



开题报告项目名称:水稻钵苗取秧摆秧机构及传动系统设计项目来源:自拟项目起止日期:2014 年12 月15 日至2015 年7 月 3 日项目类型:工程设计立题的目的和意义简介:随着农业技术的进步,钵苗移栽技术得到广泛推广及运用。













项目的技术指标与要求:技术指标生产率:200-250株/min株距:130mm秧苗高:200mm轨迹高度:260-310mm要求1确定取秧、摆秧及其传动方案;2为满足技术指标,通过仿真计算确定机构、结构有关参数;3 按技术指标确定传动系统及运动参数;4 完成取秧机构、摆秧机构及传动系统的设计;5撰写毕业设计说明书。

项目的进度安排:2014/12/15-2015/01/08 查阅资料并准备开题报告2015/01/09-2015/04/14 建立取秧摆秧机构及传动系统仿真模型2013/04/15-2013/05/10 完成取秧器及非圆齿轮机构的设计2015/05/11-2015/05/31 完成滑道及摆秧机构的设计2015/06/01-2015/06/30 完成论文并准备答辩同组设计者及分工:独立完成指导教师签字:年月日教研室主任意见:同意教研室主任签字:年月日摘要椭圆齿轮具有广泛的运用,其中在椭圆齿轮分插机构中极具代表性。


转动, 滚 轮 Ⅱ通 过轿 接皮 带带 动下 皮带 滚轮 I 转动 ,

\ - 7 1 . -

j {

下 皮带 滚轮 I 通 过 皮带 带 动 下皮 带 滚轮 Ⅱ转 动 , 两 条平 行 同步齿 形带 之 间的 间距 以及 与地 面的夹 角通
过行 距 调节螺 杆组 合 、 行距 调节 槽孑 L 板 调节 。
2 送 秧 机 构 的设 计
2 . 1 送 秧机构 的设计 要 求
1 行 距 无级 快 调 机 构 的 设 计
1 . 1 行 距 无级 快调 机构 的设 计要 求
① 有 效 实现 动力传 输 。
② 解决传统插秧机栽秧机构秧苗易破损 的问 题, 减小钵苗的破损程度 , 提高秧苗栽植的质量。 ③ 保证 钵苗 快 速垂直 栽人 田中 。

1 2 2 2 2 1
3 输 秧 机 构 整体 设计
输 秧机 构 如 图 3所 示 , 1台栽 秧 机 配 有 3对 输
1 . 上送秧机 架 2 . 上送秧机架 紧同杆 4 . 行距调节槽孑 L 板 5 . 上 送 秧 机 构 连接 板 l 2 . 下送秧机架

3 . 行 距 涮 节 螺 杆 组 合 6 . 紧 固螺 栓 组 合 1 3 . 上 皮带 滚 轮 I
( 扬州 大学 机械 工程 学 院 )

要: 为 了解 决我 国传 统 栽秧机 构 对秧 苗破 损 大 、 无 法 实现 水稻 行距 快调 、 栽植 效 率低 以及 毯状秧
苗 易分秧 伤根 的 问题 , 利 用钵 苗不 易伤根 的优 势针 对钵体 状秧 苗设 计 了一种 行距 无级 可调毯 状钵 体 栽秧 机 构 , 该 设计 将输秧 机 构和行 距 无级调 节机 构相 结合 , 既能 快速调 节 水稻行 距 , 又能使钵 体状 秧



水稻钵育秧盘起盘机的设计和试验研究/h11.1 研究的目的和意义水稻是我国最主要的粮食作物之一,总产量约占我国粮食总产量的百分之四十。






2013 年黑龙江省粮食种植面积为20 913.1 万亩,总产量跃上 1 200 亿斤新台阶,比上年增加48.5 亿斤,增长 4.2%,再获特大丰收。






1.2 国内外相关机械的研究在农业生产的各项环节中,使用机械作业代替人力作业,实现全程机械化作业,已经成为全世界各国的研究趋势,但由于现阶段农艺与农机的相互配合的程度以及机械设备的发展水平相对较低,使得全程机械化作业的发展受到制约。



化而改变 ,以保证机
具 的作业性能。
按栽 植器型式不 同 ,钵苗移栽 机可分 为钳夹 式 、
4 扶 苗机构 该机设计 的扶苗机构 ,采用 曲柄连 .
导苗管式 、吊杯式 、挠性 圆盘式 、滑道式 、带式等多 杆带动扶苗器前后运动 ,后 行速度与拖拉机 的前进速 种型式 。钳夹式 易伤 苗 ,栽 植速度为 4 株 / i 。滑 度基 本一 致 ,使 钵 苗落入 栽植 沟 时始终 保持 直 立状 5 mn
业 ,既可用于棉花等经济作物的钵苗移栽 ,也可用 于
青椒 、茄子 、西红柿等蔬菜的钵苗移栽 。
一 一
1 开沟器 钵 苗移栽 要求 沟形整齐 ,沟深 、沟 宽 .
致 。根据试 验发 现采 用滑 刀式 开沟 器 ,沟宽 可 以

保 证钵苗 不左 右倾 斜 ,沟深 满足钵 苗移 栽 的深度 要
高。导苗管式不伤苗 ,在 导苗管倾角和增加扶苗机 构装置 的情况下 ,可以保 证较好 的秧苗直立度 ,栽 植速度为 6 0株 / i。根 mn
劳 动强 度 大 、效 率 低 ,
而 国外 的机 具 价 格 高 、 国 内的机 具作业 性 能又
不 甚理想 ,从 而影 响了 该 技术 的大面积 推广应
大程度上决定着 机具 的作业效 率。喂人频 率高 ,机具 的作业 速度相对 较高 ,作业效 率也 就高 ,反 之则作业
机采用 了水平 回转 喂苗转盘 的钵苗喂人 方式 ,人工 喂
该机 主要 由机架 、地轮 、仿形 浮动架 、导苗 管 、 效 率低 。考虑 到机具结 构的复杂程度 和制造 成本 ,该
低 ,但 寿命短 ,栽植 深度不稳 定 。吊杯式不 易伤苗 , 据水平 回转喂苗转盘上喂人管 的个数而定 。■



目录1 绪论1.1 选题的目的和意义 (3)1.2 本课题在国内外的研究状况 (3)1.3 课题研究的内容及拟采取的技术、方法 (4)2 育秧钵机的用途和设计要求2.1 用途 (5)2.2 设计要求 (5)3 方案确定3.1 工艺分析 (7)3.1.1最早的手工制秧钵的方法 (7)3.1.2运动机构 (9)3.1.3对各运动机构的要求 (10)3.2 拟定机器的工作原理图和运动循环图 (11)3.3 方案确定 (12)3.3.1模孔转盘方案的讨论 (13)4 运动设计与动力计算4.1 电动机的选择 (15)4.1.1电动机的功率确定 (15)4.1.2选择电动机 (16)4.2 确定各传动机构的传动比 (16)4.3 计算各轴的转速和功率 (17)5 结构设计5.1 模孔转盘齿轮结构 (19)5.2 转盘齿轮的结构和尺寸 (19)5.3 曲柄(偏心轮)滑块(滑杆)机构的设计 (20)5.4 锥齿轮的结构和尺寸设计 (23)5.5 直齿圆柱齿轮的结构 (26)5.6 带轮的的结构设计 (27)5.7 轴的结构设计 (29)5.8 绘制总装配图 (30)6 主要零件的强度效核6.1 转盘齿轮核对 (32)总结 (33)毕业心得 (34)参考文献 (35)致谢 (36)1 绪论1.1 选题的目的和意义育秧钵机是一种自动生产秧苗钵体的机械设备。










插秧机秧箱进给轮配合使用 以便实现 自动进给,又 可以减轻植质钵育秧盘整体重量 。
1 压力 系统 ;2 成型模具 ;3 控制系统 一 - -
1 r s u es se 2 -P e s r y t m; -Mo l i g 3 Co to y t m u d n ; - n r ls s e
中图分类号 :2 31 2.
文献标 志码 :A
文章编号 :1 0 — 3 9 2 l ) 8 0 6 — 5 0 5 9 6 ( 0 2 O — 0 3 0
De in a d e p r n n sg n x e i me to RP 0 y e f r ig ma hn o h ie -1 0 tp o m n c ie f rte r 0 c s e l g g o n r y ma e o a d - t w/H N a l g Z A GXnu, N e di - r wig t d f d y sr Z A GY na , H N i e WA G n a p a i n y
图 2 R - 00型水 稻 植 质 钵 育秧 盘 成 型 机 P 10
Fi . Fa r c tn c i e y o es e l g g o n a g2 b i a i g ma h n r f h d i - r wi g t y t e n r
ma eo a d - t a f rc mp e so l i g d f d y sr w o r s i n mo d n p o
F g 1 S u r e d i g t a i . —+ 到排 气次数 —+保压 硫化 ( 达 初压 ) 排气 上升
硫化 计 时
开模取 出制 品 ・ 一滑块上 升








本设计需要用SolidWorks Office Premium(SW完全版 3.42GB)才能进行COSMOSMotion 仿真,文中多处介绍COSMOSMotion仿真工具的用法。

要完美的模拟仿真,还要用到 Framework 2.0和DirectX 9.0c。



关键词:进给机构,插秧机,动画仿真,SolidWorks目录1. 绪论.............................................. - 1 -1.1 选题的意义................................... - 1 -1.2 插秧机进给机构研究的现状..................... - 1 -1.2.1 纵向进给机构的结构设计................. - 1 -1.2.2 纵向进给机构的工作原理................. - 2 -1.2.3 双向螺旋进给机构的设计................. - 3 -1.2.4 学院知识产权现状....................... - 4 -1.3 研究插秧机进给机构的步骤..................... - 4 -1.4 论文的主要研究方法........................... - 5 -2. SOLIDWORKS动画仿真与运动分析简介................. - 5 -2.1 产品数字化变革与仿真设计发展................. - 5 -2.2 SOLIDWORKS简介.............................. - 7 -2.3 ANIMATOR插件功能及特点...................... - 8 -2.4 模拟工具简介................................. - 9 -2.5 COSMOSMOTION基本知识........................ - 9 -3.插秧机纵向进给机构设计............................ - 12 -3.1 要解决的问题:.............................. - 12 -3.2 解决方案分析................................ - 12 -3.2.1 初步分析.............................. - 12 -3.2.2 具体分析.............................. - 12 -3.3 直线型从动摆臂机构的设计(方案1).......... - 13 -3.3.1设计的前提条件........................ - 13 -3.3.2 机构原理图及运动分析.................. - 13 -3.3.3 直线型从动摆臂机构主要零件的设计...... - 14 -3.3.4 直线型从动摆臂机构的装配关系.......... - 21 -3.4 圆弧型从动摆臂机构的设计(方案2).......... - 24 -3.4.1 设计的前提条件........................ - 24 -3.4.2 机构原理图及运动分析.................. - 24 -3.4.3 圆弧型从动摆臂机构主要零件的设计...... - 25 -3.4.4圆弧型从动摆臂机构的装配关系.......... - 27 -4. 插秧机进给机构的动画仿真与运动分析............... - 28 -4.1 直线型从动摆臂机构动画仿真.................. - 28 -4.1.1 直线型从动摆臂机构的ANIMATOR仿真..... - 28 -4.1.2 直线型从动摆臂机构的COSMOSMOTION分析. - 30 -4.2 直线型从动摆臂机构动运动分析................ - 33 -4.3 圆弧型从动摆臂机构动画仿真.................. - 34 -4.3.1 圆弧型从动摆臂机构的ANIMATOR仿真..... - 34 -4.3.2圆弧型从动摆臂机构的COSMOSMOTION分析. - 34 -4.4 圆弧型从动摆臂机构动运动分析................ - 35 -4.5 方案1与方案2对比分析...................... - 36 -4.6结论........................................ - 37 -5.结束语............................................ - 38 - 参考文献............................................ - 39 -1. 绪论1.1 选题的意义水稻是我国种植面积最大、单产最高、总产最多的主要粮食作物,其常年种植面积和总产约占我国粮食作物的28%和40%,种植方式主要为传统的人工插秧。














初定电动机主动带轮直径D1=120mm,被动带轮直径D2=120mm,则输入速度为:n1=n f=D12=ÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÁ144×120120=1440r/min式中:n f-电动机转速n1-制钵机输入转速D1-主动带直径D2-被动带直径本机传动系统主要是起到传递动力到执行件和减速的作用,使其实现速度和运动形式的转变,使执行机构完成预定运动。




为此,分析精密播种制钵机优化设计的需求,并结合Pro/Engineer 软件辅助分析,优化了设计参数。



%The purpose of this paper is to study the mechanism design and application of the computer aided analysis of precision seeding machine .For in our country when the agricultural seeding , the seeding machine for making pots also belong to the category of mechanization , automation level , can not effectively achieve precision seeding demands , this a-nalysis precision seeding bowl making machine optimization design demand , combined with computer software Pro /Engi-neer , and assistant analysis and optimization of design parameters .Results confirmed , not only design the precision see-ding of bowl making machine mechanical structure is simple , and the price is high , reduce use of the bowl body breakage rate, reduce 12.0%, to improve the reliability of the work bowl making machine , enhance the 20.0%, play a positive effect inapplication .The conclusion shows that , based on the computer aided analysis method , the optimization design of the mechanism of theprecision seeding machine , exert positive influence and improve the application performance of pre-cision seeding machine .【期刊名称】《农机化研究》【年(卷),期】2017(039)005【总页数】5页(P171-175)【关键词】制钵机;计算机辅助;精密播种;机械结构【作者】张丽娟【作者单位】内蒙古化工职业学院计算机与信息工程系,呼和浩特 010070【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S223.1我国当前农业生产中,多数已在播种上采用了钵体育苗;然而,在钵体制造方面,还采用机械化的单独制钵设计,不能自动化制造钵体,以满足流水线式钵体育苗作业,降低了工作效率[1-3]。


期 的 最佳 效 果 。
1 主翼特赢爰优点

而 带 动 了 冲压 活 塞 1 成 型 腔 4内做 往 复运 杆 5拉 杆 5推 动 冲压 托 板 l。 7在 , 1冲压托 板 1 带 动 1 动; 时 , 同 凸轮 9的转 动 推 动 了与 其 紧 密接 触 的 冲压 活 塞 7向着 成 型腔 4的末 端运 动 , 1 土肥 箱 滚 轮 8做 直线 运 动 ,凸 轮 9与 滚 轮 8的紧 密接 3中 的营养 土落 入成 型 腔 4内 ; 同时 , 轴 2 主 3的 触 由拉簧 2 2的拉力来 保障 , 滚轮 8的运动带到 转 动带 动 了凸轮 9的 转 动 ,凸轮 9的 转动 推 动 了挡板托板 6 的运动 。 从而带动挡板 2 在成型 滚轮 8 使挡 板托 板 6做 直线 运 动 , 而带 动 挡 1 , 从 腔轴 线方 向做 往复 直线 运动 。当压缩过 程 时 , 冲 板 2 l向着 成 型腔 4运 动 。最终 挡 板 2 1封堵 住 压活 塞 1 7处 于成 型 腔 4的末端 。 肥 箱 3中的 成 型腔 4的 出料 口 。为下 一个 周 期 的压 缩制 钵 土 营养 土落 入 成 型腔 4中 ;此 时 滚 轮 8在 凸 轮 9 做好 准备 。 的外 缘 高 点 处 。 挡板 托 板 6在 距 离 主轴 2 3最 远 3 几 点说 明 处, 板 2 挡 l处 于成 型 腔 4前 端 , 堵 住 了 出料 封 钵 体 的 紧密 程 度 由土 肥箱 下落 到 成 型 腔 中 口。随着主轴 2 3的转动 。 偏心板 7的转动带动 的土量 和冲压 活 塞 的行程 决 定 .落 土量 的多 少 了拉 杆 5的运 动 . 拉 杆 5拉 动 冲压 托 板 1 使 1沿 由插板 控 制 ,行 程 的大小 与 偏心 板 上 的不 同 安 着光 杠 1 成 的轨道 做 直线 运 动 。 压活 塞 1 装 孔位 置相 关 。 4形 冲 7 在 成 型腔 4中推 动 营养 土 向 前运 动 ,当 达到 预 冲压 托 板 与冲 压 活 塞之 间安 装压 缩 弹簧 以 定位置时 。 营养 土 受挤 压 变 形 , 并且 在 大 端 面 的 缓 冲撞 击 , 避免 压 力过大 时对 结构 件造 成破 坏 。 正 中位 置受 到 挡 板 2 上 顶 针 的作 用 而 形 成 凹 1 冲压活 塞外 敷橡胶 膜是为了避免 冲压 活塞与 洞 , 到 所 要求 的 钵体 ; 时 滚 轮 8达 到 了凸轮 成型腔之间的钢性摩擦 , 小噪音和粘土。冲压活 达 这 减 9外缘 最 高点 的拐 点处 , 迅 速 向凸 轮 9的外缘 塞前 端和挡板前 端贴 有橡 胶压 头 以避免 粘土 。 并 最低点处运动 , 使挡板 2 快速脱离成型腔 4 冲 1 ; 档 板前 端 设有 可更换 的顶 针 以适 应 不 同种 压 活 塞 l 续 推 动制 成 的钵 体 向前 运 动 。 7继 最终 子 的种 植要 求 .在钵 体 大 端面 中心位 置 压 出 不 钵 体 被 推 出成 型 腔 4 ,钵 体 下 落到 落 料 滑 梯 1, 同形状 和深 度 的凹洞 。 O 并且 沿着 落料 滑梯 1 落 到地 面 。钵 体 的 紧密 4 小 结 0滚 程度 由土 肥箱 下 落 到成 型 腔 4中 的土 量 和 冲压 通 过 育 苗异 型 钵 体 成型 机 的研 制 ,改 善 了 有 降 活 塞行 程 决定 。落 土量 的 多 少 由插 板 1 8控制 , 工作 环境 , 利 于 生 产 的连续 性 和 自动 化 , 低 对 林 花 行 程 的大 小 和偏 心 板 7上 的 不 同安 装 孔 位 置相 了 劳动 强 度 。 于 加 速 农 业 、 业 、 卉 种 植 业 关 。 主轴 2 3继续 转 动 , 心 板 7的转 动 推 动拉 发展具 有 积极 的作 用 。 偏


的塑料钵 盘污染 环 境 、 移 栽 之后还 需要 人工 回收 ; 植
主要 产 区之一 。2 0 1 5年 全 国稻谷 种植 面积 为 4 . 5 6亿
中 图分 类 号 : ¥ 2 2 3 . 1 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1 0 0 2 — 2 0 9 0 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 0 3 — 0 0 8 2 — 0 4
De s i g n o f Ke y Pa r t s o f Ri c e Se e d i ng - g r o wi ng Pa p e r Tr a y Fo r mi n g M a c h i n e
( 黑龙江八一农垦大学工程学院 , 大庆 1 6 3 3 1 9 )
摘求 , 需设计一种 水稻纸质钵育秧盘成型机。分析 了纸钵成型
合格 的要求 , 根据这些要求设计成型机打孑 L 成 型装置。运用 S o l i d w o r k s 软件对纸质钵育秧盘成型机零部件进行三维建模 、 装配 零部件 、 建立虚拟样机 , 并对虚拟样机 的打孔成型装置进行运动分析 , 为下一步的样机设计生产及优化提供理论依据。 关键 词 : 水稻 ; 纸质钵盘成型 ; 虚拟样机 ; 运动分析
2 9 ( 3) : 8 2 ~ 8 5
J u n . 2 O1 7
d o i : l O . 3 9 6 9  ̄ . i s s n . 1 0 0 2 - 2 0 9 0 . 2 0 1 7 . 0 3 . 0 1 8
水 稻 纸钵 成 型 机关 键 部 件 的设 计
刘伟达, 张伟 , 侯永 瑞 。 王颖倩
Li u W e i da , Zh ang W e i, Ho u Yo ngr u i, W an g Yi ng qi a“




1. 将肥料放入育苗制钵机的储料仓。

2. 育苗制钵机内的搅拌装置会将肥料搅拌均匀。

3. 混合好的肥料经过筛网或过滤器,去除杂质。

4. 将培养基放入育苗制钵机的储料仓。

5. 育苗制钵机内的搅拌装置会将培养基搅拌均匀。

6. 混合好的培养基经过筛网或过滤器,去除杂质。

7. 育苗制钵机内的管道系统会将混合好的肥料和培养基输送到制钵模具中。

8. 在制钵模具中加入种子,进行育苗培养。

9. 完成育苗后,将制钵模具取出,移至相应的环境中继续育苗过程。




Low-cost wind power can provide a new wind turbineAbstract:The first generation of commercial proliferation of enhanced wind turbine (DAWT) in New Zealand has just begun trial operation two years, if the developers to achieve the expected results, this new design of wind machines to be significantly reduced cost of wind power.New Zealand in the distance about 100 km Aokelannan the Waikaretu on top of a hill, a revolutionary new wind turbine is a two-year trial operation. The wind machines and the appearance of conventional wind turbine completely different compared to its height of 17 m, much like a Juwu squatted on the Peak, and the conventional wind turbine is a slender body, tall and towering over the top of the hill.This is put into operation the first generation of commercial proliferation of enhanced wind turbine (DAWT: diffuser augmented wind turbine), if the developers to achieve the expected results, will lead to significant reduction in the cost of wind power. During the trial the new wind turbine technology, can also test the proliferation of Central Cover new materials, high-strength fibers to strengthen the steel reinforced concrete. Such wind turbine on the ground referred to as "concrete wind turbine." In business, it is called Vortec7 of wind machines, because it has a 7 m in diameter rotor.Wind machines from nearly 100 small investors, set up a private company - Vortec Energy Limited responsible for the design and construction, the company raised 3.5 million U.S. dollars development of the prototype. Vortec Energy Limited is currently being further raise about 700 million dollars to build two sets of rotor diameter of 20 m of the unit. One of the new units will be in areas of high wind speed test, probably in the vicinity of Wellington, New Zealand, the average wind speed in another area. South Australia state government said that the design has a lot of interest in Adelaide and will speed up the installation of an average wind speed near the crew, because the state government that is a rare wind of renewable energy, the need to promote technical breakthroughs-state advantage of the more Lower average wind speed resource development.Two new type of rotor diameter of 20 m of the unit after the successful operation, Vortec Energy Limited will consider the possibility of Nasdaq Stock Exchange. Vortec7 unit performance data show that the rotor diameter of 20 m below the design to 0.031 U.S. dollars / kWh the price of Internet access, it will enable New Zealand and wind power can compete existing power plants, and other new methods of power generation compared to more Competitive. If Vortec function of wind power generation in this price level, in the development of wind power will rapidly become a powerful new force.Vortec Energy Limited is the backing of entrepreneurs Robin Johannink, he successfully operating a series of operations, but also Pacific Lithium (an extract from seawater lithium companies) backing. Johannink, said Vortec technology is an international product, but the technology in the New Zealand stock market was on the recognition and attention is not too high, in this difficult market. Therefore Vortec Energy Limited is considering the Nasdaq in New York Stock Exchange listing is likely to achieve in 1999.A proliferation of technologyU.S. aerospace giant Grumman Space Company (now Northrop Grumman Corporation) spent eight years developing the proliferation of technology and a proliferation of enhanced wind turbine technology patents. It was the spread of a detailed analysis of fluid dynamics and the use of a 5 m in the wind tunnel model confirmed the results. The proliferation of wind turbine rotor in the lower reaches, and its role as a wing, the rear rotor in a low-voltage parts. This "suction effect" effective in around the rotor speed multiplied. Conventional wind turbine rotor can only be effective use of wind around 60 percent. <Figure 01> show a pattern of proliferation.The proliferation of economy is the key to the lowest cost to maximize the size. Wind tunnel studies show that in 45-degree-proliferation structure, the wall of surface wind flow may be two slot maintained by the jet. In the prototype, the total size of the spread of further reduction, through the use of general and exports in diameter than 30 percent of the arc structure, enhance the hardness of Central enclosures. So that the design has been chosen to receive the minimum amount of material the size of the greatest proliferation.Vortec Energy Limited was awarded the Northrop Grumman Corporation with the proliferation of technology for a period of 20 years of global patents and 20 patents since the right to update the permit. Northrop Grumman Corporation to retain their own internal use of the proliferation of technology rather than enhance the commercial market for wind rights. Kenneth Foreman, former Grumman Space research team leader, Vortec Energy Corporation for technical advice, Vortec Energy Limited access to the Grumman Space Research Group eight years on all the records, test reports and patents.2 materials technologyGrumman Space Research Group in the development of proliferation-enhancing technologies in the face of a problem is that commercial-scale wind turbine materials must have high strength and long life, low cost features. Have aluminum, glass fiber, steel and reinforced concrete for the traditional assessment and accounting, but the wind can not meet the requirements of economic development. In all the assessment materials, the most desirable is reinforced concrete, but the use of traditional reinforced concrete, the size of the spread of the wind-rated output can only meet 70 kW. As small-scale units can not enhance the diffusion of technology businessdevelopment.New Zealand in the use of reinforced concrete towers and the construction of ocean-going boats such equipment has a long history. On this basis, the structural engineer Alexander and Associates in 20 years has developed a new product - high-strength fibers to strengthen the steel reinforced concrete. This new material bending strength is three times the low-carbon steel, basically do not need maintenance. This new material could be economic to build the proliferation of larger, so that there is sufficient wind machines and conventional wind turbine output of the competition.Prototype rotor diameter of 7 m, height of 17 m, the highest output for 1 MW. Will be the construction of two units using the rotor diameter of 20 m, high 52 m, and efforts to 3 MW.The proliferation of the use of two-tier 3 m × 1m × 30mm of high-strength steel fiber reinforced concrete slab of reinforced composite formed. First laminate along the complex framework of the necessary two-way Wancheng surface and fixed in place. The second laminate on top, bending, and then filling in the foundation board surface two-way lock. Qu then these panels bonded together, and the hardened edge of dealing with a proliferation of segment. Complete assembly of the proliferation of good before the Academy of Engineering, University of Auckland in the single-plate assembly and a good segment of the spread of the stress test samples.3 equipment balanceIn addition to enhancing the proliferation of technology and materials technology, wind machines are all conventional. Rotor equipped with a fixed pitch of the four leaves, leaves for the welding of the steel structure, the surface material for glass fiber. David Brown through a rotor speed gearbox or a conventional driver's 1 200min-1, 400V of the ABB company's synchronous generator, inverter generators running. Rotor, gearbox and generator (<Figure 02>) from the U.S. New World Power Company (New World Power) to provide.Frequency AC-DC rectifier first, and then the inverter for AC 50 Hz, the step-up transformer into the local electricity company 11 kV power grid. Rectifier / converter equipment from Auckland company Santon Technology Co., Ltd. design and manufacture, the company battery chargers and speed drive manufacturers have years of experience.Taking into account the proliferation of size, needs a large and stable foundation to prevent the wind loads and seismic, Lodging. Equipment was installed to a large-diameter circular orbit, the wind machine can along its 360-degree rotation, the rotating device on track with the wind control system for electrical devices (<Figure 03>). This arrangement provides the foundation for stability.Because this type of wind turbine could avoid the proliferation of high winds and a protective cover from the rotor impact on the ability of strong winds,which do not need to control a simple design of the rotor blade pitch. This makes this type of wind turbine is very suitable for use in windy areas, and maintenance is very small.4 design advantagesThe proliferation of enhanced wind machines compared with conventional wind turbine has many advantages, including:Low noise. Conventional wind turbine noise from the maximum speed at the top of the rotor and blade-through to the pillars. In Vortec unit, the rotor was a high-density material covered by the (proliferation of), which prevent the noise from the rotor end of the field radiation and therefore did not, as with conventional equipment, a major pillar of the noise.Less land. On the same terms of energy output, Vortec unit compared with conventional wind turbine requires less space, reducing the land purchase and rental costs.Without affecting the landscape. Vortec unit easily painted various colors, when watched from a distance when integrated with a variety of backgrounds, equipment Dunzuo the shape and undulating mountain village is coordination.Decay may gust. The proliferation of increase in output at the same time, but also as a way throttle, the peak wind gust decay, thus reducing the rotor to withstand the fluctuations and drive away from the stress.Birds less impact. Despite the wind function painted different colors to reduce the visual impact, but the bird flew near the very eye-catching, no birds impact of the rapidly rotating blades of the wind machine accident.Infrastructure costs and low-cost power generation. Wind machines use a very simple set pitch leaves, or do not need to pitch control brake control system. This will significantly reduce maintenance costs, particularly in New Zealand's strong winds, and the equipment available to ensure a high rate.5 prospectsRotor diameter of 7 m prototype wind turbine will be conducted six months of trial operation, the control system carefully debug and verify the design parameters. Initial measurements showed that the wind turbine rotor wind speed increased about 1.72 times, and this Grumman Space Research Group in the calculation of 0.5 m and their model on the results of wind tunnel test match.Vortec Energy companies have access to New Zealand Science and Technology Research Fund of the Ministry of business development funding of about 350,000 U.S. dollars to pay for six months the cost of the trial period.Surveillance and testing programme of technical support from the Industrial Research Ltd (Industrial Research Ltd.) Advisory Group and the University of Auckland (Auckland Uniservices) provide, in addition to the invitation of the British wind energy consulting international experts Garrad Hassan independent inspection and monitoring unit Vortec7 the trial operation Plan.Table 1 gives the Vortec unit future development programmes.If the pilot programme of the results coincides with the expected future proliferation of enhanced wind machines will become a global wind power development plan a major part, can be widely used in other developing regions. Support the technology although investors to bear high-risk, but it may be high returns.能提供低成本风电的新型风力机-【摘要】第一代商用扩散体增强型风力机(DAWT)在新西兰刚开始两年试运行,如果开发者的预期结果得以实现,这种新设计的风力机可促使风电成本大幅度降低。



制钵机的设计(机械C A D图纸)目录制钵机的设计 (1)1、引言 (3)1.1研究设计制钵机的意义 (3)1.2制钵机现状分析 (3)1.3制钵机的应用前景 (3)2、制钵机的用途和设计要求 (4)2.1用途 (4)2.2设计要求 (4)3、制钵机总体方案的设计 (5)3.1 工艺分析 (5)3.2 机构的方案比较及选择 (6)3.3拌料、填料 (9)3.4物料输送和各工序转移 (9)3.5钵体的成型和冲出 (9)3.6播种和覆土 (10)3.7协调配合关系 (10)3.8拟定传动方案 (10)4、绘制工作循环图 (12)5、减速系统的设计 (14)5.1电动机的选择 (14)5.2传动比的确定,各轴功率以及带传动设计 (16)5.3齿轮设计和校对 (19)6、主要结构设计 (26)6.1模盘的结构和尺寸确定 (26)6.2曲柄(偏心轮)滑块(滑杆)机构的结构尺寸 (28)6.3轴Ⅲ的结构设计及其校核 (31)参考文献: .................致谢..................制钵机的设计摘要:本文所设计的ZBJ1000型制钵机是用来生产在农业生产中广泛使用的育秧钵。





关键词:制钵机、育秧、运动分析、营养钵Abstract:ZBJ1000 earthen bowl machine ,which is designed in this text ,is used to produce the seedling bowl ,which is very popular in the agricultural produce .The seedling bowl is made as a cylinder by the nutritional soil ,which consists of all kinds of fertilizer .And there is a cave pit in the top of the bowl , which is the very hole we put the seedlingin .Growing and transplanting the seeds in this bowl can make sure the seeds have enough time and nutrition to grow with ,high germination rate ,high survival rate ,strong and anti-pest. ZBJ1000 earthen bowl machine ,differently from the former machine ,has lots of benefits just like :higher production ,easier structure ,more convenient handling ,automation and economy .Besides it can realize the earlier growth ,earlier maturity ,earlier on market , and it can economy labor force ,fertilizer and agrochemical at the same time.This text is going to introduce the ZBJ1000 earthen bowl machine about itsstructure ,motion ,work principle and size.Keywords:earthen bowl machine 、nursery 、kinematical analysis 、bowl.1、引言1.1研究设计制钵机的意义育苗制钵机广泛应用于我国农业生产中,目前,建设社会主义新农村是我国的一项政策。
















关键词:打穴;行星轮转臂;移栽机;钵苗Based on SolidWorks membranedrum planting designABSTRACTSeedling transplanting to early birth process, improve the yield of crop, can effectively resist natural disasters, such as wind, rain, low temperatures and save seeds. Due to factors such as geographical condition of heilongjiang, usually adopts the membrane planting way to increase the ground temperature, keep moisture, also can inhibit many weeds. To achieve constructio n membrane transplanting, complete transplanting in pressing spring season with good quality, is the precondition of farmers rich harvest.Constructio n in our country, the transplant as a conventional agricultural production technology has widely used in the actual production, however, the traditional artificial constructio n transplanting method existing in the labor intensity, low labor productivity, transplanting problem of slow speed and poor economic benefits always haven't been solved effectively, and realize the constructio n of transplanting mechanization has become an urgent need to solve problems in production.Due to the different need planting crops and their work conditions, the corresponding way of transplanting and planting machinery also has a variety of types. Points, according to the transplanting crop varieties have corn, sugar beets transplanting transplanting, cotton transplanting transplanting, vegetables, tobacco transplanting, flower and seedling transplanting, etc; Points, according to the cultivated land situation have flat transplanting, transplanting ridges, membrane transplanting, constructio n transplanting and no-till cover transplanting and so on; Points, according to the state of transplanting seedlings have pot seedling (nutritional soil bowls, paper pot, pot hole tray matrix, etc.) transplanting and naked seedling soilless seedling transplanting. While transplanting, and water, fertilizer, pesticide and membrane joint operations.The core component of plant machinery is planting apparatus. According to the planting of different, plant machinery mainly pliers clip type, chain type, flexible disc type, seedling guide tube, hanging cup type and type of conveyor, etc.In accordance with requirements of the constructio n planting and seeding zero speed movement, put forward a kind of pendulum linear trajectory, planting and introduced the design parameters. On this basis, the parallelogram mechanism, six bar linkage is studied, and the final design of the planetary rotary arm type planting machine as the planting design institution, it can be changed easily, can great enhance the working efficiency, reduces the leakage rate. Through the various advantages of existing transplanting machine learning model, and with 3 d design software solidwbrks for platform, mapped the transplanting mechanism of 3 d model and drawings. For thefuture of the transplanter development provides technical support.Key words: construction; Planetary rotary arm; Transplanting machine; Pot seedling目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (II)目录................................................................................................................................... - 1 - 1前言.................................................................................................................................... - 1 -1.1课题研究的目的和意义.......................................................................................... - 1 -1.2国内外研究现状...................................................................................................... - 1 -1.2.1国内移栽机研究现状................................................................................... - 1 -1.2.2国外移栽机研究现状................................................................................... - 2 -1.2.3移栽机栽植机构的研究现状....................................................................... - 3 -1.3研究内容 ................................................................................................................. - 6 - 2栽植机构选型.................................................................................................................... - 7 -2.1栽植机构轨迹要求.................................................................................................. - 7 -2.2关于零速投苗问题.................................................................................................. - 7 -2.3栽植机构选型.......................................................................................................... - 8 -2.3.1平行四边形栽植机构................................................................................... - 8 -2.3.2六杆式栽植机构........................................................................................... - 8 - 3行星轮转臂式栽植机构设计............................................................................................ - 9 -3.1行星轮转臂式栽植机构结构组成.......................................................................... - 9 -3.2行星轮转臂式栽植机构的运动分析.................................................................... - 10 -3.3行星轮转臂式栽植机构设计参数关系................................................................ - 11 -3.3.1移栽机前进速度、株距和栽植频率的关系............................................. - 11 -3.3.2 栽植器数量、栽植器转速与栽植器频率的关系 .................................... - 11 -3.3.3 行星架长度、株距和栽植器数量的关系 ................................................ - 11 -3.3.4 结构参数的确定........................................................................................ - 11 - 4鸭嘴式栽植器及其开合机构的设计.............................................................................. - 12 -4.1鸭嘴式栽植器的选型............................................................................................ - 12 -4.2鸭嘴式栽植器的结构设计.................................................................................... - 12 -4.3鸭嘴式栽植器开和机构的设计............................................................................ - 12 -4.4 凸轮推程设计....................................................................................................... - 13 - 结论 .................................................................................................................................... - 15 - 参考文献............................................................................................................................. - 16 - 致谢 .................................................................................................................................... - 18 -Ⅳ1前言1.1课题研究的目的和意义众所周知作物栽培方式一般分为两大类:一类是直播方式,用播种机具或人将作物种子直接播于大田中的传统栽植方式:另一种是移栽方式,用机械的方式或人工将在温室中培育的钵苗栽植于田问。

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