校园英语 /目的论视角下大学校训的翻译郑州航空工业管理学院/李金隆【摘要】本文从目的论视角下,在三原则指导下,探讨了校训英译的翻译原则和翻译方法.【关键词】目的论 大学校训 翻译方法一、引言中国大学校训大多引经据典,可以从经典著作找到渊源。
6)妹妹向你借 500 美元(2000 元人民币)。
explanation);14)抱怨或博取对方同情(complaining or
本项调查的数据分析采用的是 统计学中的 x2
appealing to feelings);15)根本原因(rationale);16)开 显著性检验(Chi-square test)。 玩笑(joke);17)批 评(criticism);18)有 条件 地答 应 4 .3 调查对象
山东外语教学 2003 年第 1 期(总第 92 期)
姚 俊
(上海外国语大学 , 上海 200083)
社会同一性(ideal social identity), 要么指向理想的个 象使用的拒绝策略平均数得出的 。 Liao(1994 , 1996)
人自主性(ideal individual autonomy)。 在某个特定社 归纳总结了 24 种拒绝策略 :1)沉默 、犹豫 、缺乏热情 会 , 这两种指向中有一种会表现得突出 。他认为 , 西 (silence , hesitation , lack of enthusiasm);2)提供 别的
1 .0 引言
查 , 详细分析了调查结果 , 并应用 Mao(1994)的“ 相
对言语行为的跨文化研究是语用学理论发展的 对面 子指 向的 构 想” (a relative face orientation con一个重要阶段 。许多 语用学理论的提出 , 如 60 、70 struct)以及中 西文化的社会价值差异 , 分析了 造成
Unit 1Task1Task21. The __tranquil(安宁的)_ atmosphere of the inn allows guests to feel totally at home.2. Technological advances might _ultimately(最终)_ lead to even more job losses.3. In the __aftermath(余波)__ of the shootings, there were calls for tighter controls on gun ownership.4. Her kindness and generosity __cancel out(抵消)__ her occasional flashes of temper.5. He was beginning to wonder if he would survive the _ordeal(折磨)__.6. Foreign food aid has led to a __drastic(猛烈的)_ reduction in the numbers of people dying of starvation.7. Perhaps her most important __legacy(遗产)__ was her program of educational reform.8. There were food shortages and other __deprivations(匮乏)_ during the Civil War.9. The new economic policies could prove ___suicidal(自我毁灭)__ for the party.10. The building will be completed around six months earlier than ____anticipated(预料的)__.11. The experience was enough to keep him ____preoccupied_(心事重重)__ for some time.12. The road to happiness is paved with __adversities(逆境)__.13. She __aspires(渴望)____ to nothing no less than the chairmanship of the company.14. He might be influenced by ___nostalgia(思乡情)__ for the surroundings of his happy youth.15. In ___retrospect(回顾)_, I wish that I had thought about alternative courses of action.Task31. Watching your baby being born is __a mind-blowing experience___ (极其令人兴奋的经历).2. There is _built-in storage space__ (内置储藏空间) in all bedrooms.3. This handout focuses on ___self-protection measures__ (自我保护措施) under difficult climatic conditions.4. I’m sure we could offer you some ___short-term employment__ (短期的工作).5. So, how is it that we all, or at least many of us, have such a ___distorted and negative self-perception__ (歪曲的、否定的自我观念)?6. Helen Hunt stars as a character undergoing _life-changing events_ (改变了生活的事件) in Then She Found Me.7. She has written a book that is beautiful because of the honesty and the raw emotion that is portrayed in __all-encompassing details__ (无所不包的细节).8. Having a decent job contributes to ___a good self-image__ (一个好的自我形象).Unit 6Task11. Slavery was abolished(废除)in the United States in the 19th century. (Ended)2. I’ll never be unfaithful again. I give you my solemn(严肃的)word. (Serious)3. Do they observe Christmas Day in that country? (Celebrate)4. Nothing will stop them in their quest for truth. (Search)5. Management has given a pledge(保证)that there will be no job losses this year. (Promise)6. These monuments are a vital part of the culture heritage(继承)of South America. (Inheritance)7. Signing this form commits you to buying the goods. (Obligates)(使。
汉语英语类别翻译硕士专业学位MTI Master of Translation andInterpreting语言翻译类全国翻译专业资格水平考试China Accreditation Testfor Translators and语言翻译类巴别塔Tower of Babel 语言翻译类编译compile 语言翻译类不可译性untranslatability 语言翻译类操纵学派Manipulation School 语言翻译类成分分析componential analysis 语言翻译类充分性adequacy 语言翻译类重写rewrite 语言翻译类垂直翻译vertical translation 语言翻译类地道翻译idiomatic translation 语言翻译类第二语言second language 语言翻译类典籍英译English translation ofChinese classics语言翻译类动态对等dynamic equivalence 语言翻译类多语语料库multilingual corpora 语言翻译类翻译标准criteria of translation 语言翻译类翻译单位translation unit 语言翻译类翻译规范translation norms 语言翻译类翻译记忆库translation memory 语言翻译类翻译理论translation theory 语言翻译类翻译目的论skopos theory 语言翻译类翻译能力translation ability 语言翻译类翻译体translationese 语言翻译类翻译质量评估translation qualityassessment语言翻译类佛经翻译translation of Buddhistscriptures语言翻译类复合句complex sentence 语言翻译类改写本adaptation 语言翻译类工具型翻译instrumental translation 语言翻译类功能对等functional equivalence 语言翻译类关联理论relevance theory 语言翻译类广外高级翻译学院GDUFS School ofInterpreting and语言翻译类归化domestication 语言翻译类规范norms 语言翻译类国际会议口译员协会AIIC International Associationof Conference Interpreters语言翻译类国际译联FIT International Federation of Translators语言翻译类后瞻式翻译retrospective translation 语言翻译类互文性intertextuality 语言翻译类化境sublimation 语言翻译类回译back translation 语言翻译类会议口译conference interpreting 语言翻译类机器翻译machine translation 语言翻译类计算机辅助翻译computer-aided translation 语言翻译类简明英语运动Plain English Campaign 语言翻译类交替传译consecutive interpreting 语言翻译类接受语receptor language 语言翻译类解构主义deconstructivism 语言翻译类借用borrowing 语言翻译类绝对翻译absolute translation 语言翻译类可比语料库comparable corpora 语言翻译类可读性readability 语言翻译类可接受性acceptability 语言翻译类可译性translatability 语言翻译类口译interpreting 语言翻译类跨文化交际cross-culturalcommunication语言翻译类滥译abusive translation 语言翻译类类同形式analogical form 语言翻译类连贯coherence 语言翻译类联络口译liasion interpreting 语言翻译类美感功能aethetic function 语言翻译类描写翻译研究descriptive translationstudy语言翻译类模拟国际会议口译simulated internationalconference interpreting语言翻译类目标语target language 语言翻译类逆向翻译inverse translation 语言翻译类陪同口译escort interpreting 语言翻译类配音dubbing 语言翻译类配字幕give subtitles 语言翻译类平行语料库parallel corpora 语言翻译类普通语言学general linguistics 语言翻译类歧义ambiguity 语言翻译类前瞻式翻译prospective tranlation 语言翻译类欠额翻译under-translation 语言翻译类解释性翻译interpretive translation 语言翻译类人际功能interpersonal function 语言翻译类冗余redundancy 语言翻译类社群传译community interpreting 语言翻译类神似spiritual similarity 语言翻译类神韵romantic charm 语言翻译类审校proofreadin 语言翻译类视听翻译audiovisual translation 语言翻译类视译sight translation 语言翻译类手语传译signed languageinterpreting语言翻译类术语terminology 语言翻译类术语库termbase 语言翻译类水平翻译horizontal translation 语言翻译类体裁genre 语言翻译类同声传译simultaneous interpretation 语言翻译类文本对等textual equivalence 语言翻译类文本类型学textual typology 语言翻译类文本语言规范textual-linguistic norms 语言翻译类文化错位cultural displacement 语言翻译类文化移植cultural transplantation 语言翻译类文化转向cultural turn 语言翻译类误译mistranlation 语言翻译类显性翻译overt translation 语言翻译类信雅达faithfulnexx,expressiveness, and elegance语言翻译类信息型文本informative texts 语言翻译类形式对等formal correspondence 语言翻译类形似formal resemblance 语言翻译类学术翻译academic translation 语言翻译类异国情调exoticism 语言翻译类异化foreignization 语言翻译类异化翻译foreignizing translation 语言翻译类译后编辑post-editing 语言翻译类译前编辑pre-editing 语言翻译类译审first-grade translator 语言翻译类意合parataxis 语言翻译类意美、音美、形美beauty in sence, sound andform语言翻译类意译free translation 语言翻译类音素phoneme 语言翻译类音译transliteration 语言翻译类隐形invisibility 语言翻译类隐性翻译convert tranlation 语言翻译类隐喻metaphor 语言翻译类应用翻译applied translation 语言翻译类应用翻译研究applied translation studies 语言翻译类语法分析grammatical analysis 语言翻译类语际翻译interlingual translation 语言翻译类语境一致contextual consistency 语言翻译类语料库corpus 语言翻译类语内翻译intralingual translation 语言翻译类语篇分析,话语分析discourse analysis语言翻译类语义空缺semantic gap 语言翻译类语义消除semantic disambiguation 语言翻译类语音学phonetics 语言翻译类语用翻译pragmatic translation 语言翻译类语用学pragmatics 语言翻译类元译素architranseme 语言翻译类源语言source language 语言翻译类韵体翻译rhymed translation 语言翻译类赞助patronage 语言翻译类摘要翻译abstract translation 语言翻译类摘译selective translation 语言翻译类直译literal translation 语言翻译类中间语言interlanguage 语言翻译类中式语言Chinglish 语言翻译类中枢语言pivot language 语言翻译类逐字翻译word-for-word translation 语言翻译类注音phonetic notation 语言翻译类子语言sub-language 语言翻译类自动翻译automatic translation 语言翻译类自然性naturalness 语言翻译类自然语言natural language 语言翻译类自由职业翻译freelance translator 语言翻译类字幕翻译subtitle translation 语言翻译类。
Chapter One An Introduction to Pragmatics
Chapter Eleven Critical discourse analysis
Chapter Twelve Pragmatic transfer in intercultural communication
Grice suggested that pragmatics should centre on the more practical dimension of meaning, namely the conversational meaning which was later formulated in a variety of ways (Levinson, 1983; Leech, 1983).
The Anglo-American VS Continental tradition of pragmatic study
The Anglo-American tradition of pragmatic study focuses on how language users express and interpret communicative intention.
The development of pragmatics owes much to the heated dispute over Chomsky’s view of language.
Chomsky believes that people are born to have the LAD.
Many linguists are against Chomsky’s practice of ignoring the social and contextual factors in language use.
书画鉴定师英语The Art of Discernment: The Life of an English-Speaking Art ConnoisseurThe world of art is a tapestry woven with the threads of history, culture, and the unbridled expression of the human spirit. Within this vast and intricate landscape, the art connoisseur plays a crucial role, serving as a guiding light for those seeking to understand and appreciate the true value of artistic masterpieces. As an English-speaking art connoisseur, I have had the privilege of immersing myself in this captivating realm, where the ability to discern the nuances of a work's provenance, style, and craftsmanship is a skill honed through years of dedication and an unwavering passion for the arts.My journey as an art connoisseur began at a young age when I first encountered the awe-inspiring beauty of a centuries-old Chinese ink painting. The delicate brushstrokes, the subtle interplay of light and shadow, and the profound emotion conveyed through the simple yet evocative compositions captivated me. From that moment on, I knew that my calling lay in the world of art, where I could unravel the mysteries that lay beneath the surface of each masterpiece.As I pursued my studies, I immersed myself in the rich tapestry of art history, spanning countless cultures and eras. I learned to recognize the distinct characteristics that defined the work of different artists, schools, and periods. The ability to identify the subtle differences between a faithful reproduction and an original work of art became a hallmark of my expertise. This keen eye for detail, coupled with a deep understanding of the cultural and historical contexts that shaped the art, allowed me to navigate the complex world of art authentication with unparalleled precision.One of the most fulfilling aspects of my work as an art connoisseur is the opportunity to share my knowledge and insights with others. Whether it's guiding a novice collector through the intricacies of a rare painting or captivating a seasoned art enthusiast with the hidden stories behind a masterpiece, I find great joy in igniting a passion for the arts in those around me. Through lectures, workshops, and private consultations, I have had the honor of introducing countless individuals to the beauty and significance of the art they admire.Of course, the role of an art connoisseur is not without its challenges. The art world is a dynamic and ever-changing landscape, with new discoveries and re-attributions happening all the time. Keeping up with the latest research, trends, and technological advancements inthe field requires a tireless dedication and a willingness to continuously expand one's knowledge. Additionally, the task of authenticating artwork can be fraught with complexities, as forgeries and misattributions can often be masterfully executed, testing the limits of even the most experienced connoisseur.Despite the inherent difficulties, I find immense fulfillment in the pursuit of art connoisseurship. The joy of uncovering the true identity and significance of a work of art, the thrill of witnessing a rare masterpiece unveiled, and the privilege of sharing these moments with others are all powerful motivators that drive me forward. Each day, I am reminded of the transformative power of art and the profound impact it can have on our lives.As I reflect on my journey as an English-speaking art connoisseur, I am humbled by the wealth of knowledge and experience I have accumulated over the years. From the intricate brush techniques of the Chinese masters to the bold, expressive strokes of the European Impressionists, I have borne witness to the unparalleled creativity and ingenuity of the human spirit. And in my role as a guide and interpreter, I strive to ensure that the stories and significance of these masterpieces are preserved and shared with generations to come.In the end, the art of discernment is not just about the identificationof objects or the authentication of provenance. It is about cultivating a deep appreciation for the beauty, the symbolism, and the enduring legacy of the artistic achievements that have shaped our world. As an English-speaking art connoisseur, I am honored to play a part in this ongoing journey of discovery and enlightenment, ever-exploring the boundless depths of human expression through the timeless medium of art.。
中美肢体语言差异英语作文题目:Cultural Nuances in Gestures: A Comparative Studyof Chinese and American Body LanguageIn the intricate dance of human interaction, bodylanguage plays a pivotal role, silently conveying what wordsoften leave unsaid. A fascinating exploration lies in thedisparities between Chinese and American nonverbal cues,shaped by their unique cultural milieus and historical contexts.This essay delves into these divergences, underscoring theimportance of cultural sensitivity in global communication.At its core, Chinese body language tends to be morereserved and subtle. Respect for hierarchy and collectivismdeeply influences gestures. For instance, nodding the headslightly instead of a vigorous nod signifies agreement,reflecting a preference for humility. During conversations,maintaining eye contact can be misconstrued as aggression orlack of respect, especially with elders or authority figures. Incontrast, physical contact such as backslapping or hugs,common in Western cultures, is infrequent amongacquaintances in China, preserving personal space anddecorum.On the American front, body language is characterized byopenness and expressiveness. A firm handshake accompanied by direct eye contact is the norm upon meeting, symbolizing confidence and sincerity. Americans tend to use expansive gestures and animated facial expressions to emphasize points, reflecting a culture that values assertiveness and individuality. The "thumbs up" sign, while universal for approval, might carry a more casual or even playful connotation in the U.S., differing from its more formal usage in some Asian contexts.One notable difference lies in personal space. Americans generally prefer more personal space, with an arm's length distance considered comfortable in social settings. In contrast, Chinese individuals may stand closer during conversations, reflecting a culture that values proximity and intimacy in relationships. This can lead to misunderstandings if not recognized and respected.Another intriguing contrast emerges in the interpretation of certain gestures. While smiling is a universal sign of friendliness, constant smiling in the U.S. can be seen as polite and encouraging, whereas in China, excessive smiling during serious discussions might be misinterpreted as insincerity or lack of professionalism.It is crucial to remember that within both cultures, thereexists a spectrum of individual variation. Nevertheless, awareness of these broad patterns fosters effective communication. As we navigate the globalized world, recognizing and adapting to these cultural nuances becomes imperative. Misreading body language can inadvertently cause offense or confusion; conversely, appropriate usage fosters rapport and mutual understanding.the disparities in body language between China and America underscore the richness of cultural diversity. By acknowledging these differences and striving to understand their roots, we equip ourselves with a powerful tool for bridging cultural gaps. Whether in business negotiations or casual encounters, the ability to decode and respond appropriately to nonverbal cues serves as a passport to smoother international interactions.。
涉外法治发展视域下我国法院对 《新加坡调解公约》执行机制革新的因应程华儿摘要:调解协议具有合同属性,并非能够作为执行根据的法律文书,但调解协议经人民法 院司法确认后可获得强制执行效力。
关键词:《新加坡调解公约》国际商事调解协议调解执行为了解决国际商事调解达成和解协议的跨境执行问题,联合国国际贸易法委员会 历时四年研究起草,于2018年12月20日联合国大会会议审议通过了《联合国关于调 解所产生的国际和解协议公约》(以下简称《新加坡调解公约》)。
⑴中国是该公约的首 批签署国之一。
(2〕截至2020年10月底签署该公约的国家已经有53个,〔3讼约已于2020 年9月丨2日正式生效。
〔4〕对于国际商事调解事业而言,《新加坡调解公约》毋宁是具有 里程碑意义的重要法律文件。
在对公约进行表决时,联合国大会表示,调解在友好解决 国际商事争议上具有高效性、灵活性、保密性、自愿性的独特价值,〜公约作为现行国 际调解法律框架的有益补充,对增进国际经济关系和谐发展具有促进作用。
〔1〕United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation,参见《联合国关 于调解所产生的国际和解协议公约》(中英文对照),载搜狐网,https://www.sohu.eom/a/290018875_749871,2020年11月2日访问。
〔3〕实时更新情况可査阅联合国国际贸易法委员会网站,https:///en/texts/mediation/conventions/ international_settlement_agreements/status,2020 年 11 月 2 日访问。
外国文教专家聘用合同范本(英文)6篇篇1FOREIGN EDUCATIONAL EXPERT EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTContract No.: [Insert Contract Number]Date of Contract: [Insert Date]I. Contracting PartiesEmployer: [Insert Name of the Organization or Institution]Employee: [Insert Full Name of Foreign Expert]II. Employment Terms1. Position and Title: The foreign expert shall be employed by the employer as a [Insert Position, e.g., "Language Teacher," "Cultural Exchange Scholar," etc.] with the title of [Insert Title].2. Contract Duration: The employment period shall be from [Insert Start Date] to [Insert End Date].3. Place of Employment: The place of employment is at [Insert Location or Address].III. Employment Relations and Rights and Obligations of the Parties1. Responsibilities of the Employer: The employer shall provide a safe and healthy work environment, facilitate the necessary living arrangements, provide adequate compensation, and provide the necessary work materials and tools.2. Responsibilities of the Employee: The employee shall perform duties in accordance with the job description, maintain professional ethics, respect local laws and customs, and keep the employer informed of any changes in personal status or contact information.3. Intellectual Property Rights: Any intellectual property developed during the course of employment shall be owned by the employer unless otherwise agreed in writing by both parties.4. Confidentiality: The employee shall not disclose confidential information related to the employer without proper authorization.IV. Salary and Benefits1. Salary: The employee shall receive a monthly salary of [Insert Salary Amount] in accordance with the agreed payment schedule.2. Payment Schedule: The salary shall be paid on a monthly basis, with each payment made on the [Insert Payment Date].3. Benefits: The employee shall be entitled to benefits including but not limited to [Insert List of Benefits, e.g., health insurance, accommodation, transportation allowance, etc.].V. Visa and Immigration Matters1. Visa Requirements: The employer shall assist the employee in obtaining the necessary visa and work permit required for employment in the country.2. Exit Procedures: Upon completion of the contract or termination, the employer shall assist the employee in completing the necessary exit procedures and provide necessary documents for visa exit.VI. Termination and Severance1. Termination: Either party may terminate this contract by giving written notice to the other party prior to the end of the contract period if there is a valid reason for termination as stipulated in this contract or local labor laws.2. Severance Benefits: Upon termination of this contract, any outstanding salary or benefits shall be paid in accordance with local labor laws or as stipulated in this contract.VII. Miscellaneous1. Force Majeure: If any event beyond the reasonable control of either party occurs, performance of this contract may be suspended or terminated without liability on either party.2. Law and Jurisdiction: This contract shall be governed by the laws of [Insert Country/State/Province] and any disputes arising from this contract shall be subject to the jurisdiction of [Insert Court/Tribunal/Arbitration Center].3. Complete Agreement: This contract contains the entire agreement between the parties and no modifications shall be made except by written agreement signed by both parties.In Witness Whereof, the parties have signed this contract on the dates indicated below:Employer:Name: [Insert Name]Date: ________________Employee:Name: [Insert Name]Date: ________________This document is written in English and any translation provided for local use only, in case of any discrepancies, the English version shall prevail.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: This is a general template for a Foreign Expert Employment Contract and should be customized to fit specific needs and circumstances before being used. It is recommendedto consult with legal experts or lawyers for specific advice before signing any legal document.篇2Foreign Cultural Education Expert Employment Contract TemplateThis Foreign Cultural Education Expert Employment Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is entered into by and between the employing unit (hereinafter referred to as "the Employer") and the foreign cultural education expert (hereinafter referred to as "the Expert") to clarify the terms and conditions of employment.I. Contracting Party Information:Employer: [Insert name of employer/school/organization].Expert: [Insert full name of foreign cultural education expert].II. Employment Term:The term of employment shall be from [Insert start date] to [Insert end date].III. Position and Responsibilities:The Expert shall serve as [Insert position/role], with specific responsibilities including, but not limited to [Insert list of responsibilities].IV. Employment Conditions:1. Salary and Payment: The Expert's salary shall be paid at a rate of [Insert salary amount] per [Insert time period (e.g., month, year)].2. Working Hours: The Expert shall work a maximum of [Insert maximum working hours per week] hours per week, following the schedule set by the Employer.3. Leave and Holidays: The Expert shall be entitled to annual leave and public holidays in accordance with the policies of the Employer.4. Workplace and Environment: The Employer shall provide a safe and suitable work environment for the Expert.V. Confidentiality and Intellectual Property:Both parties shall observe strict confidentiality regarding any information that is not intended for public disclosure during and after the employment period. The Expert shall not use or disclose any confidential information or intellectual property without the prior consent of the Employer.VI. Termination of Employment:Either party may terminate this Contract with cause after giving written notice to the other party. The notice period and the circumstances of termination shall be specified in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country where the Contract is executed.VII. Dispute Resolution:Any disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through friendly consultation between the two parties. If no settlement can be reached, the dispute shall be submitted to the legal authorities in accordance with the laws of the country where the Contract is executed.VIII. Miscellaneous:1. This Contract is made in both English and [Insert local language] and shall have equal legal effect.2. This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Insert country].3. Any amendments or modifications to this Contract must be made in writing and signed by both parties.4. This Contract shall be binding on both parties and shall come into force upon signature by both parties.Signature:Employer: _____________________ Date: _____________Expert: _____________________ Date: _____________(Note: This template is intended as a general guide for foreign cultural education expert employment contracts. It is recommended to consult legal professionals for specific legal advice and adjustments to fit your unique circumstances.)希望这份合同范本符合您的要求。
基于功能对等理论的医疗预算类英语翻译探究发表时间:2015-07-06T11:21:57.533Z 来源:《中国科技教育·理论版》2015年第5期供稿作者:许人頔[导读] 随着国际交流的不断发展和扩大,对于国外各个领域的时效性翻译需求也不断增强。
许人頔黑龙江农垦职业学院 1500255摘要随着全球一体化进程的加快,国际交流和学习也越来越频繁。
二、功能对等理论在上世纪六七十年代盛行的是尤金?奈达(Eugene A.Nida)的对等理论。
剑指offer 英文书名
剑指offer 英文书名Title: The Sword Refers to the Offer – A Guide toAceing Technical InterviewsIntroduction:The job market has become increasingly competitive, and securing a job in a desirable company can be a daunting task. As a result, technical interviews have become a standard part of the hiring process. To help aspiring professionals acethese interviews, "剑指offer"(The Sword Refers to the Offer) serves as a comprehensive guide to clearing technical interviews.Content:I. Overview of the Book- Author: 何军 (Jianjun He)- Publisher: 人民邮电出版社 (People's Posts and Telecommunications Press)- Language: Mandarin- Chapters: 15- Content: Technical Interview Skills and KnowledgeII. Key Features of the Book- Covers in-depth knowledge of Data Structures and Algorithms, System Design, and Behavioural Questions- Provides over 1000 real interview questions asked in major technology companies such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft etc.- Offers detailed explanations and solutions to each question - Provides tips and tricks for interviews such as how to handle difficult questions, communicate with interviewers,and handle stress.III. Who can Benefit from this Book?- Job seekers preparing for technical interviews- Engineering students looking to get a head start- Professionals seeking a career switch or promotion- Interviewers who want to develop effective interview techniquesIV. Conclusion:Overall, "剑指offer" provides a concise and comprehensive guide to successfully clearing technical interviews. The questions and solutions covered in the book, along with the tips and strategies, have been recognised to help readers secure jobs at top-tier technology companies.In a highly competitive job market, mastering technical interview skills is critical to landing a dream job. With "剑指offer," job seekers and professionals alike can obtain the necessary tools to succeed in technical interviews, paving the way for a successful career.。
Listen and interpret the following conversation alternatively into English and Chinese:A: 罗伯茨先生,很高兴再次见到您。
有什么需要我做的吗? I'm so happy to see you again , Mr. Roberts. May 1 help you in some way?B: Hi , Miss Chen, it's been ten months since 1 left China.1 would like to discuss with you the possibilities of establishing a joint venture with your company to manufacture cordless(无电线的)phones and mobile phones.A: 好极了。
That's great. Your investment proposal(提议;建议;求婚)is a very wise decision. Our company is also seeking foreign investment in a manufacturing company for cordless and mobile phones. Your initiative is most welcome. 1 remember talking to you about the matter of foreign investment in China a year ago, Mr.Roberts.B: Yes, you did a good job. The whole idea of my investing in a joint enterprise with your company is the direct result of your wonderful lecture(演讲). Your answers were direct and honest. And your, explanations were sincere and persuasive.May 1 get on China's economic express train and share your economic gains? 是的,那次你谈得很好。
艺人培养合同书英文回答:Talent Cultivation Agreement。
This Talent Cultivation Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into this [Date] by and between [Production Company Name] (the "Producer") and [Artist Name] (the "Artist").1. Purpose。
The purpose of this Agreement is to establish amutually beneficial relationship between the Producer and the Artist for the purpose of developing and promoting the Artist's talent and career.2. Development Plan。
Producer shall develop and implement a tailor-madedevelopment plan for the Artist, which shall include, but not be limited to:Voice and singing training。
Dance and choreography training。
Acting and performance training。
Media and public relations training。
3. Artist's Responsibilities。
The Artist shall:Diligently participate in all training and development activities as specified in the development plan。
- 198-校园英语 / 语言文化跨文化交际中委婉语的语用原则海口经济学院外国语学院/刘文文【摘要】委婉语是人们在社交中为了避免尴尬,伤害他人,谋求理想的交际效果而创造的一种语言形式。
【关键词】委婉语 跨文化交际 语用原则一、委婉语的定义“Euphemis”一词源自希腊语,词头“eu”的意义是“good”(好),词干“phemism”的意思是“speech”(言语),整个英文单词的意思是“word of good Omen”(好的说法)。
合作原则(C o o p e r a t i v e Principle )是美国哲学家格莱斯(Grice)在20世纪60年代后期首次提出的。
他认为要使交际顺利进行,说写者应遵守数量准则、质量准则、关联准则、方式准则(Grice,1975 )。
一、英语、汉语请求言语行为的特征总体来说,请求言语行为分为接与间接两大类别,而英美诸多语言学家如Searle, Ervin-Tripp, House将请求言语行为将间接请求方式又分为规约性间接策略和非规约性间接策略两个部分。
其中需求陈述常用于工作环境中上级对下级的要求,下级便具有完成此项工作的义务,应无条件地遵从上级所提出的请求,如:“I want this report to be done before tomorrow nine.”,“Be there at 10, no matter how you make it.”直接请求策略是汉语请求中最常用的一种策略,没有任何的附加成分,提出要求时简明扼要,言少意明。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
But we were wrong - we found counter examples
We found cases of conditional forms being used well after the beginning of the call (see example 7)… …and cases where declarative forms are used at the ends of callstribution in conversations
Looked as though conditional forms used at beginnings of calls/conversations, Do you want forms at ends of conversations, and declaratives anywhere between/in the middle
Language & Action
Language delivers action (not meaning) Actions and speech act theory (Austin, Searle) These two presentations - offering & requesting Syntax and social action
Offers by and to world leaders
Here’s an excerpt from Prime Minister Tony Blair trying to offer assistance to President George Bush
Blair: Well… it’s only if I mean.. you know. If she’s got a, or if she needs the ground prepared as it were Because obviously if she goes out, she’s got to succeed, if it were, whereas I can go out and just talk. .
Three ways of offering – How to make an offer in English (or, the unrequited relationship between Bush and Blair)
Paul Drew (with Traci Curl/Walker & Richard Ogden University of York UK
Offers as solutions to problems
Offers which are the reasons for calling Offers interactionally generated during the conversation - in response to problems which are overt in the immediate prior talk/turn (explicit & proximate/contiguous) Offers in response to problems which are educed from something implicit earlier in the talk (implicit & distal)
Chomsky’s trash
Distinction between competence and performance What Chomsky put in the trash Performance… …because it’s messy (illformed)
Language ‘performance’: two muddled offers
Participants’ orientations to the appropriate form of offering
Self-repairs as in examples 13 & 14 indicate that participants orient to which is the appropriate form in a particular sequential environment Selection of form with which to offer is therefore normative
First, Nancy is offering to take her friend Emma shopping Nan: We:ll dih you wanna me tuh be tih js pick you Ken u you (.) get induh Robins'n? so you c'buy a li'l pair a'slippers?h (.) Nan: I mean er: c'n I getchu somethin:g? er: sump'm:? er sum’n?
Three lexico-syntactic formats for offering in English
Conditional (“If…then…”) “Do you want me to…?” Declarative forms (“I’ll do x..”)
Alternative forms for offering
The unrequited relationship between Bush & Blair
This interaction between Prime Minister Tony Blair and President George W Bush (ex. 15) took place at the G8 meeting in St Petersburg on July 17 2006. They were breaking for lunch when Blair passed by Bush’s chair. Bush hailed Blair, and they began to discuss a crisis that had arisen concerning Israeli troops crossing into Lebanon, in attempting to rescue 3 of their soldiers. They did not realise that Bush had not switched off his microphone.
When do we use these different forms? Linguistics can’t explain language use and pragmatics Use not random Appropriate use part of social competence Look for distributions in talk