BACnet - Quick Start


什么是 BACnet

什么是 BACnet

BACnet 简介常侃霍尼韦尔(中国)有限公司/艾顿技术支持工程师前言由于能源能源危机的影响,在楼宇系统中,HVAC&R产业是最早意识到开放性标准的重要性的建筑设备行业,并于1987年在美国纽约召开了由楼宇自控领域专家组成的关于“标准化能量管理协议(Standardizing EMS Protocol)”的圆桌会议。

会议决定在美国供热、制冷与空气调节工程师学会(ASHRAE,American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers)的资助下制定一个标准的楼宇自控网络数据通信协议。

经过8年多的努力,于1995年6月公布了正式的开放式标准BACnet(A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks)。




她是ASHRAE BACnet成员,是BACnet开发委员会主要委员之一。

她意识到BACnet的先进性和优越性,积极参与协议的开发和编写,并率先开发并生产出全球第一套完全符合BACnet 标准的产品 — BACtalk。

什么是 BACnet®?名词BACnet,来自于美国国家标准ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-1995。

该标准由美国供热、制冷与空气调节工程师学会(ASHRAE)制定,于1995年颁布,同年被美国国家标准委员会(American National Standards Institute)采用,成为美国国家标准。

BACNET DDC start up- step by step

BACNET DDC start up- step by step

3. 输入密码:HIGH
依次输入: S->H->F->D->H, 显示 DDC 内部的默认设置. 若原来设置不符合以下,要求则需要做相应修改:-
BACNET FIELD PANEL ADDRES S 的范围 为: 70017999 之间 的数字, 和
BACNET 序列号保 持一致
V3.1 版 本的控 制器需 要
建立 LAI 点:-
填写点的地 址:
FLN.DROP. POINT 若为虚点, 则在 address 旁的方框内 打钩
若输入信号 为传感器信 号,则需要 选择计量单 位 (Engineerin g Unit),和 相关 slope(斜 率), Intercept(截 距)
点击,进入 Select Engineering Units 对话框:
BACNET DDC 调试步骤 (BETA 1.0) 1. 安装 BACSTAC 协议: “网上邻居” 右键 -> “属性”
进入本地连接, 右键 -> “属性”
在“选择网络组件类型”中选择”协议”。 在“选择网络协议”中选择“从磁盘安装”
在“浏览”的中选择路径: C:\INSIGHT\BACSTAC 选择 BACSTAC.INF 的文件
在下拉菜单内选 择计量的种类, 在右边的对话框 中选择相应的单 位。
选择被 连接的 控制器
点击 Slope/Intercept 进入 Slope Intercept Calculator 对话框:
选择相应的设备,传感器的类型, 计算单位选择:S.I. 国际标准制 分别填写信号范围,以及设备测量范围, 如下图示例所示.

bbmd工作原理 -回复

bbmd工作原理 -回复

bbmd工作原理-回复BBMD(BACnet Broadcast Management Device)是BACnet(建筑自动控制网络)协议中的一种重要设备,其工作原理对于了解BACnet网络的运作机制至关重要。





第二步:介绍BBMDBBMD是BACnet网络中的一个重要设备,它的全称是BACnet Broadcast Management Device,中文名为BACnet广播管理设备。








它会根据目标设备的网络地址和设备对象标识符(Device Object Identifier)来确定消息的传输路径。



例如,BBMD可以根据设备的访问控制列表(Access Control List)来决定是否将广播消息传递给特定的设备。






BACnet 历史?BACnet通讯协议的发展源起于1987年6年在田纳西州纳什维尔举行的美国冷冻空调协会标准委员会(Standard Project Committee)[2]。

委员会中大家同意将通讯协议的设计分区为各个不同的主题,利用工作小组的方式进行,各工作小组专注在特定的领域,并提供信息给标准委员会,一开始分为三个工作小组,分别是数据型态及属性(Data Type and Attribute)、原始数据格式(Primitive Data Format)及应用服务(Application Services)等三个。


BACnet在1995年时成为美国国家标准协会及美国冷冻空调协会的建筑自动化控制网络的数据传输协议(ASHRAE/ANSI SSPC 135)标准,在2003年时成为ISO标准ISO 16484-5[3]。

BACnet兼容性测试的方式在2003年成为BSR/ASHRAE标准Standard 135.1。









BACnet 历史?BACnet通讯协议的发展源起于1987年6年在田纳西州纳什维尔举行的美国冷冻空调协会标准委员会(Standard Project Committee)[2]。

委员会中大家同意将通讯协议的设计分区为各个不同的主题,利用工作小组的方式进行,各工作小组专注在特定的领域,并提供信息给标准委员会,一开始分为三个工作小组,分别是数据型态及属性(Data Type and Attribute)、原始数据格式(Primitive Data Format)及应用服务(Application Services)等三个。


BACnet在1995年时成为美国国家标准协会及美国冷冻空调协会的建筑自动化控制网络的数据传输协议(ASHRAE/ANSI SSPC 135)标准,在2003年时成为ISO标准ISO 16484-5[3]。

BACnet兼容性测试的方式在2003年成为BSR/ASHRAE标准Standard 135.1。




BACnet 网关使用说明说明书

BACnet 网关使用说明说明书

公众微信号:BACnet 上海迅饶自动化科技有限公司BACnet 网关使用说明适用型号:BAC2004-ARM BAC1002-ARMBAC2004 BAC1002上海迅饶自动化科技有限公司公众微信号:BACnet 上海迅饶自动化科技有限公司目 录1 前言 (1)1.1 声明 (1)1.2 技术支持 (1)1.3 X2BACnet 软件安装和卸载 (1)2 概述 (2)2.1 功能描述 (2)2.2 运行环境 (2)2.3 支持寄存器类型及个数 (3)2.4 应用领域 (4)3 操作步骤 (5)3.1 选择操作语言 (5)3.2 选择监控模式 (6)3.3 添加驱动 (7)3.4 添加通道 (8)3.5 添加设备 (11)3.6 添加标签 (12)3.7 BACnet 服务器(从站)设置 (19)3.8 X2BACnetRuntime 软件网关运行时 (23)3.9 上传工程到网关 (26)3.10 网关参数设置 (28)3.11 下载工程到PC (31)3.12 软件授权 (32)4 WEB 服务器 (35)4.1 网页登陆 (35)4.2 下载文件 (36)4.3 用户管理 (36)4.4 网口设置 (37)4.5 固件信息 (38)4.6 系统信息 (39)4.7 通讯状态 (39)4.8 实时数据 (40)5 BACnet 客户端(主站)访问 (42)6 JS 脚本逻辑控制 (46)6.1 操作步骤 (46)6.2 函数说明 (51)6.3 使用范例 (56)公众微信号:BACnet 上海迅饶自动化科技有限公司7 BAC2004硬件网关说明 (58)7.1硬件性能表 (58)7.2电气规格和工作环境表 (58)7.3网络接口 (59)7.4电源接口 (60)7.5 RS485接口参数 (62)8 BAC1002硬件网关说明 (63)8.1硬件性能表 (63)8.2电气规格和工作环境表 (64)8.3网络接口 (65)8.4电源接口 (65)8.5 Reset (65)8.6 RS485/RS232接口参数 (66)9 常见问题说明 (67)9.1 提示调用WEB 服务器方法失败 (67)9.2 注意区别上传工程与下载工程 (67)9.3 网关实现ModbusRTU 转BACnet 常见问题 (67)10 软件著作权 (69)11 附录-BAC2004网关尺寸安装图 (70)11.1 BAC2004产品尺寸图 (70)11.2 BAC2004面板布局图 (71)11.3 BAC2004安装图 (72)12附录-BAC1002网关尺寸安装图 (73)12.1 BAC1002产品尺寸图 (73)12.2 BAC1002面板布局图 (74)12.3 BAC1002安装图 (75)公众微信号:BACnet 上海迅饶自动化科技有限公司;1 前言1.1 声明本手册属于上海迅饶自动化科技有限公司及授权许可者版权所有,保留一切权利,未经本公司书面许可,任何单位和个人不得擅自摘抄、复制本书内容的部分或全部。



BACnet 术语
• Objects
• 设备和系统可以看作是包含许多Object的黑盒。 • BACnet objects仅定义设备或系统的外部行为。-不包括内
• Object propertiБайду номын сангаасs
• 每个object 具有一系列的必须的特性和可以选择的特性。. • 这些特性能够被其它设备或系统读取,有些甚至可以被其它
Group Object Life Safety Point Object Life Safety Zone Object
Object Properties – 模拟输入点 的例子
Object Identifier
每一个BACnet设备的Object 都有一个由32位唯一数字组成的标识符,叫做: Object Identifier. Object Identifier 也叫做 Object ID,它是由10位Object Type和 22位 Object Instance组成。 在一个 Bacnet设备中,同样类型的Object, 22 位 Object Instance 对每一个Object是唯一的。
设备的 Object是唯一的,也就是说在一个BACnet网络中, 设备的 Device instance 也应该是唯一的
How BACnet Works ? Contd…
Services: Services 在BACnet 中是指一个设备向其它BACnet设备请
求和响应请求数据的方法。 例如:EBI 要从BACnet 设备A中读取点的数值。它将使用



BACnet History
• BACnet 修改 和改进
– Jan 1999 – 附录 135a includes BACnet/IP – Sept 1999 – 附录 135b – June 2000 – 附录 135c
• 2001 – ASHRAE/ANSI Standard 135-2001
• 两个不同网络上的设备需要交换信息和互操作
BACnet Device
BACnet Device
BACnet Message via Router
Note: 采用一个单一的传输以减少路由器和成本
BACnet Device
BACnet Device
• 两种不同的 LAN 类型
– BACnet 厂商 使用不同的传输方式
• 节约成本 和产品性能
– 厂商有两种选择 (高速和低速)
• 避免通讯堵塞
- NOTE: 两个同一类型的网络通过一个路由器来隔离
• 远程访问 • 使用已经存在的公用设施
访问非-BACnet 系统
BACnet – Ethernet / MSTP
Infinet – Ethernet / RS-485




•BACnet/IP Intemet
项 目
通信 协议

① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥
Protocols •Ethemet ISO 8802-3 10Mbp •ARCnet ATA/ANS 1878.l 19kbps~l0Mbps;2.5Mbps •MS/TP EIA-485(RS485) 9.6, 19.2, 38.4, 76.8kbps •PTP EIA-232(RS232) 9.6kbps~56kbps •LonTalk Version3.0 32kbps~l.25Mbps
(ANSI/EIA/CEA 709.l-B-2002)
LonTalk 32kbps~ 1.25Mbps
非屏蔽双绞线—— 自由拓朴结构 非屏蔽双绞线—— 总线拓朴结构 光纤 射频 红外线 电力线载波
Version3.0(ANSI/EIA/CEA 709.l-B-2002)

项 目
网络 结构

上下层式解决方案 •开放式技术标准 •分层式网络拓朴结构
•处理器独立 •编程语言独立 •以制造厂说明书的解释为最终控制器的
• •

基于设备互操作的一种“bottom up”底层式解决方案 开放式通信协议 平面式网络拓朴结构

模拟输入对象类型(Analog Input Object Type) 模拟输出对象类型(Analog Ouput Object Type) 模拟值对象类型(Analog Value Object Type) 二进制输入对象类型(Binary Input Object Type) 二进制输出对象类型(Binary Output Object Type) 二进制值对象类型(Binary Value Object Type) 日期表对象类型(Calendar Object Type) 命令对象类型(Command Object Type) 设备对象类型(Device Object Type) 事件登记对象类型(Event Enrollment Object Type)



bacnet协议转换楼宇自控网络协议BACnetBACnet是Building Automation and Control Networks的缩写,它是针对楼宇自控领域的标准,制定这个标准的目的是为了使不同生产商提供的控制设备能够互操作,也使业主不再依赖特定的私有技术。







主要功能:◆ 实时数据采集和处理,不但可以实现串口、以太网、现场总线物理层的通信协议转换、同时在数据链路协议层的通信协议也可以相互转换;◆ 具备将非标准通信协议转化为标准通信协议的功能,具有开放性的OPC接口;应用方式:◆ 网络通信数据网关:支持SNMP协议的代理与服务,方便联网;◆ 实时数据接口站:计量现场数据管理采集站;◆ 楼宇IBMS系统设备集成网关:实现楼宇不同厂家设备与子系统连接;◆电力数据通信网关:作为电力通信前置机实现规约转换;数据处理L-GATEWAY产品适用于不断更新且快速变化的数据及事件处理,能够以各种方式对数据库进行各种操作,包括:数据运算处理、历史数据存储、统计处理、报警处理、服务请求等。



Eaton DG1-34170FN-C21CEaton PowerXL DG1 variable frequency drive, 380-500V input 90kW 125 Hp CT 3PH 50/60 Hz 170A output IP21/type 1 enclosureFR6 LCD Internal EMC filter and DC choke EtherNet, RS-485,BACnet MS/TP, Modbus TCP and RTU ports 2 exp slotsGeneral specificationsEaton PowerXL DG1 variable frequencydriveDG1-34170FN-C21C78668587885044 in20 in18 in186 lbEaton Selling Policy 25-000 generally applies with some exceptions. Drive products come with a standard 24 months from date of shipment and 36 months with Eaton certified start up all inclusive coverage parts labor and travel.C-Tick Compliant RoHS Compliant CE Marked GoST-RUL 508CEN 61800-5-1 IEC 61508EN 62061EN ISO 13849-1 EN 61800-3cUL ListedUL ListedProduct Name Catalog NumberUPCProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Warranty CompliancesCertifications110% for 1 minute170 AThree-phase in, three-phase outFrequency, Speed, Open-loop speed, Open-loop torqueYesYes110 kWIP21/type 12 expansion slotsEtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP, RS-485: Modbus RTU, BACnet MS/TPInductio, PM (IPM & SPM)EMC FilterGraphical KeypadNo brake chopper460 Vac (380-500 Vac, -15%, +10%)90 kW90 kW Digital I/OsReal time clock and use of the timersDual Rating What exactly does that mean?Analog I/OsMotor data and V/f curvesConnecting drives to generator suppliesTorque controlSmoke Mode and fire modePID controllerLoad balancing in multi motor applicationsDG1 in pump and fan applicationsOperating at low temperaturesElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC)Starting, stopping and operationEaton's Volume 6—Solid-State Motor ControlData sheetProduct Range Catalog Drives EngineeringDG1_FN_(FR5-UL) 3D InventorDG1_FN_(FR5-UL) 2D PDFDG1_FN_(FR5-UL) 3D Model XchangeDG1_FN_(FR5-UL) AutoCAD 2D FootprintDG1_FN_(FR5-UL) AutoCAD 2D Footprint (mm)DG1_FN_(FR5-UL) 2D Drawing XchangePowerXL DG1 Series VFD Application ManualPowerXL DG1 Series VFD Installation ManualPower XL General Purpose DrivesPowerXL DG1 Variable Frequency Drive - Setup via WebUI Eaton Specification Sheet - DG1-34170FN-C21CMax overloadHigh overload (CT) ampsPhaseMotor control modesInternal DC chokeConformal coated boardsLow overload (VT) kW EnclosureNumber of slots Communications onboardMotor typeElectromagnetic compatibility filter User interfaceBrake chopperInput outputPower consumptionHigh overload (CT) kW Application notesCatalogsDrawingsInstallation instructions MultimediaSpecifications and datasheets Warranty guides125 hp50-60 HzInternal EMC filter, DC chokeEtherNet, RS-485, BACnet MS/TP, Modbus TCP and RTU communication400 V, 380-500 V(-15%, +10%)Coated board150 hp170 A205 A125 hp60 - 400 Hz380 - 500 V250Included50 - 60 HzActive energy control, quick start wizardCT Selling Policy 25-000 - Distribution and Control Products and ServicesHorsepower Frequency rating Protection CommunicationInput voltageMaterialLow overload (VT) hp Output current - max Low overload (VT) amps High overload (CT) hp Frame sizeOutput frequency range Input voltage range Recommended fuse size KeypadInput frequency range SoftwareTorque ratingEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaLCD graphical Display。

BACnet - Connecting to BBMD device

BACnet - Connecting to BBMD device

Description: Guide to configure connection to BBMD device. OS Requirement: Windows Server 2003 x64/Vista x64/ Server 2008 x64/Windows 7 x64/ Server 2008 R2 x64General Requirement: BACnet overview, Internet router, BBMD device.IntroductionAn interesting attribute of the Building Automation and Control Network (BACnet) is that Ethernet is supported along with several data links, and communication between the various data links is possible through the use of routers. Each data link is treated as a separate network and the collection of data links is considered a single BACnet internetwork. BACnet routers facilitate the connections — but when BACnet/IP is used as one of the data links, adjustments must be made to how BACnet routers are used in an IP network.For more details about BACnet architecture search on the internet or refers to these application notes: “BACnet - Quick Start”, “BACnet - Fast Browsing BACnet Devices”.The Impact of BACnet/IP upon BACnet RoutersBACnet/IP incorporates four-layer ISO model as described in BACnet standard (ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2004). Routers operate at the network layer. Since routers were already defined in “The Network Layer” (clause 6 of the standard), Annex J makes reference to this clause. Annex J introduces the concept of the BACnet Virtual Link Layer (BVLL) which provides an interface between clause-6 equipment and another communications subsystem. BVLL messages can be either directed or broadcast messages. A directed message is exchanged between two IP addresses and no others. A broadcast message originates from one IP address and is sent to all other IP addresses on the subnet.In the general case, a BACnet network consists of one or more IP subnets containing BACnet/IP devices using the same UDP port number. It is possible the BACnet network has only a single subnet. This is the simplest case since both directed and broadcast messages are sent along the subnet with no restrictions.However, if more than one subnet comprises the BACnet/IP network, there is an issue. Referring to Figure 1, an IP router is required to connect the IP subnet to the Internet or to an internetwork. IP routers perform differently than BACnet routers. Broadcast messages could be (and usually are) blocked by these IP routers if the IP routers do not support what is called a directed broadcast. For a directed broadcast to pass throughthe IP router, the IP router must support a feature called bridging in which the IP router treats these directed broadcasts more like a switch than a router. If this type of IP router cannot be found, then a way of managing broadcasts in a sub-netted BACnet/IP network must be devised.Figure 1 - BACnet/IP traffic is unrestricted with one subnetBACnet/IP Broadcast ManagementDevice (BBMD)With a BACnet/IP network comprised of two or more IP subnets, a local broadcast may not be able to span multiple subnets — if so, a device called a BBMD must be used. A BBMD located on an IP subnet monitors the origination of a broadcast message on that subnet and, in turn, constructs a different broadcast message disguised as a directed message in order to pass though an IP router. This disguised message is directed to other BBMDs (located on the various subnets) that receive the directed message and retransmit the broadcast on their attached subnets. Since the BBMD messages are directed messages, individual messages must be sent to each BBMD. Each BBMD device maintains a Broadcast Distribution Table (BDT), the content of which is usually the same for all BBMDs within the network. BBMDs must know the IP address of all other BBMDs in the network. Note in Figure 1 that there is one BBMD on each subnet.Figure 2 - A foreign device can reside on a subnet without a BBMDIt is possible to communicate to a device on a subnet that doesnot have a BBMD as in Figure 2. This type of device is called aforeign device since it resides on a different IP subnet fromdevices attempting to communicate with it. Usually in BACnetlingo, a foreign device is on a different network — but withBACnet/IP, a foreign device is on a different subnet. If theforeign device registers with the BBMDs, it can be seen andable to communicate with all other devices on the network. TheBBMD must then maintain a Foreign Device Table (FDT).The final example is shown in Figure 3. In this case a non-BACnet/IP data link is attached via a BACnet router — creatingtwo networks but one BACnet internetwork. This exampledemonstrates the flexibility of BACnet in that legacy data linksor lower-cost data links can be supported along with moremodern IP networks. There is nothing to preclude theembedding of a BBMD within the BACnet router — therebyeliminating one device on the subnet.Figure 3 - The addition of a non-BACnet/IP data link results in twonetworksPreparing network / router / BBMD deviceBefore you start to browse for the data, make sure the following:•Network topology– at least 2 different networks areinterconnected via router which plays a role of gateway. In ourcase it looks as follows:o1st network – Office network ( network – BACnet / IP Net1 (, whereo Gateway = Internet routerInternal Interface – Interface –•Internet router is properly configuredo Internet Router plays a role of GW - BACnetNetwork (internal), GENESIS64 PC (external).o Firewall port 47808-47809 is open / forwarded.o NAT is disabled (at least for testing purposes).Enabling BBMD Device via WorkbenchThis configuration shows how to configure BBMD device for thecase where GENESIS64 server plays a role of BBMD device. Bydefault BBMD device is not selectedunch Workbench from Start menu2.Click the BACnet icon in the Workbench projectexplorer.3.Navigate to localhost →BACnet →Port via tree control onthe left.4.Right-click on Ports and choose Port or click thebutton from the toolbar and select Port. The BACnet portsettings will come up.5.Type a name in the Name textbox and enter a Description ifyou wish.6.Make sure that BACnet IP is selected as Channel Type andyou have right Network segment.7.Leave Adapter under Ethernet Settings as default (it is yourprimary network card).NOTE: If you have 2 network cards, make sure that you selected the rightone via drop down menu.8.Check the box “BBMD device” in IP Settings section andmake sure that you have number of “Maximum ForeignDevices” entered correctly.9.Add IP Address (in our case: into BDT(=Broadcast Distribution Table) to allow the connectionbetween this and other devices. IP Address will beautomatically transformed into right format.Figure 4 - Enabling BBMD device in WorkbenchNOTE: If you want to connect directly to “Foreign device” then enable thecheckbox “Foreign device” and set the BBMD parameters appropriately.Resolving values in GraphWorX641.Start GraphWorX64 from Start menu.2.Add new process point on your GraphWorX643.When a Data Browser will be opened select BACnet andbrowse for your tag.NOTE: It can take some time to create a runtime application pool as all BACnet devices need to be scanned (broadcasted). You can also click on Refresh button to refresh the list of devices in Data Browser.4.When you have PPT added on your GraphWorX64 displayswitch to runtime mode and you would see BACnet value resolved.NOTE: Please notice that BACnet Runtime creates a cache and stores it into file. So, if you made some changes in Workbench or specifically on BACnet device and Unified Browser did not reflect these changes in runtime then you can always clear this cache by following these steps:•Delete following files:-C:\ProgramData\ICONICS\BACnetCache.csv-C:\ProgramData\ICONICS\BACnetCache.csv.bak •BACnetRuntime64.exe can be signaled via Task Manager.•Or you can use “Clear now” button in BACnet configuration in Workbench on Devices settings under Device & Object Cache section。



深圳市民中心 深圳 安联大厦 深圳 人民银行营业大楼 沈阳 商业城 沈阳 丽都喜来登大酒店 沈阳 新闻中心 沈阳 房地产大厦 沈阳 国税大厦 沈阳 富丽华酒店二期 大连 国运大厦 大连 万达大厦 大连 上海城 上海 神舟大厦 上海 金柏苑大厦 上海 兴浦商业大厦 上海 世界贸易大厦 上海 香港广场 上海 浦东花木别墅 上海 商业大厦 上海 中商大厦 上海 新苏大酒店 苏州 杭州电子52所 杭州 农业银行营业大楼 内蒙 交通银行营业培训大楼 郑州 长江广场 武汉
集成数据: 少(网关限制) 集成费用: 高
多(第三方的设备的控制器的所有数据) 低(至少可以省下两个接口网关的软件和硬件的价格)
独立于任何制造商, 不需要专门芯片
◦ 独立于任何制造商,不需要专门芯片,并得到众多制造商的支持; ◦ 有完善和良好的数据表示和交换方法; ◦ 按标准制造的产品有严格的性能等级和完整的说明; ◦ 产品有良好的互操作性,有利于系统的扩展和集成。 ◦ 不属于某个公司专有,对该标准的开发和使用没有任何权税限制
Analog Input
Multi-state Input
Analog Output Analog Value
Device Event Enrollment
Multi-state Output Multi-state Value Notification Class
那怎么办? 巡更系统
◦ 模拟输入(AI) ◦ 模拟输出(AO) ◦ 模拟值 (AV) ◦ 数字输入(BI) ◦ 数字输出(BO) ◦ 数字值(BV) ◦ 日历(CaLender) ◦ 命令(Command) ◦ TR备(Device)

Desigo PX BACnet 路由器说明书

Desigo PX BACnet 路由器说明书

CM1N9270en_122023-09-22Smart Infrastructures9270Desigo™ PXBACnet router for • BACnet/IP• BACnet/LonTalk •BACnet MS/TPPXG3.L PXG3.M∙Routing between BACnet/IP , BACnet/LonTalk (PXG3.L only),and BACnet MS/TP∙Supports BACnet/IPv4 and BACnet/IPv6∙BACnet standard compliant ∙ISO 16484-5 compliant∙BTL label (BACnet communications passed the BTL test)∙BBMD support (BACnet Broadcast Management Device)∙Third-party device support∙Configuration via Xworks Plus or Web browser (via IPv4)∙Web browser access to network statistics∙Firmware update via Ethernet and USB Device ∙LED indication for Ethernet link and activity∙LED indication for BACnet/LonTalk and BACnet MS/TP (diagnostics)∙2-port Ethernet switch for low-cost cabling (10/100 baseT)∙BACnet MS/TP (RS-485) baud rates: 9600, 19200, 38400, 76800, 115200∙Plug-in screw terminal blocks for supply, L ON W ORKS ,and MS/TP ∙RJ45 plug for PXM20(L ON W ORKS )∙Operating voltage: AC 24 V or DC 24 V ∙DIN rail mounting∙BACnet MS/TP Slave Proxy ∙SNMP (v2), MIB-2∙BACnet NATUseThe PXG3... BACnet router connects a BACnet/IP network to a BACnet/LonTalk network (PXG3.L only), and/or a BACnet MS/TP channel. BACnet objects aretransmitted simultaneously throughout any and all networks.Router functions The PXG3... BACnet router transmits BACnet protocol between a BACnet/IPv4network, a BACnet/IPv6 network, a BACnet/LonTalk network (PXG3.L only), and a BACnet MS/TP channel. BACnet objects are simultaneously transmitted throughout any and all networks.Broadcast Management Device, used to distribute BACnet Broadcast messages across IP Routers.The BACnet router includes a Device Object and can be operated by a BACnet Client. Present operating state, date and time as well as statistics on sent packages can be viewed via web server.The BACnet router can serve as a Slave Proxy for slaves that are connected to its MSTP port. In other words, it responds to Who-Is messages on the slaves’ behalf by sending an I-Am message.Simple Network Management protocol MIB-2, for monitoring and diagnosing the BACnet router network interface.Supports setup of a BACnet network over a NAT device. Additionally, remote access from a public network to BACnet devices is possible on a private network.Important : the public IP address must be static.For security reasons we recommend using VPN tunneling with BACnet NAT.When routing between BACnet/IP and BACnet/IP on one IP network, the BACnet router address must be the same on both BACnet networks. The difference is that different BACnet UDP ports are used on the BACnet network.Four-way routingBBMDWeb serverMS/TP Slave ProxySNMP v2BACnet NATBACnet/IP to BACnet/IPCommunication∙ The router complies with BACnet standard and ISO 16484-5.∙ A 2-port Ethernet switch allows low-cost cabling via line topology. This is the preferred commissioning medium.∙ The L ON W ORKS network is connected via a 2-pin connection terminal.∙ The MS/TP channel is connected via RS485 or a 3-pin connection terminal.∙ An RJ45 plug on the device front allows connecting to a PXM20 operator unit (PXG3.L only).∙ A USB port is available for connecting the tool.Type summary Type (ASN)Product number (SSN)NameEthernet portsL ON W ORKSMS/TP PXG3.LS55842-Z105-A100BACnet Router Ethernet/IP-LonTalk-MS/TP 2xxPXG3.MS55842-Z106-A101BACnet Router Ethernet/IP-MS/TP2xMechanical design1Plastic housing2Plug-in terminal block (operating voltage)32-port Ethernet switch (with 2 LEDs each for display purposes)4LEDs for device and system status indication 5RJ45 interface for PXM20 (PXG3.L only)6Tool interface (USB Device)7Service button for identification on network (Ethernet, L ON W ORKS )8L ON W ORKS terminal block (PXG3.L only)9MS/TP terminal block 10Slider for mounting on DIN railLEDsLED Color Activity FunctionRUN Green∙Continuously ON∙Continuously OFF∙Flashing∙Device ready.∙At least one internal power supply outof range.∙Start-up of device.FLT Red∙Continuously OFF∙Continuously ON∙Flashing∙OK∙HW fault or program fault.∙Incorrect or corrupt FW.INF----(Not used)COM1Yellow∙Flashing∙Sends MS/TP packages.COM2Yellow∙Flashing∙Sends L ON W ORKS packages(PXG3.L only).SVC Red∙Continuously OFF∙Continuously ON∙Flashing∙Flashing per winkcommand *)∙Configured.∙Defective Hardware.∙Unconfigured.∙Physical identification of the router.927Z58 7 6 5 4 3 2 1Ethernet1 / 2Green∙Continuously ON∙Continuously OFF∙Flashing∙Link active∙Link inactive∙Network activityYellow∙Continuously ON∙Continuously OFF∙Link 100 Mbps∙Link 10 Mbps*) Wink commandpattern:9222z02 1927z3Button Press Description1∙Short Physical identification on the network (Ethernet).Proceed as follows to reset the device to a factory state:1. Power off device.2. Power on device.3. Wait for all LEDs to light up and turn off again,then push the SVC button.4. Keep SVC button pressed until all LEDs light up, then release.Up to Desigo V6_SP (FW V01.15.15.144): Keep SVC buttonpressed until the green RUN LED flashes, then release.5. Wait for device to fully start up unconfigured(RUN LED on, SVC LED flashes).Any device passwords and other settings are lost.Service button∙ The router does not require programming. It is configured either using Xworks Plus or the Desigo SSA-DNT via Ethernet or using a USB device. For details see SSA (Setup & Service Assistant) Commissioning, CA111050).∙ Each device has a unique identification number to ensure efficient commissioning. The number is located on a removable barcode label.∙ Each device has a unique MAC address.For more details see document “Ethernet, TCP/IP, MS/TP and BACnet - Principles”(CM110666).InstallationEthernet : See installation manual Desigo TRA, CM111043.L ON W ORKS : See installation manual Desigo RXC, CA110336.HMI (RJ45 plug): only the PXM20 can be connected. Otherwise the PXG3.L or the mistakenly connected device may be damaged.MountingThe router is designed for mounting on a standard mounting rail or on a wall.Power is supplied by connecting the plug-in screw terminal blocks.CommissioningTo prevent equipment damage and/or personal injuries adhere to local safety regulations and related safety standards.MaintenanceNo maintenance required. A supercap supports the real-time clock (3 days).DisposalThe devices are considered electronic devices for disposal in terms of the European Directive 2012/19/EU (WEEE) and may not be disposed of as domestic waste.Dispose of the devices via the proper channels.Observe all local and applicable laws.NoteOperating voltage(24 V~,⊥,)Operating voltageHalf-wave load= Technical ground AC 24 V ± 20 % (SELV/PELV) or AC/DC 24 V class 2 (US) 48...63 HzSymmetricPower consumption At AC 24 VAt DC 24 V Max. 9 VA Max. 4 WMax. permissible transit power AC/DC 24 V(RJ45 interface, HMI)Max. 0.5 A Internal fuse With PTCHardware information Processor Series BSeries C Atmel ARM9Texas Instruments AM3352, 600MHzMemory Series BSeries C 256 MB Flash, 64 MB SDRAM 512 MB Flash, 512 MB SDRAM (DDR3)Response to power / communication failure Energy reserve (Supercap) to support real-time clock (3 days). Data available only if saved to flash memory.Ethernet interface Plug 2 x RJ45, screenedInterface type100BaseTX, IEEE 802.3 compatibleBit rate10/100 Mbps, half / full duplex,auto-negotiationProtocol BACnet over UDP/IPHMI interface Generic, for HMI (L ON W ORKS)RJ45 (PXG3.L onlyUSB interface Plug Type B (USB device)Data rate (USB 1.0 full speed)12 MbpsGalvanic isolation of⊥NoProtective switch against surges andovercurrentYesL ON W ORKS interface Interface type TP/FT-10(PXG3.L only Transceiver FT 5000 smart transceiverGalvanic isolation YesBit rate78 kbpsProtocol BACnet over LonTalkMS/TP interface Interface type RS485Galvanic isolation YesBaud rates9600, 19200, 38400, 76800, 115200Protocol BACnet over MS/TPConnection terminals, plug-in Design typeCu-wire or Cu-strand with wire endsleeveCu-strand without wire end sleevePlug-in screw terminals1 x 0.6 mm dia. to 2.5 mm2or 2 x 0.6 mm dia. to 1.0 mm21 x 0.6 mm dia. to 2.5 mm2or 2 x 0.6 mm dia. to 1.5 mm2 Screwdriver Slot screwsScrewdriver, size 1with shaft dia.≤ 4.5 mm Max. tightening torque0.6 NmAssignment as per EN 60730Operation of automatic controllerDegree of pollutionDesign typeType 12Protection class IIIHousing protection standard Protection type as per EN 60529Front parts in the DIN sectionTerminal partIP30IP20Ambient conditions OperationClimatic conditionsTemperatureHumidityMechanical conditions As per IEC 60721-3-3Class 3K5–5 ... 50 °C5…95% r.h. (non-condensing) Class 3M2TransportClimatic conditionsTemperatureHumidityMechanical conditions As per IEC 60721-3-2Class 2K3-25...70 °C5…95% r.h. (non-condensing) Class 2M2Standards, directives, and approvals Product standard EN 60730-1 Automatic electrical controls forhousehold and similar use Product family standard EN 50491-x General requirements for Homeand Building Electronic Systems(HBES) and Building Automationand Control Systems (BACS) Electromagnetic compatibility (Applications) For use in residential, commerce,light-industrial and industrialenvironmentsEU conformity (CE)CM1T9270xx1)UL certification (US)UL 916,/database RCM-conformity (EMC)CM1T9222en_C11)EAC conformityEurasia conformityCertificate:/btl/search.php2)Environmental compatibility Product environmental declaration (containsdata on RoHS compliance, materialscomposition, packaging, environmentalbenefit, disposal)CM1E92701)Color Housing RAL 7035 (light-gray) Dimensions Housing as per DIN 43880, see dimensionsWeight Without/with packaging286 g / 332 g1) The documents can be downloaded at /bt/download.2) Filter list of results for 'BTL-31001'.Connection terminals and interfaces9270z 04RJ45 pin assignment for HMIPin Name DescriptionPin Name Description 9215Z 018 7 6 5 4 3 2 11CLA L ON W ORKS A 5nc Not connected 2CLBL ON W ORKS B 6nc Not connected 3AC24V_N AC24V Neutral7nc Not connected 4AC24V_L AC24V Line max. 500mA 8ncNot connectedOperating voltage pin assignmentPin Name Description 124 V ~AC 24 V2⊥System neutral 3Technical ground L ON W ORKS pin assignmentPin Name Description 4CLA L ON W ORKS A 5CLB L ON W ORKS B MSTP pin assignment PinNameDescription ++Data +––Data –Reference wireDimensions 9270M 01All dimensions in mmIssued bySiemens Switzerland Ltd Smart Infrastructure Global Headquarters Theilerstrasse 1aCH-6300 ZugTel. +41 41-724 24 24/buildingtechnologies© Siemens Switzerland Ltd 2012 Delivery and technical specifications subject to change。



BACnet 简化的体系结构BACnet 建立在包含四个层次的简化分层体系结构上,这四层相当于OSI 模型中的物理层、数据链路层、网络层和应用层,如图4-2所示。

BACnet 标准定义了自己的应用层和简单的网络层,对于其数据链路层和物理层,提供了以下五种选择方案。

第一种选择是ISO 8802-2类型1定义的逻辑链路控制(LLC )协议,加上ISO 8802-3介质访问控制(MAC )协议和物理层协议。

ISO 8802-2类型1提供了无连接(Connectionless )不确认(Unacknowledged )的服务,ISO 8802-3则是著名的以太网协议的国际标准。

BACnet 网络层 ISO 8802-3 (IEEE 802.3) ARCNET MS/TP (主从/令牌传递) PTP (点到点协议) EIA-485 (RS485) EIA-232 (RS232) ISO 8802-2 (IEEE 802.2)类型1 LonTalk BACnet 应用层 BACnet 的协议层次 应用层 网络层 数据 链路层 物理层对应的 OSI 层次 图4-2 BACnet 简化的体系结构层次图第二种选择是ISO 8802-2类型1定义的逻辑链路控制协议,加上ARCNET(ATA/ANSI 878.1)。


MS/TP协议是专门针对楼宇自动控制设备设计的,同ISO 8802-2类型1一样,它通过控制EIA-485的物理层,向网络层提供接口。



这些选择都支持主/从MAC、确定性令牌传递MAC、高速争用MAC 以及拨号访问。






【摘要】描述了BACnet操作员工作站中日程管理功能的设计和实现,详细介绍了基于面向对象技术的设计思想和以Visual C++为开发工具的设计流程,并给出相关功能类的开发、设计说明.
1.基于Java的BACnet系统操作员工作站软件的设计与实现 [J], 刘从军;刘贤德;惠晓实
2.基于BACnet的智能楼宇管理工作站的设计与实现 [J], 刘莉;许毅平;周曼丽
3.M70兼备强大性能与轻巧体积M20以超薄机身实现工作站应用全新戴尔Precision移动工作站登陆中国市场 [J],
4.软件组态在BACnet系统操作员工作站中的应用 [J], 朱振华;许毅平;周曼丽
5.在NT网络中Win95工作站使用‘用户级的访问控制(U)’实现工作站资源安全共享 [J], 叶国良

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Description: This application note guides you how to setup, browse and use BACnet data over the Workbench64.OS Requirement: Windows Server 2003 x64/Vista x64/ Server 2008 x64/Windows 7 x64/ Server 2008 R2 x64General Requirement: ICONICS GENESIS64 v10.70. IntroductionBACnet is "a data communication protocol for B uilding A utomation and C ontrol net works." A data communication protocol is a set of rules governing the exchange of data over a computer network. The rules take the form of a written specification that spells out what is required to conform to the protocol. What makes BACnet special is that the rules relate specifically to the needs of building automation and control equipment, i.e., they cover things like how to ask for the value of a temperature, define a fan operating schedule, or send a pump status alarm.BACnet Client-Server ArchitectureBACnet is based on a "client-server" model of the world, BACnet messages are called "service requests." A client machine sends a service request to a server machine that then performs the service and reports the result to the client. BACnet currently defines 35 message types that are divided into 5 groups or classes. For example, one class contains messages for accessing and manipulating the properties of the objects described above. A common one is the "ReadProperty" service request. This message causes the server machine to locate the requested property of the requested object and send its value back to the client. Other classes of services deal with alarms and events; file uploading and downloading; managing the operation of remote devices; and virtual terminal functions.Please notice that ICONICS is compliant with ANSI ASHRAE Standard 135-2004.NOTE: Types which are part of the specification above are supportedby ICONICS as well as other BACnet standards. ICONICS supportsread/write property for all BACnet objects, but only the objectsdefined in ANSI ASHRAE Standard 135-2004 would be correctlyshown in ICONICS clients (e.g. GraphWorX64).BACnet Configuration via Workbenchunch Workbench64 from Start menu2.Click the BACnet icon17. Type a name in the Name textbox and give an optionDescription.18. Specify the object Type in the Object Type dropdown menu(AnalogInput by default) and specify the right Instance # (usually 1). Object ID should be generated automatically. 19. You can leave the default polling rate as it is unless youwant to override it, then select the ‘Override Default Polling Rate(s)’ checkbox and enter the value in second. 20. Same goes for the Default Priority. 21.Click the Apply button.Figure 3 - BACnet Object22. Now, you are going to Create a New Property under yourobject. Right-click on your Object and choosebutton from the toolbar and select Property.The Property tab will display.23. Type a name in the Name textbox and an optionaldescription in the Description textbox.24. Type a property number in the Property box.25. You can leave the default polling rate as it is unless youwant to override it, then select the ‘Override Default Polling Rate(s)’ checkbox and enter the value in second.26. Same goes for the Default Priority and click the Applybutton.Figure 4 - BACnet Property27. The last thing you need to do is create a port for yourdevice. Right-click on your Ports (left tree) and choose button from the toolbar and select Port.The BACnet Port will come up.28. Type a name in the Name textbox and give an optionDescription if you wish.29. You can then enter the Channel type, network number,adapter, and the IP settings. Click Apply to confirm.Figure 5 - BACnet PortNOTE: Please notice that default BACnet communication is based on IP protocol, where default port (47808) can be changed (under the Ports) if you really need it, but in most of the cases you can run with the default settings. Also notice that Ports in Workbench64 are ICONICS proprietary interfaces created specifically for BACnet communication where IP port is not equal to Workbench64 port.BACnet in GraphWorX64In most cases, you would browse directly for the BACnet devices via Data Browser and add BACnet data on your GraphWorX64 display as process points (please refer to the related application note BACnet - Fast Browsing BACnet Devices ), but in this case, you are going to add BACnet device that you preconfigured in Workbench64. Follow the steps below: 1. Start GraphWorX64 from Start menu2. Add a new process point on your GraphWorX64 displayand browse for the BACnet data tags under BACnet folder . 3. When Data Browser shows the objects, browse for yourBACnet object property (e.g. presentValue). Select an appropriate input as shown in Figure 6 and then click on“OK.”.Figure 6 - Browsing BACnet Data via Data Browser4. When you have PPT added on your GraphWorX64 displayswitch to runtime mode and you would see BACnet value resolved.。
