通过撰写MBA论文,学生能够掌 握学术研究的方法和技巧,提高 独立研究的能力。
论文写作需要清晰、准确地传达 思想和信息,有助于提高学生的 写作技巧和表达能力。
在实施过程中,需要注意一些技巧,如如何设计问卷、如何进行访谈、如何处理数据等,以提高研究的 质量和效率。
对研究方法的评估应基于一定的标准和指标,如方法的可靠性、有效性、 可行性等。
在评估过程中,可以采用一些统计方法和技术,如信度分析、效度分析、 实验误差分析等,以客观地评价研究方法的优劣。
确保提出的建议具有可行性,并 考虑到实施过程中可能遇到的障 碍和挑战。
建议的提出应遵循逻辑顺序,从 宏观到微观,从总体到具体,确 保条理清晰、易于理解。
探讨研究结果对理论发展的影响,以及未来可能的理 论发展方向。
分析研究结果对实践操作的指导意义,以及未来可能 的实践应用场景。
02 强调论文对现有理论或实践的贡献,说明研究结果如
建议应针对研究结果和结论,直 接解决研究问题,并能够在实际 操作中得到应用。
通过数据可视化技术,直观地展示数据的分 布、关联和趋势。
▪ 第三、逻辑混乱,文不对题。
▪ 主要存在的问题:思路不清晰,逻辑混 乱,跑题,或谓之文不对题。
论文一: 农业产业链稳定机制研 究
▪ 第一章 引言 ▪ 第二章 农业产业链基础理论分析界定 ▪ 第三章 农业产业链稳定机制研究的理论基
▪ 第四章 农业产业链稳定性多视角分析
▪ 第五章 辅助因素与农业产业链稳定性 ▪ 第六章 例证分析农业产业稳定性 ▪ 第七章 农业产业链稳定性综合指标体
▪ ──特征、成因和结构变化的计量分析
▪ 开题报告第一重要的是要非常清楚地表明作者的论 文:
▪ 第一, 要干什么?(主题) ▪ 第二, 打算怎么干?(文章的逻辑框架)
▪ (开题报告有如一个设计图纸) ▪
▪ 要干什么,就是要明确: ▪ 文章的主题是什么?写成这样一篇文章有
没有意义? ▪ 文章简单地可分为两类:一类研究理论
与方法;另一类研究现实经济问题。 ▪ 不同类型的文章,写法要求不同。
▪ 一、论文的选题 ▪ 二、论文写作应注意的问题 ▪ 三、论文的答辩
▪ 本文应达到什么目标(或者说拟解 决什么问题)—— 解决这一问题的思 路是什么——依据思路而确定的各部 分之间的逻辑联系是怎样的——怎样 具体的解决这一问题(文章的重点、 难点)——解决这一问题的创新点在 哪里?
▪ ▪ 题目要明确具体地反映文章的内容,题
目要能清晰告诉读者: ▪ 是解决了某个具体的工商管理问题? ▪ 本文是提出了一个新理论?一种新方法? ▪ 或者是修正了某种理论或方法? ▪
▪ 国家电网公司多项目集中采购管理模式研 究
▪ 监理企业人力资源风险管理模式研究 ▪ 中国移动TD-SCDMA运营风险分析及策
投下一着好棋,有时可以取得全盘主动。但是,光凭一着好棋,并不能说有把握最 后胜利,还必须看以后的每着棋下得好不好。
立意关键: 1·一着棋有独立、个体、细节之意;“每着棋”有全局、团队之意;
以上为其一 2、投下一着好棋。 开头很重要。过程很重要。开头和过程都很重要。 3·最关键词的是什么? “有时”“但是”。“还必须看”。 4、推衍到人的品质:团结、集体荣誉感和集体责任感、
审题关键: 1·题干包含了哪些关键词? 商店、企业;洋招牌、取洋名。 2·这种现象属于企业管理的哪个重要主题/话题? 品牌建设。 3.这种现象推广到人的哪些品质或话题? 崇洋媚外、虚荣、自卑、浮夸、对应为正面的:踏实、朴素、自信 3·对这种现象应该褒还是贬?根据何在? “甚至”
审题参考: 1、文化工作者的责任和道义;归于人的道德品质:责任(尤其是文化工作者、名人 等)、道德底线、义务、教育诱导、高尚、 2、流行文化的积极意义:比如欧洲的古典音乐在当时也是流行音乐,往昔在特定文化 背景下的靡靡之音如今回味也觉得含蓄优美等等; 3、流行文化的消极意义:即真正的三俗,导致世风日下人心不古、拜金、缺乏社会责 任感等等; 4、 结合文化入侵:如多年前的日本流行文化,近年的美国和韩国影视;
1·台上一分钟,台下十年功。基本功、基础、个人修养、素质 2·厚积薄发。苏轼《杂说送张琥》:“博观而约取,厚积而薄发,吾告子止於此矣。” 3·磨刀不误砍柴工。
1999年10月MBA联考真题: 以“小议企业领导者的素质”为题,写一篇500字左右的议论文。 本题可以看成是一种“命题作文”:出题者给出一个既定的题目,要求应 试者根据这个给定题目进行写作。命题作文的写作自由度一般比话题作 文小。 1·概论企业领导者为什么需要高的素质。2·专论企业领导者为什么需要 某种素质。
《MBA 移动课堂心得》
在 MBA 移动课堂的学习过程中,我深刻体会到了这种学习方式的独特魅力。
总的来说,MBA 移动课堂让我收获颇丰。
以上是一份 MBA 移动课堂心得,您可以根据自己的实际体验进行修改与调整,或者提供更多相关信息,以便我继续为您生成。
正文用3号仿宋体,小标题用3号小标宋或黑 体,一般排22行28字。
1.公文份数序号 2.秘密等级和保密期限 3.紧急程度 4.发文机关标识 5.发文字号(3号仿宋体) 6.签发人(用3号仿宋体,冒号后用3号楷体)
公文份数序号是将同一文稿印制若干份时每份 公文的顺序编号。秘密文件要求标识。如需标识公 文份数序号,用阿拉伯数码顶格标识在版心左上角 第一行,编写位数应根据公文的份数来决定,但至 少应不少于两位,即“1”编为“01”。
称,只标识成文日期,加盖发文机关印章。印章 距正文1行之内,端正居中下压成文日期。当印章 下弧无文字时,采用下套方式;当印章下弧有文 字时,采用中套方式。
联合行文需加盖两个印章时,应将成文时间拉开, 主办机关印章在前,两印章均压成文时间,两印 章互不相交或相切,相距不超过3mm。
为了扭转当前铁路、水运、民航客运票价长期偏低 经营亏损的局面,增加交通运输的能力,适应国民经济发 展的需要,缓解买票难、坐车难的矛盾,国务院决定提高
例:国发〔2006〕 2号
6.签发人 上报的公文需标识签发人姓名,平行排列 于发文字号右侧。
文件中如有多个签发人,标注顺序为:主 办单位签发人姓名置于第一行,其他签发 人姓名从第2行起在主办单位签发人姓名之
MBA作文讲座最终版1 .幅:150/T00字达不到字数要求的,要酌情扣1-52 .布局:3・5段式只写一段为0・4分,只写两段0・9分3 .评分标准(5个模块评分,平均半分钟一份卷)※结构、内容、语言:3段,长短句结合,一定难度的词汇与短语,少词汇语法错误※卷面书写工整:心情一好分数就不可能低※篇幅一定要不长不短2分一条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或者大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。
表达思想清晰,文字通顺,连贯性较view,■ However, others think • They argue that ・3. Considering one after another, I stand on the side of...On Marriage of College Students There is aheated debate over whether college studentsshould get married or not. It is commonlyaccepted that they are entitled to get married.In coatrask a small minority of people areagainst it.1.Those who hold the first opinion suguest that college students are both physically and mentally mature enough to get married and that they know what they are doing. In their view〉if college students get married, they will be more disciplined, more motivated and more responsible. However, others think today's college students are mostly from one child9s family. As a matter of fact, they are usually spoilt and not psychologically prepared for undertaking the responsibility of a family. They argue that marriage will distract them from study and plunge them into financial dilemma.2.Considering one after another, I stand on the side of the former. If I am lucky enough to meet my Mr. Right, I may marry him. Then we may love each other, support each other and encourage each other. Oh, what a rosy picture it is!非对立观点题:只阐述好处或者者坏处Benefits of Sportsand GamesWith the quicker pace of our life and greater stress from our work, an increasing number of modern people attach much importance to sports and games>/An increasing number of modern people, with the quicker pace of our life and "eater stress from our work9 attach much importance to sports and games. Why are they becoming so popular?First, sports and games do a lot of good to our health. They can make us strong prevent us from eetting too and keep us healthy. They can be of great value to people who work with their brains most of the day, for sports and games give people valuable practice in building up a strong constitution.What's more, they make our life richer and more colorful. "All work and no play make s Jack a dull boy”,just as the saying goes. So people of all ages enjoywatching and taking part in various kinds of sports.Sports and games are also very useful in character training. They demand not only physical skill and strength but also coura* enthusiasm, discipline and teamwork. For boys and girls, what is learned in the playground often has adeep effect/impact on/influence on their character. If each of them learns to work for his team and not for himself on the football field, he will later find it natural to work for the good of his country instead of only for his own benefit.With all these benefits, it is no wonder that sports and games seem to have become an essential part of our daily life.2004年10月MBA考题Should College Students Live outside the Campus? There is a heated debate over whether college students are entitled to rent a flat and live outside the campus. It is commonly accepted that they have every reason to make their own choice about it. In contrast, others maintain that they should live in the dormitory providedby their colleges.Those who hold the 行rst opinion suggest that college students are old enough to make their wise choice and take care of themselves. In their eiew, college students9 living outside the campus by themselves has a lot of advantages such as freedom, more space, better privacy, greater flexibility in the timetable, convenience and excellent living facilities. However, others think it does harm for collegestudents to live outside the campus. On the one han] they argue that the society is complicated and that there exists danger everywhere. If something terrible happens, who will be responsible? On the other hand, college students will be hard to discipline and manage.Considering one after another, I stand on the side of the former. Were I a college student, I would choose to live by myself, for I value independence, freedom and privacy more than anything else.2009真题大作文It is well-known that text message has both advantages and disadvantages even though it plays an increasing critical role in our daily life. Some people believe that it is a blessing for text message enriches our life in a large degree. But others take an opposite side. They firmly advocate that it is a hell because sometimes it brings lots of troubles and even destroys our life. As far as I am concerned, I am inclined to agree with the former idea even if it has some disadvantages. There are a dozen of reasons to support my belief. In the first place, we can send short messages to wish good luck toour relatives and friends, which bring us a great deal of convenience. What's more, short message can help its users to connect the outside world easily. For instance, some people subscribe weather forecast or news, with which people's life will be greatly colorfuL Last but not the least, text message can save a large amount of money and time, comparing with phone calls. On the contrary, the short message with too much ads disturbs our peaceful life. However, the disadvantages of text message can be ignored. In summary, the text message owns pros and cons, but we can use it freely and avoid its negative effects.私人书信模版1Dear John/Sirs or Madams,I am delighted to hear that you will come to Guangzhou for a visit sooa. I can't wait to see you. Here I'd like to give you several tips./I'm here writing for you to thank/apologize/conqulate/complain about for•••・First/ atfirst/at the beginning/to begin with/in the first place, Guangzhou is a big metropolitan city with a lot of vehicles and a huge crowd of people and the traffic is heavy, for which I hope you will be prepared. Second/ in the second place/ what^s more/the more important is the fact that, people here are addicted to foods of different flavors, esp. seafoods and living animals, even insects. I doubt you5ll like them. Besides, the weather here is changeable, so you'd better bring more clothes and medicine.With people from different regions and countries, diverse cultures and exotic customs, you will definitely enjoy yourself. Then I may serve as your guide> If you have any doubts, don't hesitate to inform me please.I am looking forward to seeing you/early reply •Sincerely YougSiqnature: Li Ming2009书信作文Dear Sir or Madam,I am here writing to you to express my thanks for your warm reception while I was in America as a member of a Sino-American cultural exchange program.I hope you will come to visit China in due course.If you have any doubts^ don't hesitate to inform me please.I am looking forward to seeing you/early reply •Sincerely Yours, Signature: Li Ming图表作文模块As is shown in the table (or in the graph/diagram),... dropped(or decreased) by.../greatly increased from ... in 1994 to ... in 1996.There are at least two good reasons for ... On the one hand, ... Lefs have an example to illustrate the great increase in ... On the other hand, ... is due to the fact that... In addition, ... is responsible for ... Maybe there are some other reasons to show ...As far as I am concerned, ...Nouns:a rise/increase/fall/drop/decline//reach a peak/the lowest pointAdjectives:sharp/dramatic/considerable/slight/gradual//remain steady/stay constant2010真题大作文As is shown from the given column/pie/table/curve chart as above, it is of direct link to mobile phonesubscription in the years stemming/ranging from 2000 to 2008, which is composed of two sorts of countries. The first kind of nation that catches our utmost attention, to start with, comes to the developed nations. The number of mobile phone subscription in the year 2008 was equal to that in 2007, that is, 1 billion, followed by the year 2006 (0.9 billion), while that in the year 2000 was the smallest, say, about 0.6 billion. Following that, we'll continue to the next unit, in other words, the developing countries, which observed/saw/witnessed a faster rising rate of subscription in the same period. The figure/data of the year 2008 was the biggest, taking the leading position (4 billion), next to which was the year 2007, put it in another way, nearly 3.3 billion, with the year 2000 being the least in number by 0.4 billion.The above-illustrated aspects, so far in aword,indicate that the growing proportion ofmobile phone subscription in the developingcountries was much senior to that of thedeveloped ones.It Pays to Be HonestRecently, we often hear complaints about dishonesty.What amazes us most is students1 dishonesty in exams. It is true that cheating and dishonest practices are in every walk of our lives.There aee many reasons explaining these dishonest behaviors. The main reason is that most people neglect the moral values in pursuit of their material benefits. What is mor& we lack effective laws and regulations of supervision. Thirdly, most dishonest people can escape the punishment. As a result, the problem of dishonesty becomes more and more serious.Considerine all these. I still want to argue that it pays to be honest in the long run. For one thin工honesty is a traditional virtue of our Chinese> For another^ even dishonest people like making friends with honest people.好,基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。
你永远从别人身上找原因,你永远不能提高。 从自己身上找找看,问题出在哪里。 要用科学的方法,统计学来做生意。
要用知识武装自己。学习知识可以把一个人变 成聪明的人,一个聪明的人学习知识可以变成 很聪明的人。一个很聪明的人学习知识,可以 变成天才。
按 时 间 计 算 成 本
成本是不能按公里算的,只能按时间算。 做出租车司机,也要用科学的方法。
我打了10年的车,第一次听到有出租车司机 这么计算成本。以前的司机都和我说,每公 里成本0客户
千万不能被客户拉了满街跑。而是通过选择停车 的地点,时间,和客户,主动地决定你要去的地 方。 你要站在客户的位置上,从客户的角度去思考。
1 .我们看到:他曾担任强生公司的总教练,也曾做过三个不同
部门的部门经理。这些从业经历使他无论在眼光、观察能力、分析 能力以及思考方式上都强于其他司机。也就是说,基础素质在任何 行业都是通用的,只要运用方式得当。 2 .心态的重要性。积极的心态不但能激发创新激情,同时也能 真正体会到工作带来的快乐,并因此获得相应的效益。 3.任何时候都不要忘记发现生活中的美,以及身边发生的事。 学会从中去体味、去学习、去领悟、去思考,同时享受寓教于乐的 乐趣。
这4公里对我来说就是1块多钱的油钱。我相当于用1 元多钱买了25分钟。我刚才说了,我一小时的成本 34.5块,我多合算啊!
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(即表达得漂漂亮亮)例如:1)有人认为机会是极少的2)有人认为机会人人都有3)我的看法Sample 1As to the opportunity, there is two different opinions: first, someone think opportunity is little in their life. Secondly, someone consider that opportunity is existing everywhere everybody has some kinds of chance. According to my life experiment and knowledge I agree with the second idea. There is chance for everyone in some unexpected case. But if you has no preparing for it, the opportunity will lose. Those who have many preparation and much knowledge, and some good virtue, may I quip the opportunity firmly. For example, two men are appealing for a job in a company, and there is only one vacant job for the only one of the twomen. How, the two man has an opportunity to get the job but the boss certainly would accept the good one.So I think the opportunity is existing to every one, but more opportunity is belongs to who has knowledge, experience, encourage and confident.该篇文章条理不清,思想紊乱,语言支离破碎,几乎没有正确的句子,得2分。
Sample 2People have different views on opportunity.Some think that there are few opportunities for them in the world, while others hold that everybody will have some kind of chances in his or her life. As far as I am concerned, I am for/prefer the latter.People who claim that they don't have good luck may be those who are not able to take chances. Maybe they fail to recognizeopportunities even when they are in front of them. However,wise men can seek opportunities rather than wait for chances to appear.……So we can conclude that everybody has the opportunity to succeed, but it is up to himself to take it.该篇文章切题,思想表达清楚,文章结构合理,行文连贯,符合逻辑,属于14分档作文。
4.行文要求1)切题:统一,无不相关细节内容2)条理清楚:连贯、和谐- 注意衔接语的使用3)简洁:句子要简练4)准确:减少语法错误,符合英语的表达习惯,避免汉语式英语…In my opinion/As far as I am concerned, …/ As I see it,…this is not necessarily a bad thing, because…In the first place…For instance…In the second place…Even more important is the fact that…/what’more/moreoverIn conclusion…in a brief※文章的内容不重要!重要的是框架(背)!习惯先看每段的首句+文章末句,再浏览全文挑错字和语法错误,所以要写成3段,每段首句为中心句,结尾再总结一下,这样老师只看3~4句话就可以给出分数了,节省时间自然分数就高了。
※拼写不大确定的词一定不要写!判卷老师最强的能力就是找错字,而且这是他判断你写作能力的重要尺度!当你文章中出现了3个以上的拼写错误的时候,可以说你已经mission fail了。
※作文中出现一些闪光词汇和句型(比如成语chances prefer to ready ones, all roads lead to Roma等,多被动句,插入语等,句式变化多样),对分数的提高有很大帮助的!建议背一些模块长句。
如“重要”一词,用important太一般了,如果用vital, critical,essential,crucial就能使老师眼前一亮!more and more这个词是一定不要用,可以用A growing number of sth 或An increasing number of sth,或说…is on the rise。
Attach importance to词汇和句式的转化很重要,你背的中心句一定要能体现这两点,如问题解决型文章末段首句可以这样写An immediate step must be taken before the problem becomes too serious to solve.(必须在问题严重之前及时采取有效措施解决)Measures, when it comes to this problem/as far as this issue is concerned/as far as the problem goes, are to be taken so as to…, I believe.(就这个问题而言,我认为应该采取措施改进以便。
)正反观点对比可以说Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments, I am inclined to agree with the latter/former point of view.(权衡正反两种观点,我倾向于后者/前者的看法),这样就不用为字数发愁了!※大作文的时间30-35分钟,5分钟构思(确定模块,举例,论据等),20分钟写,5分钟检查。
※检查,这个时间千万不要数字数,主要是找拼写和语法的错误,主要是全篇文章时态一致、单复数、主谓一致!记住小的地方可以改,但决不要整句整句的改,缩短老师的评卷时间、使老师高兴是及格和打高分的首要条件!注意一些常用词,常用短语不要用错!!!Convenient, essential, obvious, characteristics/feature, environmental protection, prefer。
,definitely,5.模块1.议论型模块 (89 words)谋篇布局- 将提示的第一句作为文章的第一句- 将提示的第三句作为第一段的最后一句- 将提示的第二句展开成文章的中心段落- 结论段归纳概括,提出建议Some people believe (argue, hold,advocate,recognize, think) that 观点1. But other people take an opposite side. They firmly advocate that 观点2.As for me/as far as I am concerned, I agree to the former/latter idea.There are a dozen of reasons behind/ to support my belief. First of all/in the first place, 论据1.More importantly/ in the second place, 论据2.Most important of all/ the more important is fact that, 论据3.Last but not the least.In summary, 总结观点. As a citizen of the global village, I am supposed to 表决心.或From above, we can predict that 预测.例如:2002年1月MBA作文题F ailure and SuccessSome believe that f ailure and success are an inevitable part of their daily life and both contribute to their final success. But others take an opposite side. They firmly advocate that failure will destroy their confidence in their work and life. A s far as I am concerned, I agree to the former.There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief. First of all, failure should not be regarded as the end of the world. On the contrary, it can teach us a lot of lessonsand experience, with which we avoid making mistakes again and finally succeed. Second/In the second place, if everything runs smoothly and we make achievements effortlessly, we will become arrogant and be blind to potential problems, which may lead to our total failure.From above, we can see we should take a proper attitude toward failure and success.对比选择型模版 (56 words)1. There is a heated debate over ____________________. It is commonly accepted that ____________________. In contrast, others claim that…____________________.2. Those who hold the first opinion suggest__________________. In theirview,____________________. However, others think____________________. They argue that__________________.3. Considering one after another, I stand on the side of…On Marriage of College Students1. There is a heated debate over whether college students should get married or not. It is commonly accepted that they are entitled to get married. Incontrast, a small minority of people are against it.2. Those who hold the first opinion suggest that college students are both physically and mentally mature enough to get married and that they know what they are doing. In their view, if college students get married, they will be more disciplined, more motivated and more responsible. However, others think today’s college students are mostly from one child’s family. As a matter of fact, they are usually spoilt and not psychologically prepared for undertaking the responsibility of a family. They argue that marriage will distract them from study and plunge them into financial dilemma.3. Considering one after another, I stand on the side of the former. If I am lucky enough to meet my Mr. Right, I may marry him. Then we may love each other, support each other and encourage each other. Oh, what a rosy picture it is!非对立观点题:只阐述好处或者坏处Benefits of Sports and GamesWith the quicker pace of our life and greater stress from our work, an increasing number of modern people attach much importance to sports and games./An increasingnumber of modern people, with the quicker pace of our life and greater stress from our work, attach much importance to sports and games. Why are they becoming so popular First, sports and games do a lot of good to our health. They can make us strong, prevent us from getting too fat, and keep us healthy. They can be of great value to people who work with their brains most of the day, for sports and games give people valuable practice in building up a strong constitution.What’s more, they make our life richer and more colorful. “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, just as the saying goes. So people of all ages enjoy watching and taking part in various kinds of sports.Sports and games are also very useful in character training. They demand not only physical skill and strength but also courage, enthusiasm, discipline and teamwork. For boys and girls, what is learned in the playground often has a deep effect/impact on/influence on their character. If each of them learns to work for his team and not for himself on the football field, he will later find it natural to work for the good of his country instead of only for his own benefit.With all these benefits, it is no wonder that sports andgames seem to have become an essential part of our daily life.2004年10月MBA考题Should College Students Live outside the CampusThere is a heated debate over whether college students are entitled to rent a flat and live outside the campus. It is commonly accepted that they have every reason to make their own choice about it. In contrast, others maintain that they should live in the dormitory provided by their colleges.Those who hold the first opinion suggest that college students are old enough to make their wise choice and take care of themselves. In their view, college students’ living outside the campus by themselves has a lot of advantages such as freedom, more space, better privacy, greater flexibility in the timetable, convenience and excellent living facilities.However, others think it does harm for college students to live outside the campus. On the one hand, they argue that the society is complicated and that there exists danger everywhere. If something terrible happens, who will be responsible On the other hand, college students will be hard to discipline andmanage.Considering one after another, I stand on the side of the former.Were I a college student, I would choose to live by myself, for I value independence, freedom and privacy more than anything else.2009真题大作文It is well-known that text message has both advantages and disadvantages even though it plays an increasing critical role in our daily life. Some people believe that it is a blessing for text message enriches our life in a large degree. But others take an opposite side. They firmly advocate that it is a hell because sometimes it brings lots of troubles and even destroys our life. As far as I am concerned, I am inclined to agree with the former idea even if it has some disadvantages.There are a dozen of reasons to support my belief. In the first place, we can send short messages to wish good luck to our relatives and friends, which bring us a great deal of convenience. What’s more, short message can help its users to connect the outside world easily. For instance, some people subscribe weather forecast or news, with which people’s life will be greatly colorful. Last but not the least,text message can save a large amount of money and time, comparing with phone calls. On the contrary, the short message with too much ads disturbs our peaceful life. However, the disadvantages of text message can be ignored. In summary, the text message owns pros and cons, but we can use it freely and avoid its negative effects.私人书信模版1Dear John/Sirs or Madams,I am delighted to hear that you will come to Guangzhou for a visit soon. I can’t wait to see you. Here I’d like to give you several tips./I’m here writing for you to thank/apologize/congulate/complain about for….First/ at first/at the beginning/to begin with/in the first place, Guangzhou is a big metropolitan city with a lot of vehicles and a huge crowd of people and the traffic is heavy, for which I hope you will be prepared. Second/ in the second place/ what’s more/the more important is the fact that, people here are addicted to foods of different flavors, esp. seafoods and living animals, even insects. I doubt you’ll like them. Besides, the weather here is changeable, so you’d better bring more clothes and medicine.With people from different regions and countries, diversecultures and exotic customs, you will definitely enjoy yourself. Then I may serve as your guide. If you have any doubts, don’t hesitate to inform me please.I am looking forward to seeing you/early reply . Sincerely Yours,Signature: Li Ming2009书信作文Dear Sir or Madam,I am here writing to you to express my thanks for your warm reception while I was in America as a member of a Sino-American cultural exchange program.……I hope you will come to visit China in due course.If you have any doubts, don’t hesitate to inform me please.I am looking forward to seeing you/early reply . Sincerely Yours,Signature: Li Ming图表作文模块As is shown in the table (or in thegraph/diagram), … dropped(or decreased)by…/greatly increased from … in 1994 to … in 1996.There are at least two good reasons for … On theone hand, … Let’s have an example to illustrate the great increase in … On the other hand, … is due to the fact that … In addition, … is responsible for … Maybe there are some other reasons to show …As far as I am concerned, …Nouns:a rise/increase/fall/drop/decline The first kind of nation that catches our utmost attention, to start with, comes to the developed nations. The number of mobile phone subscription in the year 2008 was equal to that in 2007, that is, 1 billion, followed by the year 2006 billion), while that in the year 2000 was the smallest, say, about billion.Following that, we’ll continue to the next unit, in other words, the developing countries, which observed/saw/witnessed a faster rising rate of subscription in the same period. The figure/data of the year 2008 was the biggest, taking the leading position (4 billion), next to which was the year 2007, put it in another way, nearly billion, with the year 2000 being the least in number by billion.The above-illustrated aspects, so far in a word,indicate that the growing proportion of mobile phone subscription in the developing countries was much senior to that of the developed ones.It Pays to Be HonestRecently, we often hear complaints about dishonesty. What amazes us most is students' dishonesty in exams. It is true that cheating and dishonest practices are in every walk of our lives.There are many reasons explaining these dishonest behaviors. The main reason is that most people neglect the moral values in pursuit of their material benefits. What is more, we lack effective laws and regulations of supervision. Thirdly, most dishonest people can escape the punishment. As a result , the problem of dishonesty becomes more and more serious.Considering all these, I still want to argue that it pays to be honest in the long run. For one thing,honesty is a traditional virtue of our Chinese. For another, even dishonest people like making friends with honest people.In conclusion, people seldom deny that it pays to be honest.It Pays to Be HonestAs is known to all, we often hear complaints about dishonesty. People seem to get accustomed to many dishonest behaviors. In fact, there are dishonest practices in every walk of our lives.The reasons of social dishonesty lie in several aspects. Firstly, most people neglect moral values in pursuit of their material benefits. Secondly, unfair competitions worsen the situation. Thirdly, we lack powerful and effective laws to cope with this problem. Finally, many dishonest people may escape punishment easily.As a matter of fact, to be honest will be good for both honest people and others. On the one hand, behaving yourself in an honest way can win respects from others. On the other hand, being honest is an essential step towards our spiritual civilization. Therefore, it pays to be honest in the long run.How to Solve the Energy Problema. 有人认为解决能源危机的方式是厉行节约b. 有人则认为开发新的能源是最好的办法c. 我的看法Some people hold that the solution to energy crisis is to save energy while others claim that the best approach is to develop new sources of energy. As far as I am concerned, I prefer the latter.It is obvious that even if we can save much energy, we can only delay the energy crisis, but cannot solve the problem completely. On the other hand, there are still limitless sources of energy waiting for to explore: such as the sun, the sea and the air. For example, we can make use of the sun to produce solar energy.So in the long run, we must develop new sources of energy instead of merely conserving the known, limited supplies.标题:How to Achieve Success提纲:1)有人说成功主要靠运气;2)有人则认为成功主要靠勤奋,与运气毫无关系;3)我的观点Some people say the key to success is good luck, while others claim it is hard work. As far as I am concerned, there are many factors contributing to success and the three fundamental ones are diligence, devotion and perseverance.Diligence is the first key factor to success. Diligence helps us remove ignorance, overcome difficulties, and enlighten our minds. It makes a fool wise, and a poor man rich. Devotion is another factor to success. Whatever we do, we must love it and do it whole-heartedly. Only when we set our minds on the job, can we do it well. Furthermore, perseverance, or a strong will, is the last key to success. Without a strong will, we are likely to give up when we meet some difficulties, let alone perform wonderful deeds.To conclude, all great men achieve success through diligence, devotion and perseverance. Just as the famous saying goes,"No pains, no gains"; "Where there is a will, there is a way."标题:City Life and Suburban Life提纲:1) 最近几年越来越多的人迁往近郊居住2)城市生活和近郊生活各有特点3)比较起来,我喜欢的是……Nowadays business, government and recreation tend to be concentrated in the centers of the cities. Although most people are reluctant to move to the outskirts of the cities, I feel like living in the suburbs.It is true that the city can provide much convenience and entertainment, the very reason why people can't bear to part with city life. But the cost for the privilege of living in the city is also high. What's more,there is more gas and noise pollution in the city, which is full of petrol fumes and toxic gases, torn by the roar of buses and taxies, and thronged ceaselessly by great crowds.Incontrast, living near the countryside one can enjoy the clean atmosphere, the closeness to nature and the quiet, peaceful surroundings --- the essentials of a healthy life.The new suburban life is fast becoming a predominant pattern of living in most cities; and with the improvement of traffic and the perfection of services, it will prove to hold great superiority over city life.1. 面试在求职过程中的作用2.取得面试成功的因素:仪表、举止谈吐、能力、专业知识、自信、实事求是……How to Succeed in a Job Interview Nowadays, a job interview is very important to both the interviewer and interviewee. To an interviewer, he can tell something about the job to the interviewee such as salary, working conditions and also the development prospects of the company. To an interviewee, he can make use of the chance to know the work he is going to take up. After a full and frank exchange of information, an interviewer is easy tomake a judgment whether the job is really suitable for the interviewee. But how can an interviewee succeed in the job interviewFirstly, the interviewee has to pay attention to his appearance, for the first impression is always what we start with. Secondly, good manners are equally important. The interviewee has to be neither too proud nor too timid. Besides, he ought to be honest about his personal background. Finally, great importance should be attached to his ability and skills for the job and his academic knowledge, which he must demonstrate truly and confidently.In a word, a job interview is a good chance for the interviewee to impress the interviewer with his manners, knowledge and skills and obtain the job opportunity.1.上大学的费用(tuition and fees)可以通过多种途径解决;2.哪种途径适合于我(说明理由)。