)游泳[swim] skate滑冰[skeit]fly(flew)飞[flai]jump跳[dʒʌmp]walk走[wɔ:k]run(run)跑[rʌn]climb爬[klaim]fight(fought)打架[fait]swing(swung)荡[swiŋ]eat(ate)吃[i:t]sleep(slept)睡觉[sli:p]like像,喜欢[laik]have(had)有;吃[hæv, 弱həv,əv, v]turn转弯[tə:n]buy(bought)买[bai]take(took)买;带[teik]live居住[liv]teach(taught)教[ti:tʃ]go(went)去[ɡəu]study(studied)学习['stʌdi]learn学习[lə:n]sing(sang)唱歌[siŋ]dance跳舞[dɑ:ns, dæns]row划[rəu]do(did)做[强du:, 弱du, də, d,du:]do homework做作业['həumw ə:k]do housework做家务['hausw ə:k]watch TV看电视[wɔtʃ, wɔ:tʃ] read(read) books读书[ri:d] [buks]cook the meals做饭[kuk] [mi:ls] water the flowers浇花['wɔ:tə, 'wɔ-]['flauəz]sweep(swept) the floor扫地[swi:p] [flɔ:]clean the bedroom打扫卧室[kli:n] ['bedru(:)m]make(made) the bed铺床[meik] [bed]set(set) the table摆饭桌[set] ['teibl]wash the clothes洗衣服[wɔʃ, w ɔ:ʃ] [kləuðz]do the dishes洗碗碟use a computer使用计算机[ju:z][kəm'pju:tə]do morning exercises晨练;做广播操['mɔ:niŋ]['eksəsaiz]eat breakfast吃早饭[i:t]['brekfəst]eat dinner吃晚饭[i:t] ['dinə]go to school上学[sku:l]have English class上英语课[kl ɑ:s, klæs]play sports进行体育运动[plei] [spɔ:ts]get(got)up起床ɡet]climb mountains爬山[klaim] ['mauntins]go shopping买东西[ɡəu]['ʃɔpiŋ]play the piano弹钢琴[plei][pi'ænəu, pi'ɑ:-]visit grandparents看望(外)祖父母['vizit] ['ɡrænd,pεərənts]go hiking去远足fly kites放风筝[flai][kaits]make a snowman堆雪人[meik]['snəumæn]plant trees种树[plɑ:nt, plænt][tri:s]draw(drew) pictures画画[drɔ:]['piktʃəz]cook dinner做饭[kuk]['dinə]read a book看书[ri:d] [buk]answer the phone接电话['ɑ:nsə, 'æn-] [fəun]listen to music听音乐['lisən][tu]['mju:zik]]clean the room打扫房间[kli:n][ru:m]write(wrote) a letter写信[rait]['letə]write an e-mail写电子邮件[rait][æn][i-meil]drink(drank) water喝水[driŋk]['wɔ:tə]take pictures照相[teik] ['piktʃəz]watch insects观察昆虫[wɔtʃ, wɔ:tʃ] ['insekts]pick up leaves采摘树叶[pik][ʌp][li:vz]do an experiment做实验[du:][æn][ik'speriment]catch butterflies捉蝴蝶[kætʃ]['bʌtəflaiz]count insects数昆虫[kaunt]['insekts]collect insects收集昆虫[kə'lekt]['insekts]collect leaves收集树叶[kə'lekt][li:vz]write a report写报告[rait][ri'pɔ:t]play chess下棋[plei][tʃes]have a picnic举行野餐[hæv]['piknik]get to到达[ɡet][tu:]ride(rode) a bike骑自行车[raid][baik]play the violin拉小提琴[plei][,vaiə'lin]make kites制作风筝[meik][kaits]collect stamps集邮[kə'lekt][stæmps]meet(met)见面[mi:t]welcome欢迎['welkəm]thank谢谢[θæŋk]love爱[lʌv]work工作[wə:k]drink(drank)喝[driŋk]taste尝[teist]smell闻[smel]feed(fed)喂养[fi:d]shear剪[ʃiə]milk挤奶[milk]look看[luk]guess猜[ɡes]help帮助[help]pass传递[pɑ:s, pæs]show展示[ʃəu]use使用[ju:z]clean打扫[kli:n]open打开['əupən] close关上[kləuz]put放[put]paint绘画[peint]tell(told)告诉[tel]kick踢[kik]bounce反弹[bauns] ride(rode)骑[raid]stop(stopped)停[stɔp] wait等[weit]find(found)寻找到[faind] drive(drove)驾驶[draiv] fold折[fəuld]send(sent)寄[send]wash洗[wɔʃ, wɔ:ʃ]shine照耀[ʃain]become变成[bi'kʌm]feel(felt)感觉到['fi:l]think(thought)思考[θiŋk]meet(met)遇见[mi:t]fall(fell)落下[fɔ:l]leave(left)离开[li:v]wake(woke) up醒来[weik][ʌp]put on穿上[put][ɔn]take off脱掉[teik][ɔ:f, ɔf]hang up挂起['hæŋ] [ʌp]wear(wore)穿['wεə]go home回家[ɡəu] [həum]go to bed上床睡觉[bed]play computer games玩电脑游戏[plei] [kəm'pju:tə] ['ɡeimz]play chess下棋[plei][tʃes]empty the trash倒垃圾['empti][træʃ]put away the clothes收拾衣服[put][ə'wei][kləuðz]get off下车[ɡet] [ɔ:f, ɔf]take a trip去旅行[teik][trip]read a magazine阅读杂志[ri:d][,mæɡə'zi:n]go to the cinema去看电影[ɡəu][tu]['sinəmə]go straight向前直走[ɡəu][streit]。

英文短句语录1. Never say die永不气馁!2. Time is money时间就是金钱。
3. Life is but a span人生苦短。
4. Learn and live活着,为了学习。
5. Believe in yourself相信你自己!6. Knowledge is power知识就是力量。
7. Hang on to your dreams追逐梦想。
8. Work makes the workman勤工出巧匠。
9. Asking costs nothing问人不费分文。
10.Big mouthfuls ofter choke贪多嚼不烂。
11. Nothing is impossible!没有什么不可能!12. Nothing seek, nothing find无所求则无所获。
13. Constant dropping wears the stone滴水穿石。
14. Sow nothing, reap nothing春不播,秋不收。
15. Pain past is pleasure过去的痛苦即快乐。
16. Bad times make a good man艰难困苦出能人。
17. Keep on going never give up勇往直前,决不放弃!18. You think you can, you can你认为你行,你就行。
19. I can because i think i can我行,因为我相信我行!20. Action speak louder than words行动胜于言语!21. Let bygones be bygones过去的就让它过去吧。
22. Life is not all roses人生并不是康庄大道。
23. Learn to walk before you run先学走,再学跑。
24. Bind the sack before it be full做事应适可而止。

二、中古英语时期——公元1100年至1500年 三、现代英语(Modern English,Mod E.)时期——公元1500年至今
现代英语时期又细分为: (1)早期现代英语时期——公元1500年至1700年; (2)后期现代英语时期——公元1700年至当前。
一、古英语时期——公元449年至1100年 古英语时期共有四种主要方言: (1)诺森伯里亚方言——洪伯河(the Humber)以北的方言;
(2)梅尔西亚方言——界乎洪伯河与泰晤士河之间的英国中部地区的方言; (3)肯特(Kentish)方言——居住在英国东南部地区的朱待人的方言;

1. AaA的读法是/ˈeɪ/,字母A的写法是大写A,小写a。
2. BbB的读法是/biː/,字母B的写法是大写B,小写b。
3. CcC的读法是/siː/,字母C的写法是大写C,小写c。
4. DdD的读法是/diː/,字母D的写法是大写D,小写d。
5. EeE的读法是/iː/,字母E的写法是大写E,小写e。
6. FfF的读法是/ef/,字母F的写法是大写F,小写f。
7. GgG的读法是/dʒiː/,字母G的写法是大写G,小写g。
8. HhH的读法是/eɪtʃ/,字母H的写法是大写H,小写h。
9. IiI的读法是/ˈaɪ/,字母I的写法是大写I,小写i。
10. JjJ的读法是/dʒeɪ/,字母J的写法是大写J,小写j。
11. KkK的读法是/keɪ/,字母K的写法是大写K,小写k。
12. LlL的读法是/ɛl/,字母L的写法是大写L,小写l。
13. MmM的读法是/ɛm/,字母M的写法是大写M,小写m。
14. NnN的读法是/ɛn/,字母N的写法是大写N,小写n。
15. OoO的读法是/ˈoʊ/,字母O的写法是大写O,小写o。
16. PpP的读法是/piː/,字母P的写法是大写P,小写p。
17. QqQ的读法是/kjuː/,字母Q的写法是大写Q,小写q。
18. RrR的读法是/ɑr/,字母R的写法是大写R,小写r。
19. SsS的读法是/ɛs/,字母S的写法是大写S,小写s。
20. TtT的读法是/tiː/,字母T的写法是大写T,小写t。
21. UuU的读法是/juː/,字母U的写法是大写U,小写u。
22. VvV的读法是/viː/,字母V的写法是大写V,小写v。
23. WwW的读法是/ˈdʌbljuː/,字母W的写法是大写W,小写w。

Aa(an) art.一,一个,每个;(同类事物中的)任何一个abandon n.放任v.放弃;抛弃;离弃abdomen n.腹(部)abide v.遵守,服从;承受;忍受ability n.能力,本领;才能,技能able adj.能(够),会;能干的;聪明的abnormal adj.不正常的,反常的aboard adv.在船(飞机、车上);上船(飞机、车)prep.在船(飞机、火车)上,上船(飞机、火车等)abolish v.废除;消除about prep.关于,对于,涉及;在…周围(附近)above prep.在…之上(上面);(数目、价格等)大于;高于abroad adv.出国,在国外abrupt adj.突然的;出其不意的;陡峭的;(举止、言谈等)唐突的;鲁莽的absence n.缺席,不在;缺席的时间,外出期;缺乏,不存在absent adj.缺席的,不在的;缺乏的absolute adj.十足的;完全的,绝对的;专制的absorb vt. 吸收,汲取;吸引absorption n.吸收;专心abstract adj. 抽象的n. 摘要,梗概vt. 提练,取出absurd adj.愚蠢的;荒唐的abundance n.充裕,丰富abundant adj.大量的,充足的;丰富的,富裕的abuse v.辱骂;滥用;虐待n. 辱骂;滥用;虐待academic adj.院校的;学术的;纯理论的academy n.学院,大学,研究院accelerate v.加速;促进accent n.重音;口音accept v.承认;接受acceptable adj.可接受的;受欢迎的acceptance n. 接受;赞同,承认access n.进入;接近(或进入、享用)的机会;通道accessory adj.附属的n.附件accident n.故事;意外事件accidental adj.意外的;偶然的accommodate v.容纳;向…提供;使适应,顺应accommodation(s) n.住宿accompany vt. 陪同,陪伴;为…伴奏;伴随,和…一起发生accomplish vt.完成;做成功accordance n.一致;依照,依据according(to) prep.根据…,按照;据…所说,按…所载accordingly adv. 因此;相应地account n. 账(目,户);叙述,说明vi. 说明,解释(原因等)accumulate v. 堆积;积累;积聚accuracy n.准确(性);精确(性)accurate adj.准确的,精确的;正确无误的accuse v. 控告;指责accustom v.使习惯accustomed adj.习惯的ache n. & v.疼痛achieve v.实现,完成;达到,得到acid adj. 酸的,酸味的;尖刻的,刻薄的n. 酸,酸性物质acknowledge vt.承认;接受;答谢,鸣谢;表示注意到acquaint v.使认识;使了解acquaintance n.相识的人,熟人;相识;熟悉acquire v. 取得,得到;学到acquisition n.获得;得到的东西或人acre n.英亩;土地,耕地,地产;大量acrobat n.杂技演员;立场观点善变的人across prep.横穿,穿过;在…对面act n.行为,做事v. 扮演,行动,起作用action n.行动;行为;作用activate v.使活动起来;使开始起作用active adj.积极的,活跃的,起作用的,主动的activity n.活动;活跃,能动性actor n.男演员actress n.女演员actual adj.实际的,真实的,事实上的acute adj.严重的;尖锐的,敏锐的;剧烈的,厉害的AD(=A.D.) 公元ad(=advertisement) n.广告adapt v.(使)适应,适合;改编,改写adaptation n.改编本;改编,改写;适应BCcabbage n.卷心菜,洋白菜cabin n.船舱,机舱;小屋cabinet n.橱,柜;内阁,全体阁员cable n.缆,索,钢丝绳;电缆;(海底)电报;发(海底)电报cafe n.咖啡馆,小餐厅cafeteria n.自助餐馆cage n.笼子cake n. 糕,饼,蛋糕calculate v.计算;核算;预测calendar n.日历;历法call v.叫喊;打电话给…;称呼,把…叫做n.电话,通话;叫喊call for 叫…来;去取,来取,去接;要求;需要calm adj.平静的;镇定的v.(使)安静,(使)镇定camel n. 骆驼camera n.照相机,摄影机camp n.野营,营地;拘留营v.宿营campaign n. 运动;战役v. 搞运动,参加运动;竞选campus n.(大学)校园can n.容器;听,罐头vt. (把食品)装罐Canada n.加拿大Canadian adj.加拿大(人)的n.加拿大人canal n.运河cancel v.取消;删去;抵消cancer n.癌症;肿瘤candidate n.候选人;投考者;有希望的人选candle n.蜡烛candy n.糖果;密cannon n. 大炮v. 开炮canoe n. 划子;独木舟v. 划独木舟canteen n.(工厂、学校等的)食堂canvass(=canvas) n.帆布;油画布,油画cap n.帽子,便帽capable adj.有能力的;可容纳的capacity n.容积,容量;能力,才能;地位,职位capital n.首都,首府;资本,资金adj.大写的Ddad n.爸爸daily adj.每日的adv.每日,天天n.日报dairy n.牛奶场,奶品场;奶制品dam n.水闸,水坝,堤v.筑坝;堵住,阻塞;抑制,控制damage n.损害,破坏;(常用复)赔偿金v.损害,毁坏,破坏damp adj.潮湿的,有湿气的n. 潮湿,湿气dance vi.跳舞n.舞蹈;舞会danger n.危险;危险物,威胁in danger 处于危险中dangerous adj.危险的,不安全的dare v.敢,敢做;激,向…挑战daring adj.大胆的dark adj.黑暗的;深色的;秘密的n.黑暗,暗处darling adj.心爱的;宠爱的n.心爱的人,宠儿dart n.标枪,镖;(昆虫的)刺;飞快的动作v.飞奔;投掷dash n.少量(搀加物);[单]冲撞;破折号;锐气,精力,干劲v.猛掷;冲撞;使破灭;使沮丧Eeach adj.各自的,每pron.每个,各自Ffable n.寓言;神话fabric n.织品,织物;结构,构造fabricate v.建造,制造;捏造,编造(谎言、借口等)face n.脸;面face to face 面对面make a face 做鬼脸facilitate v.使变得(更)容易,使便利;促进,助长facility n.容易,便利;敏捷,灵巧,熟练;[复]设备,工具fact n.事实,实情,真相as a matter of fact其实,实际上in fact实际上factor n.因素;要素factory n.工厂,制造厂faculty n.才能,能力;系,学院;全体教学人员fade v.(声音等)减弱下去;枯萎,调谢;(使)褪色Fahrenheit n. & adj.华氏温度计(的)fail v.不及格;失败;(健康等)衰退;不能(达到)failure n.失败;失败的人或事;缺乏,不足;故障,失灵;不履行,没做到faint adj.虚弱的,微弱的;暗淡的,模糊的n.昏晕;昏倒v.昏晕,昏倒;变得微弱,变得没气力fair adj.公平的,按规则进行的;尚可的,相当大的;(肤色)白皙的adv.公平地;清楚地n.定期集市fairly adv.公正地,公平地;相当,尚可,还faith n.信任,信赖,信心;信仰,信条;忠实,诚意,承诺faithful adj.守信的;忠实的;可靠的fall v.落下;跌倒n.(美语)秋季;落下;跌倒fall asleep 入睡,睡着fall ill 得病false adj.错误的,不真实的;不忠实的,无信义的;伪造的,假的adv.错误地fame n.名声;名望familiar adj.熟悉的,通晓的,常见的;随便的,不拘泥形式的;冒昧的,放肆的family n.家庭;子女famine n.饥荒famous adj.著名的fan n.扇子,风扇;迷,狂热者,爱好者fancy adj.奇特的,异样的;特选的,特制的,高档的n.爱好,迷恋v.想象;认为;爱好fantastic(al) adj.幻想的;奇异的;稀奇古怪的far adj. & adv.远的(地)far away 遥远,(离…)很远far from 远离,远非so far迄今为止fare n.车费;伙食v.遭遇;过活;进展farewell adj.告别的;送行的;离别的int.再会;再会n.辞别,告别辞farm n.农场farmer n.农民,农场主,牧场主farther adj.更远的;进一步的adv.更远地;更进一步地fascinate v.使着迷;使神魂颠倒;吸引fashion n.时新式样,流行款式;[单]方式,样子;时尚;时兴fashionable adj.流行的;时髦的fast adj. & adv.快的(地)fasten v.扎牢,系牢fat adj.肥的,多脂肪的,肥胖的;饱满的,丰厚的Ggage(=gauge) n.标准度量;测量仪器;评估;口径v.精确计量;估计gain v.获得;增加,进展;(钟表等)走快;受益n.增加;(常用复)收益galaxy n.银河,银河系;一群显赫的人或物gallery n.走廓,长廊;美术陈列室,画廊;(戏院中)最高的楼座gallon n.加仑gallop n. & v.(马等的)飞跑,疾驰;飞速发展gamble v. & n .赌博;投机,冒险game n.游戏;运动gang n.[集合名词](一)伙,(一)群;一帮(歹徒)v.成群结伙地攻击;分成班或组,组成帮gaol(=jail)n.监狱;(不加冠词)监禁vt.使…坐牢gap n.缺口,裂口;空隙;中断;差距,差异garage n.汽车库;汽车修理厂garbage n.垃圾,废物;无用的或无意义的东西garden n.花园garment n.衣服;外衣gas n.气体;煤气;毒气;汽油gaseous adj.气体的;气态的gasoline(=gasolene) n.汽油gasp n.喘息;气喘v.喘息;气喘gate n.大门;门gather v.集合,聚集;收集;逐渐增加;猜想n.集合,聚集gathering n.聚集;集会gay adj.快乐的,欢快的;艳丽的n.(美俚)同性恋者gaze n.[常单]凝视Hhabit n.习惯,习性habitual adj.习惯的;惯常的hail n.[单]冰雹;(雹子般的)一阵v.向…欢呼,为…喝彩,吹呼认可;使象下雹样落下,猛发hair n.头发,毛发haircut n.理发;(尤指男子)发式half n.半,一半adj.一半的adv.一半地hall n.会堂,礼堂,大厅;门厅;办公楼halt n.停止;暂停;中断v.使(停止);(使)立定ham n.火腿;(兽类的)后腿hamburger n.汉堡包hammer n.锤子,榔头hamper v.妨碍;牵制hand n.手v.交出;传递handbook n.手册;指南handful n.一把;少数handicap n.障碍;不利条件v.妨碍;使不利;阻碍handkerchief n.方帕;方巾handle n.柄;把手v.触摸,拿;经销,买卖;处理,应付,控制;操作handout n.散发的文字材料;救济品handsome adj.(男子)漂亮的,英俊的;(女子)端庄健美的,(体态、形体)好看的handwriting n.笔迹;书法handy adj.手边的,就近的,便利的;灵巧的,手巧的;有用的,方便的;易于使用或操作的hang(hung, hung; hanged, hanged)n.悬挂;暂停v.悬挂,吊,垂下;吊死happen v.发生;(后接不定式)碰巧,恰好happiness n.幸福;快乐happy adj.幸福的,愉快的,恰当的harbo(u)r n.海港,港口;<喻>避难听;藏身处hard adj.困难的,坚固的adv.努力地,艰苦地harden v.(使)变硬;(使)坚强;(使)冷酷hardly adv.几乎不hardship n.困苦;艰难;辛苦hardware n.五金器具(电脑的)硬件hard-working adj.努力工作的,勤勉的hare n.野兔harm n.伤害;损害v.伤害;损害harmful adj.有害的harmony n.融洽;一致;和谐,协调harness v.利用,治理harvest n.收获,收割;收成;结果v.收获,收割has v.有(第三人称单数一般现在时)haste n.匆忙;急忙hasten v.催促,使赶紧;赶快,赶紧hasty adj.急速的,匆忙的;草率的,轻率的hat n.帽子,一般指有边的帽子hatch v.孵,孵出;策划,图谋hate v.憎恨;不愿n.憎恨,厌恶hateful adj.可恨的;讨厌的;可恶的hatred n.憎恨;敌意;仇恨haul n.拖;拉;运输;一网捕获的量,捕获物v.拖,拉;改变方向;改变主意have(had, had) v.有have a cold 患感冒have a good time 玩得开心have a meeting/match/rest 开会/比赛/休息have breakfast/lunch/supper吃早饭/午饭/晚饭II pron.我ice n.冰;冰块ice-cream n.冰淇淋icy adj.冰的,多冰的,冰封的;冰冷的,似冰的;冷淡的,不友好的idea n.思想;概念;主意ideal adj.理想的;完美n.理想;[单]典范,理想的事物或人identical adj.同一的,同样的identification n.识别,辨认,验明,证明identify v.识别,鉴别;认为等同于,使相等;同情,理解idiom n.成语;方言;土语;习惯用语idle adj.空闲的;懒惰的;闲置的;无价值的,无用的v.不做事,游手好闲;(机器)空转;虚度,浪费i.e. abbr.也就是if conj.如果,假如;是否ignite v.点火,点燃;激起ignorance n.无知;不知ignorant adj.无知的ignore v.不理睬;忽视ill adj.病的,生病的illegal adj.违法的,非法的;犯规的illiterate adj.不识字的,没受教育的n.文盲illness n.病,疾病illuminate v.照明,照亮;阐明,说明;启蒙,启发;使灿烂,以灯火装饰(街道等)llustrate v.举例说明;图解,加插图于;阐明illustration n.说明,例证;图表,插图image n.图像,电视图像;肖像,映像;想象的人或物;象征,化身imaginary adj.想象出来的,假想的imagination n.想象;想象力imaginative adj.虚拟的,幻想的;富于想象力的imagine v.想象,设想;猜想,认为imitate vt.模仿,仿造,伪造imitation n.模仿,效法;赝品,仿造物immediate adj.立即的,即刻的;直接的,最接近的immense adj.极广大的;巨大的immerse v.使浸没;使沉浸在,使专心于immigrant adj.(从外国)移来的;移民的;移居的n.移民;侨民immune adj.免除的,豁免的;可防止的,不受影响的;免疫的,有免疫力的impact n.影响,效果;碰撞,冲击;冲击力impair v.削弱,减少;损害,损伤impartial adj.公平的;不偏不倚的impatient adj.不耐烦的,烦躁的;渴望的,急切的;恼火的,不能容忍的imperialism n.帝国主义impetus n.推动(力),促进implement n.工具,器具,用具v.实施,执行,贯彻implication n.含意;暗示implicit adj.含蓄的;固有的,内含的;无疑问的,绝对的imply v.暗示;意味import v.输入;进口;引进n.进口,输入;[常复]进口商品,输入物;意思,含义Jjacket n.上衣;茄克jam n.果酱;拥挤,堵塞;困境,窘境January n.一月Japan n.日本Japanese n. & adj.日本人(的);日语(的)jar n.罐子,坛子,广口瓶jargon n.行话,黑话,隐语;难懂的话,英名其妙的话;南腔北调的混杂语jaw n.颚,颌;[复]下巴jazz n.爵士乐,爵士舞jealous adj.妒忌的,嫉妒的;猜疑的;警惕的;注意的,珍惜的jealousy n.嫉妒jet n.喷射,喷注;喷口,喷嘴;喷气式飞机v.喷射;乘坐喷汽式飞机jewel n.宝石jewelry(=jewellery) n.珠宝;珠宝饰物Jewish adj.犹太人的;犹太族的job n.工作jog v.轻推;(使)蹒跚行进;(使)慢跑;唤起,提醒join v.加入;连接;联合join in 参加,同…一起join up连接;入伍;加入joint adj.共同的,联合的;连接的;合办的n.接缝,接合处,接合点;关节;(牛、羊等的腿)大块肉Kkeen adj.锋利的;敏锐的;热心的,渴望的keep(kept, kept) v.保持,留住;饲养;照顾keep on doing sth.继续做某事kerosene(=kerosine) n.煤油,火油kettle n.水壶key n.钥匙keyboard n.键盘kick v.踢kid n.小孩;小山羊v.哄骗,欺骗;取笑,开玩笑kidnap vt.绑架;拐骗kidney n.肾脏;(食用的)腰子;(正式)性格,脾气;种类kill v.杀死,致死;扼杀,毁灭;消磨(时间)kilo(=kilogram(me),kilometer) n.千克;公里kilometer(=kilometer) n.千米,公里kilowatt n.[电]千瓦(特)kind n.种类adj.和善的,友善的a kind of 一种,一类all kinds of 各种各样的kindergarten n.幼儿园adj.幼儿园的,初级的kindness n.仁慈,亲切;好意,善意king n.国王,君主;(某界)大王,巨子kingdom n.王国,领域kiss v.吻;轻拂n.吻;(风,浪等)拂kitchen n.厨房kite n.风筝knee n.膝,膝盖kneel vi.跪下knife ([pl.]knives) n.刀,匕首knit v.编织,编结;[常用过去分词]使坚实,使紧密结合knob n.(门、抽屉的)球形把手,球形柄,门把;(收音机等的)旋钮;小块knock n.击,打v.敲,击,打knock at 敲knock into sb. 偶然遇见某人know (knew, known) v.知道,了解,认识(某人),熟悉;精通knowledge n.知识,学问Llab(=laboratory) n.实验室,研究室label n.标签,签条;商标;标志v.贴标签于;把…称作labo(u)r n.劳动;劳工,工人lace n.饰带,花边;缎带,鞋带lack v.缺乏,缺少,不足Mmachine n.机器machinery n.[总称]机器,机械;机关,机构macroscopic adj.肉眼可见的;宏观的mad adj.疯的,精神错乱的;狂怒;狂热的madam(=madame) n.女士;夫人,太太magazine n.杂志,期刊magic n.魔法,巫术;戏法,魔术;魅力,魔力magician n.魔术师;魔术师magnet n.磁体,磁铁;有吸引力的人或物magnetic adj.磁的,有磁性(或磁力)的;有吸引力的;有魅力的magnetism n.磁;磁力,吸引力;磁学magnificent adj.华丽的,宏伟的;高尚的;最好的;豪华的magnify v.放大,扩大;夸大,夸张magnitude n.大小;数量;巨大,广大;重要性;(恒星的)等级maid n.少女,女仆,处女mail n. 邮政;邮件mailbox n.邮筒,邮箱,信箱main adj.主要的,最重要的mainland n.[单]大陆mainly adv.大体上;主要地maintain v.维持,继续;维修,保养;主张;维护;赡养,供给;支持maintenance n.维持,保持;维修,保养;坚持,主张;生活资料(或费用);抚养费major adj.(数量、程度、价值)较大的;主要的n.少校v.主修majority n.多数,大多数make(made, made) v.做,制作;使得;整理;总计n.(产品的)牌子,类型be made from 由…制成be made in …制造be made of 由…制成make a mistake 出差错 make a noise 发出噪音makeup n.组成,构造;性格,体格;化妆(品)male adj.男的,雄的malfunction v.发生功能障碍,发生障碍n.故障,机能不良;疾病maltreat v.粗暴地对待,虐待;误用,滥用man([pl.] men)n.男人;人类manage v.管理,经营,处理;控制;设法做到management n.经营manager n.经理;负责人manifest adj.显然的,明了的v.显示,表明;证明,证实;表露,显露manipulate v.(熟练地)操作;巧妙地处理;(尤指用权势或不正当手段)操纵,控制mankind n.(用作单或复数)人类;男性,男子manly adj.男子气概的;果断的;雄赳赳的manner n.[复]礼貌,礼节;风俗,习俗;[单]风格;方式,样式;举止,行为manual adj.手动的,手工的;体力的n.手册;,指南manufacture n.制造,制造业;[复]产品manuscript n.手稿,原稿many(more, most) adj.许多的,多的a good/great many 很多map n.地图marble adj.大理石的;冷酷无情的,坚硬的;光滑的n.大理石march v.进军,行军;行进,(快步)行走;游行示威 n.行军,进军;进行曲margin n.页边的空白;边缘;极限;余域,余地;盈余,利润marginal adj.记在页边的,有旁注的;边缘的;边际的,(货物)仅能获得薄利的,最低限度的;微量的,少量的marine adj.海的,海生的,海产的;海上的,海事的,船用的n.(全国的)船舶,船运业;水兵,海军击战队。

日常最常用的'英文单词11、我 I2、他 He3、你 you4、和 and5、姓名 name6、男人 man7、女人 woman8、去 go to9、打搅一Excuse me10、天 day11、明天 tomorrow12、今天 today13、护照 passport14、行李 luggage15、换钱 Exchange16、飞机场 airport17、现金 cash18、公共汽车 bus19、旅行行travelling20、度假 holiday21、酒店 hotel22、签证 visa23、数字one…ten(1…10)24、床 bed25、叫早 morning call26、火车站 railway station27、晚上 night28、下午 afternoon29、早餐 breakfast30、中餐 lunch31、晚餐 dinner32、面包 bread33、汤 soup34、猪肉 pork35、牛肉 beef36、鱼 fish37、鸡 chicken38、米饭 rice39、面 noodles40、炒饭 fried rice41、炸薯条 fried42、葡萄酒 wine43、饮料 drink44、鸡蛋 egg45、菜单 menu46、冰激凌 ice cream47、糖 sugar48、牛奶 milk49、沙拉 salad50、橙汁 orange51、香蕉 banana52、苹果 apple53、热水 hot water54、汽水 soda water55、饿 hungry56、冷 cool57、热 hot58、厕所T oilet/Rest room59、门票 ticket60、妻子 wife61、丈夫 husband62、男孩 boy63、女孩 girl64、年轻的 young65、老的 old66、祝好运 good luck67、没问题 No problem68、非常 very69、办公室 office70、漂亮 beautiful71、英俊 Hansen72、快点 come on73、慢点 slow down74、翻译 translate75、司机 Driver76、读 read77、多久?how long?78、报纸 newspaper79、分钟 minutes80、多少钱 How much?81、美元 US Dollar82、欧元 Euro83、开门 open the door84、日本人 Japanese85、韩国人 Korean86、我来自 L from87、这个 this88、我说英语就这么一点点 l speak little English89、说 talk90、计算器 calculator91、几点? What time92、上网 internet93、房间 room94、钢笔 pen95、看 look96、明白 understand97、工作 work98、谈话 talk99、警察 police100、朋友 friend日常最常用的英文单词21.abolishment 废除2.absurdity 荒唐;谬论3.abuse 滥用4.achievement 成绩5.acqaintance 熟人6.adaptation 改写;适应7.admiration 崇拜8.adventurer/explorer 探险者9.adversee impact 负面影响10.adversity 逆境11.affection 友情/感情12.alienation 疏远13.ambition 志向14.amusement 娱乐15.anecdote 轶事16.apathy 冷漠无情17.approach 鼓掌18.architecture 建筑19.art 艺术20.assault 攻击21.assessment 评估22.association 联想;联系23.athlete 运动员24.availability 可得到的东西25.barrier 妨碍26.behavior 行为27.beneficiacry 受益人28.budget 预算29.burden 负担30.campaign 运动31.candidate 候选人32.capacity 能力33.celebrity 名人34.character 性格35.charecteristic 特征36.charm 魅力37.clerk 职员38.cohesion 凝聚力39.colleague 同事40.collectivism 集体主义fort 舒适mercial 商业广告mercialization 商业化modity 商品panion/partner 同伴46.conformity 一致47.conssensus 同意48.consultation 咨询49.consumption 消费50.content 内容51.contentment 满意;满足52.contribution 贡献53.correlation 相关性54.costume 服装55.creativity 创造性56.criteria 条件57.cruelty 残忍58.customer 顾客59.cybercrime 网络犯罪60.depression 沮丧;低沉61.deprivation 剥夺62.descendant 后代63.deterioration 恶化64.detour 绕道65.developed countries 发达国家66.developing countries 发展中国家67.digestion 消化吸收68.dignity 尊严69.discipline 纪律70.discomfort 不舒服71.discontent 不满足72.discrimination 歧视;区别73.disgust 反感74.disorder 无序状态75.disorientation 迷失方向感76.disposition 性格77.distraction 干扰78.diversity 多样化;多样性79.domain 领域80.duplication 重复(建设)81.duration82.economy 耐用83.employee 雇员84.employer 雇主85.endeavor 努力做86.enjoyment 享受87.enthusiasm 热情;狂热88.equality 平等89.evaluation 评价90.expection 例外91.exhibition 展览92.exploration 探险93.export 出口94.favor 喜好95.feature 特点96.fidelity 忠实97.flexibility 灵活性98.forefather/ancestors 祖先99.freedom 自由100.frustration 挫折101.gallery 美术馆102.garment 服装103.goodwill 善意104.grace 雅致105.graduate 毕业生106.guardian 监护人107.halt 停止;终止108.hardship 艰难险阻109.heritage 遗产110.horizon 地平线111.hostility 敌对112.humanity 人性113.idol 偶像114.immunity 免疫力115.import 进口116.indication 迹象117.indictment 控告118.indifference 不关心119.individuality 个性化120.industry 工业;行业121.inequality 不平等122.infrastructure 基础设施123.ingenuity 独创性124.initiative 主动性125.instruction 教导126.instructor 教师127.integrity 诚实128.intellectual 知识分子129.intelligence 智能130.interaction 交际131.interference 干涉132.interpretation 解释133.intolerance 不宽容134.intrusiveness 干涉135.involvement 参与136.jealousy 妒忌137.jogging 慢跑138.joint effort 共同努力139.journalist/correspondent 记者140.joy/delight 欢乐ck 缺乏ndmark 标志性建筑;里程碑143.license 执照144.life expectancy/life span 寿命145.literacy 读写能力146.manufacturer 制造商147.match 匹配148.measure 测量;评估lennium 千年150.minority 少数人151.miscondust 行为不端152.morality 道德153.muscle 肌肉154.myoplia 近视155.nationality 民族;国籍156.norm 准则157.notoin 观念;想法158.obligation 义务159.obsacle 障碍物160.occupation 职业161.opponent 对手162.originality 独创性163.outcome 产物164.outlook 观点;景色165.participation 参与166.pastime 消遣167.peer 同龄人168.penalty 刑罚;处罚169.perseverance 坚定不移170.personality 性格171.perspective 看法172.popularity 普及;流行173.popularization 普及174.practice 做法175.precaution 防范176.prerogative 特权177.principle 原则178.profession/occupation 职业179.proficiency 精通180.promotion 提升181.prospect 前景182.prosperity 繁荣183.protocol 协议184.prudence 慎重185.public opinion 舆论186.punishment 惩罚187.purity 纯洁性188.rebellion 反叛189.recovery 恢复190.regression 衰退191.regulator 监控者192.reliability 可心度193.remedy/therapy 疗法194.remote education 远程教育195.revelation 揭示/表现196.revenue 总收入197.reward 奖赏;报酬198.rumor/gossip 谣言;传闻199.satisfaction 满足200.self-discipline 自律201.self-respect/self-esteem 自尊心202.shortcoming 缺点203.side-effect 副作用204.signal 信号205.skyscraper 摩天大楼206.sociologist 社会学家207.soul 灵魂208.specialty 专业209.spelling 拼写210.status 地位211.stereotype 成见212.straightforwardness 直率213.strain 压力;过度劳累214.strategy 策略215.strength 实力216.stress 压力217.substance 物质218.supplement 补充219.sympathy 同情220.symptom 症状221.talent 人才222.teenager 青少年223.temper 性情;烦躁224.tempatation 诱惑225.threshold 开端226.tip 提示;技巧227.tolerance 宽容228.tragedy 悲剧229.trait 特点230.trap 陷阱231.triviality 琐事232.troblemaker 捣乱者233.tutor 导师234.uniformity 一致235.vanity 虚荣心236.varety 多样性;种类237.verdict 判决238.vexation 烦恼239.victim 受害者240.vitality/vigor/energy/vim 活力;精力241.void 空虚242.warmth 温暖243.weakness 缺点244.withdrawal 退出;撤退245.zeal 热情【日常最常用的英文单词】。

目录[隐藏]英语基本解释英语的来历相关历史英语音标和字母英语国家和地区中国大陆情况英语方言历史时期分划英语基本解释英语的来历相关历史英语音标和字母英语国家和地区中国大陆情况英语方言历史时期分划∙英语语法∙英语的时态英语中的格∙英语词汇∙英语的词源∙英语的特点英语等级考试国际英语水平考试∙英语在中国的发展趋势∙早期古英语文学作品∙幼儿学英语的最佳时间∙英语文章示例[编辑本段]英语基本解释 英语【English】(也可称为美语,例如香港、新加坡等地),英联邦全部、美国等国家和地区的国语或官方语言。
历史上使英语变得强大的重要人物有: 1、John Wycliffe(约翰·威克里夫1329-1384)英文圣经译者。
2、William Shakespeare(威廉·莎士比亚1564-1616)英国举世闻名的文艺复兴时期的伟大的剧作家和诗人。
3、Samuel Johnson(塞缪尔·约翰生1709-1784)编纂第一部《英语词典》;编注《莎士比亚戏剧集》,并做序言。
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Effects of surface modification on coking, deactivation and para-selectivity of H-ZSM-5 zeolites duringethylbenzene disproportionationWen-Hua Chen a, Tseng-Chang Tsai b,1, Sung-Jeng Jong a,2, Qi Zhao a, Chung-Ta Tsai a,c, Ikai Wang d, Huang-Kuei Lee c, Shang-Bin Liu a,∗a Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, P.O. Box 23-166, Taipei 106, Taiwan, ROCb Department of Chemical Engineering, I-Shou University, Kachsiung 840, Taiwan, ROCc Institute of Materials Science and Manufacturing, Chinese Culture University, Taipei 111, Taiwan, ROCd Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsinghua University, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan, ROCReceived 24 January 2001; received in revised form 9 April 2001; accepted 22 June 2001AbstractThe effects of coking and surface modification of H-ZSM-5 zeolites on enhancement of para-diethylbenzene selectivity during disproportionation of ethylbenzene have been investigated. Surface modifications of the zeolites by silica chemical vapor deposition (Si-CVD) and by stepwise lepidine adsorption and/or Si-CVD treatments were examined. The acidity, sorption capacity, stability, and coke content of the samples were characterized by various techniques, such as adsorption, TGA, IR, 129Xe NMR, and solid-state 27Al and 31PMAS NMR. The performance of the para-selective process was studied by the correlation between the observed para-selectivity and conversion. Theworking principle responsible for the para-selective feature was found due to the combined effects of diffusion limitations and inactivation of external active sites. At the extreme of low conversion, the feature depends mostly on the former effect, whereas the latter becomes progressively important with increasing conversion. At high conversion, while both effects are important, diffusion controlled limitations associated with steric hindrances near the pore mouths plays the predominant role, especially towards saturating surface SiO2 loading.© 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.Keywords: Shape selectivity; Si-CVD; Coking; H-ZSM-5 zeolite; NMR1. IntroductionPara-diethylbenzene (p-DEB) is a high-valued desorbent commonly used inp-xylene adsorptiveseparation processes [1] and the key starting materialofvinylstyrene,whereas its isomers, o- and m-DEB, have lower market values. Although p-DEB can be produced by the ethylbenzene (EB) disproportionation, a model reaction widely used for the characterization of catalytic activity of zeolites [2–5], the yield is normally limited by the thermodynamic equilibrium compositions. The development and improvement of para-selective process not only simplify the production schemes but also significantly reduce the production costs. Thus, research on para-selectivity enhancement is an important and challenging task with great industrial demands.Many para-selective processes have been developed for important industrial applications, for examples,alkylation, disproportionation and isomerization of monoalkylbenzene, using a variety of different catalyst modification techniques, such as surface deposition of SiO2 [6–20] or oxides of P, B or Mg [8,20–29], or by pre-coking [30–33]. In spite of extensive research in this field, the nature of the related shape selective process is still not well understood and the subject of ongoing debates [8,14,19,33–38]. It was proposed that the para-selective feature is provoked by diffusion limitations due to pore narrowing/ blocking and/or by inactivation of external acidity which inhibits the secondary, non-shape selective isomerization reactions on the surface of the catalyst. The objectives of this study is to investigate how coking interplay with the types and extents of catalyst surface modification treatments and their respective roles during the decisive working principles of the para-selective process. In particular, the effects of cokedeposition, surface modification by silylation and/or molecular adsorption, and reaction conditions on the activity and p-DEB selectivity of H-ZSM-5zeolites during EB disproportionation were examined. The nature and acidity of the catalysts werecharacterized by diffuse reflectance Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (DRIFTS), solid-state 27Almagic-angle-spinning (MAS) NMR and 31P MAS NMR spectroscopy of the adsorbed phosphine oxide probe molecules. Whereas the variations of sorption capacity and the location/concentration of cokedeposits in the catalysts were determined by xenon adsorption, 129Xe NMR, and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), respectively.2. Experimental2.1. MaterialsThe powdered, binderless parent H-ZSM-5 zeolite (Si/Al = 15; denoted as HZSM5) was obtained commercially (Stream Chemical), its structure and framework compositions were confirmed by powderX-ray diffraction (XRD) and 29Si MAS NMR. The amount of NH3 retained in the sample at 473K was0.79 mmol g−1 catalyst. An average crystalline size of 0.5_m for the zeolite sample was determined byelectron microscopy. Research grade reagents were obtained commercially and were used without further purification.2.2. Silica chemical vapor deposition (Si-CVD)Surface modified, silylated samples were prepared by chemical vapor deposition of silica (Si-CVD),using TEOS as the silylation agent, following the procedures reported earlier byWang et al. [8]. Pelletized parent HZSM5 zeolite (10–20 mesh; ca. 4 g) was first packed into a home-built reactor, followed by calcination at 723K in air (flow rate 100 ml/min) for 8 h, then brought to 413K under stream of N2 gas (100ml/min). Silylation treatment of samples were conducted by passing mixture of 4 wt.% TEOS in toluene through the catalyst bed at 413K under N2 carrier gas (12 ml h−1) for various deposition time (t d), subsequently followed by calcination in flowing air (100 ml/min) at 823K for 4 h. The effectiveness of the treatment was monitored by analyzing the residual TEOS in the reactor effluent at various t d. Accordingly, samples with varied amount of deposited SiO2 were obtained (Table 1). They are identified by Si/HZSM5 followed by the duration of deposition t d, for example, Si/HZSM5-6 means the parent(HZSM5) zeolite was modified by one Si-CVD cycle for t d = 6 h. A sample modified with two Si-CVD treatment cycles (denoted as Si/HZSM5-6/2) was prepared by a sample first silylated by one Si-CVD cycle with t d = 6 h, calcined and subsequently followed by second Si-CVD treatment for additional 2 h (i.e. t d = 6 + 2 h) and the calcination treatment.2.3. Surface modification by stepwise surfaceadsorption and Si-CVD In separate experiments, stepwise surface modification by lepidine adsorption (LA) and Si-CVD treatments were achieved using a different HZSM5 zeolite(Si/Al = 40; crystalline size ca. 0.8 _m; Zeolyst) . The results obtained from these experiments should provide supporting evidence that enable us to compare the effect of surface adsorption and silylation on the variations of external acidity and para-selective feature of the catalyst. The feasibility of such comparison is warranted by the fact that the size of lepidine molecule is much greater than the pore aperture of HZSM5 and thus can only be adsorbed on the external surface of the zeolite [39]. Different samples modified by LA (sample LA) and/or Si-CVD treatment (sample CVD) were prepared (Table 2). Thesample denoted LA-CVD represents deposition of SiO2 (at 413 K; 6 h) after saturate adsorption of lepidine, then followed by regular calcination treatment. Whereas the sample denoted LA-CVD-LA represents further adsorption of lepidine on a sample having the same preparation procedure with sampleLA-CVD.2.4. Ethylbenzene disproportionation reactionEthylbenzene disproportionation was used as test reaction [2–5] throughout this study. The reaction was conducted in a continuous flow, fixed-bed microreactor (stainless steel; 15mm i.d.) under the standard conditions: reaction temperature (T r) = 573 K, space velocity (WHSV) = 1.85–6.60 h−1, pressure = 1 kg cm−2, carrier gas-to-feed ratio (N2/EB) = 2.0 mol/mol, and time-on-stream (TOS) = 9 h. The compositions of the reactor effluent were analyzed in situ by gas chromatography (Shimadzu GC-9A) using a packed column [40]. Upon completion of experiment, the fouled (coked) catalyst was first purged with N2 gas at T r for 0.5 h, then maintained at 473K for at least 6 h before it was finally brought down to room temperature (298 K). To compare the performance of samples prepared during the stepwise surface modification experiments, reactions were carried out for all samples at about the same conversion (ca. 28 wt.%; by careful adjustment of WHSV) under similar conditions: T r = 573K and TOS = 0.25 h (Table 2).2.5. Characterization methodsInfrared spectroscopy (DRIFTS; Bruker IFS-28) was utilized to characterize acidity and the nature of coke deposits in the sample. Sample was dehydrated in situ at 473K for at least 3 h before each run. The amount of coke deposits in the sample, measured by TGA (ULVAC TGD-7000RH), was determined from the weight loss observed in the thermogram between 573 and 973 K. Xenonadsorption isotherms were measured at room temperature. All 129Xe NMR spectra were obtained by a NMR spectrometer (Bruker MSL-300P) operating at the Larmor frequency of 83.012 MHz, using diluted xenon gas as the chemical shift reference. Detailed description of the related experimental setups and procedures of the above experiments have been described earlier [40]. The variations of Al coordination in the structural framework of zeolites were determined by solid-state 27Al MAS NMR [41]. Whereas the changes in catalyst acidity upon sample surface modification were characterized by 31P MAS NMR of two different adsorbed probe molecules [42–45], namely, TMPO and TBPO. It is noted that, unlike TMPO whose molecular size is comparable to the pore aperture of the HZSM5 zeolite, TBPO molecule is too big to enter the intracrystalline channel [46]. All 27Al and 31P MAS NMR spectra were obtained by a separate spectrometer (Bruker MSL-500P) operating at 130.32 and 202.46 MHz, using Al(H2O)6 3+ and 85% H3PO4 solution as the chemical shift reference, respectively. Typical sample spinning rate was 5–12 kHz, depending on the NMR probehead used. Moreover, except for the 27Al NMR experiments in which fully hydrated samples were examined, dehydrated (723K under vacuum; more than 24 h) samples were used during the 31P NMR experiments. For these experiments, a known amount of TMPO or TBPO (dissolved in dry CH2Cl2) was introduced into a vessel containing dehydrated sample, and the mixture was agitated overnight under N2 over an ultrasonic shaker. After removal of solventby evacuation, the sample vessel was then placed into a glovebox (under N2 environment) in which sample was transferred into a ZrO2 MAS NMR rotor (4mm o.d.) and sealed by gastight Kel-F cap.3. Results3.1. Surface modification by Si-CVD treatmen tIt was found that the conversion of TEOS was nearly 100% during initial (t d <1 h) Si-CVD treatmentof the sample, subsequently followed by a rapid decrease associated with the progressive decrease in the available deposition sites on the external surface of the zeolite (not shown). Eventually, a plateau at null conversion (‘apparent’ saturation) occurred at t d ∼6 h. The resultant surface SiO2 contents for samples Si/HZSM5-2 and Si/HZSM5-6 were 11.5 and 14.5 wt.%, respectively (Table 1). When the sample was subjected to second Si-CVD treatment, a steeper decrease in TEOS conversion was found and the point at which ‘apparent’ saturation of TEOS also occurred at a much shorter t d. The deficiency of available depositionsites after the first Si-CVD treatment cycle was evidenced by the marginal increase in deposited SiO2 during the second CVD cycle (Table 1).3.2. Coking and catalytic performance during EBdisproportionation The conversion and p-DEB selectivity versus TOS during EB disproportionation over the parent(HZSM5) and Si-CVD modified (Si/HZSM5) zeolites are depicted in Fig. 1. The correlation between EB conversion with TOS can be fitted by an exponential function Xt = X0 + k e−αt (1)where X t represents the conversion at a given time t, X0 and k the constants, and the exponent αis the parameter accounts for deactivation rate. The results of the fitting are depicted in Table 1 and Fig. 1a. Both the initial conversion (X0 + k) and the deactivation rate (α) are found to decrease upon sample silylation treatment, which is in line with the observed increase in coke content. However, upon increasing severity of surface silylation, a slight increase in deactivation rate was also observed, indicating a slight decrease in catalytic stability, especially for sample Si/HZSM5-6/2. The p-DEB selectivity increased with increasing SiO2 content and a more drastic increase is evident for Si/HZSM5-6/2, which was subjected to additional silylation treatment, as shown in Fig. 1b and Table 3.However, comparing to the other modified samples, the leap selectivityincrease for Si/HZSM5-6/2 isseemingly at the expense of conversion. Prominent factors that could affect the activity andperformance of zeolites include their structural and acid properties as well as the operation conditionsapplied during catalytic reaction. Here, the interplay of the related experimental parameters, such asseverity of surface silylation, coke content, reaction conditions, and conversion level, during EB disproportionation over various samples is examined by the correlation of p-DEB selectivity with conversion, as shown in Fig. 2. In this context, data obtained at constant WHSV = 1.85 h−1 (during TOS = 0–9 h) are plotted along with those obtained at different WHSV (i.e. 3.17, 4.75 and 6.60 h−1; obtained during TOS from 9 to 10.5 h). Interestingly, the observed p-DEB selectivity for each sample correlates well with the conversion in despite of the fact that the results were obtained from different WHSV and TOS (and thus different coke contents). Moreover, the results obtained from different samplesall merge to a conversion of 46.8 wt.% corresponding to a selectivity value of 29.4%, which coincides with the thermodynamic equilibrium compositions:m-:p-:o-DEB = 69:28:3 revealed earlier by Mishin et al. [47]. For Si/HZSM5-6/2, the results can be fitting by a polynomial function to the fourth order, as illustratedin Fig. 2. Whereas for the parent HZSM5, p-DEB selectivity is nearly independent of conversion and maintains at 29.4% near to the thermodynamic equilibrium value [47], except at the extreme of low conversion. Previous results [40] obtained from a different HZSM5 sample (Si/Al = 26; crystalline size ca. 0.3_m; Strem) operated under similar conditions (T r = 573 K; N2/EB = 2.0; WHSV = 7.4 h−1) are also depicted in Fig. 2. Assuming that the selectivity is 100% at zero conversion, together with the observed value of 29.4% at 46.8 wt.% conversion, the results fit well to an exponential decay. The result of suchfitting is shown in Fig. 2 together with that of Si/HZSM5-2 and Si/HZSM5-6; which also showed the similar dependence. Furthermore, at a given conversion, p-DEB selectivity tends to increase with increasing surface SiO2 content.3.3 Stepwise surface modification by lepidineadsorption and silylation By comparing results obtained from various samples listed in Table 2, a progressive increase in p-DEB selectivity with progressing stepwise treatments of the samples is observed. However, in view of p-DEB selectivity enhancement, surface modification by LA was not as efficient compare to the sample treated by silica deposition (CVD), which yielded a respective value of 34.1 and 56.6%. Surface modifications thus have definite effect on p-DEB selectivity enhancementfor HZSM5 zeolite during EB disproportionation.4. DiscussionWang et al. [8] reported that the Si-CVD surface treatment is an acid catalysis reaction during which the rate of deposition depends strongly on the acidity of zeolites. More recently, Weber et al. [13] showed that Si-CVD method is superior to coating the catalyst with a silica shell, because external acidity can be eliminated without significantly changing the internal acidity of the catalyst [19]. Moreover, it has been proposed that, porosity of the zeolite and the reaction parameters (such as temperature and duration of deposition) used during silylation treatment all play important roles in the reaction site by which tailoring of the pore mouth opening can be achieved [13,17–20,55].1. selective isomerization effect, which involves isomerization of the isomers within the zeolite channels, that is diffusion controlled by limitations due to steric hindrance near the channel opening or pore narrowing/blocking;2. non-selective isomerization effect, which involves further isomerization of the major product isomers on the external surface of the zeolite, that may besuppressed by inactivation of surface acidity.As in the case of sample Si/HZSM5-6/2, which was obtained by two Si-CVD modification treatments, the observed high p-DEB selectivity is undoubtedly due to the association between diffusion effects and inactivation of surface active sites. The leap increase in p-DEB selectivity observed for Si/HZSM5-6/2 compare to the other Si/HZSM5 samples (see Fig. 2) indicating that the product isomers seem to encounter a diffusion barrier, which associated with the marked increase in the relative ratio of p- to m-DEB diffusivity. Thus, in this context, the working principle for the para-selectivity is predominantly due to diffusion limitations, while inactivation of external active sites also contribute to the para-selectivity, it plays a secondary role.5. ConclusionsThe effects of coking and surface modification ofHZSM5 zeolites on the performance of para-selective process during disproportionation of EB have beeninvestigated by the correlation between conversion and p-DEB selectivity. While a slight increase inextra-framework Al (AlNFoct ) was found duringSi-CVDtreatment, they have negligible effect during the para-selective process. Precluding such dealumination effect, surface silylation treatment effectively inactivate the external active sites without changing the internal acidity or the adsorption capacity and effective free volume of the zeolites. The p-DEB selective process for the unmodified HZSM5 samples is strictly kinetic control at low conversion. For Si-CVD modified samples, EB conversion was found to decrease with increasing coke content, which also favor the p-DEB selectivity enhancement regardless of the surface SiO2 content. At a given conversion, notable increase in p-DEB selectivity with increasing SiO2 content was observed. Coke deposits, which are found to locate mostly in the intracrystalline defect sites of the zeolite, play only a minor role during the para-selective process compare to inactivation of external active sites by silylation. Similar conclusioncan be made for sample modified by surface adsorption of lepidine. Moreover, cyclic Si-CVD treatment of the zeolite sample was found to provoke non-selectiv deposition of silica on the external surface that create additional steric constraints for the DEB isomers to diffuse out of the channels, consequently, a leap increase in p-DEB selectivity was observed. Thus,inactivation of external active sites and diffusion limitations both play the decisive role in the enhancement of para-selectivity during disproportionation over HZSM5. Substantial inactivation of surface active sites is inevitable in provoking substantial relative increase in p- versus m-DEB diffusivity and thus, in turn, promoting the desirable para-selectivity enhancement.AcknowledgementsThe authors thank Prof. Kuei-Jung Chao, Dr. Ajit Pradhan and Dr. Jin-Fu Wu for helpful discussions. The financial supports of this work by the National Science Council, Taiwan, ROC (NSC87-2113- M001-003 andNSC88-2113-M001-008) are also gratefully acknowledged.References[1] J.D. 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